HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/20/2002 B A K E R S F I E L D ~__~~ Irma Carson, Chair Alan Tandy, City Manager Mike Maggard Staff: Alan Christensen Jacquie Sullivan AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT SPECIAL MEETING INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE Tuesday, August 20, 2002, 12:00 noon City Manager's Conference Room, Suite 201 Second Floor - City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 1. ROLL CALL Called to Order at 12:04 p.m. Present: Councilmembers Irma Carson, Chair; Mike Maggard and Jacquie Sullivan 2. ADOPTION OF FEBRUARY 15, 2002 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion and Committee recommendation to prioritize agenda items for future Joint City Council/Board of Supervisors meetings The Joint City Council/Board of Supervisors meeting is set for September 9, 2002 at 5:30 p.m. The County will be hosting at the Board of Supervisors Chambers. The Committee Chair asked if staff would, check with County staff on a room at the County Building prior to the meeting to have dinner in order to save time and avoid walking or parking twice. Staff will check with the County on arrangements. Committee Member Maggard suggested that all items be listed on the agenda as Action/Discussion to be able to make a recommendation after discussion if it is needed. Assistant City Manager Alan Christensen stated there will be a packet for the Joint meeting with administrative reports, the same as provided for regular Council meetings. INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Tuesday, August 20, 2002 Page - 2- a. High Speed Rail terminal location (City/County) Public Works Director Raul Rojas stated the City's recommendation is the downtown location. At the last joint meeting, the County indicated they had not made a formal recommendation, but seemed to prefer the Airport location. There is some urgency to make a recommendation to the High Speed Rail Authority. The High Speed Rail Authority will be making a decision on the location without our input if we have not made a joint recommendation prior to their decision on a site for the terminal. Assistant Public Works Director Jack LaRochelle explained Kern COG has put money in their overall work program this year to hire a consultant to evaluate the three sites in further detail to come up with a recommendation based on the consultant's findings. He suggested perhaps there could be a discussion at the Joint meeting on the criteria the City and County would like the consultant to consider when evaluating the station locations. A City and County representative will be appointed to serve on the consultant selection committee. The Committee recommended High Speed Rail be placed on the Joint meeting agenda as an action item on the criteria the City and County would like the consultant to consider when evaluating the three sites for a High Speed Rail Terminal. b. Status report on West Side Parkway and Freeway Systems Study (City) Public Works Director Raul Rojas stated this would be an informational item. Staff will give a report on the status of the West Side Parkway. c. Report on General Plan Update (City/County) Planning Director Stan Grady stated the City and County Planning Commissions met in a joint meeting at City Hall on August 12th and have completed their first review of the General Plan Update. The next scheduled meeting will be in October at the County. This will be a joint meeting to certify the EIR. Very few comments have been received. Most comments were from interest groups and on target with the main areas of the EIR: air quality, traffic and agricultural land conservation. The General Plan Update should come before the City Council and the Board of Supervisors sometime later this year. d. Metro Park (County) Assistant City Manager Alan Christensen explained this is an item deferred from the last joint meeting. This may be one of other items the County may want to place on the agenda. INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Tuesday, August20,2002 Page -3- e. Rexland Acres Sewer Project/Jefferson Pool Project (City/County) Public Works Director Raul Rojas explained this item was reviewed in the Budget and Finance Committee and a recommendation/agreement was sent to the City Council and the agreement was adopted in concept, with dates certain of January 2002 for the County to commit to the Jefferson Pool Project funding and June 2004 for beginning of the Rexland sewer project or the agreement will expire. The County is awaiting confirmation on their grant application for the Rexland sewer project. The Committee directed staff to check with the County to determine if placing this item on the joint meeting agenda is appropriate at this time given the County has yet to take action on the Jefferson Pool funding. f. Committee recommended items Staff recommended an administrative item to set the dates for joint City Council/Board of Supervisors meetings for 2003. Committee Chair Irma Carson stated she would like to refer an action item to the joint meeting: Development of a training plan for City and County employees regarding contracts, conflicts of interest, sexual harassment and other items which would minimize liability. She has been in contact with County Counsel who will be contacting the City Attorney. The Committee approved placement on the joint agenda. The Committee prioritized the agenda items as follows: 1. High Speed Rail terminal location/criteria (City/County) 2. Report on General Plan Update (City/County) 3. Development of a training plan for City and County employees regarding contracts, conflicts of interest, sexual harassment and other liability issues (City/County) 4. Rexland Acres Sewer Project/Jefferson Pool Project (City/County) 5. Set dates for joint City Council/Board of Supervisors meetings for 2003 Other items to consider for the agenda: · Metro Park (County) · Status report on West Side Parkway and Freeway Systems Study (City) Committee Member Maggard in'response to a question from Mr. Graham Kaye- Eddie about putting water issues on the agenda, suggested perhaps at the next joint meeting, which is in 2003, the emphasis could be on water and air quality issues to adopt joint strategies. INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Tuesday, August20,2002 Page -4- It was suggested and the Committee agreed water and air quality could be brought up under Council and Board Statements. Mr. Larry Wiggins spoke about High Speed Rail and supports the downtown location. As the County may have other agenda items/prioritization, the Committee directed staff to work with County staff on finalizing an agenda for the joint meeting on September 9, 2002 at 5:30 p.m. It was noted County staff were invited to the meeting today, but as the agenda was dedicated to prioritization of items for the Joint meeting and County and City staffs work closely on the Joint agenda, did not attend. 5. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 1:20 p.m. Staff present: City Manager Alan Tandy; City Attorney Bart Thiltgen; Assistant City Manager Alan Christensen; Public Works Director Raul Rojas; City Clerk Pam McCarthy; Assistant Public Works Director Jack LaRochelle; and Planning Director Stan Grady. Others present: Graham Kaye-Eddie; Larry G. Wiggins, AIA Golden Empire Chapter; Joseph W. Covington AIA, Golden Empire Chapter; Daniel Phillips, AIA; Tammy Brown, KUZZ/KCWR; and James Burger, Reporter The Bakersfield Californian. S:~AC~0021G RC~ir02aug20surnmary