HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/09/2002 MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 9, 2002 BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL · AND KERN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS County Host Board of Supervisors Chambers 1115 Truxtun Avenue Special Meeting - 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. SPECIAL MEETING ACTION TAKEN 1. FLAG SALUTE 2. ROLL CALL Bakersfield City Council Present: Mayor Hall, Vice Mayor Salvaggio, Carson, Benham, Maggard, Couch, Hanson, Sullivan Absent: None Kern County Board of Supervisors Present: Chairman Perez, Supervisors McQuiston, Patrick, Parra Absent: None 3. OPENING REMARKS BY CHAIRMAN STEVE A. PEREZ 4. OPENING REMARKS BY MAYOR HARVEY L. HALL 5. PUBLIC STATEMENTS A. Tom Fallgatter, requested the City and County Intergovernmental Relations Committee explore the feasibility of forming a Metropolitan Planning Agency/Commission to coordinate the planning and growth issues in the City and County. B. Alexander Lark, Volunteer Executive Director of Bakersfield Senior Center, expressed appreciation and thanked City Council and Board of Supervisors for the assistance in the development of the 80-Unit Senior Housing Facility "Lynn Edwards Senior Residence". Submitted written material. Bakersfield, California, September 9, 2002 - Page 2 6, BUSINESS ITEMS ACTION TAKEN A. Proposed Criteria for Evaluating High Speed Rail Station Terminal Location (City Agenda Item) Jack LaRochelle, City of Bakersfield Assistant Public Works Director, gave an oral report, provided written material, and answered questions. Dave Price, Kern County RMA Director, gave an oral report and answered questions. Supervisor McQ_.uistion questioned th~ potential for cost differential between the High Speed Rail Authority f~unding and local community funding and suggested early identification of funding mechanism be used to fund the local share; and the potential for local job creation specifically relating to the maintenance facility. Additionally, he a$1ted if the impacts of surface street transportation would be factored into the overall mode of transportation. Councilmember Maggard requested additional information on redevelopment potential for each location, ridership profiles, and revenue forecasts. Couch requested City staff provide information regarding programs available through the FAA federal government that would allow for con. activity from a high speed rail station to an .airport via rail if there are no intermediate stops in between and requested staffs provide Council and Board of Supervisors with copies of the Preliminary project study report regarding funding. Councilmember Couch requested staff provide a report regarding property tax increments and how it relates to redevelopment areas as compared to new development areas. Supervisor Perez requested staff review the route coming from Tehachapi and the Antelope Valley. Councilmember Benham requested the Vision 2020 Plan be added as part of the station siting criteria and used as a reference point in reviewing the urban sprawl implications. I ..~ _.. Bake Id, California, September 9, 2002- Page 3 6, BUSINESS ITEMS continued ACTION TAKEN Motion by Supervisor Parra, seconded by APPROVED Supervisor Patrick to approve criteria. Motion by Vice. Mayor Salvaggio to approve APPROVED criteria. B. Status Report on West Side Parkway and 'Freeway Systems Study. (Joint Agenda Item) NAT Raul Rojas, City. of Bakersfield Public Works Director, gave a report, computer-presentation and submitted written material; and introduced Ted Wdght, City of Bakersfield Civil Engineer and Project Coordinator, who provided additional information. Craig Pope, Kern County Director of Roads, gave an overview of County projects on 7th Standard Road, South Beltway, and West Beltway. Councilmember Couch requested staff report back regarding the commencement of the wireless interconnect system of synchronizing signal lights, addition of right turn lanes at Fruitvale Avenue and Coffee road, etc. Supervisor McQuiston requested staff provide a status report at the next joint meeting, regarding a timeline for a connection to I-5, and suggested it also be provided to Kern COG. Councilmember Couch requested City staff provide a list of arterials that will go over the parkway. C. Status Report on Meadows Field Airport Terminal Project. (County Agenda Item) NAT Ray Bishop, Director of Kern County Airports, gave a status report and slide presentation. Councilmember Maggard requested Mr. Bishop provide a memorandum to the City regarding air traffic conflicts in-ascending and descending paths of the Bakersfield Air Park. D. Status Report on Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan Update. (Joint Agenda Item) NAT Bakersfield, California, September 9, 2002 - Page 4 6. BUSINESS ITEMS' continued ACTION TAKEN D. Ted James, Kern County Planning Department Director, gave a status report and answered questions. Jack Hardisty, City Of Bakersfield Development Services Director, gave'a status report and answered questions E. Status Report on Joint Playground Project at the NAT Metropolitan Recreation Center. (County Agenda Item) BOb Addison, Kern County Parks Director, gave a status report and slide presentation. Supervisor Patrick questioned access points on the property, additional equipment for families, consideration of a traffic signal on Chester Avenue, and landscapin~ completion date. Councilmember MaOgard requested staff explore th~ possibility of using CDBG funding for this project specific to the neighborhood and the feasibilit~ of a City lease back option; also re-quested staff explore the feasibility of a pocket park at the vacant lot that fronts Chester on the west, across from Clock Tower. F. Proposal from Council Member Carson for Development of a Workshop regarding Conflict of Interest for .City County Officials (City Agenda Item) Motion by Councilmember Carson, seconded by APPROVED Supervisor Patrick to refer Item F. to City Attorney and County Counsel and respond. G. Proposed 2003 Schedule for Joint Meetings (Joint Agenda Item). Motion by Councilmember Benham, seconded APPROVED by Supervisor Patrick to approve March 31, 2003 and September 15, 2003 for the Joint City/County meetings. 7. CLOSING COMMENTS BY CITY COUNCILMEMBERS AND BOARD MEMBERS. Councilmember Couch referred comments by Mr. Fallgatter to the Urban Development Committee. ' Bake, o,,~ld, California, September 9, 2002 - ag .~ 5 7. CLOSING. COMMENTS BY CITY COUNClLMEMBERS ACTION TAKEN AND BOARD MEMBERS continued Councilmember Salvaggio requested County staff work with City staff and asked the Board of Supervisors for assistance regarding the following: · Letter or Resolution to Cai Trans District Director regarding Highway 99~White Lane Interchange Project. · Feasibility of installing a traffic light at Highway 119 near Highway 99 Interchange, replacing the 4-way STOP sign (Pumpkin Center), also provide both agencies with a timeline and options available. · Requested County review of coristituent complaint at Kern Medical Center. · Requested aggre.~sive construction schedules be jointly expedited for the completion of the bike path project and staffs to provide a pro'gress report at the next joint City/County meeting. · Requested City Manager Tandy provide a status report regarding rehabilitation of the bike path between Manor Street and Beech Park, 'and how the project can be expedited. Councilmember_Carson referred to City and County law enforcement, and local media the issue of drive by shootings and the feasibility of establishing an alert system, similar to "Amber Alert" to combat this serious problem. Councilmember Maggard requested staff place the issue of Air and Water quality and water availibility for discussion on the next joint meeting agenda. Supervisor Mcquiston stated he will look into the bike path issue. Councilmember Sullivan referred to staff the issue of including bathrooms in the joint playground project at the Metropo#tan Recreation Center, and requested a report back. 8. CLOSING COMMENTS BY MAYOR HARVEY HALL Mayor Hall extended appreciation to Staff, Board of Supervisors and Councilmembers. Bakersfield, Califomia, September 9, 2002 - Page 6 ~., ._.~ 9. CLOSING COMMENTS BY CHAIRMAN STEVE A. PEREZ ACTION TAKEN Chairman Perez stated he was pleased with the past joint APPROVED meeting sessions and continuance of meetings which will build understanding. 10, ADJOURNMENT Motion by Supervisor Parra to adjourn the meeting at 8:27 p.m. MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield, CA ATTEST: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE KERN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL Board Chambers 1115 Truxtun Avenue, 1st Floor, Bakersfield .MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2002 - 5:30 P,M, The meeting was called to order by Chairman Steve Perez. 1. FLAG SALUTE led by Chairman Perez 2. ROLL CALL Bakersfield City Council PRESENT: Mayor Hall, Vice Mayor Salvaggio, Councilmembers Carson, Benham, Maggard, Couch, Hanson, Sullivan Kern County Board of Supervisors PRESENT: ~McQuiston, Perez, Patrick, Parra 3. OPENING RI~MARKS BY MAYOR HARVEY L. HALL 4. OPENING REMARKS BY CHAIRMAN STEVE PEREZ 5. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS Tom Fallgatter requested that the Intergovernmental Relations Committee explore the feasibility of forming a Metropolitan Planning Agency / Commission to coordinate planning and growth issues in the City and County. Alexander Lark, Executive Director, Bakersfield Senior Center, expressed appreciation to the City and County for assistance in development of the Lynn Edwards Senior Residence, an 80-unit senior housing facility. RECEIVED AND FILED DOCUMENT 6. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Proposed Criteria for Evaluating High Speed Rail Station Terminal Location (City Agenda Item) - Recommended Action: Hear City and County Staff Presentations; Approve Jack LaRochelle, Assistant Public Works Director, City of Bakersfield, and Dave Price, Director, Resource Management Agency, Kern County, made an oral Summary of Proceedings Page 2 Joint City/County Meeting September 9, 2002 presentation and provided written material. Supervisor McQuiston questioned the potential for cost differential between the High Speed Rail Authority funding and local community funding and suggested early identification of the funding mechanism to be used to fund the local share. He further discussed the potential for local job creation specifically relating to the maintenance facility. Additionally, he asked if the impacts of surface street transportation would be factored into the overall mode of transportation. Councilmember Maggard commended City and'County staff for preparing a joint 8dministrative report for this topic and suggested similar collaboration for future meetings. Regarding the high speed rail project, he requested additional. ~.~nformation on redevelopment potential for each location, ridership profiles, and revenue forecasts. Counc~Jrnember Couch suggested the high speed rail. station should be a component of a true intermodal facility specifically relating to bus service, connectivity to streets.~d freeways; and access to the airport. He asked City staff to provide i~formation regarding availability of programs that allow for connectivity from a high speed rail station to an airport via rail if there are no intermediate stops in between. He also indicated that a maintenance facility in Kern County be aggressively pursued. Mr. Couch requested a report back on job creation and property tax impacts relative to redevelopment efforts; Supervisor Perez asked for continued consideration of the route coming from the Tehachapi area and the Antelope V~lley. Councilmember Benham requested that the Vision 2020 Plan be included for consideration as part of the station siting criteria and used in reviewing urban sprawl implications. MOTION BY SUPERVISOR PARRA, SECOND BY SUPERVISOR PATRICK, APPROVING THE PROPOSED CRITERIA - ALL AYES MOTION BY VICE MAYOR SALVAGGIO APPROVING THE PROPOSED CRITERIA - ALL AYES B. Status Report on West Side Parkway and Freeway Systems Study (Joint Agenda Item) - Recommended Action: Hear City and County Staff Presentations Raul Rojas, Public Works Director, City of Bakersfield, and Craig Pope, Director of Roads, Kern County, gave an oral presentation and provided written material. Ted Wright, City of Bakersfield Civil Engineer and Project Coordinator, provided additional information. .. Summary of Proceedings Page 3 .' Joint.~ , City/County Meeting September 9, 2002 Councilmember Couch requested staff report back regarding commencement of the wireless interconnect system to synchronize signal lights and addition of right turn lanes at Fruitvale and Coffee Road. Supervisor McQuiston requested staff provide a status report at the next joint meeting relative to a timeline for a connection to I-5 and requested that the information also be provided to Kern COG. Councilmember Couch requested City staff provide a list of arterials that will go over the parkway. C. Status Report on Meadows Field Ai~ort TerT'ninal Project (County Agenda Item) - R~ecommended Action: Hear County Staff Presentation Ray Bishop, Director of Kern County Airports, gave an oral presentation. Councilmember Maggard requested Mr. Bishop provi:cle a memorandum to the City regarding air traffic conflicts in ~iscend[ng and descending paths at the Bakersfield Air Park. D. Status RePort On Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan Update (Joint Agenda Item) - Recommended Action; Hear City and County Staff Presentations Ted James, Kern County Director of Planning, and Jack Hardisty, City of Bakersfield Development Services Director, gave an oral presentation and responded to questions. E. Status Report on Joint Playground Project at the Metropolitan Recreation Center (County Agenda Item) - Recommended Action: Hear City and County Staff Presentations Bob Addison, Kern County Director of Parks, gave an oral presentation. SUpervisor Patrick questioned access points on the property, additional equipment for families, consideration of a traffic signal on Chester Avenue, and landscaPing completion date. Councilmember Maggard requested staff explore the possibility of using CDBG funding for this project specific to the neighborhood and the feasibility of a City lease-back option. He further requested staff explore the possibility of a pocket park at the vacant lot that fronts Chester Avenue on the west, across from the Clock Tower. · Summary of Proceedings Page 4 Joint City/County Meeting September 9, 2002 F. Proposal from Councilmember Carson for Development of a Workshop Regarding Conflict of Interest for City and County Officialsi(City Agenda Item) - Recommended Action: Refer to City Attorney and County Counsel MOTION BY COUNClLMEMBER CARSON, SECONDED BY SUPERVISOR PATRICK TO REFER ITEM 6 F, TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND COUNTY COUNSEL FOR REPORT BACK - ALL AYES G.-Proposed 2003 Schedule for *Joint Meetings (Joint Agenda Item) - . RecommendedAction: Approve MOTION BY COUNClLMEMBER BENHAM, SECONDED BY SUPERVISOR PATRICK TO ESTABLISH MARCH 31, 2003 AND SEPTEMBER 15, 2003 FOR THE NEXT JOINT CITY/COUNTY MEETINGS - ALL AYES 7. CLOSING COMMENTS BY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND BOARD MEMBERS Councilmember Couch referred comments by Mr. Fallga _tter to the Urban Development Committee. Councilmember Salvaggio requested County staff coordinate with City staff' regarding the following issues, and asked for assiStance by the Board of Supervisors regarding: Letter or resolution to Caltrans District Director regarding Highway 99 /White Lane Interchange Project · Feasibility of installing a-traffic signal at Highway 119 near Highway 99 interchange replacing the four-way stop sign (Pumpkin Center), and provide both agencies with a -timeline and available options · Requested County review of constituent complaint at Kern Medical Center · Requested aggressive construction schedules be jointly expedited for completion of the bike path project and staff to provide a progress report at the next Joint City/County meeting · Requested the City Manager provide a status report regarding rehabilitation of the bike path between Manor Street and Beach Park and how the project can be expedited. Councilmember Carson referred to City and County law enforcement and the local media the issue of drive-by shootings and the feasibility of establishing an alert system, similar to the Amber Alert system, to combat this serious problem. Councilmember Maggard requested staff place the issue of air and water quality and water availability on the next joint meeting agenda for discussion. .~-- Summary of Proceedings Page 5 ~ Joint Cit~/Coun~ Meeting September O, 2002 Supervisor MCQuiston commented that he would look into the bike path issue. Councilmember Sullivan referred to staff the issue of including restrooms at the Metropolitan Recreation Center and requested a report back. 8. CLOSING COMMENTS BY MAYOR HARVEY HALL 9. CLOSING COMMENTS BY CHAIRMAN STEVE A. PEREZ 10. ADJOURNMENT se Pennell, Clerk of the Board Steve A. Perez, Chairman, Supervisors