HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/24/2000 B A K E R S F I E L D Randy Rowles, Chair David Couch Mike Maggard Staff: John W. Stinson AGENDA URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Monday, April 24, 2000 4:00 p.m. Council Chamber- City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 1. ROLL CALL 2. ADOPT MARCH 22, 2000 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 3. PRESENTATIONS 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Review and Committee recommendation regarding Shellabarger Road access - Rojas B. Discussion and Committee recommendatiOn regarding Downtown Business and Property Owners' Vision effort -- possible formation of a Business Improvement District- Herman Ruddell 6. NEWBUSINESS A. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding "bunker" type buildings in the Downtown Business District- Hardisty 7. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 8. ADJOURNMENT S:~John\UrbanDev\00apr24agen.wpd JWS:jp DRAFT BAKERSFIELD ~- ~-~ ~'~ Randy Rowles, Chair Alan Tandy, City Manager David Couch Staff: John W. Stinson Mike Maggard AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT SPECIAL MEETING URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, March 22, 2000 4:00 p.m. City Hall - Council Chamber 1. ROLL CALL. Call to Order at 4:00 p.m. Present: Councilmembers: Randy Rowles, Chair; David Couch; and Mike Maggard 2. ADOPT FEBRUARY 28, 2000 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Review and Committee recommendation regarding the Borba Dairy development and a proposed resolution in opposition Mary Shell, representing the Borba Dairy, spoke in support and a report being prepared regarding mitigation and monitoring procedures for ground water. James Borba spoke in support and wanted to postpone the decision to be able to present more facts about ground water contamination. Larry Wolf, Kern Citizens for Agriculture, spoke in support of the dairy project and signatures being collected in support. Kirk Golding, Parents United for a Healthy Environment, spoke in opposition and regarding signatures being collected from people who own homes and live nearby and are against the proposed site. DRAFT URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Wednesday, March 22, 2000 Page -2- ' Mike Bankston, Parents United for a Healthy Environment, spoke in opposition to the location of the dairy and non-conformance with the Bakersfield 2010 Plan. Arthur Unger, Sierra Club, spoke in opposition and expressed concerns regarding ground water contamination. Robin Carpenter, Kern County Neighbors for Quality Air, Water and Growth, spoke in opposition and expressed concerns regarding ground water contamination and against the location of the proposed dairy. .. Cathy Smith spoke in opposition and expressed concerns regarding ground water contamination. George Demos, Sr. spoke in opposition, and expressed concerns regarding ground water contamination and protecting air quality. Sonja Swenson-Wolsey, Parents United for a Healthy Environment, spoke in opposition to the dairy. The Committee members discussed the Borba Dairy issue and suggested proposed language for a resolution to be sent to the County Board of Supervisors. They proposed the following: · The City Council recommends that in order to bring clarity and certainty to the location of animal confinement and feeding facilities, such as the Borba dairies, that Kern County complete a county-wide plan and program environmental impact report specific to concentrated animal confinement and feeding facilities, which defines where such facilities may be located, and identify minimum mitigation measures required, similar to the process used by Tulare County; · The City Council proposes a joint special committee made up of representatives from both the city and county planning commissions be formed to make suggestions for the development of policies, protocols, and procedures for both bodies for the review and approval of projects on the fringe of city boundaries within the 2010 General Plan in order to balance planning issues at the city/county interface; and · The City Council s~rongly urges the County of Kern to take affirmative steps to facilitate the location of an alternate site within Kern County and outside the 2010 General Plan boundaries for the Borba dairies where the potential for incompatibility between agricultural and urban uses would not exist, and, in that rega. rd, offers the assistance of the City of Bakersfield in this process. The Committee directed staff to take the draft language and prepare a resolution for approval by the Council at the March 23rd City Council meeting. DRAFT URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Wednesday, March 22, 2000 Page -3- B. Discussion and possible Committee recommendation regarding Downtown Business and Property Owners' Vision effort--Traffic and Circulation (This item heard first) Herman Ruddell gave a presentation on traffic flow and capacities of the various streets.in the downtown based on a study done in 1992. A future vision with proposed suggestions to gain capadty increases and provide ingress to the downtown and increase street parking was presented. The Committee directed Public Works staff to work with the DBA to provide needed information such as traffic counts and required width for streets 'and _~treet parking to assist with their future vision project on traffic and circulation in the downtown. 5. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned at 6:24 p.m. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council Attendance: Staff: City Manager Alan Tandy, Assistant City Manager John Stinson, City Attorney Bart Thiltgen, Development Services Director Jack Hardisty, Public Works Director Raul Rojas, Economic Development Director Jake Wager; City Clerk Pam McCarthy, and Development Services Principal Planner Marc Gauthier. Public: Herman Ruddell, Downtown Business and Property Owners Association (DBA); Mary Shell, representing the Borba Dairies; James Borba; Larry Wolf, Kern Citizens for Agriculture; Kirk Golding, Parents United for a Healthy Environment; Mike Bankston, Parents United for a Healthy Environment; Arthur Unger, Sierra Club; Robin Carpenter, Kem County Neighbors for Quality Air, Water and Growth; Cathy Smith; George Demos, Sr.; and Sonja Swenson-Wolsey, Parents United for a Healthy Environment. S:John\Urban Dev\U D00mar22Summary.wpd ~ "~ City of Bakersfield WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0018423 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 3~31'~00 REQUEST DATE: 3/29/00 CREW: TIME PRINTED: 8:17:42- SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: ~'~'~%/~'1': 3~29~00 LOCATION ID: ZIP CODE: COMPLETION: 4/06/00 GEN. LOC: FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: COUCH ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: DSULLIVAN WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: SHELLABARGER ROAD REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO ASST. CITY MANAGER, STINSON*** COUCH SUBMITTED ADDITIONAL INFORMATION INCLUDING MAPS REGARDING SHELLABARGER ROAD. COPY OF CORRESPONDENCE AVAILABLE AT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FRONT COUNTER. '" Job Order Description: SHELLABARGER ROAD  at~gory: CITY MANAGER asK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: CITY MANAGER START DATE __/__/__ COMPLETION DATE / / , , .~_-'~.~..' -. I SALES MAP OF LANDS OF KERN COUNTY LAND CD, ~ .... / March 15, 2000 Dear City Council 00 }'i~.? ~'!~ -.,,.,,h .... -~, ::;.h. 5 ': i "~ ...... ~.,i , We the Residents of Shellabarger Road must have another sate way to exit and enter Shellabarger safely! With the Calloway project and the six lanes they are adding, we have a very dangerous intersection. Calloway is a deadly intersection. The'speed of the traffic is getting worse by the day. We need the West End open and it should have been open immediatelY, when the development was started! Mr. Koch petition did not give the correct facts about the opening. Lloyd Norton sent a map, on how we would be connected to the new development. This was agreeably with 97% of the Shellabarger residents. No one wanted the Calloway project but it was forced on us! We don't want our neighborhood changed but it is changing and we must open up the West End of our street. That's the least amount of change and the best option for the safety of the residents. We have had two accidents on Shellabarger, with both accidents the electric lines were down. We could not get to our homes and others could not get out. It was hours before the emergency workers would let us threw, it did not matter what we said they would not let us threw, not walking or any other alliterative did we have. With the street begin closed, the young children on Shellabarger stand at Callowav at this busy and high speed intersection and wait for their school bus. If we were open, ~e young children would be picked up and dropped offon our street, not out there in this daneerous intersection. All the law enforcement officers, City, Cotmtry and Highway Patrol, have all been out on Shellabarger and all agreed that this road needs to be opened. They don't like to come on our street because it's closed. They a~eed if it was opened,, they would patrol Shellabarger like they do Palm and Brimhall. Some people do speed, knowing there is no officer behind them, and our speed limit is 25. If Mr. Koch had the map and all the real facts, ve~- few people would have signed his petition. When I had all the facts and maps, 97% of the residents signed the petition to open the West End of Shellabarger. They were concern to know how we would be connected and agreed we needed another option to enter and exit safelv. Just like other neighborhoods legally have. Both Fire Chief s, Country' and City, hate crash gates they both have agreed they want them gone! It will be 3'ears before we have a traffic light involved in the Calloway project! Lloyd Norton knows of our situation and he says we just have to wait! The West End of Shellabarger is best and quickest solution! In the meeting there was concern about large trucks, the Heguilustoy have livestock tracks, they know they can not use this way, they know the zoning only allows trucks that me involved with movers. I watched the meeting last night, this situation has been postPoned again. The news media.:.istribut~t to: did help the public with their situation with the country and the city and it did tzet resolve...~y ,,-'"' You did listen, to what the residents wanted. The resicients on Sheilabareer, they are really, or tired and getting more frustrated. We can not eet out of our street safel,~Twe can not get inCoun¢il safely either with the people going over the sp~ed limit and also illegall'v going a round usGity IV~r _ Do the right thing, open the West End and do not change anything else.' We had enough ' change in our neighborhood for a lifetime. Open the west end of Shellabarger and do it City ^try quickly before someone is killed. OtherCd~ Debra Coyle ~&'d,~Z,~,/4~. '~, By City Clerk Date ~ ~ ~._.~_~~ March 21, 2000 Honorably. Major and City Council, This is how Mr. Koch petition was circulated on Shellabarger Road, with only his opinion. Some resident_.s signed his petition because, Mr. Koch told them the road was going straight threw to Jewetta and to the new high school. When I explained with the map that Lloyd Norton sent, many people said they would not have signed his petition. Other residents were shown their signatures, they said that it was their signature but they didn't remember signing Mr. Koch petition. When the map was shown to them, how. we would be connected, they also agreed we needed this option to enter and exit and they wanted the road opened at the west end of Shellabarger... especially with the construction of the Calloway project. I have marked all the people who changed their mind, when all the correct facts and the maps were shown to them, on the proper way of how we would be connected to the new development. Sincerely, Debra Coyle SHELLABARGER RESI~DENTS AND-HOMEOWNERS PETITION . ....... _.,. ,~-- · ,' ' ' ::. This is a petition to open file west end of Shellabarger Road. The west end of our street has been closed because of a petition. Everyone thought it was going straight through to Jewetta. The housing track has 5 tums before we get to Jewetta and 3 roms before we can get to Palm. The housing track is very neighborhood friendly. It is a very good option. In case an emergency arises during the Callowa); construction, or any other time, this woul.d be' the only other way out. We have had mishaps in the Past causing our road to be closed to through traffic, where we couldn't get to the end of our street in either direction. We have waited for hours until P.G. and E. had the repairs completed. In an emergency the street will b~ closed until the IRe dept or other authorities feel it is safe. It does not matter to them what we say, we will not get through until they feel it's safe. When the road is tom up and repaved we will have another bption. We could go west and avoid all the construction completely. In two or more years when Shellabarger has access to a light at Slicker (formerly Art Street) and Calloway, it will be a very congested intersection. We will be sharing this with Palm and .other neighborhoods. We will be forced to use this route to enter and exit Shellabarger, by the traffic light. Shellabarger Road will be a dead end street, at the east end. We will' probably only. have one l~e for 'b, left-hand turn, Slicker and Langley will also be adjoined at this' intersection. Langley is a commercial area with many businesses, .some businesses have many vehicles and equipment, that will be entering and exiting Calloway. We could avoid this intersection completely by using the west end of Shellabarger, especially during the rush hours. By September, the Calloway Drive project will be complete.with six lanes from Rosedale Hwy to the railroad tracks. We will be living with this traffic for up to 2 years with only one way out. THINK ABOUT CALLOWAY! Have. you seen the new housihg tracks being built to the north and south? Its is really growing out here in Rosedale and so is the traffic. We must have another way to enter and exit safely. Our only option will be to open the west end of Shellabarger. SHELLABARGER RESIDENTS AND HOMEOWNERS PETITION FOR THE WEST END OPENING 21. ~,/ 22.~ 23. ~&~~; 26. 4%g~ . 30. .' ,. · .o'~ ~...~, /uo~w _~_~.~~'~ 7;.-~,~ 40. SHELLABARGER RESIDENTS AND HOMEOWNERS PETITION 4~6~. p.,2: ~'--- 49. ~~~ ~o. 51. ~ ' ' 52. 53. 55. ~ t . _ ~ ~ ~' 58. 'qq~X 61. G 64. ~~~ - 0 73. 74. "~Lr~ ~~CCK~ t091'~ S~~'~ 76~ 85. 86 ~).. ~ 87 I0~Oo 89 ? ... 9O 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 lO0 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 "I09 110 BY; 'BAKFD CITY CLERK; 661 323 3780; Mar-23-O0 4:11PM; Page 1/1 _ · 'TO: DAVID CO.,UCH · FAX# 327-9417 OADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: March 15, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: ].0.c. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: John W. Stinson, AsSistant City Manager DEPARTMENT HEAD_. DAME: March 3, 2000 CITY ATDORNEY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Urban Development Committee Report No. 2-00 regarding Shellabarger Road. RECOMMENDATION: The Committee recommends acceptance of the report and approval of the recommendations. BACKGROUND: The Urban Development Committee met to consider opening the west end of Shellabarger Road where it intersects with Pepita Way. Shellabarger Road is essentially a 3/4 mile long cul-de-sac in an unincorporated area adjacent to the City, which has given both jurisdictions cause for concern with respect to the safety of the residents under emergency situations. A survey of City residents in the area voted 18 to 1 to not support the opening of the road, due to concerns about increased traffic within the adjacent subdivision. The City has received letters from both the City Police Chief and the County Sheriff as well as the Fire Chiefs of both jurisdictions requesting that the end of Shellabarger Road be opened to through traffic for safety reasons. A petition from 89 residents of Shellabarger Road was received by the City that also requested the opening of the road. A survey of residents on Shellabarger Road voted 30 to 15 to open the road. The simple removal of the gate at the end of' Shellabarger Road will not result in a street width that will be adequate for two directions of traffic. Opening the road will require the purchase of additional right-of-way to finish the construction of the knuckle at the end of Pepita Way, in order to complete a paving tie-in with the existing roadway on Shellabarger Road. While the completion of Pepita Way will help the residents of Shellabarger Road, another road connectin~c Shellabarger Road to either Palm Avenue or Bdmhall Road would improve public safety response an¢ address the traffic circulation concerns of both county and city reSidents. The County should pursue roadwa~ construction connecting Shellabarger Road to either Palm Avenue or Brimhall Road, or both, to addres-~ these concerns. The Committee is recommending: 1) That the City Council consider opening Shellabarger Road at Pepita Way.due to public safer. concerns expressed by Public Safety agencies and the majority of residents on Sheilabarger Roac and March 3, 2000, 11:44AM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 2) That staff proceed with any environmental reviews required by such consideration; and 3) That consideration of the opening of Shellabarger Road be referred to the Planning Commission for determination of consistency with the 2010 General Plan, including a public hearing; and 4) To direct staff to obtain an appraisal of the property required to complete the opening of the road and initiate informal negotiations for the purposes of voluntary acquisition of the property with the property owner; and 5) That a letter be conveyed by the Mayor to the Kern County Board of Supervi.sors requesting that the County pursue roadway construction connecting Shellabarger Road to-either Palm Avenue or Bdmhall Road, or both, to improve public safety response and address the traffic Circulation concerns of both county and city residents in the area. The Committee recommends acceptance of the report and approval of the recommendations. S:~JOHN\UrbanDev\Shellabarger Adrnin Report.wpd March 3, 2000, 11:44AM CITY OF BAKERSFIELD URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT NO. 2-00 March 15, 2000 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: SHELLABARGER ROAD The Urban Development Committee has met to consider opening the west end of Shel!agarger Road where it intersects with Pepita Way. Shellabarger Road is essentially a 3/4 mile long cul- de-sac in an unincorporated area adjacent to the City, which has given both jurisdictions cause for concern with respect to the safety of the residents under emergency situations. A survey of City residents in the area voted 18 to 1 to not support the opening of the road, due to concerns about increased .traffic within the adjacent subdivision. The City has received letters from both the City Police Chief and the County Sheriff as well as the Fire Chiefs of both jurisdictions requesting that the end of Shellabarger Road be opened to through traffic for safety reasons. A petition from 89 residents of Shellabarger Road was received by the City that also requested the opening of the road. A survey of residents on Shellabarger Road voted 30 to 15 to open the road. The simple removal of the gate at the end of Shellabarger Road will not result in a street width that will be adequate for two .directions of traffic. Opening the road will require the purchase of additional right-of-way to finish the construction of the knuckle at the end of Pepita Way, in order to complete a paving tie-in with the existing roadway on Shellabarger Road. VVhile the completion of Pepita Way will help the residents of Shellabarger Road, another road connecting Shellabarger Road to either Palm Avenue or Brimhall Road would improve public safety response and address the traffic circulation concerns of both county and city residents. The County should pursue roadway construction connecting Shellabarger Road to either Palm Avenue or Brimhall Road, or both, to address these concerns. Therefore, upon review of the information and documents provided on this issue .the Urban Development Committee recommends the following: -. 1) That the City Council consider opening Shellabarger Road at Pepita Way due to public safety concerns expressed by Public Safety agencies and the majodty of residents on Shellabarger Road; and 2) That staff proceed with any environmental reviews required by such conside~tion; and 3) That consideration of the opening of Shellabarger Road be referred to the Planning Commission for determination of consistency with the 2010 General Plan, including a public hearing; and 4). To direct staff to obtain an appraisal of the property required to complete the opening of the road and initiate informal negotiations for the purposes of voluntary acquisition of the property with the property owner; and 5) That a letter be conveyed by the Mayor to the Kern County Board of Supervisors requesting that the County pursue roadway construction connecting Shellabarger Road to either Palm Avenue or Brimhall Road, or both, to improve public safety response and address the traffic circulation concerns of both county and city residents in the area. The Committee recommends acceptance of the report and approval of the recommendations. Respectfully submitted, Councilmember Randy Rowles, Chair Councilmember David Couch Councilmember Mike Maggard c~,.. S~^SKS SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT s~d.-c.~o,~ COUHTY OF KERN January 5, 2000 1~0 urns Ro~d B~kel'Blleld, Ci41tomil ~334)8-~231 Councilman David Couch Bakersfield City Council 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Councilman Couch: Subject: Shallabarger Road The installation of a gate on Shallabarger Road was recently brought to my attention. At my request our Metropolitan Unit Commander investigated the area. We have determined the blockage of Shallabarger Road causes a two-fold problem--service and safety. Shallabarger Road is blocked off approximately 3/4 of a mile west of Calloway. If medical emergency or law enforcement service providers are not aware of the gate, they are forced to retrace their steps back to Calloway for access. This causes a three- to five-minute delay in service. Secondly, is the issue of safety. If law enforcement officers, medical emergency providers or the public are not aware of the road block, tragedy could occur resulting in serious injury or loss of life. It is therefore our recommendation the gate located at the west end of Shallabarger Road be removed. Sincerely, Carl Sparks Sheriff-Coroner D1123.cs PLEASE ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIQNS TO THE SHERIFF ~00/.1~00~ S~ DUIgl]J 9 0 3 /,~0I ~l~ 199~ 6g:OI 00/0~/1,0 ... CITY of BAKERSFIELD "-,~.~,". .. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF POLICE ERIC W. MATLOCK (661) 326-3821 Chief o! Police January 3, 2000 Council Member David Couch c/o City Clerk 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Shellabarger Road Access Dear Council Member Couch: I am writing to express my support for removal of the crash gate located at the west end of Shellabarger Road. The crash gate will slow our response to emergencies and critical incidents. The area surrounding Shellabarger Road is rapidly developing and increasing in population. Should rapid and strategic deployment of officers be necessary, two points of entry are essential. It is my recommendation that the crash gate located at the west end of Shellabarger Road be removed to ensure a rapid response to calls of an emergency nature. Sincerely, Chief of Police "" EWM/vrf 1601 TRUXTUN AVENUE ,, P.O. BOX 59 · BAKERSFIELD, CA 93302 S00/I, 00~ S~ aI'lgl'ld 9 0 3 L~0I t~£ T99~, 6£:0'[ 00/0g/l~0 B L D FI _ E December 13, 1999 Councilmember David Couch .ON F.~ZE City Council 150 t Truxmn Avenue ADMiNIS'tRATrV~ SERVICES 2~0~ '.' s~.l Bakersfield, CA 9330 l I~ke~fmid. CA 93501 vo~c~ (sos) F~x (sos) ~99-~9 Dear Councilmember Couch: suPP~Ess~ot~ sE~wcas Subject: Shellabarger Road Access 2101 'H' Bokemflekt, CA ga301 volc~ (sos) ~.3~ Access to an incident or a potential incident is one of the most crucial elements FAX [SOS) $95-1349 considered when approving a new development. Having two accesses in and out ..~E~O. Sr~WC£S of a development is imperative for emergency vehicles and the evacuation of 1715 Choslor Ave. citizens in the same area if necessary. I~akomf~ld, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-~951 F~x (sos) 32~-os?~ Shellabarger Road, in essence, is a cul-de-sac over a mile in length. With few EN~ONUEUr~. SE~ncEs exceptions and in new developments, cul-de-sacs are limited to 600 feet in length 1~1~ Chester Ave. as cul-de-sacs are basically dead end sweets with the same way in and the same Bakersfield. CA voice (sos) 32~-3979 way out. This situation can turn into Ixagedy if the only access is blocked, FAX (SOS) 326-0576 denying access to emergency vehicles. ~OaNl.~ mWStON Although a crash gate has been installed at the west end of Shellabarger Road, 5642 Victor Ave. ~e~ete, CA 9aeo~ we believe this is still not the best solution. Upon utilizing a crash gate, ~x (so.s~ 3~.s?s$ emergency crews must stop their apparatus, physically get offtheir apparatus, proceed to force entry through the gate, and then proceed to the emergency. We feel too many crucial minutes will be lost in performing this action. It is our re~ommandation the crash gate located at the west end of Shellabarger Road be removed to enhance the safety of the citizens living in this area. Ron Fraze Fire Chief Fire Chief Bakersfield Fire Department Kern County Fire Deparunent RF/kec p?dcncr~S~llabat~cr Road GOO/GO0[~ S~i~ ;9I~I~'ld fl 0.3 LZOT ~Z~ T99,~, OI~:OT * O0/OZ/~O PNC Mortgage Corp. of America 661 837 2023 Tel 1601 New Stine Road 661 837 4158 Fax Suile 105 Bakm~field, CA 93309 PNCMORTGAGE David Couch 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, Calif. 93301 Dear Mr. Couch: I am writing to urge you NOT to recommend the opening of Shellabarger Road. I live on the corner of Jewetta and Birch- Haven Ave. and would be adversely affected by the increase of Traffic if Shellabarger Road was opened up. Thank-you for your careful consideration of this matter. Sincerely, Shirley Folsom From: Shawn Caldwell <' ....... To: "'city_council@ci.bakersfield.ca.us'" <city_counci Date: Mon, Mar 13, 2000 9:07 AM Subject: Shellabarger Road I have written one letter to Councilman David Couch expressing my concern about opening the gate on Shellabarger Road. Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend the Wed. night Council meeting so I am sending this e-mail to register my vote against opening the gate. I live in Regency Manor which is the adjoining neighborhood and will be negatively affected by the opening of this gate. I have 2 small children and there are a total of 16 children on my cul-de-sac alone. If the gate is opened, this will seriously increase the traffic that goes through my neighborhood and increases the danger to children. We chose this neighborhood because we wanted a quiet area with limited traffic so our children would be safe. The argument to open the gate is for "Public Safety" and access for emergency vehicles. The people on Shellabarger 'Road have lived there for 20 years with the same access, why is it now that there is a public safety issue? The real reason people from Shellabarger want the gate opened is to have quicker access to Jewetta and Palm through my neighborhood. The best solution to the problem is listed in John Stinson's Administrative Report. The City should connect Shellabarger with Palm Ave, this would give them the access they want and it would keep the extra traffic from being routed through my neighborhood. Palm Ave is wide enough to handle more traffic and would provide easier access for emergency vehicles. I also believe Palm Ave. already has an inlet that could easily be connected with Shellabarger. Thank you for your time, I hope you vote to keep the gate closed. Sincerely, Shawn Caldwell " (93312) Phone: ' -- From: "Fuller, Shelly" _ To: CITYDOM.citypol(City_Council) Date: Tue, Mar 14, 2000 11:09 AM Subject: Opening Shellabarger Road I would like to voice my disapproval with the opening of Shellabarger Road where it intersects with Pepita Way. This will increase traffic on my streets and will jeopardize the safety of children walking to school and the bus stop in the area. Please reconsider your recommendation to open Shellabarger Rd: Thank you, Tax Payer, Shelly Fuller RECEIVED March 15, 2000 Dear City Counsel ~CITY MANAGER'S OF":':" We the Residents of Shellabarger Road must have another safe way to exit and enter Shellabarger safely! With the Calloway project and the six lanes they are adding, we have a very dangerous intersection. Calloway is a deadly intersection. The speed of the traffic is getting worse by the day. We need the West End open and it should have been open immediately, when the development was started! Mr. Koch petition did not give the correct facts about the opening. Lloyd Norton sent a map, on how we would be connected to the new development. This was agreeably with 97% of the Shellabarger residents. No one wanted the Calloway project but it was forced on us! We don't want our neighborhood changed but it is changing and we must open up the West End of our street. That's-the least amount of change and the best option for the safety of the residents. We have had two accidents on Shellabarger, with both accidents the electric lines were down. We cotfld not get to our homes and others could not get out. It was hours before the emergency workers would let us threw, it did not matter what we said they would not let us threw, not walking or any other alliterative did we have. With the street begin closed, the young children on Shellabarger stand at Calloway at this busy and high speed intersection and wait for their school bus. If we were open, the young children would be picked up and dropped off on our street, not out there in this dangerous intersection. All the law enforcement officers, City, Cotmtry and Highway Patrol, have all been out on Shellabarger and all agreed that this road needs to be opened.' They don't like to come on our street because it's closed. They agreed if it was opened, they would patrol Shellabarger like they do iPalm and Brimhall. Some people do speed, knowing there is no officer behind them, and our speed limit is 25. If Mr. Koch had the map and all the real facts, very few people would have signed his petition. When I had all the facts and maps, 97% of the residents signed the Petition to open the West End of Shellabarger. They were concern to know how we would be connected and agreed we needed another option to enter and exit safely. Just like other neighborhoods legally have. Both Fire Chief s, Country and City, hate crash gates they both have agreed they want them gone! It will be years before we have a traffic light involved in the Calloway project! Lloyd Norton knows of our situation and he says we just have to wait! The West End of Shellabarger is best and quickest solution! In the meeting there was concern about large trucks, the Heguilustoy have livestock trucks, they know they can not use this way, they know the zoning only allows trucks that are involved with movers. I watched the meeting last night, this situation has been postponed again. The news media did help the public with their situation with the country and the city and it did get resolved. You did listen to what the residents wanted. The residents on Shellabarger, they are really tired and getting more frustrated. We can not get out of our street safely, We can not get in safely either with the people going over the speed limit and also illegally going a round us. Do the fight thing, open the West End and do not change anything else. We had enough change in our neighborhood for a lifetime. Open the west end of Shellabarger and do it quickly before someone is killed. Debra Coyle 1706 ~cr Ave. · Bakersfield, ~ 9]301 · (805) ~2 · F~ (805) 327-8747 Downtown Circulation DBA Vision,Committee Circulation Committee - Downtown collector / arterial street ~rid "H" and "N" Street Options "L" Street Options 1 2 3 4 5 1' 2 3 4 5 .2.way 2.way 1-way 1-way 2-way 2,way 2-way 1,way 1-way 2-way parking 8 8 8 8. 8 8 bike . South travel < leflturn<=> 11 ! I ! I 12-5'1 11I i' I 112.5 curb lane > :i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i i:i:i:i:i:i:i:!:; :i:i:i:i:i:i:i: i:i:i.i:~:i:i: :i:::: :: :: :: :: :::::: ::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: :':':':'"'"" . ..........:.:.: .:.::::::::i:i: !:iiiiiiiiiiiii Northtravel> :i:i:!ii::!i!ii i ::i !i~i~ii!i iiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii !!i!iii:i :i:i::::::::':':' :':'''''''''' ' North travel > i:i:i:::::::i:i::i:i:~i3i:i:iiii~li'~i~ii i::;~,i!~::::i::i::!!!!i::ii! '!!iiiiii ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: ii:::::::::: bike parking 0 8 8 8 0 8' 8 8 54.5 54.5 54.5 54,5 54-,5 54.5 54-.5 54,5 54.5 54`.5 54.5 "F" Street Options - 24th to 19th and 19th to Truxtun 1 I a 2 2a 3 3a 4 4a 5 5a 6 7' 2-way 2-wayl 2-way 2-way 1-way 1-way 1-way 1-way 2-way 2-way 2-way:2-way parking 0 0 8 8 8 8 0 0 8 ' 8 8 8 bike 5 5 curb lane < :i:!:~i~i:i:!:!:~il~:~2$i: :i:i:i:i:i:!:!:!:i:i:i:i:i:i:!:.i: :::::::::::::::::::::: ::.i:6 ::::: .i~: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: left turn <=> 1211I I I I12.5 31.1s North travel > ii!ii':!!::iiiii::i::i::i::!!ili::i::i::i:: ::i::!!ii!::ii!iiii!i!i::!::i::i::i::iii:: ::.i::i'iii'!'!'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'!'i'i 'i'i'i'i'i'!'i'!'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'!'i 'i'i'i'!'!'i'i i iii!i!i!i!i i iii:~i!i!i!iiiiiiii i!iii!iii!;!iii North travel > :::¥1:2:::::::::.1:0:5::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: ::: ::::: ::: : :: :::: :::: ::::::::::::: : I;2~5:::: :~I!3::::: ~:~i:5: : ::.~ :: curb lane > :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i::i::ii;iii;?::i???::i::i::iii::::ii i::iiiiiii::i::iiiii::i::i::i?ii?:i::ii 'i::i!ii::iiiiiiii::i::iii?iii::ii?::::i ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: bike 5 5 parking 0 0 8 8 8 8 0 0 8 8 8 8 64 54.5 64 64 64 54.5 64 54.5 64 54.5 64 54.5 "H" & "N" - D.B.A. Preferred Street Options -"F" & "L" H H N N F F-a F F-a L L 2-way 1-way 2-way 1-way 2-way 2-way 1-way 1-way . 2-way 1-way parkin(. 10 8 13 13 8 1.3 bik~ 8 6 6 left tum <=> · 11' I !' 11. ! ! 11 11 I I 11 travel curb > i!i:iii!iii:i:i:i:i:~ii3i5i: i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i !i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!?li3~ 5i!i !i!i!i!i!i:i:!: !!!!!!::ii il~iSiiiiiii::!!!!!!!!! :!!!ii: ::13ii5:::: :? ::: bike "'""' ....... 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