HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/26/2001 BAKERSFIELD Jacquie Sullivan, Chair Sue Benham Irma Carson Staff: Alan Christensen COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Wednesday, September 26, 2001 1:30 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room - City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 201, Bakersfield, CA AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. ADOPT JULY 11, 2001 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. PRESENTATIONS 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Discu~ssion regarding a request from the Kern County Veterans Services for City assistance in locating and developing a Kern County Veterans Memorial Park 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT AC:jp S:~AC~2001 CSCommittee\cs01 sep26agen.wpd BAKERSFIELD DRAFT Alan Tandy, City Manager Sue Benham John W. Stinson, Assistant-City Manager Irma Carson AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMI'R'EE Wednesday, July 11,2001, 1:30 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL Call to Order at 1:40 p.m. Present: Councilmembers Jacquie Sullivan, Chair; and Sue Benham ' Absent: Councilmember Irma Carson " 2. ADOPT MAY 23, 2001 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted. (Committee member Carson absent) 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. PRESENTATIONS 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Staff report and Committee recommendation on use of facilities at International Square Park Jan Fulton gave an update on the progress of the Working Committee, which is comprised of Councilmember Benham; City staff; and representatives from the Association of Old Town Kern, Bakersfield Rescue Mission and Old Town Kern Pioneer Project Area Committee. The Working Committee developed the following short and long-term goals: Short-Term Goal. Develop the Square into a safe, clean and secure urban green space, promoting economic growth in the area. Long-Term Goal. Redevelop the Square area into some type of,alternate use. AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Wednesday, July 11, 2001 Page -2- The Working Committee made the following recommendations: 1. Keep International Square Park open. There are ample reasons to maintain and improve the Square because it offers the only public green space in the Baker Street area and can ultimately be a-part of the area's revitalization efforts. 2. Identify funding source and obtain bids for manufacture and installation of fencing as soon as possible. The bushes have been trimmed so the light from the streetlights is brighter. Wrought iron fencing is being recommended with access gates that can be closed every evening to allow for greater control of Square activities. The Iong,term goal is to .redevelop the square with an alternative use. 3. Coordinate with special user groups; enforce the Special Event permitting process in the near future when fencing is installed and the Rescue Mission project is completed. The permitting process is covered in the Municipal Code and used in other City parks. There are fees associated with the permits and there will be a "grace period" to educate the community and. user groups. 4. Keep appraised of Rescue Mission activities. To relOcate activities from the Square, the Bakersfield Rescue Mission has approved construction of a service pavilion and is currently working to develop its mission site located just one block eaSt of the Square along Sumner. 5. Step up code enforcement efforts of the single room occupancy (SRO) hotels. Economic Development Director Donna Kunz stated we are very close to achieving some additional funding for.improvements along the street and-the Square is a part of that. An answer on the funding should be received within the next six weeks. Jim Alford, Clinica Sierra Vista/Homeless Healthcare Collaborative, stated the work being done is very appreciated, but it is important to evaluate the consequences of the decisions being made, so the decisions reflect the best for all people in the area. Bill Underwood, Clinica Sierra Vista, spoke and said he was acting for the Homeless Collaborative, but not speaking officially as the COllaborative Steering Committee has not approved any resolutions regarding this issue, as they are still exploring and would .like to leave all options open for another month. Josh Rudnick, Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance, stated he is not prepared to make any public comments regarding International Square and that he appreciated Bill Underwood's comments regarding the Homeless Collaborative Committee. Committee member Benham explained that one of her priorities when taking office was to help resolve some of the long-standing issues on Baker Street. She expressed her appreciation for the interest of the Old Town Kern Association, the great work being done by the Homeless Center and the Bakersfield Rescue Mission and the good collaboration by everyone involved. The efforts being make on many fronts came together in the form of the Working Committee, which has had great staff support from Economic/CommUnity Development, Lt. Bivens from the Police Department, Ed Lazaroti from Recreation and Parks, and participation from the community. AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Wednesday, July 11, 2001 Page -3- Committee member Benham stated the recommendations are very sound and offer a lot of promise for progress on Baker Street. She agrees with the premise that the Square be preserved at the present time for urban green space and if'redevelopment efforts present the opportunity for some other use in the future, is open to that ~possibility. Committee member Benham made a motion that the Committee approve the Working Committee's recommendations as presented by staff and forward to the Council.-It was noted that all of the interested groups will have opportunity for further input when it reaches Council level. Committee Chair Sullivan stated appreciation for all the groups in attendance and their efforts to work together to balance the advantages and disadvantages to be able to use the Square in a positive way. She also expressed appreciation for all the work that has gone into the short and long-term plans and recommendations for the Square. Mary Ann Parker, Independent Living Center of Kern County, spoke regarding the recommendations being made and expressed concern if code enforcement issues are enforced at the SRO hotels and it results in people being relocated, especially the disabled and elderly who do not have the funds, everyone should be aware and will need to come up with answers on how to deal with .it at that time. Committee member Benham requested Economic/Community Development staff to get the names of the organizations and members of the public present at the meeting to make sure they are notified of any further reports coming out of the Committee and also notified when this item goes to Council. The Committee voted to approve the Working Committee's short and long-term goals and recommendations as presented by staff and recommended forwarding to the Council. (Committee member .Carson absent) The Committee directed staff to put this item on the agenda for the September 5, 2001 Council meeting. 6. COMMrR'EE COMMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m. Staff attending: Assistant City Manager Alan Christensen; City Attorney Bart Thiltgen; Economic Development Director Donna Kunz; George Gonzales Community Development Coordinator; Assistant Recreation and Parks DirectOr Allen Abe; .Police Lt. Bob Bivens; Economic Development Associate Jan Fulton, and Recreation and Parks Supervisor Ed Lazaroti Others attending: James Burger, Reporter, The Bakersfield.Californian; Tammi Brown, KUZZ; Mike Gregor, Channel 29 -TV; Walter Williams, Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance; Tim Alford, Clinica Sierra Vista/Homeless Collaborative; Bill Underwood, Clinica Sierra Vista/Homeless Collaborative; Daniel ' Gorman, Bakersfield Rescue Mission; Josh Rudnick, staff attorney from Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance; Mary Ann Parker, Independent Living Center; Louis B. Gill, Executive Director, Bakersfield Homeless Center; and Diana Campbell Rice, Associate Director, Bakersfield Homeless Center. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council S:~,C~001CSCommittee\cs01jull lsummanj.wpd PRIVATE August 16, 2001 Mr. Dale R. Wilson Kern County Veterans Memorial Park Committee Conceptual Architectural Services Proposal for: New Veteran's Memorial Park Master Planning Dear Mr. Wilson, Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you and Ms. Lorenz recently. Both Danny and I admire your patriotism and dedication to the memory of our veterans. Per your request, I have provided a general description of the scope of your project, as I understand it, and our firm's proposal. Project Scope My understanding of the scope of the Project is as outlined below. Please note this outline forms the basis for our proposal. Changes in the scope as outlined may have impacts our ability to help you. The Project consists of the planning, initial design c°ncepts and conceptual presentation drawings for use by your association of veteran's organizations to advance your vision of a Veterans memorial section of a major city or county park. Services Our services shall include meetings with you, your committee and representatives of local government agencies to verify program requirements and space needs. Also included is preparation of schematic site designs for review and comment by your organizations as well as preparation of schematic documents for review and comment by local government agencies having jurisdiction. Ordinary in-house printing and long distance telecommunication and travel within the Bakersfield area are included as a part of this proposal. Preparation of specific project plans, calculations, specifications, and Title 24 energy analysis are not included in our services. Your organizations shall obtain from the appropriate agencies and supply to us drawings documenting the existing boundaries and surface condition of the project site once it is determined. Application/Permit fees are not included as a part of this proposal. Zoning & CEQA documentation is not a part of this proposal. Compensation We propose to provide the services listed above at no charge on an hourly basis up to 75 hours. This is equivalent to a donation in excess of $5,000. We can assist you in finding specialty consultants if they become necessary, but we would expect you to solicit their donation. We believe that 75 hours should be adequate to accomplish your initial goals. If not, we will consider alternate arrangements that could include other volunteer architects. Again, we would expect you to solicit their donation. Thank you for your dedication to our country. I hope that our proposed contribution is of value to you. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, William J. Date J:\proposal\vets.doc 'local:pa ks DIGEST_ ' ' ' ' ans playg I tO-ge, heaP of c P1 includg: rounds, 'than~ t6~llot:m~ure--' commun stivalhcili .' :: 'LOS ANGELgS --k~al paAs got- -- · e largest single in,sion of cash in By DAVIN McHENRY California hi~gry when state officials ~K~ian st~ff~ unveiled all~a~ons ~totaling $338 mil* ~: ~vl~.~H.~' ,:.~ ~ :: :~: :., .~,~., ./~::' '..,:~:~'~: ~}: ~ ~'~ lion ~om a ballot measure approved last year. ~n's p~y~o~ ~d a new jects lh~t ~ receive a posen of ~e Th~day ~t. "~e~ ~ants wil~ provide new proj- co~ fesa~.f~ returned $3.6 n~ion ~d ~other e~s, new ~, and improv~ ~As in ~p p~ofia~ for offic~ ~ fl~e Kern jecm fl~ ~ have to compete for ~e hen project to b~d a co~m~ fe~ every ci~ and coun~ in.~e state," County Parks and Recreation smm~de g~ts. ~v~ go~ds mid ~p~eater at ~e Gev. Gray Da~s said. - Dep~ent ~ ~ey ~ed a p~ of Pro~sition 12,'~e $2.1 billion. PaA ~"~h~"~ay~L SO t~, tim conmtissionms have Metropoh~ Recre~ion Cenmr on - e~n~ked ~ost ~ of ~e $3.6 hal- Ches~r Avenue. Bond A~ of 2~, p~ovided $824.5. -~e ~ ou~e how ~e co~ hen ~ repl~:e eq~pment ~d f~fli- Close be~d m'e a $500,000 reha- million for I~al projects, including · .' p~ m ~end im ~ of a p~ of 6es at ~pro~mmly 40 cl~en~ b~m~on of Sffm'tfler P~k ~d rough- $~ million to ~ dis~but~ on a ~r · capita basis to cities and counties s~de bon~, ~o~si~o~ 12 ~d playgro~ds -- ~so c~ed ~t lorn ~ ly $2 n~hon ~, buy up 20 ~res ~ong · rou~out California..~at guaranteed 13, w~ch were ~pmv~ by vomm ~ ~oughout ~e cotmty. '~e new play- ' Kern River ne~ Kem~ae Ibr a new · at every coun~ would get some ~nd- ~ch 2~. ~ ~n~ ~e expect- grounds, which Will cost roughly .pm'k. lng, kern $150,~0 for tiny Alpine ~ ~ ~ $2.1 b~on for p~k ~d $~,~ e~h, have been long overdue ~le the compefi~ve hst is priori- ' Coun~ wi~ a ~la~on of 11,190, to war proje~ ~out ~e s~. ~d ~e needed ~ ~nost eve~ co~- ~ed b~ed on loc~ need.s, ~e e~t $36.5 million for Los ~geles Count, ~ ~y, ~e ~n~ ~ e~ec~d ~ ty p~k, ~cor~g m p~k officios. ~ million resident. .'] order m whch projecm ~ght be b~g ~o~ 'g~k~ ladl~ ~t axploffing ~ Co~ pmj~. yc~ old," ~d ~is~t ~'ec~r Bob Some projects may leapfrog off, em i~umn~-~r t~lnall/III "~t now it l~ ~e SAN ~NClSCO ~e state ~ be ~o~d $3.6 ~hon,' smd ~so h~cluded Department of Insurance and several ~be~ Ad~n, ~Wr of ~e p~ks Wt~ ~ $236,~ to &ve~ a po~ion of Bm~g for ~e $3.6 t~on ~ loc~ o~er government offices have filed ~d ~on deponent "~ pr~ ~e Kern ~ver ~ Hm ~e. proje~s ~ e~ected semele m ~e felony charges ~ainst a San Francisco jecm that ~en't covered by that ~flc the ~t lob ~d river ~ver- sprig, accort~g to p~k s~. insurance broker, money will have to be funded sion Charles "Chuck" Cole, 49, was ~o~ compe~five ~.' indited Friday for exoloiting ~e boom- flu~ rest of fl~e co~mW's prqiecB ~ wffi now be founded to fl~e co~ty lng ~nves~ent.ma~et in life insurance P~k ~d recm~on co~ion- have t~ compem for sm~ ~'m~[s. A ' Bo~d of Supe~sors for fu~her ~licies of ~e terminally i11, primarily em ~ve broken do~ ~ek favodte p~o~ed hst of ne~ly I~ projecB screwy ~d ~ approv~ l~r fids pmj~ ~ ~o ~: one for p~ w~ al)proved by ~e commission ye~. Kern could.2et'.nearly ' IVli~imumgrants 'o Kern'- County 'cities for parks $5 million parkfunds under proposed bond issue City pOpulation Funding 13,537 $220,00o By VIC POLLARD' .~ 0 1 "I think our council would be Bakersfield 254,368 $t ,536,737 Californian Sacramento Bureau absolutely delighted to get that," said California City 9,340 $220,000 e-mail: vpollardebakemfleM.com Les Crist, the part-time city manager of Delano 40,292 $243,420 SACRAMEN'I~ ' Kern County Kern's smallest city, Maricopa. and its cities wu .uld get at'least $4.9 mil-With a population of little more than Uaricopa 1,137 $220,000 lion for park improvements if voters 'l,100, Maricopanowhasjustonesmall McFarland 9,922 $220,000 apprOve a $2.6 billion bond issue park next to the town's only fire sta- Ridgecrest 25,538 $220 000 endorsed by the Legislature last week tion. Shafter 13,211 $220,000 The measure, slated .to appear on With the money, Crist said, "We Taft 8,904 $220,000 the March elecl~on ballot, earmarks would probably either expand that Tehachapi 11,433 $220,000 $832.5 million for local park projects, one, or build an additional park." Wasco .21,971 $220,000 with a minimum grant of $220,000 for The state's larger cities would get Source: Catifornia Sate Legislature every city, no matter how small. " Please tarn to PARKS / B3 THE C^U~Oa,~^~ Bond measure slated to appear on ballot in March Continued from B! no, were Lnstmmental in persuading ferent park projects. more money under the urban parks legislative'leaders to increase fimding The bond measure also provides funding category, for small towns and rural areas, hundreds of millions of dollars for Bakersfield would be entitled to "I'm happy;',' Florez said after the other resources prOgrams, such as $1,536,737, while Delano would get' measure' passed. "It's a good deal." state parks, historical and cultural $243,420. Cities and counties would get addi- resources, beaches, and air and water Under the same category~ each tionalmoneyunderotherfundingcate- quality programs. county would get a minimum alloca- gories included in the proposed bond It also funds land acquisitions to (ion of $1.2 million for parks. A county- measure, prOtect coastal properties and a num- by-co'~unty list that would show One would divide $372.5 million bar of river parkways, including $25 wheti~er Kern is entitled to more was among cities and counties based on .million for the San Joaquin Riverpark- not immediately available. ' their populations, way in Fresno. In negotiations on the measure, Another would provide several hun- It also provides $75 million to help Central Valley lawmakers, including dred million dollars in funding for a fimd acquisition of agricultural land Assemblyman Dean Florez, D-Shelter, variety of existing prograt~ that offer threatened by development~ and Sen. Charles Poochigian, R-Fres- competitive grants for anumber of dif- · REQUESTS FOR ASSISTANCE SHALL BE DELIVERED TO THE FOLLOWING: City Manager Allan Tandy 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield CA 93301 (661) 326-3751 The Honorable Harvey L. Hall Mayor 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield CA 93301 (661) 326-3767 Councilmember Irma Carson 1 1501 Truxtun-Ave. Bakersfield CA 93301 (661) 324-4756 Councilmember Sue Benham 2 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield CA 93301 (661) 325-8273 Councilmember Mike Haggard 3 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield CA 93301 (66!) 872-4729 Councilmember David Couch 4 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield CA 93301 (661) 663-4620 Councilmember HarOld Hausen 5 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield CA 93301 (661) 397-7447 Councilmembr Jacqule Sullivan 6 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield CA 93301 (661) 834-4943 Councilmember Mark Salvaggio 7 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 834-6667 Supervisor Jon McQuiston, Dist.1 1115 Truxtun Ave. Room 501 Bakersfield CA 93301 (661) 868-3650 Supervisor Steve~Perez, Dist. 2 1115 Truxtun Ave. Room 502 Bakersfield CA 93301 (661) 868-3660 Supervisor Barbara Patrick, Dist.3 1115 Truxtun Ave. Room 503 Bakersfield CA 93301 (661) 868-3670 Supervisor Ken Peterson, Dist.4 1115 Truxtun Ave. Room 504 Bakersfield CA 93301 (661) 868-3680 Supervisor Pete Parra, District 5 1115 Truxtun Ave. Room 505 Bakersfield CA 93301 '(661) 868-3690 Mr. Scott Jones County Administration Offices 1115 Truxton Avenue Bakersfield CA 93301 Roy AshbUrn, Assemblyman 1115 Truxtun Ave. Suite 120 Bakersfield CA 93301 (~61) 395-2995 Dean Florez, Assemblyman 1800 30th St. Suite 330 Bakersfield CA 93301 (661) 334-3745 Phil.Wyman, Assemblyman 104 S. Robinsoon Street Tehachapi, CA 93561 (661) 823-9260 Senator Jim Costa 901 Tower Way Suite 202 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 323-0442 Senator Pete Knight 128 E. California A~enue Ste. A Ridgecrest, CA 93556 (760) 371-1640 Senator Charles Poochigian 841 Mohawk St. Suite 190 Bakersfield, CA 93556 (661) 324-6188 Bill Thomas, U.S. Representative 4t00 Truxtun Ave. Suite 220 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 327-3611 Cai Dooley, U.S. Representative 1060 Fulton Mall Suite 1015 Fresno, CA 93721 (800) 464-4294 Mr. Robert Addison, Director Kern County Parks & Recreation Dpt. 1110 Golden State Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 868-7000 Mr. Stanley Ford, Director Bakersfield Recreation & Parks 4101 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 326-3117 Mr. Charles Bikakis, Director Kern County Veterans Svc.Dept tt20 Golden State Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 868-7300 City Manager, Thomas Payne P.O. Box 548 200 Campus Dr. Arvin, CA 93203 (661) 854-3134 The Honorable Juan Olavarous, Mayor 200 Campus Drive Arvin, CA 93203 (661) 546-7010 City Manager Jack Stewart 21000 Hacienda Blvd. California City, CA (760) 373-8670 The Honorable Larry Adams, Mayor 21000 Hacienda Blvd. California City, CA (760) 373-8661 Parks & Recreation Dept. Director 21000 Hacienda Blvd. California City, CA (760) 373-3530 City Manager, Adela Gonzales 1015 11th Ave P.O. Box 989 Delano, CA 93216 (661) 721-3303 The Honorable Art Armendariz, Mayor 1015 11th Ave P.O. Box 989 Delano, CA 93216 (661) 721-3303 Parks & RecreatiOn Dept, Director 925 Ellington Street Delano, CA 93215 (661) 721-3303 Town CoUncil, Ken Kearby P.O. Box 178 Frazier Park, CA 93238 (661) 245-4702 Chamber of Commerce President Kellee Van Rensselar P.O. Box 397 Kernville, CA 93238 (760) 376-2629 Chamber of Commerce President Steve Spradin P.O. Box 567 Lake Isabella, Ca 93240 (760) 379-5236 (continued) Chamber of Commerce Gene Witham P.O. BOx 593 .-Lamont, CA 93241 . (661) 845-1219 Bear Mt. Rqcreatlon & Parks ·District Manager, Tim Ruiz'; P~O.*~Box 658 _~ --. ~. Lamdnt,'CA _9324.1 .~ ~. (661) 845-0757' City Administr~tor;' Les Crist - - - "- ::..-.' P~O. Bdx'548 '. -- MaHC°pa,-CA 93252' :(661)-769-82~9 TheHonora~ble Aileen Throop, .:Mayor :.. P.O: BOX 548. . Maricopa~'CA 93252 ~ (661)769-8279 City Admin!strator, Gary Johnson - P.O; Box 1448 ._': McFarland~ CA 93250' (661).792-3091 The Honorable Ruben Garza, Mayor P.O. Box 1448 - * .. MCFarland, CA-93250 (661) 792-3091 'Mojave:Town Council President, Bill Deaver P.O, Box 999 :- '~' Mojave,.'CA 9355502.. (661) 824-84iT -The Honor!ble Donna Darnell, Mayor 100 West California Ridgecrest, CA 93555 ' (760) 371-3700 Ridgecrest!Parks & Recreation Director - --.. -. 10oWest California Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (760) 371-3741:` RosemondlTown COuncil '- President, Dee Ewins P.O. Box 626 Rosemond, CA-93560 (661) 256-0862 City Manager, Jason Caudle _ 115 South Robinson Street Tehachapi, cA 93561 (661) 822-2200 The Honorable Philip Smith, ' Mayor 115 SoUth Robinson Street Tehachapi, CA 93561 (66i) 822-2200 TehachaPi Valley Recreation & * Parks Dist. Mike Keley, Mgr. · P.O. Box 373 Tehachapi, CA 93561 (661) 822-3228 City Manager, Larry Penneli P.O. Box 190 Wasco, CA. 93280 (661)7558-7200 The Honorable Chery Lee Wegman Mayor ' P.O. Box 190 . Wasco, CA 93280 (661)7558-7200 Wasco Recreation & Parks Dept. .1280 Poplar Avenue Wasco, CA 93280 (661) 758-3081 After Our Supporting Materials & Requests Have Been Sent,.The Following. Members of the Media will Also Be Notified: TELEVISION Mr. Don Clark KBAK Channel 29 (CBS) 1901 Westwind Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 325-6397 KGET Channel 17 (NBC) 2120 L Street Bakersfield, CA (661) 285-1700 KERO Channel 23 (ABC) 321 21st Street Bakersfield, CA (661) 637-2323 KUVl Channel 45 (UPN) 3223 Sellect Avenue Bakersfield, CA (661) 328-7545 NEWSPAPERS The Bakerfield Californian P.O. Box Bin 440 Bakersfield, CA 93302 (661) 395-7500 Ridgecrest Daily Independent P.O. Box 7 Ridgecrest, CA 93556 (760) 375-4481 Taft Dally Midway Driller 800 Center Street Taft, CA. 93268 (661) 763-3171 Bakersfield Business Journal 1612 19th Street Suite 121 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 871-8491 Bakersfield Magazine 4545 Stockdale Hwy. Suite D Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 832-8922 Bakersfield News Observer 1219 20th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-9466 Delano Record 1231 Jefferson Street Delano, CA 93215 (661) 725-0600 El Mexicalo 931 Niles Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661) 323-9334 El Popular 212 Goodman Street Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 325-7725 · The Farm News 801 S. Mt, Vernon Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307. (661) 397-9635 The Fence Post 22242 Walser Rd..: Caliente, CA 93518 (661) 867-2906 ~ .. (continued) The News Review of Ridgcrest P.O. BOx 640 - '* Ridgecrest, CA 93556 (760) 37-1'4301 Kern Coun~'Family Magazine' 820OStockdale'Hwy~ ~M10~207 BakerSfield CA 93311 ~(66-1-) 861'4939 Kern Valle~Sun P.O: Box 3074 .~ Lake'lsabella, Ca ' (760) 379-3667 Lamont RePorter/Arvin Tiller P.O. Box 548 .Lamont, CA 93241 (661) 845-3704. Mojave Doser News 8046 California City Blvd. California City,CA 93505(800) 541-4460 The Mountain Enterprise/ Pine Mountain Pioneer ~ P.O.'Box 610 Frazler Park, CA 93225 (661) 245-3794 ~ (661) 245-0105 The Rosemond News ' P.O. Box 848 Rosemond, CA 93560 (661) 256-0149 The Shafter Press 107 E. Lerdo Hwy. Shafter, CA 93263 (661) 399-5925 (661) 746-4942 The Tehachapi News P.O. Box 18440 Tehachapi, CA 93581 411 Mill Street Tehachapi, Ca 93561 (661) 822-6828 Tri CountYWomen NeWspaper 1200 L. Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 634-3063 Wasco Tribune 440 E. Street Wasco, CA 93280 (661) 758-3063 RADIO STATIONS KUZZ 55 3223 Sellect Avenue Bakersfield, CA (661)326- 1011 KQAB t140 14 Sierra Drive Kernville, CA (760) 379-5636 KHIS 800 t100 Mohawk Drive Suite 280 Bakersfield, CA (661) 322-9929 KAFV 1100 1706 Chester Avenue Suite 311 Bakersfield, CA (661) 323-5239 KCHI 1010 & KWAC 1490 5200 Standard Street Bakemfield, CA (661) 327-9711 KMAO 1050 2001 19th Street Bakemfield, CA (661) 325-5805 KERI t180 110 S. Monclair Street Suite 205 Bakersfield, CA (661) 832-3100 KLOA 1240 731 N. Balsom Street Ridgecrest, CA (760) 371-1700 KAVC 1340 190 Sierra Court Suite B3 Palmdale, Ca (661) 274 1031 KBID 1350, KERN 1410, KGEO 1230 1400 Easton Drive Suite 144 Bakersfield, CA (661) 328-1410 KNZR 1560 3651 Pegasus Drive Suite 107 Oildale, CA (661) 393-1900 ! Veteran's Park Committee Roster - Veter~ans Organization Park Committee Members Alternate Committee # of Members Organization Commander Organization'Mailing Address _ Represented - - Members Ir~-Org. - * Or President ' ' _ · Represented 1. VFW ' Don Kurtz. 30 Members. Jesse Alvidrez 131 First Street Buttonwillow 5600 Greenhorn Mt. Ct. P.O. Box 185 'Butt0nwilloW; CA 93206 Post 9282 Bakersfield, CA 93313 i Buttonwillow, CA 93206 (66 l) 663-8993 (66 !) 764-5656 2. VFW Wylie Floyd Cheat 445 Members Ruel Greenlea 5350'S. Union Ave.. Richard',H. Woodward 5820 Sparks Street 8665 Hudson PI. Bakersfield, CA 93307 Post 97' Bakersfield, CA 93307 Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 834-3656 Bakersfield 833-6432 (661) 832-16§7 3. VFW Bob Otto George Ashcroft 163 Members Margie Greene 2001 Ridge Rd. Foothill Post 7216 6017 Shandon Lane 617 Eureka Street 2529 Paseant Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Bakersfield Bakersfield, CA 933 Bakersfield, CA 93305 Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 871-4826 (661) 32%444? (661) 366-5808 Ken Raymond 1301 Taft Hwy. #33 Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661)) 834-3812q 4. VFW Merle Rothwell Jeryl Matthews 210 Members Bill Hewett P.O. Box 44564 Harold Brown 9409 Greenacre Drive Huntsman Oak Court 1313 Dorian Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93304 Post 1468. Bakersfield, CA 93312 Bakersfield, CA 933 i I Bakersfield, CA 93304 Bakersfield (661) 589-9183 ' (661 ) 664-5755 (661) 831-0279 Daniel Rivera 3801 Ashe Rd., Apt. 28 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 835-1395 5. VFW Howard Kemp Walter Stewart 107 Members Gordon L. Bailey 3900 Eden Street Rosdale Post 10859 3900 Eden Street 1323 "L" Street 6613 Hammond Way Bakersfield, CA 93312 Bakersfield, CA Bakersfield, CA 93312 Bakersfield, CA 93312 Bakersfield, CA 93307 (66 l) 589-4084 (66 l) 323-1221 (66 l) 398-0695 6. VFW Frank Cooper 31 Members Frank Cooper 999 E. California Ave. Kern Post 3741 1713 E. Planz 1713 E. Planz Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93307 Bakersfield, CA 93307 Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 398-3086 (661) 398-3086 (661) 398-3086 7. VFW Ronald Preston 107 Members Ronald Preston 400 Norris Road Oildale Post 6601 5817 Lenz Court 5817 Lenz Court Oildale, CA 93308 Oildale Bakersfield, CA 93307 Bakersfield, CA 93307 (66 I) 835-0294 (661) 835-0294 9/25/2001 . Veteran,s Park Committee Roster "Or President - - · Represented~ '8. VFW i _ Grady L. GibSon` Grady.L. Gibson Community Building - Lamont P~ost 8398' 10217 Waco Ave. ' ' 10217 Waco Ave. 10400. San Diego- LamOnt, CA93241 ' .- - - Lamont, CA_93241 -Lamont, CA-93241 - (661) 845-0855 . : (6-61)845-0855 9. AmericaniLegion 'Eric L. Kurtz ' : Bon Kurtz 31 Members Donald G. Kurtz Senior Citizen Hall Buttonwillow Post 674 5600 Greenhorn Mt. Ct. 5600 Greenhorn Mt. Ct. 5600 Greenhorn Mt. Ct. 129 First Street Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Buttonwillow, CA 93206 (661) 663-8993 (661) 663-8993 (661 ) 663-8993 10. Amedcani Legion 11o S. Scatena Bobby O. Mahaffey 1033+ Members Charles M. Moore 2020 "H" St. Bakersfield Post 26 1727 Glenwood Drive 6220 Managua Drive 10600 Enger Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA 93312 (661) 324-9453 (661) 663-8993 (661) 834-8191 11. Amedcan~ Legion Mark Marquez Elifax Martinez 500Members Darrel Reding 130 Goodmon St. East Bakersfield 724 Rancho Mirage 2701 Parkfield Ct. 1977] Highlin¢ Road Bakersfield, CA 93305-2902 Post 682 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Tehachapi, CA 93561 (661) 327-3698 (661) 366.-4736 (661) 327-3698 (661) 822-4253 12. Vietnam Veterans of Vernon Valenzuela Manuel Martinez 180 Members Vernon P. Valenzuela 4001 Union Ave., Ste. 1 Amedca 4001 Union Ave., Ste. 2 Charlie DeSimone M.F.C.C. Bakersfield, CA 93305 Chapter 536 Bakersfield, CA (661) 399-5929 (661) 325-4127 (661) 325-4177 Stuart AnAnlf 13. Korean War Veterans Neal Vance Gene Swanson 45 Members Jeral Matthews (Pres) P.O. Box 10133 Association 4216 Kingman Lane 903 Alandale Ave. 9412 Huntsman Oak Ct. Bakersfield, CA 93389 Chades N. Bikakis Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Bakersfield, CA 93311 Chapter Bakersfield (661) 637-0434 (661) 399-3225 (661) 664-8755 John Bausano 512 Plato Ct. Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 323-3617 14. Disabled Amedcan Veterans Fred Powers J. Ronald Vogel 968 Members RObert Valenzuela P.O. Box 6175 Bakersfield Chap. 20 2112 Lynwood Avenue 6000 Niles Street Adjunt Treasurer Bakersfield, CA 93386-6175 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Bakersfield, CA 93306 2543 Center Street (661) 325-6441 (661) 868-7300 (661) 366-8754 Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 325-6441 15. Staff Sgt. Larry S. Pierce Fred Phillips Hal Williams 395 Members Glen E. Baldwin P.O. Box 2572 Memorial Day Chapter 157 10709 Galway Bay Dr. 512 Birkdale Bakersfield, CA 93306 Bakersfield, CA Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 663-8662 ...... -' '- . . _.- ~ : : ... . - :..': . -:: . _.' ,' ~ -: - . ...~:._, : ;. :' _ --.~ ....: _ '- "' 'Veteran-'~s Park'Committee RoSter - ' · _~ -- .- 16. Bakersfield-Chapter Retired Rene Villarreal Ed Ochoa .__ 180 Members 'Ed Ochoa ' P:.O/Box 1617 ' ' .' : Officers Association 5806 Rexroth Ave. 3005 Leonard Street '- 3005 Leonard. Street : _ Bakersfield, CA '93302 '--'! Bakersfield, CA 93306 Bakersfield, CA. 93304 Bakersfield, CA_ 93304 '- :. '-' ' . (66~1) 325-8626 Ext..116 (661) 397-9255 (661) 397-9255 -. .- : John Bausano ~ : 5t2 Plato Court · Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 323-3617 17. Ex Prisoner of War Kern Isaac Ornelas 26 Members Isaac Omelas 1324 Falcon AVenue County ~ 1324 Falcon Ave. 1324 Falcon Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93304 Bakersfield, CA 93304 Bakersfield, CA 93304 (661) 836-6630 (661) 836-1630 (661) 836-1630 18. Military Orders of the Purple E. Leon Thomas Paul Boles 56 Members Robert Moss 4200 Deacon Ave. Heart Chap. 604 4200 Deacon Avenue 4201 Flint Ridge Drive 4200 Deacon Avenue Bakersfield, CA 9330? Bakersfield, CA 93307 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 366-8918 (661) 366-8918 (661 ) 366-89'18 .19. 82"~ Airboume Assoc aton Jack Johnson Jack Nesbitt 54 Members Jack L. Johnson P.O. Box 6125 San Joaquin V alley Chapter 6909 Iberia Court 6108 Weagemont Drive 6909 lberia Court Bakersfield, CA 93386-6175 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 345-6441 (661) 837-1653 (66'1) 836-1225 (661) 837-1653 20. Airforce Association Nick Robolino Fred B. Phillips 130 Members George Morse, Pres. Same as President 416 Birkdale Way 10709 Galway Bay Bakersfield, CA 93309 Drive (661)835-0539 Bakersfield, CA 93311 (661) 663-8662 21. Military Order Of Lost Ken Raymond 16 Members Kenneth D. Raymond Ken Raymond Conds Hut 14 1301 Taft Hwy. #33 1301 Taft Hwy. #33 1301 Taft Hwy. #33 Bakersfield, CA 93307 Bakersfield, CA 93307 Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 834-2812 (661) 834-2812 (661) 834-2812 22. Navy League of the United Cai C. Emerson 157 Members Cathy Hansen Navy League of the United States States Bakersfield Council 4600 Knoll Drive P.O. Box 169 Bakersfield Council #80 980 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Mojave, CA 93502-0169 4600 Knoll Drive (661) 399-4126 (661) 824-2889 Bakersfield, CA 93308-1214 (66 l) 399-4126' ' 9/25/2001 · . ; : i ' ' '~ '~ ' ' : '" "" :-~ - "-" ': ........ '~' '- ' ' "' ':'~' ' ':' : ' ~":". ' ' ':' . - ---'~' ~ " :' ;' -"~ :-:-"' ' "- " :!---::!! ;::- _.~:-:'-': t :?;' ': '"" '~' : ""-;.' --~ -: · :- ' ~:~', -- "" Veteran's Park Committee Roster ' [ - · " : Rep:resented- ' ~ - ' '- - ' ~ -. - 23._ Fleet. Reserve.. . Assoc. #26 ' Paul Brady, Ritchie Maurell 47 .Members. PaulBrh'dy~ . Fleet Reserve Ass.; ~ . ~- '.' 'I . - -6601 E'ucalyp~s ~70 5709 Panorama Drive 6601. EucalyPtus #70 .. 5709'Panorama Drive- .. ~ 'I - .- . . Bakersfield; CA 93306 Bakersfield, CA 93306 " .Bake_rsfield, CA 93306 Bakersfield., CA 93306- ~ (661).366-5388. (661) 872:1987 (661) 366:53'88' -(661) 872.1-987 "' .- -- caIC. Emerson 4600 Knoll DHve · Bakersfield, CA 93308 (661) 399-4126 Stanley Harris 313 E. Belle Terrace Ay. Bakersfield, CA 93307 (66 l) 323-7442 24. Golden Empire Detachment Eric L. Kurtz Iio J. Scatena 49.Members Charles W. Alberti 1727 Glenwood Drive #714 5600 Greenhorn Mt. Ct. 1727 Glenwood Drive 3113 Fortune Street Bakersfield, CA 93306 Marine Corp. League Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield,' CA 93306 - Bakersfield, CA 93313. (66!) 871-0495 (661) 663-8993 (661) 871-0495 (661 ) 833-6686 25. Naval Enlisted Reserve Harold Yule Gary Jones 48 Members Don Fipps 1600 19'~ Street Assoc. 1600 19t~ Street 8536 Kern-Canyon Rd 2037 Princeton Street Bakersfield, CA 93301-4311 Bakersfield, CA 93301- #221 Delano, CA 93214 4311 Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 328-0705 26. VFW Larry H. Allen Gera!d McNutt ' 57 Members James Cartwright P.O. Box 385 Post 8809 349 Laurel Ave. 4600 Lookout Mt. Ct. 465 North Hill Street Arvin, CA 93203 Arvin Arvin, CA 93203-1926 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Arvin, CA 93203 (661) 854-7142 (661) 832-2092 (661) 854-2961 Amos M. Boatwright 341 Plumtree Dr. Arvin, CA 93203 (66 l) 854-4304 27. VFW Jim Piper Dave Ki 450 Members Dennis Boudreaux P.O. Box 744 Post 7665 P.O. Box 2166 4204 Lakeland P.O. Box 744 Lake Isabella, CA 93240 Lake Isabella Lake Isabella, CA 93240 Lake Isabella, CA 93240 Lake Isabella, CA 93240 (760) 379-3877 (760) 379-3597 (760) 379-4205 (760) 379-3905 Remic Seliven David Lingenfelter 151 Members Joe Viray Jr. Merle Reed Post 124 28. American Legion P.O.Box 1862 2220 Poplar Lon Cheney Commander The American Legion Post 124 Delano, CA 93216 Delano,CA 93215 1642 16th pl. Lonchaney Adj 729 Kensington Street Delano (661) 725- 8750 (661) 721-15885 Delano 725-6670 725-6670. Delano, CA 93214 (661)721-29i8 : 9/25/2001 - :[ ..... - . _. .._ : ' Veteran's Park Committee Roster Veterans Organization. epresented Park C°mmittee MembersI Alternate CommitteeMembers # of Membersln Org. Organizati°n C°mmander I,'Or President Organization Mailing Address r - ' Represented' 29. Sons of the American Don Buck Andy Wahrenbrock 30 Members Trenton Spears Sons of the American ' Revolution (SAR) 3236 Monterey Street . 1625 Crestmount 6007 Olive Drive Revolution, Chop #38 Kern.Chbp. #38 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Bakersfield, CA 93308 6001 Olive Drive (661) 366-7369 (661) -4440 (661) 391-9196 Bakersfield, CA 93308 (661) 391-9196 30. VFW Post 9375 G.O. "Stoney" Faubus Don Cook 200 Members Roy Salasavage VFW Post 9375 California City 21041 Nevralia Road 8660 Ironwood 21513 Everett Drive 21016 Nevralia Road California City, CA California. City, CA California City, CA California City, CA 93505 93505 93505 93505 (760) 373-4505 (760) 373-8042 (760) 373-2705 (760) 373-4358 Bob Stohl 7435 'Poppy Blvd. California City, CA 93505 (760) 373-4402 31. VFW Post 5948 Jerry Sanler Ed Bennett 180 Members James Elliott Tehachapi Mountain Post 5945 Tehachapi, CA 22820 Cloves Spring PI. 17981 Tanforan Drive 225 W. Tehachapi Blvd. 221 W. Tehachapi Blvd. Tehachapi, CA 93561 Tehachapi, CA 93561 Tehachapi, CA 93561 Tehachapi, CA 93561 822-8319 822-8189 822-7111 822-7500 32. VFW Post 9791 David Baumgardner 157 Members David Baumgardner VFW Post 9791 Frazier Park 5001 Hunter Ave. Apt. 7 5001 Hunter Ave. Apt. 7 P.O. Box 547 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Frazier Park, CA 93225-0547 (661) 831-8266 (661) 831-8266 33. American Legion Post 476 Dewey Ivey 325 Members Tom Flaherty American Legion Post 476 California dry 8108 Bay Avenue 8108 Bay Avenue 8108 Bay Avenue California City, CA California City, CA California City, CA 93505 93505 93505 (760) 373-8334 (760) 373-2825 (760) 373-8334 34. Fleet Reserve Assoc. Dick Nickles Dan Murphy 145 members Dick Nickles Fleet Reserve Assoc. China Lake Branch 95 608 S, Nevada St. 608 S. Nevada St, China Lake Branch 95 Ridgecrest Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Bakersfield, CA Ridgecreest CA 93555 P.O. Box 1621 (760) 375-2301 (66 l) 835- l 171 Ridgecrest, CA 93556 (760) 375-2301 35. 4018 Kern Voiture 93 Richard Smith Michael Cruz 32 members 4018 Kern Voiture 93 2817 Occidental 2817 Occidental 1820 Alta Vista Drive 28 ! 7 Occidental Bakersfield, CA 93305 Bakersfield, CA 93305 Bakersfield, CA 93305 Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661) 871-5698 (661) 859-1358 (661) 8714698 Ron Vogel ' 912512001. ..' - Veteran'sPark co'mmittee s er.- 36. VFW Post 631-3 Gentry' Ford . 68 members Genti-y Ford vFw, Post 6313 Boron, CA -. -P.O.-Box 76 Boron, CA i (760) 762-6313 37 ' Ameri_cah-Legi°n Post 490. Bobby MeClain Robert Beeehly : 175 members Art Lombard P.O. Box 814 Rosamo~nd, CA P.O. Box 1683 P.O. Box 155 3360 Rosbery Rosamond, CA' 93560 Rosamond, CA 93560 Rosamond, CA 93560 Rosamond, CA (661) 256-9306 (661) 256-7636 (661) 256-2191 (661) 256-2499 Charles Hicks 2541 Diamond Apt. 2 Rosamond, CA 93560 (66 l) 256-6755 38. American Legion Taft _- _ '~ M. Doyle Pete Geanopolos 3§ Glen Black American Legion Post 70 Post 701 109 DSt. 910 2na Street 507 Holland St. P.O. Box 23 - Taft,-CA 93268 Taft, CA Taft, CA 93268 Taft, CA 93268-023 (661) 765-2281 (661) 765-5384 (661) 765-4521 39 VFW Post 9._657 Harold O'Brien Hugh Rue 174 Members Tracy Norton VFW Post 9657 21313 Heather-PI 3436 Haven 10450 Silver P.O. Box 7 California City, 93505 Rosamond CA 93560 Mojave, CA 93501 Rosamond CA 93560 (760) 373-4955 (661) 256-9476 (661) 256-306 l 40 VFW post 6742 Roger Meyer Jerry lmoe 78 Members Humberto Marquez VFW Post 6742 1529 Sycamore Dr. P.O. Box 1122 2424 Jasmine St. 603 F. St Wasco, CA 93280 Wasco, CA 932880 Wasco, CA 932280 Wasco, CA (661) 758-6813 838-2204 (661) 758 04334 Billy Ellis 2418 Sunset St. Wasco, CA 93280 (661) 758-2688 41 Afl_ erican Legion Fellows Fordon A. Karrerr Gordon A Karreer American Legion Fellows Post 63 207 Warren 207 Warren Post 63 Taft, CA 93268 Taft, CA 93268 618 Center Street (661) 765-7054 (661) 765-7054 Taft, CA 93268 (661) 203-6652 - 9/25/2001 BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM October 3, 2001 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JOHN W. STINSO~ A~'SISTANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: HANDOUTS AT THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE MEETING At the September 26th Community Services Committee meeting, Dale Wilson, Chairman of the Kern County Veterans Memorial Park Committee provided copies of letters of support to establish a Veterans Memorial Park from 42 Kern County Veterans organizations. As the letters would be bulky to copy, they are available in the City Manager's Office. JWS:jp cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager P:~nemo-handouts-cs.wpd BAKERSFIELD dacquie Sullivan, Chair Sue Benham Irma Carson Staff: Alan Christensen COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMI'R'EE of the City Council- City of Bakersfield Wednesday, September 26, 2001 1:30 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room - City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 201, Bakersfield, CA AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. ADOPT JULY 11, 2001 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. PRESENTATIONS 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion regarding a request from the Kern County Veterans Services for City assistance in locating and developing a Kern County Veterans Memorial Park 6. COMMI'R'EE COMMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT AC:jp S:~AC~001 CSCommittee\cs01 sep26agen,wpd BAKERS'FIELD CtTY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM September 18, 2001 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager ~ SUB.1ECT: Proposed Kern Veterans Memorial Park. The Kern County Veterans have asked for the City's support in planning, and development of a veteran's park in Bakersfield. In my discussions with their Chairman, Mr. Dale Wilson, his organization has the support of 50 veterans groups around Kern county that support the veteran's park concept. At this point, the Kern County Veterans have formed a Memorial Park Committee and are soliciting financial and other support from their members, other veterans and their families. Mr. Dale Wilson will be available at the Community Services Committee to makes statements and respond to questions from committee.members. Attached is a copy of the letter sent to the City outlining their request. -~..... '.ii~.:~,:::~: Memorial Park Committee -- (est we forget- - August 7, 2001 sue Benham - 2 '~:::~!~.1501 Truxtun Bakersfield Ca 93301 A proposed memorial park for :..~?~.~' ~ Kern County veterans Dear 'C0uncilmember Benham, The Kern County Veterans Memorial Committee requests your support and ~assistance in locating, planning and development of a Kern County Veterans Memorial preferably in the vicinity of Metropolitan Bakersfield. Initially the Korean War Veterans Association endeavored to plan and develop a ~ memorial to our fallen comrades. This has now grown to be a general effort by a coalition approximately fifty (50) reco~tmi?ed veteran organi?ations that are currently active Kern County. It is our purpose to locate, plan and develop a memorial park ~'arious' facilities in recognition of all Kern County veterans, both living and dead, answered "The Call To Duty" in the defense of their country. Most veterans are proud of the military traditions and their service to our country. We believe it is that the general public in Kern County be made aware of the sacrifices made by many of their fellow citizens. We veterans believe that this can l~est' be accomplished by a memorial park dedicated to all veterans who served honorably in all branches of the military In our initial efforts to locate other memorials that have been dedicated to Korean War Veterans, we traveled to many other communities both here in the valley and on the coast. We found that'many communities had memorial parks of various sizes dedicated ..... :to their local veterans from all branch ' ".::-::.~~:it~!~.%( es of semce. Although there are several separate: '-'-:~;{:~5~'~' monuments dedmated to the fallen comrades, we noted that there was no vark area' }~~~??!?dedicated to veterans from all branches of the military either in Bakersfield or in the :: ...'County as a Whole Thus was bom the idea that we veterans of Kern Coun should ' expand our efforts to plan and locate an appropriate park area where we can honor all' Kern County veterans, including our fallen comrades from all the wars. Kern C0~nt~ ye. te~ ~'1120 Golden State Ave. ,Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Kelly Chairman:.~:~n (661) 832-,SS32 ' ' Viee Chairman: Michel Sabol (661) 8.31-64S8 .... : .w..:,:.~,~:%%~,.q:..~,_~.L'~=;~-:~i-~,~;i~'~r~'.?~:~:%7::..... c.~, i. .., ..% .... ;..; :-:.- ... :~!i~'.,~~'?'72~:.:.. ', .'-, :~'~,..'.~::'~.~:~=.:~.:i:,,:,.~ -:': c~'..:',~.~,:: ..." . .... ." : , '. ~ .... · :......v'!.'..?~,;'.'~X,,,y.. ~....... The Korean War Veterans Association acting as the lead, our committee started contacting other veteran organizations and was quite surprised at the degree of total support we received. A Task Force Committee for the memorial park was organized and each veteran's organization voted to support the park concept and assigned a member to this committee. The Post Commanders and/or Presidents took votes of their membership and received, we are told, almost one hundred percent (100%) support. We then received letters of support, signed by the Post Commanders or Presidents. As of today we have received letters of support from thirty three organizations with a membership of approximately 6,600 veterans. (please see attached Committee Roster). We expect to receive support from all fifty (50) veterans organizations by the end of September. During the summer many veteran organizations are dark and don't meet until September. We have talked with most of these Commanders, who have expressed total support and will send letters of support once they reconvene. Another delay has occurred because most veteran organi?ations have a change in offices during the months of July and August. Some have expressed a desire to wait until the new officers are seated and take over the operation of their organizations. We estimate that by the end of September we will have 100% of all Veteran organizations in Kern County supporting our park endeavors. Our committee will then be represented by approximately ten thousand (10,000+) Kern County veterans. As far as we can tell, this is a "first" in the nation for 50 or more veteran organizations located in one county to form a coalition in an effort to build a memorial park. We, in the committee, are proud of this accomplishment, and believe we are ready to proceed with the planning and development of our proposed memorial park. We, the task force committee, believe that any park must be well planned, with appropriate structures and facilities to accommodate various kinds of events. Some have suggested a military museum in which we can exhibit the uniforms, equipment, arms, and memorabilia from the wars our veterans have fought. Others believe that we should have an amphitheatre that can seat 800 to 1,000 people for various kinds of events. Tournament type horseshoe facilities would be a possibility. Many other ideas will be developed as the planning phase gets under way. But most important is that many of these ideas depend largely upon the location of the park. We belieVe various types of monuments must be included, particularly some who honor our fallen comrades. Service oriented monuments may be appropriate also. We do believe that this park must recognize the living veterans as well as our fallen comrades. We believe that those who distinguished themselves in the service of this country must be reco~i~ed. We acknowledge that all of this may sound like a very ambitious program, and there will be many considerations to take into account. We are prepared to develop several fund raising programs for the park. We believe we can encourage community support throughout the county. You can bet that with the many thousands of veterans throughout the county support,~ng our efforts, the resources may be far greater than what we.might imagine. We also recognize that implementation of these plans may take months to achieve. We had hoped to dedicate the park by July 27, 2003 which would be the fifty (50th) anniversary of the ceasefire in Korea. As we stated previously, we are seeking your support and assistance in this endeavor and would appreciate hearing from you. regarding our efforts. We also would be honored to have you attend one of our Memorial Park Committee meetings now being held in the Kern County Veterans Service building, 1120 Golden State Ave. Your early reply would be appreciated. Respectfully Submitted, Dale R. Wilson, Chairman Kern County Veterans Memorial Park Committee Meeting Agenda Veterans Memorial Pa'rk Committee July 30, 2001 "KICK-OFF MEETING ON THE PARK" 1. Call to order. 2. Salute the flag. 3. Taking cOmmittee attendance. 4. Reading and adopting of minutes. 5. Treasurer's report. 6. Discussion and vote by committee members to adopt the "Roster" (as presented) as the official list of members and alternates. This "Roster" will officially recognize those committee members and alternates who will have the authority to vote and represent their veteran organizations listed therein. As other veteran organizations join our effort, the "Roster will be updated. 7. Select, by majority vote of the committee, the slate of committee officers who will represent the Veterans Memorial Park Committee in whatever official actions we take. 8. Discussion and adoption, by majority vote, the operating procedures for the Memorial Park Committee. 9. Discussion on how we get the various Veteran Auxiliary organizations -~ involved in our memorial park efforts. 10. Appointment of a sub-committee to work on the selection of a memorial park site. Said committee will review various possible sites and report back to the committee at large their findings and recommendations. 11. Discussion and vote approval for submittal of letters to: - Kern County Board of Supervisors. - Bakersfield City Counsel. - All Other City Counsels/City organizations. - Kern County Parks and Recreation. Bakersfield City Parks and Recreation. Offices of other County, State, and national politicians. These letters will outline our desires and plans for the development and construction of a Kern County Veterans Memorial Park and will ask for their support and assistance. 12. The organization of this memorial pa~k committee involves expenses: - Postage. Printing and typing Letter heads and envelops. Typing. Mileage on part of staff. We need each organization to contribute "Seed Money." We are asking for $50.00 from each organization. Please respond as soon as possible. 13. Next Park Committee meeting will be held Monday, August 20th at 6:30 PM at the Kern County Veterans Service Building at 1120 Golden State Avenue. This meeting will discuss possible sites, as reported by the Sub Committee, and a financial plan given on how we intend to raise construction money for the park. 14. Any other business. 15. Adjourn meeting.