HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/08/1990 'BAKERSFIELD INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Thursday, March 8, 1990 12:00 Noon City Hall Annex - Basement Conference Room 1. 2010 General Plan Update (Jack Hardisty) 2. Emergency Operations Center [EOC] (Steve Ladd) 3. Underground Storage Tanks (Daphene Washington) 4. Fair Housing--Status Report (Jake Wager) 5. County Sponsored Ambulance Legislation Update (Fred Drew) 6. Project Clean Air (Geary Taylor, Gary Wicks) 7. High Speed/Light Rail Systems (Joel Heinrichs) 8. County Bingo Ordinance Update (Steve Schuett) 9. Set next meeting date' LOCAL EMERGF-~CY MEDICAL SERVICES AGENCIES · Code to be Amended - Health and Safety Code 1797.204 Statement of Problem. - Existing law does not define the legal authority for local EMS agencies and county boards of supervisors to administer all aspects of local EMS systems. Discussion ' The Kern County EMS Department has been active in the development of a local EMS system- Due to the complexity of issues, limited state direction, variable legislative authority over system priorities and the complex network of EMS providers within the county, the development of the system has been burdened with controversy. Legislative authority for local EMS agencies and county boards of supervisors to resolve local EMS system issues is undefined. In 1984, in an attempt to clarify system development standards, the State EMS Authority issued a document entitled "EMS System Standards and Guidelines." Unfortunately, this document only serves to define recommendations for system development and local EMS agency responsibilities, but not legislative authority. Statewide, the lack of definition has greatly effected local EMS agencies as to the appropriate administration and development of local EMS systems. Significant issues within Kern County, such as ambulance ordinances, EMS dispatch, emergency and non-emergency ambulance transportation, rate regulation, exclusive operating areas, and incorporated cities versus counties, have required several other counties to face court challenges. However, all of these issues must be dealt with to improve delivery of performance in a cost effective manner. Legislation to define authority for local EMS agencies and county boards of supervisor~ to administer all aspects of local EMS systems is needed. Legislation should specifically authorize local EMS agencies and county boards of supervisors to administer the areas of ambulance ordinances, exclusive EMS provider operating areas, EMS dispatch systems, emergency and non-. emergency ambulance transportation, and rates for service regulation-within incorporated cities and unincorporated areas of a county. ~ - The Proposed legislation 0nly promotes a definition of authority for local EMS Departments which should have no significant cost impact. However, significant cost could o¢¢ur if the definition in the California Code of Regulations was based on minimum system development standards. This proposal is not recommending minimum system development standards. Other Counties' and State's Reaction - The issues facing Kern County are also effecting other counties and their EMS departments. It is anticipated other counties will support this prop6~aL The State's reaction is unknown. ~ - Amend Govermnent Code Section 1797.204: The local EMS agency shall a~lan, implement, re_eulate, modify_ Land evaluate the. ]~ emergency medical services system wirhiR the EMS system. comt)onents o~?manl)ower and training: communications; transportation: dat~ collectior~ and evaluation; assessment of hospitals and critical care centers; l~ubli~; info ~rmation and 'education; disaster response; ' and system organization an.c[ ~n~anag,,ment. The local EMS agency, of the county or region shall be the_ remalatorV authority for cities and unincorporated areas of the court _ty or re_~ion, ~h-e State EMS Authority shall malntalrt standards and guideli_nes Which defin;. iocal EMS agency_ authority_ and scope to administer the EMS system componen~ withi~ the county or re_~io~-... '.~..~,, BEFORE THE BOARD ERVISORS COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF. C~LIFORN1A REQUEST FOR LEGISLATION TO AMEND SECTION 1797.204 OF THE HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE AYES: NOES: RESOLUTION Section 1. WH£RFAS: The County of l/em EMS Deparment has been active in the development · of a local F2dS system; and WHEP, F.A~: State law is undefined for local EMS agencies and county boards o! supervisors to resolve local £MS system issues; and WHERF2~: 'This lack of definition has ~reatly effected local EMS agencies as to the appropriate adminiswarlon and development of local EMS systems. Section 2. HOW, TH£R£FOR~, BE IT HERFJY P~SOLVED by the Board of Superv~or~ of the County of Kern, State of California, that this Board respectfully requests the HOnorable Members of the Legislattue representing the people of the County of Kern to introduce legislation to amend the Health and Safety Code, as attached to this resolution, to define the authority .for local EMS agencies and county boads of supervisors to administer ail aspects of local EMS systems. Res5 PROPOSED AME~ ~NDMENT T° HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE 1797.204 The local EMS agency shall ~administer. plan, implement, regulate. ~and evaluate the. ~ emergency medical services system within the EMS system components of: manpower and tralnln~: communications; transportation; data collection and evaluation; assessment of hospitals and critical care centers: public information and education; disaster response; and system organization and management. The local EMS agency of the county or region shall be the, regulatory authority, for cities and unincorporated areas of the coun _tV or re,on, The State EMS Authority shall maintain standards and guidelines whieh define local EMS agency authority and scope to administer the EMS system componen~ within the county or re~io ~~lt ....... ~":~ ....... ~" ~'"!' '"~ '~''~ '!' ':" ' ~'~" ~;' '~': ' "~" ~~~~.~:':~':'~i': ~".~" ;' i~.~ ...... :"'~' '~ .~.!' ~! ................. ~t~".":" ;~?"[ ....... .:~ ~: '~ .! ~ · CA AB 4058 03/07/90 Page No. 4058 ASSEMBLY BILL Introduced by Assembly Member Wyman March 2, 1990 An act to amend Section 1797.204 of the Health and Safety Code, relating to emergency medical services. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST AB 4058, as introduced, Wyman. Emergency medical services system: local administration. Existing law, the Emergency Medical Services System and Prehospital Emergency Medical Care Personnel Act (hereafter, the EMS Act), the Emergency Medical Services Authority is established within the Health and Welfare Agency to administer the emergency medical service system to coordinate and integrate effective and efficient emergency medical services throughout the 58 counties of the state. The EMS Act, tn part, requires the authority to develop planning and implementation guidelines for emergency medical services systems which address specified components, receive implementatlon plans from local EMS agencies, assess each EMS area, and provide technical assistance to local agencies for the purpose of developing the components of the EMS systems. Existing law requires that the local EMS agency plan, implement, and evaluate an emergency medical services system, in accordance with the EMS Act, consisting of an organized pattern of readiness and response services based on public and private agreements and operational procedures.. This bJll would modify this provision to, instead, require the local EMS agency to administer, plan, implement, regulate, modify, and evaluate the emergency medical services system, including specified · components. It would require the local EMS agency of the county or region be'the regulatory authority for cities and unincorporated areas of the county or region, and would require the authority to adopt and maintain regulations which define the scope of the local EMS agencies to administer the EMS system components within the county or region. The california Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school, districts for certain costs mandated by the state. CA AB 4058 03/07/90 Page 2 Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement. This bill would provide that no reimbursement is required by this act for a specified reason. Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes. State-mandated local program: yes. The people of the State of California do enact as follows: SECTION 1. Section 1797.204 of the Health and Safety Code is amended to read: 1797.204. <(a)> The local EMS agency shall< administer,> plan, implement,< regulate, modify,> and evaluate[ an]< the> emergency medical services system,[ 'in accordance with the provisions of this ] [ part, consisting of an organized pattern of readiness and response ] · [ services based on public and private agreements and operational ] [ procedures]< including, but not limited to, all of the components > < listed in Section 1797.103.> < (b) The local EMS agency of the county or region shall be the > < regulatory authority for cities and unincorporated areas of the county> < or region. The EMS Authority shall adopt and maintain regulations > < which define the scope of authority of local EMS agencies to > < administer the EMS system components within the county or region>. SEC. 2. No reimbursement is required by this act pursuant to Section 6 of Article XIIIB of the California Constitution because this act is in accordance with the request of a local agency or school district which desired legislative authority to carry out the program specified in this act. Notwithstanding Section 17580 of the Government Code, unless otherwise specified in this act, the provisions of this act shall become operative on the same date that the act takes effect pursuant to the California Constitution. END OF REPORT In bill text, brackets haVe special meaning: < > contains added text, and ['] contains deleted text. .. KERN COUNTY FAIR HOUSING 1989 - 1990 FISCAL YEAR WORK PLAN This document is presented in order to describe those objectives and related activities that have been targeted as priority items for the agencY. Input as to the priority came from Kern County Fair Housing Advisory Committee and agency management. Those MOU items not specifically listed will continue to be addressed. A. OBJECTIVE: To conduct investigations into those alleged unlawful discrimination complaint situations to a degree that will. provide sufficient and true documentation to determine if a particular case, merits mediation and/or litigation. The activities needed to accomplish this ob3ective consists of several components: 1) marketing agency services; 2) processing clients; 3) analyzing cases; 4) investigating and testing; 5) "packaging" of valid cases and forwarding them to an enforcement agency~ and 6) follow up on referred cases. Each of these components have been studied with respect to the resources available and tentative plans have been laid out. 'The plans are continually being solidified and implemented as resources and timing. permit. Each of the activities are looked at to stay within logical and natural order. We have recently revamped the procedures used to process incoming client complaints. The procedure was needed so that 'the agency could adequately handle the .incoming complaint traffic. During this same' period staff personnel have been involved in a training program for our "hot line" service. The training has helped in that the intake worker can more economically handle each of the calls. The intake worker is also better equipped to identify the semblance of unlawful housing discrimination. New standard forms have been introduced. These .have helped to more adequately and efficiently document a client complaint. During this pass period the agency has updated its library. We have done so to stay current on housing industry trends and unlawful housing discrimination cases. From this resource we are gaining insight on how better to analyze, investigate and test cases. We expect that from these efforts the agency will be better prepared to offer' professional investigative services. .This activity is ongoing and will require additional methods. One such method is to solicit training services from the several enforcement agencies. Efforts are being expended to find a more adequate method to document unlawful housing discrimination cases so that they may better present a prima facie legal situation. Research is currently being performed and progress will be reported. Marketing of the agencies services take place shortly after the first of the year. First efforts will be directed at each of the. incorporated cities throughout Kern County. Kern County Fair Housing 1989 - 1990 Work Plan Page 2 We expect that each-city counsel will be presented with a fair housing presentation. Adequate press and electronic media coverage will be arranged. Part of presentation will center on how the constituents, of each counsel member may use fair housing Services and what level of service they can expect. At this time fair housing literature will be dispersed. B. OBJECTIVE: Examine the extent of unlawful housing discrimination in Kern County (audit). The audit is forthcoming. Preparations such as screening, and training prospective testers/auditors are underway. Forms have been developed to help in this endeavor. Subsequently, a pool of'able testers/auditors will be established. Our recruitment methods need'' revamping. So far only six volunteers have ventured forth. Although this is a sufficient number to start a training class, it is far from short of it being adequate for screening purposes. In other words, it places the agency in .a more precarious position of accepting what is presented. Consequently, our recruitment efforts will be revamped." C. OB3ECTIVE: Educate the public and the housing industry as to their rights and responsibilities under fair housing laws. Fair housing education continues to be dispensed. Part of the established plan is to expend efforts in the most efficient method. To this end the agency has embarked on efforts to make audio/visual presentations before personnel of property management firms. We have also made presentations before groups of persons that probably are or" will become tenants. During the first two weeks of January, 1990, each major property management firm will be contacted for the purpose of offering our services. A brochure that targets "families with children" has been prepared and has been presented to CHRB, its funding source, for approval. We expect that approval will be granted shortly and subsequent printing and. distribution will take place. Although funds had been allocated for two brochures, I was confused and did not prepare the second brochure. Research is now under way to develop the second. This brochure will be printed in Spanish and will deal with unlawful housing discrimination in general. Promotion efforts for the annual fair housing poster and essay.are underway. All Kern' County school districts have been contacted. Shortly, all districts tha~ have not responded will receive a. second appeal from the agency. Contest rules have been documented and will be distributed to those districts that have affirmatively resPonded. We expect good participation. jfO67 KERN COUNTY FAIR HOUSING DIVISION WORK PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 1989-1990 STANDING AND ONGOING ACTIVITIES 1. Hotline Service. The Division's activities in this area are confined to rendering help to a client (tenant or landowner) with respect to tenant/landowner situations. Because of the subtle nature of housing discrimination some unlawful discrimination cases are brought ~o our attention under the appearance of a tenant/landowner situation. Therefore, the Division's intake worker must be assured that disguised unlawful' housing discrimination has not, with reasonable assurance, transpired. Division's human resources required: a. Fair Housing Administrator --- 16. hours per week b. Secretary- 25 hours per week c. MAOF Trainee 21 hours per week 2. Mediation Service. This service consists' of attempting to discuss, with the respondent, the issues of: a possible unlawful housing discrimination comPlaint. During the process we make every effort to strike a neutral stance and liSten to the respondent's side of the issues. While we listen we relate 'the respondent's activities to applicable state and federal laws. If activities seem to be inconsistent to the intent of a statute we read the applicable law to the respondent. Division's human resources required: a. Fair Housing Administrator--- 10 hours per week.. b. Secretary-- 3 hours per week c. MAOF Trainee. 0 hours per week $. Investigation Service. Investigations are conducted whenever a determination has been made that a .possible unlaWful discrimination situation is present and mediation has failed or was not conducted. This activity requires that "hard evidence" be gathered and documented. This gathered' evidence may be the basis for the involvement of other .fair housing state or federal enforcement agencies. Division's human resources required: a. Fair Housing Administrator--- 3 hours per week b. Secretary--. 1 hour per week c. MAOF Trainee 0 hours per week Work Plan 1989-1990 Page 2 4.' Fair Housing Staff Training and Development. This activity is designated to maintaining the staff.current with any applicable fair housing law. as it relates to day-to-day processes. Situations are discussed among the staff so as to assure consistency of client contact discussions and to make certain that the staff does not stray into rendering legal advice. In keeping with the Division's agreement with MAOF, the MAOF Trainee is involved in practicing .secretarial, computer and office procedure skills for two hours on a daily basis. Division' human resources required: a. Fair Housing Administrator--- 7 hours per week b. Secretary--, 5 hours ~per week c. MAOF Trainee 15 hours per week 5. Fair Housing Educational Presentations. Education is a key ingredient to Kern County Fair Housing Division's fair housing program. As such, the Division places a high priority on this activity. This service for this fiscal year will concentrate on educating the managers of medium to large property management firms. Division's human resources required: a. Fair Housing Administrator--- 3 hours per week b. Secretary- 1 hour per week c. MAOF Trainee 0 hours per week 6. Fair Housing Administrative Activities. These activities are "housekeeping" in nature. They involve budget control, billing, stocking, employer/employee relations, Kern County requirements, and Department meetings. a. Fair Housing Administrator--- 5 hours ~er week b. Secretary-- 2 hours per week c. MAOF Trainee 1 hour per week Recap of Division's human resources requirements for standing operations: a. Fair housing Administrator--- 44 b. Secretary-- 37 c. MAOF Trainee- .40 workplan FHJ05 ' KERN COUNTY FAIR HOUSINGDIVISION Fe~.ruary 28, 1990 03/06/90 1989 -' 1990 Project Performance Tracking Page 1. Status as of Fiscal Year Executive Summary Report . ' PrOject Synopsis Jul' Aug Sep 'oct NOV Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Project Id 0001 Develop procedures and Systems to tn- ,~vesttgate alleged illegal housing I///// I discrimihation. prOject lid 0002 Examine ,the extent of unlawful housing discrimination in Kern County. Project .Id 0003 Promote Fair Housing Annual Poster and Essay contest I////////, / I Project Id 0004 Educate the public and housing. industry about fair housing. ~ I///// · ,Project i's' behind sdhedule if 'block is unsl. ashed .to left of .vertical statu~ line_ FH306 KERN COUNTY FAIR. HOUSING DIVISION February 28, 1990 03/06/90 ~1989 - 1990 Project Performance Tracking Page 1 Status as of Fiscal Year . Detail-WOrking Report Project Synopsis/Project Activity February 010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627 *293031 Project Id 0001 Develop procedures and systems to in- ~vestigate alleged illegal housing discrimination. · Activity Sequence: 05 Prepare complaint procedure manual IIIIIIII11 I Activity Sequence: 06 Submit complaint manual to County Start date = 03/01/90 Counsel for approval. Activity Sequence: 07 Prepar? tester recruitment literature Activity completed Activity Sequence: 08 Identify and select at least six tester volunteers I/ Activity Sequence: 09 Train and certify at least six testers Start date = 03/14/90 . 010203040§0607080~ 101112 i~31415 i~17-1819¢_02122232-4252627* 3 ActiVity is behind schedule :if block is un. slashed to left of verti'cal'~-status line '- FH306 KERN COUNTY FAIR HOUSING DIVISION February 28,. 1990 03/06/90 1989 - 1990 Project Performance Tracking Page 2 Status as of Fiscal Year Detail Working Report Project Synopsis/Project Activity February 010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627'!'293031 Activity Sequence: 10 Investigate six unlawful discrimina- Start date = 03/31/90 tion cases as required. Activity Sequence: 12 Document and refer two unlawful disc- Start date = 03/01/90 rimination cases to enforcement agencies. Activity Sequence: 13 Confer with enforcement agencies Start date = 03/01/90 Project Id 0002 Examine the extent of unlawful housing discrimination in Kern County. Activity Sequence: 05 Develop annual audit .plan Start date = 03/01/90 Activity. Sequence: 06 Submit audit plan for review Start date = 05/01/90 Activity Sequence: 07 Assemble three audit teams Start date = 05/01/90 ~ .. 01020304050607080910111213-1415161718192021222324252627 *29303 Activity is behind schedule if block is unslashed to left of vertical status line FH306 ' KERN COUNTY FAIR HOUSING DIVISION February 28, 1990 03/06/90' 1989 -'1990 Project Performance Tracking Page 3' Status as of Fiscal Year 'Detail Working Report Project Synopsis/Proj'ect Activity February 0102030405'060?0809101112131415161?1819202122232425262?*.293'031 Activity Sequence: 08 Conducf housing audit Start date = 05/21/90 Activity Sequence: 09 Analyze audit data and develop final Start date = 06/14/90 reports. Activity Sequence: 10 Construct formal audit repOrt ' Start date = 06/30/90 Activity Sequence: 11 Formulate audit press release plan Start date = 07/01/90 Activity Sequence: 12 Analyze and critique audit process Start date = 07/14/90 Project Id 0003 Promote Fair Housing Annual Poster and Essay contest Activity Sequence:. 05 Finalize contest rules and distribute Activity.completed to schools ' ~. 010203040506070809101112131415i61718192021222324252627 *29303 ~ctivity is behind Sch~edule if block is unslashed to left.of vertical status line ._ FH306 KERN COUNTY FAIR HOUSING DIVISION February 28, 1990 03/06/90 1989 - 1990 Project Performance Tracking, Page 4 Status as of Fiscal Year Detail._ W0rking Report _. ~ 'Project SynoPsis/Project Activity · February 0102030405'06'0?0809101112131415161718192021222324252627 *293031 Activity Sequence: 06 Send local letter to schools districts Activity completed ,~ that did not respond to HUD's letter - -. Activity Sequence: 07 Follow up with telephone calls to Activity completed .. 'schools that have not responded Activity Sequence: 08 Send letter to solicit funds for Start date = 03/01/90 prizes and banquet, to housing provider firms and organizations. Activity Sequence:- 09 Prepare discussion literature for Activity completed schools. Activity Sequence: 10 Send out prize denominations-to Start date = 03/20/90 schools Activity Sequence: Identify contest judges 'Start date = 03/31/90 Activity i~ehind schedUle if block is ~unslashed~.to left of <vertical' Status_ lin-e FH306 KERN COUNTY FAIR HOUSING DIVISION February 28, 1990 03/06/90 1989 - 1990 Project Performance Tracking Page 5 Status as of · Fiscal Year Detail Working Report Project Synopsis/Project Activity February 0102030405060?080910111213141516171819202122232425262?**293031 Activity Sequence: 12 Finalize award's banquet plans Activity Sequence: 13 Identify awards banquet speakers. Activity 'completed Activity Sequence: 14 Plan judging event I/1/1/1/1/ Activity Sequence: 15 Notify winners and schools of 1st, 2nd Start date = 04/01/90 and 3rd place winners. Send out partic!pation cirtificates. Project Id 0004 Educate ~he public and housing industry about fair housing. Activity Sequence: 05 Develolp training manual for property Activity completed management firms. Activity Sequence: 06 DeVelop data base of property Activity completed management firms. - . : 0102030205060?080910111213141516171819202122232425262? 29303 _ Activity is behind schedule if block is unslashed to left of vertical ~tatus line FHJ06 . KERN COUNTY FAIR HOUSING DIVISION 'February 28 1990 03/06/90 1989 - 1990 .Project Performance Tracking Page -6 .Status :as of ---. Fiscal Year Detail Working Report -' Projeclt Synopsis/Project Activity February 01020304050607080910111213141516171819202122232425262'? *293031 Activity sequence: 07 Solicit property management firms for Start date = 03/01/90 ok to make presentations. Activity Sequence: 08 Conduct property management firm Start date = 03/01/90 presentations. Activity Sequence: 09 Install toll-free phone line. Activity Sequence: 10 Conduct Fair Housing presentations to each city council in Kern County. I///////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////// Activity Sequence: 11 Design and print Fair Housing poster. Activity Sequence: 12. Distribute Fair Housing poster to each Start date = 03/02/90 public building in Kern County. 2~303' ..... -. .. ~. 0102030~05060~08091011~2131415161~18192021~z2324252627' Project is behind s'dhedUle if-block is Unsl-ashed to .1eft of vertical 's-~atus'line~ ~'~: -' ~..-' FH202 03/'05/90 KERN COUNTY FAIR HOUSING DIVISION .Page 1 Client Contact Data'By Ethnic Group February 1990 Category Asian Am-ID Black Hisp White Other Total CONTACTS MADE BY: Local phone calls 9 21 25 119 13 187 Walk-in 1 5 6 Total for category r 9 22 25 124 13 193 REPORTED COMPLAINT: Refused to rent/sell 1 6 Eviction in process 2 4 6 15 27 Refused to repair 1 2 6 15 3 27' Deposit dispute 1 1 2 11 1 16 Coercion and intimidation 1 1 Other 1 2 5 10 I 19 Total for category 5 10 19 58 5 97 HOW HEARD ABOUT FAIR HOUSING: County Agency 1 2 1 2 6 Dept. of Fair Emp. and Housing 2 2 3 Friend or Relative 2 9 12 45 5 ?3 K.C. Housing Authority 4 2 13 19 Newspaper, Radio, or Television 1 2 g 12 Other Means 3 11 5 19 Local Telephone Directory 3 '2 8 41 3 57 Total for category g 22 25 124 13 193 LOCATION OF COMPLAINT: Bakersfield 2 19 18 68 g 116 Metro Bakersfield Area 6 2 5 44 4 61 Fellows 1 1 Frazier Park 1 1 Lake Isabella 1 1 Lamont 1 1 Out of Kern 1 1 2 Ridgecrest 1 1 1 1 Shafter Taft 5 ,,5 Tehachapi I 1 Wasco I 1 2 Total for.category, g 22 25 124 13, 193 SERVICES RENDERED: Additional processing required 3 3 8 1 15 Referred to Bakersfield agency: 2 Referred to California agency: 1 I .,, Referred to federal agency: 2 2 qesolved by Fair Housing' staff: 3 11 17 85 13' 129 FH202 03/05/90 KERN COUNTY FAIR HOUSING DIVISION Page 2 C1Jent Contact Data By EthnJc Group February 1990 Category AsJan Am-ID Black HJsp NhJte Other Totaq SERVICES RENDERED: Referred to county agency 3 '4 3 20 3 33 Mailed fair housing literature: 8 17 14 81 6 126 Referred to non profit agency: 2 1 10 2 15 Referred to private agency 3 3 Tota] for category 14 39 38 209 26 326 GENDER: Female 8 19 20 95 11 153 Male 1 3 5 29 2 d0 Total for category 9 22 25 124 13 193 MEMORANDUM February 13, 1990 TO: THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE COUNCILMEMBER PATRICIA SMITH, CHAIR COUNCILMEMBER CONNI BRUNNI COUNCILMEMBER KEVIN McDERMOTT FROM: JOHN W. STINSON~,DAJ~ISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING This is to confirm that the Intergovernmental Relations Committee meeting (City/County) has been set for: Thursday, March 8, lggo 12:00 Noon Southwing Annex Basement Conference Room The City will be hosting. As soon as the County has provided us with their agenda items, we will be preparing and sending a copy of the agenda to you. JWS:jp cc: J. Dale Hawley Jack Hardisty Art Saalfield Ed Schulz