HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004Jean Parks - Committee Meeting Changes Page From: Trudy Slater To: sbenham @sbcglobal.net Date: 8/19/2004 3:52:26 PM Subject: Committee Meeting Changes Sue - Per your request, I contacted Jacquie to see if she would be willing to give up her Community Services Committee meeting date of November 10 to allow the Legislative and Litigation Committee meeting of November 15 to be rescheduled for Nov. 10. I explained that Council Member Salvaggio very much wanted to be able to vote on the fireworks issue and that you were trying to accommodate him with the change in meeting date. Jacquie has no objections to replacing her November 10 Community Services Committee meeting with a Legislative and Litigation Committee meeting. She asked that I have Jean cancel the November 10 Com. Services Committee meeting. I will also ask Jean to schedule a L&L meeting for 1:00 p.m. on November 10 and to cancel the L&L meeting of November 15. These committee changes will be made at the appropriate times that will create the least confusion. Let me know if you need anything further. - Trudy CC: Parks, Jean; Tandy, Alan AI3 NiST TiVE REPORT MEETING DATE: January 14, 2004 I AGENDA SECTION: Reports TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: Alan Christensen, Recreation & Parks Director DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: January 7, 2004 CITY ATTORNEY /~ CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Community Services Committee Majority Report 1-04 and Minority Report 2-04 - Naming of Park at Stockdale Highway and Buena Vista Road (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: City Council determination. BACKGROUND: The Community Services Committee discussed naming of the park currently referred to as "Rio Vista Park," located on Stockdale Highway and Buena Vista Road. Staff explained at the meeting that most neighborhood parks are named by the developer. This park is not like a neighborhood park in a subdivision because it is being built by the City with Park Development Fees and other revenue sources. When completed, it will be a 32-acre park with two lakes, an amphitheater, and other park amenities. Rich O'Neil, Kern River Parkway Foundation, spoke regarding the naming policy. He interpreted The Kern River Parkway naming policy as stating that the name for a park or other element should be of historical cultural significance as it relates to the Kern River. Mr. O'Neil requested the name ~Rio Vista" be eliminated from consideration as it does not fall within the guidelines. Mr. O'Neil agreed that two names were acceptable to the Foundation: 1) Rio San Felipe, which is the first name given to the Kern River in 1776 by Padre Games; and 2) Condor Park, or "WEE-ITCH," the native American name for condor. Committee Member Carson liked the name and suggested it would give recognition to the Condors hockey team. Committee Member Benham supported the idea of using "San Felipe Park" because of its historical relevance. She rejected using "Rio Vista" because she felt it has little cultural or historical significance. Committee Member Benham made a motion that the Committee recommend to the City Council that they choose between San Felipe Park and Condor Park. Committee Chair Sullivan expressed a lot of thought went into the name Rio Vista Park. She felt it was a great name for the park and people visiting Bakersfield who do not know the history of Kern River would appreciate the name. She asked the Committee to consider the name Rio Vista Park and that the two lakes be given other names recommended by the Kern River Parkway Foundation. The Committee voted on Committee Member Benham's motion with Committee Members Benham and Carson voting "aye" and Committee Chair Sullivan voting "no." The Committee unanimously agreed to -', forward to the City Council a majority report to include Committee Member Benham's motion and a i, minority report to include Committee Chair Sullivan's motion. January 7, 2004, 12:37PM: rlj P:~Admin Rpts\Stockdale-BV Park Name.doc Bakersfield City Council 1401 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 Ref: Naming of parks and other elements within the Kern River Parkway Bakersfield City Councilpersons; The Kern River Parkway Foundation would like to submit a few names to be considered as possible selections for naming the new park within the Kern River Parkway located at Buena Vista Road and Stockdale Highway. "Park Rio San Felipe" is one which we like to have considered. Rio de San Felipe is the first name given to the Kern River in 1776 by Padre Garces. Please read historical references to this name in Eugene Burmeister's book titled THE GOLDEN EMPIRE and John Maynard's book called BAKERSFIELD A CENTENNIAL PORTRAIT. The other suggested name is "Park Winatun". This is a Yokut name given to the person in the village designated to greet and welcome visiting guests to the village sites, many of which lied along the Kern River. Historical and cultural reference to this name can be found in Frank Lataa's writing, HANDBOOK OF YOKUTS INDIANS. Furthermore, the Kern River Parkway Foundation would like to exclude the name of Rio Vista fl~om · consideration. As you know all names within the Parkway shall have historical and cultural significance directly related to the Kern River. Rio Vista has no historical or cultural basis and does not conform to the Kern River parkway EIR or the Parkway naming and sign ordinance. This r/ame was given as a tag two years ago and considering it as an official name would not adhere to legal ordinance or the intent oi~ the Kern River Parkway naming theme. This tag'circumvented the proper channels for naming considerations. Thank you for consideration of these matters. Pres~(lent, Kern River Parkway Foundation PO Box 624 Bakersfield, Ca 93302-0624 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: January 28, 2004 I AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar I ITEM: 3. X, TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Economic Development Director DEPARTMENT HEAD~,~(./~_.. DATE: January 22, 2004 CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Action Plan Amendment No. 3 (FY 03/04) fSr Wayside Park - Wet Play Area Project. (Ward 1) 1) Appropriate $35,000 current year CDBG Program Income to the Capital Improvement Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. BACKGROUND: In compliance with HUD regulations, any significant change or addition to the approved CDBG program or project must undergo an amendment process which includes obtaining citizen views and comment on the proposed change. The proposed amendment affects CDBG program funds. This amendment will allocate $35,000 of CDBG program income funds from FY 03/04 for the design and construction of a wet play area for Wayside Park. AMENDMENT NO. 3 FY 03/04 ACTION PLAN - B-03-MC-06-0510 Project ID Available Budget Revised Project Title & Description Activity Code/ Amount of Changes Total Citations Funds Funding Add Wayside Park- Wet Play Area Project. 03F $0 $35,000' $35,000 Design and Construction of a wet play area and Parks, Recreational improvements. (Ward 1) Facilities 570.201(c) *Program Income A public notice was published December 22, 2003 to begin the 30-day public comment period for this amendment. To date no comments have been received. S:~Admins\City CounciAaction plan amendment 1-28-04.doc 1/22/2004 8:21 AM O AO IN ST AT ¥E I MEETING DATE: April 14, 2004 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: ~ ,C TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney DEPARTMENT HEAi~ ./~ .[~-~'''~ DATE: March 18, 2004 CITY ATTORNEY,:'" .~ ~ CITY MANAGER ~j"~'~ SUBJECT: First reading of the adoption of an ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Section 2.62 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to the Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Committee. RECOMMENDATION: Community Services Committee recommends firSt reading of the ordinance. BACKGROUND: The Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Committee ("KBBC") was approved by The City Council as part of a beautification program certified by the national Keep America Beautiful, Inc. Under Chapter 2.62 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, KBBC is comprised of seven Council- appointed members who take on the responsibility of decision making for the beautification program. At the request of the KBBC, it was suggested that the Mayor have one appointment to KBBC. This ordinance will amend Chapter 2.62 by allowing the Mayor one nomination thus adding one member to the committee. The attached Ordinance revision was considered by the Community Services Committee and is recommended for first reading. S:\COUNClL~.dmins\KBBCOrdAdm.do~ ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING CHAPTER 2.62 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE KEEP BAKERSFIELD BEAUTIFUL COMMITTEE. SECTION 1. Chapter 2.62 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 2.62 KEEP BAKERSFIELD BEAUTIFUL COMMITrEE Sections: 2.62.010 Creation. 2.62.020 Appointment of members. 2.62.030 Term of office. 2.62.040 Duties. 2.62.010 Creation. The City Council hereby creates an eight c c, cvcn member Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Committee ("KBBC"). The City Council also appoints the City Manager, or his/her designee, as the Committee Coordinator of the KBBC. 2.62.020 Appointment of members. As soon as the matter can be placed before the City Council, each councilmember and the mayor shall nominate a resident from the City of Bakersfield to the KBBC. The nominations shall be appointed by majority vote of the City Council and serve at its pleasure. It is not necessary for a councilmember to nominate a resident from his or her ward. The purpose of this chapter is that each councilmember and the mayor shall have one nomination to the KBBC. 2.62.030 Term of office. A committee member's term of office shall run concurrent with the term of his or her nominating councilmember/mayorand shall expire upon any one of the following: A. The expiration of term, resignation, or departure from office of his or her nominating councilmember/mayor. B. The resignation of a committee member. C. The removal of a committee member by majority vote of the City Council. D. Upon a change of residence by a committee member outside the Bakersfield city limits. In any case above, a new committee member shall be nominated by the corresponding councilmember/mayor and appointed by the City Council so that each councilmember and the mayor have bee one nomination to the KBBC. 2.62.040 Duties. The KBBC shall recommend policies and specific programs to. the City Council which promote the mission statement of the KBBC as reflected in its bylaws on file with the City Clerk. In addition, the KBBC shall actively participate in the implementation of various programs and projects to achieve the KBBC mission statement. The committee shall have no other authority. The Committee Coordinator of KBBC shall be the liaison between KBBC and the City Council and shall provide the City Council, upon request, written reports on the activities of the KBBC. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the provisions of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. .......... 00000 ........ ;- 2 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on by the following vote: ' AYES: COUNCIL MEMBER CARSON, BENHAM, MAGGARD, COUCH, HANSON, SULLIVAN, SALVAGGIO NOES: COUNCIL MEMBER ABSTAIN:COUNCIL MEMBER ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBER CITY CLERK and EX OFFICIO of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED: By:. HARVEY L HALL, Mayor CITY OF BAKERSFIELD APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney By: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney VG:ls S:\COUNClL\Ords~2.62KeepBKBeautifuI.Amd. DOC 3