HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/17/2002 BAKE R S F I.E L D Jacquie SUllivan, Chair Sue Benham Irma Carson Staff: Alan Christensen COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Wednesday, April 17, 2002 1:30 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room - City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 201, Bakersfield, CA AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. ADOPT FEBRUARY 27, 2002 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED .BUSINESS A. Staff update regarding proposed ice skating and aquatic facilities - Tandy B. Staff update and Committee recommendation on the Citizens' Committee for Design and Placement of the Historical Documents at City Hall - Christensen C. Staff update and Committee recommendation on design and placement of the national motto, "In God-We Trust," at City Hall - Rojas D. Staff update and Committee recommendation on the design and placement of the Liberty Garden - Ford 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Staff report and Committee recor~mendation regarding proposal from the Native American Preservation Council to add Native American names to River Oaks Park and additional sites in the Kern River Parkway - Ford 6. .COMMH'rEE COMMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT S:~AC'~2002CSCom mittee~cs02apr 17agen.wpd DRAFT BAKERSFIELD dacquie Sullivan, Chair Alan Tandy, City Manager Sue Benham Alan' Christensen, Assistant City Manager Irma Carson AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMrI'I'EE Wednesday, February 27, 2002 - 1:30 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL Call to Order at 1:35 p.m. Present: Councilmembers Jacquie Sullivan, Chair; Sue Benham; and'Irma Carson 2. ADOPT JANUARY 25, 2002 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC .STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Staff report and Committee recommendation regarding.proposed ice skating and aquatic facilities - Brad Becken, guest speaker At the last Committee meeting, the Committee reviewed a prospective budget and proposed plan to undertake the rehabilitation of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Jefferson pools, and construction of a new aquatic complex and ice rink. The Committee directed staff to proceed with further research. A letter was sent to Kern County requesting a contribution toward the Jefferson Pool rehabilitation. Recreation and Parks Director Stan Ford has been in contact with the School District who had committed to contribute to an aquatic complex. They have been asked to consider increasing the amount of their contribution. Staff has been Involved in refining cost estimates and graphics for more Specific plans for the enhancement of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Jefferson pools. Stan Ford is drafting a departmental contract to assist with cost estimates and graphics. Budget estimates need to be refined. Staff would like to show the cost and exactly what the pools will look like after enhancement. DRAFT COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Wednesday, February 27, 2002 Page -2- Councilmember Benham had suggested staff check on the possibility of economic benefits that might :be realized if the proposed aquatic and ice facilities would be adjacent and share energy uses. Brad .Becken operates one of these facilities and was here today sharing his experience. Staff will be talking further next week with the folks who have-the co-generation part of the complex. Staff is continuing .to explore .possible locations in the area around California AVenue and various potential locations near Centennial Garden. Some of the-work after today's Committee meeting will be further refining the cost estimates for an ice rink, checking with designers, continuing to look at locations and checking into the energy and co-generation of shared eConomics for combined -facilities. A report regarding the work so far will be madeto the Council at the March 6th meeting and also a report, on the possibility of using federal grant money as a source to finance rehabilitation/upgrade of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Jefferson pools and construction of an aquatic facility. Brad 'Becken from Iceoplex in Santa Monica was introduced to the Committee. He spoke regarding a number of ice facilities they operate in the state. Three years ago they came to Bakersfield and this committee and explored building an ice rink in Bakersfield. It was concluded demographics here will not support a privately built and operated ice rink. They recommendedat tha{ time the City consider an ice facility as an amenity. Mr. Becken answered questions regarding a facility they operate, which has a co-generation plant with a combination aquatic complex and ice skating facility. Committee Members Carson and Benham were interested in exploring the idea of a combination aquatic complex and ice skating facility and looking for a centrally located site near the downtown. Ice skating enthusiasts in attendance spoke and were very excited about the possibility of an ice skating facility becoming a reality in Bakersfield. B. DiscusSion regarding placement of historical documents, and the national motto, "In God We Trust," at City Hall, and design and placement of the Liberty Garden Liberty Garden ; Parks Supervisor Ken Trone provided two versions just received from the Keep America Beautiful Committee ~consultant on what the Liberty Garden might look like. The designs included two 15 foot granite replicas of the Trade Center Towers with a red, white and blue concrete walk, and red, white and blue rose bushes for the corner of Truxtun and Chester. There was also ~a suggested plan for two small .planters in front of the Council Chamber. Committee ~Member Ben ham expressed concerns about the towerdesign being symboiic of the Trade Center and sho. uld also represent lives lost at the Pentagon and plane crash. When first hearing of the idea, it was the garden that seemed most impressive and she would like staff to explore more subtle, dignified garden ideas which could include shade, waterelement, bench COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Wednesday, February 27, 2002 Page -3- and other types of flowers, more in line with the Vision 2020 concept. Cost estimates should be included with every proposal. -Committee Member Carson alSo agreed the Liberty Garden should be representative of all the tragedies of September 11th, and the need to look at other concepts and be creative on how to bring everything together in a commemorative garden. Committee Chair Sullivan would like to see the designs other cities plan to use. Chester and Truxtun seems like a good location, .but wanted to know if there is a possibility of moving the Streetscape flags. She is open to.ideas, but does like the dramatic statement the twin tower concept presented, staff will.be working with the Keep America Beautiful Committee consultant on other designs for the Committee's review. Because time is short to complete a Liberty Garden, the Committee discussed perhaps having a groundbreaking ceremony on May 18th and the dedication September 11th. Placement of HistoriCal Documents Committee Chair Sullivan received a suggestion from .Mike Miller that a citizens' committee be formed .regarding the placement of historical documents at.City Hall. If a citizens' committee is approved, Mr. Miller would like to serve. Committee Member Benham made a motion to authorize staff to form a committee, contact Mr. Miller and those he recommended, and also each Councilmember be given an opportunity to appoint a member.' The Committee unanimously approved the motion. National motto, "In God We Trust" Committee Chair Sullivan received a suggestion the letters for the.plaque be in stainless steel. She suggested if it is going to be on the outside of the building, perhaps putting "In God We Trust" on top, the City Seal in the center with "E Pluribus, Unum" underneath. Committee Member Carson would like to be consistent with what has been done in other public buildings and she would have prefer it inside, but does like the idea of everything on one plaque. Committee Member Benham thought any design should go to the Council for approval. She would like "In God We Trust" and "E Pluribus, Unum" in separate locations. Perhaps at the entrance of the Coun.cil Chamber have "In God We Trust" and the other entrance on the east end of City Hall have "E Pluribus, Unum." Staff will research other public buildings for examples and develop designs for the Committee to review. n ArT AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Wednesday, February 27, 2002 Page -4- 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Staff report and Committee recommendation regarding Clean Up Bakersfield (CUB) Program/Boy Scouts Patch 'Program ~Recreation Specialist Colleen Cashmore, coordinator of the CUB program, explained basically this-idea was Presented by Councilmember Couch as.a way to get volunteers throughout the community. The scouts were interested in participating as a way for sc°utsto earn.merit badges and would include Boy Scouts and Girl ScOuts. One of the projects would 'be the Great American Clean Up and also to develop a list of volunteersto do community c!eanups in various areas of the City. There would be a phone number established for the community to access information. The City Attorney spoke about volunteers working for the City being Under the City's workers" compensation. The Scouts will 'list the City on their insurance certificate. The City Attorney said a blanket type cont. ract with the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts would be.sufficient. The Committee approVed for staff'to move forward and thought this might be another award- winning program. 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS' 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m. Staff attending: City Manager Alan Tandy; City Attorney Bart Thiltgen; Assistant City Manager Alan Christensen; Assistant ~Public Works Director Jack LaRochelle; Public Works Operations Manager Brad Underwood; Genera'l Services Superintendent Steve Hollingsworth; Recreation and Parks Director Stan FOrd; Recreation Specialist Colleen Cashmore; Parks Supervisor Ken Trone; Public Works Park and Landscape Designer Don Hoggatt; Fire Chief Ron Fraze; and Deputy Fire Chief Gary Hutton. Others attending: Matthew Riley, Condors; Barbara Grimes, Blades FigureSkating; Stan Dodson; Pete Yackley, Blades Figu,re Skating; Dave Cross, Architect; John Wagner, Boy Scouts of America; Marry Baldwin, Boy Scouts;of America; Scott Thackrey, KERN Radio; James Burger, TheBakersfield Californian; Carol FergusOn and 'Evan Hinojos Channel 29; Tammy Brown, KUZZ; Steve Rowe, Channel 23; Maya Sanchez, Channel 17. cc: Honorable Mayor and. City Council S:~,C~?.002CSCommittee~s02feb27summary.wpd DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: January 17, 2002 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM' Stan Ford, Director of Recreation and Parks SUBJECT: Cultural Designations within Kern River Parkway On November 29, 2000, Council approved Resolution No. 142-00 which approved three Native American name designations on the Kern River Parkway and provided a process for future designations. Future requests to name areas along the Kern River Parkway will first be presented to the Citizens Community Services Advisory Committee, which in turn will forward it's recommendation to the Community Services Committee. On November 13, 2001, the Citizens Community Services Advisory Committee approved two new cultural designations at Yokuts Park. The proposal is now being forwarded to the Community Services Committee for action. CITIZENS' COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING November 13, 2001 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 12:00 p.m. by Mr. Fitch · ~ ATTENDANCE Mr. James Fitch Mr. Mike O'Neill Mr. Richard Russell Ms. Judy Valenzuela Absent: Mr. Raul Rangel, Mr. Paul Cato, Ms. Imogean McGill PUBLIC STATEMENTS Mr. John Mitchell visited the committee to express his satisfaction With the way the department has provided great programs, activities and facilities for the general public. He stated that the city is doing a wonderful job. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ' · The July 2001 minutes were approved as presented. DEFERRED BUSINESS No deferred business. NEW BUSINESS 5a) The presentation and discussion regarding a name change for River Oaks Park was presented by Mr. Start Ford. It was discussed that there has been a proposal to rename River Oaks Park to Kenim Oak Park. The staff has met with two representatives of the Native American Heritage Preservation group, Mr. John Stinson with the city manager's office and Gordon Statler with Coleman. Homes. Subsequent to this meeting mentioned above, Mr. Stan Ford met with Rich O'Neil with the Native American Heritage Preservation. Mr. O'Neil presented the committee with a proposal for a sign that he believes might be able to accommodate everyone. He also gave the committee some background on the naming policy and the meaning behind the name change that is proposed. He stated that the naming theme should be based on historical and cultural value having to do with the river corridor. Mr. O'Neil stated that the Native American Heritage Preservation is trying to maintain a historical and cultural significance given to the river and how it enter faces the city of Bakersfield today. Mr. Ford stated that typically the developers name the parks in their development and they are approved by the city of Bakersfield. The reason for this is so that we can avoid any conflicts with the name of a park and the area of the park. The name change would entail some additional cost, at this time it's not known as to how much it would be. Mr. O'Neil, with the Native American Heritage Preservation, stated that they would cover the additional cost for the sign. The sign would ultimately need to have three lines instead of two. The sign would give the name River Oaks Park and also have the name underneath as Cholich Kenim and the last line.would say City of Bakersfield. It was.said that there will alsb be a plaque next to the sign explaining the meaning of the signs name. Mr. Russell recommended a motion to accept the design of the sign for three lines at the Native American Heritage Preservation's expense. Ms. Judy Valenzuela seconded the motion and all were in favor. Mr. Ford explained that he will notify the city council by referral in regards to the recommendation and he stated that he will keep the committee aware of any information. 5b) A proposal for new cultural designations within Kern River Parkway were presented by Stan Ford. Ms. June Price was introduced by Mi:. Ford and stated ,that she had two additional cultural designations that she would like to present to the committee. She mentioned that at Yokuts Park there are two more additional plaques that the · Native American Heritage Preservation would like to present to us. Ms. Price stated that at the entrance of Yokuts Park there are two boulders 10' long, 5' wide and 2 ~ to 3' in height. These boulders were taken from the mouth of the canyon and were originally destined to be destroyed. These two boulders are being proposed to be given a plaque to say what their historical and cultural meaning are about and ultimately be placed on the stone itself. Ms. Price gave a description of what these boulders stood for and what their value and significance are to the people of Bakersfield. Mr. Russell motioned to accept the placement.of the plaques at Yokuts Park and Ms. Valenzuela seconded the motion and all were in favor. 5c) A status report was presented from Ms.. Sally Ihmels with the Recreation Division. Ms. Ihmels distributed a handout of the 2000-2001 statistics Report for the Recreation Division. She went over the following items: · Aquatics Attendance - The attendance was up and the activity was a great success. · Bakersfield Best After School Program Attendance - This program is overseen by Terri Ellison and Henry Shipes. Terri covers the Greenfield School District and Henry covers the City of Bakersfield District. Ms. Ihmels stated that the programs are very popular and the attendance rate has increased over the past years. The department of Recreation and Parks provides the staff and programming for this program, and the tudoring is provided by the schools. The money is provided by the individual school of each site. · Lowell Community Center - It was mentioned that 299 youth registered for the programs and the average daily attendance was 27 youth. -· Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center - Ms. Ihmels presented 'the committee with the numbers' of annual attendance for center rooms, attendance for classes and attendance in programs and stated what a great success the center had with these programs. · Mobil Recreation Pilot Program (Fun on the Run) - This program was a success. It was a 10 week program at Stella Hills School. The program included games, sports, activities, crafts and other activities. It catered to boys and girls K to 5t~ grades. Total attendance was 2,250. The daily .,- attendance average was 45. · Silver Creek Community Center Attendance - Ms. Ihmels described all of the activities offered at the center including meetings, PetFest, concerts, training and tournaments were a great success. · Sports Participation - It was said that the fall season for adult softball had the largest registration for the season as well as the summer season. Tee-Ball went well with 140 participants in the age group of 5 and up. · Summer Game Centers - This program was a six week summer program. The attendance total for the program was 5,217. The size averaged 36 participants per day. · Special Events - Ms. Ihmels stated that the Rockin' By The RiVer was a huge success. She also mentioned that the Halloween Haunted Trail had a good turnout. This year it was only offered one day with an estimated attendance of about 8,000 - 10,000. .REPORT FROM THE DIRECTOR 6a) Status Report on Convention Center and Centennial Garden - Presented by Ed Dorsey, Director of Booking and Events. Mr. Dorsey presented the committee with an updated calendar on theevents that will be taking place from November 15"' through December 18"', 2001. There was discussion on how the Centennial Garden arena is doing financially. Mr. Dorsey stated that the first year was phenomenal, it was new and the community was very responsive. The second year was poor, however, the third year was 35,000 compare to the first year of 40,000. Mr. Dorsey stated that 85% of the paid events are-by people from Kern County. The other 15% comes from surrounding areas such as Los Angeles and the Fresno area. Mr'. Russell asked Mr..Dorsey how we're doing on convention bookings. Mr. Dorsey stated that the highest rate of conventions was in 1996 with 22 conventions. He stated that the numbers have dropped through the past years to 12-15 a year. 6b) Status Report on Department of Recreation and Parks -Presenter: Stan Ford, Director of Recreation and Parks. Mr. Ford introduced .Ms. Rebecca Jamison who is our new Business Manager for the Department of Recreation and Parks. He also introduced two new clerk typists, Racheile Scudder and Patricia Pacheco who started with the department the first of November. Mr. Ford also 'mentioned to the committee that the department is currently looking for new office space. The department is hoping to come to a decision very soon. COMMENTS FROM COMMITTEE' None Staff in attendance: Stan Ford, Director of Recreation and Parks, Rebecca Jamison, Business Manager, Ginny Gennaro, City Attorney, Sandra Forsythe, Secretary, Sally Ihmels, Asst. Superintendent, Holly Larson, Aquatics Supervisor, Henry Shipes, Supervisor, Terri Ellison, Recreation Supervisor,' Linda McVicker, Recreation Supervisor, Dean Jones, Recreation Supervisor, Ed Dorsey, Director of Centennial Gardens GuestJisitor: John Mitchell Respectfully submitted, RESOLUTION NO. 1_ 4 ~ -. 0 .0 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THREE NATIVE AMERICAN NAME DESIGNATIONS ON THE KERN RIVER PARKWAY AND FUTURE PROCEDURE FOR SUCH NAME DESIGNATIONS. WHEREAS, the Kern River Parkway Plan, which encompasses the area between the mouth of the Kern River Canyon and Interstate Highway 5 permits the naming of lOCations along such area with names of people or places directly related to the Kern River;, and 'WHEREAS, the Bakersfield City Council, on March 6, 1996, approved the request of the Native American Hedtage Preservation Council of Kern County (Preservation Council) to name Yokuts Park, Yowlumne Park and Hoe-Y Running Course for the picnic area west of Highway 99, volleyball couds at Truxtun Avenue at Mohawk Drive and cross- country course, respectively; and WHEREAS, the current request of the Preservation Council is to assign the names of Ohshuh, Xahly and Cholich to large Truxtun Lake, small Truxtun Lake and creek.. connecting both lakes, respectively; and WHEREAS, The Preservation Council has agreed to provide bronze plaques with phonetic spelling and Native American definition for their new requests as they did for their original dedications; and WHEREAS, the Bakersfield City Council believes such name designations are an appropriate reflection of the community's history and culture; and WHEREAS, the Bakersfield City Council desires to establish a procedure for future name designations along the Kern ~ver Parkway. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference. 2. The City hereby accePts. the above-described Native American name designations along the Kern River Parkway for the areas as described above. <~ ~..;-'. ~,,~.. -- Page 1 of 3 Pages - ;;~,~;.~t;~'.. · 3. The City hereby declares that futu;e requests to name areas along the.Kern River Parkway will first be presented to the Citizens Cornmunlty Ser~ces Advisory Committee, which in rum will forward its.recommendation ~ the Council's Community Services Committee, which in turn will forward its recommendation t~ the City Council a~ a re~;ularly scheduled meeting for their ultimate decision. I"' ' - Page 2 of 3 Pages - ~ ~-., I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Rese~ution was passed a~_,~~.~ the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on ~uv by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBER CAR,SON, DEMC~D, MA~. COUCH. GREEN. SULLIVAN. SALVAGGaO NOES: COU NCI LMF. M~ER,~,~ ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED NOV 29 2000 /~Oe P'mcE .... MAYOR of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: BART J. THILTGEN city ~uo~ By:~ Deputy City Attorney VG:alj 4~vemb~' 21.2IX)0 Page 3 of 3 Pages PE-ESH-E (pE-WESH-E) ~ ............................ YOB~T ANCESTORS WHO LI~ED ALONG THE KERN RIVER USED APE' ESH- E ( GR~NDiNG--STO~E-}-T~-~B~D HERBS ON THIS MEDICINE ROCK. MANY OF THESE SAME YOKUT FEO~LE ARE NOW AT THE SEBASTIAN ( TEJO~') CEMETERY. NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE PRESERVATION COUNCIL OF KERN coUNTY 2002 KERN RIVER PARXWAY TULE RIVER ELDERS KO1)£ S (KO - DIS) GRINDING STONE ,THE SMOOTH AREA ON THIS 5UU~D~R WAS uo~ AS A ..... MILLING SLICK FOR KODIS ( GRINDING STONE ) TO GRIRD SEEDS AND PLANTS TO PRODUCE FOOD. ~ATIVEAMERICAN HERITAGE PRESERVATION COUNCIL OF KERN COUNTY 2002 KERN RIVER PARKWAY TULE RIVER ELDERS