HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/13/1989 AGENDA INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1989 NOON - PUBLIC WORKS CONFERENCE ROOM Model Water Well Ordinance -- Steve McCalley d2. 2010 Update -- Jack Hardisty ~3. Light Rail Update -- Dale Mills ~/4. High Speed Rail -- Geary Taylor 5. Items for Next Agenda 6. Set Next Meeting Date SECONDSUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT BEN AUSTIN Mojave County Building' Supewllo4' 1775 Hwy. 58 10311 Stobaugh Street MoJave, CA 93501 Lamont, California 93241 (805) 824-4631 (80S) 881-2S37 vember 14, 1989 Board of Supervisors Kern County Civic Center 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUPER SPEED TRAIN SERVICE TO PALMDALE/ANTELOPE VALLEY The California-Nevada Super Speed Ground Transportation Commission was established for the purpose of planning and implementing a high-speed rail system between Las Vegas, Nevada and Southern California. This Commission has five objectives which must be achieved through development of the super-speed system: 1) it must provide economic benefits to southern Califomia and Nevada 2) it must reduce reliance on petroleum-based transportation and encourage use of alternative energy sources 3) it must reduce congestion on Interstate 15 4) it must demonstrate that it can play an essential role in future commuter services in the Los Angeles Basin and the Las Vegas Valley and 5) it must provide quick, convenient transportation service for residents of, and visitors to, southern Nevada and California. Several routes have been selected by the Commission as possible candidates for consideration in implementation of this high-speed raft system. The proposed Palmdale/Antelope Valley route is of vital interest to the County of Kern, specifically East Kern. The area growth which will be associated with the establishment of a rail system of this type should provide a positive 'spill- over" effect to Kern County. Thus, it is in the Kern County Board of Supervisors best interest to support further study and consideration of this route. On October 27, 1989, the Commission selected a competing route (Ontario-Anaheim) as the Preferred route. However, the Commission has requested that the possibility of a spur line.to Palmdale be considered. Further, the City of Los Angeles is evaluating the feasibility of a light raft line from the San Fernando Valley to the Palmdale Airport. Therefore, IT IS RECOMMENDED that this Board 1) adopt a Resolution supporting the inclusion of Palmdale/Antelope Valley in any Las Vegas - Southern California Super Speed Train route system and urging the California-Nevada Super Speed Train Commission to give full study and consideration to this possibility, and 2) direct the Clerk of the Board to forward a copy of this resolution to the City of Palmdale and the Commission. Sincerely, Ben Austin, Chairman Kern County Board of Supervisors BA:JH:ck\sprspdtr.bos BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA In the matter of: Resolution No. Reference No. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUPER SPEED TRAIN SERVICE TO PALMDALE/ANTELOPE VALLEY I, SUE LASITER, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern, State of California, do hereby certify that the following resolution, proposed by Supervisor , seconded by Supervisor , was duly passed and adopted by said Board of Supervisors at an official meeting hereof this day of , 19 , by the following vote, to wit AYES: NOES: sim LASITER, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors County of Kern, State of California .ABSENT: By Deputy Clerk RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the California-Nevada Bi-State Super Speed Train Commission was establishedfor the purpose of planning and implementing a high speed raft system between Las Vegas, Nevada and Southern CaHfomia; and WHEREAS, it has been the responsibility of the Bi-State Super Speed Train Commission to oversee the thorough study of Various routes for a 'high speed transit system which would best serve the goals and objectives of the Commission; and WHEREAS, a line connecting Los Angeles to Las Vegas via the San Femando Valley and Palmdale -was'-consi~,ere&r-as~ an ...... m_fiv_~ rour~,,~;-and ........... WHEREAS, there are many advantages to routing the proposed Las Vegas-Southern California Speed Train through Palmdale or linking Palmdale/Antelope Valley with the Ontario-Anaheim route, such as Palmdale's ready link to both the Los Angeles Basin and Central California, Palmdale's Regional Airport which will ease congestion of Southern California airports, and a receptive economic and political climate; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern, State of California, does hereby declare their unreserved support of the inclusion of Palmdale/Antelope Valley in any Las Vegas-Southern California Super Speed Train route system, and urges the California-Nevada Super Speed Ground Transportation Comm~sion to continue to study and give full consideration to this possibility. JH:dr\sprspdln'.bos igh-Speed Train Links Proposed I Transpo~tation: ^ through research and develop- The Western system apl~..~r.~ to Taylor. who drew up the proposal. remit, tax incclltivcs and ChrOme- ~ thc next furthcat alollg, officidl~ "It always helps to kllow where w~lel~udyinga m~fltof~fetystandar~. ~id. Construction i~ cx~ct~l to you're headed whel~ you s~art m V~-~ An~l~ line Adv~ate~. incl~ing Gil~rt bL~gin in 1~ and ~ complet~ m something." Ca~ichael, administrator of the I~. Thc com~ni~ion dccid~ to take viii ~ I~k at a rail r~eral I~ail~d Administration, The $4-billion "gambler's s~- the step even though i~ mandate ia touted the ~tential of advanc~ cial" would connect I~ Vegas to a limited to attracting a private enti- ~ork for t~uthw~t, rail t~h~logi~ to ea~ over- ~uthern California tcrmin~--ei* tym develop a high:~ train fr~ways ai~r~, Anaheim. or Sylmar or ~tw~n the I~ Veg~ area and thor ~y Alan C. MILLER r~uce ~llu[im~ and trans~rt rid- sion llills in the Valley. The Valley ~u[hern Cali[ornia.'raylor ~id. em ~tw~n ~ngest~ ur~n can- route would include Palmdale Air ~he commi~ion.will ~di~lv~ tern. Terminal in [he Antelo~ ~alley; at the end of I~1 unl~ the WASIIING'~N--An ambi[io~ Ka~ is chairman o~ the Califor- [he Anaheim rou[e could al~ in- state legislatures extend it. The ~ns-[erm plan to devel~ high- nia-Nevada Super Speed Trainelude ~parate commuter service long-tango plan could lake a~ ~ [rain mu[~ linki~ mawr Commi~ion. which is studying a [h~h~n ~rnardino~oun[X. manx ~ ~ xeam to implemenL ;outhwest cities--including I,os p~ hish-s~d ~ute ~mm The 16-mem~r bis[a[ecommis- Taylor~. ~ngeles. Anaheim. ~n DieSo. ~n I~ V~ [o either the ~[he~t sion is ex~ [o announce i~ The ~mmi~ion's adoption o[ the Pra~i~o. Phenix and [~s Va- ~n Per~ndo Valley or Anaheim. d~ision on a mute ~t. ~. A b~der plan migh[ ~ in~nd~ ~ ~--will ~ ~nside~ by a s~- The ~mmi~ion's ef[or~ relict~ul~n['s r~rt mle~ earlier blun[ the d~may o[ munici~li[i~ ~ial two-s[a[e commi~ion next increaain8 in[crest across [he [his month 8ave A~heim a s[mng excl~ ~mm the [i~t leg. The ~k. ~un[ry ~ build such systems a~r advance ~ on pro~ rid- Io~-term plan incl~es a~[iona in "We envision an even[ual net- [wo d~ades in which the W~t emhip. ~ Ansel~ and [he vorkof[rai~"~ra[ingats~ ~er~. ~neh and Ja~n~ A[the~me~ion.[hecommi~- Valley ~ well ~ Oranse ~nty ~ ~ ~ m.p.h, amon8 [he mawr have mov~ ahead in a t~h~logy sion will ~ pre~nt~ with a and [he Inland Empire. ~en[em ol the Paci[ic ~u[hw~t [hat w~ intr~uc~ by two Ameri- ~n-bindin8 p~l [o develop ~esion. California Assemblyman can ~ientis~in I~1. addit~nal hish-~ lin~ linkin8 The ci[i~ of Anaheim. I~ An- Richa~ Kat~ (D-Sylmar) ~ld a~idm the pm~ ~ali[ornia- 10 ~ulat~ ~n[em th~ug~u[ 8el~ and Palmdale have tri~ ~ ~*~I / U.S. ~na~ au~mmiU~ Tues- Nevada ays[em, other high-~ Cali~nia wi[h I~ VeSt. Re~ ~m~de the eommi~n ~ ~y. rail pm~ a~ in prog~ in andPh~nix. [he terminal in [heir ~ck yar~. l~a Vegas 8ambling interestsAmtrak. which ~ Ka[~ ap~ar~ ~fo~e the sur[ace ~'lori~. Oh~ and Te~. ~he system plan. ~ well ~ each ~gislative app~val o[ the d~iaion ~kin8 ~ brin8 in la,er num~msu~idi~. ~rat~ all U.S. inte~ ra~r~[ion su~mmK~ of [he ~ivate inv~tom ~uld ~n la8 o~ [he pro~ rail lin~. would ~ r~ui~ ~a~ the ~in w~ld of ~tmns. i[y ~il ~er trai~. M~ of ~nate ~mmitt~ on ~mme~e, cons[ruc[ionin ~qo~ida nex[yearof ~ve~a~mv~byther~- ~ buil[ on Intem~[e 15 fish[ o[ "l~ub[t~['aw~t [he~mmis- t~i~ ave~e ~ m.p.h., although ~ience and 'l'~n~r~t~n. 'r~ea ~-million. IT-mile W~[ ~er- live s~te legisla[ur~, way mint o[ [he way ~ i~ Vest. sion h~ in mi~." Taylor ~id.i~ Metmli~m can reach I~ m.p.h. ~nel w~ ~lici~n8 ~[imony 0n man magnetic levi~tion rail link . "i['a a concep[ [ha[ [he bis~te Taylor ~id [he Ions-~nse plan "Rc[~lly. [he [o~t [or in- ~ance'a ~V h~ a ~p cruising the mia thai the f~eral govern- ~[w~n Orlando Ai~r[ and Walt'~mmi~ion is considering ad,tin8 w~ ~mt an al[erupt ~ enhance the cm~ carnies in the two ~ono-~ of I~ m.p.h.; W~t ne~1t should play ~ encourase Disney World. Carmichael told [he ~ i~ Ion&-range g~t." ~id com- c~ibili[y of the odsinal t~in m~ ts 8~ater for California than ny'a ex~rimental mag~e~levita- ~tr~[~n of hish-s~ [rains au~ommit[~, m~ion ~u[ive Dir~r Paul r~te. which w~ [he brainchild o[ ~o~ Nev~." [ion train can go Zr~ m.p.h. ' Light rail · to Palmdale to be studied' iS.opOSal to boost afiport facility use By RICKORLOV . ': -~ ~ Daily News Staff Writer ,. ' ..' . .. The la3s'~ngde~' City Council allocated $150,000 Tuesday for 'a Los Angeles.County Trans; pOrtation Commission study on the.feasibility of building a light ,~T-...0m~.B~dl~Y:.::~i ~ail line from'tfi~ San Femando LI~:O&I:Y~]' ~tUdy'. Va!l~y'topalmdale Ail-porl.. .: ............. . .... . .... :.. = .. ,...... .: 4. s!h~u.t.c~mm.e.nt,.!he re.un; . :Under the Pr°posal, the'city c. voted ~ yOto ta~e me ~cnon Will ~sk th~ lfanspoflahon C°m- that had been urged by Mayor..mission ~o studylhe line as part :' T0m Bradley and .Council Pres- idefilJohn:Fer,raro.' ,. ' ' See RAIL / Back Pg. : [~, 'i.~ '? :.:~.'~-' :: ~.-': ' . . . .... - .... ....... '.ii;. /,. /- 3 !.~r~ .,.. ...... -.. .: :~ . ..... . .. ................ · ,:t'anel to renew pro sed,. · -'.-.:°t,s o~her reviews o~ ~ote~tiai: ~ i The ~ro~~ ~' '- '.. ~ ::~:_.~, :'..';:/ ' ..... -.~..::r..o.~%.?i,w ? light rail linesin the Valle : :, :. ,.. ,,..,,v~_o-,-~OUM. have, a. line roit ,: .:.: wq out ~o -- 'rhe"rransponation Commission ~ '::' follow the San.Dte~o. Frdewa,, ,~,~ ~,,Y c:..', ~:;'.4~,::~u~J.~;~.q~n ~ra~ae, ,¢had sa,d.' ,t' would be wflhng' ' to do so [,('!:5::'!;~ ,~? "' ':: .'.' '.:::3'~ 'i ,';'~'./~:';' ...:. ~.~o:,.. ::.,,:,~:!? . .... .;r. y..,*+-. &U.'...:~-,~i'.'?,s..u~rl~:~}~sal,~ has Said ,.. b..t d,d ~ot ha~e the mo ' ,.:.::'.'.;.:. .... ~:.~'-'.~-.:...*,.-...,,~., :... 'a!m2t[rtl~,~.~..~ · . :, ..... . .:?.?..,!t.co~ld.,~:~,~:. d · ' ,. duct such a stud" ney.to con- ,**~.~,,~ ......:.., ..... ~.:'. '. ! :~!~i'...-~?:':"ff., ,':~,.~ 4': :..~::.. '.::'; ::~ ¢.'.. "!:Y~:/:~s:AI!j~ .... *' ~ .a-. :i ed'd°'wn !o · ,', ' ~' Y ~: tie- i ~ ' ' ' -~:~ ......'- ':.-" · ........... . ...... =" '~-' ~',~ "' ~ ~ .... onalA~rport. ~;: .... Bradle' ' · - · ' . [i~.~lX~.J3l..Deparlmen , ' ~.~:.~wa '. .'~ ,. ,- .... '..' .'- ;:' . :' ::: and the~ · , · ~ :. ~.y and. Ferraro smd they ~ .. .......... ..-..,.~.~ . ~., htS. ~ .c.xpand.to tflcrcatgit.co -'.~ ............ ~ :;:~:,~ ge County. -. · had " . .... .the p. otenl m] .us~.4 . ...... ~'~:'~-'~' :' "'i~ ''~ ..... ~'~; :~" " x'Kh Pfl~po~l.thOlme at,the ......... · .:~., : ..... . foal t~,'.'-.~. ~ .':-- ~,,,~.:a ~ ...... e ted to ......... - ..... ,..:- ._ ·.. J~. ,, ....... .:,. !$ldYi.-.~,c,,. .... ~, ~=~ ......e,r~ ....... ~' ":h ..... "~'- ' ~all ....... ~k .Foro~of,