HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA September 17, 2001 CITY COL~CIL Mr. Jason Andrews ma-veyL.~an 5122 Kickapoo Court Mayor Bakersfield, CA 93312 MarkSalvaggio Dear Mr. Andrews: Wwe. Mayor Wa~d? This is just a short note to thank you for taking the time to attend the h'maCarson September 17th Urban ~Development Committee meeting regarding Elevated Wardl Tree Houses. I want to personally assure you that your participation at the Committee level is very much appreciated and the comments and suggestions Susan M. Be, ha-, yOU contributed will be taken into consideration by the Committee. . Ward 2 The citizens of Bakersfield are encouraged to take advantage of all the Mike Maggard opportunities available to address the City Council whenever possible, whether Ward3 it be at a Council Committee meeting or the regular City Council meetings held in the Council Chamber. David Couch Ward 4 On behalf of my fellow Committee members, I again extend my thanks. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 326-3767 if you have any further concerns. Ran)Id W. ]~3nson W~dS Sincere ,JyT~"~ ... A Jacquie Sward?Van D~ " ' ~ .c~ Councilmember - Ward Four Chairperson, Urban Development Committee DRC:jp 1501 Tmxtun Avenue · Bakersfield, California 93301 · (661) 326-3767 · Fax (661) 323-3780 BAKERSFIELD C ALIFOR'NIA CITY COUNCIL Mr..Ron Jones, Program Specialist HarveyL. H~n Kern County Superintendent of Schools Mayor 3501 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Mark Salvaggio Wu:e-Mayor DeaF Mr, .Jell: Ward7 L,'macarson This is just a note to thank you .for taking the time to make a Wa,.d ~ presentation, "Projects to Improve Facilities.for Bicyclists in-Bakersfield," on behalf of the South Valley Bicycle Coalition at the August 20th Urban Susan-M.~e.h,,.~ Development Committee meeting. The Committee enjoyed the wa~d2 presentation, which was very informative. I want to personally assure MikeM~,gard you that your .participation at the .Committee level is very much Ward3 appreciated and any comments and/or suggestions you may have contributed will be taken into consideration by the Committee. David Couch Ward4 The citizens of Bakersfield are encouraged to take advantage of all the opportunities available to address the City Council whenever possible, Harold W. Hanson whether it be at a Council Committee meeting or the regular City Council wa,~s meetings held in the Council Chamber. Jacquie Sullivan Ward6 On behalf of my fellow Committee members, I again extend my thanks. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 326-3767. Sincere~y~ David R. CoUch Councilmember - Ward Four' Chairperson, Urban Development Committee DRC:jp 1501 Truxtun Avenue- Bakersfield, California 93301 · (661) 326-3767 · Fax (661) 323-3780 BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA  September 5, 2001 Mr. John Lotze CITY COUNCIL South Valley Bicycle Coalition 5107 Shannon Court Ilarvey L. F[nll ~a~o~ Bakersfield, CA 93312 Dear Mr. e: '/~--~" Mark Salvaggio l/we-Mayor Wa,'d? Th~s is just a k you for taking the time to make a ~ma Carson presentation, "Projects to Improve Facilities for Bicyclists in Bakersfield," Wa,'d~ on behalf of the South Valley Bicycle Coalition at the August 20th Urban Development Committee meeting. The Committee enjoyed the SusanM.~nt~m presentation, which was very informative. I want to personally assure Wo, dZ you that your participation at the Committee level is very much appreciated and any comments and/or suggestions you may have MikeMaggard contributed will be taken into consideration by the Committee. Ward3 DavidCouch The citizens of Bakersfield are encouraged to take advantage of all the Ward4 opportunities available to address the City Council whenever possible, whether it be at a'Council Committee meeting or the regular City Council HaroldW. l~n~on meetings held in the Council Chamber. Ward5 On behalf of my fellow Committee members, I again extend my thanks. Jacquie Sullivan w,,,~6 Please do not hesitate to contact 'me at 326-3767. Sincerely, David R. Couch Councilmember - Ward Four Chairperson, Urban Development Committee DRC:jp 1501 Tmxtun Avenue. Bakersfield, California 93301 · (661) 326-3767 · Fax (661) 323-3780 PUBLIC STATEMENTS SPEAKER'S CARD Community Services Committee Committee of the City Council Committee Meeting Date ~'~ ///~/~ ] You are invited to address the Committee under Public Statements on any subject that is listed on the Committee Agenda. Public statements are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker with a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes, per side, for any one subject. The Committee may, by simple majority vote, waive the time limit. No action will be taken; this Committee gathers information and reports back to the City Council. Please fill out a Speaker's Card and present it to the Committee Chair: Jacquie Sullivan Name: \v,~'~ ~ ~--~.- F(~ /~ Company/ Organization: L'"' ~ /'~ /"- ~ /.~ o It_ l~-o'~{ Address: Phone: '/[/°~ 0~ '~ ~'",~,~r' Fax/e-mail: Subject: ~ /t~ ~. ~"C,1 (,p ~,-~,, PUBLIC STATEMENTS SPEAKER'S CARD Community Services Committee Committee of the City Council COmmittee Meeting Date 7" [ You are invited to address the Committee under Public Statements on any subject that is listed on the Committee Agenda. Public statements are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker with a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes, per side, for any one subject. The Committee may, by simple majority vote, waive the time limit. No action will be taken; this Committee gathers information and reports back to the City Council. Please fill out a Speaker's Card and present it to the Committee Chair: Jacquie Sullivan Company/ Organization: Phone: L_/ _/~ 7 ~)' ''~2 7,-~ Fax/e-mail: Subject: ~-,,'t~ ~""~/"E./L] -/c::~ ~(~)/~rt.~ J.. BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA crrY coUNcm Dave Cross, Architect Har?eyLHall 1400 Q Street Mayor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Mark Salvaggio Wu:e-Mayor Dear Mr. Cross: Ward7 IrmaCarson This is just a short note to thank you for taking the time to attend the Wa,'d~ March 12th Urban Development Committee meeting to express your interest regarding the future location for the High Speed Rail Station. susa.~ ~e.tam · I want to personally assure you that your participation at the Committee Ward2 level is very much appreciated and any comments and/or suggestions you may have contributed will be taken into consideration by the ~~ Committee. Ward 3 DavidCouch The citizens of Bakersfield are encouraged to take advantage of all the Ward4 opportunities available to address the City Council whenever possible, whether it be at a Council Committee meeting or the regular City Council RaroldW. Hanson meetings held in the Council Chamber. Ward5 Jacquie Sullivan On behalf of my fellow Committee members, I again extend my thanks. w,~ 6 Please do not hesitate to contact me at 326-3767 if you have any further concerns. , Sinc~ David R. Couch Councilmember - Ward Four Chairperson, Urban Development Committee DRC:jp 1501 Truxtun Avenue · Bakersfield, California 93301 · (661) 326-3767 · Fax (661) 323-3780 BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA CITY COUNCIL Mr. Marvin Dean Southeast .Bakersfield Business and ~,-vey~.~an Property Owners Association Mayor PO Box 2506 Mark Salvaggio Bakersfield, CA 93302 Wu:e-Mayor W~rd? Dear Mr. Dean: Irma Carsoa W,~-d~ This is just a short note to thank you for taking the time to attend the March 12th Urban Development Committee meeting to express your .SusanM. Bepham interest regarding the future location of the High Speed Rail Station. Ward2 I want to personally assure you that your participation at the Committee level is very much appreciated and any comments and/or suggestions MikeM~,~ara yOU may have contributed will be taken 'into consideration by the Ward3 Committee. DaVid Couch W,~.d4 The citizens of Bakersfield are encouraged to take advantage.of all the opportunities available to address the City Council whenever possible, ltsrold W. Rs.son whether it be at a Council Committee meeting or the'regular City Council Wa,'d5 meetings held in the Council Chamber. Jacquie Sullivan Ward6 On behalf of my fellow Committee members, I again extend my thanks. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 326-3767 if you have any further concerns. Sincerel avid R. Couc Councilmember - Ward Four Chairperson,. Urban Development Committee DRC:jp 1501 Tmxtun Avenue.- Bakersfield, California 93301 · (661) 326-3767 · Fax (661) 323-3780 BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA CITY COUNCIL Ms. Cathy Butler Mayor Downtown Business and Property Owners Association MarkSah'aggio 1700 K Street, Suite 120 v'~e.,~ayo,. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Ward7 IrmaCarson Dear Ms. Butler: Wardl This is just a short note to thank you for taking the time to attend the Sn._~,or~ l~'aenham March 12th Urban Development Committee meeting and your comments W~d~. regarding the planning and work of the Downtown Business and Property Owners Vision Committee in the Downtown. I 'want to MikeMa~u-d personally assure you that your participation at the Committee level is Ward3 very much appreciated and any comments and/or suggestions you may Davi~Couc~ have contributed will be taken into consideration by the Committee. Ward4 The citizens of Bakersfield are encouraged to take advantage of all the HaroldW. Han~on opportunities available to address the City Council whenever possible, w,,,~s whether it be at a Council Committee meeting or the regular City Council JacquieSullivan meetings held in the Council Chamber. Ward6 On behalf of my fellow Committee members, I again extend my thanks. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 326-3767 if you have any further concerns. Sincerely,_ Councilmember - Ward Four Chairperson, Urban .Development Committee DRC:jp 1501 Truxtun Avenue · Bakersfield, California 93301 · (661 ) 326-3767 · Fax (661 ) 323-3780 BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA March 14, 2001 CITY COUNCII, 'Mr. Herman Ruddell ~yL.~ Downtown Business and Mayor Property Owners Association M,~rkSah, agaj° 1700 K Street, Suite 120 vice'Mayor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Ward7 Dear Mr. Ruddell: ]z~aa Carson W,~.d~ This is just a short note to thank you for taking the time to make a Susan M. Sen~m presentation at the March 12th Urban Development Committee meeting Ward2 regarding the planning and work of the Downtown Business and Property Owners Vision Committee in the Downtown. I want to MikeMa~ara personally assure you that your participation at the Committee level is W~-d~ very much appreciated and the comments and suggestions you contributed will be taken into consideration by the Committee. David Couch Ward 4 The citizens of Bakersfield are encouraged to take advantage of all the ]~a'oldW. l~m~a opportunities available to address the City Council whenever possible, Ward5 whether it be at a.Council Committee meeting or the regular City Council meetings held in the Council Chamber. Jacquie Sullivan Wa~d6 On behalf of my fellow Committee members, I again extend my thanks. Please do not heSitate to contact me at 326-3767 if you have any further concerns. David R. Couch Councilmember - Ward Four Chairperson, Urban Development Committee DRC:jp 1501 Tmxtun Avenue · Bakersfield, California 93301 · (661 ) 326-3767 · Fax (661) 323-3780 ' MAR-O?-~O1 09:11 AM $ILVERCREEK PARK 8056652795 P.O1 ~ RENTAL APPLICATION PROCESS Standardized application forms for all facilities i~'i ~. ~* · Addition of Reservation Specialist for quality control and customer service ...'i . Proposed Policy Changes: ".:~ 1. Increase the hourly surcharge fee for rentals that exceed 10:00 ~ . !~!~ 2. Security Guards for special events or rentals exceeding 300 i. people. One guard for 300 people; additional guard for each 100 ~:" people. Customers would select security guards from city's approved list. !. i 3. A Certificate of Insurance will be required for all rentals of i... facilities with Alcohol Consumption Permit. 4.Every rental that has an Alcohol Consumption Permit must sign the Alcohol Consumption Agreement, .. 5. Establish guidelines to charge additional fees to rentals of parks and fa¢ilifie~ with attendance greater than $00 people due to extra I~'' ~, park staff required to clean the bathrooms, empty and pick-up , '~ trash, etc. ~" 8. Eliminate additional fees required at the Martin Luther King ~ ~ Center. Fees Include rental of chairs, tables, scoreboard, PA i. ~.. syatem, projector, portable stage, and piano. i. ~. : 7. Deposit Requirements--see attached .! RECEIVED: '~:~/. 7/O1 8~ 16AM; ->CITY OF BAKERSFIELD; #480; PAGE 2 MAR--CT--el 09:11 AM SILVERCREEK PARK 8056652795 Deposit Requirements The Director of Recreation and Parks is authorized to collect deposits in conjunction with issuing a special event permit. The deposit guards against damage and excessive costs. It is proposed to formalize the existing guidelines as follows: Community Picnic Areas Centers And Pools 150 persons or fewer $100 $50 151 to 500 persons 150 100 Formalizes existing practice BMC 12.56.130(0) Reservations. Amount of time in advance they may be made Special Event Reservations: Change to: 270 days (9 months) Currently: 120 days (4 months) Change to: 180 days (6 months) Currently: 120 days (4 months) BMC 12.56.090(B) and 12,56.080 (B), respectively BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA February 3, 2001 1 CITYCOUNCE, Mr. Art Unger Sierra Club, Kaweah Chapter ~-,,eyL. aan 2815 La Cresta Drive Mayor Bakersfield, CA 93305 MarkSalvaggio Dear Mr. Unger: l/we-Mayor Wa~d? This is just a short note to thank you for taking the time to attend the IrmaCarson February 12th Urban Development Committee meeting to express your W~rdl interest in the Kern Bluff open space corridor issue. I want to personally assure you that your participation at the Committee level is very much S.san~.~.tam appreciated and any comments and/or suggestions you may have Ward2 contributed will be taken into consideration by the Committee. ward3 The citizens of Bakersfield are encouraged to take advantage of all the opportunities available to address the City Council whenever possible, DaviaCouc~ whether it be at a Council Committee meeting or the regular City Council Ward4 meetings held in'the Council Chamber. ]~a-oldW. m,]so, On behalf of my fellow Committee members, I again extend my thanks. Ward5 .. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 326-3767 if you have any further Jacfluie Sullivan concerns. I", Ward6 David R. Couch Councilmember - Ward .Four Chairpersonl Urban Development Committee DRC:jp 1501 Truxtun Avenue · Bakersfield, California 93301 · (661) 326-3767 · Fax (661) 323-3780 BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA February 3, 2001 1 CITYCOUNCI~ Mr. Rich O'Neil Kern River Parkway Committee I~rveyL. I~ll P.O. Box 1861 Mayor Bakersfield, CA 93302 MarkSalvaggio Dear Mr. O'Neil: I/we. Mayor W~rd ? This is just a short note to thank you for taking the time to attend the ImaCarson February 12th Urban Development Committee meeting to express your W~d~ interest in the Kern Bluff open space corridor issue. I'want to personally assure you that your participation at the Committee level is very much SusanM. Be.ham appreciated and any comments and/or suggestions you may have Ward2 contributed will be taken into consideration by the Committee. Ward~ The citizens of Bakersfield are encouraged to take advantage of all the opportunities available to address the City Council whenever possible, OaviaCoua~ whether it be at a Council Committee meeting.or the regular City Council Ward4 meetings held in the Council Chamber. HaroldW. Flan~on On behalf of my fellow Committee members, I again .extend my thanks. Ward5 Please do not'hesitate to contact me at 326-3767 if you have any further Jacquie Sullivan concerns. Ward6 David R. Couch Councilmember - Ward 'Four Chairpersonl Urban Development Committee DRC:jp , 1501 Tmxtun Avenue · Bakersfield, California 93301 · (661) 326-3767 · Fax (661) 323-3780 BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA CITY COUNCR, Ms. Michelle Beck Kern River Parkway Committee 2421 Alder Street ~awey L. Ball Mayor Bakersfield, CA 93301 MarkSalvaggio Dear Ms. Beck: W~e-Mayor wa,-a ? This is just a short note to thank you for taking the -time to attend the ]rmaCarson February 12th Urban Development Committee meeting to express your w~.a~ interest in the.Kern Bluff open space corridor issue. I want to personally assure you that your participation at the Committee level is very much SusanM.~enham appreciated and any comments and/or suggestions you may have wa,-a;~ contributed will be taken into consideration by the Committee. Mike~ The citizens of Bakersfield are encouraged to take advantage of all the Ward3 opportunities available to address the City Council whenever possible, ~vidCouch whether it be at a Council Committee meeting or the regular City Council Ward4 meetings held in the Council Chamber. BaroldW. Ranson On behalf of my fellow Committee members, I again extend my thanks. w~as Please do not hesitate to contact me at 326-3767 if you have any further Jacquie Sullivan concerns. Sincerely, David R. Couch Councilmember - Ward Four Chairpersonl Urban Development Committee DRC:jp 1501 Tmxtun Avenue · Bakersfield, California 93301 · (661) 326-3767 · Fax (661) 323-3780 BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA CITY COUNCIL Ms. Janice Gillespie Kern River Parkway Committee l~arveyL. !~il Kern Wheelmen Mayor 3425 Ston~, Brook Road Bakersfield, CA 93306 Mark Salvaggio lrtce'May°r Dear Ms. Gillespie: Ward7 ~naCarson This is just a short note' to thank you for taking the time to attend the w~-,t~ February 12th Urban Development Committee meeting to express your interest in the Kern Bluff open space corridor issue. I want to personally SusanM.~en~m assure you that your participation at the Committee level is very much w,,-,t2 appreciated and any comments and/or suggestions you may have- contributed will be taken into consideration by the Committee. Ward3 The citizens of Bakersfield are encouraged .to take advantage of all the DaviaCoac~ opportunities available to .address the City Council whenever possible, wa,~4 whether it be at a Council Committee meeting or the regular City Council meetings held in the Council Chamber. ltarold W. Hanson w,~ds On behalf of my fellow Committee members, I again extend my thanks. Jacquie Sullivan Please do.not hesitate to contact me at 326-3767 if you have any further Ward6 concerns. David R. Couch Councilmember - Ward Four Chairperson, Urban Development Committee DRC:jp 1501 Tmxtun Avenue · Bakersfield, California 93301 · (661) 326-3767 · Fax (661) 323-3780 BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA CtTYCOUNC[L Ms. Sidney Kelley Bakersfield Cactus & Succulent Society l~mveyL, n~,n 1516 Belle Terrace ~ayor Bakersfield, CA 93304 MarkSalvaggio Dear Ms. Kelley: Vice. Mayor Wa,,d ? This is just a short note to thank you for taking the time to attend the IrmaCarson February 12th Urban Development Committee meeting to express your Wa,'d~ interest in the-Kern Bluff open space corridor issue. I want to personally assure you that your participation at the Committee level is very much SusanM. Be.ham appreciated and any comments and/or suggestions you may have Wa~d~ contributed will be taken into-consideration by the Committee. Mike Maggard Wards The citizens of Bakersfield are encouraged to take advantage of all the opportunities available to address the City Council whenever possible, DaviaCouc~ whether it be at a Council Committee meeting orthe regular City Council Ward4 meetings held in the Council Chamber. BamldW. Hanson On behalf of my fellow Committee members, I again extend my thanks. Ward5 Please do not hesitate to contact me at 326-3767 if you have any further Jacquie Sullivan concerns. Ward6 ~,David R. Couch ~'~ r Councilmember - Ward Four Chairperson, Urban Development Committee DRC:jp 1501 Tmxttm Avenue · Bakersfield, California 93301 · (661) 326-3767 · Fax (661) 323-3780 BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA February 3, 2001 1 CITY COUNCIL Ms. Lois Watson Kern Audubon Society R,~,'veyL. a,n 12130 Baqkdrop Court Mayor Bakersfield, CA 93306 MarkSalvaggio Dear Ms. Watson: Vice-Mayor W,~d ? This is just a short note to thank you for taking the time to attend the IrmaCarson February 12th Urban Development Committee meeting to express your W,~-d~ interest in the Kern Bluff open space corridor issue. I want to personally assure you that your participation at the Committee level is very much SusanM. Benhara appreciated and any comments and/or suggestions you may have Ward2 contributed will be taken into consideration by the Committee. Mike Maggard Wards The citizens of Bakersfield are encouraged to take advantage of all the opportunities available to address the City Council whenever possible, ~aviaCouch whether it be at a Council Committee meeting or the regular City Council Ward4 meetings held in the Council Chamber. l~aroldW, rla.son On .behalf of my fellow Committee members, I again extend my thanks. w,~ds Please do not hesitate to contact me at 326-3767 if you'have any further Jacquie Sullivan concerns. Ward6 Sincerely, David R. Couch Councilmember - Ward Four Chairpersonl Urban Development Committee DRC:jp 1501 Tmxtun Avenue * Bakersfield, California 93301 * (661) 326-3767 * Fax (661 ) 323-3780 BAKERS.FIELD CALIFORNIA CITY COUNCIL Ms. Renee D. Nelson 11916 Borg Court ]~-'~ey I,. Hall Bakersfield, CA 93306 Mayor Dear Ms. Nelson: Mark Salvaggio V'we. Mayor This is just a short note to thank you for taking the time to attend the Wo~d? February 12th Urban Development Committee meeting to express your ~maCarson interest in the Kern Bluff open space corridor issue. I want to personally Ward1 assure you that your participation at the Committee level is very .much appreciated and any comments and/or suggestions you may have SusanM.~nt~m contributed will be taken into consideration by the Committee. Ward 2 The citizens of Bakersfield are-encouraged to take advantage of all the Wa,~3 opportunities available to address the City Council whenever possible, whether it be at a Council Committee meeting or the regular City Council OavidCouch meetings held in the Council Chamber. Ward 4 On behalf of my fellow Committee members, I again extend my thanks.. Harold W. Hanson Please do not hesitate to contact me at 326-3767 if you have any further Ward5 concerns. Jacquie Sullivan Ward 6 S~ David R. Couch Councilmember - Ward 'Four Chairperson, Urban Development Committee DRC:jp 1501 Truxtun Avenue * Bakersfield, California 93301 * (661) 326-3767 * Fax (661) 323-3780 BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA February 3, 2001 1 CITY COUNCIL Ms. Cassie Daniel Bakersfield Association of Realtors ~arveyL.~ 4800 Stockdale Highway ,U. yo,- Bakersfield, CA 93309 MarkSaivaggio Dear Ms. Daniel: lfwe-Mayor Wa~d? This is just a short note to thank you for taking the time to attend the IrmaCar~n February 12th Urban Development Committee meeting to express your w.,-dX interest in the Tree Ordinance issue. I want to personally assure you that your participation at the Committee level is very much appreciated Slk~an ~ Bel~hsm and any comments and/Or suggestions you may have contributed will be W~rd~ taken into consideration by the Committee. Wa,-d3 The citizens of Bakersfield are encouraged to take advantage of all the opportunities available to address the CityCouncil whenever possible, DavidCouch whether it be at a Council Committee meeting or the regular City Council Ward4 meetings held in the Council Chamber. HaroldW. Hanson On behalf of my fellow Committee members, I again extend my thanks. Ward5 Please do not hesitate to contact me at 326-3767 if you have any further Jacquie Sullivan concerns. Ward6 Sincer~ avid R, Couch . Councilmember - Ward Four Chairpersonl Urban Development Committee DRC:jp 1501 Tmxtun Avenue · Bakersfield, California 93301 · (661) 326-3767 · Fax (661) 323-3780 BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA . February 13, 2001 CITY COUNCIL Ms. Pam Pecarich Southwest Community Action Committee ~-veyL.~,,, 1508 'Parkpath Way st. yo~ Bakersfield, CA 93311//~ Mark Sal~aggio Dear MS. Pe~~ ,///~" l/we-Mayor ~ w,~.d~ This~ just a short note to thank you for taking the time to attend the [rmaCarson February 12th Urban Development Committee meeting to express your Wa,-d~ interest in the Tree Ordinance issue. I want to personally assure you that your participation at the Committee level is very much appreciated Silsail ~. Be~h.m and any comments and/or suggestions you may have contributed will'be W~d~ taken into consideration by the Committee. MikeMaggara The citizens of Bakersfield are encouraged to take advantage of all the Ward3 opportunities available to address the City Council whenever possible, DavidCouch whether it be at a Council Committee meeting or the regular City Council Ward4 meetings held in the Council Chamber. [laroidW. itanson On behalf of my fellow Committee members, I again extend my thanks. Wo~dS Please do not hesitate to contact me at 326-3767 if you have any further Jacquie Sumvan concerns. Ward6 Sincerel. Councilmember - Ward Four Chairperson, Urban .Development Committee DRC:jp 1501 Tmxtun Avenue · Bakersfield, California 93301 · (661) 326-3767 · Fax (661 ) 323-3780 BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA February 3, 2001 1 CITY COUNCIL Ms. Lorraine Unger Sierra Club, Kaweah Chapter 2815 La Cresta Drive l~rvey L !~11 ~u,,yor Bakersfield, CA 93305 Mark Salvaggio Dea~~~.,.,.~_~ _" V'we-Mayor W.~d ? This is just a short note to thank you for taking the time to attend the Irm~C~n February 12th Urban Development Committee meeting to express your w,,-d~ interest in the Tree Ordinance issue. I want to personally assure you that your participation at the Committee level is very much appreciated S,s~M.~.h~m and any comments and/or suggestions you may have contributed will be Ward2 taken into consideration by the Committee. Mike Maggard Wards The citizens of Bakersfield are encouraged to take advantage of all the opportunities available to address the City Council whenever possible, DavidCouch whether it be at a Council Committee meeting or the regular City Council Ward4 meetings held in the Council Chamber. RaroldW. l~anson On behalf of my fellow Committee members, I again extend my thanks. w~rds Please do not hesitate to contact me at 326-3767 if you have any further Jacquie Sullivan concerns. Ward6 Sincerely, David R. Couch Councilmember - Ward Four Chairperson; Urban Development Committee DRC:jp 1501 Tmxtun Avenue · Bakersfield, California 93301 · (661 ) 326-3767 · Fax (661 ) 323-3780 B A K E R S F I E L D CALIFORNIA February 3, 2001 1 CITY COUNCIL Ms. Pauline Larwood Smart Growth Coalition ]Z~veyL.~ 3709 Harmony Drive Mayor Bakersfield, CA 93306 MarkS~va~o Dear Ms. LarWood: Wtce. Mayor wa,-d ? This is just a short note to thank you for taking the time to attend the IrmaCarson February 12th Urban Development Committee meeting to express your W~d~ interest in the Tree Ordinance issue. I want to personally assure you that your participation at the Committee level .is very much appreciated Susan M. ~nham and any comments and/or suggestions you may have contributed will be Ward2 t~ken into consideration by the Committee. Mike Maggard Wards The citizens of Bakersfield are encouraged to take advantage of all the opportunities available to address the City Council whenever possible, DavidCouch whether it.be at a Council Committee meeting or the regular City Council Ward4 meetings held in the Council Chamber. l~'aroldW, Hanson On behalf of my fellow Committee members, I again extend my thanks. Ward5 Please do not hesitate to contact me at 326-3767 if you have any further Jacquie Sullivan concerns. Ward6. Councilmember - Ward Four Chairperson, Urban Development Committee DRC:jp 1501 Tmxtun Avenue · Bakersfield, California 93301 · (661) 326-3767 · Fax (661) 323-3780 BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA February 13, 2001 C1TYCOUNCIL Ms. Dana Adams Tree Foundation of Kern ItarveyL. l~dl 1412 17th Street #216 Mayor Bakersfield CA 93301 Mark Salva~io Dear Ms. Adams: V'we-Mayor Wa~d? This is just a short note to thank you for taking the time to attend the IrmaCarson February 12th Urban Development Committee meeting to express your W~d~r interest in the Tree Ordinance issue. I want to personally assure you that your participation at the Committee level is very much appreciated SusanM. ee.h:.,, and any comments and/or suggestions you may have contributed will be Ward~ taken into .consideration by the Committee. Mike Maggard Ward3 The citizens of Bakersfield are encouraged to take advantage of all the opportunities available to address the City Council whenever possible, OavidCouch whether it be at a Council Committee meeting or the regular City Council Ward4 meetings held in the Council Chamber. ffaroldW, llan~on On behalf of my fellow Committee members, I again extend my thanks. Ward5 Please do not hesitate to contact me at 326-3767 if you have any further Jacquie Sullivan concerns. Ward6 Sincerely, Councilmember - Ward Four Chairperson, Urban Development Committee DRC:jp 1501 Tl'uxtun Avenue. Bakersfield, California 93301 · (661) 326-3767 · Fax (661) 323-3780 BAKERSFIELD c A L I F O R N I A February 13, 2001 CITY COUNCIL Mr. Brian Todd BIA of Kern County l~'arveyLi~'al! 1326 H Street, Suite 15 ,u,,yor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Mark Salvaggio Dear Mr. Todd: Wu:e. Mayor Wa~d? This is just ~a short 'note to thank you for taking the time to attend the IrmaCarso. February 12th Urban Development Committee meeting to express your Wardl interest in the Tree Ordinance issue. I want to personally assure you that your participation at the Committee level is very much appreciated. Susan~ ~entam and any comments and/or suggestions you may have contributed will be Ward2 taken 'into consideration by the Committee. Wo.d~ The citizens of Bakersfield are encouraged to take advantage of all the opportunities available to address the City Council whenever possible, ~avidCouch whether it be at a Council Committee meeting or the regular City Council Ward4- meetings held in the Council Chamber. IiaroldW. Hanson On behalf of my fellow Committee members, I again extend my thanks. Wards Please do not hesitate to contact me at 326-3767 if you have any further Jacquie Sullivan concerns. War~6 Sincerely, Councilmember - Ward Four Chairperson, Urban Development Committee DRC:jp 1501 Truxtun Avenue * Bakersfield, California 93301 * (661) 326-3767 * Fax (661) 323-3780 BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA February 13, 2001 CITY COUNCIL Mr. Fred Porter CELSOC ~-'vey ~.~an Porter-Robertson Engineering Mayor 1200 21st Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Mark Salvaggio Vice. Mayor Dear 'Mr. Porter: Ward7 ]rmaCarson This is just a short note to thank you for taking the time to attend the wa,-,~ February 12th Urban Development Committee meeting to express your interest .in the Tree Ordinance issue. I want to personally assure you S.sanM.~,~am that your participation at the Committee level is very much appreciated wa~2 and any comments and/or suggestions you may have contributed will be taken into consideration by the Committee. Mike Maggard Ward3 The citizens of Bakersfield are encouraged to take advantage of all the Davi~Couc~ opportunities available to address the City Council whenever possible, ~ard4 whether it be at a Council Committee meeting.or the regular City Council a~oldW.'~on meetings .held in the Council Chamber. Ward5 On behalf of my fellow Committee members, I again extend my thanks. Jacquie sumvan Please do not hesitate to contact me at 326-3767 if you have any further Ward 6 concerns. Sincerely, David .R. Couch Councilmember - Ward Four Chairperson, Urban Development Committee DRC:jp 1501 Truxtun Avenue -.Bakersfield, California 93301 · (661) 326-3767 · Fax (661) 323-3780 ! CITY HALL EXPANSION i PROPOSAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY · .[ '1' In an effort to make City government more efficient and to facilitate growth, staff was asked to develop alternative proposals to consolidate, the various City buildings into one I central location. Currently, City services are housed in several different buildings : ~ including existing City Hall and City Hall Annex located at 1501 Truxtun Avenue, the Police Department located at 1601 Truxtun Avenue, Development Services located at I , 1715 Chester Avenue, Economic and Community Development located at 515 Truxtun '. · Avenue, Recreation and Parks at 4101 Truxtun Avenue and the Water Department located at 1000 Buena Vista Road. Excluded from this list is the .Fire Department which ' is housed in a number of individual stations sites throughout the City and the Corporation Yard which houses various maintenance and operations functions. I Each of the aforementioned buildings contain public counter space, conference moms and othercommon wOrk areas that if consolidated could result in a much more efficient use of space. In addition, public convenience would be greatly enhanced by a central i~ location making it a truly "one stop" facility. For purposes of this report, space needs for growth ·in the Police Department will be facilitated through building additions to its existing facility. I The attached report proposes to consolidate six (6) buildings (City Hall, City Hall Annex, Development services, EDCD, Recreation and Parks and Water) into one central 'B location. Currently these building house 298 employees. It is anticipated that this w..~ number will grow to approximately 450 employees in 20 years. Space and facility needs, for a City Government facility that houses 450 employees equateS to I approximately 220,000 square feet of space and 700 parking spaces. Several alternatives were explored including rebuilding on the existing City Hall site with ~, a new larger building, building a new City Government District consistent with that envisioned in the Downtown Charrette process, constructing a City Hall complex with a · ' "campus style" arrangement, purchasing an additional building downtown· and .possibly ~ constructing a series of skybridge interconnections between the individual buildings and ~ acquiring the downtown Mercy Hospital site and converting it to City Hall. I The following report will outline each alternative including costs forland acquisition (if ..~.~ necessary), buildings and parking. ! ALTERNATIVE NO. 1 - NEW CITY HALL ON EXISTING SITE PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION This proposal in general, consists of removing the existing City Hall and Annex buildings and replacing them with a new single building approximately 220,000 square feet in size. The new City Hall building would house the following departments: · Mayor and City Council · .Executive ' · Financial · Attorney · Public Works · · Development Services · EDCD · Water · · Recreation and Parks Space needs for growth' in the Police Department wOuld be provided by a series of two 20,000 square foot additions to its existing building, A parking structure consisting of 700 spaces would be constructed within the existing parking lot for City Hall. This new structure would provide necessary parking for all City Hall and Police Department needs for the next 20 years. Alternate No. 1 would require all of existing departments utilizing the current City Hall complex to relocate for approximately 18 to 24 months. Therefore, costs assOciated with moving twice (to temporary facility and back) as well as lease costs for up to two years must be considered. In addition, establishing a temporary City Hall location may present logistical issues that must be addressed prior to the move. COSTS New City Hall cost estimate 1. Leasing space and move expenses $. 3,000,000 2. Demolition of existing buildings $ 3001000 3. New City Hall (220,000 sf @ $185/sf) $40,700,000 4. Police Expansion (40,000 sf @ $220/sf) $ 8,800,000' 5. Parking Structure (700 spaces @ $8,000/space) $ 5.,600,000 Sub-total $58,400,000 Design & Contingency (25%) $14,600,000 Total $73,000,000 ! ALTERNATIVE NO. 2 - NEW CITY HALL AS ENVISIONED BY DOWNTOWN CHARRETTE (SINGLE BUILDING APPROACH) PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION I This proposal in general, consists of acquiring a number of blocks downtown and ~ · constructing .a new City Hall building within a "Government District". The ama that has been identified within downtown is generally bounded by 20th Street to the north, Q I Street to the east, Truxtun Avenue to the south and N Street to the west. i The new City Hall building would house the following departments: · Mayor and City Council ~ · Executive i . · Financial ' · Attorney ~ · Police i · Public Works · · Development Services ~.' * EDCD I · Water · Recreation and Parks IAn underground parking structure cOnsisting of 700 spaces would be constructed south of the new City Hall building which would have a park and water element overhead. This new structure would provide necessary parking for all City Hall and Police I Department needs for the next 20 years. :1 '~ COSTS ~ New City Hall cost estimate · ~ 1. Land acquisition $ 10,000,000 · ~. 2. Demolition of existing buildings $ 500,000 3. New City Hall (335,000 sf @ $220/sf) $ 73,700,000 I 4. Police Garage and Communications $ 2,000,000 ~ 5. Parking Structure (700 spaces @ $8,000/space) $ 5,6001000 Sub-total $ 91,800,000 ~ Design & Contingency (25%) . $ 22,950,000 I Total $11 4,750,000 i Say $115,000,~000 I ! ALTERNATIVE NO. 3 - NEW CITY HALL AS ENVISIONED BY DOWNTOWN CHARRETTE (CAMPUS BUILDING APPROACH)' I PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION i This proposal in general, consists of acquiring a number of blocks downtown and constructing a new City Hall building within a "Government District". The area that has been identified within downtown is generallY bounded by 20th Street to the north, Q i Street to the east, Truxtun Avenue to the'south and N Street to the west. The new City Hall bUilding would house the following departments: · Mayor and City Council I · Executive · Financial '! · Attorney. · Police ~ * Public Works · I · Development Services · EDCD · Water I · Recreation and Parks The campus approach would construct a main City Hall building to houSe most departments. The Police Department would be housed in a-separate building. Public ! works and Development Services would be housed in another separate building. An underground parking structure consisting of 700 spaces would be constructed south Iof the new City Hall building which would have a park and water element overhead. This new structure would provide necessary parking for all City Hall and Police Department needs for the next 20 years. I COSTS .I New City Hall cost estimate a! 1. Leasing space and move expenses $ 15,000,000 2. Demolition of existing buildings $ 700,000 I 3. . New City Hall (220,000 sf @ $185/sf) $ 40,700,000 , 4. Police Department (115,000 sf @ $220/sf) $ 25,300,000 5. Police Garage and COmmunications $ 2,000,000 ':1 6. Parking Structure (700 spaces @ $8,000/space) $ 5,600,000 i Sub-total $ 89,300,000 '1 Design & Contingency (25%) $ 22,325,000 Total $111,625,000 ! :.,, Say $112,000,000 ! .IllALTERNATIVE NO. 4- EXPAND CITY HALL BY PURCHASING EXISTING DOWNTOWN BUILDINGS & INTERCONNECTING ,- THEM WITH SKY-BRIDGES PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION This proposal in general consists of acquiring additional existing buildings nearby t° current City Hall and development services locations. All buildings could then be interconnected with a series of sky-bridge walkways enhancing public convenience. The buildings that would be available to purchase will yield approXimately 45,000 square feet of office space. Construction will consist of the police expansion, interconnecting sky-bridge, tenant to the to be purchased and improvements buildings a parking structure. Based upon logistics of interconnecting various buildings, staff does not recommend this alternative to be considered further, however, most estimations have been provided for comparative services. COSTS New City Hall cost estimate 1. Building.Acquisition $ 4,000,000 2. Police'Expansion (40,000 sf' @ $220/sf) $ 8,800,000 3. Parking Structure (700 spaces @ $8,000/space) $ 5,600,000 4. Tenant Improvements (45,000 sf @ $25/sf) $ 1,120,000 5. Sky-Bridges $ 6,000,000 Sub-total $ 25,520,000 Design & Contingency (25%) $ 6,380,000 Total $ 31,900,000 Say $32,000,000 ! ALTERNATIVE NO. 5 - ACQUIRE DOWNTOWN MERCY HOSPITAL SITE AND CONVERT TO NEW CITY HALL PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION This proposal would entail acquisition of the existing downtown Mercy Hospital site and converting it into City Hall. Memy Hospital has over 390,000 square feet~°f building with almost 1,000 available parking spaces. The proposal would, in essence, trade existing i City buildings for the Mercy site, thereby precluding the need to purChase land. · Improvements to the Mercy site would include tenant improvements, police garage, communications and a new Council chamber. il COSTS i New City Hall cost estimate · 1. Tenant improvements (391,744 sf @ $25/sf) $ 9,793,600 2. Police garage and communications $ 2,000,000 i 3. City Council Chamber (5,000 sf @ $300/sf) $ 1,500,000 Sub-total $13,293,600 i Design & Contingency (25%) $ 3,323,400 Total $16,617,000 I Say $17,000,000 Cost to acquire hospital approximately $18-36 million I I ! ALTERNATIVE NO. 6 - NEW CITY HALL ON EXISTING SITE ! PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION This proposal in general, consists of constructing a new Police Station with room to I meet growth need, consolidating City Hall functions into the eXisting Police building City Hall and Annex buildings and expanding the existing Police building to meet growth needs. The new City Hall would be comprised of a series of buildings interconnected I with sky-bridgeS and house the following departments: · Mayor and City Council · Executive '1 · Financial · Attorney · Public Works I · Development Services , · EDCD · Water iI · Recreation and Parks . Space needs for'growth in the Police DePartment would be provided by a new Police .~ station located within the downtown area. A parking structure consisting of 500 spaces would be constructed within the existing parking lot for City Hall. This new structure would provide parking for City necessary Hall needs for the next 20 years. COSTS New Hall cost estimate City 1. Purchase Land for new Police Station $ 5,000,000 i 2. · New Police Station (115,000 sf @ $220/sf) · $25,300,000 3. Sky-Bridge interconnect $ 1,000,000. ~ 4. New Police shops $ 1,600,000 i. 5. parking Structure (500 spaces @ $8,000/space) $ 4,0001000 Sub-total $36,900,000 I Design& Contingency (25%) $ 9,225,000 '~ Total · $46,125,000 I Say $47.000,000 I New City Hall expansiOn(75,000 sf @ $185/sf) $13,875,000 SUMMARY Note that Alternatives 2 and 3 do n°t include revenue we would receive from the sale of It is that the sale of the Annex, the Police existing buildings. anticipated City Hall, Department, Development Services, EDCD, and the Water Department may yield approximately 17 million dollars which would be deducted from overall costs. The following Will summarize each alternative costs for comparative purposes. Alternative 1 New'City Hall on Existing Site $ 73,000,000 Alternative 2 New City Hall as Envisioned by Downtown Charrette (Single Building Approach) $115,000,000 Alternative 3 New City Hall as Envisioned by Downtown Charrette (Campus Building Approach) $112,000,000 Alternative 4 Expand City Hall by Purchasing Existing Downtown Buildings & Interconnecting Them with Sky-bridges $ 32,000,000 Alternative 5 Acquire Downtown Mercy Hospital and Convert to New City Hall $ 17,000,000 Alternative 6 New Police Station and expand City Hall on Existing Site' $ 47,000,000