HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/12/1995 BAKERSFIELD ,.~' ~~-~ ~,~-,-..------ Patricia M. Smith, Chair Alan Tandy, City Manager Patricia J. DeMond Staff: John W, Stinson Kevin McDermott AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE ThurSday,~ October 12i' 1995 . 12:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room - City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 201 Bakersfield, CA 1. ROLL CALL Call to Order 12:25 p.m. Present: Councilmembers Patricia M. Smith, Chair; Patricia J. DeMond and Kevin McDermott 2. PRESENTATIONS None 3. PUBLIC sTATEMENTS None 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS None 5. NEW BUSINESS (Item 5E and 5D in that order were moved to the top of the agenda.) AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE OCTOBER 1'2, 1995 PAGE - 2 - A. FEEDING OF HOMELESS IN CENTRAL PARK The Committee met with representatives from the Community House, Bakersfield Art Museum, Bakersfield Homeless Center, and the Valley Bible Fellowship Church which is feeding the homeless in Central Park. Staff indicated that several meetings and much communication has occurred between the groups to attempt to resolve the problem with little success. Staff indicated that the Homeless Center was not in favor of serving lunch at their facility but would encourage the church to participate in their other feeding programs. The City Attorney indicated there are legal constraints to not allowing the feeding in Central Park to occur. However, the City could require certain permits/reservations for recurring park use, but these would apply to all park users as well. Staff indicated that after reviewing the significantly declining reservations of the group Picnic area in Central Park, it may be a better use of facilities and equipment to relocate those tables and shelters to other parks throughout the city and the Kern River Parkway where they are needed for replacement of lost or damaged tables or to provide needed facilities. Staff also recommended that some changes to the fencing around the Art Gallery and Community House could improve security for those facilities. Committee members suggested that staff explore those options further and they asked the church representatives if they would be willing to work with the Homeless Center to serve meals there or at their church instead of Central Park. The church representatives present indicated that they would have to check with the Church Pastor, Ron Vietti. They said they would provide a response back to the Committee. B. UNIVERSAL REFUSE COLLECTION The Committee asked staff about the delay in the County implementing universal collection of refuse in the Metro Bakersfield area since at the last Committee meeting there seemed to .be support by the County Supervisors in attendance. Staff responded that the County is using our negotiations with the private haulers regarding automated collection as a reason to delay implementation. There are also some billing issues which need to be worked out between the County and the private haulers. Staff is meeting with the private haulers next week and will send a letter to the County from the Committee identifying County impacts on City refuse collection and encouraging .them to implement universal collection. AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE OCTOBER 12, 1995 PAGE - 3 - C. SPORTS COMPLEX This item was not discussed. D. CITY/COUNTY INTERSECTIONS The Committee indicated to County Roads Director Craig Pope several City/County intersections and/or road segments which are problems and include Highway 178 at Comanche Road, Bernard Street at River Boulevard, Calloway Drive (Brimhall Road to Rosedale Highway), Fairfax Road and College Avenue, and Palm Avenue at Jewetta Drive. Mr. Pope indicated that he would work with City staff to address these problems. Staff will send correspondence to the County indicating specific concerns and locations for consideration. E. TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEES Craig Pope Director of the Kern County Roads Department made a brief presentation to the Committee about the status of revisions to the Transportation Impact Fee methodology. He stated that currently developers must pay the fee plus complete traffic studies for additional mitigation. He said that a new approach which models traffic based on more realistic growth projections is being proposed. The new fee would provide for 100% mitigation of traffic impacts and includes both local and regional traffic transportation projects (see attached draft project list). This will result in a significant increase in the fee, but will eliminate the uncertainty and additional cost of mitigation due to special traffic studies for most projects. He recognized that within the city, commercial projects which meet certain size criteria may still require additional studies and mitigation. There is also some funding of seed money for freeway right-of-way included in the fee, and the proposed fee is based upon funds currently programmed by the State. There were concerns expressed by Councilmember McDermott that the matching funds likely to be required by the State for freeways were not included in the Transportation Impact Fee. Councilmember DeMond expressed concerns that the fee program does not address funding of collector streets. City Manager Tandy said there is some concern regarding "gap" pieces and large commercial projects which may not be addressed by the fee. Mr. Pope explained that staff was continuing to refine the methodology, and they were continuing to meet with City staff, the BIA, and the Board of Realtors to identify issues and solicit input prior to presenting the new fee proposal to the Board of Supervisors on October 24. This item was for information only and did not require any action at this time. AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE OCTOBER 12, 1995 PAGE - 4 - 6. SET NEXT MEETING Staff to set up a City/County Committee meeting in November. 7. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned 2:25 p.m. Attendance: City staff: City Manager Alan Tandy, Assistant City Manager John Stinson, City Attorney Judy Skousen, Public Works Director Raul Rojas, Assistant City Attorney Michael AIIford, Traffic Engineer Steve Walker, Police Sergeant Bill Henry, Community Development Coordinator George Gonzales, Public Works Engineer Marian Shaw. Others: Marc Benjamin, The Bakersfield Californian; Rob Pearson, KERO TV - 23 News; Holly Undahl,' KERO TV - 23 News. City staff: Present for Item 5A: Administrative Analyst Trudy Slater, Parks Superintendent Frank Fabbri, and Assistant Parks Superintendent Allen Abe. Others: Present for Item 5A: Richard Temple, Executive Director, Homeless Center Board; Al Sandrini, Chair, Homeless Center Board; Pete Algra, Vice President of Personnel, Board Member, Bakersfield Museum of Art; Dr. Ann Fuerst, Executive Director, Bakersfield Museum of Art; Tom Pasek, President, Community House; Jim Crews, (Junior) Pastor, Valley Bible Fellowship Church; Debbie Christopherson, Superintendent, Valley Bible Fellowship Church. County staff: Present for Items 5D and 5E: Craig Pope, Kern County Transportation Management Director.