HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/11/1994 B-A K E R S F I E L D Alar~a~dy, CityZ'~anag,~r Randy Rowles, Chair Staff: Gail E.Waiter7 Kevin McDermott Patricia M. Smith AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT URBAN DEVELOPMENT Wednesday, May 11, 1994 12:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL Call to Order 12:35 p.m. Present: Councilmember Randy Rowles, Chair; Vice Mayor Kevin McDermott; and Councilmember Smith (Councilmember Smith absent for items 5B and C) Also in attendance were Planning Commissioners: Doug Delgado, Steve Messner and Jim Marino 2. APPROVAL OF APRIL 13, 1994 MINUTES Approved as submitted 3. PRESENTATIONS None 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None J~PPROV~D JUNE 16, 1994 FILE COPY Urban Development Committee Agenda Summary Report May 11, 1994 Page 2 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. SPEED UNDULATION PROGRAM Staff presented a cost estimate, revised notice and customer response card, and list of potential areas for implementation of the pilot speed undulation program. Staff will revise the letter again to indicate that a public hearing will be held to determine whether a pilot program for speed undulations should be implemented. A map will also be attached to the letter. The Committee asks that staff take into account some of the ancillary streets that could be impacted with the pilot program and make sure that those residents are noticed of the public hearing. The City Manager cautioned the Committee that should the Council decide to implement a permanent program, consideration should be given to the extensive amount of high-level staff time that would have to be committed to this program. The Chair reminded the Committee that Council's direction was for the Committee to move forward with this item. That being the case, staff will prepare a letter to the City Council which indicates there will be a public hearing scheduled to take testimony on implementing a pilot program, where the pilots will be situated, and any additional specifics to bring the full Council up-to-speed on this item. This letter will be distributed in the Council's Friday packet. B. CAR/VAN POOL EFFORTS The Committee received a status report from staff. The report was accepted as submitted. C. TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE There was initial discussion on this item; however, a motion was made to continue this item to the June 16 Urban Development Committee meeting. D. MAINTENANCE DISTRICT SIGNAL LIGHTS Staff met with the BIA to discuss the need to establish a maintenance district for "convenience" traffic signals. While they were surprised at the annual cost to maintain and operate traffic signals, they were supportive of the user pay concept. The Committee asked that staff put together a proposal similar to what is being proposed for park and median landscaping -- a unified district, with supporting documentation. The Committee directed staff to forward the proposal to the City Council once their analysis and administrative procedures were completed. Staff will develop a resolution to adopt the maintenance district assessments. Urban Development Committee Agenda Summary Report May 11, 1994 Page 3 E. STATUS REPORT ON FREEWAYS Kern COG has certified the EIR on the south beltway and that will be going to the Planning Commission within the next two months. Staff will extend an invite to the County Planning Commission to make comment at the Planning Commission Hearing. This should allow for a balanced approach and recommendation to the Council and the Board of Supervisors on the south beltway. The County hosted a meeting on the west beltway, they are moving forward with the Rosedale plan. Staff is currently working on a secondary application for the House Appropriations Committee on the State Highway 178 Corridor. The City needs to complete the secondary application to be nominated for Congressman Thomas' list of recommended projects. The Committee asked that staff write a letter to CalTrans to address paving the shoulders on Highway 178, and in the longer-term look at widening the highway. A copy of the letter should be forwarded to the Committee. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. TRAILS PLAN FOR THE NORTHEAST Staff presented a proposal to construct a trails plan along the Kern River in the northeast. Some of the issues staff had to consider were the desire of the public wanting to be close to the river, the riparian habitat, and various types of uses -- biking, fishing, hiking, equestrian -- which have led to a more'complex trails plan than first envisioned. Aside from working with concerned property owners and industry, staff should also consider how this proposed trail would plug into the overall plan, and maintain continuity going to the west and east of town. Staff suggested that they initiate the process for the tentative tract map. The proposed budget for 1994/95 has earmarked $45,000 for this project, which is a reduction of more than half the cost to do the entire trails plan. In the interest of economizing where possible, staff will do a great deal of work with the public and special interest groups, and only sublet out those studies that pertain to specialized areas, such as biological studies. Staff anticipates that they will have a status report within 3 to 4 months. After the initial analysis and contacts with affected people, staff will bring the item back before the Committee. B. WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT A motion to defer this item to the next Urban Development Committee meeting was approved. Urban Development Committee Agenda Summary Report May 11, 1994 Page 4 C. STREAMLINING PERMIT PROCESS A motion to defer this item to the next Urban Development Committee meeting was approved. 7. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned 2:15 p.m. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council GEVV:jp