HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/05/1986 AGENDA INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING Friday, December 5, 1986 12 Noon Red Lion Inn, Isabella Room (County Host) 1. Economic Development 2. Rats 3. County's Air Pollution Non-attainment Plan 4. City of Bakersfield's General Plan 5. Heritage Park - Juvenile Justice Facility CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS CONCERNING USE OF HERITAGE PARK SITE FOR JUVENILE JUSTICE FACILITY July, 1982--Board of Supervisors appropriated $458,800 for architectural fees for new Juvenile Court Facility. Apparent best location for Facility was in Heritage Park. August, 1982--Parks Department informed County Administrative Office of restrictions on conversion of park property to non-park purposes under Section 5401 et seq. of the Public Resources Code (Park Preservation Act). Fall, 1982--Design work on the Juvenile Justice Center was deferred to allow evaluation of alternative development strategies and site locations through the Farbstien/Williams needs assessment and master plan study process. May, 1983--Farbstien/Williams Report recommended a master plan for development of juvenile justice facilities utilizing the Heritage Park property site. July, 1983--The Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution requesting the enactment of legislation to amend the Park Preservation Act to allow local agencies to use public park property for non-park public purposes, when the remaining portion of the park property meets or exceeds that agency's acreage requirements for parks of a like classification as specified in the agency's General Plan and requested Property Management Department to investigate and report on the availability and cost of replacement land in the vicinity of Heritage Park. August 1983--The Board approved an appropriation of $881,000 for the construction of two Superior Courts, with any remaining funds to be expended for design of the Juvenile Justice Facility. January, 1984--Senator Stiern introduced SB 1475 per the Board of Supervisors request. SB 1475 was passed and signed into law. The bill allows the County, after holding one public hearing on the question, to construct juvenile court facilities on not more than 5 acres of Heritage Park without providing replacement park property. April, 1984--The Parks Department provided the County Administrative Office with information concerning restrictions on the conversion of parklands to other than recreation uses when such parklands have been acquired or developed with Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund monies. Under the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965, no property acquired or developed with monies under that act may be converted to other than public outdoor recreation use without the approval of the Secretary of Interior, through the State Department of Parks and Recreation. June, 1984--The County Administrative Office advised the Board of Supervisors of the above restrictions under the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act and that the law also required the County to replace the park property converted to non-park use with equivalent park property. Upon the recommendation of the County Administrative Office, the Board authorized the County Administrative Officer to contact the appropriate Federal and State officials and Federal legislators to obtain approval for the use of a portion of Heritage Park for a Juvenile Justice Facility and to seek a waiver from the requirement to provide equivalent replacement park property. July, 1984-- Congressman Thomas is requested to amend the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act to allow the use of approximately five acres of Heritage Park for a Juvenile Justice Facility. July, 1984-- The Director of the State Department of Parks and Recreation is requested to approve the conversion of approximately five acres of Heritage Park property to non-park use and to waive the requirement for the County to provide replacement park property. September, 1984--The State Department of Parks and Recreation~approved the County's request for conversion of approximately five acres of Heritage Park to non-park purpose and waived the requirement for replacement of park property. The State Department of Parks and Recreation required that the night lighting standards located on the property to be occupied by the Juvenile Justice Center be relocated to another section of the park. The factors considered in arriving at the decision included: 1) the project funded with Land and Water Conservation FUnd money was a minor development involving little in the way of extensive recreation development; 2) the amount of the grant was small and it was felt that sufficient time had elapsed since the project was completed to amortize the cost of the improvements constructed with the grant funds; and 3) the park unit remaining after the conversion will still be a self contained recreation unit. July, 1985--$462,000 appropriated for design of Juvenile Justice Facility. Project delayed pending revision of space requirements. July, 1986--$636,00 appropriated for design of Juvenile Justice Facility. MW/ka/3mwj j f