HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/01/1995 B A K E R S F I E L D Al~dy, Cit~ .~a~r Kevin McDermott, Chair StAff: Gail E. WaiteCs / Randy Rowles / Patricia M. Smith AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT URBAN DEVELOPMENT Monday, May 1, 1995 12:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room City Hall, Suite 201 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 1. ROLL CALL Call to Order 12:35 p.m. Present: Coun'cilmembers Randy Rowles and Patricia M. Smith Absent: Councilmember Kevin McDermott, Chair 2. APPROVAL OF MARCH 1, 1995 MINUTES Approved as submitted. 3. PRESENTATIONS None 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS Mr. Delmarter spoke in support of a variance or deferral of fees for the Breckenridge drainage basin area until development of the property is completed. A memo was sent to the Public Works Director and Planning Commission regarding this matter. The City APPROVI~ ~ 19, 1995 FILE COPY Urban Development Committee Agenda Summary Report MAY 1, 1995 Page 2 Attorney advised that a change in the ordinance would be required to give the City Council authority to defer the required fees. Staff will review the issue and provide the Council with a recommendation as to whether a change in the ordinance would be appropriate. 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS None 6. NEW BUSINESS A. RESOLUTION PROMOTING GOOD NEIGHBOR RELATIONS The committee recommended that the resolution be forwarded to Council for adoption after staff has made the appropriate changes noting "City" instead of "County." The resolution has been adopted by the County Board of Supervisors. B. MESA MARIN NEIGHBORHOOD COMPATIBILITY STUDY The major issues surrounding the Mesa Marin Raceway continue to be noise and traffic impacting the neighboring residential areas within a 1/,, to 1/2 mile radius of the raceway. The initial steps of the study include re-evaluating the General Plan, defining the project area and the scope of the project. Staff anticipates the study will take approximately six to nine months, when at such time, the study will be brought before the Committee prior to its presentation to the Planning Commission. C. MULTI-USE RECREATION STADIUM AT SAM LYNN The City Council and the Board of Supervisors have contributed $5,000 each for a cost comparison study. A meeting is scheduled for May 4, 1995 to discuss the study scope with the consultant. Staff did not have any additional information to report. This item will be brought back to the next Committee meeting. D, STATUS REPORT ON HIGHWAYS - HIGHWAY 178 SPECIFIC PLAN The specific plan for Highway 178 is needed as a prelude to development within the area. The original alignment plan was adopted by CalTrans in 1960. CalTrans is holding up some development because they would like the City to have a plan to identify early development in the area. Staff wants to be proactive in maintaining this corridor Urban Development Committee Agenda Summary Report MAY 1, 1995 Page 3 and, therefore, suggests Council encourage Kern COG to get back on track with this item. The Committee asked staff to defer additional comments and their recommendations until the next Committee meeting. E. RESOLUTION ADOPTING SPECIFIC PLAN LINES FOR MORNING DRIVE, PALADINO DRIVE AND AN "UNNAMED" COLLECTOR A memo on the status of this project was disseminated to the Committee. The Committee asked staff to continue this item to the next general plan cycle. Prior to scheduling for the next cycle, however, staff was asked to set up a site tour for the Committee and then bring the item back for discussion. F. STREET WIDTH AT SOUTH UNION AND PANAMA LANE In April 1995, Mr. Delmarter proposed to develop property on Tentative Tract 5809 next to the Panama #10 Annexation and applied for a density bonus -- an incentive to develop housing in the Iow to moderate income range. Subsequent review of the project found that it did not qualify for the density bonus. Mr. Delmarter then inquired about receiving a variance to allow a 52' wide street. The City Attorney opined that this project was not eligible for a variance. Because Mr. Delmarter informed the Committee that he could not wait three months for staff to do a review of the density bonus program, staff was asked to review all options that may provide some relief to Mr Delmarter. Staff is also to provide a response in writing to the full Council and Mr. Delmarter. G. UNDERGROUND UTILITY COSTS It was noted that the specific citizen's concern regarding this issue has been resolved. The Vice Chair asked that the item be returned to the next meeting so that further discussion could take place with the entire Committee present. 7. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned 2:20 p.m. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council GEW:jp