HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/24/1993 B A K E R S F I E L D ~// Randy Rowles, Chair Alan ~ndy, City M~"a~/ Kevin McDermott Staff: Jack Hardisty Patricia M. Smith AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITI'EE Wednesday, November 24, 1993 12:00 noon Development Services Building Second Floor Conference Room Planning Commissioners: Jeff Andrew Steve Messner Darren Powers The meeting was called to order at 12:15 p.m. by Chair Randy Rowles. 1. Public Statements - (Limited to one minute each) Dr. Neal Olsen, Associate Superintendent of Business, Kern High School District, asked that he and Dr. Dennis Scott, Director of Business, Kern High School District, be permitted to address the Committee during discussion of Item #5 - School Impact Fees. Councilmember McDermott moved to bring Item #5 of the agenda up for discussion at this time. Motion carried. 5. School Impact Fees Staff distributed letter from the BIA and a staff outline of this issue (attachment #5 and #5A). With the defeat of Proposition 170 the schools were thrown back to having to testify at each public hearing on zone changes and general plan amendments and that the schools would suffer significant impacts which should be mitigated as a part of the project or an EIR would have to be done prior to project approval. McAllister Ranch contested the $3.65 per square foot supported by the BIA and school districts. Every developer Of projects approved in the city and county has agreed to pay $3.65 since last January. The Board of Supervisors required that $3.65 per square foot of residential building be paid to the school APPROVED MARCH 10, 1994 districts as mitigation and that staff codify this requirements with an inflation factor. Staff will prepare a draft ordinance similar to the county's for Council's consideration. Less than 6,000 square-foot Residential Lots Staff distributed a memo describing the circumstances under which lots of less than 6,000 square-feet could be approved (attachment #2). It was noted that most of the small lots are being proposed in R-2 Zones. The market now favors small lots whose approval sometimes raises issues of neighborhood definition. This is because development of small lots in R-2 does not require the same amenities as in R-1 or P.U.D. Zones. The City Attorney advised the Committee that the city should be watchful that approval of single-family residential development in R-2 Zones does not interfere with the provision of low-income housing which would be build as apartments. Perhaps we are falling short on the trade-off between smaller lots and amenities for the residents. The Planning Director said the question seems to be: "Have we gone too far or not?" The Committee didn't feel we had gone too far yet. In conclusion, the Committee felt it would be appropriate for the Planning Commission to continue discussions of this and report back to the City Council. 3. Status of Alternate Planning Commissioner There was general discussion of the need for an eighth commissioner in the alternate's role. The Committee felt that alternate served a useful purpose and this role might be expanded within the bounds of the ordinance and due process. The Committee agreed that the City Attorney would work on the legal issues pending receipt of the request to expand the role of the alternate. 4. General Plan Amendments West of the City Staff distr?outed a list containing brief descriptions of the MeAllister Ranch, Pacifieana, and West Rosedale Specific Plan (attachment #4). The Committee was informed the city has received an application from Castle and Cooke to amend the general plan and the Planning Director has had a preliminary discussion with representatives of Flying Tiger Ranch. Consensus of the Committee was that staff should ask LAFCO to reconsider its policy against annexation of agricultural lands, and we should continue to try to increase our sphere of influence. Staff should be prepared to discuss legal options with the City Council. 5. This item was moved and discussed under Item 1. (above) Public Statements. 6. Pending Ordinances Staff distributed a list of pending ordinances and a summary of the sign ordinance amendment scheduled for hearing by the Planning Commission on December 2, 1993 (attachment #6). The Committee accepted these as information. 7. Trails Planning Staff distributed an outline (attachment #7). Trails planning seems to be somewhat sporadic, depending on public interest. As a result of our involvement, the county has added an equestrian system to the Western Rosedale Plan. We are also working with a group to define an equestrian trail system from Rio Bravo to Manor Street. The need for additional parking was noted and various alternatives to connect Quailwood to the bike trail along the river were discussed. It was agreed that Couneilmembers Brunni and Rowles would continue working with staff prior to public hearings by the Planning Commission. 8. Set Next Meeting Date December 20, 1993 9. Adjourn Committee adjourned at 2.35 p.m. 3 Attendance: Chair Councilmember Randy Rowles, Councilmember Kevin McDermott, Councilmember Patricia Smith, Planning Commissioner Jeff Andrew, Planning Commissioner Steve Messner, Planning Commissioner Darren Powers, Gail Waiters, Jack Hardisty, Judy Skousen, Ed Schulz, Start Grady, and guests: Dr. Neal Olsen, Associate Superintendent of Business, Kern High School District and Dr. Dennis Scott, Director of Business, Kern High School District. cc: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council JH:jp 4