HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/20/1991 13 A K E R S F I E L D Patricia Smith, Chair Conni Brunni Kevin McDermott Staff: John W. Stinson INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE Wednesday, March 20, 1991 3:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room AGENDA 1. Congestion Management Plan A RESOLUTION DESI~ THE KERN' ~ON ~ AGENCY FOR KERN COUNTY. W~EREAS, Government Codes Sections 65088 and 65089 requ. ire that every county that includes an urbanized area, shall designate a Congestion Management Agency: ~nd WT{EREAS, the Conaestion Manaaement Agency is rec~ired to develop a Congestion-Management Program that identifies an integrated aporoach to making trans_oortation Drogranm~ing decisions; and W~EREAS, a county with an urbanized area is reouired to develop a Congestion Management Program that includes every city and the county; and WHEREAS, the Congestion Management A~ency is recmired to develop a uniform data base on traffic impacts' for use in a countywide transportation computer model and that all models are to be consistent with the methodology and dat~ base used by the Regional Transportation Planning Agency; and W~EREAS, the Kern Council of Governments (Kern COG) is the Regional Transportation Planning Agency for Kern County and maintains a traffic impacts da~a ~ase and qountywide transportation ccmDuter model; and W~IEREAS, the Congestion Management Program is to be consistent with the Regional Transportation Plan and used to develop the Regional Transportation Imp~ rove~ent Program; and WVtSlqEAS, the Kern Council of Governments develoos the Regional Transportation Plan and the Reoional Transportation L.?rovement Program for Kern Coun'~y. NOW, TKEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of · Bakersfield as follows: !. The A~ency Board. of Directors shall be ccmposed of the Kern ~ounci! of Governments' Board of Directors with the following weighted vote: a. Kern County Representatives (2) 40% b. City Of Bakersfield Representative (1) 20% c. Other City Representatives (4% .Der city-total of 40%) (i0) 40% TOTAL 100% 2. The Secretary. to the Kern Congestion Manaaement Agency shall be the Executive Director to the Kern Council of Governments. 3.. Kern Congestion Management Agency meetin~_s shall be held in conjunction with Kern Council of Governments' meetings. .0. I ItEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted 'by the Council of tine City of Bakersfield at a regular, meeting thereof held on , Dy the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPRO~ --MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPRO\~/~) as to form: CITY A~"?ORNEY~. of the City of Bakersfield CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM I WEIGHTED PERCENTAGES % of * 40/20/40 * 40/24/36 * 40/26/34 Population Present Proposal Arvin 1.7 4 4 4 Bakersfield 31.9 20 24 26 Cali~fornia City 1.1 4 3 3 Delano 4.2 4 4 4 Mariaopa 0.2 4 3 3 McFarland 1.2 4 4 3 Ridgecrest 5.2 4 4 4 Shafter 1.6 4 4 3 Taft 1.1 '4 3 3 Tehachapi 1.1 4 3 3 Wasco 2.3 4 4 4 Kern County 48.~ 40 40 40 TOTAL 100~0 100 100 100 * County/City of Bakersfield/Smaller Cities CMP Definitions Added: AB 47I: Section 9 Contingent Upon Voter Approval Of SCA 1 65088.1. As used in this chapter the following terms have the following meanings: (a) Unless the context requires otherwise, "regional agency" means the agency responsible for preparation of the regional transportation improve~_m~__ t program ' (b) Unless the context requir~ other~se., agency~ means the agency responsible for the preparation and adoption of the congestion management program. (c) "City" includes a city and county. (d) "Comrni-~sion~ means the California Transportation Comrni~ion. (e) "Department" means the Depa,~nt of Ttanspor~om (f) "Urbanized area" has the same meaning as is defined in the 1990 federal census for urbanized areas of mom'than 50,000 population. Congestion Management Program Added: AB 471: Section 9 Contingent Upon Voter Approval Of SCA 1 65089. (a) A congestion management program shall be developed, adopted, and annually updated for every county that includes an urbanized a.r~a, and shall include every city and the county. The program shall be developed, in consultation with regional wanspormfion providers and in consultation with and with the cooperation of the transportation planning agency, local governments, the depot, and the air pollution control district or the air quality mmnagement district, either by the county transportation corr~ni~-nion, or by another public agency, as designated by resolutions.adopted by the county board of supervisors and the city councils of a majority of the cities representing a majority of tl~ population in the incorpoms~ atrm of the county. (b) The program shall contain all of the following elements: (1) Traffic level of service standards established for specific intensities of land uses including rural, semirural, suburban, urban, and central business district. Level of service (LOS) shall be mcasu~d by Circular 212, or the method described in the most commonly used version of the Highway Opacity Manual In no case shall the standards established be below the level of service E or the current level, whichever is lower. (2) Standards established for the frequency and muting of public xansit, and for the coordination of ~-ansit sea-vice provided by separate ope. atom (3) A trip reduction and travel demand element that promotes alternative transportation methods, such as carpools, vanpools, transit, bicycles, and park-and-ride lots; improvements in the balance between jobs and housing', and other strategies, including flexible work hours and parking management programs. (4) A program to analyz~ the impacts of land use decisions made by local jurisdictions on regional transportation systems, including an estimate of th~ costs associated with mitigating those impacts.. (5) A seven-year capital improvement program to maintain or improve the traffic level of service and transit performance standards developed pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2), and to mitigate regional mmspomfion impacts identified pursuant to paragraph (4), which conforms to u-ansIxmation-related vehicle emissions air quality mitigation measut~ (c) The regional agency shall develop a uniform transportation and traffic computer model and dam base which shall be used throughout the region to det~,fin¢ the quantitative impacts of traffic generated by new development on r~gional u'ansportation systems. Wher~ the regional agency has jurisdiction over two or more counties, the computer model and dam base shall be approv .ed by the majority of the agencies within thc region.