HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/29/1989 AGENDA INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE CITY/COUNTY Thursday, June 29, 1989 12:00 Noon Annex Basement Conference Room 1. Communitywide Disaster Planning Dennis Needham 2) 2010 General Plan Update Jack Hardisty 3) Air Quality Pat Smith/Jack Hardisty : 4) Louise Avenue Update Ed Schulz 5) Northwest Sewers Update Dale Mills 6) EMCAB (Emergency Medical Care Advisory Board) City Representation Russ Blind, Assistant Director EMS. June 26, 1989 TO: INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE Patricia Smith, Chair; Patricia DeMond; Donald K. Ratty FROM: JOHN W. STINSON SSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CITY/COUNTY INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE The following is the agenda for the City/County Intergovernment Relations Committee meeting: AGENDA INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE CITY/COUNTY Thursday, June 29, 1989 12:00 Noon Annex Basement Conference Room 1 Communitywide Disaster Planning Dennis Needham 2) 2010 General Plan Update Jack Hardisty 3) Air Quality Pat Smith/Jack Hardisty 4) Louise Avenue Update Ed Schulz 5) Northwest Sewers Update' Dale Mills 6) EMCAB (Emergency Medical Care Advisory Board) City Representation Russ Blind, Assistant Director EMS JWS:jp cc: J. Dale Hawley. Dennis Needham Jack Hardisty Ed Schulz Art Saalfield COON'I~ SEItVIC~ ARK~ 71 CITY - CO[~Y AGREE~NT: January 10,1989 - County adopted CSA 71 sewer service conceptual agreement and forwarded it to the City for adoption. January 31st - first meeting with the City to discuss the proposed ~greement. City was to prepare a layout of the trunk lines and review the feasibility of providing service to the service areas. April 4th - met with the City to discuss the first proposed draft Agreement and adjustments to the service areas. June 6th - met with the City to discuss the revised agreement which included revisions by both the City and the County. June 23rd - transmitted the latest agreement to the City and to " County Counsel for final review and comments. COUNTY - NORTH OF THE RIVER SANITATION DISTRICT - CITY OF SHAFTER February 19, 1989 - received first revision to the proposed agreement by NORSD. February 24th - request from NORSD for funds on a promise that they would provide service. April 3rd - transmitted a revised agreement for discussion to NORSD. April 17th - informed at a meeting with NoRSD and the City of Shafter that NORSD had revised their project plan and was now going to eliminate the need for the temporary disposal area. The revised project plan included the lmzrc~hase of part of the disposal area, construction of the entire trunk line and inclusion of the City of Shafter at this time in the agreement, and revisions to the management and financing of the plant. June 2nd ~ met with Don Glover (NORSD) to discuss a now new proposed agreement including the relationships of NORSD, City of Shafter and County of Kern. June 14th - discussed with John Guinn the City of Shafter's comments on the agreement, he indicated that they had major concerns about the ownership and operation of the plant and would get back to me with specifics. June 19th - City of Shafter met with NORSD on another matter but discussed the agreement and the City's concerns. Don Glover is now revising the agreement to address the concerns of Shafter. june 29nd - Meeting scheduled with Shafter, NORSD and the County to discuss the revisions made by NORSD to the agreement. COUNTY SERVICE AREA 71 Sk~ STATUS CITY - COUNTY AG~~: Current Status: The proposed agreement was sent to the City of Bakersfield Public Works Department on June 23rd for their final review and to County Counsel for their review of additional City changes. Future Actions: Upon receipt of last comments present to County Supervisors for their review, comments and discussion; then present Final Agreement to the Board of Supervisor and the City Council for action. Historical Problems: The City Public Works Department, upon a detailed study of the feasibility of supplying sewerage service to the proposed service area has stated that they can not provide service to the westerly 1/2 mile area below Hageman Rood, in the near foreseeable future as originally anticipated. This change, if approved, will move the City service area (South of Hageman Rood) from Heath Rood easterly to Rudd Road. This area, that the City can not serve will be included in the service area of the County-City of Shafter-NORSD agreement. COUNTY - ~ OF THE RIVER SANITATION DISTRICT - CITY OF S~: Current Status: The latest proposed agreement which now includes the City of Shafter and the elimination of the temporary disposal site was submitted to North of the River on June 2nd. NORSD took the agreement to John Guinn (City of Shafter) for his review and comments, and was going to return theirs and the City of Shafter's comments for discussion with the County. I spoke to John'on June 14th, he said the City of Shafter had some problems with the proposed agreement and were preparing their Comments. He indicated that they now desire to retain ownership in at least part of the plant. At a June 19th meeting between the City of Shafter and NORSD the City of Shafter voiced concerns about some of the proposed conditions in the agreement. NORSD is currently revising the agreement in response those concerns. Shafter stated that they now have to retain an interest in and have a major say in the operation of the plant. Don Glover said the revisions he is making should be ready for distribution on June 26th ~or 2?th. A joint meeting is being planned for Thursday June 29th to review the revisions. The City of Shafter has voiced concern that they do not think that the revisions being made are going to satisfy the City of Shafter. John Guinn said that he would present his needs and comments on the previous proposed agreement the week of June 26. Both entities are concerned with the financial arrangements between the City of Shafter and the North of the River Sanitation District and how it will affect their bonding ability. NORSD is proceeding with the acquisition of lands along with the design of the trunk line, initial disPosal facilities, and initial treatment plant design. NORSD is also working with a bond counsel to arrange the appropriate financing. Future Actions: Upon receipt of the review comments to the Joint Powers Agreement, the changes can be incorporated, in the agreement and redistributed for review by the agencies. After agreement is reached as to the content, the Joint Powers Agreement will be forwarded to the respective counsels for their review. Without any additional major changes, the agreement should be ready to be presented to the Boards and Council for consideration in September. Historical Problems: The first draft was submitted to NORSD for their review and comments in January, after several revisions to this agreement NORSD changed their project plans. In the middle of April, NORSD changed the project from going with a temporary disposal site, to going to the ultimate final site and purchasing property for both the treatment plant and part of the area needed for disposal. The revision to the planned project required that the City of Shafter be included in the agreement and that methods of financing, ownership status, flow capacity and repayment be agreed to by all the entities involved. The Joint Power Agreements between the three agencies, has become more complex than the original proposed contract between the County and NORSD. IGRC. 1/4/89 KMTF Education Television Communication SALVATION ARMY RESIGNATION from HOMELESS TASK FORCE. IGRC 2/15/89 Correspondence from Cawelo Water District concerning air and water quality in relation to coal-fired generation plants. IGRC 5/17/89 Communication from Dennis Needham re communitywide disaster planning session on April 19, 1989.