HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/23/2002 B A K E .R S F I E L D SPECIAL JOINT MEETING NOTICE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE and CITIZENS COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Wednesday, October 23, 2002 1:30 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room - City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 201, Bakersfield, CA COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE CITIZENS COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CCSAC) Jacquie Sullivan, Chair James Fitch, Chair Mike O'Neill, Vice Chair Sue Benham Raul Rangel Richard Russell Irma Carson Marque Stansberry Harry Starkey Judy Valenzuela Staff: Alan Christensen Staff: Stan Ford AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. ADOPT SEPTEMBER 25, 2002 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Staff report, discussion and Committee recommendation regarding the future role of the Citizens Community Services Advisory Committee (CCSAC) - Ford 6. COMMI'I'rEE COMMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT S:~,C~?.002CSCom mittee~cs02oct23jointagen ,doc , DRAFT ~ ~~ '~'~ Jacquie Sullivan, Chair Alan Tandy, City Manager Sue Benham Staff: Alan Christensen Irma Carson AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMrn'EE MEETING Wednesday, September 25, 2002, 1:30 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room, Suite 201 Second Floor, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 1. ROLL CALL Called to Order at 1:40 p.m. by Councilmember Carson Present: Councilmembers Sue Benham and Irma Carson Councilmember Jacquie Sullivan, Chair arrived at 1:48 p.m. 2, ADOPT JUNE 19, 2002 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding proposed Veterans Memorial Park Assistant City Manager Alan Christensen explained staff has been working with the Veterans group on a location for a Veterans Memorial Park. A letter has been received from the Veterans Memorial Park Committee indicating Central Park would be their preferred site if that location is available. Staff was also in support of considering the Central Park location. Dale Wilson, Veterans Memorial Park Committee, spoke regardincj Central Park being an ideal site for their Memorial Park. He explained a site for their Military History Museum has not been decided, as their first choice for a location is no longer available. This may change their design plans/concept for the Memorial Park somewhat depending on the site chosen for their museum, which they would like reasonably close to the park. Danny Ordiz, architect, spoke about the design plan for the park. Agenda Summary ~eport DRAFT Community Services Committee Meeting Wednesday, September 25, 2002 Page - 2 - In order for the Veterans Memorial Park Committee to apply for state and federal grants and pursue funding, they need a resolution from the City in support of using Central Park as a site to locate the Veterans Memorial Park. Committee Member Benham read for the record draft language for a resolution prepared by Dr. Carlson, Veterans Memorial Park Committee, working with Recreation and Parks Director Stan Ford: "The City of BakersfieJd 'hereby resolves to work with the Kern Veterans Memorial 'Park Committee to establish a Kern Veterans Memorial Park in Central Park, located in downtown Bakersfield. The City of Bakersfield is committed to developing the Memorial Park in cooperation with the Veterans Committee with the following understanding: 1. The Veterans Memorial Park would be located on a current city park, known as Central Park, and the park and all facilities developed on the park would remain as a city-owned park for public use. It is anticipated that included would be a Memorial Plaza, individual war monuments, an amphitheatre seating approximately 1,000 people, BBQ facilities accommodating approximately 600 people and other recreational facilities as may be appropriate. 2. The city will pursue park and other related grants, tax'Opportunities, etc., to assist in the development of the Memorial Park. 3. The Kern Veterans Memorial Park Committee will pursue funding and in-kind support to develop facilities beyond the financial capacity of the City of Bakersfield to include local donations, local and state government funding, federal and military-related funding, corporate and private foundations, etc. 4. In addition, and in conjunction with the development of'the Kern Veterans Memorial Park, it is understood the Veterans Committee is dedicated to developing a Military History Museum/Learning Center which would "bring to life" for all concerned, the military history of the United States in a state-of-the-art' fashion so that .all future generations may know and understand the consequences and impact of warfare. In support of this facility, the Kern County Superintendent of Schools Office, the Kern High School District, Bakersfield College and CSU Bakersfield will be fully included in the development, funding, and operation of such a facility. It is anticipated that this facility will be located on land in the direct vicinity of Central Park. Kern County's young men and women have been strong contributors to our Military Forces since the days of the Civil War. In recognition of this sizeable element of our' population, many of whom are approaching their last days, the City of Bakersfield believes that proper recognition of the sacrifices made by our military people over the years deserves due recognition. In cooperation with the Kern Veterans Memorial Park Committee, the City of Bakersfield intends to appropriately recognize, all veterans throughout the history of the United States, and specifically Kern County, so that their families and descendents may always be able to understand and appreciate the sacrifices they made." Agenda Summary Fleport DRAFT " Community Services Committee Meeting Wednesday, September 25, 2002 Page - 3- City Manager Alan Tandy suggest changes to the draft resolution language: 1) include in the resolution a specific time (two or three years) for the Veterans Memorial Park Committee to submit a detailed implementation plan to the City Council for approval: 2) start paragraph 2 with: "The City will assist the Veterans to pursue"; and 3) make paragraph 3 the second paragraph. The Committee agreed with the changes and that the Veterans Memorial Park Committee would be the lead agency and primary fund-raiser. Committee Member Benham made a motion to direct staff to prepare a resolution based on the draft to present to the City Council on October 2, 2002. The Committee unanimously approved the motion. 5, NEW BUSINESS 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjoumed at 1:59 p.m. Staff attendance: City Manager Alan Tandy, City Attorney Bart Thiltgen, Assistant City Manager Alan Christensen, Recreation and Parks Director Stan Ford; and Economic Development Director Donna Kunz. Others: James Burger, reporter, The Bakersfield Californian; Tammy Brown, KUZZ; Michael Sabol; Sam Barton; Donna Lorenz; Dale R. Wilson; Wendell J. Justin; Cheryl Long; Neal Vance; Gene Swanson; Danny Ordiz; and John Fallgatter. S:~,C~.002ComSer~02sep25summ ary,doc B A K E R S F I E L D OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM October 23, 2002 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Citizens Community Services Advisory Committee In August of 1994 the City Council created the seven member Citizens Community Services Advisory Committee. The Committee was formed by a merger of the existing Citizens Park and Recreation Committee and the Convention Center. Committee. The need for a new committee grew out of an increased interest by the Council in Recreation and Park activities and the consolidation of the Convention Center and the Recreation and Parks functions under one department of Community Services. The duties of the Committee according to section 2.60.050 of the Municipal Code are to "accept input from community groups and interests and advise the City Council as to policies for the convention center, city parks, and city recreation services." Due to the change to private management of the convention center and the Centennial Garden arena in 1998 the Citizens Advisory Committee has had a limited role regarding policies for the convention center pursuant to the management agreement for those facilities. There has also been a lack of clarity as to how the role of the Citizens Community Services Advisory Committee relates to the City Council's Community Services subcommittee. There has been no clear definition as to which issues or policies should be considered by which group. Largely, it has been a matter of Council discretion when referring items for discussion and review as to the level of involvement requested of the Citizens Advisory Committee. The Council's Community Services Committee has on occasion performed similar duties to those of the Citizens Community Services Advisory Committee in acting as the contact point for citizen concerns and input regarding issues involving the convention center, city parks, and city recreation services. There have also been cases where the Council Committee has requested that the Advisory Committee also review an issue in more depth as well. Document2 There may be some frustration due to this lack of clarity, particularly when there are issues reviewed by the Council Committee that the Citizens Community Services Advisory Committee feel they could assist the Council Committee with. Due to the potential for duplication of effort it has been somewhat rare when both bodies address a single issue. The Community Services Committee may wish to better clarify the roles of the two bodies or could consider the continued need for a citizen's advisory committee in addition to the Council committee since they may be performing similar functions. Ultimately, any recommendation to change the existing structure would have to be submitted to the City Council for approval. I have attached copies of the Ordinance creating the Citizens Community Services Advisory Committee and other background documents for your information. Document2 ORDINANCE NO. S ~ 0 1 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CONVENTION CENTER AND PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEES, AMENDINO MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 2.60, REPEALING SECTION 2.52.020, AND CREATIN(~ A **CITIZENS' COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE." BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. This Ordinance amends Chapter 2.60 (entitled "Division of Recreation") of the Bakersfield Municipal Code to read as follows: CHAPTER 2.60 CITIZENS' COMMUNITE SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Sections: 2.60.010 Creation - First committee members. 2.60.020 Appointment of members. 2.60.030 Terms of office. 2.60.040 Residence qualiflcation. 2.60.050 Duties. 2.60.010 Creation - First committee members. The City Council hereby creates a seven-member "Citizens' Community Services Advisory Committee." The first members of the Citizens' Community Services Advisory Committee will be the persons who, as of the effective date of this ordinance, are members of the Citizens' Parks and Recreation Committee and members of the Convention Center Committee. As a result, some wards may have two members on the committee. If one of the two members from a single ward leaves the committee, the city council will not appoint a replacement- member from that ward. Should a member leave the committee, so that a ward is not represented on the committee, the councilmember for that ward shall nominate a resident of that ward. The city council may thereafter appoint that person to the committee. 2.60.020 &ppointment of members. Each councilmember shall nominate a resident from his or her ward who may then be appointed by the city council and serve at the pleasure of the city council. 2.60.030 Terms of office. The term of office shall run with the term of the nominating councilmember. 2.60.040 Residence qualification. A member's term of office expires if he or she no longer resides in the ward in which he or she resided at appointment. The councilmember for that ward shall then nominate a resident from his or her ward who may then be appointed by the city council to serve out the term. 2.60.050 Duties. ; The Citizens' Community Services Advisory Committee shall accept input from community groups and interests and advise the city council as to policies for the convention center, city parks, and city recreation services. The committee shall have no other authority. SECTION 2. This Ordinance repeals Section 2.52.020 the Bakersfield Municipal Code, entitled "Convention Center Committee - Creation · - Duties." SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the Bakersfield Municipal Code and becomes effective 30 days from and after the date of its passage. o0o ! HEREBE CERTZFE that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council ~Gthe _City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on 2 4 ~% , by the following vote: AYES: CC~NCNO~~.~McDERMOTr. EDW'~RD( ~. ~TN. ,BRUNN,. FIOIM. E$. SAtVA(~aIO 'CITY CLERK and Ex OffiCio Clerk of the Council of the City of .Bakersfield APPROVED MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: JUD~ K. SKOUSEN City Attorney JOHN D. CLOSS Assistant City Attorney City of Bakersfield JDC/meg Midol D, Ci*T 17. GN S. P R C",AD W-C'O M I .ORD July 21, 1994 RE~CEIVED: 10/23/O2 12:13PM; ->CITY OF BAKERSFIELD; #(~22; PAGE 2 .. Sent By; COB Recreate. on & Parks~ 6618610864~ 0ct-23-02 11:34AM; . Page'2 CITIZENS' COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Citizens' Community Services Advisory Committee is an advisory body to the City Council. It is composed of seven (7) members. Each Councilmember nominates a -* resident of the City of Bakersfield, and nominations are appointed by the full Council. LEGAL AUTHORITY: Municipal Code Section 2.60 T_ERM; Term runs concurrent with the nominating Councilmernber's term. QUALIFI(;:ATIONS: Member must be a resident of the City of Bakersfield throughout their term. DUTIES: The Committee represents various community groups and interests for the purpose of advising the City Council as to policies relating to city recreation and parks services. MEETINGS: Meets the second Tuesday of each month at 12:00 noon at the Corporation Yard, 4101 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, 93301. REM .U.N.ERATION: None STAFF: Department of Recreation and Parks, 4101 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 326-3117. November 15. 2000 CC_~AC:DES RE,CEIVED: 10/23/02 12:13PM; ->CITY OF BAKERSFIELD; #622; PAGE 3 Sent By: COB Recreat±on & Parks; 6618610864; 0ct-23-02 11:34AM; Page 3 BYLAWS of the CITIZENS' COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE of the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD A~TICLE I - T~E COMMITTEE Section 1. Name of Committee This Committee shall be celled the Citizens' Community Services Advisory Committee ('CCSAC") of the City of Bakersfield. ' Section 2. 0b_lect of Commiffee This Committee shall elicit and accept input from various community groups and inlerests. The subject of the Committee's activities includes all matters within the purview of the City's Community Services Depadment or as directed by the City Council. Section 3. J)usiness Office This Committee's business office shall be located at the Bakersfield Convention Center, '.')1 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, 93301. Section 4. I~owers and Duties This Committee is formed to recommend policies for the Convention Center, City Parks and City Recreation Services, as expressed by members of the community, to the City Council by. written and oral communication. · . Section 5. Committee Membem This Committee shall consist of seven members. A member must be a resident of the City of Bakersfield. At the first City Council meeting after January 1, 1997, or as soon thereafter as the matter can be placed before the City Council, each councilmember shall nominate a resident from the City of Bakersfield to CCSAC. The nominations shall be appointed by majority vote of the City Council and serve at their pleasure. It is not necessary for a councilmember to nominate a resident from his or her ward. Each councilmember shall have one appointment to CCSAC. A committee member's term of office shall run concurrently with the term of his or her · nominating councilmember. If a committee member's term expires, for, any reason, a new committee member shall be nominated by the corresponding councilmember and appointed by the City Council so thai. each councilmember has one appointment to CCSAC. - Page I of 4 Pages - RECEIVED: 10/23/02 12:14PM; ->CITY OF BAKERSFIELD; #622; PAGE 4 By: COB Recreat±on & Parks; 6618610864; 0ct-23-02 11:34AM; ~ Page 4 If a member is absent from three successive Committee meetings and the absences are inexcused" (i.e., without reasonable cause), the Committee may, by majority vote, recommend to the City Council that the member be replaced. ARTICLE II - OFFICERS Section 1. Chairg_ erson and Vice-Chaimerson This Committee shall elect, from its members, a chairperson and vice-chairperson to serve a one-year term, The Committee shall hold the election during its regular February meeting. If the position of chairperson or vice-chairperson becomes vacant during the course of the year, the committee members shall elect a replacement to serve for the balance of the year. Section 2. _Duties of Chaimerson The chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Committee and perform the duties necessaq/ or incidental to the office. This includes calling special meetings and signing documents or instruments on behalf of CCSAC. Section 3. DutieS.of Vlce-Chai_rpemon The vice-chaiq3erson, in the absence of the chairperson, or when the chairperson is unable ':.') act, shall perform the duties of the chairperson. Section 4." Temporals_ Chalm. emon If both the chairperson and vice-chairperson are absent or unable to act, the Committee shall elect one of its members to act as temporary chairperson. Section $. Secretary and Administrative Staff The City's Community Services Manager, or designee, shall assign a representative to serve as secretary to the Committee. The secretary shall keep minutes of each meeting, record the official actions taken, record the vote of all official actions, certify ~ach official act and resolution of the Committee, maintain records of Committee operations and perform such other duties as the Committee assigns. ~ARTICL. E III -. MEETINGS SecUon 1. Reaular Meefin_os CCSAC shall hold its regular meetings on the second Tuesday of each month at noon at the City's Convention Center. The Committee may hold its meetings at another place within the ~:¢awc~e,~c~.~.e~.~w - Page 2 of 4 Pages - ~q)d115, l~rJ' RECEIVED: 10/23/O2 12:14PM; ->CZTY OF BAKERSFIELD; #622; PAGE 5 Sent By: COB. Recreation & Parks; 6618610864; 0ct-23-02 11:35AM; Page ity upon recommendation from the Community Services Manager and approval by the ommittee chairperson. .. Section 2. ~UG[UEI Four (4) committee members constitutes a quorum. Section 3. Rules of Order This Committee shall follow Robert's Rules of Order~ latest edition. Section 4. Order of BusiNesS In the absence of approval of an agenda to the contrary, CCSAC shall pursue the following order of business: A. Roll Call B. Approval of Minutes C. Presentations D. Public Statements E. Deferred Business F. New Business .~ G. Committee Member Statement H. Adjournment Section $. Publi; ~tatement At regular meetingsl the chairperson shall allow any member of the public to address the Committee. The total time for public statements shall be ten (10) minutes. No individual speaker shall speak for more than two (2) minutes. The chairperson, in his or her discretion, may, for good cause, Increase the time allowed for public statements. Section 8. Cancellation of Meetin_os 'If CCSAC has no business, or if the secretary determines a quorum is not available, the chairperson may cancel a regular meeting. The secretary shall make reasonable efforts to give timely notice of cancellation to all members and to all other persons to whom the secretary normally gives notices of meetings. section 7. Public Holidays If a regular meeting fall on a public holiday, the Committee shall not meet on that date. The chairperson 'may reschedule or cancel the meeting and the secretary shall arrange for ~ delivery of proper notice. ~:~wc~,~,~,~.~.~,w - Page 3 of 4 Pages - ~ 'BAKERSFIELD;' #622; PAGE 6 RECEIVED: 10/23/02 12.'14PM; ->CITY OF S,ent By: COB Recreation & Par'ks; 66186108641 0ct-23-02 11:35AM; _ Page 6 .;2 Section 8. /t~l_ioumed Meetin_es This Committee may adjourn a meeting for another date, time and place. Section 9. Sa~cial Meeflnos The chairperson may call a special meeting of the Committee. The secretary shall give notice of a special meeting, as required by law. In a special meeting, the Committee may only deal with matters recited in the notice. ARTICLE IV - AMENDMENTS TO,. ,BYLAWS ~... Section 1. ~ 'Amendment" means a modification or addition to an existing bylaw. Section 2. Procedure to Amend The Committee shall amend these bylaws when the proposed amendment receives an 'affirmative vote of at least four (4) committee members. RECEIVED: 10/23/02 12:14PM; ->CITY OF BAKERSFIELD; #622; PAGE. 77~.' :'~'~;":?' :" -~ :'"., 2'~'' ' ' ' Sent By: COB Recneation & Parks; 6618610864; 0ct-23-02 11:35AM; ~, Page'7 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Bylaws were passed and adopted by the Citizens' Community Services Advisory Committee of the City of Bakersfield at the regular meeting held on /~'~_/~,./¢?"'/ . by a majority vote: . NOES . . ABSTAINING ' .~/~.~- ABSENT · ~,,,,, z~ ..~'~,'z'~-~ CHAIRPERSON, Citizens' Community Services Advisory Committe~of the City of Bakersfi.eld APPROVED · SECRETARY of the Citizens' Community Services Advisory Commiffee of the City ~GE~ERAL C(~UNSEL of the Citizens' Community Services Advisory Committee of the City of Bakersfield s.~col~rVCllt~o~~Ao RE.CEIVED: 10/23/O2 12:14PM; ->CITY OF BAKERSF'r'ELD; #622'; PAGE 8 Sent By: COB Recreation & Parks; 6618610864; 0ct-23-02 11:35AM; .. Page 8 2.60.0i0 Creation. Page ! Ot'l Title 2 ADMINISTRAT_ION AND PERSONN.EL Chapter. 2,.60 CITIZENS' COMMUNITY S_E..RVICES ADVISORY CO..MMIT'[EE* 2.60.010 Creation. The city council hereby affirms and acknowledges the existence of a seven-member "citizens" community services advisory committee" (CCSAC) established in 1994 through the merger of the convenlJon center and pad(s and recreation committees. This merger resulted in a nine member committee with some wards having two representatives. A subsequent change In ward boundaries resulted in the automatic expiration of certain terms. The city council does not wish the terms of committee members to expire as a result of a change in ward boundaries. Therefore, the original nine members from the merged committees mentioned above comprise the fim~?itJzens' community services advisory committee. (Ord. 3698'§ 1 (part), 1996) http:/fopc,iserver.net/code.~akersfld/_DAT.:dTITl.,E02/Chavter 2 60__CITIZENS COb... 9/1 ~/2002 RECEIVED: 10/'23/O2 12:15PM;-'_'>CiTy OF BAKERSFIELD; #622; PAGE 9 i S. ent By: COB Recr'eation & Par'ks; 6618610864; 0ct-23-02 11:35AM; .. -..page'9 2.60.020 Terms of'office for orii~nal committee members. : ' ' Page 1 of ] Title 2 ADMINISTRATION AND PERSONNF.L_ ChaPter 2.60 CITIZENS' COMMU.N.!_TY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE* 2.60.020 Terms of office for original committee members. The terms of office for all nine members of the first citizens' community services advisory committee are extended and shall expire on January 1, 1997. Thereafter, committee members shall be appointed as set forth in 2.60.030 and their terms of office governed by the provisions set forth in 2.60.040. (Ord. 3698 § 1 (part), 1996) http://bpc.isewer, net/code.~/bakersfld/...DATATriTLEO2/Chapter 2 60__CITIZENS COb... 9/11/2002 RECEIVED: 10/23/O2 12:15PM; ->CITY OF BAKERSFIELD~ #1~22; PAGE 10 Sent By: COB Recreation & Parks; 6618610864; 0ct-23-02 11:36AM; Page 10 2.60.030 Appointment of members. Page 1 of' 1 Title 2 ADMINI$1RAIION AND PERSONNEL Chaptor 2.00 CITIZENS' COMMUNIIY SERVICES AD¥1$OR¥ COMMITTEE' 2.60.030 Appointment of members. At the first city council meeting after January 1, 1997, or as soon thereafter as the matter can be placed before the city coundl, each councilmember shall nominate a resident from the city o1' Bakersfield to the citizens' community services advisory committee, The nominations shall be appointed by majodty vote of the city council and serve at their pleasure. It is not necessary for a councilmember to nominate a.resldent from his or her ward, The purpose of this chapter Is that each councilmember shall have one appointment to the citizens' community services advisory committee. (Ord. 3698 § 1 (part), 1996) http://bpc.iserver.net/codes/bakersfld/ DATA/TITI.F. O2/Chalater 2 60 CITIZENS COb... 9/11/2002 RECETVED: 10/23/O2 12:15PM; ->CTTy OF BAKERSFTE'LD; #622; PAGE 11 ~ Sent By: COB Recr'eation & Par'ks; 6618610864; 0ct-23-'02 11:36AM;:' ' Page 1i/13 2.60.030 Appointment of'members. Fagc ! ot ! t' Title 2 ADMINISTRATION AND PERSONHEL ChaP..ter 2..6.0 .C.I.'[IZENS' COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVI .S. ORY COMMI'I'I'EE' 2.60.030 Appointment of members. At the first city council meeting after January 1, 1997, or as soon thereafter es the matter can be placed bel'ore the city council, each councilmember shall nominate a resident from the city of Bakersfield to the citizens' community services advisop/committee, The nominations shell be appointed by majority vote of the city council and serve at their pleasure. It is not necessa~j for a councilmember to nominate a resident from his or her ward. The purpose o! this chapter is that each councilmember shall have one appointment to the citizens' community services advisory committee. (Ord. 3698 § 1 (part), 1996) http://bpc.iserver.net/code.qbakersfld/_DATA/TITLE02/Chapter 2 60 CITIZENS CO[~... 9/11/2002 RECETVED: 10/23/O2 12.'15PM; ->-CITY OF BAKERSFIELD; #622; PAGE 12 ; Sent By: COB Recr'eat±on & Par'ks; 6618610864; 0ct-23-02 11:36AM1 . Page 12/13 2.60.040 Term of office, Page l et' 1 T'~.e 2 ~ADMIN~STRATION AND PE.R. S0NN.EL Chapter 2.60 ClTIZEN~' COMMUNITY SERVI..C..ES ADV S.0RY COMMITI'EE' ~ 2.60.040 Term of office. Upon the expiration of the terms of office for the first comrniftee members as set forth in Section 2.60.020 above, and thereafter, a committee member's term of office shall run concurrent with the term of his or her nominal~ng councilmember and shall expire upon any one of the following: A. The expiration of term, resignation, or departure from office of his or her nominating councilmember. B. The resignation of a committee member. C. The removal of a committee member by majority vote of the city council. D. Upon a change of residence by a committee member outside the BakerSfield city limits. In any case above, a new committee member shall be nominated by the corresponding councilmernber and appointed by the dty council so that each councilmember has an appointment to the citizens' community sewices advisory committee. (Ord. 3698 § 1 (part), 1996) - http:/fopc.iserver.neffcodesfoakersfld/DATA/TITLE02/Chapter 2 60 CITIZENS._COh.,, 9/11~2002 RECEIVED: 10/23/02 12:15PM; ->CITY OF BAKERSFIELD; #§22; PAGE'.13'. : Sent By: COB Recreation & Parks; 6618610864; 0ct-23-02 11:36AM; , Page 13/13 2.60,050 Duties. Page l of 1 Title. 2 ADMINISTRATION AND PERSONNEL .Chapter :2.60 CITIZENS' COMMUNITY SE.R..VICE,~..ADVISOR¥ C.O_MMITTEE' . 2.60.050 Duties. The citizens' community services advisory committee shall accept input from community groups and interests and advise the city council as to policies for the convention center, city parks, end city recreation services, The committee shall have no other authority. (Oral. 3698 § I (part), 1996) http:/gopc.iserver,nct/codes/bakersfld/_DATA/TITLE02/Chaoter 2_60 _CITIZENS COk., 9/~ ~/2002 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEP-. IING DA~'i October 2, 2002 IAGENDA SECTION: cOnsent calendarITEM: 8. ee. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: Stan Ford, Recreation and Parks Director DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: September 24, 2002 CITY A'R'ORNEY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Authorization to schedule a joint meeting between the Citizen Community serVices Advisory Committee ("CCSAC") and the City Council Community SerVices Committee RECOMMENDATION: , Staff recommends approval of this request. BACKGROUND: The CCSAC is a Council-appointed committee that meets monthly to listen and evaluate citizen input on various issues as assigned .by the City Council. Due to the regular meetings and active nature of the City Council Community SerVices Committee, the CCSAC has had very few issues sent their way over the past few years. As a result, it is difficult to get quorums for meetings, and relevant matters to place on the CCSAC agendas. At the last CCSAC meeting, the Committee requested that staff set up a joint meeting between the Committee and the City Council Community SerVices Committee to discuss whether the CCSAC should continue in existence and, if so, a way to make them more active in community/Council issues. VG:alj September 24, 2002, 8:55AM S:\COU NClLV~dmins\CCSAC.JtMtg.doc