HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/21/2000 BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy, City Manager David Couch Staff: John W. Stinson Mike Maggard AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT SPECIAL MEETING URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Meeting of Thursday, September 21, 2000 4:00 p.m. City Manager's Office - City Hall 1. ROLL CALL Call to Order at 4:06 p.m. Pre~ent: Councilmembers: Jeffrey Green, Chair; Mike Maggard; and David Couch 2. ADOPT AUGUST 9, 2000 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding Development Streamlining Task Force Draft Report Last year at the direction of the Urban Development Committee, staff formed a task force composed of a broad range of people who have an interest or are involved and impacted by development processes to review ways to streamline and make the City's development policies and standards more efficient and responsive. Assistant City Manager John Stinson gave an overview of the draft report that was prepared from the work of the task force. Recommendations in the report include ordinance changes, Public Works design changes, policy changes, and improvements in providing information to the development community. Out of the 35 different issues that were reviewed and work through, only four issues were not fully resolved and require further study by staff and the development industry. The four issues are: 1) allowing parcel map waivers where site will be developed through additional review process basically to allow for phased tract maps; 2) the extension of vested rights; 3) graded roads with gravel base regarding off-site sewer facilities; and 4) encroachment permit streamlining. Staff recommended that the Committee accept the report and forward to the Council for approval, implementation of the design recommendations and referral of the ordinances to the Planning Commission for public hearing and recommendation to Council. URBAN DEVELOPMENT C(~ITTEE AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Thursday, September 21, 2000 Page -2- Fred Porter, task force member representing CELSOC, spoke regarding the issues that were reviewed and accomplished by the task force, the remaining issues needing further work, and expressed appreciation to City staff and the many groups from the community for their efforts. The Committee unanimously approved forwarding the Development Streamlining Task Force report to the Council for approval, implementation of design recommendations and referral of the proposed ordinances to the Planning Commission for public headng and recommendation to the Council. The Committee directed staff to continue to work with the development/building community on the four remaining issues and return to the Urban Development Committee for further review. B. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding tree maintenance and removal - tree ordinance Development Services Director Jack Hardisty stated that staff has reviewed the Tree Foundation's 50-Year Plan and compared it with the City's current ordinance. The City's ordinance is more specific as to the location, spacings and arrangements of trees relative to the area that they are on. It allows for the trees to be spread over the parking lot in an arrangement that gives dual use of area and minimizes the loss of land for parking. The Tree Foundation's plan is more oriented towards the numbers of trees relative to the size of the buildings based on shading criteria. 'Areas of agreement were that the City's ordinance should have stronger maintenance requirements and provisions to prevent taking out large mature trees and replacing with tiny trees. Staff suggested that a draft ordinance be prepared and brought back to the Committee for review. The Committee directed staff to get input from the developer community and the Tree Foundation and prepare a draft ordinance for the Committee's review. C. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding tree enhancement strategy and formation of Tree Advisory Commission Based on direction from the Committee at the last meeting, Assistant City Manager John Stinson presented a draft format for putting in place a Tree Advisory Ad Hoc Committee. Staff has met with Rick Hewett of the Tree Foundation for their input. Recreation and Parks Director Stan Ford has been contacting the different entities to ascertain their level of interest in terms of structure and participation. Dana Adams, Tree Foundation, said she would like to see the inclusion of a certified arborist in the composition of the committee and/or City and County planners. The Committee directed staff to include a placement on the committee for at least one certified arborist, if one can be found who will agree to serve. The Committee unanimously approved sending an administrative report with a Committee recommendation to form a Tree Advisory Ad Hoc Committee to the Council for approval. D. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding Freeway status report - Rojas Public Works Director Raul Rojas reported that the consultant is just getting started. By the December Committee meeting there should be preliminary information to report. URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Thursday, September 21, 2000 Page -3- E. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding opening Shellabarger Road at Pepita Way Staff has been meeting with County staff on this and related road issues. Staff generally feels the road should be opened and the map shows that, but there is a sequence of events that would need to take place to make sure it is safe and wide enough. Other issues include cost and condemnation of property. Joan-Terese Bird, Leonard Koch, Norma Dixon, Tim Howell and Stuart Baugher spoke in opposition to opening Shellabarger Road at Pepita Way. Karen Cox and Michael Fanucchi spoke in support of opening Shellabarger Road at Pepita Way. Committee member Couch stated if the road is opened, that he would like assurance from the County that the flagman would remain during construction on Calloway. Supervisor Patrick asked if a four-way stop would be okay and Committee member Couch was in agreement with that solution. There was a discussion about the need to do something with the 18-wheelers located in the area, cattle trucks, etc., that would cause a problem if the street is opened and they go through that way. The Committee agreed that the way the gate is now is unacceptable and a solution needs to be ardved at to open the road or provide other access and put in a cul-de-sac. It was expressed that they would like to work further with the County on access roads. A solution needs to be found to alleviate the traffic concerns of the residents before the road is opened. Supervisor Patrick stated she and the County Roads Department will work with the City and residents in the area for a solution. The Committee directed staff to do further research on the property required to open the gate and bdng that information back to the next Urban Development Committee meeting and also work out and implement a temporary solution to allow the sanitation trucks access in and out on Shellabarger Road. The Committee unanimously agreed to refer the issue of property condemnation, which would be necessary to widen the road and open the gate, to the October 11th closed session of the City Council. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding possible new median island alternate minimum standard This item was tabled to the next meeting. URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Thursday, September 21, 2000 Page -4- 6. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned at 7:30 p.m. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council Attendance: Staff: City Manager Alan Tandy, Assistant City Manager John Stinson, City Attorney Bart Thiltgen, Public Works Director Raul Rojas, Development Services Director Jack Hardisty, Deputy City Attorney Cad Hemandez, Public Works Civil Engineer Madan Shaw, Recreation and Parks Director Stan Ford, Public Works Engineer Ted Wright and Parks Supervisor Ed Lazaroti. Others: Dana Adams, Tree Foundation; Conway Lopez, Tree Foundation; Pam Pecarichl Roger Mclntosh; Bdan Todd, BIA of Kern County; Fred Porter; CELSOC; Kem County Supervisor Barbara Patrick; Rhonda Knight, County Administrative Office; Patricia Ebel, County Roads Department; Leonard Koch; Stuart Baugher; Norma Dixon, Karen Cox; Michael Fanucchi; Tim Howell; Joan- Terese Bird; and James Burger, The Bakersfield Californian. S:John\UrbanDev\U D00sep21 Summary.wpd