HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/20/2000 MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE KERN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND THE BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MARCH 20, 2000 5:30 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. County Host Board of Supervisors Chambers Kern County Administrative Center.. ,. 1115 Truxtun Avenue - Bakersfield SPECIAL MEETING - 1. ROLL CALL ACTION TAKEN Bakersfield City Council Present: Mayor Price, Councilmembers Carson, DeMond, Maggard, Couch, Rowles, Sullivan, Salvaggio Absent: None Kern County Board of Supervisors Present: Chairman Peterson, Supervisors Perez, Patrick, McQuiston, Parra Absent: None 2. SALUTE TO FLAG by Bernard Barman, County Counsel 3. Mayor Bob Price gave opening remarks. 4. Chairman Ken Peterson gave opening remarks. 5. PUBLIC STATEMENT Persons may address the Governing Bodies during this portion of the meeting on any matter not on this agenda but under the jurisdiction of the Board or Council. Statements are limited to 2 minutes per speaker. Speakers are requested to state their name before making the presentation. The Chairman, at his discretion, may limit the total time allotted to this portion of the meeting to assure that all agenda items can be completed. a. Barbara Fowler requested that discussion on annexations be made a priority on the next agenda. ,rsfield', California, March 20, 2000 - 2 5. PUBLIC STATEMENT continued ACTION TAKEN b. Ricky Peterson spoke regarding street lighting in the Southeast Project Area. c. Carol Miranda spoke regarding law enforcement. 6. OLD BUSINESS a. Meadows Field Airport Terminal Expansion Ray Bishop, Director, Kern County Airport, gave an oral presentation. Councilmember Couch formally requested that the Board of Supervisors seriously consider assuming operation of the Bakersfield Airpark. Supervisor Peterson requested Ray Bishop review the Airpark iSsue and report back to the joint board on this issue. b. Universal Waste Collection Daphne Washington, Kern County Waste Management Director, gave an oral presentation and responded to questions by the Board and City Council. Public Statements continued The following individuals spoke' in support of mandatory collection: Richard Pellerin; John Rombouts, President, Kern County Association of Cities; and Ricky Peterson. Carol Miranda spoke in opposition of mandatory collection. 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Regional Freeway/HighwaY Projects - City request Jack LaRochelle, City of Bakersfield Engineering Services Manager, gave a computer presentation and responded to questions. Craig Pope, Kern County Roads, provided. additional information and responded to questions. IE~rsfield, California, March 20, 2000- 3 ~ 7. NEW BUSINESS continued ACTION TAKEN a.' Public Statements continued The following individuals spoke regarding the' Regional Freeway/Highway Projects: John Rombouts and Stuart Baugher. ' Marvin Dean commended the Board of Supervisors and City Council for the joint meeting of both elected bodies. b. Concept of Establishing a Metro Bakersfield Sewer Authority - County request - Dave Price, Director, County Resource Management Agency, gave an oral presentation. Rowles requested City and County staff investigate the technical feasibility and financial feasibility of establishing a metro Bakersfield Sewer Authority and report back at the next joint meeting. Public Statements continued Comments were made by Barbara Fields; Stuart Baugher; and Barbara Fowler. c. ~-Cent Local Sales Tax for Road Improvements DEFERRED - City request d. 2010 Metropolitan General Plan Policies/Urban DEFERRED Sprawl Issues - Joint request e. Traffic Light Enforcement - City request DEFERRED f. Tobacco Litigation Settlement Revenue - City DEFERRED request 8. CLOSING COMMENTS .BY MAYOR BOB PRICE Councilmember Couch stated the tobacco litigation settlement (item f.) should be shared with 'Kern County cities on a per capita distribution. rsfield;' California, March 20, 2000 - 4 8. CLOSING COMMENTS BY MAYOR BOB PRICE continued: ACTION TAKEN Councilmember. Maggard stated the City is drafting correspondence to the State and Federal Government asking them to abate excise taxes on fuel and asked .the. County to join in this effort. Supervisor McQuiston commented that adequate time for the joint meetings is needed to address all items on the agenda. Supervisor Peterson suggested more frequent meetings. Supervisor-Patrick proposed meeting on a quarterly basis, receiving brief reports on past and future agenda items, - and meeting for a minimum of three hours. Supervisor Patrick requested that the North of the River Sanitary District and East Niles Community District be included in discussions with City and County staff. Supervisor Patrick expressed appreciation to the City CoUncil for their contribution to the new terminal at Meadows Field. Councilmember Carson stated she hopes the Board of Supervisors will continue open discussion regarding the intended use for Item f., Tobacco Litigation Settlement Revenue, so the City is aware of how the funds will be used. Supervisor Parra asked the CAO to provide a status report on the use of the Tobacco Litigation Settlement. County Administrative Officer Scott Jones responded that public hearings will be held in June 2000 relating to the use of these funds. Supervisor Perez stated he woUld like to see Item f. as a priority on the next joint meeting agenda and urged discussion on ERAF be considered at the same time. DeMond stated Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose and San Diego are receiving Tobacco Tax reven~e which benefits all citizens whether .they are city or county dwellers. Supervisor Peterson referred the issue of scheduling quarterly joint meetings of the.Board of Supervisors and Bakersfield City Council to the County Administrative Officer and .City Manager. ;rsfield, California, March 20, 2000 - 5 8. CLOSING COMMENTS BY MAYOR BOB PRICE continued: ACTION TAKEN Mayor Price made closing comments and thanked the City Council, Board of Supervisors .and staff for their efforts'. 9. CLOSING COMMENTS BY CHAIR:MAN KEN PETER:SON Supervisor Peterson thanked the Mayor, Council, Board of Supervisors, and staff. APPROVED 10. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Supervisor Parra,. Seconded by Perez, to adjourn at 8:20 p.m. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield, CA ATTEST: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE KERN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND ,. BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL Board of Supervisors Chambers 1115 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield MONDAY, MARCH 20, 2000 5:30 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. 1. ROLL CALL B~ersfield City_ Council .' Mayor Price, Carson, DeMond, Maggard, Couch, Rowles, Sullivan, Salvaggio -- ALL PRESENT Kern County_ Board of Supervisors McQuiston, Perez, Patrick, Peterson, Parra -- ALL PRESENT 2. FLAG SALUTE - Led by Bernard C. Barmann, County Counsel 3. OPENING REMARKS BY MAYOR BOB PRICE 4. OPENING REMARKS BY CHAIRMAN KEN PETERSON 5. PUBLIC STATEMENTS Barbara Fowler requested that discussion on annexations be made a priority on the next agenda. Ricky Peterson heard regarding street lighting in the Southeast Project Area. Carol Miranda heard regarding law enforcement and universal waste collection. 6. OLD BUSINESS A. MEADOWS FIELD AIRPORT TERMINAL EXPANSION Ray Bishop, Director, Kern County Airports, gave an oral presentation. Councilmember Couch formally requested that the Board of Supervisors seriously consider assuming operation of the Bakersfield Air .Park. REFERRED TO THE-DIRECTOR OF AIRPORTS TO REPORT BACK TO THE BOARD ON THIS ISSUE. Summary of Proceedings Page 2 Joint City/County Meeting 03/20/2000 B. UNIVERSAL WASTE COLLECTION Daphne Washington, Kern County Waste Management Director, gave an oral presentation and responded 'to questions by the Board and City Council. The following individuals were heard in support of mandatory collection: Richard Pellerin; John Rombouts, President, Kern Association of Cities; and Ricky Peterson. Carol Miranda spoke in opposition to mandatory collection. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. REGIONAL FREEWAY/HIGHWAY PROJECTS Jack LaRochelle, City of Bakersfield Engineering Services Manager, gave an oral presentation and responded to questions. Craig Pope, Kem County Road Commissioner, provided additional information and responded to questions. The following indivi'duals were heard regarding the Regional Freeway/Highway Projects: John Rombouts and Stuart Baugher. NOTE: Marvin Dean commended the Board of Supervisors and City Council for the joint meeting of both elected bodies. B. CONCEPT OF ESTABLISHING A METRO BAKERSFIELD SEWER AUTHORITY Dave Price, Director, County Resource Management Agency, gave an oral presentation. REFERRED TO CITY AND COUNTY STAFF TO ESTABLISH TECHNICAL, FINANCIAL, AND IMPLEMENTATION COMMITTEES TO INVESTIGATE THE FEASIBILITY OF ESTABLISHING A METRO BAKERSFIELD SEWER AUTHORITY AND REPORT BACK AT THE NEXT JOINT MEETING. Barbara Fields; Stuart Baugher; and Barbara Fowler heard. Summary of Proceedings . Page 3 Joint City/County Meeting 03/20/2000 C. ¥2-Cent Local Sales Tax for Road Improvements ' City request - DEFERRED D. 2010 Metropolitan General Plan Policies/Urban Sprawl Issues - Joint request - DEFERRED E. Traffic Light Enforcement - City request - DEFERRED F. Tobacco Litigation Settlement Revenue - City request - DEFERRED CLOSING COMMENTS Councilmember Couch stated the tobacco litigation settlement (Item F) should be shared with Kern County cities on a per capita distribution. Councilmember Maggard stated the City is drafting correspondence to the State and Federal Government asking them to abate excise taxes on fuel and asked the County to join in this effort. Supervisor McQuiston commented that adequate time for the joint meetings is needed to address all items on the agenda. Supervisor Peterson suggested more frequent meetings. Supervisor Patrick proposed meeting on a quarterly basis, receiving brief reports on past and future agenda items, and meeting for a minimum of three lxours. Supervisor Patrickfurther requested that the North of the River Sanitary District and East Niles Community District be included in discussions with City and County staff concerning the concept of establishing a Metro Bakersfield Sewer Authority. Supervisor Patrick expressed appreciation to the City Council for their contribution to the new terminal at Meadows Field. Councilmember Carson requested the County disclose the intended use of Tobacco Litigation Settlement revenue. Supervisor Parra asked the CAO to provide a status report on the use of the Tobacco Litigation Settlement. County Administrative Officer Scott Jones responded .that public hearings will be held in June 2000 relating to the use of these funds. Summary of Proceedings Page 4 Joint City/County Meeting 03/20/2000 Supervisor Perez stated he would like to see Item F, the Tobacco Litigation Settlement, as a priority on the next joint meeting agenda and further urged discussion on ERA/: at the same time. Councilmember DeMond commented Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose and San Diego are receiving Tobacco Tax revenues wl~ich benefits all citizens whether they are city or county dwellers. REFERRED SCHEDULING QUARTERLY JOINT MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL TO THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER AND CITY MANAGER. 8. CLOSING COMMENTS BY MAYOR. BOB PRICE Mayor Price made closing comments and thanked the City Council, Board of Supervisors and staff for their efforts. 9. CLOSING COMMENTS BY CHAIRMAN KEN PETERSON Supervisor Peterson expressed appreciation to the Mayor, City Council, Board of Supervisors, and City and County staff. 10. ADJOURNMENT - Motion by Supervisor Parra, Seconded by perez, to adjourn at 8:20 p.m. (De~ise Pennell ~rk of the Board · Kenneth W. Peterson Chairman, Board of Supervisors