HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/04/1998 BAKERSFIELD Kevin McDermott, Chair Randy Rowles Patricia M. Smith Staff: Dolores Teubner URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, February 4, 1998 12:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room Second Floor - City Hall, Suite 201 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 1. ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF JANUARY 7, 1998 MINUTES 3. PRESENTATIONS 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. FREEWAY UPDATE - Rojas B. DOWNTOWN TREE PLANTING - Hardisty C. 1998 PROPOSED MEETING CALENDAR - Teubner 6. NEW BUSINESS A. SITE PLAN REVIEW - Skousen/Hardisty 7. ADJOURNMENT DBT:jp DRAFT BAKERSFIELD Kevin McDermott, Chair Alar~R~nd~, City Manage~ Randy Rowles Staff: Dolores B. Teubner \ Patricia M. Smith AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, January 7, 1998 12:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL Call to Order at 12:20 p.m. Present: Councilmembers Kevin McDermott, Chair; Randy Rowles and Patricia M. Smith 2. APPROVAL OFOCTOBER 15, 1997 MINUTES Approved as submitted. 3. PRESENTATIONS None 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. FREEWAY UPDATE Public Works staff provided an update on the status of the Kern River Freeway, Crosstown Freeway and the South Beltway. Please refer to the attached status report. The Committee wanted to know how the City can preserve ROW for the alignment while CalTrans is in the process of finalizing the Route Adoption EIR over the next 5 months. The City Attorney presented one alternative which is adoption of an ordinance which places restrictions on renewals and application for tentative tract maps in the proposed alignment. Representatives of Castle & Cooke expressed concerns over this method. Another alternative is to develop a disclosure statement which buyers must sign when purchasing property along the proposed alignment acknowledging the future freeway. DRAFT URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Wednesday, January 7, 1998 Page -2- The Disclosure Statement could be a condition of approval for a tentative tract map. The proposal was unanimously approved and staff was directed to develop the disclosure statement. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. NOR PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN In order to fully implement the Park Development Fee in the North of the River Parks and Recreation District, the City must adopt a capital projects listing which identifies the projects for which the fees are being collected. The Committee was concerned that the City might not receive its share of NOR park dollars from other fund sources. A representative of NOR stated that they would not use park development fees to supplant other discretionary dollars. They will supply a detailed list of park projects tied to funding sources and completion dates for review by the City. B. DOWNTOWN TREE PLANTING Tabled C. REGULATION OF STORAGE CONTAINERS Staff summarized the current ordinance regulating the use of storage containers. Staff indicated that it was restrictive and recommended several proposed changes to the ordinance including allowing up to six containers for seasonal use in addition to the two allowed under the standard, requiring screening of containers from public view, instituting a maximum time of 60 days for one time period per year and prohibiting stacking of containers. The CUP process would still be available for those businesses needing containers beyond the proposed restrictions. Representatives of Wal-Mart requested a longer time period for the seasonal containers, suggesting 90 days rather than 60 days. The Committee indicated that Wal-Mart could apply for a CUP to request the longer duration. The proposal was approved unanimously with Randy Rowles absent. Staff was directed to revise the ordinance and bring the issue to the full Council for consideration. D. 1998 PROPOSED MEETING CALENDAR Tabled 7. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned at 2:15 p.m. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council DBT:jp URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - 1998 PROPOSED MEETING SCHEDULE WEDNESDAYS @ 12:15 PM COMMITTEE MEETINC~ COUNCIL MEETING January 7 January 14 None January 28 February 4 February 11 None February 25 March 4 March 11 None March 25 None April 8 April 15 April 22 None May 6 May 13 May 20 None June 10 June 17 June 24 None July 15 July 22 None None August 12 August 19 August 26 None September 9 September 16 September 23 None October 7 October 14 October 21 None* November 4 None* November 18 None December 2 December 9 December 16 'No meeting scheclulecl because of holidays. HANDOUT - JANUARY 7, 1998 14EETING January 6, 1998 STATUS OF FREEWAY AND STATE HIGHWAY PROJECTS METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD AREA Public Works Department Jacques R. LaRochelle, Engineering Services Manager State Route 99 The irrigation portion of the landscape project between Wilson Road and Golden State/Airport Drive is 90% complete. The planting portion is expected to begin in February with completion in 5 - 6 months. Seismic Retrofit Project Work continues on the seismic retrofit of 12 bridges in the metropolitan area. To date work on eight of the bridges has been completed. Work on the 24th Street bridge at the Kern River is expected to be completed in approximately three weeks. The structural portion of the work at Wible Road and SR 99 is complete with only cleanup remaining. The work on Airport Drive at the Calloway Canal should be completed in 3 to 4 weeks. Kern River Freeway (S.R. 58 Adoption Study) The Kern River Freeway preferred alignment extends from S.R. 99 at Truxtun and extends westward, roughly paralleling the Kern River, to Interstate 5. The first phase of this project would consist of building a full freeway facility from Truxtun Avenue to Stockdale Highway past Renfro Road, and improving Stockdale Highway (two lanes with shoulders) from that point to Interstate 5. There would be no direct connection to S.R. 99. Any traffic on the Kern River Freeway which needed to get onto S.R. 99 would have to exit at Mohawk Street and get onto S.R. 99 from Rosedale/Pierce Road. The Local Agency's are to fund the Mohawk Street portion between Truxtun Avenue and Rosedale Highway excluding the "freeway portion". It is anticipated that the portion of Mohawk Street to be funded by the Locals will cost approximately $20,000,000. In addition, the City, County and KernCOG is looking into construction the Mohawk Street portion earlier than the actual freeway itself. If this could be done, a portion of the overall freeway project would begin early and an additional arterial/river crossing would be completed. Due to the passage of Senate Bill 45, the majority of the freeway will be funded by the County minimums over a 6 year period. Based on these available minimums of approximately $193 million over the 6 year period and a total cost of approximately $240 million, the remaining funding must come from the State. CalTrans is in the process of trying to secure that additional funding at this time. The Route Adoption EIR is nearly complete. An open house showing the proposed freeway alignment was held December 11, 1997. The open comment period will extend until later this month. Once all comments are submitted, CalTrans will address those comments and submit them to FHWA. It anticipated that the final EIR will be entirely complete in late summer, 1998. Other significant dates are as follows: Submit project to STIP in March 1998 Route Adopted by CTC in June 1998 Feds Adopt STIP in November 1998 It is anticipated that right-of-way acquisition will take approximately 1 to 3 years. Construction should take approximately 2 years to complete. The connection to S.R. 99 will be a future phase and will be connected to the City's proposed crosstown freeway described below. S.R. 58 Southern Alternative (Crosstown Freeway) After construction of the Kern River Freeway, the next highest priority for the City of Bakersfield, and the Bakersfield Metropolitan area is the construction of the Crosstown Freeway. Together these two freeway segments comprise the Centennial Corridor which will eventually provide a direct connection of State Route 58 with State Route 5. Planning for the Crosstown Freeway is in its infancy. Several studies have been conducted to date showing possible alignments as well as preliminary cost estimates. However, for the process to move forward, the route must be adopted by the CTC and FHWA. The Kern Council of Governments, together with both the City and County have applied for Federal demonstration funds to finalize planning for this project and to provide construction for a link to downtown. The estimated cost for this project is approximately $350 million. This freeway facility is not only vital to provide adequate traffic circulation from downtown Bakersfield to nearby residential areas, but it is also essential to complete the State Route 58 link to Interstate 5. A very preliminary outline of what is needed to adopt the crosstown freeway route is attached. The total cost to obtain this route adoption is shown on the last page of the outline.' South Beltway The Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan shows a "South Beltway" connecting Interstate 5 with S.R. 58 and S.R. 178, circling the southern part of the metro area. The preferred alignment starts at Interstate 5 at Taft Highway (S.R. 119) and continues eastward and northward, crossing S.R. 99 at approximately the alignment of Hosking Road. The route continues eastward, intersecting S.R. 58 at either Towerline Road or between Vineland Road and Edison Road. A public scoping meeting is scheduled for the regular Planning Commission meeting on January 15, 1998. This project is also listed on our local Transportation Impact Fee Facilities List and as such can receive local funding from that source. However, a specific plan line has not been adopted for this route, so no right-of-way acquisition may yet proceed. The City and the County are proceeding with a Tier I Environmental Impact Report. Technical studies are being prepared for the EIR. Notice of preparation has been filed with the State. Once the EIR has been certified, the specific plan line will be adopted and protection of the right-of-way using local funds may begin. Construction is not anticipated to begin until 2020 +. P:\Misc\ freeways HANDOUT -JANUARY 7, i998 HEETTNC; PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Public Review - Public Scoping Meeting For South Beltway Freeway Transportation Corridor Draft Program Environmental Impact Report The City of Bakersfield will conduct a public scoping meeting for the South Beltway Freeway Transportation Corridor Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The intent of the scoping meetings is to solicit comments from the public regarding the scope of the environmental issues that will be addressed in the Draft EIR. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The South Beltway Freeway Transportation Corridor project is an amendment to the existing Circulation Elements of both the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan and the Kern County General Plan. The project includes an adoption of a "specific plan line" for the South Beltway Freeway Transportation Corridor. The "specific plan line" is considered the centerline of the 300 feet wide corridor South Beltway Freeway Transportation Corridor. The transportation corridor will be approximately 26 miles in length and will extend from Interstate 5 to State Route 58. By adopting a transportation corridor (Specific Plan Line), future development proposed to occur within the corridor would not be permitted by the City or County. Land being developed during and at the time an alignment corridor is chosen will be purchased prior to construction of the South Beltway Freeway. Land within the City of Bakersfield jurisdiction will be purchased by the City and land within the Kern County jurisdiction will be purchased by the County. Preservation of a right-of-way corridor will also prohibit any requests for a change in land use within the corddor inconsistent with its purpose. Preservation of land for a transportation corridor will reduce or avoid potential land use conflicts in the future as development occurs within the regional area. The purpose of this project is to accommodate future east-west traffic in the developing metropolitan Bakersfield area. This project is planned to alleviate traffic congestion, support · economic development and support alternative modes of transportation. A preferred transportation corridor and four alternative corridors have been identified. The preferred transportation corridor alignment extends from the Interstate 5/Taft Highway interchange and follows Taft Highway to approximately Buena Vista Road, proceeds in a northeast direction to McCutchen Road, continues east along McCutchen Road, intersects State Route 99 south of Hosking Road and gradually extends in a northeast direction to just north of Hermosa Road and then eastward connecting to State Route 58, a distance of approximately 26 miles. The alternative transportation corridors are as follows- 1. North of McCutchen Alternative: This alternative is a variant of the preferred transportation corridor utilizing the same alignment except as follows: just east of Buena Vista Road the alignment continues northeasterly to Old River Road just south of Panama Lane, then continues east to Ashe Road and southeasterly to New Stine Road and Hosking Road where this alternative alignment joins the preferred alignment. From Interstate 5 to State Route 58, the alignment has a distance of approximately 27 miles. 2. Bear Mountain Boulevard Alternative: Extends from Interstate 5 to Malaga Road and then northward along Malaga Road, connecting to State Route 58 and then northerly connecting to State Route 184, a distance of approximately 28.5 miles. 3. . Engle Road Alternative: Extends from Interstate 5 along the approximate Engle Road Extension alignment to Union Avenue/State Route 204, then northeasterly to Cottonwood Road just south of Hosking Avenue continuing in a northeast direction to just north of Hermosa Road and then eastward connecting to State Route 58, a distance of approximately 25.5 miles. 4. Taft Highway/Panama Road Alternative: Extends from the Interstate 5/'['aft Highway interchange and follows Taft Highway to Union Avenue/State Route 204, then northeasterly to Cottonwood Road just south of Hosking Avenue, continuing in a northeast direction to just north of Hermosa Road and then eastward connecting to State Route 58, a distance of approximately 25.5 miles. Standards for the South Beltway Freeway Transportation Corridor are as follows' A 300 feet-wide right-of-way; an ultimate build out to a six lane divided highway; 12 feet wide travel lanes; 60 feet wide medians; 10 feet wide shoulders; and areas needing elevated road crossings or depression of the road will require additional right-of-way on each side. The scoping meeting will be held before the Planning Commission of the City of Bakersfield on January 15, 1998, at the hour of 5:30 P.M., or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, in the Council Chambers located at City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. If you have questions regarding the scoping meeting, please contact Richard Dole or Marc Gauthier at the Development Services Department (805) 326-3733. R~D p:sbwscope-nph -2- //onwOOd 0 1 2 3 miles 0 1 2 3 4 5 km Alignment LEGEND Freeway Conventional Highway ,, Local Road Preferred Alignment ~ ...... Taft Highway/Panama Road Alternative ~-~ Engle RoadAEemative -- -- -- - Bear Mountain Boulevard Alternative -~----- No~h of McCutchenAItemative i Source: AAA 1991 South Beltway Corridor FIR PROJECT AREA WITH Figure pREFERRED ALIGNMENT AND 2 Woodward-Clyde , ALTERNATIVE ALIGNMENTS ~71000NA-02.0/112497/wcc/graphics~gos,mc~ BANI)OUT - JANUARY 7, 1998 HEETIlqG METAL STORAGE CONTAINERS (Chapter 17.57 B.M.C.) · Permitted by right in the C-1, C-2, M-1 and M-2 zones. · Conditional use permit required in all other zones. · Emergency use (earthquake, fire, etc.) -- permitted in all zones subject to Building Director approval for 90 days with no limit as to number or size. · Construction use -- permitted in any zone subject to Building Director approval for use as storage in conjunction with construction. Building permit required; containers must be removed before certificate of occupancy can be issued. No limit to number or size. Size/Amount: · C-! & C-2 zones -- 400 sq.ft, maximum area permitted or ratio of 1 sq.ft, of container per 50 sq.ff of lot area, whichever is less. Regardless of the above, any lot can have storage containers subject to the following: · lot is less than 10,000 sq.fi. -- 1 container not more than 160 sq.ff ~ lots over 10,000 sq.fi. -- 2 containers not more than a total of 320 sq.fi. · M-1 & M-2 zones -- 1,300 sq.fi, maximum area permitted or ratio of 1 sq.ff of container per 50 sq.fi, of lot area, whichever is less. Regardless of the above, any lot can have storage containers subject to the following: O lot is less than 10,000 sq.fi. -- 1 container not more than 160 sq.fi. ® lots over 10,000 sq.fi. -- 2 containers not more than a total of 320 sq.ff. · Conditional use permit required in C-1, C-2, M-1, M-2 to exceed maximum size limits but cannot be any greater than I sq.fi, of container per 50 sq.fi, of lot area. · All other zones -- 1 sq.fi, container per 50 sq.ff lot area (maximum limit that can be approved under a CUP). Note: Containers typically come in two sizes, 8'x 20' (160 sq.ft.) and 8'x 40' (320 sq.ft.). This covers about 98% of the containers being used. Special sizes exist but are seldom used. Sitine Regulations: · Prohibited in front or street side yard (except M zones where 30' setback allowed). · Ali other structural setbacks required. · Must be painted a neutral earth-tone color. · Only 1 sign allowed on a container (2 sq.ff maximum). · Cannot be used as an office, residence, or purpose involving human occupancy. · If more than 400 sq.fi, of containers allowed, engineered perimeter foundation or concrete slab foundation required. ° If within 300' of residentially zoned property or 90' of C-0 zoned property, Planning Director can deny, limit or condition concerning aesthetic impacts. 17.56.070--t 7.57.020 17.56.070 Structural standards. Chapter 17.57 Each fallout shelter must conform to the requirements of Chapter 15.12. (Ord. 2612 § l, METAL STORAGE CONTAINERS 1980: prior code § 17.69.070). Sections: 17.56.080 Time limit for construction 17.57.010 Purpose and findings. pursuant to waiver of 17.57.020 Definitions. restrictions 17.$7.030 Emergency use. Any waiver of restrictions granted pursuant to 17.$7.040 Use in conjunction with Section 17.56.040 shall be null and void if }be construction project. applicant does not exercise the privilege of 17.57.050 Permitted use in C-l, C-2, constructing a fallout shelter within six months M-I and M-2 zones. following the dam the application is granted by the 17.57.060 Uses permitted subject to board of zoning adjustment or by the city council, conditional use permit. (Prior code § 17.69.080). 17.57.070 General regulations. 17.57.080 Reserved. 17.56.090 Use restricted. A. Any fallout shelter which has been 17.57.010 Purpose and findings. constructed in a front or side yard area pursuant to Placement of metal storage containers on lots Section 17.56.040 shall not be used for any within the city for use as storage facilities purposes other than protection from nuclear fallout constitutes a use of such structures other than that and the storage of emergency supplies, for which they were designed and intended. Such B. The use of such a shelter for purposes placement, except for emergency purposes or in other than those referred to in this section shall conjunction with construction projects as allowed constitute a public nuisance. (Prior code § hereinbelow, may negatively impact upon 17.69.090). aesthetics of the neighborhoods in which they are placed or discourage investment in permanent 17.56.100 Covenant to remove, improvements in such neighborhoods. Metal Whenever any application for a waiver of storage containers may, however, reasonably be restrictions is granted pursuant to Section utilized to provide alternative permanent storage 17.56.040 the owner of the property upon which facilities if their potentially blighting influences and the fallout shelter is to be constructed shall record a other potential adverse impacts are mitigated. The covenant in the chain of title for the benefit of the regulations' set forth in this chapter are intended to city stating that the owner ,a~.d his successors in accomplish such mitigation. (Ord. 3012 § I (part), interest will remove said fallout shelter within six 1986). months after the adoption by the city council of a resolution declaring that such shelters are no 17.57.020 Definitions. longer necessary for the protection of human life. "Metal storage container" means any structure (Prior code § 17.69.100). of one hundred twenty feet or more designed to can'y cargo to be shipped by truck or rail and designed to I.S.O. Standard 668-1979(E) or equivalent, or any "roll-off" storage bin with a fixed cover. (Ord. 3012 § 1 (part), 1986). (Bakersfield 3-97) 622 17.57.030---17.57.070 17.57.030 Emergency use. cumulative three hundred twenty square feet. shall Metal storage containers may be permitted in be permitted regardless of lot or parcel size, any zone for a period not to exceed ninety days for provided that yard, setback, and parking emergency storage, subject to approval by the requirements and the requirements and conditions building director of the siting of such structures on set forth in this chapter are ~t~-~ed ............. the lot or parcel. The building director's decision C. In the M-I and M-2 zones, such permitted may be appealed to the planning commission. For use shall not exceed one thousand three hundred purposes of this section, emergency storage is square feet of metal storage container per lot or storage necessitated by damage to or destruction of parcel, nor shall the ratio of square footage of another structure on the same parcel or a metal storage containers to the area of the lot or contiguous parcel by fire, flood, earthquake, parcel exceed one to fifty, except that a single such accident or similar occurrence. (Ord. 3012 § 1 structure not exceeding one hundred sixty square (part), 1986). feet, or on a lot of ten thousand or more square feet, a maximum of two such structures not 17.$7.040 Use in conjunction with exceeding a cumulative three hundred twenty construction project, square feet, shall be permitted regardless of lot or Metal storage containers may be permitted in parcel size; provided, that yard, setback, and any zone for use as storage facilities in conjunction parking requirements and the requirements and with construction projects. Any such container conditions set forth in this chapter am satired. shall be removed immediately upon issuance of a D. For purposes of this chapter, a shopping certificate of occupancy for the constructed project center or other coordinated development shall be or upon expiration of the building permit issued considered a single lot or pamel. (Ord. 3012 § 1 for such project. In no event shall such use exceed (part), 1986). twenty-four months in duration. (Ord. 3012 § 1 (part), 1986). 17.$7.060 Uses permitted subject to conditional use permit. 17.57.050 Permitted use in C-l, C-2, A. Subject to the limitation that the ratio of M-I and M-2 zones, square footage of metal storage containers) to the A. Subject to approvals of site plans and area of any lot or parcel not exceed one to fifty, building permits therefor, and subject to the metal storage containers, as accessory uses, may regulations set forth in this chapter, metal storage be permitted in any R-S (residential suburban) and containers, as accessory uses, am permitted in any A (agricultural) zone by conditional use permit. C-I (limited commercial), C-2 (commercial), M-1 B. Subject to the limitation that the ratio of (light manufacturing] and M-2 (general square footage of metal storage container(s) to the manufacturing) zone. ~ - ~ area of any lot or parcel not exceed one to B. In the C-I and C-2 zones, such permitted additional square footage of metal storage use shall not exceed four hundred square feet of containers above that permitted by subsections B metal storage container per lot or parcel, nor shall and C of Section 17.57.050 may be permitted by the ratio of square footage of metal storage conditional use permit. (Ord. 3012 § I (pan), containers to the area of the lot or parcel exceed 1986). one to fifty, except that a single such structure not exceeding one hundred sixty square feet, or on a 17.S7.070 General regulations. lot of ten thousand or more square feet, a A. Except on property zoned M-I or M-2, no maximum of two such structures not exceeding a metal storage container shall be located within any 622-I (Sal~e, f3field 3-97) front yard or/St~%t side yard. On property zoned with the public welfare. He may deny, limit or M-I or M-2, an' d used for purposes identified in condition such site plan. The planning director's Section 17.28.020 B 3, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 17, 20, decision may be appealed in accordance with 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, or 32 Chapter 17.53. Where this subsection applies, no (except 32 f), in Section 17.28.030 (except site plan shall be approved or any building permit subsections F and L), in Section 17.30.020 B issued for location of any metal storage container (except B 55), or in Section 17.30.030, metal on such lot or parcel unless consistent with the storage containers otherwise permitted'and in decision of the planning director. (Ord. 3012 § 1 conformance with the requirements of this chapter (part), 1986). may be located in a front yard or street side yawl. Each metal storage container shall be set back a 17.57.080 Reserved.* minimum of thirty feet from any property line abutting any public or private street. These Chapter 17.58 regulations may be modified as to any specific proposed location upon application to the board of OFF-STREET PARKING** zoning adjustment in accordance with Chapter 17.64 of this title. The decision of the board of Sections: zoning adjustment may be appealed in accordance 17.58.010 Facilities required. with the provisions of that chapter. 17.58.020 Definitions. B. Each metal storage container shall be 17.58.030 Minimum dimensions for painted a neutral, earth-tone, site-compatible color, required off-street parking C. If four hundred square feet or more of and freight loading spaces. metal storage container(s) is located on any lot or 17.58.040 Rules for calculation of re- parcel, the applicant must provide, at his option, quired off-street parking. either an engineered perimeter foundation or a 17.58.050 General standards as to concrete slab foundation for each and every such location and arrangement of container on such lot or parcel, off-street parking. D. In no event may a metal storage container 17.58.055 Transit offsets. be used for office, residence or other purpose 17.58.060 Parking lots. involving human occupancy. E. A maximum of one sign, not exceeding 'i~ditor's Note: Former Section 17.57.080, two square feet in area, shall be permitted on each Amortization period for and removal of non- metal storage container, conforming uses, previously codified herein and F. If any lot or parcel where a metal storage containing portions of Ordinance No. 3012, was container is proposed to be located lies within three repealed in its entirety by Ordinance No. 3741, hundred feet of any residentially zoned property or Section 13. ninety feet of property in any C-O (commemial and **Note: Chapter 17.58, "Off-Street Parking," professional office) zone, the planning director is has been amended in its entirety by Ord. 3285, delegated authority and responsibility to determine adopted April 4, 1990. Prior code sections whether, considering the aesthetic impact upon the 17.56.010 through 17.56.030, 17.56.090, neighborhood and such potential mitigating 17.56.100 ~nd 17.58.010 through 17.58.080 and altematives as screening of the site of the proposed Ord. Nos. 2722, 2819, 2851, 2891 and 3266, metal storage container, locating one or more metal previously contained herein, have been superseded storage containers on the lot or parcel is consistent by Ord. 3285. (Bnkersfieid 3-97) 622-2