HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/17/1998 BAKERSFIELD ~.~/~ Kevin McDermott, Chair Alan Tandy, City Manager Randy Rowles Staff: Dolores B. Teubner Patricia M. Smith AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, June 17, 1998 12:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL Call to Order at 12:25 p.m. Present: Councilmembers Kevin McDermott, Chair; Randy Rowles and Patricia M. Smith 2. APPROVAL OF APRIL 23, 1998 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES Approved as submitted. 3. PRESENTATIONS None 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 5. · DEFERRED BUSINESS A. FREEWAY UPDATE Public Works Civil Engineer Marian Shaw gave an update. The landscaping and irrigation project on State Route 99 is near completion and the seismic retrofit of 12 bridges in the metropolitan area has been completed. The CTC has authorized $175 million for the Kern River Freeway project, so that project is moving forward. Federal demonstration funds for the Crosstown Freeway/Centennial Corridor have been authorized in TEA-21 in the amount of $15.75 million for planning the project to provide construction for a link to downtown. The second administrative draft of the EIR has just been received for the South Beltway, so the environmental process is moving forward. AI~PROV3E]) AS SUBMIT'I'E])AUGUS, 20, 1998 F~L[' COPY URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Wednesday, June 17, 1998 Page -2- Committee Chair McDermott pointed out that the Kern River Freeway project is the largest project in the state to be funded by the CTC. The $15.75 million authorized for the Crosstown Freeway is very good news, and there may be additional funds through BESTEA which would allow earlier completion of the project. Chair McDermott expressed concern about the condition of the on- and off-ramps on Freeways 99, 58 and 178, although he has contacted CalTrans and they have indicated work has started, he with committee agreement requested staff to ask Mayor Price to write a letter to CalTrans. B. ENCROACHMENT PERMITS Police Chief Brummer expressed public safety concerns about enforcement and pedestrian traffic moving safely in areas where encroachment permits may be authorized especially where alcohol will be served and the safety of downtown businesses in an encroachment area where alcohol is being served. A video prepared by the Police Department was played showing the heavy amount of typical pedestrian traffic at night in the downtown area around some of the existing businesses showing particularly at closing time that it takes many officers and the canine unit to disburse the crowds. Police administration is recommending in the encroachment areas that are serving alcohol that there be minimum of eight feet between the curb and the structure to accommodate pedestrian access; serving alcohol beverages discontinue at 10:00 p.m.; no glass containers such as bottles or pitchers be allowed; a requirement that an employee of the establishment be present to oversee who is consuming alcohol; and patrons of the encroachment area be required to enter through the main entrance of the establishment to ensure that underage individuals are not being served alcohol. The chair gave an update from the last meeting. It was decided that businesses be required to get an annual permit and provide evidence of insurance; and if needed, for example to repair sidewalks, etc., could be given a 90-day notice to take the structure down. Regarding the encroachment areas, the Committee discussed that patrons should enter through the front entrance if alcohol is being served; pertaining to emergency exits, businesses to comply with fire codes; the height of temporary fencing/structures be a minimum of four to five feet with a grandfather clause for existing structures; the distance from curb to the structure should be a minimum of six feet; an employee of the business be present to oversee areas serving alcohol from 10:00 p.m to 12:00 midnight; serving alcohol in the encroachment area be discontinued at 12:00 midnight; and this ordinance be limited to food and beverage businesses at this time. The new ABC requirements regarding serving in plastic containers addresses the glass container issue. Staff to prepare ordinance and forward to Council. URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT . Wednesday, June 17,1998 Page-3- C. VESTING RIGHTS With existing ordinance, developers get one year from the date the map is recorded to exercising their vested rights. The Development Services Director after meeting with the Planning Commission, is recommending keeping the existing one-year and adopting a policy for one-year extensions upon request. The Committee requested staff to bring to the next meeting a flowchart showing time frames from when the developer first comes in and the date the permit is issued. D. CLEANUP LEGISLATION A request had been made to change the ordinance regulating C-1 Zones to prohibit outdoor activities. After research, the Planning Department has withdrawn the request. The Committee took no action. E. MULTI-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Planning Director Stan Grady gave an overview of the work done by the Planning Commission Subdivision and Public Services Committee in response to questions from their last meeting with the Urban Development Committee. Their recommendations address mechanisms for encouraging amenities, promoting clustering, limiting numbers of projects at one location, architectural and site design and lot size proposals that support more open space. A copy of the memo is attached. The Committee agreed that the ordinance be prepared for a public hearing to be held at the Planning Commission for public input. 6, NEW BUSINESS None 7. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned at 2:25 p.m. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council DBT:jp