HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/12/2000 BAKERSFIELD Jacquie Sullivan, Chair Patricia J. DeMond Jeffrey A. Green Staff: Alan Christensen SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE of the City Council- City of Bakersfield Tuesday, December 12, 2000 1:30 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room - City Hall 1501 Truxtun AVenue, Suite 201 Bakersfield, CA AMENDED AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. ADOPT NOVEMBER 16, 2000 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Staff update regarding entrance signs into the City B. Staff report and Committee recommendation regarding fUnding for recreational programs ; C. Staff report and Committee recommendation regarding fees for use of community centers D. Staff report and Committee recommendation regarding swimming pool fees 5. · ADJOURNMENT AC:jp S:V~,C\CSCommittee\cs00dec 12agen.wpd D AFT _ _ ~-~'- Jacquie Sullivan, Chair Alan Tandy, City Manager Patricia J. DeMond Staff: Alan Christensen Jeffrey A. Green AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT SPECIAL 'MEETING COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Thursday, November 16, 2000 12:00 noon City Manager's Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL Call to Order at 12:20 p.m. Present: Councilmembers Jacquie Sullivan, Chair; Patricia J. DeMond; and Jeffrey A. Green 2. ADOPT OCTOBER 4, 2000 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Staff update regarding entrance signs into the City At the Committee's request from the last meeting, Don Hoggatt prepared two scale models using variations of the design most preferred by the Committee, the Mayor's Economic Committee, responses from the Internet and community members with design expertise. The scale models have been taken to the 2020 Vision Committee for approval. The Committee unanimously approved the design and deferred the final decision on color and details, along with the Committee's comments, to Mayor Price. Staff reported that in addition to the location identified south of Bakersfield on Highway 99 near McKee Road, a possible entrance sign location has been identified north of Bakersfield. Staff~has been in contact with the property owner, Tom Carosella, for a site on Highway 99 between Norris Road and Olive Drive. The Committee felt this location should be pursued and approved staff meeting with Mr. Carosella to negotiate further. B. Staff report and Committee recommendation regarding funding for recreational programs for senior citizens Lynn Edwards, Director, Bakersfield Senior Center, stated that at the last Committee meeting his request was for instructors for computer and fitness classes. Since that time,, after talking to members of the board and staff, they have amended their request for assistance to also include: AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT AF ' COMMUNITY SERVICES· COMMITTEE Thursday, November 16, 2000 Page -2- services for gardening, sprinkler system, pest control, heating & air-conditioning, electrical system and other maintenance. He stated that in the past the City ,provided these maintenance services. Also, they would like cash assistance-to pay for utilities. He expressed -that he is still in favor of having a survey of senior citizens activity needs. There was a.discussion'about the City not normally providing operational maintenance costs for non-profit organizations, but rather one-time project funding. The City owned the facility and leased it to the Center when maintenance was provided in the past. The Committee discussed the original request for instructors for computer and fitness classes and using the $25,000 already in the Recreation and Parks budget that was originally for a study to determine senior activity needs. Committee chair Sullivan expressed a desire to find a wayto help the Senior Center. Due to time constraints, the Committee unanimously deferred this .item to the next meeting. C. Staffreportand Committee recommendation regarding fees for'use of community centers Deferred to the next meeting. D. Staff report and Committee recommendation regarding swimming pool fees Deferred to the n~ext meeting. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Staff report and Committee recommendation regarding naming rights and signage along Kern River Parkway by the Native American Preservation Council (This item heard first) A request has been received from the Native American Heritage Preservation Council of Kern County to assign the names of Ohshuh, Xahly, and Cholich respectively to large Truxtun Lake, small Truxtun Lake and the creek connecting both lakes. The Preservation Council will provide bronze plaques with phonetic spelling and Native American definition. This request has been approved by the Citizens Community Services Advisory Committee and would follow the naming tradition started in1996 when the City Council approved three names with signage, including Yokuts Parks for the Native American tribes that once lived by the river. The Kern River Par-kway Committee plan provides opportunity for naming designations. The Committee discussed the fact that Truxtun Lake is the designated name on all maps. Over time, if the name of Lake Ohshuh catches on and receives recognition from the public, a decision · .could be considered to include it on maps. The Committee unanimously approved the request for the three name designations with signage and directed staff to forward the administrative.report and resolution to the full Council for approval. At staff's request, the procedure to consider future requests from the Native American Heritage Preservation Council for name designations and signage along the Kern River Parkway was discussed. The Committee unanimously recommended that for future requests, that the-Recreation and Parks Director have the Citizens Community Services Advisory Committee review the request prior to sta~s making a report to the Community Services Committee for review and recommendation to the City Council. The Committee directed staffto include this recommendation in the administrative report. AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Thursday, November 16, 2000 Page -3- 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m. Staff attending: City Manager Alan Tandy, Assistant City Manager Alan C.hristensen; Assistant City Attorney Bob Sherfy; Deputy City Attorney Ginny Gennero; Assistant to the City Manager Darnell Haynes; Recreation and Parks Director Stan Ford; Public Works Civil Engineer Ted Wright; and Public Works Design and Landscape.Designer Don Hoggatt. Others: Lynn Edwards, Director, Bakersfield Senior Center; June Walker-Price, Cosma Kolb and Dave Jones, members of the Native American Preservation Council. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council S:~AC\CSCommittee\cs00nov 16summary.wpd BAKERSFIELD SENIOR CENTER odlcr members of Ibis administrative staff, l have also had the OpliO~Unily m speak lo Comnlmlji)-'Services ad~solT commitJee. ~ly reason for speaking to iM:'. For. his staff and ll:e two co .............. ~ ..... make everyone aware of the needs of th. B~ker fi · ~ ,t,,,. ihe need~ of ~enior cifizeus throughout Bakemfieid, wiIh special emphasis on iow income ~niors. All of my di~cu:~xhms have recci~]cd positive fccd back. ' At thc City Councils' community sen,ice commillee meeting, the council members, led by Chairman Snllivan, were genuinely interested in finding a way lo assist the Bakersfield Senior Center. At the same meeting, City manager Alan Tandv inst~cted Allan Abbe to meet with mc to determine what our needs are, that mectin~ took place on Monday' October 16, at our site. Listed below ar, some of the requests I presented: I. An instructor for our Computer class, 3 da?'s ea. week~ 2 houm ea. day. 2. An iustructor for a Fitness class, for senior~3 days e~ week, 1 hom-s eli day. 3. An arrangement for City crews to take care of the mowing, trimming, etc. 4. Sprinkler SysZem sen'iced. q Pest Control service (ihside aod outside). 6. - Sen'ice on lhe Heating & Air Conditioning Units. 7. Electrical System sen-iced. 8. Olher mainlenance t3pe service. in ;.hti6m~, we wmfld like :~ cmnmi~mcnl nf :~ cash conzriimtion ~o help i};~5' m~r exzremely high millay hill~. 'l'hcx ha~ c ht't'zl :lvt'l':l~in~ ~ 1,700 m.nlhh l~z' Iht last ~cvcral months. · -. I am willin~A at anytime to alhJrc~s any L'O~cc or thc full council in rc~ards to .m' AUni~ W~y Agency ~ 530 FOU~ S~, BA~RS~D. CA 93~ ~ (~$) 3~-I I I~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Recreation &Par TO Community Services Council Committee FROM Stan Ford, Recreation and Parks Director ~' SUBJECT Native American Preservation Council Request DATE November 9, 2000 July of this year, representatives of Native American Heritage Preservation Council of Kern County (Preservation Council) requested an opportunity to designate three locations along Kern River Parkway with names of people or places directly related to Kern River. Preservation Council members cite Kern River Parkway Plan as providing, such as opportunity. IL)' ~ ~ ~''~ ~'J' Preservation Council's present request includes assigning names o~Ohshuh, Xahly, and Cholich to large Truxtun Lake, small Truxtun Lake and creek connecting both lakes respectively. Preservation Council will provide bronze plaques with phonetic spelling and Native American definition for their new requests as they did for their original dedications. In February of 1996, a similar request was heard by Citizen's Community Services Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee recommended City Council approve Preservation Council's request. At their March 6, 1996, meeting, City Council approved naming Yokuts Park, Yowlumne Park and Hoe-Y Running Course for picnic area west of Hwy 99, volleyball courts at Truxtun Avenue at Mohawk Drive, and cross country course respectively. After receiving Preservation Council's recent request, staff recommended Community Services Committee readdress request due to information from council meeting of March 1996, appeared to have limited that request to three identified names although Administrative Report recommended future naming requests be acted upon by Director of Community Services.. Staff recommends a resolution identifying Community Services Committee's direction be forwarded to Council in order to have a recorded document fol' future reference. Cc: Alan Christiansen Allen Abe Ginny Gennaro s:\Ops Folder~Native American~Area Dedications