HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/15/2002 B A K E R S F I E L D ? Ala~Tandy, City Manager Sue Benham Staff: John W. Stinson Mike Maggard AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, July 15, 2002, 1:00 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room - City Hall 1. ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 1:04 p.m. Present: Councilmembers David Couch, Chair; and Sue Benham Councilmember Mike Maggard (arrived at 1:12 p.m.) 2. ADOPT JUNE 10, 2002 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding space needs and City Hall expansion City Manager Tandy gave a brief update on the different space needs and expansion plans reviewed by the Committee to date, including the proposal to build a new City Hall in Central Park. At the last meeting there was a suggestion from the Committee that staff meet with development interests to see what they might have to say about potential redevelopment activities in and around the Central Park area if the City were to make an investment there. Economic DeveloPment Director Kunz reported Councilmember Benham and staff met with about two dozen developers, builders and interested parties on June 26th. They reviewed the Central Park plan. Most were in favor of a new Civic Center/City Hall idea, but not necessarily at that location. However, it was discussed that the ADOPTED AS SUBMITTED ON SEPTEMBER 9, 2002. AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Monday July 15, 2002 Page - 2 - Central Park site would present a redevelopment opportunity to extend the downtown area. Pauline Larwood, Smart Growth Coalition, spoke regarding a master plan for coordinating development in the downtown area. City Manager Alan Tandy explained another idea from one of the Committee members was for staff to explore a lower-cost option of purchasing an existing building downtown, and to analyze what term that would give for growth, review the feasibility and how it relates to the leases we have put out, and obligations on such a building. Staff focused on the Borton Petrini & Conron building to use as a hypothetical example. The City is not negotiating for the building and it is not commercially for sale. The owner may consider responding positively to a request from the City if there were an agreed price. This is not the only building in the downtown that could be considered, but was chosen for comparison purposes because of its close proximity to City Hall. Public Works staff prepared a slideshow for discussion with a layout of how the departments might fit in the building. This would be a necessary step for any building the Committee might want to consider to be able to visualize how to utilize the space. Jack LaRochelle presented the slides and different scenarios of how divisions might be located, which included also using the existing buildings the City owns: City Hall, Police Department and Development Services buildings. The City Manager explained the advantage of buying an existing building is the cost, which would be about one-fifth to one-tenth of building a new City Hall. The space plan to purchase an existing building would give all departments room for reasonable growth for a minimum of 10 years. The Committee expressed interest in buying an existing building as a lower-cost plan to meet space needs, but also wanted to explore how such a site might be expanded in the future to allow for future growth. Staff was requested to check for other buildings in close proximity to City Hall, which may be available, and provide the Committee criteria such as how close to City Hall an additional building would need to be to allow for cohesiveness and walking distance. The Committee requested staff to bring back all the plans that have been reviewed over the last few months for a final comparison before sending a report and recommendation to Council. AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Monday July 15, 2002 Page - 3- B. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding removal of trees in City right-of-ways (This item heard first) Assistant City Manager John Stinson handed out pictures of trees that were being severely trimmed in the parkway on Truxtun Avenue by a tree trimming firm. The City's Urban Forester went out to the site and asked the trimmers to stop. The concern is aggressive trimming eliminates the shade provided by the trees. The Committee reviewed the current Section of the Municipal Code relating to Street Trees. Staff is proposing updating this Section to reflect the suggestions by the Committee. Currently the jurisdiction for street trees is under the Public Works Director. It has been discussed that the oversight should be with the Urban Forester when related to care of trees. The property owner/tenant has the responsibility to maintain the trees in the parkway, but there are no tree care standards included in this Section of the Code. Staff will be proposing ways to define this section to prevent over-trimming or other practices which may injure trees. Also, there are no provisions in the current ordinance (only commercial developments covered in another section) that require the replacement of trees damaged in the parkways by improper cutting, pruning, or watering practices. Urban Forester Paul Graham suggested an educational effort and meeting with the local tree trimmers to explain the City's goal of increasing the tree canopy. Staff is preparing educational materials and will bring draft samples to the next meeting. Public Works Director Rojas suggested the idea of an annual permit for tree trimmers who work in public right-of ways to allow an opportunity to handout educational materials. It could be for minimal or no charge. Renee Nelson spoke regarding educational materials for tree trimmers. The Committee requested educational materials be provided for their review at the next meeting and that staff prepare a draft ordinance regarding an annual permit for commercial tree trimmers working in City right-of-ways. 5. NEW BUSINESS 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT · The meeting adjourned at 2:12 p.m. AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Monday July 15, 2002 Page - 4- Attendance - staff: City Manager Alan Tandy; Assistant City Manager John W. Stinson; Assistant City Manager Alan Christensen; City Attorney Bart Thiltgen; Development Services Director Jack Hardisty; Economic Development Director Donna Kunz; Public Works Director Raul Rojas; Assistant Public Works Director Jack LaRochelle; Urban Forester Paul Graham; Assistance Recreation and Parks Director Allen Abe; Real Property Manager Don Anderson. Others: Pauline Larwood, Smart Growth Coalition; Mark Smith, Grubb & Ellis/ASU; Harvey May, TAG; Jimmy Yee, Yankee Communications; Jeff Williams, Williams Development; Greg Bynum, Bynum and Associates; Renee Nelson; Joe Colombo; and James Burger, reporter, The Bakersfield Californian. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers