HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/19/1995 Alii~r-T'andy, City Manager / Kevin McDermott, Chair Staff: Gall E. Waiters / Randy Rowles Patricia M. Smith AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Monday, June 19, 1995 12:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL Call to Order 12:25 p.m. Present: Councilmember Kevin McDermott, Chair; Councilmember Patricia M. Smith Absent: Councilmember Rowles 2. APPROVAL OF MAY 1, 1995 MINUTES Approved as submitted. 3. PRESENTATIONS None 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. WARD REAPPORTIONMENT METHODOLOGY Staff has completed the process of re-mapping all the precincts. Several options for determining the reapportionment structure will be presented to the Council at its July 19 meeting. Staff will develop the parameters that should be followed that take into account future growth in all areas of the city. ,,. FILE COPY Urban Development Committee Agenda Summary Report June 19, 1995 Page 2 B. STATUS REPORT ON HIGHWAYS A written status report was distributed for all freeway and state highway projects. Staff presented three alternatives to constructing the South Beltway project -- McCutcheon Road, Taft Highway and DiGiorgio Road -- to get some idea from the Committee if they were on the right track. The Committee asked that the alternatives be placed on the IGRC agenda so that the County Supervisors would have the same information. Staff suggested that the Mayor and Council ask Kern COG to place the item back on their agenda. C. UNDERGROUND UTILITY COSTS The procedures used for determining the allocation of Rule 20A funds for undergrounding utilities and the projects assigned to those funds was distributed for Committee information. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. VEHICLE TRIP REDUCTION INCENTIVES This item was deferred until Councilmember Rowles is in attendance. B. HOSKING SEWER TRUNK ASSESSMENT Mr. Degeer spoke regarding his property (assessor's parcel #373-060-22). This parcel had a deferred assessment under previous ownership because there were no immediate plans for development of a multi-family unit. When ownership of the parcel changed, the assessment became due and payable. Because Mr. Degeer has no immediate plans to have any development other than single-family residence on the parcel at this time, Mr. Degeer is asking for continued deferment of the assessment or a zone change. The Committee recommended that the deferred assessment on the parcel continue. This action requires Council to amend its current resolution to reflect the assessed difference between R1 and R3. Mr. Degeer can later decide whether to apply for a General Plan Amendment for the zone change. C. REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PLAN Staff provided a listing of all projects included in the Regional Transportation Improvement Plan. Staff will provide additional written information on Casa Loma, Taft Highway and White Lane. The Committee voted to adopt the interim plan and asked that staff placed this item on the agenda for the next IGRC meeting. There was also a Urban Development Committee Agenda Summary Report June 19, 1995 Page 3 request for staff to make a change to the 1995/96 CIP Budget to include the widening of Calloway Drive between Brimhall and Rosedale. D, CIVIL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS OF CALIFORNIA The following issues were brought before the Council on behalf of the CELSC, and subsequently referred to the Urban Development Committee: 1) Request to participate in the selection of a committee to review the effectiveness of the habitat ordinance. The Committee asked staff to relay to Mr. Moreland that staff cannot defer the grading permit required for mitigation, and to inform him of the habitat conservation credits the city currently has. 2) Establishing a process to allow for phasing of improvements for large subdivisions prior to development of a parcel map. Staff recommended suggested amendments to the ordinance which take into consideration some of the valid points raised in Mr. Moreland's letter. The Committee concurred that for very large subdivisions it is costly to have all improvements completed prior to development of a parcel map. Staff's proposed changes will require an amendment to the affected ordinance. 3) Suspending the collection of the fish and game fee. The Committee asked that staff check on the status of the legislation introduced by Senator Costa regarding the fish and game fee. The City Attorney explained that a trial court in Sacramento ruled that the fee is a local tax and, therefore, is not binding to collect by cities. Since a project approval is not final until the fee is paid, staff has advised developers that until the City receives information otherwise, they should follow the law. E. DRAINAGE ISSUE: KERN ClTY/WESTWOOD ESTATES/ASHE ROAD AREAS Staff has identified that the pump station which services these areas should be upgraded and has identified this project in the 1995/96 CIP. A final report of this study will be presented to Council in July 1995. 7. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned 2:05 p.m. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council GEW:jp