HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/27/2001 BAKERSFIELD ~ ~~'~--- Irma Carson, Chair Alan Tandy, City Manager Mike Maggard Staff: Alan Christensen Jacquie Sullivan AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Tuesday, February 27, 2001 12:00 noon City Manager's Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL Called to order at 12:10 p.m. Present: Councilmembers Irma Carson, Chair; Mike Maggard and Jacquie Sullivan 2. ADOPTION OF NOVEMBER 13, 2000 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion and Committee recommendation to prioritize agenda items for future Joint City Council/Board of Supervisors meetings The County will be hosting the joint meeting on Monday, March 19, 2001 at 5:30 p.m. The meeting is scheduled to last three hours. Public speaker's comments will be limited to three minutes. The following items from Councilmember referrals were agendized for Committee consideration. 1. Landfill use fee (Councilmember Couch) Jack LaRochelle explained that due to the diversion of some of our waste stream where the land-based fee for the landfills is based on a certain amount of tonnage assumed for each household and, in addition, on the commercial end it has to do with volume of tonnage versus weight of tonnage, there may be some opportunities for rate-payers' savings on the City's side. The Committee recommended placing this item on the Joint meeting agenda. ADOPTED AS SIJBI~TI'ED 01~I Ji/LY 16, 2001 INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT February 27, 2001 Page -2- 2. County partnership for stadium (Councilmember Carson) Committee Chair Carson stated that since we are anticipating building the stadium and the City participated with the County on the Kern County Airport expansion, the City would like to seek the County's support. The proposed stadium will have Countywide utilization. The request would not be for the dollar amount the City contributed toward the airport. It was suggested to request that the County consider $750,000 to $1 million toward the debt service and it could be deferred over several years. The Committee recommended placing this item on the Joint meeting agenda. 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS (referrals from Joint City/County September 11, 2000 meeting) 1. Anti-Graffiti efforts (Councilmember Salvaggio) There will be a County/City report on anti-graffiti program efforts. 2. Joint Planning Commission meetings (Councilmember Couch) There was a suggestion that the City and County Planning Commissions meet together. The City Clerk shared information that this referral came about when the dairy issue arose. It was discussed that the Planning Commissions do not establish policies but are advisory to the Board of Supervisors and City Council, but it would be appropriate for them to meet jointly on broad issues that cover development. It was suggested before we change the land use designations on the General Plan, it would be good to have the two policy boards and the two Planning Commissions meet together. Several topics were suggested for a joint meeting of the Planning Commissions: development of the General Plan to discuss growth in the Metro area; development standards; landscaped medians; and uniform roads. The Committee recommended that the agenda item should be: Uniform development standards in Metro Bakersfield, and under this item have dialog on whether it is productive to have the two Planning Commissions meet jointly. This would be a discussion item with direction to staff. The Committee discussed an item related to uniform development. Albertson's grocery store on Allen Road and Rosedale Highway is on a septic system that is not working properly. Albertson's has asked the City to extend the sewer line another 1/'2 mile into the County to their store. Staff reported that if the City annexes Albertson's to be able to provide them sewer service, there is an issue on the tax split arrangement and an agreement would have to be reached with the County. County and City staff have been meeting to work out an arrangement where both agencies would benefit. It involves having the City extend the sewer even farther into the County to provide sewer services to approximately 300 homes in the County that have dry sewers. The sales tax would then go to the City in exchange for the infrastructure being built by the City. This would cost $350,000 to $500,000. The City would get the sales tax from the grocery store, but would be putting forth a substantial capital investment upfront. The Committee directed staff to put this on the agenda as an action item and allow 30 minutes. INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT February 27, 2001 Page -3- 3. Update on the URS Greiner Study Craig Pope, County Roads Department Director, will be making a presentation. The Committee prioritized and recommended the following items be submitted for the agenda of the Joint meeting of the County Board of Supervisors and the City Council. 1. Sewer service agreement to provide service to Albertson's. (Action item) 2. Update on the URS Greiner Study 3. County partnership on stadium financing 4. Report on anti-graffiti efforts 5. Landfill use fee 6. Uniform development standards in Metro Bakersfield The Committee directed the City Clerk to work with the Clerk of the Board on the agenda with the same format used for the last joint meeting. Ross Elliott stated that the County is proposing three agenda items: the energy crisis that will be hitting this summer, update on the URS Greiner Study, and an update on the internet portal project. The County is hosting and will be preparing the agenda. Due to time constraints, if any City items must be drop, the Committee will consider those for the June agenda. Councilmember Jacquie Sullivan would like to have the Bulky Item Program on the joint meeting scheduled in June. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 12:45 p.m. Attendance: Assistance City Manager Alan Christensen; City Attorney Bart Thiltgen; Pam McCarthy, City Clerk; Interim Public Works Director Jack LaRochelle; Projects Manager Ross Elliott, County Administrative Office S:~AC~001 IGRC\lR02feb27.wpd