HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT I MEETING DATE: November 29, 2000 I AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar I ITEM: 8. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: Stan Ford, Recreation and Parks Director DEPARTMENT HEAD' DATE: November 21, 2000 CITY ATTORNEY /~-. CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Adoption of Resolution approving three Native American name designations on,the Kern River Parkway and the future procedure for Native American name designations on the Kern River Parkway. RECOMMENDATION: Community Services Committee recommends adoption of resolution. BACKGROUND: In July of this year, representatives of Native American Heritage Preservation Council of Kern County (Preservation Council) requested an opportunity to designate three additional locations along the Kern River Parkway as permitted under the Kern River Parkway Plan. In February 1996, a similar request was heard by the Citizen's Community Services Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee recommended that City Council approve the Preservation Council's request. On March 6, 1996, City Council approved naming Yokuts Park, Yowlumne Park and Hoe-Y Running Course for picnic area west of Highway 99, volleyball courts at Truxtun Avenue at Mohawk Drive and cross- country course, respectively. The Preservation Council's current request is to assign the names of Ohshuh, Xahly and Cholich to large Truxtun Lake, small Truxtun Lake and creek connecting both lakes, respectively.. The Preservation Council will provide bronze plaques with phonetic spelling and Native American definition for their new requests as they did for their original dedications. The proposed Resolution approvesthe above-mentioned names and establishes a procedure for future Native American name designations on the Kern River Parkway. Specifically, such requests will be brought before the Citizen's Community Services Advisory Committee, and their recommendation forwarded to the City Council's Community Services Committee. The Community Services Committee met on November 16, 2000, and recommended the Council adopt the resolution. VG:alj S:\COU NCILW, dmins\NativeAmedcanDesignation.wpd November 21, 2000 NO29CA.CC ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT I MEETING DATE: November 29, 2000 I AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar I I ITEM: 8.j. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: Stan Ford, Recreation and Parks Director DEPARTMENT HEAD ~' DATE: November 21, 2000 CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Adoption of Resolution approving three Native American name designations on the Kern River Parkway and the future procedure for Native American name designations on the .Kern River Parkway. RECOMMENDATION: Community Services Committee recommends adoption of resolution. BACKGROUND: In July of this year, representatives of Native American Heritage Preservation Council of Kern County (Preservation Council) requested an opportunity to designate three additional locations along the Kern River Parkway as permitted under the Kern River Parkway Plan. In February 1996, a similar request was heard by the Citizen's Community Services Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee recommended that City Council approve the Preservation Council's request. On March 6, 1996, City Council approved naming Yokuts Park, Yowlumne Park and Hoe-Y Running Course for picnic area west of Highway 99, volleyball courts at Truxtun Avenue at Mohawk Drive and cross- country course, respectively. The Preservation Council's current request is to assign the names of Ohshuh, Xahly and Cholich to large Truxtun Lake, small Truxtun Lake and creek connecting both lakes, respectively. The Preservation Council will provide bronze plaques with phonetic spelling and Native American definition for their new requests as they did for their original dedications. The proposed Resolution approves the above-mentioned names and establishes a procedure for future Native American name designations on the Kern River Parkway. Specifically, such requests will be brought before the Citizen's Community Services Advisory Committee, and their recommendation forwarded to the City Council's Community Services Committee. The Community Services Committee met on November 16, 2000, and recommended the Council adopt the resolution. VG:alj S:\COU NCIL~Admins\NativeAmedcanDesignation.wpd November 21, 2000 NO29CA.CC ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT / MEETING DATE: December 13, 2000 I AGENDA SECTION: Reports I I ITEM: 10.a. TO: Honorable *Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: Alan Christensen, Assistant City.Manager DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: December 1,2000 -- - CITY A'I'rORNEY *- CITY MANAGER ~'~*~ SUBJECT: Designate $25,000 in the Recreation and Parks Operating Budget for a contribution to the Bakersfield Senior Center. - RECOMMENDATION: For City Council consideration BACKGROUND: Councilmember Irma Carson .has urged the City Council grant a request for $25,000 from the Bakersfield Senior Center, a non-profit organization. The request was made formally by Lynn Edwards, Executive Director of the Bakersfield Senior Center. Mr. Edwards has indicated that the funds would be used to offset the increasing costs of operating the Senior Center. The Community Services Committee heard a presentation by Mr. Edwards concerning the gro .wing population of seniors in the community and the need to provide activities for Iow and moderate income seniors, which is the clientele predominately served by the-Bakersfield Senior Center. This issue is currently under consideration by the Community Services Committee. Staff identified $25,000 in the FY 00-01 Recreation and Parks Operating Budget, which was intended for a survey of senior citizen .needs. The plan would be to shift funds from the senior survey to direct funding of the senior programs. The impact of shifting funds within the budget would be that the Recreation and Parks department would identify savings in their budget or shift funds from another activity to pay for the survey. Because the funds currently exist in the budget, the Council .is not being asked to transfer or appropriate funds. This action is before the Council because it is somewhat of a policy shift. In the past, some members of the City Council have held that the City should avoid funding requests from non-profit organizations for operating expenses. Generally, the City Council has limited funding of non-prOfits to one- time, capital related requests. However, there are exceptions to the policy, such as City Council support of the Bakersfield Symphony and First Night, where non-profits receive assistance intended for operations. In order to limit requests from other non-profits in the future, staff recommends that any future funding of operations be limited to non-profits providing services to seniors. If the City Council were to approve this item, they would be directing staff to provide funding for the Bakersfield Senior Center in an amount not to exceed $25,000. December 6, 2000, 11:05am S:~Admin Rpts~000~conting funds for sr prgrms 121300.wpd ~ ~ --, JOHN STINSON ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER fi A K E R S F I E L ~.. MEMORANDUM December 13, 2000 TO: Honorable .Mayor and City Council Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager FROM: SUBJECT: Update on Item 10a-Report on $25,000 contribution to the Bakersfield Senior Center On December 12, 2000, the Community Services Committee met to discuss the proposed contribution to the Bakersfield Senior Center. The Committee unanimously recommended that the City Council should award a one-time contribution of $25,000. However, the Committee is concerned about varying from current policy of funding only capital costs for non-profit organizations, but not operations. Therefore, in addition to recommending the Council provide a one-time contribution, the Committee also recommends that they review of the Council's policy for funding non-profit agencies. The policy review would be considered in 2001 once City Council committees are formed. .~~'~ O JOHN STINSON ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER BAKERSFIELD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM DECEMBER 12, 2000 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: PAMELA A. MCCARTHY, CITY CLERI~ SUBJECT: COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 13, 2000 AGENDA ITEM REPORTS ITEM A. CONTRIBUTION TO THE BAKERSFIELD SENIOR CENTER Correspondence has been received from the Bakersfield Senior Center, dated December 6, 2000, providing history of the center. Attachment S:\Council\ME MOS\DEC1300LM1 .wpd BAKERSFIELD SENIOR CENTER REC[ ! - DEC - 8 December 6, 2000 ' Dear Council Members; The Bakersfield Senior Center, would like to give you a little history of our center. In 1972 a group of senior citizens from Central Bakersfield formed an organization under the name of"The Young At Heart Club". Until 1974, they met at the "L" Street Manor for social and business purposes. From this modest beginning a need developed'for more structured programs that provided more viable activities for the senior community. In 1982 the group became known as The Bakersfield Senior Center and proceeded to incorporate as a 501 (3)(c)Non-Profit Corporation. The programs now in the center are those approved by The Board of Directors and developed through interaction With other agencies that 'exist in the community. The Bakersfield Senior Center was established to provide a vehicle through which the needs of an increasing senior citizen population may be better met. The original and continuing purpose of this agency is to Provide quality responses to the needs of senior citizens of Metropolitan Bakersfield. The Bakersfield Senior Center attempts to provide a broad spectrum of programs to captt~re the interest of it's diverse client population. The center began with a small group of participants, and have grown to more than 400 members. Enclosed you xvill find Some information about our activities. We would be honored to have you stop bv and take a tour et'our center at any time ,~~'s Sincerely, Edwards · ecutive Director Way ,\gcncy LI 330 r:OURI'H .s'ra£i~'r. v~:..,,.::::: ,-~ CA 9.~30.4 C3 (,205) 323.1113 0 FAX (805) 325-11385 Bakersfield Senior Center Membership form Name: Address: Phone: 530 4 STREET DOB: mm/dd/yy B~KE~,~FIELD~lq'& Keeping seniors independent and involved in tile Memb~ip for 9 community is beneficial to thmilies, friends, our youth over 55 and all segments of our population by providing $~o.~ P~ Year 93304 'socialization, nutrition, jOb training, health screening s~m~ M~ and opportunities to increase the quality of life tbr one $,~.~ Per Ye~ of our community's most deserving resources. Silv~ ~~p ~.~9.~ ~e M~~p (661) ~anl< you ~or Vou~ ~ppo~ Fax: (661) 325-§3§5 Make Checks Payable E-mail bseniors~pacbell.net to Bakersfield Senior  Center agency Bakersfield Senior Bakersfield'Senior Center Bakersfield Senior Center Center Activities And Classes -' Programs Yearly Fund-Raisers Craft Class Monday 1:00 PM Brown Bag Food supplement for .Seniors with low income Annual Bar-B-Que Bingo Bake Sales Tuesday 10:15 AM Physical Fitness Senior Walks Bible Study Exercise Equipment Christmas Party~ Wed nesday 1 o:00-AM Fathers Day Luncheon Health Seminar Computer ClaSs Healthy hearts ( ..~. Hall Rental Wednesday Cancer awareness 11:00AM & 1:00 PM Diabetes Health Fair and more Sewing Class Pancake Breakfast Thursday 9:00 AM Health Screening '.. Blood Pressure checked Public Bingo Art Class Hearing test Spaghetti Dinner Thursday 1:00 PM Flu Vaccine Special Events Charlotte Piano & Song Information & Referrals Friday 10:00 AM Quilt Drawings Nutrition Dominoes Daily 9:00 am Hot meals for seniors over 60 years of age Nevada Trips Three times' per year Pool Game Daily 9:00 AM Senior Advocate Volunteer Recognition Dinner Jig Saw Puzzles on request Senior Sack Food supple~nent for Seniors with Iow income Yard Sale Birthday Party ~'~' Last Wed~'~day each Month '--.. B A K E'R- S F I E L D Alan Tandy · City Manager pREss RELEASE March 17, 2000 CITY COUNCIL COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE TO HOLD PUBLIC MEETING ON THE NEED FOR AN ICE SI~TING FACILITY The Community Services Committee of the City Council will hold a public meeting ~on Tuesday, April 4, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. The purposes of the meeting are: 1) To hear from the public on the need for an ice skating facility. 2) To update the community on research and efforts made, to date, to attract an ice skating facility to Bakersfield. 3) In light of the financial difficulties in attracting such a business, to solicit ideas and comments on how the community, itself, might asSist through donations .. of land, cash, or other forms, to make it more feasible to attract such a business to Bakersfield. For information contact Alan Tandy, City Manager, at 326-3751. ADMINIST TIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: November 29, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 8. j. I TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: Stan Ford, Recreation and Parks Director DEPARTMENT HEA ~D_~~ DATE: November 21, 2000 CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Adoption of Resolution approving three Native American name designations on the Kern River Parkway and the future procedure for Native American name designations on the Kern River Parkway. RECOMMENDATION: Community Services Committee recommends adoption of resolution. BACKGROUND: In July of this year, representatives of Native American Heritage Preservation Council of Kern County (Preservation Council) requested an opportunity to designate three additional locations along the Kern River Parkway as permitted under the Kern River Parkway Plan. In February 1996, a similar request was heard by the Citizen's Community Services Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee recommended that City Council approve the Preservation Council's request. On March 6, 1996, City Council approved naming Yokuts Park, Yowlumne Park and Hoe-Y Running Course for picnic area west of Highway 99, volleyball courts at Truxtun Avenue at Mohawk Drive and cross- country course, respectively. The Preservation Council's current request is to assign the names of Ohshuh, Xahly and Cholich to large Truxtun Lake, small Truxtun Lake and creek connecting both lakes, respectively. The Preservation Council will provide bronze plaques with phonetic spelling and Native American definition for their new requests as they did for their original dedications. The proposed Resolution approves the above-mentioned names and establishes a procedure for future Native American name designations on the Kern River Parkway. Specifically, such requests will be brought before the Citizen's Community Services Advisory Committee, and their recommendation forwarded to the City Council's Community Services Committee. The Community Services Committee met on November 16, 2000, and recommended the Council adopt the resolution. VG:alj S:\COUNClL~Admins\NativeAmericanDesignation.wpd November 21, 2000 NO29CA.CC RESOLUTION NO. A.RESOLUTION APPROVING THREE NATIVE AMERICAN NAME DESIGNATIONS ON THE KERN RIVER PARKWAY AND FUTURE PROCEDURE FOR SUCH NAME DESIGNATIONS. WHEREAS, the Kern River Parkway Plan, which encompasses the area between the mouth of the Kern River Canyon and Interstate Highway 5 permits the naming of locations along such area with names of people or places directly related to the Kern River; and WHEREAS, the Bakersfield City Council, on March 6, 1996, approved the request of the Native American Heritage Preservation Council of Kern County (Preservation Council) to name Yokuts Park, Yowlumne Park and Hoe-Y Running Course for the picnic area west of Highway 99, volleyball courts at Truxtun Avenue at Mohawk Drive and cross- country course, respectively; and WHEREAS, the current request of the Preservation Council is to assign the names of Ohshuh, Xahly and Cholich to large Truxtun Lake, small Truxtun Lake and creek connecting both lakes, respectively; and WHEREAS, The Preservation Council has agreed to provide bronze plaques with phonetic spelling and Native American definition for their new requests as they did for their original dedications; and WHEREAS, the Bakersfield City Council believes such name designations are an appropriate reflection of the community's history and culture; and WHEREAS, the Bakersfield City Council desires to establish a procedure for future name designations along the Kern River Parkway. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference. 2. The City herebY accepts the above-described Native American name designations along the Kern River Parkway for the areas as described above. -- Page 1 of 3 Pages -- 3. The City hereby declares that future requests to name areas along the Kern River Parkway will first be presented to the Citizens Community Services Advisory Committee, which in turn will forward its recommendation to the City Council's Community Services Committee, which in turn will forward its recommendation to the City Council at a regularly scheduled meeting for their ultimate decision. ............ o0o .............. --.Page 2 of 3 Pages -- ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: May 10, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: New Business ITEM: 12.a. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager DEPARTMENT HEAD ~ DATE: May 2, 2000 CITY ATTORNEY .~_~~ CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Ice Skating Facility: 1) Transfer $50,000 Council Contingency to the Capital Improvement Budget in the Capital Outlay Fund for a feasibility study and cost estimating. 2) Appropriate and transfer $198,395, the balance of unanticipated ERAF reimbursement and $51,605 unanticipated motor vehicle in-lieu revenue for a total of $250,000 to the Capital Improvement Budget (Ice Rink Reserve) in the Capital Outlay Fund. RECOMMENDATION: The Community Services Committee recommends approval. BACKGROUND: For the past several months, the Community Services Committee has considered a proposal by a group of citizens for the City to facilitate or build an ice skating facility. Staff researched a number of possible approaches to this issue, which included attracting private firms to build and operate a facility or having the City build and own a facility. We found that such a project faces significant challenges to make the project economically feasible. The estimated cost for a newly constructed facility for a single sheet of ice is $3.4 million, without land. That would provide a fairly simple building with locker rooms, gift shop, as well as the initial purchase of equipment, such as a Zamboni. In order to make the proposed ice facility "pencil out," the following contributions and assistance would be necessary: 1) donation or contribution of land, 2) significant cash donations, and 3) business loans and/or public debt issuance to finance a major portion of the construction cost of the facility. Such contributions or assistance would,, in effect, reduce the capital cost of construction enough so that the debt of the facility could be paid for through the facility's operations and allow the facility to be profitable. At the April 4th Community Services Committee meeting, Bolthouse Farms put up a $250,000 challenge match. In other words, if-the community raises $250,000, Bolthouse will match it. Also, a number of parties May 2, 2000, 4:40PM S:~AC~dmin Rpts~lceSkatingFacility00mayl0.wpd ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 have come forward offering land for the facility, including some possibility of County property, Mesa Marin property, and, most recently, North Bakersfield Recreation and Park District property adjacent to Centennial High School near River Lakes Ddve and Coffee Road. A downtown location is still a possibility as part of the proposed City Center Project. Given the matching funds and the land donation options, staff felt the project was ready to progress to the next step. On May 1st,-the Community Services Committee considered a recommendation by staff to put forward a $250,000 match of its own. Staff recommended that the Council release $50,000 for preliminary work on economic feasibility, costs estimating, and generation of concept drawings for such a facility. If the full $500,000 is raised by the private sector, the City should' also put up a $200,000 match for a total of $250,000. If these pieces fall together - free land, plus $750,000, we would be getting close to economic feasibility for the project. It was made clear by staff that the City's proposed matching funds would be contingent upon the additional $250,000 of community donations not yet realized. Staff has identified $250,000 of one-time revenue from an ERAF reimbursement ($198,395) and unanticipated motor vehicle in-lieu revenue ($51,605) that are available for this project. Since these funds are essentially one-time in nature, it would be preferable to use them for capital expenditures rather than ongoing operations. The Community Services Committee recommended the following to the full Council: 2) $250,000 of matching funds be reserved to assist in writing down the cost of a proposed ice skating facility. 2) $50,000 of Council Contingency be transferred to the Capital Outlay Fund to pay for a feasibility study and cost estimating work, which would begin as soon as possible. This would bdng the recommended total of funds to $300,000. 3) City staff to provide assistance with fund-raising efforts through use of the Bakersfield Foundation, a non- profit foundation created to receive and account for cash donations for public purposes. They also requested that a link be set up on the City's website for interested parties to obtain information on the progress of the project and to facilitate further fund-raising efforts. May 2, 2000, 4:40PM S:~AC~Admin Rpts~lceSkating Facility00may 10.wpd BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM April 27, 2000 TO: COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMI'I-I'E!~/~ FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANA. GER 2// ..... SUBJECT: ICE RINK '- On April 4~, the community Services Committee held a public meeting on the need for'a ':' new ice rink in Bakersfield. The meeting had excellent turn out. Several items were identified for investigation. A separate memo from Alan Christensen on those issues,'is.'i The meebng also generated follow up discussion on possible sites which might be without cost. While nothing is certain, we have had discussions on several siteS, owned by the North Bakersfield Recreation .and Parks District and on® owned by Marin. The best of those, from a business perspective, would seem to be on Bakersfield Recreation and Parks District site off Coffee Road, south of point where eventually the intersection of Riverlakes RanCh Boulevard will intersect The. North Bakersfield Recreation and Parks District has discussed the concept with Board and they, in concept, seem agreeable.. " ~,:. Another concept that has arisen as a new possibility is at the proposed City Center sit~ An original location that has been considered was next to the City Center at California, between M and N streets. Under the revised concept, the ice facility would become par{ .":..:.' .. of a large recreational complex on a pad within the City Center itself,·due south of the': Centennial Garden on what is now, for the most part, a City parking lot. That expanded conCept would also include basketball, volleyball, a ·r~ess center and, through multi Use' of space, convertible areas for teen dances, convention space needs, etc. If this concept was pursued, the parking spaces lost Would have to be replaced, either 'by the City or the·· developer. Again, this is an exploratory concept at this point in time, not a certainty." The other possibility for free land at the Metropark facility on North Chester is also "out there" and should be kept alive.as a possibility. It may be a competitive process to get that particular site. Community Services Committee April 27, 2000 Page 2 Cash The April 4~' meeting was also successful in generating some significanteontribution offem. The Condors put up an offer that would include operating help. Bolthouse Farms put up a $250,000 challenge match.* In other words, if the community raises $250,000, Bolthouse will match it. P, ecommendation The potential of land availability, plus up to $500,000 in community contributions, is significant. Staff is recommending that the City of Bakersfield Put forward a match of its own. It is recommended that the Council release up to $50,000 for preliminary work~on economic feasibility, cost estimating and generation of concept drawings for such a facility. If the full $500,000 is raised by the private sector, the City should also Put up a $200 match for a total of $250,000. A memo is enclosed showing how this could come one time monies currently in hand'. This is reasonably commensurate with the amount th, City paid for the skateboard park. It is also rare that $500,000 could be raised private sector. That certainly justifies the City match. ':.. If these pieces fall together - free land, plus $750,000, we would be getting economic feasibility of the project. * Note: An offer was made to fully fund the project. Funds for such a dOnation, h°W~;~ am not yet in place. If ever they are, that, of course, would be pumued. ' Attachments BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM April 26, 2000 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager ~ SUBJECT: Issues Related to a Proposed Ice Skating Facility At the Community Services Committee meeting on April 4, 2000, several ideas and suggestions were offered during public statements on how to make a public ice skating' facility a reality in Bakersfield. The following are responses to those statements: ·.:. · 1. CalWorks and Enterprise Zone Programs - Tanya Andrews suggested CalWorks program would provide an inexpensive source of labor to a pdvate oPeratOr~;;:.'i of the proposed facility. She also suggested use of the enterpdsezone to provide-t~:'~.;! advantages to an operator. CalWorks employees could be available to an if they chose to use that program. Also, if the proposed facility were to within the Enterprize Zone boundaries, then the tax benefits of that pro.clram~'id also be available to the operator; again, if they chose to take advantage-of 2. C~ of Lawndale Fac~h~ - Barbara Gnmes stated that some yearn back moderate income pemons. The maximum amount of funding that HUD will consider is $35,000 per Iow and moderate income job created (full-time equivalent). · available to the public for hockey teams, figure skating, and general public skating.· The Idaho Steelheads hockey team practices at the public skating facili~. Re~ntly they were ve~ close to a deal with a private operator for a second skating facili~. That project never materialized. 4. Old Payless Buildi~o - Staff researched the feasibili~ of using the emp~ building Io~ted near the Valley Plaza Mall, formerly occupied by Payless, as a possible site for an i~ skating facili~. Unfo~unately, the dimensions of the building are not large enough to sewe an ice skating use. 5. Santa Clarita Ice Rink - A private ice skating/ente~ainment facili~ called "The Station" is being constructed in the Ci~ of Valencia. It is a privately owned business that is projected to open in June 2000. Among other ente~ainment aerations, there Page 2 are three sheets of ice planned: 1) Olympic size, 2) NHL size, and 3) a smaller practice size. The City of Santa Clarita has not participated financially in the project. 6. Mr. Oliver Contribution - We have yet to confirm whether or not Mr. Oliver's offer of a significant contribution to the project will materialize. We have contacted Mr. Oliver by phone. He states that funds are forthcoming. 7. F_~ _ Several individuals have volunteered to help raise private donations. The City has offered to use the Bakersfield Foundation as conduit for collecting donations from individuals and organizations. The volunteers I have spoken to have responded in positively to using the Foundation. The next step will be fora fundraising committee to have a kickoff meeting. Also, attached is a copy of a letter from Andre Radant representing B(~lthouse Farms, which has offered a matching grant of $250,000 if the City builds the ice skating facility. · '~ 8. North Bakersfield Recreation and Parks Property - The NBRP Board is open tothe idea of pursuing a facility located on one of their undeveloped park sites. The concept is that they would lease us the needed property, which is on their proposed i park site seast of Centennial High School near Coffee Road. , .'~:i.'. .- ;'.; '....; ~--20-2~0 2:4.8PM FROH WH BOLTHOUSE F'ARHS IBiB1 ~IBI~ 8~'72 P. 1 WM. BOLTHOUSE FARMS. lNG. · ?200 .FAST BRUNDAGE LANE · BAKERSI~r~I v~. CA 93307-.30~) ~611366-7205 o F&X: 661/ 366-2834 Apdi 20, 2000 Mr. Alan Tandy City Manager 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Alan: A municipally owned ice dnk would be a terrific addition to our community. The enthusiasm for ice based activities in Bakersfield has grown tremendously with the addition of the Centennial Garden and the opening of the Ice Palace on Rosedale Hwy. The closing of the Ice Palace has left a real hole in the recreational opportunities for many members of the community. In an effort to bring a municipally owned facility to our community, Wm. Bolthouse Farms, Inc. would like to offer $250,000.00 in the form of a matching gift to the city of Bakersfield, in an effort to contribute $500,000.00 of pdvate funds toward this project. The matching gift will match dollar-for-dollar all designated gifts for this project and be paid in June 2001. The gift would, of course, be predicated on the city building an ice dnk in Bakersfield. Sincerely. Andre Radandt Executive Vice President Wm. Bolthouse Farms, Inc. CiTY OF ZONING MAP 102-20 SEC. 20 T. Z9. R. Z7c c ~,,,,,"", I ' O L. EG ENO ~ ~ ' C~~ '"" ~ R'Z Iit I PC O. I (P.C O ) ~,,~,.. ~ --~ BAKERSFIELD .. ;' CITY M~NAGER'$ OFFICE MEMORANDUM April 11, 2000 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: John W. Stins istant'City Manager SUBJECT: Possible Matching Funds for Ice Rink This memo is in response to your inquiry regarding possible funding sources for a potential $250,000 city contribution to match the $250,000 offered by Bolthouse and other public contributions for the proposed Ice Rink. . ~..: :~ As you will recall the City received a one-time ERAF payment from.the state subsequent io ' adoption of the FY 1999-2000 budget. In addition we received greater than anticipated vehicle license fee revenues, which were treated as done time revenue due to the cyclical of this revenue source. The majority of these additional revenues and a reimbursement t{f booking fees from the state were appropriated to the Gas Tax Fund to eliminate the $2.1 million loan for road repairs and improvements. There still remains appr°ximateiy'~i':~:: ';i!~i~? $250,000 of these funds remaining from the ERAF and motor Vehicle revenues Which c0ul~i'~i~i used for the proposed ice rink project. Since these funds are essentially'one-time would be preferable to use them for capital projects rather than ongoing expenditures... ForYo~:~:i information I have attached a spreadsheet prepared by the Finance Director wMch sources of these funds. "~' S:~JOHN'~TPRO,~ice Rink Funding. wpd " City of Bakersfield ~ One-Time Revenues 1999 .. Previous Revised Increase Description Estimate Estimate (Decrease) ERAF 88,190 - 87,204 (986) ERAF (PopUlation) 313,133 512,514 199,381 Sub-Total 401,323 599,718 198,395 Booking Fees 714,431 714,431 - M.V. in Lieu 984,246 1,035,851 51,605 Total 2,100,000 2,350,000 250,000 S:\Darrin\Gregory\Notebk2.QPW 04,'10/00 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM May 4, 2000 TO: Ice Skating Facility Enthusiasts FROM: Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Fundraising Meeting The Community Services Committee's recommendation to the City Council to match Bolthouse Farms' $250,000 for building a public ice skating facility is an exciting-one. The Committee also recommended that fundraising efforts in the community begin as soon as possible because the matching funds committed thus far are contingent upon · the community raising another $250,000. Therefore, we are scheduling a Fundraising Kickoff meeting on May 9th at 4:30 pm in the City Manager's Conference Rm. located at City Hall. At the meeting, City staff will be available to answer questions about how the Bakersfield Foundation, a non-profit entity, can be used to receive contributions raised by the community and how to best organize yourselves. You have been invited because you have either attended Committee meetings in the past or have expressed an interest in helping out with the fundraising effort. If you have any questions, please call me at 326-3606. Agenda for Fundraising Kickoff May 9, 2000 1. City's Role/Bakersfield Foundation 2. Committee Organization 3. Regular Meeting Times 4. Donation Process 5. Other Business 6. Set Next Meeting 7. Adjourn 05/88/2000 13:~G 88532~59GG YAOKLEY P~GE 03 · ' Bakersfield Ice Skating Facility Fundraising Plan '1.) Organiz~ a Committee to spearhead a volunteer effort. Agree on regular nleeting times, length of campaign and goal amount. 2.) Divide the Community into areas (using Chamber Directory, Yellow Pages and United'Way model. Recruit a well-known leader in each area to call on the top 'companies in eaCh field. 3.) Focus or the list of-largest companies first. (Use the Major Employer's List from the Chamber here for the top 17-~18 companies.) 4.) Ask for T~/support and air a PSA seeking individual donations and to get the slory out to the public. 5.)' Train Volunteers in "how' to make phone appointments (requesting a ten minute meeting), then making a brief presentation and closing with a strong ' ask." a.)offer a check presentation opportunity for each large donor at the end of'the drive. b.) Do a .large thermometer in view of the community. c.) Set ki,~..off and completion dates '(recommend 3 months) d.) Train on how to donate to the Bakersfield Foundation e.) Schedule location where "phone bank' can keep motivation up, to get the calls done. f.) Get a bookkeeping volunteer or staff to monitor and report on progr,.=.ss of donations (maybe someone from CPA category.). 6.) Establish Recognition Categories based on amounts given. $25, 50, '100; 500, !,000, 5,000, !0,000 and above. Decid~ if the arena should be named for the largest donor?. 7.) Ask Unite::l Way if they would "donate" any of their expertise in the effort of this fundrajsing drive. (Since they do a city employee campaign, maybe they can offer assistance to this effort. 85/88/2888 13:46 8853245966 YACKLEY PAGE 82 DIVISIONS OF FUNDRAISING DRIVE Commercr:"i & 'Industry: Ag, Oil, Retail, Sporting Goods, Athletic & Recreational Stores Profes$ior:~al '.Services: Affemeys, Architects & Engineers, CPA's, · · Insurance, Real Estate, Non Profit to include " Ice skating clubs, Recreational groups, Dance & Ballet groups, etc... Professior:~31 Health: Physicians, Psychologists, Dentists, Optometrists, Hospitals, Chiropractors Podiatrists, Ambulance Public Erdp. ioyees. Individuals .. .' INto: 1998~ Giu matra 'F'~ms .............................. 4,300 Grimmway :~terp~ises .................... 2,500 Dote Baker~= field.'lac ...... . ................. 2.3~0 wm. Bo~tho.~se Frams. ~Nc ............. 2,000 DryOen Fl~gl.~t 'Rese~c~ Orr ............ 2.000 Memy HealL~are Bakersfield ......... 1.515 Slate Farm nsurance ...................... 1.125 8akemfield f 3e~ial'Hospilal ......... 1,100 Kern Comm~,nity :'Cgll~ge Distri~ .... 1,100 Texaco ExphSration and Prod. Inc, ,, 1,100 San Joaquin,.Hos~laI ........... : ........... 1,091 Agricare.lnc ...... : ............................... 1,0~ WB picar Fa.:~ 'Labor Contractor .... ~,~0 Chevron Cor~3~n es ...................... gOO Pandol and c' ' ' ~ns.. .................. g00 Ae~a Energ~ ~LC ............................. 870 SlO3.1.1HOB¥ 'ONI 'dlgOU~) U3NZ3UO 391 C!931=15~13~1~B APN: 004-150-()5 &. 13 OWN I!R: Kern Co Eleclrieal Pension PAR(~t~I_ SIZli: 2(~1,376 s.t'. (4.60 ac} DIMENSIONS: (,51 75' x 264' ZONING: M-I PRESENT I JSE; vacant land C()MMENTS: Thc prodigy has bt~n o~ mid t~ll'thc mnrkel fi~r five yes, rs al $4.(Ni s.l'. 4 04/0~/00 ~ON 0~:18 FAX 805 588 2550 HYDRIL CO~?ANY ~001 liYnRll '- Hydrll Company 3237 Patton Way Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 588-9332-office (805) 588-2550-fax FAX TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET ' 'TO: Mr. Alan Tandy Company: City Manager,s Office Fax No: 661-852-2050 Phone No: From: Cecelia Anzalone Company: Hydril Company Fax No: (661} 588-25.$0 . Phone No: (66t) 588-9332 Date: 04-03-00 Pages including this cover sheet: 12 Following regarding City Council 'meeting April 4. Note: I am continuing to obtain signatures on the petition. 04/05/00 ~ON 09:19 FAX 805 588 2550 HYDRIL COMPANY ~]002 Cecelia AltT, alolt¢ ~ 9119 Grt, oibalt]~ Street~ Ba]~'~¢k/~ CA 93312 ~/ 661-589-6130 March 28, 2000 / City of Bakersfield City Manager's Office 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Arm: Alan Tandy, City Manager Dear Mr. Tandy: I am submitting this letter as I am unable to attend the City Council meeting regarding the need for an ice skating facility. I am the Treasurer for the Condors Booster Club and have organized the Awards Banquet to be held on the same evening. I grew up training for the Olympics as a figure skater. I was gravely disappointed when my family moved to Bakersfield as there was no ice rink here. I have never gotten over my love of the ice or the disappointment of moving to a town that failed to support my sport of. choice. My loss has affected me to this day. The Civic Center would open for public skate during the summer.. I spent my summers there, but the ice was crowded and it certainly was not the same as having a full-time facility where I could train. I was a member of the Bakersfield Ice Skating Club up until the time Bakersfield decided to take the Civic ice from us. When the Ice Palace opened .I was ecstatic. It was too late for me to continue my career, but my son Anthony could certainly begin skating. Well, Anthony has the same love for the sport of ice hockey that I had for figure skating. He quickly excelled at playing. He played for 3 in-house teams and also for the Bakersfield Dragons. I worked as an off-ice official to trade out for his league fees and also worked in the pro-shop to trade out for his equipment. Anthony was so busy with hockey he had absolutely no time to get into · trouble. Also, he knew he could not slack off in school or he would not be able to skate. Anthony became so involved with hockey, he made a decision to give up every other sport he played (which was every sport you could imagine). Anthony spent his summers assisting the Hockey Director with home school classes. As a single parent, this was a very welcome activity. Then came the Closure of the Ice Palace. Another generation has gone by and the City has not changed since I moved here in 1963. There are more and more bars, but nothing more for children. Although the closure of the Ice Palace was no fault of the city, I've yet to see any evidence (no media coverage? 04/0~/00 ~ON 09:19 FAX 805 588 2550 HYDRIL COMPANY ~00~ as with baseball) that the City has done anything in the last year regarding the need for an' ice skating facility. It seems to be ignored hoping we will finally give up and go away. To my understanding, the City supported another skate park even though Vans was newly opened. Judging from the media, the City seems to try very hard to get a new baseball park, even though we already have three facilities for the pros/children. Here are some facts: * Whenever the Garden' hosts a public skate, the arena is packed * Condors attendance has gone up significantly. The Condors must have home ice on which to practice. Currently, if the Garden has booked another event, the Condors either do not practice or they must leave a few days early to practice at the away rink where they are playing for that week , . There was great interest in the Jr. Condors program. The only reason they did not get as many kids as they could have. was the Condors office gave only two weeks for people to come up with $500. When it was decided that the parents could make payments, it is my understanding that the Condors staff failed to contact those parents and inform them. · We have some really great hockey professionals in town who are willing to donate their time if we could just get some ice. · I, for one, would still be willing.to do what I could to make the ice rink a success. I would continue to work as an off-ice official or any other capacity. · I am still in contact with the previous owner of the pro shop. I am sure she would be willing to set-up shop again without the high costs and lack of knowledge (regarding hockey and figure skating) of our local sporting store. · The Ice Palace did not close because they were not making money. Quite the opposite. The Ice Palace was making money. The hockey and figure programs were rapidly growing just before the closure. The Ice Palace closed because one of the partners took the profits from the Bakersfield facility to feed his facility in Alisso Veijo, where he had more cfa personal interest. · When the Ice Palace was open, the Kern County Hockey Club hosted a toumament/playoff. This brought additional business to nearby hotels and restaurants in Bakersfield. Everybody from the club worked together to make this event a success, besides being fun for the kids and parents. With all the tournaments and playoffs involved with ice hockey, we would be able to host other functions. Figure skaters also have competitions that could be scheduled in Bakersfield. · An ice rink will NOT attract a "bad crowd." I have been "hanging out" in ice rinks most of my life and have yet to see an undesirable crowd. 04/03/00 ~iON 09:20 F/L~ 805 588 2550' HYDRIL CO~iPANY [~004 · The Kern County Hockey Club had two teams win State Championships last year. The PeeWee team just won the So. Calif. Championships and are headed for State April 14-16. We obviously have some talent in this town. * I am confident that the City, just like every other government entity, wastes money on unnecessary programs/projects (or whatever term is used for justification) and can make some cut backs to assist in making this project more financially feasible. , It is also my understanding that, after having spoken with Mr. Bill Davidson (Condors owner/partner), the Condors have voiced their interest in supporting an ice rink. · There is a company in Los Angeles who sets-up temporary ice finks (this could be an option until we come up with a solution to building our permanent facility). · There are more people than those of us from the Kern County Hockey Club who are interested in ice. I have obtained signatures in the last two (2) days from everyone I have come in contact which indicates their interest also. I understand that baseball (or soccer, or football) fans'would say that hockey is not important; let your child play another sport. But our children do not want to play another sport any more than those who love soccer want to play another sport. The difference is soccer players have a field; baseball and football players have their fields; basketball players have their courts; even those who'race cars, bikes and motorcycles have a facility. Ice hockey players have NOTHING! If this city will not support us, I will continue to do what I can and work additional jobs so my son can continue to.skate. I will have to drive out of town 3-4 times a week to Valencia, Sylmar or North Hills. I am confident that there is a way we can have ice again. Mr. Tandy, you love ice hockey and I knov( you were instnmaental in making the Garden a reality. I urge you to take that same drive and dedication to help us. I. know we can do it if we just work together. It , may take some time, but the effort will be well worth the final rewards that our children will reap. If only you could have seen the priceless smiles on the faces of our boys when . they won the championship (the weekend of March 25~, you would understand how we feel. Sincerely, Hockey Mom and Fan Treasurer, Condors Booster Club Single, Working Mother 04/03/00 MON 00:20 FAX 805 588 2550 HYDRIL COMPANY ~005 PUBLIC MEETING ON THE NEED FOR AN ICE SKATING FACILITY APRIL 4, 2000 AT 7:00 PM City Council Chamber Bakersfield is in need of an ice skating rink. Last year the Bakersfield Dragons had two teams win the State Championships. May 12 Was named Bakersfield Dragon day as a result. This year our PeeWee B team won the So. ' Calif. Championship and is headed to the State Championship April 14 - 16. Bakersfield has a group of figure skaters that would .like to see a rink again in Bakersfield. Before the closure of the Ice Palace, the youth and adult hockey program was growing considerably. The Condors need home ice on which to practice. It' you would like to support our efforts.to getan ice*rink again In Bakersfield, please sign this petition. If you are able, we would also appreciate your attendance at the CitY Council meeting on April 4. 04/03/00 MON 09:21 FAX 805 588 2550 ItYDRIL CO'~PA~'qY ~]006 ;.. ~ .. ~ ~:..~i~'~.~. . Petition for an io~ rink in 04/05/00 MON 09:22 FA~X 805 588 2550 ItYDRIL COr~PANY [~007 Petition for an ice rink in Bakersfield (cOnt). ,.: 04/03/00 MON 09:23 FAX 805 588 2550 HYDRIL COMP,~NY ~]008 Petition for an ice rink in Bakersfield (cont). 04/03/00 MON 09:24 FAX 805 588 2550 HYDRIL COMPANY ~]000 ~' ."..'~'i:/.i/~I Petition for an ice rink in Bakersfield (c~nt)..., , ' '*'.:.,.:'ii'*'' ~*i*!".. 04/03/00 MON 09:25 FAX 805 588 2550 HYDRIL C0liP.a_Ny ~010. PUBLIC MEETING ON THE NEED FOR AN ICE SKATING FACILITY APRIL 4, 2000 AT 7:00 PM City Council Chamber Bakersfield is in need of an ice skating rink. Last year the Bakersfield Dragons had two teams win the State Championships. May 12 was named Bakersfield Dragon day as a result. This year our PeeWee B team won the So. Calif. Championship and* is headed to the State Championship April 14 - 16.. Bakersfield has a group of figure skaters that would like to see a rink again In Bakersfield. Before the closure of the Ice Palace, the youth and adult hockey program was growing considerably. The Condors need home ice on which to practice. If you would like to support our efforts to get an Ice rink again in Bakersfield, please sign this 'petition. If you are. able, we would also appreciate your attendance at the City Council meeting on April 4. 04/03/00 MON 09:25 FAX 805 588 2550 HYDRIL COMPANY ~]011 " Petition for an ice rink in Bakersfield (cont). ' '~~~ ~ ~ ~ .. "~'~A~, ~ ~P ~~~ ' /-~-~ 04/05/00 MON 09:26 FAX 805 588 2550 HYDRIL COMPANY ~]012 PUBLIC MEETING ON THE NEED FOR AN ICE SKATING FACILITY APRIL 4, 2000 AT 7:00 PM City Council Chamber Bakersfield is in need of an Ice skating rink. Last year the Bakersfield Dragons had two teams win the State Championships. May 12 was named Bakersfield Dragon day as a result. This year our PeeWee B team won the So. Calif. Championship and is headed to the State Championship April 14 - ~! 6. Bakersfield has a group of figure skaters that would like to see a rink again In Bakersfield. Before the closure of the Ice Palace, the youth and adult hockey program was growing considerably. The Condors need home Ice on which to practice. If you would like to support our efforts to get an ice rink again in Bakersfield, please sign this petition. If you are able, we would also appreciate your attendance at the City Council meeting on April 4. BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy · City Manager March 17, 2000 Adel Klein Director of Policy Analysis County of Kern 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301' Dear Adel: I would like to personally invite you to a community meeting of the Community S'ervices Committee to.discuss the possibility of developing an ice skating facility in the City. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on April 4, 2000 in the City Council Chambers located at 1501 Truxtun Avenue. I understand that this .issue is of interest to you because the proposed facility, if built, could potentially be housed on property currently owned by the County. If you have questions about the meeting, please contact me at 326-3751. Sincerely, Alan Christensen Assistant City-Manager Enclosure cc Alan Tandy, City Manager S:~AC\CSCommittee\lCEletterOOmar17 City of Bakersfield · City Manager's Office ° 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California · 93301 (661) 326-3751 · Fax (661) 852-2050 BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy · City Manager March 17, 2000 Mr. Pete Yackley 305 Pauma Court Bakersfield, CA 93309 Dear Mr. Yackley: The Community Services Committee of the City of Bakersfield invites you to a community meeting to discuss the possibility of developing an ice skating facility in the City. The meeting will be held at 7.p.m. on April 4, 2000 in the City Council Chambers located at 1501 Truxtun Avenue. The purposes for the meeting are: 1. To hear from the public on the need for an ice skating facility; 2. To update the community on research and efforts made to attract an ice skating facility to Bakersfield; and 3. To solicit ideas and comments on how the community .itself might assist through donations of land, cash, or other forms to make the project more feasible to a developer of ice skating facilities. Please invite your friends and associates that are*interested in this is. sue to attend as well. A large crowd of interested citizens would be helpful for the Committee to determine the future direction of the project. If you have questions, please contact me at 326-3751. Sincerely, Alan Christensen Assistant City Manager Enclosure cc Honorable Mayor and City Council Alan Tandy, City Manager S:~AC\CSCommittee\lCEletter - City of Bakersfield · City Manager's Office · 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California · 93301 (661) 326-3751 · Fax (661) 852-2050 BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy · City Manager March 17, 2000 Mr. Stan Dodson 2810 I:lmwood Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93305 Dear Mr. Dodson: The Community Services Committee of the City of Bakersfield invites you to a community meeting to discuss the possibility of developing an ice skating facility in the City. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on April 4, 2000 in the City Council Chambers located at 1501 Truxtun Avenue. The purposes for the meeting are: 1. To hear from the public on the need for an ice skating facility; 2. To update the community on research and efforts made to attract an ice skating facility to Bakersfield; and 3. To s°licit ideas and comments on how the community itself might assist through donations of land, cash, or other forms to make the project more feasible to a developer of ice skating facilities. Please invite your fdends and associates that are interested in this issue to attend as well. A large crowd of interested citizens would be helpful for the Committee to determine the future direction of the project. If you have questions, please contact me at 326-3751. Sincerely, Alan Christensen Assistant City Manager Enclosure cc Honorable Mayor and City Council Alan Tandy, City Manager S:~,C\CSCommittee\lC Eletter City of Bakei'sfield · City Manager's Office ° 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California · 93301 (661) 326-3751 ° Fax (661) 852-2050 BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy · City Manager March 17, 2000 Ms. Lori Ohama Bakersfield Blades Figure Skating Club 3613 Ranch Santa Fe Street Bakersfield, CA 93311 Dear Ms'. Ohama: The Community Services Committee of the City of Bakersfield invites you to a community meeting to discuss the possibility of developing an ice skating facility in the City. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on April 4, 2000 in the City Council Chambers located at 1501 Truxtun Avenue. The purposes fOr the meeting are: 1. To hear from the public on the need for an ice skating facility; 2. To update the community on research and efforts made to attract an ice skating facility to Bakersfield; and 3. To solicit ideas and comments on how the community itself might assist through donat, ions of land, cash, or other forms to make the project more feasible to a developer of ice skating facilities. Please invite your fdends and associates that are interested in this issue to attend as well. A large crowd of interested citizens would be helpful for the Committee to determine the future direction of the project. If you have questions, please contact me at 326-3751. Sincerely, Alan Christensen Assistant City Manager Enclosure cc Honorable Mayor and City Council Alan Tandy, City Manager S:WC\CSCommittee\lC Eletter City of Bakersfield · City Manager's Office ° 1501 'Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California · 93301 (661) 326-3751 · Fax (661) 852-2050 BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy ' City Manager March 17, 2000 Ms. Barbara Grimes Bakersfield Blades Figure Skating Club. 11008 Mirage Ddve Bakersfield, CA 93311 Dear Ms. Grimes: The Community Services Committee of the City of Bakersfield invites you to a community meeting to discuss the possibility of developing an ice skating facility in the CitY. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on April 4, 2000.in the City Council Chambers located at 1501 Truxtun Avenue. The purposes for the meeting are: 1. To hear.from the public on the need for an ice skating facility; 2. To update the community on research and efforts made to attract an ice skating facility.to Bakersfield; and 3. To solicit ideas and comments On how the community itself might assist through donations of land, cash, or other forms to make the project more feasible to a developer of ice skating facilities. Please invite your fdends and associates that are interested in this issue to attend as well. A large crowd of interested citizens would be helpful for the Committee to determine the future direction of the project. If you have questions, please contact me at 326-3751. Sincerely, Alan Christensen Assistant City Manager Enclosure cc Honorable Mayor and City Council Alan Tandy, City Manager S:'~,C\C SCommittee\lC Eletter City of Bakersfield · City Manager's Office · 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield ° California" 93301 (661) 326-3751.. Fax (661) 852-2050 BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy · City Manager March 17, 2000 Mr. Shaun Sigrest 13709 Eberle Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Dear Mr. Sigrest: The Community Services Committee of the City of Bakersfield invites you to a community meeting to discuss the possibility of developing an ice skating facility in the City. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on April 4, 2000 in the City Council Chambers located at 1501 Truxtun Avenue. The purposes for the meeting are: 1. To hear from the public on the need for' an ice skating facility; 2. To update the community on research and efforts made to attract an ice skating facility to Bakersfield; and 3. To solicit ideas and comments on how the community itself might assist through donations of land, cash, or other forms to make the project more.feasible to a developer of ice skating facilities. Please invite your friends and associates that are interested in this issue to attend as well. A large crowd of interested citizens would be hi~lpful for the Committee to determine the future direction of the project. If you have questions, please contact me at 326-3751. Sincerely, Alan Christensen Assistant City Manager Enclosure cc Honorable Mayor and City Council Alan Tandy, City Manager $:~AC\CSCommittee\lCEletter · City of Bakersfield · City Manageds Office ° 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California · 93301 (661) 326-3751 · Fax (661) 852-2050 BAKERSFIELD Alan ]'andy · City Manager March 17, 2000 Mr. Steve DeBranch Castle and Cooke P.O. Box 11165 B~kersfield, CA 93389-1165 Dear Mr. DeBranch: The Community Services Committee of the City of Bakersfield invites you to a' community meeting to discuss the possibility of developing an ice skating facility in the City. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on April 4, 2000 in the City Council Chambers located at 1501 Truxtun Avenue. The purposes for the meeting are: 1. To hear from the public on the need for an ice skating facility; 2. To update the community on research and efforts made to attract an ice skating facility to Bakersfield; and 3. To solicit ideas and comments on how the community itself might assist through donations of land, cash, or other forms to make the project more feasible to a developer of ice skating facilities. Please invite your fdends and associates-that are interested in this issue to attend as well. A large crowd of interested citizens would be helpful for the Committee to determine the future direction of the project. If you have questions, please contact me at 326,3751. Sincerely, Alan Christensen Assistant City Manager Enclosure cc Honorable. Mayor and City Coun'cil Alan Tandy, City Manager S:~,C\CSCommittee\lC Eletter City of Bakersfield · City Manager's Office · 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California · 93301 (661) 326-3751 ° Fax (661) 852-2050 B'A. K E R S F I E L D Alan Tandy · City Manager March 17, 2000 Mr. Scott Garrison A.C.N. Communications 5100 California - Suite 104 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Dear Mr. Garrison: The Community Services Committee of the City of Bakersfield invites you to a community meeting to discuss the possibility of developing an ice skating facility in the City. 'The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on April 4, 2000 in the City Council Chambers located at 1501 Truxtun Avenue. The purposes for the meeting are: 1. To hear from the public on the need for an ice skating facility; 2. To update the community on research and efforts made to attract an ice skating facility to Bakersfield; and 3. To solicit ideas and comments on how the community itself might assist through donations of land, cash, or other forms to make the project more feasible tc .a developer of ice skating facilities. Please invite your fdends and associates that are interested in this issue to attend as well. A large crowd of interested citizens would be helpful for the Committee to determine the future direction of the project. If you have questions, please contact me at 326-3751. Sincerely, Alan Christensen Assistant City Manager Enclosure CC Honorable Mayor and City Council Alan Tandy, City Manager S:~C\CSCommittee\lCEletter City of Bakersfield · City Manager's Office ° 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California ° 93301 (661) 326-3751 · Fax (661) 852-2050 BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy · City Manager March 17, 2000 Mr. John.Genter' A.C.N. Communications 5100 California - Suite 104 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Dear Mr. Genter: The Community Services Committee of the City of Bakersfield invites you to a community meeting to discuss the possibility of developing an ice skating facility in the City. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on April 4, 2000 in the City Council Chambers located at 1501 Truxtun Avenue. The purposes for the meeting are: 1. To hear from the public on the need for an ice skating facility; 2. To update the community on research and efforts made to attract an ice skating facility to Bakersfield; and 3. To solicit ideas and comments on how the community .itself might assist through donations of land, cash, or other forms to make the project more feasible to a developer of ice skating facilities. Please invite your friends and associates that are interested in this issue to attend as well. A large crowd of interested citizens would be helpful for the Committee to determine the fUture direction of the project. If you have questions, please contact me at.326-3751. Sincerely, Alan Christensen Assistant City Manager Enclosure cc Honorable Mayor and City Council' Alan Tandy, City Manager S:~C\CSCommittee\lC Eletter City of Bakersfield · City Manager's Office · 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California ° 93301' (661) 326-3751 · Fax (661) 852-2050 BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy · City Manager March 17, 2000 Mr. Harvey Hall Hall Ambulance Services, Inc. 1001 - 2 ls!.Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Hall: The Community Services Committee of the City of Bakersfield invites you to a community meeting to discuss the possibility of developing an ice skating facility in the City. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on April 4, 2000 in the'City Council Chambers located at 1501 Truxtun Avenue. The purposes for .the meeting are:' 1. To hear from.the publicon the need for an ice skating facility; 2. To update the community on research and efforts made to attract an ice skating facility to Bakersfield; and 3. To solicit ideas and comments on how the community itself might assist through donations of land, cash, or other forms to make the project more feasible to a developer of ice skating facilities. Please invite your fdends and associates that are interested in this issue to attend as well. A large crowd of interested citizens would be helpful for the Committee to determine the future direction of the project. If you have questions, please contact me at 326-3751. Sincerely, Alan Christensen Assistant City Manager Enclosure cc Honorable Mayor and City Council Alan Tandy, City Manager S:'~,C\CSCommittee\lC Eletter City of Bakersfield · City Managers Office · 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California ° 93301 (661) 326-3751 · Fax (661) 852-2050 BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy · City Manager March 17, 2000 Mr. Brad Becken Ice Specialty Entertainment, Inc. 1317 5th Street-. Suite 300A Santa Monica, CA 90401 Dear Mr. Becken: The Community Services Committee of the City of Bakersfield invites you to a community meeting to discuss the possibility of developing an ice skating facility in the City. The meeting will be held at 7.p.m. on April 4, 2000 in the City Council Chambers located at 1501 Truxtun Avenue. The purposes for the meeting are: 1. To hear from the public on the need for an ice skating facility; 2. To update the community on research and efforts made to attract an ice skating facility to Bakersfield; and 3. To solicit ideas and comments on how the community itself might assist through . donations of land, cash, or other forms to make the project more feasible to a developer of ice skating facilities. Please invite your friends and associates that are interested in this issue to attend as well. A large crowd of interested citizens would be helpful for the Committee to determine the future direction of the project. If you have questions, please contact me at 326-3751. Sincerely, Alan Christensen Assistant City Manager Enclosure cc Honorabl'e Mayor and City Council Alan Tandy, City Manager S:~AC\CSComrnittee\lCEletter City of Bakersfield · City Managers Office ° 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California · 93301 (661) 326-3751 · Fax (661) 852-2050 BAKERSFIELD Alan Tand¥ · City Manager March 17, 2000 Mr. Paul Pavletich Dewar's Candy 1120 Eye Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 Dear Mr. Pavletich: The Community Services Committee of the City of Bakersfield invites you to a community meeting to discuss the possibility of developing an ice skating facility in the City. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on April 4, 2000 in the City Council Chambers located at 1501 Truxtun Avenue. The purposes for the meeting are: 1. To hear from the public on the need for an ice skating facility; 2. To update the community on research and efforts made to attract an ice skating facility to Bakersfield; and :3. To solicit ideas and comments on how the community itself might assist through donations of land, cash, or other forms to make the project more feasible to a developer of ice skating facilities. Please invite your friends and associates that are interested in this issue to attend as well. A large crowd of interested citizens would be helpful for the Committee to determine the future direction of the project. If you have questions, please contact me at 326-3751. Sincerely, Alan Christensen Assistant City Manager EnClosure cc Honorable. Mayor and City Council Alan Tandy, City Manager S:~C\CSCommittee\lCEletter City of Bakersfield · City Manager's Office · 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California · 93301 (661) 326-3751 · Fax (661) 852-2050 BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy · City Manager March 17, 2000 Mr. Andre Radant Bolthouse Farms 7200 Brundage Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 Dear Mr. Radant: TheCommunity Services Committee of the City of Bakersfield invites you to a community meeting to discuss the possibility of developing an ice skating facility in the City. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on April 4, 2000 in the City Council Chambers located at 1501 Truxtun Avenue. The purposes for the meeting are: 1. To hear from the public on the .need for an ice skating facility; 2.. To update the community on research and efforts made to attract an ice skating facility to Bakersfield; and 3. To solicit ideas and comments on how the community itself might assist thr°ugh donations of land, cash, or other forms to make the project more feasible to a developer of ice skating facilities. Please invite your fnends and associates 'that are interested in this issue to attend as well. A large crowd of interested citizens would be helpful for the Committee to determine the future direction of the project. If you have questions, please contact me at 326,3751. Sincerel~y, Alan Christensen' Assistant City Manage~ Enclosure cc Honorable Mayor and City Council Alan Tandy, City Manager S:~C\CSCommittee~lC Eletter City of Bakersfield · City Manager's Office · 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California · 93301 (661) 326-3751 · Fax (661) 852-2050 BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy · City Manager March 17, 2000 Mr. Mike Griffith The Bakersfield California P.O. Bin 440 Bakersfield, CA 93302-0440 Dear Mr. Griffith: The Community Services Committee of the City of Bakersfield invites you to a community meeting to discuss the possibility of developing an ice skating facility in the City. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on April 4, 2000 in the City Council Chambers located at 1501 Truxtun Avenue. The .purposes for the meeting are: 1. To hear from the public on the need for an ice skating facility; 2. To update the community on research and efforts made to attract an ice skating facility to Bakersfield; and 3. To solicit ideas and comments on how the community itself might assist through donati,ons of land, cash, or other forms to make the project more feasible to a developer of ice skating facilities. Please invite your friends and associates that are interested in this issue to attend as well. A large crowd of interested citizens would be helpful for the Committee to determine the future direction of the project. If you .have questions, please contact me at 326-3751. Sincerely, Alan Christensen Assistant City Manager Enclosure cc Honorable Mayor and City Council Alan Tandy, City Manager S:~,C\CSCommittee\lCEletter City of Bakersfield · City Manager's Office · 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California., 93301 (661) 326-3751 · Fax (661) 852-2050. B.A K E R S F I E L D Alan Tand¥ * City Manager March 17, 2000 Mr. Kerry Ryan Action Sports 8200 Stockdale Highway - Ste. C-2 Bakersfield, CA 93311 Dear Mr. Ryan: The Community Services Committee of the City of Bakersfield invites.you to a community meeting to discuss the possibility of developing an ice skating facility in the City. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on April 4, 2000 in the City Council Chambers located at 1501 Truxtun Avenue. The purposes for the meeting are: 1. To hear from the public on the need for an ice skating facility, 2. To update the community on research and efforts made to attract an ice skating facility to Bakersfield; and 3. To solicit ideas and comments on how the community itself might assist through · donations of land, cash, or other forms to make the project more feasible to a developer of ice skating facilities. Please invite your fdends and associates that are interested in this issue to attend as well. A large crowd of interested citizens would be helpful for the Committee to determine the future direction of the project. If you have questions, please contact me at 326-3751. Sincerely, Alan Christensen Assistant City Manager Enclosure cc. Honorable Mayor and City Council Alan Tandy, City Manager S:~C\C SCommittee\lCEletter City of Bakersfield · City Manager's Office ° 1501 Truxtun Avenue · Bakersfield · California · 93301 (661) 326-3751 · Fax (661') 852-2050 B A K E R S F I E.L D Alan Tandy · City Manager March 17, 2000 · Gary Hutton . Deputy Fire Chief ' Bakersfield Fire Department Gary, The Community Services Committee of the City of Bakersfield invites you to a community meeting to discuss the possibility of developing an ice skating facility in the City. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on April 4, 2000 in the City Council Chambers located at 1501 Truxtun Avenue. The purposes for the meeting are: 1. To hear from the public on the need for an ice skating facility; 2. To update the community on research and efforts made to attract an ice skating facility to Bakersfield; and 3. To solicit ideas and comments on how the community itself might assist through donations of land, cash, or other forms to make the project more feasible to a developer of ice skating facilities. Please invite your friends and associates that are interested in this issue to attend as well. A large crowd of interested citizens would be helpful for the Committee to determine the future direction of the project. If you have questions, please contact me at 326-3751. Sincerely, Alan Christensen Assistant City Manager Enclosure cc Honorable Mayor and City Council Alan Tandy, City Manager S:~,C\CSCommittee\lCEletter City of Bakersfield · City Manager's Office · 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California ° 93301 (661) 326-3751 ° Fax (661) 852-2050 BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy · City Manager March 17, 2000 Jack Leonard · Assistant Building DirectOr Building Department Jack, The Community Services Committee of the City of Bakersfield invites you to a community meeting to discuss the possibility of developing an ice skating facility in the City. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on April 4, 2000 in the City Council Chambers located at 1501 Truxtun Avenue. The purposes for the meeting are: 1. To hear from the public on the need for an ice skating facility; 2. To update the community on research and efforts made to attract an ice skating facility to Bakersfield; and 3. To solicit ideas and comments on how the community itself might assist through donations of land, cash, or other forms to make the project more .feasible to a developer of ice skating facilities. Please invite your fdends and associates that are interested in this issue to attend as well. A large crowd of interested citizens would be helpful for the Committee ~to determine the future direction of the project. If you have. questions, please contact me at 326-3751. Sincerely, Alan Christensen Assistant City Manager Enclosure cc Honorable Mayor and City Council Alan Tandy, City Manager S:V~C\CSCommittee\lCEletter City of Bakersfield · City Manager's Office ° 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield ° California ° 93301 '- · (661) 326-3751 ° Fax (661) 852-2050 PUBLIC STATEMENTS SPEAKER'S CARD Cornmurfity Services Committee of the City Council ,.~. ~3ommittee Meeting Date You are invited to address the Committee under Public Statements on any subject that is listed on the Committee Agenda. Public statements are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker with a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes, per side, for any one subject. The Committee may, by simple majority vote, waive the time limit. No action will be taken; this Committee gathers information and reports back to the City Council. Please fill out a Speaker's Card and present it to the Committee Chair:. Jacauie Sullivan · Name: fi' ~ . Company/ " Address: ~1[0[~ ~'~~.~ ~ ~.~. PUBLIC STATEMENTS SPEAKER'S CARD Community Services Committee of the City Council Committee Meeting Date J "'/~-' ~p You are invited to address the Committee under Public Statements on any subject ...... -: ....~ . ~.-i ... that is listed on the Committee Agenda. Public statements are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker with a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes, per side, for any one subject. The Committee may, by simple majority vote, waive the time limit. No action will be taken; this Committee gathers information and reports back to the City Council. Please fill out a Speaker's Card and present it to the Committee Chair:. Jaca_uie Sullivan Company/ PUBLIC STATEMENTS SPEAKER'S CARD Community Services Committee of the City Council committee Meeting Date You are invited to address the Committee under Public Statements on any subject that is listed on the Committee Agenda. Public statements am limited to three (3) minutes per speaker with a maximum · of fifteen (15) minutes, per side, for any one subject. The Committee may, by simple majority vote, .waive the time limit. No action will be taken; this Committee gathers information and reports back to the City Council. Please fill out a Speaker's Card and present it to the Committee Chair. Jaca_uie Sullivan :.' ;: ' ~'~' 'i. ":; c/. ::'~..;'~:~.~":,.~:'~.~' ~'":~?:~.'.:'.'.~'.:.~ ......... · Name: ~ "" :~" "' ·' :" ""''' '. "'" Organization:C°mpany/~~.~ ~a~-~.~_~-- ~:'-~-~'--~¥:~-.~,~_ --~-~. ~ ~ ". Address: '~ ~,. C~'~>'.-~? ~;',~,...~.."..~--~-.~_~ PUBLIC STATEMENTS SPEAKER'S CARD Community Services Committee of the City Council Committee Meeting Date You are invited to address the Committee under Public Statements on any subject that is listed on the Committee Agenda. · Public statements are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker with a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes, per side, for any one subject. The Committee may, by simple majority vote, waive the time limit. No action will be taken; this Committee gathers information and reports back to the City Council. Please fill out a Speaker's Card and present it to the Committee Chair. Jacquie Sullivan Organization: , PUBLIC STATEMENTS SPEAKER'S CARD Community Services Committee of the City Council Committee Meeting Date You are invited to address the Committee under Public Statements on any subject that is listed on the Committee Agenda. Public statements are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker with a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes, per side, for any one subject. The Committee may, by simple majority vote, waive the time limit. No action will be taken; this Committee gathers information and reports back to the City Council. Please fill out a Speaker's Card and present it to the Committee Chair: Jacqui~ Sullivan Name: Organization:C°mpany/ ,..~(//~j,,/~/, ~"'n~L./~)(/j, jC~.~-_~ . . ..~O_(j . pUBLIC STATEMENTS SPEAKER'S CARD Community Services Committee of the City Council Committee Meeting Date ./'-,/~~ You are invited to address the Committee under Public Statements on any subject that is listed on the Committee Agenda. Public statements are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker with a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes, per side, for any one subject. The Committee may, by simple majority vote, waive the time limit. No action will be taken; this Committee gathers information and reports back to the City Council. Please fill out a Speaker's Card and present it to the Committee Chair: Jacquie Sullivan Name: "~'---~ Company/~ Organization: Address: pUBLIC STATEMENTS SPEAKER'S CARD C_nmmunitv Services Committee of the City Council Committee Meeting Date You are invited to address the Committee under Pubiic Statements on any subject that is listed on the Committee Agenda. Public statements are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker with a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes, per side, for any one subject. The Committee may, by simple majority vote, waive the time limit. No action will be taken; this Committee gathers information and reports back to the City Council. Please fill out · Speaker's Card and present it to the Committee Chair. Jacuule Sullivan Company/~ ~ ,~ ~"~.~:~ ~ ~ PUBLIC STATEMENTS SPEAKER'S CARD Community Services Committee of the City Council 'Committee Meeting Date You are invited to address the Committee under Public Statements on any subject that is listed on the Committee Agenda. Public statements are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker with a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes, per side, for any one subject. The Committee may, by simple majority vote, waive the time limit. No action will be taken; this Committee gathers information and reports back to the City Council. Please fill out a Speaker's Card and present it to the Committee Chair: Jacquie Sullivan Name: ),~31" i Company/ Organization: ~~'-'~q'~ ~1.~ h'~o~-~'tu~ Su ,e : PUBLIC STATEMENTS SPEAKER'S CARD Community Services Committee of the City Council Committee Meeting Date / You are invited to address the Committee under Public Statements on any subject that is listed on the Committee Agenda. Public statements are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker with a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes, per side, for any one subject. The Committee may, by simple majority vote, waive the time limit. No action will be taken; this Committee gathers information and reports back to the City Council. Please fill out a Speaker's Card and present it to the Committee Chair: Jacquie Sullivan Name: Company/ Organization: Address: Dear Mr. Yackley:· As a member of the Community Services Committee, I want to personally thank you for attending the meeting on January 18. Again, my apologies for'leaving early, It was necessary due to a prior commitment relating to my duties as a Council member. I was able to listen to the remainder Of the meeting on tape, inc'luding your comments. Bringing an ice skating facility to Bakersfield, is a shared interest. The hard facts relate to the financial implications. It took us well more than one year to secure support for a $175,000 expenditure to build a skateboard park. Hopefully, by working together, a way can be found to make this vision a reality. Again, thank you for your interest. Such input and support are invaluable. Sincerely, PATRICIA J. DeMOND City Council, Ward Two Januaw 21,2000 Mr. Pete Yackley 305 Pauma Court Bakersfield, CA 93309 Dear Mr. Yackley: As a member of the Community Services Committee, I want to personally thank you for attending the meeting on January 18th. Again, my apologies for leaving early. It was necessary due to a prior commitment relating to my duties as a Councilmember. I was able to listen to the remainder of the meeting on tape, including your comments. Bringing an ice skating facility to Bakersfield is a shared interest. The hard facts relate to the financial implications. It took us well more than one year to secure support for a $175,000 expenditure to build a skateboard park. Hopefully, by working together a way can be found to make this vision a reality. Again, thank you for your interest. Such input and support are invaluable. Sincerely, PATRICIA J. DeMOND City Council, Ward Two PJD:jp 305 Pauma Court Bakersfield, CA 93309 Mr. Stan Dodson 2810 Elmwood Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93305 Ms. Lori Ohama Bakersfield Blades figure Skating Club 3613 Ranch Santa Fe Street Bakersfield, CA 93311 Ms. Barbara Grimes Bakersfield Blades Figure Skating Club 11008.Mirage Drive Bakersfield, CA 93311 Mr. Shaun Sigrest 13709 Eberle Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Mr. Steve DeBranch Castle and Cooke P.O. Box 11165 Bakersfield, CA 93389-1165 Mr. Scott Garrison A.C.N. Communications 5100 California - Suite 104 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Mr. John Genter A.C.N. Communications 5100 California - Suite 104 Bakersfield, CA 93309 eetrVey Hall ulance Services, Inc. Bakersfield, ~3301 Mr. Brad Becken Ice Specialty Entertainment, Inc. 1317 5th Street- Suite 300A Santa Monica, CA 90401 Mr. Paul Pavletich Dewar's Candy 1120 Eye Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 Mr. Andre Radant Bolthouse Farms 7200 Brundage Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 Mr. Mike Griffith The Bakersfield California P.O. Bin 440 Bakersfield, CA 93302-0440 Mr. Kerry Ryan Action Sports Suite C-2 · 8200 Stockdale Highway Bakersfield, CA 93311 Gary Hutton Deputy Fire Chief Bakersfield Fire Department Jack Leonard Assistant Building Director Building Department 12/26/1999 11:22 8653245966 VACKLEY PAGE 61 M ers[ield l(a lr December 20, 1999 TO: Alan Christen,,,en. Assistant City 'Manager Bakersfield Ci:.y Hall RE: Community S'~:rvices Committee Item: Ice Skating Facility Thank you for your interest in the needs of the local ice skating community. I am delighted to see all'of the work the staff has put into this issue already.. I want to share with you some of the efforts the 'figure skaters" in Bakersfield have already .put into the sam'e goal of opening a rink facility here. First, we have interviewed several people at the Stockton, California Oak Park Rink, whii.~h was built by, and is totally operated by the City.. My discussions were mainly with. city staffer Cindy Hieber (209) 937-8057. Our conversation I{'!d to several other experts in the operation of the actual rink,' which she stated h~.:~s been in open since 1969, and has been breaking even .for the past five years. While it is old and in need of updates, it is home to a successful Figure ,(,~kating Club and the area's various hockey leagues. She said they face the expected challenges each year during the city budget process, but operates on about $335,000 to $350,000 annually. Second poirt we would like to share with the committee is our effort to form a sanctioned Figure Skating. Club here. We have requested documents from the United St~tes Figure Skating Association (.t:JSFSA) and expect this application proces,,/to take 6 months to a year of probationary status. We are forming a corporati':)n with a local Board of Directors. Much thanks goes to the cc!ndot organizatic.n for.alloWing us seasonal ice to qualify with the USFSA. . .W!~ ha.y,e a list of a:3out 40'interested figure skaters and have been sharing our ic~'. ti'role with a few liockey skaters. The ddving force behind this has been B~r,b~e Gdmes ~',~0 will most likely be our unanimous choice for president of the B, ekerst'ield Blades Figure Skating Club. Our membership drive has been launCl~e'~ with the help of the local media and will continue through the winter months. Again, thant=i you' for' including us in the work of the Public Services Committee. . .~ . '~'" ~/ /~l-Dara(~ ~61-6(~S-~,13'L~ - .J~l~¥ald(M¥ ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE:' May 10, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: New Business ITEM' !2.a. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager DEPARTMENT HEAD ~ DATE: May 2, 2000 CITY ATTORNEY .~___~~ CITY MANAGER .SUBJECT: Ice Skating Facility: 1) Transfer $50,000 Council Contingency to the Capital Improvement Budget in the Capital Outlay Fund for a feasibility study and cost estimating. 2) Appropriate and transfer $198,395, the balance of unanticipated ERAF reimbursement and $51,605 unanticipated motor vehicle in-lieu revenue for a total of $250,000 to the Capital Improvement Budget (Ice Rink Reserve) in the Capital Outlay Fund. RECOMMENDATION: The Community Services Committee recommends approval. BACKGROUND: For the past several months, the Community Services Committee has considered a.proposal by a group of citizens for the City to facilitate or build an ice skating facility. Staff researched a number of possible approaches to this issue, which included attracting private firms to build and operate a facility or having the City build and own a facility. We found that such a project faces significant challenges to make the project economically feasible. The estimated cost for a newly constructed facility for a single sheet of ice is $3.4 million, without land. That would provide a fairly simple building with Io~:ker rooms, gift shop, as-well as the initial purchase of equipment, such as a Zamboni. In order to make the proposed ice facility "pencil out," the following contributions and assistance would be necessary: 1) donation or contribution of land, 2) significant cash donations, and 3) business'loans and/or public debt issuance to finance a major portion of the construction cost of the facility. Such contributions or- assistance would, in effect, reduce the capital cost of construction enough so that the debt of the facility could be paid for through the facility's operations and allow the facility to be profitable. At the April 4th Community Services Committee meeting, Bolthouse Farms put up a $250,000 challenge match. In other words, if the community raises $250,000, Bolthouse will match it. Also, a number of parties May 2, 2000, 4:40PM S:~AC~Admin Rpts\lceSkatingFacility00mayl 0.wpd ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 have come forward offering land for the facility, including some possibility of County property, Mesa Marin property, and, most recently, North .Bakersfield Recreation and Park District property adjacent to Centennial High School near River Lakes Ddve and Coffee Road. A downtown location is still a possibility as part of the proposed City Center Project. Given the matching funds and the land donation options, staff felt the project was ready to progress to the next step. On May 1st, the C°mmunity Services Committee considered a recommendation by staff to put forward a $250,000 match of its own. Staff recommended that the Council .release $50,000 for preliminary work on economic feasibility, costs estimating, and generation of concept drawings for such a facility. If the full $500,000 is raised by the private sector, the City should also put up a $200,000 match for a total of $250,000. If these pieces fall together - free land, plus $750,000, we would be getting close to economic feasibility for the project. It was made clear-by staff that the City's proposed matching funds would be contingent upon the additional $250,000 of community donations not yet realized. Staff has identified $250,000 of one-time revenue from an ERAF reimbursement ($198,395) and unanticipated motor vehicle in-lieu revenue ($51,605) that are available for this project. Since these funds are essentially one-time in nature, it would be preferable to use them for capital expenditUres rather than ongoing operations. The Community Services Committee recommended the. following to the full Council: 2) $250,000 of matching funds be reserved to assist in writing down the cost of a proposed ice skating facility. 2) $50,000 of Council Contingency be transferred to the Capital Qutlay Fund to pay for a feasibility study and cost estimating work, which would begin as soon as possible. This would bring the recommended total of funds to $300,000. 3) City staff to provide assistance with fund-raising efforts through use of the Bakersfield Foundation, a non- profit foundation created to receive and account for cash donations for public purposes. They also requested that a link be set up on the City's website for interested parties to obtain information on the progress of the project and to facilitate further fund-raising efforts. May 2, 2000, 4:40PM S:~AC~dmin Rpts\lceSkatingFacility0Omayl 0.wpd /-.,, Proposed redevelopment -' i projects to face first hurdle By JAMES BURGER section of the Southeast · Californian s~aff writer Redevelopment Project Area that sits : e-mail:jburcJer@bakersfletd.com directly south of the upscale public ; Today, members of an ad hoc com- structures along Tmxtun Avenue. mittee of the Bakersfield Major (flaws like the Holiday Inn Redevelopment Agency will review . Select, the Bakersfield Convention i five plans to transform acres of down- Center, Centennial Garden Arena and ~ town property into stores, movie the- the new city Amtrak station make i~,~ aters, restaurants and sports facilities, attractive neighbors for new develop- ~ i. The meetings will be held behind ment~ closed doom, said city of Bakersfield Pitch in the city's desire to build a r Attorney Bart Thiltgen, because the new baseball stadium downtown and · developers of the projects will be the lure of redevelopment tax credits, revealing secret business information, and the area becomes prime property. hoping to prove they have the finan- That is what atlracted Northern i cial mettle to back up their concepts. California developers Ray Olmscheid Today's meeting is the first formal and Paul Cmwford to Bakersfield in 47 cents step on the path to developing the Please l~mt0 PR0,1Eg/~ Monday / PROJECT: Five plans to., be presented June 5; 2000 : Continued hem Al has two questions he wants answered November. by each project at the meeting. ~ After an early hiccup, when "Do the people'who are proposing t Panattoni Development of the project have the capacity to per- i Sacramento pulled out of the deal, form? And, what is the economic via- ! Olmscheid and Cmwford's high-pro- bility of the project?" he said. ! fil~ "Bakersfield City Center" project The other committee members are ~ ha$ moved along smartly, nonprofit agency director Gil Anthony _ ..... ~ ~ And other ideas have followed it, and banker David Raphael. summoned by a request for proposals Once the committee members from the city which encouraged prop- make their decision, the projects tJaat erty ownem in the area to come up survive ~e screening will be intro- with ideas for developing their land. duced to the public and the . .$o far, the city's Economic and Redevelopment Agency at an open- ,C~nmunity Development door meeting. D~partment has received five signifi- The proposals that don't survive qant project proposals for the area. the screening will also be presented to . Each one outlines how sections of the full agency -- unaccompanied by [and between M and T streets south of a recommendation from ~e ad hoc ~e raitroad'tracks might be retrieved committee. from blight and transformed into "All the agency members will get ,14able tax-producing developments, copies of all the proposals that were ·Today, proponents of each plan will submitted," said Assistant City interview before the ad hoc commit- Manager Alan Christensen. .tee, made up of three members of the The meeting of the Redevelopment Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency, Agency is tentatively scheduled for and attempt to prove they have what June 21. it takes. At that meeting, the RDA will . Committee members are charged choose its preferred project and for- ivith sending all viable projects to the ward it to the Bakersfield City full Redevelopment Agency. Council, which is expected to review There are a host of possible out- the proposals at a meeting on June 28. ~omes for the meeting. The prize at the end of the process ~ ' .The committee could choose to for the developer whose project sur- ~ Send all five projects forward, or, if vives -- if any do -- will likely be a ,they don't like any of the proposals, six-month exclusive fight to negotiate they can choose to forward none. with the city. "Thomas Mishoe, director of stu- Successful negotiations could lead dent services for the school of busi- to the redevelopment area south of ness a.t. Cal State Bakers.field, is one of Centennial Garden being, reborn -- if the ~t hoc committee ~tembers. He the price is right. 't~ A2 THE BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIAN Redevelopment project proposals Olympia Ventures International Inc. The Pratt Co. ~,i !i ~:ii ' Truxtun Ave. Grapevine Development Co. Ray P. Olmscheid Development !~ Truxtun Ave. ~ lOth~St. ~ · ~ KENT KUEHL / THE CALIFORNIAN