HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/15/2002 BAKERSFIELD Jacquie Sullivan, Chair Sue Benham Irma Carson Staff: Alan Christensen COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Wednesday, May 15, 2002 1:30 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room - City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 201, Bakersfield, CA AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. ADOPT APRIL 17, 2002 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS ~ · 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Staff update regarding proposed ice skating and aquatic facilities - Tandy B. Staff update and Committee recommendation on the Citizens' Committee for Design and Placement of the Historical Documents at City Hall - Christensen C. Staff.update and Committee recommendation on design and placement of the national motto, "In God We Trust," at City Hall - Rojas D. Staff update and Committee recommendation on the design and placement of the Liberty Garden - Ford E. Staff update and Committee discussion on proposed Veterans Memorial Park - Christensen 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Committee discussion regarding the need for a new skateboard park in the southwest - Christensen 6. COMMrn'EE COMMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT S:~AC~OO2CSCommittee~cs02may15agen.w~l DRAFT BAKERSFIELD v .~/ Jacquie SulliVan, Chair Alan Tandy, City Manager Sue Benham Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager Irma Carson AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMI'n'EE Wednesday, April 17, 2002 - 1:30 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL Call to Order at 1:38 p.m. Present: Councilmembers Jacquie Sullivan, Chair; and Sue Benham Absent: Councilmember IrmaCarson 2. ADOPT FEBRUARY 27, 2002 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS · 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Staff update regarding proposed ice skating and aquatic facilities City Manager Alan Tandy gave a status report. There were some short-term contracts needed. For the aquatic facility, some refined cost estimating was needed and some work on how to rehab and improve the Martin Luther King, Jr. and Jefferson pools. That contract is underway and we should have some of the product within a week or so. Second, there was some similar parallel work on the ice rink portion and that is progressing. For the long-term design contracts, a RFQ (Request for Qualifications) to prospective designers will open on Friday, with the interviews in mid-May. It should be possible to make an award in June. The two facilities were combined into one design contract, although it will necessitate the designers to get specialists.' Pool and ice rink specialists are commonly sub-contracted by designers. Community Services Committee Agenda Summary Report. Wednesday, April 17, 2002 Page -2- Staff continues to work on budget issues. The County has not made a formal response, to the letter from the Committee requesting assistance with Jefferson Parkpool. It is probable the County has most likely finalized their Community Development Block Grant budget for the year, so action is being taken in the City budget, CDBG funds, to substitute the monies we were hoping for from the County. Staff is still talking with the schools.about a contribution. When the cost estimate comes in, it will'be on both the standard and Olympic- sized pools and when we-have the detailed information, staff will approach the schools again. The school contribution is very important and staff is hopeful to work something out with them. Committee Member Benham explained she has been in touch with a high school swimming coach who is also involved with the private swim club. He suggested the swim club get together with the private sector to raise funds toward paying for an Olympic-sized pool. She will be meeting with them in May regarding fund-raising efforts for the aquatic center. Staff has been visiting sites and researching further into co-generation systems for the aquatic center and ice facility, which if applicable to our proposed facilities, would reduce power bills. B. Staff update.and Committee recommendation on the Citizens' Committee for Design and .Placement of the Historical Documents at City Hall Assistant City Manager Alan Christensen reported on the citizens sub-committee who is working on the design, type of historical documents and placement in City Hall. The sub- committee has met twice. Work is still in the conceptional phase with review of options. C, Staff update and Committee recommendation on design and placement of the national motto, "In God We Trust," at City Hall- Public Works Park and Landscape Designer Don Hoggatt previewed design printouts on options for placing the motto on the entrances to City Hall. The letters were proposed to be done 'in aluminum with "IN GOD WE TRUST" mounted on the wall by the east entrance to City Hall and "E Pluribus Unum" mounted on the wall by the west entrance to City Hall. Staff will bring the designs back to the next Committee meeting. D, Staff update and Committee recommendation on the design and placement of the Liberty Garden Recreation and Parks Director Stan Ford explained staff is recommending more of a garden design with a plaque, instead of a monument-type memorial. There are so many to remember, firefighters, police, civilians and others that the garden approach would be a memorial for all who lost their lives. Cornrnu,~ity Services Committee DRAFT Agenda Summary Report Wednesday, April 17, 2002 Page -3- The City Manager spoke about the location on the corner by Chester Avenue and also. the lawn area next to Chester a little further south. Either area is available and could be developed with very little capital cost. Recreation Specialist Colleen Cashmore spoke about meeting with the community group with representatives from the City Fire Department, County Fire Department, Sheriff's Department, Highway Patrol, and the Bakersfield Police Department. They Only had one design to look at, which would be cOstly. The group will meet again and look at other designs and discuss community fund-raising. Committee Member Benham expressed she is in agreement~with staff's recommendation to stay with the garden concept, with trees; red, white and blue flowers and a small plaque. This is.more in keeping with the Keep America Beautiful design suggestions. It was discussed due to time constraints to have a dedication on September 11th, it might be a good idea for the City to complete a Liberty Garden at City Hall and this would give the community group time to fund-raise and plan a larger monument design, if that is the desire of the group. Staff will ~bring more definite garden designs to the next Committee meeting. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Staff report and Committee recommendation regarding proposal from the Native American Preservation Council to add Native American names to River Oaks Park and additional sites in the Kern River Parkway Recreation and Parks Director Stan Ford provided an overview. A few years ago the Council set a procedure whereby the Native American Heritage Preservation group could place Native American names along the Kern River Parkway. The names were to be submitted .to the Citizens' Community Services Advisory Committee for recommendation to the Community Services Committee. The Community Services Committee would then make a recommendation to the City Council. The Native American Heritage Preservation group wants to add a Native American Name, Cholich Kenim to River Oaks Park and have agreed to pay the additional cost. The sign would have three lines: River Oaks Park, Cholich Kenim and the last line, City of Bakersfield. Staff has met with representatives of the Native American group and Coleman Homes who have agreed to allow the name to be added to the River Oaks Park sign. The Native American Heritage Preservation groups also would like to '-islace two large boulders from the mouth of the canyon in Yokuts Park. Each boulder would have a plaque to explain its cultural value. One would be named PE-ESH-E (PE-WESH-E) GRINDING STONE and the other named KODIS (KO - DIS) GRINDING STONE. Gommunity Services Committee Agenda Summary Repor~ Wednesday, April 17, 2002 Page -4- The Citizens Community Services Advisory Committee recommended to accept the River Oaks Park sign with the three lines at the Native American Heritage Preservation's expense and the placement of the plaques at Yokuts Park. The Community Services Committee approved the recommendation of the Citizens Community ServicesAdvisory Committee to accept the River Oaks Park sign with the three lines at the Native American Heritage Preservation's expense and the placement of the boulders and plaques at Yokuts Park. (Committee Member Carson absent.) Staff will forward the Committee's recommendation to the Council. 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 2:46 p.m. Staff attending: City. Manager Alan Tandy; City Attorney Bart Thiltgen; Assistant City Manager Alan Christensen; Public Works Director Raul Rojas; Deputy City Attorney Ginny Gennaro; Public Works Operations Manager Brad Underwood; General Services Superintendent Steve Hollingsworth; Recreation and Parks Director Stan Ford; Recreation Specialist Colleen Cashmore; Public Works Park and Landscape Designer Don Hoggatt; Rhonda Smiley, City Manager's Office, Office Administrator, Public Relations; and Parks Supervisor Ken Trone Others attending: Matthew Riley, Condors; James Burger, The Bakersfield Californian; Tammy Brown, KUZZ; Peter J. Rudy, KUZZ News; Mr. MCKenzie, Bakersfield Exchange Club; and Greg Hanel, Athletic Club of Bakersfield cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council Pi~draftcs02fapr17summary.wpd Ve e]ran /Vl[em,c>riLalL ]Pal]r']k , , Lest We Forget April 18, 2002 Mr. Larry E. Reider, Ed. D. Superintendent 1300 17th. Street City Centre, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: · Kern Veterans Memorial Park Committee Military History Museum & Learning Center (organized under the KWVA as non-profit organization) Dear Superintendent Reider, Approximately one year ago, the veterans of Kern County embarked upon a task to develop and build a Veterans Memorial Park and a Military History Museum and Learning Center. Since we had nothing like this in the Bakersfield area, it'Was felt that' we nee'ded such a mem6rial to 6elebrate'the: lives of our lOcal'veterans Who ~acrificed SO'much fol- their'~ountry.'" Since September 11th, this endeavor has taken on even a more meaningful purpose and one 'Which the,community has demonstrated a great deal of support. After meeting with the City of Bakersfield, it seems that we've met a "common cord" with our community brethren; in that our idea of a Veterans Memorial Park and Museum/Learning Center has generated a great deal of interest and common purpose. It is our belief, that this is the first time within the fifty (50) states, that nearly 100% of all veteran organizations within a county juristiction, have joined together as one organizatiOn to plan and develop such a project. Our g~oup has grown to between sixty (60) to sixty five (65) veteran organizations within Kern County. This group will approximate between ten thousand (10,000) and twelve thousand (12,000) individual members supporting this endeavor. We. are organized into a committee with each member veteran organizatiOn having one vote. With officers and Committee Members, this group now approximates sixty eight (68) People' when all attend the monthly'meetings. Also; we have a Steering.Committee.of Volunteers ~vho' helPguide the.business affairs.' ThisSteering Committee:is CompoSed'Of thirty. six (36) .!. me'mb~r~. ~ Thes~ ~iunteers are i0~'ai ditizens'wh0 have"th~"~'ducati6n,' experi~hc~ and/or'work 'hiS~0'~.a~'w~li~' ~i~ibi!i¢'ifi the:e6~tinlty t6'g§si'st'the:g'6~i/fbb: ifi-'whh{~//~i-!e~d6h~.b-r.".~-W~ uhdei, tak~: ~' ' . : .: .: ...... . ...... .'-: ..... ; .::.-~ ::.- .-<..';,- · in:'-:.~::: :'~::::.! ,/:~;::!-., , Veterans Memorial Park Committee, P.O, Box 41564 Bakersfield, CA 93304 Chairman - Dale Wilson (661) 832-8532 Cell (66i) 319-5775 Vice Chairman -'Michael Sabol (661) 831-6458 'Cell (661) 205-9274: ,, . '¢.; C~ '; -~"~' :? :',~, / ,":.;i.~ ~i,,"~'t~~-, . ~ ',' 'w"¢.: .~:~ ,,,.. · ~ -~."& h.,.,~, ,' ..... .,~ ~ "- '; l, ' I ,. · -} "; ~' '! · ' ~' ~ .< .... ..*~'-}'r':' In February, this committee authorized the officers to approach the City of Bakersfield and explore what the possibilities might be to find a location for our proposed park and museum/Learning Center. We were invited to meet with the Community Services Committee and discuss what plans we had in mind. We were very graciously received by the city staff, and those discussions resulted in a suggestion that maybe the existing "Central Park" in downtown Bakersfield might be an appropriate location, With that, the committee made formal proposal to the City Council requesting that the city and the park committee conduct a study to determine if"Central Park" could accommodate the various facilities we envisioned having in the Memorial Park and Museum/Learning Center. Instructions were given by the council to proceed and that planning process is nearing completion at this time. It will shortly be re-introduced to the City Services Committee and then subsequently to the City Council for their review and adoPtion if they find it appropriate. That bring us to the point of this letter. The former S.P. property north of Central Park and across 21 st Street is of interest to our committee. We are looking for a suitable location for the Military History Museum/Learning Center and that property would be ideal, being located across the street and next to the planned Veterans Plaza in Central Park. Our plans call for a "State of the Art" pro-active type Museum and Learning Center incorporating the latest technical advancements in computer, video and tele-a-monitoring systems. We hope to develop a "State of the Art" educational resource to be used by the public as well as students in class rooms through- out Kern County. Although our conceptual ideas and plans are still in the visionary stage, we do believe we are on the right track, even though we may seem somewhat optimistic with the size of the task we are planning for ourselves. However, the team we have gathered for this project is very professional and experienced and accordingly, we believe, well within the scope of developing a "do-able" plan. Dr. David Rosales, the chair of the History Department at Bakersfield College has agreed to lead the committee who will plan and organize this effort. Dr. Rosales is currently recruiting a committee consisting of other History and Political Science professors at Bakersfield College as well as at CSUB. Robert Otto, a retired U.S. History teacher from East High is arranging to enroll other history teachers from the several high schools within Kern County. Dr, Charles Carlson, the retired Dean Of Instruction at Bakersfield College and a former Professor of Political Science is assisting in the organization of this committee. Currently, Dr. Carlson is the lead for Kern Senior Collaborative as well as President, Center for Living and Learning at CSUB. Also he is consulting in the fields of Aging, Gerontology, and Education. For years Dr. Carlson held the position as Dean of Planning and Fund Raising at Bakersfield College. Dr. Carlson has agreed to provide the lead in our fund raising activities for the Memorial Park and Museum/Learning Center. He has had many years of working with non- - profit organizations and assures the Park Committee that we are on the right track to apply for and receive significant sums of money for our project. As an aside, each of the above participants are veterans with impressive military histories and are very much dedicated to our mission of helping to build an appropriate memorial for the veterans of Kern County. We would appreciate an opportunity to meet with you in the near future to discuss our plans and explore the possibilities of working with or receive assistance from the Kern County Superintendent of Schools office. Our immediate goal is to secure an appropriate location for the Military History Museum and Learning Center, and then as a follow on, the planning, developing and the managing the museum and learning center Once we have the facilities completed. We realize we are embarking upon a "horrendous" task!! We believe our mission ~varrants the sizable effort it will take to bring this vision into reality. Your interest and assistance would be appreciated. Please contact me at your convenience. We will respond in accordance with your schedule. Very Truly Yours, Kern Veterans Memorial Park Committee Cc: t/Mr. Allan Tandy, City Manager Mr. Jack Hardisty, Director, Development Services Mr. Stan Ford, Director, Recreation & Parks Ms. Donna Kunz, Director, Economic Development Dr. David Rosales, Professor, Bakersfield College Dr. Charles Carlson, Retired Dean Of Instruction, B.C. Mr. Robert Otto, Retired U.S. History Teacher, East High May 7, 2002 Dr. Larry Reider Bd. D. Kem CoUntYsUPeriritei~dent.of SChoOls..: . 1300'l~7~.'~tr~:~t.~:Ci~O~htre.!::'' i"~.. .' 'i ~.' .:.'-'.. '.:.'~ ' ~ ' .' BakersfieidiCA9336i~'4~33' '' '.~ · .' .' "' Re:' Meeting :: Kem veterans M6M6fiiii:park Committee Dear Superintendent Reider, We wish to thank you for the courtesy .shown us last Thursday when our .committee members had'the oppommity to discuss our plans to develop and build a Veterans Memorial Park and a Military Museum and Leaming center in the downtown area of Bakersfield.. Your ~,.interest in these endeavors was very reassuring and .appreciated. We dobelieve that'our vision of a'Memofial Park and Museum': Learning center is-tmly~-.~ :~orthwhile' PrOject and one.that we, ,working together, can. accomplish inthe not to distant furore. Honoring our fellow comrades'in arms who gave so mUch .to assure our way of life and freedom is long overdue:here in: KemCounty; iKemYeterans have '~6ntributed S° much and we believe deserve.to be::r~6~Z~fl...~-~-~.~e~!.§ac~fi~.es~.in:.th~ prot~ii~ii:::i~f 6ur..c0Untryi· As. was stated at our meeting, it:isour, desi/e i0:'build.'.the:' iii History..Muse :and Learning Center on about three. (3} acres, that you haX~e optit~ned to the Housing AUthori and which hes a " · ,t.': :..: .. .:.....: · . . ::. :..:.....::?.: ..... ...:.. ~::.. .....:.. :: ...tY:::.... cross 21 , Street,from Central Park...:.:Just'.how.mearrangetheaCquisition:i. of;this.p~operty r_emalns to. b~:~..o_.~!S~.f!..~t::be~een.:~e ~i~i..~fiBake/Sfie!d.~ ! ~e:.Ec6iio~i!D~i~pn~ent DeparUnenti: the-HoUsing:Auth6rityiTheSiipe~/~fla~fii'6f SChO~ls (offi~'~-~di~e:Veterans Memonal Park Ci>rnnuttee. As We stated,~'itis i/otj6~:.intent to own'my'r~ali..~s~ie!/Itwas suggested thai a'c6N~ti~e.be formed With:represen~fii/es'.from each o'f'th~ ab0iie omanizations so that we' can explorea:possible methOd whereby %e can acquire the' me Ofthesubject property. Once we ha~e had a Chance to'. meet with the City of Bakersfield'.. ,Services Committee" on May 15th, and' shOuld'they:aPPr0/~e'0f omPl~, we :think' th'at:such acommittee needsto discuss this matter and set'forth 'a WOrkab!ep!an. Your hpdt:~d.c00p~tion;.was;:indeed' helpful in clarifying juit'.ho~v::~e'~mightapproach :thiS: matter'. . We are most pleased with iy0ur:interest: and.deSire to work with .the committee to develop _. a "State of the. Art" Museum ~d Le~g Center.. The Use of. the.telecommUniCatiOns network Veterans Memorial Park'committee, P.O. Box 41564 Bakersfield, CA 93304 Chairman - Dale Wilson (661) 832-8532 Cell (66i)~i~5775 "' Vice Chairman ~ MichaefSnb~[ (66i) 831-6458 Cell (661) 205-9274 that Kern County Schools has in operation would be an ideal adjunct to the development of the Learning Center. Our goal of being able to reach young people in all the schools throughout Kern County as well as in the college classrooms is of paramount importance. As Mr. Varley suggested, a fiber-optics cable to the Learning Center would be a very important part of our telecommunications goal. During the discussions, our committee member Bob Otto,. stated that the veteran population is decreasing at an alarming rate. It is estimated that we are loosing about 1,100 World War I! veterans every, da.v. Bob indicated a need to video record the Military experiences of some of these veterans before they completely disappear from our national scene. Mr. Barley's offer to provide the'studio and the technicians at the Kern County Schools offices on 17t~. Street through the months of June and July was an answer to a prayer! Our agreement to schedule eight (8) veterans with an important stow to tell of their combat experiences is on the way. Bob will shortly be in touch with Mr. Varley to schedule the first eight veterans. Thank you for this generous offer to document some important personal aspects of World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Etc. that would otherwise pass on with the loss of these veterans. Learning from our veterans and documenting their military experiences during combat was one of the goals expressed when we first envisioned the Memorial Park and the Museum/Learning Center. Once again, we wish to thank you for the opportunity to tell you of our plans. Although they may seem somewhat ambitious, the committee is dedicated to moving forward with the Veterans Memorial Park and the Military History Museum and Learning Center. We look forward to your help and cooperation, and I'm sure succeSs is within our reach. Very Truly Yours, Kern Veterans Memorial Park Committee Cc: Mr. James Varley, Administrator Division of Communications & KETN Cc: Dr. Charles Carlson - Committee Member cC: Dr. David Rosales - Committee Member Cc: Mr. Bob Otto - Committee Member Cc: Mr. Allan Tandy - City Manager Cc: Mr. Stanley Ford - Director City Parks Cc: Mrs. Donna Kunz- Director Economic Development Cc: Mr. Jack Hardisty AICP - Director Development Services