HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/15/1999 BAKERSFIELD AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT CITY/COUNTY INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING City Host Monday, November 15, 1999 12:00 noon Convention Center- Potato Room 1. ROLL CALL Members present: Pete Parra Irma Carson* Jackie Sullivan Others Present: Scott Jones Adel Klein Alan Tandy Jacque LaRochelle Dave Price Ross Elliott Alan Christensen Vince Zaragoza Charles Lackey Bernard Barmann Jack Hardisty George Gonzales Steve Schuett Ted James Bart Thiltgen Craig Pope David Strong Daphne Washington * today's chairman 2. PRESENTATIONS None 3.PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS a. Report on CSA-71 Alan Tandy and Dave Price were pleased to announce that an agreement has been reached between the City and County that is satisfactory to everyone. b. Status Report on Joint City/County Meeting Referrals Scott Jones reported that a report on referrals (that originated from the Joint meeting held in September) has been prepared and will be presented to the Board of Supervisors at tomorrow's regular Board meeting. A copy of the report was distributed to all present. No one had questions or comments. FILE COPY AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE November 15, 1999 Page -2- c. Discussion on Universal Waste Collection As a follow-up to the Joint meeting, this item was placed on the agenda. Scott Jones reported that County staff continues to review the details of implementation and reviewing options. Pete Parra added that two reports will be heard by the Board of Supervisors at tomorrow's meeting. One report is an assessment of the Waste Management Department (akin to a report card). The second report is a departmental strategic plan for waste operations and facilities. The County Administrative Office recommendation is to refer the two reports to staff for development of an action plan. Irma Carson requested that City staff be present at tomorrow's meeting and to obtain a copy of the two reports. Scott Jones added that Kevin Barnes has been given copies of the 'reports. Jackie Sullivan stated that action in a positive direction is desirable. Further, she commented that bulky waste collection days are beneficial and would like a better understanding of the cost to sponsor one of those days. Pete Parra said that this issue of Universal Collection will hopefully be presented to the Board for a decision in the Spring. Many other details are being reviewed, such as bulky waste, agreements with hauler, green waste, etc. as an integral part of Universal Collection. 5, NEW BUSINESS' a. Discussion on HighWay 58 Project Irma Carson is aware of actions at Kern COG and requested an update on this project. Jacque LaRochelle indicated that CalTrans is moving slowly. Two federal agencies were in disagreement on a technical issue, and the environmental process had been delayed. Now, the project is moving forward again and the State's adoption of the alignment is expected in June 2000. Craig Pope added that the action taken by Kern COG to move a portion of road funding to the Highway 46 project will not impact the Highway 58 project. b. Discussion on Reciprocal Support for City/County Projects Irma Carson referenced projects that are mutually beneficial to City and County residents. Pete Parra indicated that collaborating with the City is beneficial and several projects where the County has contributed to the City has resulted in a positive outcome. He cited the Union Avenue improvements, Boys & Gids Club, senior center, update of the 2010 general plan, Madison Place, and Haven House. Alan Tandy added that the City and County contributed equal amounts to the 2020 Vision project. Jackie Sullivan added that cooperation between the two jurisdictions is needed for projects that are of mutual benefit. Pete Parra agreed and emphasized the County's commitment to investing in the downtown area. He listed the County administrative building and the DA/Family Support building as examples. AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE November 15, 1999 Page -3- c. Discussion on Collaboration between the City and the County to Build HoUsing in Southeast Bakersfield Irma Carson opened this topic by asking the Committee, "How can we overcome blight in the southwest?" She suggested briefly that the County shares a role in helping to make the community strong by ensuring vital neighborhoods. A table was distributed by George Gonzales indicating that the City has dedicated over $6 million dollars in Wards 1 and 2 to improve housing. Additional projects totaling nearly $1 million have been identified. David Strong said that one way of improving housing in an area is through the "youthbuild" program. Gonzales agreed, but listed several obstacles such a program may encounter, such as competition for funding, timing of grant application, coordination/logistical issues, and difficulty in meeting deadlines when using trainee laborers. Pete Parra indicated that labor unions would need to assist/oversee the labor and concur with the concept. David Strong said that some 70 vacant lots are for sale in Southeast Bakersfield. A program to build 20 to 50 new homes over a two-year period would help to revitalize some neighborhoods. He indicated that the City and County need to "plant the seed" so that the area can grow. Pete Parra made reference to a commercial project being studied on Cottonwood, within a County island. The project has a good chance of being built due to a public-private partnership. Further, the State Treasurer has' appointed Parra to a committee to develop guidelines for'injecting'funding into blighted areas. There was a brief discussion regarding inclusion of County islands into the City's redevelopment boundaries. City staff indicated that such an undertaking would take over a year and costs would be substantial. City Manager, Alan Tandy said staff will look into the legal and practical issues around forming a joint redevelopment agency. d. Proposed Future Dates for the City/County Intergovernmental Relations Committee and Joint City Council/Board of Supervisors Meeting The next meeting between the entire City Council and the Board of Supervisors is tentatively scheduled for March 20, 2000. The IGRC meetings for 2000 will be June 19 (County host), September 18 (City host) and December 4 (County host). 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by Irma Carson at approximately 1:24 PM. The next IGRC meeting has been tentatively scheduled for Monday, June 19, 2000. November 18, 1999 ~_. ~,",,/~-'~ l~ '/'~'"? ~ '" Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager S:~AC\lGRCommittee\l 11599summary.wpd Monday, June 14, 1999 12:00 PM Bill Lee's Bamboo Chopsticks Restaurant 1203 18th Street, Bakersfield 1. ROLL CALL Members Present: Pete Parra Ken Peterson* Irma Carson Jackie Sullivan Others Present: Scott Jones - Adel Klein John Stinson Gene Tackett Dax~e Price Ross Elliott Alan Christensen Chris Stewart Charles Lackey Ray Bishop Raul Rojas Brandon Evans Steve Schuett . Bart Thiltgen Renee Nelson Jake Wager Domingo Camarano *today's chairman 2. PRESENTATIONS None 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Economic Development i. Role of Kern Economic Development Corporation Chris Stewart of KEDC gave an overview of his organization's role in the community using a slide presentation. Some background was given on his experience with Central Valley economic issues and how he became interested in working in Kern County. A number of statistics were given to show the difficult situation facing the Central Valley and specifically, Kern County. In the richest State in the nation, Kern and Fresno Counties have the highest rate of unemployment in the nation. He believes that one key to turning our economy around is to increase the number of jobs that have higher paying salaries. A number of strategies were shared on how that might be accomplished. Tapping into and marketing the "brain trust" that exists in Eastern Kern County is one of these strategies. ii. Meadows Field Airport - Terminal Expansion Director of Kern County Airports Ray Bishop gave a presentation on the status of the proposed Airport Passenger Terminal project. He started by informing the committee that America West airline has increased its business by 30% over the past year. This has spread to the other two commercial carriers and increased their revenue by 1-2%. The more activity occurring at the airport, the better it is for all parties. Ray distributed some written material on possible funding scenarios of the passenger terminal. Of course, the mount of money the County and City are able to contribute is directly proportional to the size of the terminal. One factor brought forth was that the grant money available through the FAA has a time limit. Construction must begin within a few months in order to maximize the federal funding source. Two main architectural designs were shared with the committee. Several questions were asked of Mr. Bishop. Ken Peterson commented that this presentation is very positive because it helps to give the Council members are different perspective on this project. B. Discuss Possible Meethlg Between the Entire City Council and the Entire Board of Supervisors The City is requesting that a meeting between the entire City Council and the entire Board of Supervisors occur. Tentatively, the target date is September 13. All members present were supportive of the idea. Board members referred implementation to Scott Jones. The location of the meeting was discussed, although no decisions were made. If the meeting is to be televised live, it may be necessary to hold the meeting in the Board chambers or Convention Center, or perhaps the Superintendent of Schools office. Staff will work together in confn'ming a location. Possible agenda topics will include: Airport Terminal Expansion; downtown parking; economic development; mandatory waste collection; annexations; redevelopment. C. CSA 71 - Update Raul Rojas began by stating that the City has developed parameters for the contract and the document has been drafted and forwarded to the County. The City is awaiting a reply. County members indicated that the draft is being reviewed. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. State Budget Status - May Revise Scott Jones gave an update on the State budget process. As currently proposed, Kern will be getting approximately $2.5 million from the State for targeted programs over that which has been anticipated. This amount will not go very far in making up the this year's shortfall of $15 million, nor is it much compensation for the $40 million annually lost to. the ERAF tax shift. The budget is likely to be on-time this year, and the Governor's action on the budget is unknown. There may be a constitutional amendment next year to address reversal of ERAF. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by Ken Peterson at approximately 1:45 PM. The next meeting has been tentatively scheduled for Monday, September 13, 1999 - (joint meeting of both bodies). ~~tt, Special Projects Manager County of Kern