HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/06/1997 BAKERSFIELD Special Joint Meeting CITY/COUNTY INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE City Host Thursday, March 6, 1997 12:15 p.m. Convention Center - Grape Room AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. PRESENTATIONS 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Environmental Health Cooperative Efforts - Update (Price) B. Convention Center Expansion (Arena)lCentennial Plaza Update (Tandy) C. Universal Refuse Collection Update (Heinrichs) 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Joint City/County CALEPA SB 1299 Permit Consolidation Zone Application (Price) B. Proposition 218 Implementation (Price) 6. ADJOURNMENT JWS:jp cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council s:\john\ig rcorn\igr3-6,adg RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY County of Kern Permit Consolidation Zone SB 1299 State designation of Kern County as a Permit Consolidation Zone will improve the coordination of State and local permits. New or expanding businesses may volunteer to develop a Facility Compliance Plan (FCP) as a substitute for individual equipment permits ~ Businesses may submit the FCP to the designated Zone Administrator which will be responsible for distributing the FCP to the appropriate permitting authorities Permitting authorities will be responsible for finding the FCP to be "complete and adequate" State designation as a Permit Consolidation Zone will enhance our ability to retain existing businesses and improve our oppommities for attracting new businesses Businesses will have one point of contact, one invoice and one permit (FCP) >' A Permit Consolidation Zone will reduce the regulatory burden that businesses currently face Kern County will have a more business-friendly environment than our competition PROPOSED REGULATION ORDER PURSUANT TO SB 1299 TITLE 27 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIVISION 1. GENERAL FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES SUBDMSION 1. PERMITTING CHAPTEK 4 PERMIT CONSOLIDATION ZONE PILOT PROGRAM Note: The following is new text to be added to Title 27 of the California Code of Kegulations Adopt Title 27, Division 1, Chapter 4, Section 10400 through 10419 et. seq. of the California Code of Regulations: AKTICLE 1. SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY 10400 PURPOSE (a) These regulations establish the implementation framework for a pilot program intended to offer a step toward reforming California's environmental permitting system to make it more responsive,, efficient, and timely, while preserving California's commitment to a safe and health.rial environment. This pilot program, will allow the creation of up to twenty Permit Consolidation Zones among California's cities and counties. Within these zones, the current system of individually issued environmental permits will be augmented with a voluntary option allowing facilities to substitute a facility compliance plan in lieu of' existing environmental permits for new or expanding facilities. The use of facility compliance plans is anticipated to expedite environmental permitting in the designated Permit Consolidation Zones and the pilot will provide an opportunity to test the facility compliance plan concept as a possible new model for environmental regulation. The facility compliance plan represents a new regulatory approach and should be seen by those using these regulations as a new permit concept separate and distinct from existing environmental permits. The facility compliance plan constitutes a replacement for existing environmental permits. Since Section 1 of Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 71035) of Division 34 of the Public Resources Code) establishes separate and distinct timeframes for the processing of facility compliance plans, the existing procedural provisions that apply to individual environmental permits cannot apply to facility compliance plans. However, the facility compliance plan must contain all the information required by existing permits and, in addition, represents an opportunity for the compilation of a comprehensive, multimedia statement of environmental operations and management at a facility. These regulations implement this program. Elements of the regulations include the application and competitive selection process for those communities who wish to join the pilot, a procedure for facilities to opt into a facility compliance plan, and a process to institute coordinated inspection and enforcement activities for facilities authorized by a facility compliance plan. Note: Aut.h6fity cited: Sections 71035.1, 71035.2 Public Resources Code; Reference: Sections 71035.1 through 71035.11 inclusive, Public Resources Code ARTICLE 2. DEFINITIONS 10401 DEFINITI~ONS (a) The definitiocs contained in this section shall apply only to these regulations. (1) "Complete gnd adequate" means a determination by a permitting authority that a facility compliance plan contains all the information required by Sections 71035.5Co) and 71035.6(b) of Chapter 5 of Division 34 of the Public Resources Code. A finding that a facility compliance plan is complete and adequate, incorporating all additional conditions as required by the permitting authority, shall result in the ,pproval of the plan for the portion of the plan addressed by the permitting authority. (2) "CUPA" means a certified unified program agency as designated under Chapter 6.11 of Division 20 of the Health and Safety Code. (3) "Day" means for the purpose of these regulations, calendar days. (4) "Environmental permit" means any environmental permit issued by an environmental agency or a certified unified program agency. (5) "Excluded Facility" means any facility involved in the following operations or activities: (A) The incineration of'wastes. (B) The storage, treatment, transportation, or disposal of radioactive materials. (C) Other activities that the Secretary for Environmental Protection determines, based on risks to the environment and to the public health and safety, to be appropriately regulated through individual permits. (D) Other activities excluded as requested by a city or county in its Permit Consolidation Zone application. (6) "Expanding Facility" means any facility, located within a Permit Consolidation Zone which: (A) Is physically in existence at the time the facility compliance plan is submitted; (B) Is in Compliance with all applicable regulations prior to the date of submittal of a facility compliance plan to the Permit Consolidation Zone Administrator; and (C) Requires a new or amended environmental permit to conduct a new or modified actMty. (7) *Facility' means the site presently engaged in or at which an activity is planned that is required to obtain authorization from a permitting authority for that activity. (8) "Facility Compliance Plan" means a document that incorporates all of the following: (A) Contains information and data for all emissions and discharges from the facility and the management of solid waste and hazardous waste, including all information relevant to individual environmental permits that would otherwise be required for the facility. (B) Specifies measures, including, but not limited to, monitoring, reporting, emissions limits, materials handling, and throughputs, to be taken by the project applicant to ensure compliance with all environmental permits that would otherwise be required. (C) Meets the requirements of all indMdual environmental permits that would otherwise be required. (D) Ensures compliance with all applicable environmental laws, regulations, and ordinances. (9) ~New Facility" means any facility, located within a Permit Consolidation Zone, which was not physically in existence prior to the date of submittal of a facility compliance plan to the Permit Consolidation Zone Administrator. (10) "Permitting Authority~ means those governmental entities identified by subdivisions (a) to (g), inclusive of Section 71011 of the Public Resources Code, specifically including: (A) The Department of Toxic Substances Control (B) The Department of Pesticide Regulation (C) The State Air Resources Board (D) The State Water Resources Control Board (E) The California Integrated Waste Management Board iF) The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (G) The Regional Water Quality Control Boards (H) Air Quality Management D'~stricts and Air Pollution Control Di~ricts as defined in Section 39025 of the Health and Safety Code. (I) An enforcement agency, as defined in Section 40130 of the Public Resources Code (Local Enforcement Agencies operating under the authority of the Integrated Waste Management Act). county agricultural commissioner with respect to his or her administration of Divisions 6 (commencing with Section 11401) and 7 (commencing with Section 12501) of the Food and Agriculture Code. (K) The local agency responsible for administering Chapter 6.7 (commencing with Section 25280) of the Health and safety Code concerning underground storage tanks and any underground storage tank ordinance adopted by a city or county. (L) The local agency responsible for the administration of the requirements imposed pursuant to Section 13370.5 of the Water Code (pretreatment to Publicly Owned Treatment Work (POTW) programs). 0VI) Certified Unified Program Agencies (CUPAs) (lq) Any other environmental or related permitting authority that elects to become a participating agency within the Permit Consolidation Zone. (11) "Permit Consolidation Zone" means a geographical area, contiguous or non-contiguous, designated by and within the jurisdiction of a city or cities or a county or counties or both, and approved by the Review Panel, within which a facility compliance plan may be substituted for all environmental permits otherwise required. A Permit Consolidation Zone specifies the types of facilities that are eligible to operate under the authority of a facility compliance plan. (12) "Plan Applicant," means the facility owner and/or operator responsible for the preparation of a facility compliance plan. (13) "Review Panel," means the panel composed of the Secretary for Environmental Protection and the Secretary for Trade and Commerce. The Review Panel is empowered to review applications for and designate Permit Consolidation Zones. (14) "Zone Administrator," means the individual or agency designated by the Zone Applicant to be responsible for the administration of the zone. The zone applicant may designate any person within any organization it deems appropriate to peri'om these duties, including but not limited to a Cai/EPA Permit Assistance Center or a Certified Unified Program Agency. (15) "Zone Applicant" means a California city or county, individually or together, seeking to be designated as a Permit Consolidation Zone. (16) NZone Applicant Governing Authority" means the duly constituted governing board for a city or county within the State of California usually a city council in the case of a city or the board of supervisors in the case of a county. Note: Authority cited: Sections 71035.1, 71035.2, PubLic Resources Code; Reference: Sections 71035.3, 71035.4, 71035.5, 71035.6, 71035.11 71035.10 Public Resources Code ARTICLE 3. PERMIT CONSOLIDATION ZONE APPLICATION PROCESS 10402 ELIGIBILITY FOR DESIGNATION AS A pERMIT CONSOLIDATION ZONE (a) Cities or counties with a population greater than 5,000, based upon the 1990 census, are eligible to apply for a Permit Consolidation Zone which may constitute all or part of their jurisdiction. (b) Cities and counties, individually or together, may apply for a Permit Consolidation Zone. (c) Not more than 20 Permit Consolidation Zones may be designated. Applications approved shall represent a diverse range of urban and rural counties and small and large cities. Note: Authority cited: Sections 71035.1, 71035.2 Public Resources Code; Reference: Sections 71035.3 Public Resources Code 10403 PROCEDURES FOR SUBMITTAL OF A ZONE APPLICATION (a) Any qualifying city and/or county may submit an application for a Permit Consolidation Zone after the effective date of these regulations. Co) An application for a Permit Consolidation Zone shall be submitted to the Review Panel not later than December 31, 1997. (c) The city and/or county preparing the application for a Permit Consolidation Zone is responsible for obtaining all the necessary agreements required in Section 10404 (a)(14) with participating permitting authorities. (d) A Zone Applicant is required to provide notice to the public and all interested parties of its submittal of an application for designation of a Permit Consolidation Zone by conducting a public hearing 30 days prior to submittal of the application. Note: Authority cited: Sections 71035.1, 71035.2 Public Resources Code; Reference: Sections 71035.3 Public Resources Code 10404 INFORMATIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR AN APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT CONSOLIDATION ZONE (a) The zone application shall: (1) Identify an indMdual or agency who shall perform the duties of the Zone Administrator. (2) Designate one primary point of contact for each participating permitting authority within a zone including title, address, phone number, and, if available, the facsimile number and e-mall address of the contact. (3) Identify the area which is being designated as a Permit Consolidation Zone. This shall include a description of the area and a listing of the types of facilities specifically included within the zone, a map showing the zone boundaries, the boundaries of the applicant's jurisdiction, and the boundaries of adjacent jurisdictions. (4) Identify the population of the city or.county based on the 1990 census. (5) Identify the environmental permits to be substituted by the facility compliance plan. (6) Identify the types of facilities which the zone applicant will prohibit from inclusion within the Permit Consolidation Zone. (7) A copy of the resolution adopted by the zone applicant's governing authority that approves the creation of a Permit Consolidation Zone. (8) Identify any efforts to reform or expedite permit procedures or requirements that constitute permit streamlining that have been implemented by the Zone Applicant's jurisdiction(s) or the environmental agencies participating in the proposed Permit Consolidation Zone. (9) Identify if there is a single CUPA within the boundaries of the proposed Permit Consolidation Zone. (10) Identify the public notice requirements that currently exist for the individual environmental permits that will be substituted by a facility compliance plan. (11) Identify the public notice, heating, comment, participation, administrative appeal, and judicial review provisions that apply to a Plan Applicant within the proposed Permit Consolidation Zone. (12) Identify the steps taken, in addition to the public notice requirement in Section 10402 (d), to inform the public and businesses located within a proposed zone of the zone applicant's intent to ~pply for a Permit Consolidation Zone. (13) Identify the permitting authorities which have agreed to participate in the Permit Consolidation Zone. (14) Identify the agreements or agreements in process, between the zone applicant and other local, state, federal, and regional permitting agencies with jurisdiction within the boundaries of the proposed Permit Consolidation Zone. These agreements shall represent and describe the commitment of the permitting authority to participate in a Permit Consolidation Zone. The Zone Applicant shall submit all approved agreements with the application package. The approved agreements must: (A) Be binding on the parties executing the agreement; (B) Clearly identify the permits to be substituted by a facility compliance plan; and (C) Identify the appeal process to be used in the event a facility wishes to appeal a determination of incompleteness md/or inadequacy. (15) Identify any and all military bases or military reservations being converted to private use within the boundaries of the proposed Permit Consolidation Zone. (16) Identify how permitting authorities will cooperate on facility compliance inspections, consolidation of permit fees, and review and submittal of environmental monitoring reports. (17) Identify the process for conversion of a facility compliance plan to individual environmental permits, in the event of termination of the Permit Consolidation Zone.or upon the request of a facility who has received a facility compliance plan. (18) Identify how the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) will be complied with and implememed within the proposed Permit Consolidation Zone and who will be responsible. (19) ?rovide information that shows the proposed Permit Consolidation Zone is in conformance with all planning and zoning restrictions applicable to the permits to be subs CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY ii SENATE.:'BILL:.. 1299: PERMIT cONS:OLIDATION ZONEs 1995 :. ".:" i.:':': :": ::':':i'::i:!i:ii:ii:'ii.i.. ', SUMMARY · Senate Bill 1299 (SB) requires the Secretary for Environmental Protection, by January 1, 1997, to adopt regulations for a pilot program for facility permitting that replaces individual environmental permits with a single, comprehensive compliance assurance plan. · It requires those regulations to be developed by the Secretary in coordination with other specified state agencies and in consultation with representatives of cities, counties, local environmental agencies, and certified uniform program agencies. · SB 1299 will be implemented through a pilot program in 20 communities throughout California. · The Secretary for Environmental Protection and the Secretary for Trade and Commerce are required to prepare and submit an annual report to the Governor and the Legislature by January 31 of each year, and to submit recommendations for additional legislation to implement the pilot program. BACKGROUND Most industrial facilities now require environmental permits from a broad range of agencies. Each agency has its own requirements, which differ considerably in terms of monitoring, permit term, financial requirements, fees, etc. SB 1185 (Bergeson, Chapter 419, 1993) provides a means of coordinating these permit approvals, but is only a first step in developing a true facility permit where all regulatory requirements would be specified and balanced in a more coherent document. New Jersey currently is in the third year of a pilot program that collapses their permits into a facility permit. USEPA is currently considering similar efforts. permit Consolidation Zon ~--~ SB 1299 I County/City , Application Cal/EPA~TCAI Review Panel Permit Consolidation Zones New/ Fxpandin§ Busine$~ Facility Coordinated Regulatory Compliance ~ Assistance Through Governor's C EQA---~ Plan Permit Assistance Centers ~" I or EIR (Equals Permits) (Optional) STATE I IILOCALI Coordinated Inspection and Enforcement Activities Senate Bill 1299: · Shifts permitting programs away from up-front approval therefore, eliminating unnecessary and duplicative permit requirements; · Makes regulations more concise. Facilities built to regulations, with after-the-fact audits completed through existing inspection and enforcement procedures, would provide the same, if not greater, environmental protection than current ways; · Provides possible cost savings to agencies participating in pilot program by reducing permit development costs; · Provides for coordinated regulatory assistance through the Governor's Permit Assistance Centers; · Does not abrogate CEQA; and · Allows regulatory agencies to shift emphasis from permitting to inspection and enforcement, producing cost savings, and increasing compliance monitoring. · For additional information regarding Senate Bill 1299 and Permit Consolidation Zones, please contact Cai/EPA at (916) 44.5-3846. FACT Sm~'T 2 OCTOB~ 1995