HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/19/1991 BAKERSFIELD Patricia Smith, Chair Conni Brunni Kevin McDermott Staff: John W. Stinson INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE Friday, April 19, 1991 12:00 noon City Manager'sConference Room AGENDA 1. Fair Housing (Jake Wager) 2. Air Quality (Jack Hardisty) a. Indirect Source Review b. Valleywide Air Pollution District - City Representation 3. Kern COG Study - Transportation Development Fees (Marc Gauthier) 4. City Center Project (Dale Hawley) 5. Sanitary Landfill Closure (Paul Dow) 6. Set the Next Meeting CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL ~EETING OF' 03/13/91 REFERRED TO' INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS J STINSON iTEM: RECORD~ 768! Communication from Planning Director Jack Hardisty~ da~ed March '15, 1991, regarding "Transoorta~ion Development Fee" repor~ by Kern Council of Governments. ACT;ON TAKEN BY COUNCIL" RECEIVE AND REFER TO iNTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE TO COORDINATE CITY AND COUNTY CONSIDERATION AND REFER' TO PLANNING COMMISSION FOR STUDY OF DETAILS AND REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION. APPROVED AA. BACKUP MATERIAL ATTACHED' YES DATE FORWARDED BY CITY CLERK' 03/15/91 STATUS- PLEASE ENTER THE STATUS iNTO THE PRIME COMPUTER u~UNCIL REFERRAL TRACKING SYSTEM AS PROGRESS 'IS MADE. MEMORANDUM ~ARCH 15, 1991 "~ i"' : HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILMEMB~RS ~- FROM: JACK HARDISTY, PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: "TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FEE" REPORT OF GOVERNMENTS Kern Council of Government has completed a comprehensive systems planning approach for the development of transportation impact fees for the Metropolitan Bakersfield area. This study focuses on those capital improvements needed to support the traffic generated by new growth and development in the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan area. The study was prepared by the engineering firm Omni-Means, Ltd. to provide the legal "nexus" for ~he implementation of a traffic impact fee ordinance and includes several alternatives and recommendations. The purpose of %his study was to provide a fair and equitable distribution of the cost associated with providing the street improvements necessa'~y to provide a level of service "c". It should be noted that level of service "c" is the traffic goal adopted in the Circulation Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan. City and County staff are of the opinion that the report has basic value in its analysis but that it should be expanded to take into consideration other ~actors. City and County staff will be working with a Technical Advisory Committee will utilize this report as a starting point in the development of'an areawide transportation impact fee ordinance. The Technical Advisory Committee should include representatives of ~he Building Industry Association, Board of Realtors, American institute of Architects, Chamber of Commerce, Kern COG, Builders Exchange and the California Council of Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors. The purpose of the TAC is to review this report during the course of several meetings and bring a recommendation be!ore the City ?!arming Commission, Kern Co%unty Board of Supervisors and your Council in June of this year. The result of this program will .be the determination of an equitable fee for the Metropolitan Bakersfield area which mitigates the traffic impacts resulting from development. Such a fee is consistent with the "Plan for Growth" strategy and would act to implement policies contained in the Metropolitan Bakers~ield'2010 General Plan. v MEMORANDUM Recommendation: Re,er to Intergovernmental jew Committee to coordinate City and County consideration and ~re!er to Planning Commission ~or study of details and report and recommendation. CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL MEETING OF: 03/27/91 REFERRED TO: INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS J STINSON ITEM: RECORD~ 7753 Communication from L. Dale Mills, County of Kern. Public Works Department, dated March 12, 1991, regarding City of Bakersfield Sanitary Landfill CloSure. ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: RECEIVE AND REFER TO INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE, APPROVED AA. BACKUP HATERIAL ATTACHED:, YES DATE FORWARDED BY CITY CLERK: 03/29/91 STATUS: PLEASE ENTER THE STATUS I-NTO THE PRIME COMPUTER COUNCIL REFERRAL TRACKING SYSTEM AS PROGRESS IS MADE, March 12, 1991 File: 22135. Mr. Ed Schultz, Director :.o ~ Public Works Department ~ . · City of Bakersfield "4 * ~ m. o 1501 Truxtun Avenue r- :=- m Bakersfield, CA 93301 nl ~-- Dear Mr. Schultz: " CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SANITARY LANDFILL The time frame is getting short for taking care of regulatory and closure requirements for the subject landfill. The Solid Waste Assessment Test (SWAT) is the. first of these requirements and is due July 1, 1991. However, in a letter to the City Community Services Manager, Paul Dow, dated December 19, 1990, the Regional Water Quality Control Board agreed not to initiate enforcement action unless the report is not received until August 21, 1992. Since the SWAT report must include a full year of sampling, results, work must commence soon. In an effort to expedite progress and in the spirit of cooperation, the County Public Works Department proposes that costs for the SWAT report be split on a 50/50 basis between the County and City. This arrangement would also apply to subsequent assessment and closure activities..However, the City would remain solely responsible for control of gas migration and any assessment or remediation necessary due specifically to the burning dump on the landfill site. It is my understanding from discussion between yourself and my staff that you Will approach the Bakersfield City Council for preliminary approval for this proposal. Should the City Council approve this approach, we would have to take the same approach with the Board of Supervisors to attain preliminary approval and receive direction to prepare an agreement. Details, such as which agency would take lead of the administration and compensation adjustment for that work and responsibility, could be addressed during preparation of the agreement. Mr. Ed Schultz, Director March 12, 1991 Page 2 We. appreciate your consideration in this matter, to date and request that you continue to proceed expeditiously. If you have any questions, please call me or Doug. Landon of this office. Very truly yours, Director LDM:DL:cf' L3.D20 'cc: Tom Clow, County Counsel Elissa Stone, County Administrative Office Daphne Washington, Environmental Health Services Dept. Paul Dow, City of Bakersfield 4101 Truxtun Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93309 HJE