HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/12/1990 B A K E R S F I E L D Patricia Smith, Chair Conni Brunni Kevin McDermott Staff: John W. Stinson INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, April 12, 1990 12:00 Noon City Manager's Conference Room 1. Underground Storage Tanks 2. Fair Housing FAIR HOUSING PROGRAM During the past couple of years various concerns have been expressed with re~ard to the joi~t City/County program as currently housed and administered. Without going into detail but just to fe.f&esh memories the following issues have existed: invalid audit" lack of volunteer or paid testers increased costs incomplete deliver~ of services staff qualifications bias on the par~ of program/dept. AK the time the Fair Housing Program was instituted and since many people hav=-krad'reason-to consider whether other'loca=ionaloptions exist. Few, if any, within existing departments have been met with much enthusiasm~ In some communities non-profit entities contract with local government to provide Fair Housing Program Services. Since about 1984 the Communit2 Housing ReSources Board has been in existence and working with the Fair Housing Division, Housing and Urban Development, various community organizations, housing .industry groups and others to further the cause of equal housing opportunities. The largest source of ~unding to date has come from successfully applying for and administering KUD grants. The Communi:y Housing Resources Board operates with a Board of Directors comprised of representatives of various community groups interested in individual's rights and responsibilities udder our Fair Housing Laws. I~ is charged by R'UD with assisting with the implementation of the Voltu/tar2 Affirmative Marketing Agreements between HUD and signatory housing associations. It has been consistently successful in providing quality services, meeting goals as set yet keeping expenditures under budget. In some communities Community Housing Resources Boards .have additionally contracted with local government to provide Fair ~ousing Pro,ram Services in compliance with Block Grant Funding requirements. "'This coul4 be the best available a~=ernative-~or Bakersfield and Kern County currently. The Community Housing Resources Board is an already 'approved and functioning non-profit entity with a track record. Its Board of Directors has up to 15 community organizations represented which would'provide significant penetration within constituencies. It's experience is in totally related and in many cases coordinated efforts with the Fair Housing Division activities. If the City and County were to contract with the Community Housing Resources Board (CHRB) for: COMMUNITY OUTREACH - presentations to community groups and appropriate workshops conducted/sponsored in order to educate and inform consumers, providers and the general public of the 'rights and responsibi!i=ies under our Fair Housing Laws HOT LINE AND M~DIATION - proVide Fair Housing informatio~ for specific needs and situations and mediate appropriate solutions where possible, referring those needing services Other than Fair Housing to the relevant sources ~or assistance COORDINATION - work wi=h entities involved in Fair Housing including but not limited to HUD, DFE~, Community Development Departments, Housing Authority - referring potential discrimination cases to enforcement entities such as ~Pu'D and the state DePartment of Fair Employment and ~ousing (DFE~) for testing and other warranted action, if any, when mediation has not been a successful remedy. Th~ Memorandum of Understanding has envisioned Testing and Auditing bein'g included in the pr.ogram, however during the past 2 years or so they have not been. Since the new Federal legislation has so greatly expanded the enforcement role of ~UD in addition to the ongoing .enforcement activities of DFEH the.- need for local jurisdictions to provide such services is certainly reduced if not eliminated. In each individual community the various providers of different aspects of Fair'Rousing Services are different.- Our residents would have no significant departure from the level of services having been recently provided, only a slight change in who or where they can be obtained. If the City and County were essentially to continue the Fair ~ousing Program only under contract with the CHRB rather than the Department of Weights and Measures, transferring responsibility for capital assets, records, and as discussed delivery of services, an estimation of approximately $!00,000 a~nual cost would be expected. This would be a savings compared with the 89-90 fiscal budget projection of $123,760. If the City and County were to extend the MOU for 60 days from its current expiration date of April 30, .!990, it would allow time to work out the details of the contract between CHRB and the City and County. It would also allow time for C.HRB to prepare to a~m~nister the prograph, and time for the Fair Housing .Division to have adequate notice of the change. The change could be effective wi~h the new fiscal year. MEMORANDUM April 11, 1990 TO: Dale Hawley, City Manager Jake Wager, Economic Development Director FROM: George Gonzales, Community Development Coordinator SUBJECT: Fair Housing Proposal by the Community Housing Resource Board On April 10, 1990, Community Development staff received a proposal that suggested that the Community Housing Resource Board (CHRB) provide the City's Fair Housing community outreach, hot line and mediation services and coordination of discrimination cases. This proposal estimated the cost of providing these services at approximately $100,000 which would be a savings of approximately $23,000 from the current funding level. In reviewing the agendas from the last CHRB meetings, it appears that this item was not included nor approved by the entire CHRB board. Attached is a list of all CHRB members and their affiliations which represents both consumers and of housing providers. If the City was to consider identifying another fair housing provider, according to HUD requirements, a Request for Proposal (RFP) must be issued for other agencies to ~have an opportunity to submit proposals. This would require approximately 30 days to initiate, an additional 30 - 45 days to provide for the submission of proposals and, finally, 30 days to draft a contract for work to be completed. In light of the fact that the current Fair Housing Program agreement will expire, the County will also need to agree to the issuance of the RFP for a new Fair Housing provider. From all indications, the County is satisfied with the progress that the Fair Housing Program has achieved in the last 6 months and will be considering extending the agreement through the Department of Weights and Measures for an additional six months. This item is scheduled for action at the April 17, 1990 Board of Supervisors meeting. The County is only recommending a 6-month extension because the current budget only allocated funds for a 12-month contract. In reviewing the CHRB's bylaws, it is our understanding that testing and completing audits is something that their agency is not allowed to undertake. In contacting the HUD Los Angetes office, very few CHRB's are currently providing fair housing educational programs. Even though the current program has not completed the last two audits/testing, the Fair Housing Division envisions initiating the testing proCedure very soon using volunteer testers that will Dale Hawley Page 2 April 11, 1990 Jake Wager receive a stipend. In the last six months, a new fair housing administratorhas been hired, and they have improved the management and operation.of the division. With this effort completed, they are now ready for testing. According to Tom Honore, HUD Fair Housing/Equal Opportunity Division, testing or assessing whether discriminationpractices exist in a co~muunity is essential if any jurisdiction is affirmatively furthering fair housing° In reviewing this proposal, Tom Honore is of the opinion that not including testing or an assessment is a step backward in fulfilling HUD requirements to provide Fair Housing. It is staff recommendation that the amendment to the existing agreement be approved as proposed. Attachment gm33 . USE d:R'lO00 · LIST ALL FOR 'r~='P' ~ CONiROE FII~flN~ MI L.a,Slt4~ STREET CII'Y ZIP DR~IZ TITLE STAllJS DATE EXPIRE TYPE AREAC~ hR~E HPHONE 1 00014 DAVID BURClAGA P.O. BOX 6332 BA~ERSFI~ ... :': 93386 AI~ERICAN FRIEN~ SERVICE COFt4ITIEE M A / / / / P 805 3666194 4 00011 PAUL J CASTRO 525 ROBERTS LANE BAI(ERSFIELD 93308 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF ~ COUNTY M A / / / / P 805 3932150 325229? 5 00035 SUSAN DATrOLI 4'/00 EAb'TON DR. IE BAI(ERSFI~ 93309 K.C APARll, I~ff ASSOCIATION M A / / / / P 805 3223288 6 00030 ~ DON CARl.C6 5405 STOCI(DALE #11~ BAI(ERSFIELD93309 BUILDING INBUSTRY ASSOCIATION T A / / / / P 805 8323577 ? 00037 LINDA EVISTON 2151 COLLEGE AVE. BAI~RSFIELD 93305 ~ SENIOR CITIIEN8 [4 A / / / / P 8512251 3976818 0 00001 JULIAN V 'FILOTED 3521 HO COURRY ST. BAI(ERSFIELD 93304. )~E)~( ~ FAIR HOUSING DIVISION [4 A / / / / P 805 8612972 8312158 11 00020 EDWIN HOLIi~E[J. 1015 PER.qliING ~ BAI(ERSFIELD 93304'SOUllt SIDE SEVBflH DAY ADVENI'IST [4 A / / / / P 805 3248383 · ;~ 15 00041 GAIL WALOUF 1820 I~I~'IWIND DR BAI(ERSFIELD 93301 BA~ERSFIELI) BOARD OF REALTORSI~ A 02/28/g0 / / P 805 3212121 16 00017 CYNlHIA L [4DORE 1522-181)1ST., ~218 BAKERSFIELD 93301 WAYOR'SOFFICE [4 A / / / / P 805 3227721 39?33?2 17 00021 HELEN PATTERSON' P.O. BOX 9544 BAI(ERSFIELD 93389 (~AIER BAI(ERSFIELD ONAI~BER OF C0~4 P A / / / / P 805 ~317283 18 00028 60NZALO RA[4IREZ 1712-19TH ST ~201 ~IELD 93301 )~XICAN-AI~IUCAN POLITICAL ASSOC. [4 A / / / / P B05 39520?6 20 00008 ROBERT ~ANCHEZ 1001 TOA~U~ WAY, 250 BAI(ERSFIFID93309 DEPAR1)I)IT OF FAIR I)~. AND HOUSING S A / / / / P 805 3952?28 21 00002 RITA SCANLAN 4101 CALIF AVE MB BAI(ERSFIELD 93309 COALITION FOR LE.~BIAN & GAY RI(~tll'S [4 A / / / / P 805 3227342 23 O000g IRENE ItDIA8 2925 O'DOI~iELL WAY BAKERSFIELD 93300 LEAGUE OF ~ VOTER8 V A / / / / P 805 0728481 8722050 2? 00019 REBECCA WILSON 900-41)1 ST., ~llO1 BAI(EI~SFIELD 93304 ST. JOl( ~ [4 A / / / / P 3253551 .7 · LIST'ALL FOR TYPE='A' P, ecocd~ CONTROL FIRSINN~E [41 LAS1NAI~E STREET CITY ZIP DRGANIZ TITLE ~ATUS DAlE EXPIRE TYPE AREACODE I~HON£ HPHONE 2 00039 VIRGINIA BURGE5 1301 CAPRICOI~I CTBAI(ERSFIELD 93306 LEAGUE OF ~ VOIER~ [4 A / / / / A 3 00026 EDgIE L CARTER 227 SO. [4ILHA[4 DR BAI(ERSFI~ 9330? ST. JOri ~ [4 A / / / / A 805 3243454 g 00012 ADRII)~iE HERD 525 ROBERTS LANE BAI(ERSFIFID 93308 HOUSING AUlt~ORITY OF KEI~I ~ [4 A / / / / A 805 '"" 3932150 10 00100 WARY HO~GATT 331 181H ST. BAKERSFIELD 93301 BAI(ERSFIELD BOAR9 OF RFd~LTORS [4 P 03/05/90 / / A 13 00036 ~ HOPPER 1116 E. CALIFOR~IIA BAI(ERSFIELD 9330? ~ ~ ~IEI~I'S AND I~.ASURES [4 A / / / / A 805 8612418 14 00101 LOUISE JURACE)( 1020 t~l~'lWIND DR. BAIE. R~FIELD 93301 BAJ(ERSFIELD BOARO OF REALTORS[4 P 03/05/90 / / A 805 3272121 19 00040 HENRY RODRI~UEZ P.O. BOX 127 TUPI~/~I 93279 HEXICAlt-/~4ERICAN POLITICAL ASSOC. [4 A / / / / A 805 ?636359 22 00007 CHERYL ~ 4700 EASTON DR.SlE 2 BAI(ERSt~IELD . 93309 X.C APARll~ENT ASSOCIATION 14 A / / / / A I)05 322321)8 24 00103 CLAJ~(E WATSON 5405 STOCI(DALE Itll~ BAKERSFIELD 93309 BUILDING INI~USTRY ASSOCIATION[4 P 03/05/90 / / A 805 8323511 25 00003 TRACY ~DELL 1225 TELEGt~APH AVE. BAI(E)~SFIELD 93305 COALITION FOR LESBIAN & GAY RI(~ITS I( A / / / / A B05 8111105 26 00021 JOl~t WILLINGHAN P 0 BOX 2151 BAI(ERSFIELD 93303 BAKERSFIELD BOARD OF REALTDRS It A / / / / A 805 323443? .? · LIST ALL FOR TYPE='I' '~ ~ CONTROL FIRSTNAt~E HI Lk~ STREET CITY ZIP ORGANIZ TITLE STAlUS DATE EXPIRE TYPE AREACODE t~floNE HPHONE 12 00099 T~ HONORE 16i5 W. OLYt~IC DR. L~ ANC~I___~gggl5 U.S DEPARll~ENT OF HUD 03/05/90 / / I 213 2517114 City of Bakersfield Agreement # County of Kern Agreement # AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING City of Bakersfield Agreement #88-26? County of Kern Agreement #555-88 (Fair Housing Program) THIS AMENDMENT, made this day of , 1990 by and between the COUNTY OF KERN, a political subdivision of the State of California ("County") and the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a municipal corporation ("City"), WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, on October 18, 1988, County and City executed a Memorandum of Understanding ("Memorandum") which set forth their respective obligations with respect to the administration, operation, and funding of a fair housing program being operated within the jurisdictions of both the County and City and to be administered by the Kern County Department of Weights and Measures; and WHEREAS, on October 31, 1989, County and City executed an amendment which extended the term of the Memorandum by six months and increased the program budget established by the Memorandum; and WHEREAS, County and City now desire to modify said Memorandum in order to extend its term by an additional six months and to again increase the program budget established by the Memorandum. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED between County and City as follows: 1. Paragraph 3 of the Memorandum shall be modified as follows: "3. Term. This Memorandum shall terminate as of October 31, 1990, unless extended by the written agreement of the legislative bodies of the parties hereto." 2. Paragraph 4a. of the Memorandum sha/1 be modified as follows: "a. The budget for operating the program through October 31, 1989, shall be $115,000 and for the period of November 1, 1989 to October 31, 1990 the budget shall be $123,760. In no event shall the costs of the program exceed the budgets for their respective time periods without the written consent of both County and City." 3. Except as modified by th/s Amendment, the rights and duties of the County and the City shall' remain as set forth in the Memorandum. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County and the City have caused this Amendment to be executed by their respective duly authorized officers on the day and year first written above. APPROVED AND RECOMMENDED: COUNTY OF KERN Commun/ty Development Program Department By: By: Chairman, Board of Supervisors "County" APPROVED AND RECOMMENDED: Department of Weights and Measures By: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Office of County Counsel By: APPROVED AND RECOMMENDED: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Community Development Division By:. By: "City" APPROVED AS TO FORM: Office of City Attorney By: By: Finance Director