HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/03/2003 B A K E R S F I E L D David COuch, Chair Sue Benham Mike Maggard Staff: John W. Stinson SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMI'I-rEE of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Monday, February 3, 2003 3:00 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room, Suite 201 Second Floor- City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. ADOPT OCTOBER 7, 2002 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding Transportation Development Fees - Rojas 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding side yard setbacks - Hardisty B. ' Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding CNG Fleet Vehicles - Rojas C. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding Committee meeting schedule for 2003 - Stinson 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT S:~JOHN~Council Committees\Urban Development 2003\ud03feb03.doc DRAFT David Couch, Chair Alan Tandy, City Manager Sue Benham Staff: John W. Stinson Mike Maggard AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Monday, October 7, 2002, 1:00 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room - City Hall 1. ROLL CALL The ,meeting was called to order at 1:04 p.m. Present: Councilmembers David Couch, Chair; Sue Benham and Mike Maggard 2. ADOPT SEPTEMBER 27, 2002 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT · Adopted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding Transportation Development Fees Public Works Civil Engineer Marian Shaw reported City and County staffs have been meeting monthly for the last six months to discuss the update to the Transportation Impact Fee Program. Projects are being identified that will need .to be added to the program to get a complete circulation system by 2030. Costs are being assigned to the projects and total costs should be available by the end of the year. A map was displayed showing new signals, which will be needed in the future. Assistant. Public Works Director Jack LaRochelle gave an update on additional potential improvement projects for the Transportation Impact Fee Program. AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING DRAFT Monday, October 7, 2002 Page - 2 - 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding operation of Bakersfield Airport Public Works Director Raul Rojas handed out an* aerial view of the flight pattern .for Meadows Field. Staff has met with the FFA regarding safety concerns. The FFA was invited to come to the Bakersfield Municipal Airport ("airpark") to view takeoffs and landings. They did come and observe and did not report any problems. Ray Bishop, Meadows Field Director, had brought to our attention that right turns off the airpark come directly into the flight path of Meadows Field traffic. To solve this safety issue, staff attempted to get the tower control at Meadows Field extended over the airpark, so the pilots would have to report and get clearance. The FFA refused the City's request. The airpark has been "signed' for the pilots to turn left. However, pilots can still legally turn right if they do not go into Meadows Field's air space as depicted by the red circle on the aerial map. Staff has contacted the FFA to ask what the closure procedures are. There is a national group with .political support that opposes airport closures, so there could be opposition from that group as well as the-local pilots if the City formally files for a closure. The FFA is Usually reluctant to approve closures, and coupled with a request for a waiver on the payback of the grants, closure may be difficult to obtain. Brad Underwood, Operations Manager, explained Public Works has been maintaining the airpark with a limited budget at a break-even point. In the past FFA grants were used for maintenance. Staff has not applied, until the closure issue is resolved. Applying for new grants may extend the time for closing the airpark. Keeping the airpark open has the risk of incurring large repairs. The Committee asked Brad Underwood for a memo regarding: the exact date we could close the airpark; if the City applies for federal grants, how that affects the closure date under FFA regulations; and whether the City's purchase of property for the airpark affects the 20 year obligation period. City Manager Alan Tandy defined choices the Committee/Council may want to consider: · Actively seek closure because of safety issues. · Invest more money, market the airpark, solicit more business and go after grants, which may lengthen the City's obligation to keep it open. · Keep the same path we have been on for the last five years. Do not seek federal grants or actively solicit business on the assumption that we will wind it down at some point when the grant repayment has expired. The Committee requested staff to make another attempt to get the tower control at Meadows Field extended over the airpark, to request assistance from Congressman Thomas and check to see if there is an appeal process. When more information is available, this item will return to the Committee. URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, October 7, 2002 Page - 3- B. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding Sidewalk Inspection Program (This item heard first) Public Works Director Raul Rojas explained prior to 1995, the City took the position that it was the property owners responsibility to maintain sidewalks in front of the houses, even thought the sidewalk was in the public right-of-way. It was difficult to enforce because most of the sidewalks needing repair were in older neighborhoods and the residents were retired or Iow-income and could not afford the cost of repairs. Aisc, unlike other code enforcement issues, sidewalk deterioration/damage may not be intentronally caused by the homeowner. In 1995, the Urban Development Committee created a sidewalk policy. Public Works budget includes $50,000 gas tax money per year for sidewalk repair. 'The CDI3G program has an. additional $25,000 to $50,000 pe~ year apPlicable to qualified'low- income a.r..eas. The City does not perform yearly inspections on all City sidewalks. When calls/complaints come in, the sidewalk is inspected and needed rePairs are put on a prioritized list according to severity/safe-l~/concerns. The City Urban Forester makes the determination on repairs where tree.~ c~re causing sidewalk damage. The Streets Division removes the damaged walk and a contractor makes the repairs. Driveway cuts are still the responsibility of the property owner. With the current budget of $50,000 a year, there is a backlog and sometimes a wait of three to four years for · routine sidewalk repair other than those that Present an immediate safety concerr~ City Attorney Bart Thiltgen .stated he referred this item because he wanted to keep'the Committee informed about a recent case now beiRg appealed in the U. S. Supreme Court, which included a rule that sidewalk maintenance is a program under the ADA. If legal trends change, there may be a need for a more intensive sidewalk inspection/repair program. Legal staff will keep the Committee/Council informed of any substantive rulings from the Court. 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 2:54 p.m. Attendance - staff: City Manager Alan Tandy; Assistant City Manager John W. Stinson; City Attorney Bart Thiltgen; Public Works Director Raul Rojas; Development Services Director Jack Hardisty; Assistant Public Works Director Jack LaRochelle; Public Works Civil Engineer Marian Shaw; and Streets Superintendent Mike Connors. Others: Ron Sprague, Chair, Planning Commission; Brian Todd, BIA of Kern County; Brent Kaff, KBAK - TV 29; Tammy Brown, KUZZ News; and James Burger, The Bakersfield Californian cc: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers S:~JOHN~Council Committees\Urban Dev2002~udO2oct7$umma~/.doc SCHEDULED MEETINGS EXHIBIT' A JANUARY 2003 THROUGH DECEMBER 2003 BAKERSFIELD CiTY COUNCIL REG. MTG. @7PM IL_JIBUDGET MEETING & PRESENTATIONS WORKSHOPS @ 5:15PM Monday's @ Noon, Wednesday's @ 5:15pm Hearing on 6/11, Adoption on 6/25 @Urban Development Meetings (3:00 p.m. through April, 1:00 p.m thereafter Holidays ~ City Hall Closed Joint City/County Meeting FEBRUARY MARCH ~ i7~ w TH F s 1 9 10 11~ __ 13 14 15 ~i'~ 18 22 19 20 21 'APRIL MAY JUNE S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 1-~ 12~13~{ ~5 !7 ~18~ 19 2~ 21 22 23 24 IULY AL JST SEPTEMBER !BER NOV! DECEMBER S:\JOHN\Council Committees\Urban Development 2003\2003 Urban Development Meetings HANDOU~ - FEBRUARY 3, 2003 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM February 3, 2003 TO: Urban Development Committee FROM: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director SUBJECT: Fee Schedule for Phase III Transportation Impact Fee Over the past several months, City and County staff have been looking at an update to the impact fee facilities list. Attached is a very preliminary look at the possible impact .fee schedule for "Phase II1" of the Transportation Impact Fee program based upon that updated list. This must be considered preliminary because the facility list, 'costing approximately $500,000,000 over the next twenty years, has not yet been verified through the KernCOG traffic model. There are also several assumptions with regard to number of residential and non-residential units that have to be finalized. Before this fee schedule and facilities list can be taken to hearing, several things must happen: 1. Refine the project total -- projects on the impact fee list must be evaluated against the KernCOG traffic model to determine if the are required to serve the expected new growth and maintain a Level of Service "C". The traffic model has just recently been updated with the new growth figures and will be ready for us to use to check our facilities list soon. 2. Update the lane mileage and other factors. These factors come from the new facilities list and the model data. 3. Check refined project list against new traffic model and revise project list as necessary. This can take several iterations. 4. Review fee schedule and background with BIA and other groups. 5. Present update to Urban Development Committee, County Board of ' Supervisors. 6. Prepare nexus document in accordance with Government Code Section 66000 et al. S:\PROJECTS\TII~Phase 3\UrbDevPhase III TIF.doc 7. Prepare an environmental document such as a Negative Declaration or a Categorical Exemption. 8. Hearings before the City Council and the Board of Supervisors. Notice shall be in accordance with Government Code Section 66018. 9. Preparation of the ordinance amendment and the resolution adopting the new fee schedule, 10. First and second reading of the ordinance and adoption of the fee resolution by the City Council and the Board of Supervisors. S:VPROJECTS\TIF~Phase 3\UrbDevPhase III TIF.doc TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE SCHEDULE PRELIMINARY. PHASE III $250,528,981  $54,364,061 $39,636,050 $41,4~1[~,005 44627.3~.~'3;781,421 $62oI ~ $96 c~ $116 lC $138 11 $190 12 $228 603970.23 $70,270,482 13 $267 14 $309 15 $342 16 $371 L PROGRAM COST = $500,000,000 S:\PROJECTS\TIF\full fee trial 4.xls 2/3/2003 Transportation 'Impact Fee Phase III Study "Core Area" February 2, 2003 The following documents pertain to the: URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE meeting of Monday, February 3, 2003 at 3:00 PM. ~ ~ t]ANDOUT - FEBRUARY 3, 2003 STATUS OF ALTERNATE FUEL VEHICLES AND LCNG FUELING STATION Currently the City has a total of 67 alternate fuel vehicles: · 55 are Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) · 5 are Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) · 7 are Electric Powered Vehicles Clean Air Grants have been utilized to offset the additional costs associated with the alternate fuel vehicles: · $200,000 for 5 LNG refuse trucks · $165,862 for 5 CNG street sweepers · $26,000 for 13 CNG pick-ups Fueling Facility: · Ability to fuel Compressed Natural Gas and Liquid Natural Gas vehicles · Construction to start mid-February, 2003 · $1,041,682 from Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (through Kern COG) for the construction of the LCNG fueling station. Clean Air Grants for the purchase of 11 LNG heavy duty trucks:__. 6 refuse side loaders 2 refuse front loaders ~- - 1 refuse roll-off 2 front loading dump trucks · $256,299 from SJVAPCD (approved) · $240,000 from Kern COG (pending),--t~ Projected Alternate Fuel Purchases: · 1 LNG front loader · 4 CNG pick-ups Alternate Fuel Vehicles & Equipment PARKS & RECREATION EQUIP YR MAKE DESCRIPTION 4809 98 FORD F-150 CNG 4192 99 FORD F-250 CNG 4450 99 FORD F-250 CNG 4744 99 FORD F-250 CNG 4151 99 FORD F-250 CNG 4128 01 FORD F-150 CNG 4129 01 FORD F-150 CNG 4125 01 FORD F-150 CNG 4586 01 FORD F-150 CNG 4587 01 FORD F-150 CNG 4449 01 FORD F-150 CNG 4992 02 FORD F-150 CNG 4990 02 FORD F-150 CNG 4831 02 FORD F-150 CNG 4991 02 FORD F-150 CNG 4985 02 FORD F-150 CNG 4986 02 FORD F-150 CNG 4987 02 FORD F-150 CNG 4988 02 FORD F-150 CNG 4989 02 FORD F-150 CNG 4124 01 FORD F-150 CNG 4457 01 FORD F-150 CNG 4462 01 FORD F-150 CNG Total CNG = 23 EQUIP YR MAKE DESCRIPTION 4277 98 CLUB CAR ELECTRIC 4400 02 GEM ELECTRIC 4401 02 GEM ELECTRIC 4485 02 CLUB CAR ELECTRIC 4493 02 CLUB CAR ELECTRIC 4494 02 CLUB CAR ELECTRIC 4495 02 CLUB CAR ELECTRIC Total Electdc Carts = 7 Department Total = 30 p.UBLIC WORKS EQUIP YR MAKE DESCRIPTION 4513 97 VOLVO LNG REFUSE TRUCK, FRONT LOADER 4514 97 VOLVO LNG REFUSE TRUCK, SIDE LOADER 4581 97 VOLVO LNG REFUSE TRUCK, FRONT LOADER 4582 97 VOLVO LNG REFUSE TRUCK, SIDE LOADER 4583 97 VOLVO LNG REFUSE TRUCK, SIDE LOADER Total LNG = 5 EQUIP YR MAKE DESCRIPTION 4033 92 FORD F-150 CNG 4829 02 FORD F-150 CNG 4830 02 FORD F-150 CNG 4807 98 FORD F-150 CNG 4828 01 FORD F-150 CNG 4634 97 TYMCO SWEEPER CNG 4635 97 TYMCO SWEEPER CNG 4636 00 TYMCO SWEEPER CNG 4638 00 TYMCO SWEEPER CNG 4614 00 TYMCO SWEEPER CNG 4463 01 FORD F-150 CNG 4466 01 FORD F-150 CNG 4447 01 FORD F-150 CNG 4804 98 FORD F-150 CNG 4203 99 FORD F-250 CNG 4207 01 FORD F-150 CNG 4217 01 FORD F-150 CNG 4218 01 FORD F-150 CNG 4219 01 FORD F-150 CNG 4008 94 FORD F-150 CNG 4805 98 FORD F-150 CNG 4806 98 FORD F-150 CNG 4461 01 FORD F-150 CNG 4468 01 FORD F-150 CNG 4164 02 FORD F-150 CNG 4165 02 FORD F-150 CNG 4162 02 FORD F-150 CNG 4163 02 FORD F-150 CNG 4030 92 FORD F-150 CNG 4808 98 FORD F-150 CNG 4881 01 FORD F-150 CNG Total CNG = 30 Department Total = 35 WATER EQUIP YR MAKE DESCRIPTION 4677 01 FORD F~150 CNG Department Total CNG = 2 Grand Total -'- 67