HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/17/2006 B A K E R S F I E L D Staff: John W. Stin$on David Couch For: Alan Tandy, City Manager Mike Maggard AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, October 17, 2006- 1:00 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room - Suite 201 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield CA 1. ROLL CALL The meeting was Called to Order at 1:03 p.m. Present: Councilmembers Sue Benham, Chair; David Couch and Mike Maggard 2.ADOPT AUGUST 22, 2006 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Report and Committee recommendation on draft ordinance regarding development standards for large (big box) retail centers Planning Director Jim Movius explained over time the Council has referred three separate issues regarding big box shopping centers to the Committee. 1) Urban Decay. The Council has already taken action on this issue by adopting a General Plan Policy. 2) Aesthetics. The City does not have design standards, other than minimum landscaping, on how large commercial developments are to look. 3) Circulation and read frontaqes. Committee Members have indicated there should be regulations requiring large shopping center sites to be located where arterials and collectors provide good circulation. AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Page 2 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, October 17, 2006 The proposed ordinance relates to the second issue on design standards for large (big box) retail centers and covers the time frame when the developer/owner already has entitlements on the property and the project is going through the site plan review process or PCD. Principal Planner Jim Eggert reported staff has contacted other cities and reviewed their ordinances, which address the aspects of big box shopping centers, and handed out pictures to graphically depict the results achieved. The proposed ordinance applies to large commercial developments over 50,000 square feet and would ~apply to single tenant or multi-tenant projects to provide more walkable, aesthetic, and user-friendly developments and to avoid the big-box look. The proposed ordinance covers: Architectural character and design · Parking lot design · Pedestrian circulation · Community space Committee Chair Mike Maggard spoke regarding how the ordinance would apply to remodeling of shopping centers and asked if the ordinance could address control of maintenance and trash in parking lots. Principal Planner Jim Eggert explained the ordinance covers remodel or expansion of existing centers triggered by a 50 percent or larger building expansion or change of use applications especially with a PCD, which allows for upgrades such as facades and aspects to improve the site. Staff would have to add something to the ordinance if the Committee desires some aspects of the ordinance to apply with a change of use. Staff will check with the City Attorney on how control of maintenance and trash, which is not a zoning issue but falls under code enforcement, might fit within the ordinance. Lorraine Unger spoke in favor of the ordinance and commented on the negative look of merchandise when it is stacked out in front of large shopping centers. Scott Blunck, Castle and Cooke, had questions and made comments regarding signage and parking ratios versus community space. Committee Member David Couch responded the ordinance provides developers with a list of choices and only requires two of the elements. The list included: 1) pedestrian plaza or patio with seating; 2) transportation center; 3)covered window shopping walkway along at least 75% of primary building; 4)outdoor playground area; 5) water feature; 6) clock tower; or 7) any other deliberately shaped area and/or focal feature or amenity that enhances the community and Public spaces of the center. AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Page 3 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, October 17, 2006 Planning Director Jim Movius recommended the third issue regarding circulation be addressed under the Commercial pOlicies of the General Plan as circulation needs to be addressed earlier in the entitlement process before site plan review. Committee Member David Couch made a motion to forward traffic circulation around (big box) shopping center sites to the Planning Commission to be address as a text amendment to the General Plan Commercial Policies at the next available General Plan cycle and then on to the City Council, and to forward the proposed ordinance for large (big box) retail centers to the Planning Commission for a recommendation to the City Council. The Committee unanimously approved the motion. The Committee also requested that Development Services Director Stan Grady send a letter to Kern County Planning and Development Services Director Ted James informing him of the proposed ordinance and circulation text (General Plan Policy) being forwarded to the City'.s Planning Commission. 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 1:50 p.m. Attendance-staff: Assistant City Manager John Stinson; City Attorney Ginny Gennaro; Deputy City Attorney Bob Sherry; Associate Attorney Michael Richards; Planning Director Jim Movius; Principal Planner Jim Eggert; and Public Works Civil Engineer Jim Holladay Attendance-others: Planning Commissioner Barbara Lomas; Kevin Burton, Young Wooldridge; Scott Blunck, Castle and Cooke; David Burger, reporter, The Bakersfield Californian; Lorraine Unger, Sierra Club; and Daphne Phump, KUZZ News cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council S:\JOHN\Council Committees\06 Planning&Development\p&d 06 oct 17 summary.doc