HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/05/1994 BAKERSFIELD Staff: Gail E. Waiters / Kevin McDermott Patricia M. Smith AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT URBAN DEVELOPMENT Wednesday, October 5, 1994 12:1'5 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL Call to Order 12:40 p.m. Present: Councilmember Randy Rowles, Chair; Vice Mayor Kevin McDermott, and Councilmember Patricia Smith 2.APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1994 MINUTES Approved as submitted. 3.PRESENTATIONS None 4.PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. ADVERTISING ON SIDEWALKS The City's ordinance does not allow signs on curbs, sidewalks or right-of-ways unless they are public signs for the purpose of traffic control and advisement. According to the APPROVED oc~roBI~. 31, 1994 FIL[ COPY Urban Development Committee Agenda Summary Report October 5, 1994 Page 2 Planning Director, "A frame" signs create an access problem for the disabled and pose a liability issue for the City. Councilmember Smith indicated that the citizen who brought this concern to the Council wanted consistency in enforcement. That citizen was contacted about the Committee meeting and invited to attend. Currently, enforcement is done by complaint in most cases because the level of staff support required to be 100 percent proactive is not available. The Committee asked that staff follow up with the citizen and try to take care of his concerns administratively. B. TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEES UPDATE An updated status report was distributed. Revenues from impact fees have fallen off a bit from the projected figures. County staff is planning to have additional meetings to find out how the Board will proceed. Staff has been told that perhaps that information would come towards the end of October, possibly on the Board's agenda for the week of the 16th. There have been a number of conversations regarding how credits are arrived at -- whether they are based on actual costs. City staff is concerned that there needs to be a clear formula that is consistent in determining these calculations. C. STATUS REPORT ON FREEWAYS Staff has a copy of the responses from the Kern River Freeway meeting for anyone that is interested. The main point in the document is that CalTrans is shooting for a mid-1995 EIR on the preferred alignment. Staff met with the County on the South Beltway and provided them a map to meet with the Board to get some direction on the City's preferred alignment -- the connection into Oswell -- as well as the three alternatives to the northeast that were proposed to COG. Most all of the preferred alignment is in the County, and there is one landowner that has registered an objection of any alignment going through his property that the County must contend with. The preferred alignment provides good connection between the northeast and southwest. In addition, it provides good access for the expanded Recycling Center which has been sited for that area. D. WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT A supplemental report was just received from Brown and Caldwell. Staff will analyze the report and make a recommendation in a summary memo to the Council in its Friday packet. Urban Development Committee Agenda Summary Report October 5, 1994 Page 3 6. NEW BUSINESS A. TREE FOUNDATION Staff was asked to assist in the coordination of the project with the Tree Foundation. The plans and specifications have been reviewed by the Parks Division and appear to be in order. The Foundation requested the removal of non-native trees. Staff recommends and the Foundation has agreed that those trees removed will be replanted in other public areas. Staff will get together with the Foundation and discuss how that will be handled. The tree planting is anticipated to be completed the first part of December 1994. All funding for this project is being contributed by Texaco, however, staff indicated that during the upcoming budget cycle additional operating monies will be needed to maintain this area. The Parks Division and the Police Department will be working together to address any potential security issues, including additional park lighting. The Committee recommended support for the project and asked that a report come before the full Council at its earliest possible Council meeting. B. POSTED STREET SWEEPING PROGRAM This item was referred by Council. Staff reviewed the Administrative Report submitted at the September 28 Council meeting. Several alternatives for a potential program were presented, such as expansion of the current program which would include limited posting; a full citywide posted program; a ten-year citywide posted program; and a non- posted voluntary compliance program. The Committee recommended that staff continue with its current operations and encouraged other Council members to comment on this issue. The Committee also asked staff to change the statement on page 3 to reflect "non-posted" rather than "non-voluntary." 7. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned 1:43 p.m. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council GEW:jp