HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/17/2006 B A K E R S F I 'E L D Sue Benham, Chair David Couch Mike Maggard Staff: John W. Stinson MEETING NOTICE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Tuesday, October 17, 2006 1:00 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room, Suite 201 Second Floor -. City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. ADOPT AUGUST 22, 2006 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Report and Committee recommendation on draft ordinance regarding development standards for large (big box) retail centers - Movius 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 6. ADJOURNMENT B A K E R S F I E L D ~i:i~.d~.~FT ~ Sue Benham, Chair Staff: John W. Stinson David Couch For: Alan Tandy, City Manager Mike Maggard AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, August 22, 2006 - 1:00 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room - Suite 201 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield CA 1. ROLL CALL The meeting was Called to Order at 1:05 p.m. Present: Councilmembers Sue Benham, Chair; and Mike Maggard Absent: Councilmember David Couch 2. ADOPT JULY 10, 2006 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Response to comments made by Mr. Gordon Nipp Development Services Director Stanley Grady gave a brief overview of the staff response, which was included in the Committee packet. Mr. Nipp was notified but not available to attend today's meeting. Committee Chair Sue Benham requested staff to make sure Mr. Nipp receives a copy of the staff response. Mr. Will Winn commented on agricultural land and the General Plan. Committee Member Mike Maggard commented on a follow-up issue about a 20-acre property that is coming up for a zone change and annexation to the City. He has heard, but not confirmed, concems that a change of zoning for the 20 acres will encroach upon an adjacent property where there is a 1,320 foot AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Page 2 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, August 22, 2006 ~ '~: ~T setback in order to apply chemicals necessary for the crops being grown there. The current view held on the separation for agriculture land may not be adequate if a setback is required for application of chemicals, which is affected when the zoning of adjacent property is changed to residential. Committee Member Maggard stated he would be interested in knowing and asked staff if they could please check on agriculture setback regulations. B. Staff update and Committee recommendation regarding Paladino arterial to collector Public Works Director Raul Rojas gave an update. At the last Committee meeting a possible compromise was reached on the Paladino arterial changes to allow room for property owners to get horse trailers in and out of their properties. The Committee requested staff to prepare another drawing and resubmit it to Mr. Steve Hollis and the neighborhood. The drawing was prepared and staff met with Mr. Hollis. The neighbors had requested a little more landscaping on the south side of Paladino. A copy of the drawing was included in the Committee packet. Traffic Engineer Steve Walker stated since the July l0th Committee meeting, the concept plan has been revised to put full landscaping on the south side of Paladino. On the north side there were some lane and median reductions in width, and a 10-foot shoulder/bike lane was added to help get the trailers in and out of the properties. Mr. Hollis was not able to attend today, but called and confirmed the neighborhood acceptance of the concept plan. Mr. Hollis had some questions regarding the timing for the construction of the median, the second westbound lane, and third lane with curb, gutter and sidewalk. He and the neighbors would like to put in yard improvements and landscaping if construction is sometime in the future. As road improvements are development driven, staff estimated the median and second lane would be needed within the next five to ten years--most likely closer to five years. Staff will research further and respond to Mr. Hollis in writing. City Attorney Ginny Gennaro explained the drawing (design changes to the arterial) would need to go to Council in some form to get it on the record, perhaps as an amendment to the circulation element. Staff will research the best way. Committee Member Mike Maggard made a motion the Committee approve forwarding the arterial design plan to the Council in the form deemed appropriate by staff. The Committee unanimously approved the motion. (Committee Member David Couch absent) AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Page 3 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, August 22, 2006 [-:~;'~Al:T 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Landscape standards for block walls Committee Chair Sue Benham stated this item was removed from the agenda because it has already been considered by another Council Committee. 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 1:25 p.m. Attendance-staff: City Manager Alan Tandy; Assistant City Manager John Stinson; City Attorney Ginny Gennaro; Public Works Director Raul Rojas; Development Services Director Stanley Grady; Public Works Civil Engineer Marian Shaw; Traffic Engineer Steve Walker; and Civil Engineer Bruce Deeter Attendance-others: Kevin Burton, Young Wooldridge; Scott Blunck, Castle and Cooke; Will Winn; Martin Ortiz, Centex Homes; and Roger Mclntosh, Mclntosh and Associates cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council S:~lOHN\Council Committees\06Planning&Development\p&d 06 aug 22 summary.doc BAKERSFIELD Development Services Department Stanley C. Grady, Director MEMORANDUM August 16, 2006 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: ,~STANLEY GRADY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR LARGE (BIG BOX) RETAIL CENTERS RECOMMENDATION: Direct staff hold a public headng with the Planning Commission to consideradoption of the draft ordinance concerning development standards for large (big box) retail centers. BACKGROUND: This matter was introduced to the Planning and Development Committee as an informational item on October 3, 2003 with staff outlining strategies being used by various cities to administer the development and architectural design of big box centers. On July 18, 2005 this issue was revisited by the Committee and they directed staff to draft architectural design criteda for large retail developments for their review. Attached is a draft ordinance. These standards would be placed within the Zoning Ordinance under the General Provisions chapter, which contains the process for site plan review. The ordinance is based on regulations developed and adopted by the city of Fort Collins, Colorado, generally recognized as being one of the first cities that implemented comprehensive design standards for these large centers. Many other cities have since developed similar ordinances and staff used a number of them to create a general framework and then modified them to blend with our local policies and ordinances. These standards are intended to lessen the visual bulk of these centers and enhance the overall character of the community. The ordinance's major features include the following: · Architectural character and design - require building facades be broken visually with the use of projections, recesses, variations in roof design, and use of contrasting colors and masonry features. Require covered entdes, windows, and pedestrian arcades along street frontages. · Parking lot design - require parking areas to be screened from being the predominate street scene and to be divided into smaller sections with pedestrian walkways and buildings, · Pedestrian circulation - require continuous landscaped pedestrian links throughout a center. · Community Space - require public open spaces or focal points such as plazas and water features with appropriate pedestrian links. Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance DRAFT Draft Ordinance Amendment Lar.qe Retail Developments 17.08.140 DESIGN STANDARDS FOR LARGE RETAIL DEVELOPMENTS. A. Purpose. Bakersfield is concerned with the future design of its commercial areas, specifically with the growth of large retail developments that include big box stores. At the same time, it is important to encourage economic development. These standards help mitigate unwanted design, while encouraging developers to incorporate good community architecture that enhances the city's character and quality of life. B. Applicability. 1. These standards shall apply to large retail developments throughout the city within all commercial zone districts, and all nonresidential zones where the development contains retail commercial components, including but not limited to Planned Unit Development zones, industrial zones, and recreation/open space zones. These standards also apply to all specific plan areas unless the plan has standards that are more restrictive. 2. These standards are in addition to any other development requirements as required by this title, including but not limited to zone district regulations, signs, parking, landscaping, and accessory uses. 3. Expansion to existing Large Retail Developments. a. An addition to an existing large retail development that was initially subject to these standards shall be required to comply with the requirements of this section. b. An addition to an existing large retail development that was not previously subject to the requirements of this section, is required to comply with this section if the gross floor area of such establishment as a single expansion or cumulatively since the adoption of this ordinance is increased by 50 percent or more, or the addition is such that it creates a large retail development and that addition increases the gross floor area of such building by 50 August, 2000 Chapter 17.08, Page I Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance DRAFT percent or more as a single expansion or cumulatively since the .adoption of this ordinance. C. Building Design Standards. 1. Exterior building walls and facades over 100 feet in length shall incorporate wall plane projections or recesses with a depth of at least 3 percent of the length of the facade and extending along at least 20 percent of the length of the facade. No facade shall have an uninterrupted length of flat wall that exceeds 1 O0 horizontal feet. Facades that face public streets shall include arcades, display windows, entry areas, or other such permanent features along no less than 60 percent of their horizontal length. projections / recesses shall compdse at least 20% of facade length with a minimum depth of 3% of facade left, th An~rna~ng feetun~s suc~ as these must b3~ ~0% of t~tat facade for any ~ aZ~tti~ a ~btic ~ Building Facades August, 2006 Chapter 17.08, Page 2 Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance DRAFT 2. All building facades must include a repeating pattern that includes no less than three of the following elements. At least one of the elements (a, b or c), shall repeat horizontally. All elements shall repeat at intervals of no more than 30 feet, either horizontally or vertically. a. color change; b. texture change; c. material change; d. an expression of architectural or structural bays through a change in plane no less than 12 inches in width, such as an offset, reveal or projecting rib. reveals structural bay layout Expression of Architectural or Structural Bay 3. Where large retail developments contain smaller additional, separately owned stores that occupy less than 25,000 square feet of gross floor area with separate, exterior customer entrances, the street level facade of such stores shall be transparent between the height of 3 feet and 8 feet above the walkway grade for no less than 60 percent of the horizontal length of the building of such additional stores. Windows shall be recessed and include visually prominent sills, shutters, or other such forms of framing. 4. In multiple building developments, each individual building shall include prominent architectural characteristics shared by all buildings in the center so that the development forms a cohesive sense of place. August, 2006 Chapter 17. 08, Page 3 Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance DRAFT 5. Rooflines shall be varied with a change in height every 100 linear feet of the building length. Parapets, mansard roofs, gable roofs, hip roofs, or dormers shall be used to conceal flat roofs and roof top equipment from public view. Alternating lengths and designs of the roofline are acceptable. If parapets are used, their average height shall not exceed 15 percent of the height of the supporting wall and such parapets shall not at any point exceed one-third (1/3) of the height of the supporting wall. All parapets shall feature three-dimensional cornice treatment. average parapet height shall not exceed 15°,~, of supporting wall height parapet heights shall not exceed 1/3 of supporting wall height Parapet Standards 6. Exterior building materials shall be high quality materials, including, but not limited to, brick, sandstone, and other native stone, manufactured stone (realistic), and tinted/textured concrete masonry units. 7. Facade colors shall be Iow reflectance, subtle, neutral or earth tone colors. The use of reflective metallic colors, black or fluorescent colors is prohibited. However, building trim and accent areas may feature bdghter colors, including primary colors. Paint applied over brick, stone and concrete is prohibited. 8. Finished exterior building materials shall not include smooth-faced concrete block, tilt-up concrete panels or prefabricated steel panels. August, 2006 Chapter 17.08, Page 4 Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance DRAFT 9. Entryways. a. At least two sides of a large retail development shall feature customer entrances. The two required sides shall be those planned to have the highest level of public pedestrian activity. One of the sides shall be that which most directly faces a primary public or private street with pedestrian access. The other may face a second street with pedestrian access or the main parking' lot area if there is no second street. All entrances shall be architecturally prominent and clearly visible from the abutting public street. b. Public entrances must include architectural elements that emphasize the entry. Each large retail development on a site shall have clearly defined, highly visible customer entrances featuring no less than three of the following: i. canopies or porticos; ii. overhangs; iii. recesses/projections; iv. arcades; v. raised corniced parapets over the door; vi. peaked roof forms or towers; vii. arches; viii. plazas or outdoor patios; ix. display windows; x. fountains or other water features; xi. architectural details such as tile work and moldings that are integrated into the building structure and design; xii. integral planters or wing walls that incorporate landscaped areas and/or places for sitting. b. Where additional stores will be located in the large retail establishment, each such store shall have at least one (1) extedor customer entrance, which shall conform to the above requirements. c. Weather protection elements shall be provided at all public entrances. August, 2006 Chapter 17.08, Page 5 Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance DRAFT ~ Entrance ANCHOR .':..~- "' ' ,, I: ,2 · . ; ~c "'-,. PUBLIC ~TREET Building Entrancos (oxamplo o~ ~ ~ovolopmont wit~ cus~mor ontmncos on all silos t~at ~oco a public D. Parking lot design. 1. No more than 60 percent of the off-street parking area for the entire area of land devoted to the large retail development shall be located between the front facade of the large retail development and the abutting streets unless the parking lots are screened from view by other freestanding pad buildings, or enhanced landscaping features with trees that incorporates berms at least 3 feet high, plazas, water elements, or other such features that diminish the visual impression of a mass parking lot from the public right-of-ways. 2. Parking lots shall be divided into sections of 200 spaces or less with internal pedestrian walkways, buildings or landscaped open areas. Pedestrian ways shall be subject to the provisions of subsection E of this section. 3. Areas for bicycle parking shall be provided within each major parking section of the center and shall not interfere with pedestrian walkways. 4. If shopping carts are to be provided, cart corrals shall be installed and generally distributed across parking area. August, 2006 Chapter 17.08, Page 6 Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance DRAFT E. Pedestrian Circulation. 1. Sidewalks at least 8 feet in width shall be provided along all sides of the large retail development that abuts a public street. 2. Continuous internal pedestrian walkways, no less than 8 feet in width, shall be provided from a public sidewalk or right-of-way to the principal customer entrances of all large retail developments on the site, including all freestanding pad buildings. Pedestrian walkways shall link all buildings in the development. At a minimum, walkways shall connect focal points of pedestrian activity such as, but not limited to, transit stops, street crossings, building and store entry points, and shall feature adjoining landscaped areas that include trees, shrubs, benches, flower beds, ground covers or other such materials for no less than 50 percent of the length of the walkway. Use of decorative arbors, freestanding arcades or other weather protection structures is permitted. 3. Sidewalks, no less than 8 feet in width, shall be provided along the full length of the building along any facade featuring a customer entrance, and along any facade abutting public parking areas. Such sidewalks shall be located at least six (6) feet from the facade of the building to provide planting beds for foundation landscaping, except where features such as arcades or entryways are part of the facade. 4. All internal pedestrian walkways shall be distinguished from driving surfaces using durable, Iow maintenance surface materials such as pavers, bricks or scored concrete to enhance pedestrian safety and comfort, as well as the attractiveness of the walkways. 5. Parked vehicles shall not overhang into any pedestrian walkways. F. Central Features and Community Space. Each retail establishment subject to the standards in this section shall contribute to the establishment or enhancement of community and public spaces by providing at least two (2) of the following: 1. pedestrian plaza or patio with seating; 2. transportation center; 3. covered window shopping walkway along at least 75% of primary building; 4. outdoor playground area; 5. water feature; 6. clock tower; August, 2006 Chapter 17.08, Page 7 Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance DRAFT 7. any other such deliberately shaped area and/or focal feature or amenity that enhances the community and public spaces of the center. Any such areas shall have direct access to the public sidewalk network and such features shall not be constructed of materials that are inferior to the principal materials of the building and landscape. Center With Community Features G. Delivery/Loading and Solid Waste Operations. 1. No delivery, loading, trash removal or compaction, or other such operations shall be within 50 feet of any properties zoned or developed with residential uses. 2. Other than trash removal by the city or its contractors, all other operations shall not be permitted between the hours of 10:00 pm and 7:00 am unless the applicant submits evidence that sound barriers between all areas for such operations reduce noise levels to 45 db or less as measured at the property line adjacent to any land zoned or developed with residential uses. 3. Loading docks shall include separate walls for noise attenuation adjacent to residential areas and be screened with landscaping so they are not visible from said residential areas or public streets. 4. Trash pickup areas shall not be visible from public streets unless the enclosure areas are architecturally designed matching the design of the center. August, 2006 Chapter 17.08, Page 8 Bakersfield Municipal Code - Title 17, Zoning Ordinance DRAFT H. Storage, Seasonal Sales, Miscellaneous. 1. Storage of materials and merchandise is prohibited unless screened with in accordance with this title, including use of landscaping. Vending equipment and shopping cart storage areas must be screened from public view and not impede pedestrian ways. 2. Seasonal sales of merchandise shall not be permitted in any required parking area but shall be within a screened area dedicated for such use. 3. Truck trailers shall not remain on the site for more than 48 hours (loading and unloading only). Truck or trailer storage, or use of trailers for product storage is prohibited. 4. Metal storage containers as defined in Section 17.04.464 and any other portable storage containers for permanent or temporary use are prohibited. New Definitions: 17.04.367 LARGE RETAIL DEVELOPMENT. "Large retail development" includes any single or combination of retail establishments and shopping centers, including movie theaters and indoor recreational uses, in a single building or in separate but abutting buildings, being on one or more parcels that is planned, developed, owned, or managed as a single unit occupying more than 50,000 square feet of gross floor area. 17.04.502 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT. "Retail establishment" is a business engaged in selling goods or merchandise, or providing services or entertainment to the general public for personal or household use. EXISTING DEFINITION (for reference only) 17.04.546 SHOPPING/BUSINESS CENTER. "Shopping/business center" means a group of two or more commercial businesses planned, constructed and managed as a total entity, and may be linked together by an architectural, historical or geographic theme, or by a commonality of goods and services. These businesses function as an integral unit on a single parcel or separate parcels of property, and share off- street parking facilities, access and pedestrian ways. August, 2006 Chapter 17. 08, Page 9