HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/18/2002 SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS  ~ SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE KERN COUNTY BOARD' OF SUPERVISORS AND BAKERSFIELD CiTY COUNCIL ~ Council Chambers 1501 Truxtun Avenue, 1st Floor, Bakersfield MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2002 - 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Mayor HarveY*Hall. 1. INVOCATION led *by Reverend*Sara*Haldeman-Scarr, Church of the Brethren 2. FLAG 'SALUTE !ed ~by Mahogany Blank, 4~ grade student at Van ~Hom Elementary School 3. ROLL CALL Bakersfield City Council PRESENT: Mayor Hall, Vice Mayor Salvaggio, Councilmembers Carson, Benham, Maggard, COuch, Hanson, Sullivan Kern County Board .of SLjpe~isors PRESENT: McQuiston, Perez, Patdck, Peterson, Parra 4. OPENING REMARKS BY MAYOR HARVEY L. HALL 5. OPENING REMARKS By CHAIRMAN STEVE PEREZ. 6. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS Dave Cross;. Graham Kaye-Eddie; Herman Ruddell, Downtown Business Association; Kenneth Hersch; Marvin Dean, Southeast Business & Property Owners Association; and Mike Hayes addressed the Board and City Council to recommend downtown Bakersfield .as the site of the new High Speed Rail terminal. Pauline Larwood, Executive Director, Smart Growth Coalition, commented on Item 7C, the General Plan Adoption Process/Update, requesting that legislative bodies encourage strengthening agricultural policies, downtown revitalization, and inclusion of air quality policies in the General Plan update. RECEIVED AND FILED DOCUMENTS Summary of Proceedings Page 2 Joint City/County Meeting March 18, 2002 7, BUSINESS ITEMS A. HIGH SPEED RAIL TERMINAL LOCATION - Joint Agenda Item (Discussion) Jack LaRochelle, Assistant Public Works Director, City of Bakersfield., gave an oral 'presentation and provided written material; Craig Pope, Kern County Roads Commissioner, gave oral presentation; Raul Rojas, Public Works Director, City of Bakersfield, provided additional comment. Lengthy discussion ensued regarding the three terminal .locations being considered by the California High Speed-Rail Authority: 7th Standard Road, M Street, and Truxtun Avenue. City and County staff responded to questions regarding the timeliness of a decision on the preferred location and traffic circulation ~impacts. Councilmember Maggard and Supervisor McQuiston requested that this matter become a priority for Cityand.County staff for future consideration by both legislative bodies. B. Use of STIP· Funds for Roadway Rehabilitation - City Agenda Item (DisCussion) Raul Rojas, Public Works Director, City of-Bakersfield, gave an oral presentation. Alan Tandy, City Manager,' provided additional comments. City of Bakersfield MOTION-by Councilmember Couch to approve staff recommendation relative to STIP funding and convey the City's request to-Kern COG - ALL AYES RECEIVED AND FILED DOCUMENTS C. General Plan AdoPtion 'Process/Update - Joint Agenda Item (Discussion) Jack Hardisty, Development Services Director, City of Bakersfield, and Ted James, Kern County Planning Director, made oral presentation. City of Bakersfield MOTION by Councilmember Couch to accept the draft and endorse the process for adoption. ALL AYES D. Kern County Museum -"History for the Future Campaign"- County Agenda Item (Discussion) Carola Rupert-Enriquez, Kern County Museum Authority, gave an oral* Summary of Proceedings. Page 3 Joint City/County Meeting March 18, 2002 . presentation. E. Airport Terminal - Status Report - County Agenda Item (Discussion) Ray Bishop, Kern County Director .of Airports, gave an oral presentation. · F. Coordinating Roadway Improvements- City Agenda Item (Discussion) 'Raul Rojas, Public Works Director, City of Bakersfield, gave an oral presentation. G. Schedule for 2002 Joint Meetings - Joint Agenda Item (Discussion/Action) City of Bakersfield MOTION 'by Councilmember Couch to establish September 9, 2002 as · the next date for the Joint City County Meeting,-and ~further establishing June 17, 2002 and December 2, 2002 as tentative dates should the need arise - ALL AYES Kern County Bpard of Supervisom Adopted schedule establishing 'September 9, 2002 as the next.date for the Joint City County Meeting, and further establishing June 17, 2002 and December 2, 2002 as tentative dates should the need arise. Peterson-Patrick / ALL A YES 8. CLOSING COMMENTS BY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND COUNCILMEMBERS Board Members and Councilmembers requested that administrative reports be provided to both entities at least 72 hours in advance of future joint meetings. 9. CLOSING COMMENTS BY CHAIRMAN STEVE PEREZ 10. CLOSING COMMENTS BY MAYOR HARVEY L. HALL 11. ADJOURNMENT at 8:36 p.m. Steve A. Perez, Chairman, of Supervisors