HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/05/2001 BAKERSFIELD David Couch, Chair Sue Benham Mike Maggard Staff: John W. Stinson URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Monday, November 5, 2001 1:00 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room, Suite 201 Second Floor - City Ha11,1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. ADOPT OCTOBER 1, 2001 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding City/County drilling requirements - Hardisty 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding commercial and .. industrial development regulations - Hardisty B. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding development of new dairies - Hardisty C. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding lot sizes - Hardisty D. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding freeway phasing- Rojas 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT S:~JOHl~Urban Dev2001~d01nov05agen.wpd "~I ~. ~ C0P'Y DRAFT BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy, City Manager John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AND THE PLANNING COMMISSION COMMITTEE of the City Council and Planning Commission - City of Bakersfield Monday, October 1, 2001, 1:00 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room, Suite 201 second Floor - City Ha11,1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 1. ROLL CALL The meeting was Called to Order at 1:05 p.m. Councilmembers: Planning Commissioners: David Couch, Chair (arrived at 1:45 p.m) Stephen H. Boyle Sue Benham Tom McGinnis Mike Maggard Murray Tragish (absent) 2. ADOPT SEPTEMBER 17, 2001 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted. (Councilmember Couch absent) 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion and recommendation of both Committees on 2010 General Plan Update Development Services Director Jack Hardisty reported staff work on the update of the 2010 General Plan is close to conclusion. Staff is recommending that the City and County Planning Commissions meet jointly as both are required to take action on the development of the 2010 General Plan update and working together is more cohesive and saves time. On the original adoption of the 2010 General Plan and the Kern River Plan, both Planning Commissions met in joint meetings and both instances were very successful. " DRAFT URBAN DEVELOPMENT- PLANNING COMMISSION JOINT COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Monday, October 1, 2001 Page -2- Commissioners Boyle and McGinnis both agreed that it would be useful to have a joint meeting of the City and County Planning Commissions when there is a specific purpose, such as the 2010 General Plan update. It is beneficial and it presents to the public that the City and County are working together. However, it was noted just to meet jointly without specific direction ~probably would not be productive. The South Beltway was discussed. Development Services Director Jack Hardisty commented that it might be helpful at this point in time for the City Council and Board of Supervisors to discuss the status of the Beltway. The Planning Commissions will be looking at the alignment and its location as part of the General Plan update. Committee member Benham made a motion to recommend to the City Council that the City Planning Commission meet jointly with the County Planning Commission on the 2010 General Plan update. The motion was unanimously approved. (Councilmember Couch absent) It was noted that the Board of Supervisors approval would be needed for the County Planning Commission to meet jointly with the City Planning Commission. Staff will contact the County Planning Director. B. Discussion and recommendation of both Committees regarding Minority Reports by the Planning Commission when there is a split vote (This item heard last.) Committee Chair Couch stated it would make Council's job easier when a recommendation is received from the Planning Commission that does not have a unanimous vote of the Commission, if there were a sheet explaining why Commissioners did not support the recommendation. Development Services.Director Jack Hardisty suggested during the Planning Commission meetings as part of the process, the reasons for the dissenting votes would be noted. This information would then be included in the administrative report with a brief synopsis of the reasons for Commissioners not supporting the recommendation. C. Discussion and recommendation of both Committees regarding Vision 2020 Implementation During the development of City Council Goals and Guiding Principles, the Council incorporated recommendations from Vision 2020 policies into their goals. Staff will distribute copies of the Goals and Principles to the members of the Planning Commission. There were questions regarding how the Planning Commission can best communicate ideas or special concerns to the City Council. Committee member Maggard responded this could be accomplished through quarterly meetings Of the Urban Development and Planning Commission Committees. The Council liaison to the Planning Commission could also be. contacted to communicate time sensitive issues to the Council. It was noted when the 2010 General Plan is updated and adopted, it will be called the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan with the "2010" dropped. " DRAFT AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Monday, October 1, 2001 Page -3- D. Discussion and recommendation of both Committees regarding Planning for the Northeast Hills and Bluffs Jack Hardisty reported planning for the northeast area in regard to open space (hills and bluffs) is moving along to the point where the Planning Commission will be recommending to the City Council that preservation of open space has been pursued in the northeast and a general area of about 2,500 acres has been identified, which could be put in the General Plan. Shortly, it will be going to the Council for adoption of a policy to preserve open space in the northeast. This should probably be laid out in a series of more detail implementation policies, such as transfer of development rights to trade development within property ownership and development of property while still maintaining the open space element. In addition to adoption of a policy for open space in the northeast, staff is recommending the development of a concept plan of how the City envisions the area will look in conjunction or follow up to the General Plan. A similar process was used for the Kern River Plan. It was first adopted as a General Plan element and then with consensus, later a Specific Plan was done. The Specific Plan worked well for the Kern River Plan as the City owned the majority of the property and the part not owned by the City was left for voluntary acquisition. However, the northeast hills and bluff area is much different. Most of the property is privately owned, except for a small portion of BLM and County land. For this area of the northeast, it would be important to develop a concept plan so there is a plan available to show the public what the City is trying to achieve, but not to the degree that we adopt it as a Specific Plan or zoning infringement because that moves into the areas of inverse condemnation. Part of the success of the hearings in the northeast has hinged on the fact that it has been predicated on voluntary participation. If the property owners are interested in selling, the City would be interested in acquiring property. With the anticipated development in the northeast, the use of off-road vehicles on private land is coming to a close as homes are built. Reassurance has been given to the off-highway vehicle owners that the City would support development of an off-highway vehicle area somewhere convenient to Metropolitan Bakersfield. There are funds available that could be applied for from the State to acquire land for this use. Committee member Maggard has spoken with Dick Taylor, member of (CORVA), California Off Road Vehicles Association, who had information about "Green Sticker Money" that could be applied for from the State, up to $1 million for land acquisition. It was discussed that two sections are the perfect size and each section generates 30 miles of trail. Commissioner Boyle felt we should develop a set of standards for sidewalks, walkways, and bicycle lanes for the northeast, before too much development has occurred. He was also concerned about the need for developing regional parks and applying for grant funding. The Subdivision Map Act provides access to and along the river. The development of a concept plan/map could have policies for sidewalks, setbacks, trails, river access, habitat preservation, open space, etc. DRAFT URBAN DEVELOPMENT- AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Monday, October 1, 2001 Page -4- It was discussed there needs to be freedom in the marketplace for development, but still have a plan for the area to develop. It was suggested meeting with the property owners/developers to see what their concepts are, and how they envision their property relating to the open space areas. It was noted, if a developer does not require a zone change, they can move forward with development of the property. Committee member Maggard spoke regarding the ridge tops and the controversy because there are some folks who do not want to see ridge-top development. The ridge tops can be developed unless someone-buys and preserves it. The Committee concurred with the Development Services Director that staff proceed with developing a concept plan and continue to work with the property owners and other interested groups in the northeast hills and bluff area to see what their concepts are. 5. COMMI'I'rEE COMMENTS Committee Chair Couch stated he would like to meet with Jack Hardisty regarding funding regional parks and explore development fees as a possible source. The Committee canceled the October 8, 2001 regularly scheduled meeting. Committee member Maggard spoke regarding towers and the 300 feet for notification and requested staff to come back to discuss notifications based on height of tower and what authority the Council has in regard to placement. Committee member Maggard stated he would like staff to handle group homes and towers the same as liquor licenses where the Councilmember whose ward it is in, is notified by staff. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 2:25 p.m. Attendance - staff: Assistant City Manager John W. Stinson; City Attorney Bart Thiltgen; Development Services Director Jack Hardisty; Acting Planning Director Jim Movius; Deputy City Attorney Ginny Gennaro; and Parks Supervisor Ken Trone. City Manager Alan Tandy arrived for last part of meeting. Others: Roger Mclntosh, Mclntosh Associates; Brian Todd, BIA of Kern County; James Burger, Reporter, The Bakersfield Californian; Cassie Daniel, Bakersfield Association of Realtors; Pauline Larwood, Smart Growth Coalition; and Dave Ford, Channel 29 - TV. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers S:~JOHN~Urban Dev2OOl\udOloctOlsummary.wpd