HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/11/2000 MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL AND KERN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2000 City Host City Hall Council Chambem '1501 Truxtun Avenue - 5:30 p.m. SPECIAL MEETING 1. INVOCATION by Councilmember Maggard and FLAG SALUTE by ACTION TAKEN Supervisor McQuiston 2. ROLL CALL Bakersfield City Council Present: Mayor Price, Councilmembers Carson, DeMond, Maggard, Couch, Green, Sullivan, Salvaggio Absent: None Kern County Board of SuPervisors Present: Chairman Peterson, Supervisors McQuiston, Perez, Patrick, Parra Absent: None 1. MAYOR BOB PRICE GAVE OPENING REMARKS. 2. CHAIRMAN KEN PETERSON GAVE OPENING REMARKS. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. The following individuals spoke regarding preserving the view on Panorama Drive: Robyn Minner and John Maynard. b. Rick Hewett, Tree FOundation of Kern, spoke regarding a treeplanting Plan andrequested a-master tree strategy and associated tree ordinances be-produced. Supervisor Patrick responded to concerns regarding tree planting on Panorama Drive. Bal~field, California, September 11, 2000~age 2 6. PRESENTATION ACTION TAKEN a. Staff Report on Cooperative Effort to Develop Intemet NAT "Community Portal" - County Agenda Item Janette Pell, Kern County Information and Technology Services Manager, gave an oral presentation. b. Sheryl Barbich, Vision 2020, presented the "Spirit of the Vision Award" to the City for funding of Meadows Field NAT Airport Terminal Expansion and to the County for Universal Refuse Collection in the Metropolitan Area, and thanked the City and County -for their support. 7. BUSINESS ITEMS a. Approval of M.O.U. for City contribution to funding of AGR 00-240 Meadows Field Airport Terminal Expansion - Joint Agenda Item. City Manager Alan Tandy outlined highlights of the Memorandum of Understanding. Scott Jones, County Administrative Officer and Ray Bishop, Airport Director, made brief comments and expressed support of the M.O.U. 5. PUBLIC STATEMENTS continued Pauline Larwood commended the City and County for working together and would like to see the Cityand County Planning .Commission alSo have joint meetings. Motion by Councilmember DeMond to approve the APPROVED M.O.U. City Manager Alan Tandy responded to Supervisor Parra's questions regarding federal reimbursement. Motion by .Supervisor Patrick, Seconded by APPROVED SupervisorParra to approve the M.O.U. Bake ~r~ld, Califomia, September 11, 2000 - 3 7. BUSINESS ITEMS continued ACTION TAKEN b. Metropolitan Bakersfield Transportation Systems Study NAT Update- County Agenda Item Craig Pope, Kem County Road Commissioner gave an update and computer presentation and introduced Jeff Chapman, of URS Greiner, Woodward Clyde, and Jack LaRochelle, City Public Works Department Supervisor Patdck requested staff provide the CounCil and Board of Supervisors, a map with all the alignments plotted. Couch requested staff provide copies of the presentation material to both agencies; and requested frequent updates with descriptions of each of the plans; also requested periodic reports regarding fall-outs. DeMond requested updates regarding the rational as to why they stay in; and requested staff provide a schedule of meetings. c. Implementation process for enhanced Traffic Light NAT Enforcement- City Agenda Item Assistant City Manager John Stinson gave, a computer presentation and provided written material. He also suggested a more in depth presentation could be made to the Board of Supervisors, at one of their regular meetings. d. Metropolitan Bakersfield Sewer Service Update - County NAT Agenda Item (Discussion) Resource Management Agency Director David Price, Ill gave an update. 5. PUBLIC .STATEMENTS continued Pauline Larwood, representing Smart Growth Coalition, commended the County in moving forward with sewer policy. California, September 11, 2000jage 4 ~ ~ Bal~field, 7. BUSINESS ITEMS, Cont. ACTION TAKEN e. Tobacco Litigation Settlement Revenue future uses and allocations and Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF) - City Agenda Item (Discussion) City Manager Alan Tandy stated this was a carry over item from the last meeting. Discussion followed. f. Establish dates,, time and items of future joint meetings - Joint Agenda Item (Discussion/Action) Assistant City Manager Alan Christensen gave a brief overview. Motion by DeMond to approve future joint meeting APPROVED dates as submitted. APPROVED Motion by.Patrick, Seconded by Perez, to approve future joint meeting dates as submitted. g. Coordination of City and County Graffiti Abatement Programs - City Agenda Item (Discussion) General Services Superintendent Brad Underwood gave an update and requested joint consensus from the City and County. 8. CLOSING COMMENTS BY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS McQuiston thanked the City for their hospitality and City and County staff for their efforts and expressed importance of these joint meetings. Perez thank the City colleagues for their hospitality, pleased that joint discussions bring about resolution, and he looks forward to additional meetings. Patrick thanked colleague and City staff. Patrick referred to County Staff to get involved in the Tree Task Force. Parra dittoed previous comments. 9. CLOSING COMMENTS BY CHAIRMAN KEN PETERSON Peterson thank City and County colleagues, and staff, also looks forward to hosting the December 11, 2000 meeting. '~ '< ~ Baker~d, Califomia, September 11, 2000 - 5 10. CLOSING COMMENTS BY CITY COUNCILMEMBERS ACTION TAKEN Salvaggio stated he feels it was a productive meeting and looks forward to another productive meeting in December. Salvaggio stated he would like to see the City Attorney's Office meet with the County Counsel Office, District Attorney's Office and Police Department to review possible changes to the law to assist in anti-graffiti efforts, and requested staff provide a report back at the next meeting. Salvaggio requested County Staff provide a brief ' memorandum on the time-line for installation of a traffic signal due to traffic congestion on the west side of Highway 99 and Taft Highway. Sullivan thanked everyone for the meeting; stated she .is proud to participate with the Airport. Sullivan would like staff to review the possibility of providing funding for the new-Health Department in the budget for next year. Green expressed appreciation to City and County for their cooperation; and stated this will be .his last meeting. Carson thanked City and 'County staff and colleagues and feels this has been a productive meeting. Couch expressed appreciation to staff. Couch asked the 'Board to review the resolution and letter sent to them by the City regarding a Countywide EIR regarding dairies, which suggested joint Planning Commission meetings to review specific issues. Couch stated the City Legislative and Litigation Committee has been working to develop a guide and resolution for annexations and we are making strides in making our policies better in the areas of annexation. Couch thanked members of the Board and Council. Maggard stated these meetings are very worth while and urges future action items on important-business matters, and thanked everyone involved. DeMond requested both the City and County Intergovernmental Relations Committee again start meeting on a regular basis, if not, then another committee should. meet. Ba~field, California, September 11,200(~age 6 11. CLOSING COMMENTS BY MAYOR BOB PRICE ACTION TAKEN Mayor Price thanked the pUblic, Board of Supervisors and City Council, and stated this has been an excellent meeting. 12. ADJOURNMENT APPROVED Motion by Supervisor Patrick, Seconded by Parra, to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. Motion by Councilmember Couch to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. APPROVED CITY Of BAKERSFIELD MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield, CA ATTEST: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield