HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/30/1991 BAKERSFIELD Ken Peterson, Chair Kevin McDermott Patri¢ia M. Smith Staff: Jack Hardisty AGENDA URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Monday, December 30, 1991 12:00 noon City Manager's Conference Room 1. Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy 2. Ordinances Concerning Abatement of Public Nuisances and Penalty Provisions 3. Annexations to the Northwest - Jim Marino 4. G.E.T. Southwest Transfer Station 5. Acquisition of Sunset Rail Line 6. Transportation.Impact Fee Ordinance 7. Set Next Meeting Others to Attend: Jim Marino GET: Steve Ruggenberg Howard Silver Chuck Michael Chester Moland Connie Littlefield EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Purpose of Comprehensive Housing Affordability StrategY (CHAS) The National Affordability Housing Act of 1990 (also known as the Cranston~Gonzales Housing Act) requires state and local governments to have an approved CHAS in order to access thirteen federal programs (the Appendix contains additional information on these programs emanating from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban DevelOpment (HUD). The CHAS replaces two previously required documents; the Housing Assistance Plan (HAP) and the Comprehensive Homeless Assistance Plan (CHAP). The primary purpose of the CHAS is to facilitate the creation of a needs-based, rather than a resource-based, five-year housing strategy. The CHAS also reflects changes in the federal government toward affordable housing in these areas: · Acknowledgement' that government, as~ well as non-profit entities and private industry now play an increasingly important role in providing affordable housing; .· Providing more flexible use of selected federal housing funds: and · Requiring that specified federal housing funds be matched by local contributions. After considerable analysis and input from various private and public sources, the CHAS clearly suggests that the gap between the availability of affordable housing and the needs is increasing rather than decreasing. Current patterns and future projections indicate that the greatest need is for families, the .elderly, and for those with special needs. The gap can be attributed to various factors, many of which will require further study, especially in light of diminishing resources. A series of priorities and strategies have been developed for targeting efforts and resources to wards addressing those needs in the next five years. This will require cooperation and partnership of the private and public sectors. The CHAS provides a oommunity profile (housing needs assessment and market conditions), a five-year strategy, a one year implementation plan, a monitoring plan and citizen comments. It is comprised of several sections, each of which represents a step in creating a plan to address local affordable housing needs from October 1, 1991 to September 30, 1996. The data for the CHAS has been obtained and extrapolated from a variety of sources such as the U.S. Census Bureau. (1990 Census), the City's Draft Housing Element for the'2010 General. Plan, City Planning Department, County of Kern Council of Governments, among others. Future CHAS documents will more accurately reflect the · The number of HIV disease patients who ~are able to live independently is expected to decrease by 15% through 1996. · Thirty-four percent of the 700 persons represented by Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance in 1990 were low-income seniors. · Approximately 90% of the battered women in self=sufficiency programs are very low-income renters. · Half of the developmentally disabled persons in Bakersfield live with their immedfate family. However, 20% of these persons could live independently with greater assistance. Market Analysis & fnven~ory ~ · The incidence of overcrowding in Bakersfield is at 12.5 percent. · By 1996, 13,252 new housing units will be needed. * · Approximately 4,600 new units will be needed to meet the 'affordable housing need. · (Assuming a four percent growth rate and 2.75 persons per household.) Implications of Market Conditions for .Housing Programs and Strazegies · Although land is available for new construction, infrastructure development affects affordability of the houses built. · Few funding mechanisms are available for financing multi- family new construction, single family homes or rehabilitation of existing structures. Inventory of Facilities and Services for the Homeless · There is no government assisted transitional housing within. the city limits. · There is no family based transitional housing. · There is limited comprehensive support services network among the homeless service providers. Facilities and Services to Assist Persons with Other Special Needs '! There are only 318 subsidized housing units currently available, for seniors. · Group home placement for special needs foster children have insufficient beds to meet current need. Housing and Services for the Homeless · Support the efforts of homeless service providers to establish a comprehensive support services network. · Support the efforts of those providers who are addressing the needs of the various homeless populations for emergency shelters and transitional housing. The City intends to direct available resources towards meeting these priorities and will be monitoring the results on a periodic basis. The City's monitoring goal is to provide coordination with the various federal programs and subgrantees including technical assistance, federal-compliance, and review for CHAS consistency. Over the next five years, the City will endeavor to partner with business and industry, non-profit and public entities in meeting the affordable housing goals of the CHAS. 0 execscha .vzc ":*. " ...... CHAS PARTICPANTS LIST ': ' · ~...~i~'. : American'~ndian Cotmcil~ofiQefitral,'.-'..'.:: ..-. f--'[] California Disability Office [] '~';5':ii~! ': Cbuncil. -'- ...:,!.,.. -.... -..~ . . Kern Food Bank / pacifi¢,C~t;al. Mongai~:!.:i . :g:...,~...~ ~- .-'..,. . .., California Republic Bank ,~ Kern County Economic Opportunity [] Parole' Sen, ices' .' -' : . . -,~,;,,. .. -.... . . .'.Z-- .-';. . r~ · Kern. Minority Contractor Association ~ '; -.- -' -' -.;..:'~.:':'-.': ..);.;.,-,. ,.-: ....... .. .:~? [] Kern Medical Center '%' . _. ~- .... ,~' - Ebony ........ . ' :~:': [] ~.'?<' 'Adolescent DrugEducm .... ' -'" ;....- [] Rescue Missiot~.i.'-' ..__on. ,~ Kern County Alcohol Center .... :.-:' ,( · . ; '. ",. .~',-: :. /. ~-- ..... . ,. :: -.. / - . ' -,, .. "...-:- .-_ [] East Bakersfield Health Center ' ,/ Salvation,-:---.~r~c::,d' '. :':.' "t:'"": ':""7 ?.. ' -'7'-'".-' -:'.:': ' ~: [] ALANO Club :' '- ~?,: '- :- ~ . '. , .,z;: :". -..'. 7: '- .; · [] Kern Council of Governments ' -;''-' ' '?~ ?:" -:' ' "' [] First Interstate Bank [] ' 'Security ',... ,t Alliance ,Against F ,a~,;: ~ ~'i0ie~' ?: ' . '-.-. ,~ Kern Linkage . .,_ Pacific:./. :.:' ::::'~ .Bank"'-; ;'7"[O"i American Indian council' :.... - . ,~ Friends Outside Kern County [] Senior Legal-Center :'i ?:!? , '. ,, .(.,):: ':~ ' ,/ Kern Regional Center ..... ': .' . . ['"~C £ ':'. ~ iD House "' ,' .' :'.., :: ' ' '. ' . ': [] Arthritis Association - . . . '... _: Friendsh~ -- ~' '-' S~parate 'Realities · :' .. ' .-, ,~ Kern County Epilepsy Society · . , ' '. '" - ( ..: · ~ ' -" - ~ Golden Empire Gleaners .' - ; ' ':/' ASsociation of Realtors - '" ·' [] Kern Hospice ' [] '-'. shrine Club'0f' ~".' ' - .' -': " ' ' :"- ~' Golden Empire Land Development ': ' ' ': ' '" :"~:";~' ::"" ': '~)''' ' ': '"' :' <:-7 -- ~.- Aunt. Cherie', Home --'.:('()~'"'".'(':..,.'-.'.. '- [] Social. Security'Admi?i,tration-,?,i'~.'ii' ::' ' '!" :~. ', .. - _ [] Kern County Aide Team · '- ..= -",... -::, .'< :.=:: '.. '. ~- ..... :': ':.' .' _' '.:' · " '- :-:...: .:..,., .'[] ~ ' GoodwillIndustty ' '." ' · ":'.- 'bL?'~'. "'. . ': ....'L'-"....._: ', ":' ':· ' ':' "'; ' ' ,~ Kern County Human Services ' . ', .... .. ,".. ·'. .,-·.,> ~ '~,".', "-~(!..i.~;,.( .' ..... .:: :. ~ Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance Department .... : '" .: -' ''~' ~?" '~ :-" ;',~. "%": ..... :' '%" ~ ' · not...;~: ,a S~nior '-' [] ' :' ,-.'St:John. Mi•of ~:':.-:'-.,:..) · ~,~e.o~,etu Center . '":" ,? :. '. if k; '" "'--. ' ' ' .' . :';. '. ' - :7 ':'~. }'.~'-: . :~.?. .-..;- ~.' . · -.~ _-. . ;', ;; (:Z '~L:' "-" ..... '"" ";'""'" · ' ' ' : ...... ': '" ' '"'" ~' "< .... ' . ' .'. ' ::'..', % '> '~;.~' .· .; ;...%,;::~' - ':,-v~ '?'a3',' ,.d~ . '. · . :-'v..:. '. , ·-/.)`.: ::..... Habitat for Humanity. - : · [] Kernview Hospital / .-.Target.~,..p~.,.i~aml, f?,~.....!.·: Bakersfield Senior Village,·- . :.~::,-;~-4~'."':- ·.-. ii'.. 'i"?: .': . ,.. -.:~. ,',.: <->.. ,.>-~.-'?-' ...... ., ., ' ;.~'5 :' ;' .-. ".0 .: :'_' Haven Counseling Center ~ Kern coUnty Office on Aging . El .... '-- Teen ~.uuu~ngg'~'-"-"=-'-', -~::. Y:"/' '~'' ~ ' R~ik~fi~ld ~.~lli~l R~al-a~i*:'i;~.' i_. ?, '5 ...-. ??'-' _: -~ Citizens': ' :·'-." .,:·'; ". :'5":\(!'; '::."-: i,~' ....'.'. :. Housing Authority of Kern Coun. ~ .- Living Connections, Inc. ': ,~ " ........... .... I) ,~w~, -· .... ' ' '? :'-' : ;:' i·~- .7'Y:'.- · ' : ' '; ~>">"" .... "-" .... ...... . -m~., .~,:... <. · -[] 'Sank of America ;i::..~'?-·;'L ':.·- -'" . ~.{ , ... ?·... ;......,..-.. ~1622 · ,z .: .... : .-', '- [] -. . .(.' Independent Living Center · [] Love, Incorporated [] '- .... v~...-.~ _ .______, ' .': -, -'. ,. ·.: ,-._ ., ~.___an,_~v,ce~ . ' :.:':~ ',' ·,-' :~- [] ,'. ·Sob~'--, · ' n.·.'·'..Wei~·~-:c-:,S~.,:'::'~·- -' ............ ,-'~.: >' - .... · ': '- · <- ...... v [] Lutheran Social Semites · · .· -, .... ,-', : · .... . -'. ..... -s,, ~ ;~c:~?i:'/-·I·:~'<,,.7.1~';:.:·. '~ <'.::ii. ' ....... ~' .a ~ . · - . '" ~:~ L';!".*~:' -:', ", ":~,' .i.. auVenile Hall ' ' ' [] Mexican .American Opportunity . - .... ... ,.7. < ..... 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':.'":'..~' :' · "'. ..... $169,653 $16,030 $5oo :: ?Ashe~:R6ad :~'A'~i~ Edison ===================================================================================== ;;:?:~:?.?::::~?~?: ~?.?::??::~?::::?~:; $ 600 ciptdfkm.wkl *Funds to be made available for protection of rights of. way, as needed for each freeway alignment. 26-Nov-91 Page 1 ~ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FOR Regional Transportation Facilities ?:Panama: Road::@:.Farmer?s (Widen)':?.??~::::::i~.:;~.::::: ~.?:! ::: ::.. ::::::: :::: : : ::::::::: :::::!: ::: :'::': "?'?: :.$1 o i:~: ::i~:paii~.ma i~ane:;.@. B~eha. viaa (~iden~ ~:~ ::'?:?~::: ::~?:~:: ~ ~ ~::: :::::::: ?:::: :: ::: ::::: ::::::::: $17 :::~;~:~panam~ L~e ~: stile' (~jde~)::?:;?::~:~:-: :~ ~::?~:.~:?~::~::::~ ??:;~:~::.:;~:~?::~'::: ::~?.:~::~· ~::~ ~: ;~?:::~:.~;~:;;::~ $17 ~:.:~;::~?:p~nama EaHe .~: Ea~ ~(Wid~n): ?~:;:;~ ??:;::~.~ .?:~. ? ~:~. ;~:?::?~?:'~ ;~::~?. :;.~.::.~ ~.::?:~'~.::~:; ?~:~.. $17 ':?~?: pan,ma Lane :~:~ r~:::i~!and (~nt r~ b~n~h) :~::~ ~::? ?::: :~ ~:;~;::::::~:.:.~::::;;.?:?.?~:~:~?::~?:,~:;. ~ $25 ::~?:;;?pachecb::Road '~:~ Bue~a~;viaa:.(widen)::.?~?:??~::~:~ $17 ~::.??. Pacheco Road :.~ :.F~rmei:~s :(Widen):~:::: ?.~;:::~:~?~::~:~:~::~?~:~:~:~::~?::~:~:~:.:::~::~::~?:?:~?~?~' :;~::;:~:::'::;:::~:::: $7 :;~:~:::. Whjte'La~e ~':K~tn :::.!~i~hd.:(wide~):~T~:::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: :~: :~::~:.:~:: ~;::;:::~: $10 '~;~;::;~White .Lane :~' Eer~ ::!~l~nd C~tral Bt? 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E. R $1,000:s).. .................. S,o94 IPROJECT:TOTALS':':~i~ : :':.?:~::~:: ........ ~:::: i;~..:..!:::. ~.:..;::~': '::::: '!'":'l $1,925 I $6,060 I $6,363 I $6,681 I $7,015 I $807,370 26-Nov-91 Page 5 19-Dec-91 This spreadsheet ha~i been revised at the request of Councilman McDermott. The Total Cost of the Kern River Freeway has been revised from 150~000~000' 2 (Right of Way and Construction) to $46,000,000 for Right-of-Way plus 33% of the $97,000,000 required for Right of Way for the interchange at S.R. 99 plus $150,000,000 Construction Cost. The Fee Basis is the full Right-of-~Way cost. plus 20% of the Construction Cost. Notes 19-Dec-91 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES - IMPACT FEE :: ~!N ~[E ~M !!~ii D~CH ED ~::!::~:i:?~::i:i~:!; 1 100 $1,219 $146,482,958 ':~i:MUI~TI~FAM I L¥ ;::::i~? ~:;.i: '::::;;~:~: i.; i?:;;?:.i~::?:;~?:::i ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2 100 $841 $12,378,279 i:i:i:i:i:~:i:i:i:~:~:~:i:~:i:i:::~:~:~:i:~:~:~:~:i:~:i:~:~:i:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:i:~:~:i:~:~:i:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:i:~:;:i:i:i:~:~:~:~:~:i:i:i:~:~:~:~:i:i:::i:i:~:i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:;:~:~:~:~:::~:~:~:i:!:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: !i:'.HEAV¥1SERViCE!NP~S~!~L?ii!i!? 3 65 $398 $19,646,483 :;: R ETA! LC O M M E R C l :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ?. ':. ~::100 ;000; 199';999 ~::::~ ft;':;:~;;::~;'~:;;~ ?:::?;~ ~:~.;;: 11 53 $34 ::: 200,000;299;~99 Sq..'ft::???:?~.;::: ~::~ :. :. ? 12 55 $39 $53,352,224 ;:.~1 ;000,000' ~..ft;. & ove[;~ ?~?:?~?~: ?:~;::::::~.~;~.~ 16 70 $76 kmtripsd.wkl TOTAL REVENUE DEVELOPED BY FEE = $272,325,060 Summary Sheet " 19-Dec-91 [.!?~:?.:?.i:.. EA:N ~,:!i:.US:E i!~'~:::E'::: :?: i;::,~,!ii ~i]! · !i ::~:i: ;:i:: :~.:: ~ :!:'::.:!::' ~::~:l :;!i!i:; ;:';':.: :':'::. :: f :: ~:i!~:!::.i:.~; ?] 2I 100°/oI $841 $12,378,279 ?-i; H EA~Y/SER~ic E: iN DUSTRiA~:::.¥:i! i::i 3 65%~ $199 $.9,823,242 :::::~i:~ ~'~ :i~ ~'~::~ ~.:?~ .;::: ~.~:.~.~. ;~ ;: ~ ~;~?~ ~.~.~ ~ ~ ~ ??::: 4 80O/o~ $92 $11,251,842 . ~OEFICECOMMEROIAE::::? ~L.:::;~:::.~:::::~:~' :j I 5 80%~ ~8~ : :[::~.~O~:j ~[:; ~.~:~: ~.~:~:: ::~: ~::~ ~.... ~.~ ~ ~ ~,:~ .;~,:~ ~ ::.~.~ ~ .~; ;': .~,~1 7 80o~ $98 ~.::~'~0:;~:~,~9 50o~ s27 · ::~s'~:;o~;~ ;~?~; ;:.:?:?.?:: ?: :~ :::,. ~0 s2o~ s29 13 57o~ $48 15 65%59% *69*58 kmtripsd.wkl TOTAL REVENUE DEVELOPED BY FEE = $242,269,260 Fees for land use type numbers 3 through 7 will be collected at 50o/o of the Per ADT Trip Fee shown above until December 31, 1993. Summary Sheet 29_DEC_91 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES LIST FREEWAY PROJECT$~...' ::~::!~. ! :=i'.?::.:.-:.'?'~:?. :; ='ii :.'::'=~..' .'~..!:::;.:i=.;;.::?~:." :":- :::'.:' .?:...i:?:.:::'-:.:i~ .TOTAL COST: :' .'::-% :i... FEE BASIS i.~.~; ;::.west Be!twaY ~'seventh.::standard tO.isoLith:.-ae!twaY~ ?.?:;::!:i:;;;~:;i~":~'i'. i:!;:':-:' ?.: i :!?!:?:!:;'~i:.?.:~:::. ..... $4 908 000 50 ...... $2 454,000 : i.;:~'::Crb§S~own::Ffeeway:~S;R,i;99 t~ ::::: .::::: .. $169 653 000 33 $56,551,000 ~.::.:;!:.:.Kei;ti-RiV~r Freeway;~ StockCla!e Hwy.to s~.H;:99'' ~'.;....:~;;;'.~:::~' .:.':;':..:?.' ' ~": ;.' :" .'~ ~?::~ ?' $228,01~,000 47 $10~,010,000 -?:~:~:SOUthern' Beltway::~:~west Bei~ay-;to' Co~onw°Od ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :;.;:'.::: $154,610,000 20 $30,922,000 :~;~:::: S~: H~:~178 ~ OsWe!l'Stieet. tO~:Alfred : ":..': ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :' $1,9~ 3,000 50 $956,500 $!3,230,000 20 $2,646,000 :~;:~?.S~:..H:::58 ~.:Re8! ROad t~.:CbQb~W~d::Road $18,169,000 20 $3,633,800 :~:~:.~:::: ~::~ ::-::;:. ~:?~::~ :~'~:;~: :~: ::; :: .'.:~:~. :~:" :::' ;;~;~ ~ ::;: :~?~::~ ~; ::~:~:::~?:~; ?~;: SUBTOTAL ~;' Fi~ewa~':;? Projects:' ~ .:· ::::::::::::::::::::: $590,493,000 $205,173,300 %;::~;Alleh-:RO~d:~ ::Kern Rive'¢;:::~ ~::~?:~?:~ ~:;;~:~ :::?~; ~:: ::;~?:?:;:~::~ ~;?.~:?.:: ?:~:~??:~ ?.~:?~:.:;'~ ~ ?::~:~;: :::?:: ~;: ;::. ::::::~:: ~;:~' $4,000,000 50 $2.,000,000 ::;:~?;~MbhaWk~:Stibe[ ;:~ :~e~'. R'i~e~;:.?~??;?~ ~? ;:?:~: ?.?:..:?:~;:::.~?~:~?.~;::;;~?~:?~?~::?.::: ?~:??~ ?~ ?::.?;:::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $4,000,000 50 $~;000,000 $1,920,000 50 $960,000 :':.~:~::Ma~6t. Sffb~t :~ Ke~.:R~ff[;(widen);~ :?~::~:~:.~:.::~?:?:~?::~?:~:~;~?~?.::;?;~;?;~?:::?.?:~?~??~:;~????:::~:~?:.~:~;~.::. $1,610,000 50 $805,000 '~':?:;:~:. Fai~ax ROad ~.: Ke~n:. Ri~et?~;?? ::?: ?;:::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: ?.:~::::::;;?;~?:?';:.~:~:;.~:?::?:?::?? ;:'::'::.'; :;::~;; ::~:.::::.'::~:.~.::'~ :.;:": :.': :; .? $4,000,000 50 $2,000,000 · :::: :~;~?;~:?~.~;.~'?.:~?.:: .:~ ~::~:~; ?~:;:.: ?:~?:~'::?: :::: : ::: :::::: :::::: ::: ::: :~ ~;~ .::.:::.:: ~.~..:::.SubtOtai.;;?:Ke~n~:~:. Rive~Bridge~::.: ?:: $19,530,00~ $9,765,000 :~:;?:?:;~;.~nama. L~n~ ...... $300 oo0 50 $150 000_ ? S;: H;:~'q8 ~' Etiant :Ker~ (widen);~:?;~::?~?:~:::;~;~;?:?~:~: ?~??~:.'?.?~::: :~:: :.: :~:?:;;?::: ::~: :~. ?~ :?:::~ :::::'. $320,000 50 $160,000 ~:.:[~. ;s;::H;:.58 ;~c 8i! bwa~ :west: (Widen)::~?;::~;????:~?~::?~?~?~?~.?. $340,000 50 $~ 70,000 ?.??:S~.~:H;.SB ~ Cai!OW~y::.east $340,000 50 $170,000 :'~;:~:~ Aii~:'Rb~d ~::~r~¥a~ey.?:~;~;~?:?::??;?~:::?:~??:?~:;?:~?~:?:.~;~?:~:;~;~;:;;;::?:~.?~:~ :;:~::: ::: ;??: ::~'::~:.~:~:;: :';.';::.' $510,000 50 $255,000 ?;~.;~:~.~:~.c al!bway': D'dve ~ $500,000 50 $250,00~ :;~:.~.;~h~ :Ro~d: $600,000 50 $300,000 ~::;~:~?.~::'~W~::Sffeet ~:C~08~:'vai~y::;.~.;::.?~? ~:~?.~.:. ~::.~.~ ?:::::?:::~.~:.~.:..~.::~;~::~.~:~::::.:?:.~. :~::; ~ .~ ?: .~ : ::. :::. :? ~'~:.:;:. $500,000 50 $250,000 :.~?~?:~; 8fine' Rb~d'. ~.A~in~ Edith ::(~iden): ~?:??:?:?:?:?:?~?:~ ?:~'?~:.~:?:~;~: ;:~::??~:?~:::? ~?;;:::?::?::~:~::?:~::~::~;?~::~::.~:~.:: $280,000 50 $140,000 ~::~;~::~ ;::Ma~orstteet .~..Kern!sl~n~Ea~side ~;:.; ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :'::~::::;;::.::::~.:. ~::; :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~::~:?..:.?.' · ::. $150,000 50 $75,000- ~ ~?:South: H .St[eet;~.A~in ::EdiSOn:: (Wlden)::::::~::::::::::~:~:::::::.~;~:::?:~::::::: ::~::~:?:?:~::~:~:~:::;~:~;::~:~::::::~::~:.::::~:::::~::::::~:::::::::::~:::?:~::::.~;~.?::::~?.~. ~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::; .:::.:: $150,000 50 $75,000 .,...:.., :...: ...,........: ..:. :...: · :::: .:::.:.: ::: . :' ..:.: ::::: ====================== :::"::::.:::: :. :.;. ~;~:~;;~N6~h:Chbqte~ :A~e~e:~ :B~r~S!ey~(~!deo)?~::~:;::::~::?::~;::?:~?:::~;~:.:::: :~;?~ ;??:;' $320,000 50 $160,000 .'.:~;:::Oswell str~t ~::Atvin: Edi~h:::.::?:.:?::~?::;?:~?:?:~??~::::::::?::~;:;~~.. :: ?:~::: ~ $550,000 50 $275,000 c~n~i';~dgeq::::.~.:::;:-~;:. $5,360,000 $2,680,000 kmtripsd.wkl Page 1 19-Dec-91 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES LIST .:~ CANAL CULVERTS:.. ~ ::..' ~: .. :,? ::: ::i.::..'.i~...::......... !.: ;. :.'. .... .; :~:::.i :...: .:: .:.:.: ..: i:..::TOiAL:COST.~ · ...%..'::-FEEBASiS ':i::?~!:~'Pi~hamaR0ad '@' Farme~ : ': "/;::: ':'" "';':" ..... $i° 00o' "50 ............... :': ..................... '.. '~ ........... ::.,- ! .............. ~!:.~!!~::::. ~'~ ::~: ::: ..... !?~.:!:!~:!:'~ .'::: '. ~'!:':.:':?:~.'.'i-~: :'-::.~:~.:: ::': :.: ....... ?:':. :. , $5,000 :':,;;;:~i:panam~ L~ne @ ~tihe':(~id~')~;;?:';'!:i'.:;i' :.::.;;;:; ;;; ::~:~; i ;'.:.';;::! ':, ;'.;:'.:?.: .. :..; .. ::: :.; :..;.:;'; ;;' $1517'°°°7,000505° $8,50058'5°° '?;:;i!?ana~n~ L~ne @ Fa~er"s (widen):".;?': ;: ?:?::.. :..;?~.;.. ;..~:;'... ::. :';::':;:;~: ~:": .~ .. $17,000 50 '$8,500 ,,::~..:: :::: -:::;;::::' ::':. ":?;: ~:.:..:..?~'~: $25,000 50 $~2,500 $17,000 50 $8,500 ;::~::~?P~fi:~: ~oad ~ ~r~?~:'(~ide~)?~:~? :~:, :::~ ~ ~ ;:::~?:.:~ :::~:'~.~' ~?:: :: :.~ .:~:?~.;~::::~? -':~:~:?~::;:,. $7,000_ 50 $3,500 :?~::~::?~White Lane~. Kern tsland?? ?.~:: '~:::~ $10,000 50 $5,000 ;:~ ~:::~;~::: ~.~i ":~' :A;en:~6 $150,000 50 $75,000 ??~::?~?:cas~ ~Eb~a: Dri~e-~:Kern::~:J~i~d ;~:~;?~:~:~:~::~:~:::~?~??:??;?: ?: ~ :? ~;~::~:;~ :~?:: ::~ :?~::~:: ~;;;~: ~'~:~ ~;;~ ~:~ ~::~ :: $12,000 50 $6,000 $11,ooo so $5,5oo $10,000 50 $5,ooo ::?:??Aii~n Rbad ~ :~'a~e~ .~;::~;?;~::::?~:?:~::?~:~:~:?/:;::;:.~?;~:::::::?:;;: ~ ~:.~:~ .;:~: ::;:: ;:::. $31,000 50 ${5,500 ~:~:;~:~:~'~!ie~.~oad'~ ~;~::~:~.;::::;~.:;::~:::::::~::~;~:~?:~;?:~:~:~::~ ~?.~.:.~.:.' :..'..::~.;~::.::.:: :.; :;. :: ::::;~.~.~:::..:.;~...:~:~.~. :'::.:':.~::~ ..~::~:~ :~: :;:.:::::.~.:.:~:.:;;:::~;?:: $150,000 50 $75,000 :~:?.Alle~ .R0~d ~GS0Se Lake. S!o~gh;(~idefi)':: ~:~::~:~:~:: :~:::~:~:~::~ ~ ? ;;::.: :~::~::.~::::'::~ ;~::::.~::~;~:~;:: ':,.:~. $12,000 50 $6,000 .;:.:.~:BUena:Vista:Road ~ BUbba Yi~ta(Widen).~:::.::::::.~'~;:~.?~::. ::.~: :: :." :;~? :: ::.:.: ~' ?~.::.:, ::: $18,000 50 $9,000 ??;~;:Buena:visla Road ~ RiVe~:(widen)'::~:~::::.;;:::.:::. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.~:~::::~. ?/~'::::~;.:-:: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $20,000 5~ $10,000 :;~?:~;~EmitvaleA~e~ue ~:~:B~a~dS!~Y (widen):::~::~:::~:?~;;~;;?:;~;;~;;~?:~:.?~;: :~::: ?:~;~'~:~::~??::::~;~:~:::.. $17,000 50 $8,500 · ~:~;?:NeW':Sti~e~R~ad ~:. Sti~':~Wid~n~':~::~:::~;~::?; ?::?:?:~'~?:.??~:~???::;~:~?~:~;?~:~: ;~:?::::: :~::: :::::::::::::::::::::::?:?::: $10,000 50 $5,000 ::'~;~:uni°n Av~ ~':'~ :.~n !Sla'~a (widen):::/?::::~; ??::~??~::;.::?:~::: :?: :: ~?:;~::?:? :.:?.?.~?~':.~: :~:::~ · :::?:" $13,000 50 $6,500 · ~:~:~:~. Haley street ~ .EaStside (Wide~)?:: ~; ~::::~:::~:~:.:' ~' :::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:;?~;~;?:~::::.:?~;~:~:?:::::::: :';?;~;.:. :.~.:~::~::.~ ::::::'. $13,000 50 $6,500 ;::~::~a'i~x:' R0~d .~' Ea~tSide (widen) :::~?:::~:::::~.:.:~:~::::?:??~:~?~:?~:::: :;~::?~::~;~:;?.:~:::;::~::::~:~:;::::~;~.:.;;.:::.::~:??::: ::?~ ~:: ' $10,000 50 $5,000 =============================== :EaStside'(~iden)'~:;; :~?;;?:?;;~??~ :::~;~:?:;; ;?;:~?~:~?~:~::~:.:::.: ~/: ;~:~::;??::~: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $20,000 50 $10,000 ::;~:~:~;:;:::.:. ~ ~:~':~: ;:::.~ ::::~:~ ~;;::~:~::~:~:~ ~: ~ ~: ;~:::~ ~;:~ :~;~ ~::.:~:~:~: :~;:~:.:~:~::::~::::;;~::::~:::~;~:::~::~ ~:~ ~ ~:;;:~. ~;~:;.:~::~: :~:~::::~:~:~:~::::~:~:;:;':::: ;:; ~. ~SSbt6tai': ~: C an~i. c~!ve~{~':~:: ::~ $915,000 $457,500 Page 2 19-Dec-91 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES LIST RELOCATE CANALS :~:.' 'i'""'":i:";:'"" : ' . :..' i. '.' ;":'.. '::.:.~... ":.:'TOTALCOST ': '.:% ' :.' FEE BASIS "i ii:i. ~n'an;ia '~ar~e.@'F~rmet!$'i~!:?~.i:;?i:i;i;i:i~i!. :::::::~!-:.?;;?:!~i~;:;.~i;:ii.i.::i?:.:.::::::..i: ;: ;?~:;i:. ;::;';i:;' ~!:: ::!i: ;: ~. ;:~. · ........ $48'000 50 - - · --~--~-000 .?::.South' H'str~e~:~'Kern i~'~a (s.H.i~9 tO.White Lane~ .' ~':.:. ~::" ~::~:?;:;'.;:'::':.':'~.~ $1 584 000 50 $79~ 0o0 '? S;-H,.184 ~ Ea~side.;:~'::~':;:: ":;: :~': ::¥ :'.::' :'.~:';.-. '.¥; '.:..:?:'..'. ".: :.:~:': ' $87 000 50 $43 50~- · ;:?~;~:?.p~a~ :R'6ad.~ :.~ji~te c~ek:.:B'~p~;~:::.:::'::~:~;~:?:~::::;';?~;?:~:?:;~;::;;~::::~::~;;:~::~ ::.:~;::~??~::;~;::~:;::~::~ "'" $~';:~53'~0~ ...... '"' 5~' '::':":":"' $'5~6 500 -::~? shaian~:A~enu:6BOx. C'~J~6~s (l°!o~tions)~?~??:~:::~::::~::::::;:.~::;:?~:~::~? ~ ~;~ ~:~:::~::~.. $~0,000 50 245,000 :::::?:~:~::Shaian~ :A~nu~:.B~idge~: ~3'iocati~nS):?~:';?:.~:::?? ~;;~;::::::~?;:?:~:~?::?:'::;:?:?~:~:~?~:: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $1,500,oo0 5o 2750,000 :::;:.?~:~Coilege'A~enue' ~0~ Cuiv~rts (8iocati6'ns):.:::~.:?:?;:~?.:'?:::.~:.: ::::.~ ~ ':- ?. :~?:~; :::? :.: :.::: ?~??? :::::::::::::::::::::::: 277,000 5o 238,500 :;~;;~:;;:'Paladino Drive. a'o~ :C~ive~s {~ i°~tions) ~.: :::;:'~ ~::~.: :~ ~:~:': '::: :::::::::::::::::::::: ?:;:: ::: :"?~ ' ~02,000 50 ~5~,000 ':~:~;~A!f~ed 'Har~ei H~ 'B°x:~!~tts:(~ !~Ca{i°Hs)':?:..;.;;~;:;': ~::.::~ ~'.;¥:~: ?~..~...~::'.~:. :~.~.. ':?.?.:~.?'.:.~.. 298,000 50 249,000 :?~?Morning::;DHve::B~X~Cb!~e~t::{t~:!o~a~°~?.~:S:R:,i ~8'~.t~'::AI!,Ha~rell):;~::?:~?:::;~:::?:?:~::;' $30 000 50 . $15,000 ' :~:::~ ~0~nin~ ~;.:.::;~;?.~'::;::~:::: ;:~ :~::~:';?:;:;:~: $3 000 000 50 1 500 000 :: :~: . ......... :...: . . : ..': ...: . .:.: ...:: ..: . .....'~:':?'::::'.:".:.::: .....::: ..-; .:,::. :::: .:.:~.:.::.: ....:::.....:::~..::~.::::~::...:.: ~ ~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::: R~ad ~B°~.CuivertS::(4::tOcati~S.~:S:R~587 ~O::~!f;Ha~re!!)262,000 50 ;:~?:?~aft;~:H:ighw~.~S~:::?H~:99?(~i~e~) ?~:~:~?:~?:~;::~;~?:~:.;?~?:;~::::~::~??:::~:::~::?::;~;::.~:~:~ ;~::; ??:?:::? ~. :' ...... · ...... ~:6eo oo0 .... .".:'5o ............ ..$~O:oo0 ':;:~?~;?~Pa~ama~Lane:~'~S;:~:.H?99':(~!d~n); ;::~:; ~:.:: ;;:~ .~::' ~;: .~:; :.::::' :::: .? .;:~'::::::: ::~' :;:. $1 800 000 50 2900,000 :;:::~?.;?wh!te La~ :S?H;:~:~99 ~(Widen):?::?:~;~;~ ~::~ ~::~:::~::::~:~:;::::;:;;~: ~:;~::~ ~ $1,320,000 50 2660,000 ?~;' Olive Drive:~ S?~H~:99(Wide~)'::~:;~;:~:? ~?:?::~:':: :'?::::: ~;?: ? ~:~; :~: ?? ::~:'~?~:~::: .:~:;' :.:~::;::?::~?~?:?~:~:~??::. $960,000 50 $48~000 ::::':: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::~;~ :~;::?::: :::::~; si ,15s,000 50 's~78:00~- · ~;::::~::~:?: Fai~ax'ROad $1,680,000 50 2840,000 · ?:~::~::::Fai~aX RO~d ~ S;: ~;;~'78 ~!hte~eY,::?~:::~ ?~ ?~:~' :: ::: :~:::~: ~::.:~;~:;~:. ;~::~:~:?::?:;?:::~?::~:;~??:?~:?~::~ ~,000,000 50 ~3,000,000 · :.:~:~:~:::~:?.~ai~fa~-:Ro~d ~:~ifr~ :H~r~'!':H~:~(~ide~)~:~:.:::~:::~:~::~:~: ::::;~: ::;~::~:.::~:::~:.~:;:::~.;:: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: $1,700,000 50 2850,000 '::;::~:~Morning:D~iVe'~:Aif~ed H~rel HWY (i~terCba~e)::::.~ ::: ;. :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22,000,000 50 $1,000,000 · .~'?~;::'?::?': ~?::?::~::~'~.:~'.::~ '?::~.:~:~::SUb~°tai ;~'state:~wY;: B~dge~::~d'~'lntercha~ges.:..'?: . 218,296,000 $9,148,000 Page 3 19-Dec-91 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES LIST RAILROAD GRADE SEPARATIONS .' '"~.: · '. · .. " TOTAL COST':- :"%:: FEE BASIS .i'~.:.., ~'~' H.' 58 .@-~-i .~:. & S; F. (Widen) ........ "]:;i;?0iiVe i3ii~ @ S:. p.?. ~.: . ::.:::!::.. :.: :!::.:' ";-"7th'$iandard Road @ S: p~: ;~:;~.' :. :::...:':..:':'.:.. ':.: ..'.~" .:~.:::~':::;;::::.....: ::.;: .:....:" $6 o~ 0o0 5o $3;000,000 .'..';~':ca!!°Way DriV~'~ A~;.T:~& ~'.~:~ ;?::;~:~??~;;?:~:;: :.: ..~¥~ ::; ~.:~'.~ - -~;°oo 50 $~'600 000 '? C~ffee Road ~'A': T."&S~ :E;' ;~::::'.; :.:;:;~;;:.~:~:; :' '.:.~.:: :::' ~;::~.~.: ;~';:'~.~::: :;:;. :.: ;?.:. ::" ':: $6 000,000 50 $~,000 000 · '::'?:~:. ohawk Street ~ A;:~;.&'S~.F;:~ .:~::: ~?:::~:~::~ :~: $6 000 000 50 $3 000,000 ::~' M0rnind D~i~e~'~:A;::T;..;'&s;;::F~is;";P?;:??:;:;~:;::; ~:;']:. ::~ ::::::::::::::::: ::::: $6 ooo ooo 5o $3 000 000 ~;~';;; Mt.'.Ve~n0nAven~'~: ~A: :T;-:~S: F./SCP?::(widen):~ ..': ;; $1 'i20'000 50 "$560,000 · ?~.::~::~?;:~:~ :?;~':;~;::.: ::~.:.;::~;:::.; ~;.:' ~.;::;; ;?:.'..~;:~ ..~;~?.SUbt0tai;~:.~Raiir0ad G~ade~:~;:.s~PaCati~ns: :~:::::.~:;~:~?::~::~:: $44,600,000 $22 300 000 :IMPROVE RAILROAD GRADE CROSSINGS :'" " "5io0700 .,, 5o,o00 :~::;;;~';Panama Lane"~ sunset Branch .':? :. ::??:?.:~;~;:.;~:~??:;.:?.::'.: :::;~;~ :.':.~;:...::;~.:? ~;~:" ~: :~. $100,000 50 $50,000 ?~:~.~::;pachec0:ROad :SUnset Bra~Ch~;~???:~;??:~: .;.:; ~;;;.::.~.: ~.:.:. :::.:~.;.;.;~ ::.::? :.::..; .~?~.~?. ;;;.:::~;; ;::: :~::::: :::: ;.;: $100,000 ~0 $50,000 :;..:~:.;~:.MUlle~ ROad.:~ At,in ;; ;;;~::.: :;~::;~;~::::.:;~:~:::? :::;~: ~?:~? ?::;:;:::??.:: $100,000 50 $50,000 :;;~;:~ CaSa' L~a:Ddve;:~Ba"0,Wi!I0w. B~n'~~ ~:::~:~:?::???::~::?~: ~:::~?:?:::~?:?: $100,000 50 $50,000 :;::;~?~ $100,000 50 $50,000 s oo,ooo 50 s50,000 ?:~':.Nords R~ad. ~. ;~:~::.: $100,000 50 $50,000 :;~::~:::N0r~j{ Road ~s~P~:sp~:~;:~:?::::::;:::::.~:::~?~:::::~::?:::?::~.;~;~::?:::~:: :~:~.;~:::.:.:.::~.~:~:~.:~:~:~:~.~.?::;~ :::~ :~ :;: ~'~;?::?.?::: $100,000 50 $50,000 ..-~ . .f.: : :... -.: ::. :::..::..- .:....:~:. ::::.: ~ ~ .~ :: ::. :. :: :. : :.;:::.: :::..:~. .... -.::.-.Ren ro Road.@ Bu~onw~!!w Bran~ :~:.: ..::.::~ $100,000 50 $50,000 '~:;:~::~?:Ailen R0ad.~ But~°~Wiil~: B~nc~ ::?: ~;~:;: ~: ::~:: ~: ~::~ ;:: ~; ~ ~:.:: ~::::~: ::':~:::: ~::::;~ ~;:~ ~:~ ~ ;~;::~::;~;?:~:::~:'~ :~ ~ ?:?~ ~ ~ ::;. $100,000 50 $50,000 :~::;:::.:~::01d River ~ Butt~nwi~w.Branch..:::?:.~:::.~::?~...:.::~:::~;::.:.~:~...;::~:~:..::..~:::~:?.;?::?.:::.:::.:?;?::.:~::? ':':.::.:.~::: ::;~:::~;:. $10~:000 5~ $50,000 ~"::::~SoUth Ch~ste~'Ave~'U'~':~ B~tt~nwjii0~::Branch ': $100,000 50 $50,000 :~:~:;;;: NOrth ~h:este~ A~enu~:~ S::: p::.SPdr :?:~:.'::':. :'..:' .?;.:: ;::.~:::~? ::::::::?;:::::~::;~:~-:;?:::~;:?:::::::::::::::::::::: ::::: $100,000 50 $50,000 . union Avenue ~ Bu~onwillow-Branch .;.' ....... ~. · :. · ....'...'.. ~:.. $100,000 50 $50,000 ,' "'::, ..,,,:,,: ..:.,, ,. ' ,,: :,' ':"', , ," .'.: · ".-?..' ':======================= :' : Subtota ~;Improve Railroad:Grade CrOSsings ~' $1,700,00~ $850,000 . Page 4 19-Dec-91 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION FACILITiEs LIST · TRAFFIC SIGNALS.~:. i :~, ~i: :.,ii,:.i: .::.~ ~, :.~i .... .~,~ :: ...~. i?.~:' .~ : :i '.:.. :~:.. ::~:,:.TOTAL.COST.:..~'%: :.~.::FEE BAsIS..~'~ · .ii:ii:: New in~{al!ati°n~ (66 i°~tj°ns):.i;i;:; ::i i~:i ;i:. i.:i:: :ii! ;;~.;!i':i i:;::i;:~;!.?; ~:;.? .':;: :::i:i ;~ ::::: ;:~ ;:::. ;;:, ':i; ;; ?;?]~i..:!:i i . $~) 900 o00 '::::!:ii;! 0pgtad~.(9 IoCatjo~s)i:~!::;i?!:~i:; :i~;~:~:?: .:i::~;;;!?i::; ~i:?:? ?::~:.;'.:~!:..~;::? ~ ::..;:.::?:::: $1 350 0o0 50 $675 0oo :':i'i': !:.' ~.;'i? i".~: :' ':':: ';!::' :":. :::;:i i~ i::i.':::i:ii: :i:;i;:~.~ ~;:;;i?i.. :: '.. ;:::;.. ~: '.' : .':: SubtOtal :: Tiaffic ~ig'nal~' :' $i 1~600 $5,625;000 ,;';:.:.:~:;;StoCka~ie':Hwy $3,757,429 20 $751,486 :~::::~.:,;~St°Ck~i~ Hw~:~;:~A'ii~n:::R0~d $1,16~00 20 $233 oao ~-:~;~?~; S~:58:.~E~oS'La~:~ $11,700,000 20 $2 340 000 ; ~::::';~.;;:'~::~::~;:::~;:~:;::: $18 997 ~00 20 $3 799 500 :~ ::.::~ uni0~ A~enue";~a~ High'WaY'~t0:'S:R':58 ::;~.;;. $1,403,048 20 $280,610 ~;:;~;::~; $4,500,000 20 $900,000 $49,190,801 $9,838,160 ,,',',,,S7,'~s~o '"'~o '"' ...... S1.537soo ~:~:~ ~ .' s4 5oo 000 0 s12 18s 000 s~,537,soo ~PROJEC~L!ST::GRAND'TO~AE:~:?:~:::;;:~.:~::;:;;?:::;;~::~;;::.:;~;:~:~ ~;~:~: :' :; ;::::::":~: ~ ; :~ ;;::::::~ .. :::' ::: ::~.~Otal :~ $763 423 801 $272,325 060 I :::::::' ~::;' (s77 654 000) ~PROjECT.LiST'GRANDToTAE:; ;??: ;~'. $685,769,801 ~ ~ $272,325,060 ,Page 5 19-Dec-91 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 1.40 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO GENERAL PENALTY. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakers- field as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 1.40 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 1.40 General Penalty Section: 1.40.010 Violation - Penalty. Section 1.40.010 Violation - Penalty. A. Unless otherwise expressly provided in this code, a violation of any provision of this code, or a failure to comply with any of the 'mandatory requirements of this code, or counseling, aiding or abetting a violation-or failure to comply shall be punishable as an infraction or misdemeanor. Any person or entity convicted, of an infraction under this code where punishment is not otherwise provided, in this code, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00) for a first violation, one hundred dollars ($100.00) for a second violation within one year, and two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for each additional violation within one year. Any person or entity convicted of a misdemeanor under this code where punishment is not otherwise provided in this code, shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), or by imprisonment in the County jail for aPeriod not to exceed six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each such person or entity shall be guilty of separate offense for each and every day during any portion of which any violation of any proviSion of this code is committed, continued, or permitted by any such person or entity and shall be punished accordingly. B. In addition to the penalties provided in this section, any condition caused or permitted to exist in violation of any of the provisions of this code shall be deemed a public nuisance and may be, by the city, summarily abated as such, and each day such condition continues shall be deemed a new and separate offense. This code may also be enforced by injunction issued out of the superior court upon the suit of the city or the owner or occupant of any real property affected by such violation or prospective violation. This me~hod of enforcement shall be cumulative and in no way affect the~ penal provisions hereof. 'C. The City. of Bakersfield shall be entitled to restitution for all expenses incurred enforcing the provisions of this code against any person or entity in violation thereof. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be posted in. accordance with the Bakersfield Municipal Code provisions and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. ..... o0o - 2 - I H~YCERTIFY tha~ the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular .meeting thereof held on ° , by the following vote: CITY. CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED CLARENCE E. MEDDERS ~4AYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: LAWRENCE LUNARDINI CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield MGA/meg PENAL~"~/.O-4 10/2/91 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTION 5.10. 160 AND sUBSECTION B. OF SECTION 5.50.330 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE VIOLATION-PENALTY PROVISIONS IN TITLE 5 (BUSINESS TAXES, LICENSES AND REGULATIONS ). BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakers- field as follows: SECTION 1. Section 5.10.160. and Subsection B. of Section 5.50.330 of the Bakersfield-Municipal Code relating to the violation - penalty provisions in Title 5 (Business Taxes, .Licenses and R~guia=ions) are hereby repealed. SECTION~ 2. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the City Charter provisions and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. o0o - I ~Y CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on by the following vote: ' CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield 'APPROVED CLARENCE E. M~DERS MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED.as to form: LAWRENC~ LUNARDINI CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield MGA/meg PENALTY\ TITLE 5. O- 4 !0/3/91 D R A F T ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 6.04. 270 AND 6.16. 010; REPEALING SECTIONS 6.08. 030, 6.16. 020 AND 6.20. 020 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ANIMALS. / BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakers- field as follows: SECTION 1. Section 6.04.270 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Public Pound - Dog Licenses is hereby amended to read as follows: 6.04.270 Violation - Penalty. Any person owning, or having the care,, custody or control of any dog in the city who refuses, fails .or neglects to furnish the health officer, license collector or any duly qualified and licensed physician or veterinarian authorized to vaccinate and license dogs and collect the license fees thereon, as provided in this chapter, the information necessary to properly vaccinate and license such dog, or who resists, hinders or prevents the health officer or any of his assistants in the exercise of his duties, or who fails, neglects or refuses to pay the license fee at the time and in the manner provided in this chapter, or who violates any of the provisions of this chapter, shall be punished as se= forth in the general penalty provision Section 1.40.010. SECTION 2. , Section 6.16.010 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Hog Pens is hereby amended to read as follows: ' / ~ / IV/ Any person or persons, firm or corporation who erects.~ maintains any hog pen or feeding place in which hogs are fed upon any lot within the incorporated limits of the city shall be punished as set forth in the general penalty provision Section 1.40.010. SECTION 3. Sections 6.08.030, 6.16.020 and 6.20.020 of the Bakersfield MuniciDal Code relating to the .violation - penalty provisions in Title 6 (Animals) are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the City Charter provisions and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. o0o - 2 - I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on by the following vote: ' CITY. CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of Uhe Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED CLARENCE E. ~U~DDF~S MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: LAWRENCE LUNARDINI CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield MGA/meg PENAL~/\ TITLE6.O-4 10/3/91 D R A F T ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 8.24.040, 8.27.020, 8.28.022, 8.48.180; REPEALING SECTIONS 8.12.040, 8.16.080, 8.32.140, 8.38.030, 8.40.030 AND 8.52.020 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY. BE IT ORDAINED by t~e Council of the City of Bakers- field as follows: SECTION 1. Section 8.24.040 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code rela~ing to Termite-Infested Wood is hereby amended to read as follows: 8.24.040 Violation - Penalty. Any person, firm, or corporation who, as principal, agen=, contractor, subcontractor, officer, servant or employee, for himself or itself or for any other person, or'for any firm or corporation, or for any officer or department of the city, or for any school district, school board, board of education, or public, quasipublic or political corporation or body, except the United Sta=es 'of. America, or who by agent, contractor, subcontractor, servant or employee, violates or refuses to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter, shall be punished as set forth in .general penalty provision Section 1.40.010. SECTION 2. Section 8.27.020 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Property Maintenance is hereby amended to read as follows: 8.27.020 Enforcement. A. The building director shall enforce the provisions of this chapter. Any person who violates any provision of Section 8.27.010 shall be punished as set forth 'in general penalty provision SecTion 1.40.010. B. For each day that a violation exists, it shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 3. Section 8.28.022 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Weeds and Debris is hereby amended to read as follows: 8.28.022 Maintenance unlawful - Penalty. A. ,It is unlawful for any person to maintain weeds and waste matter on public or private property in such a manner as constitutes a nuisance as defined in Sections 8.28.010 and 8.28.020 of this chapter. B. Any person who violates 'any provisions of 'this section shall be punished as set forth, in general penalty provision Section 1.40.010. C. Each day during which any violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 4. Section 8.48.180 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code' relating to Electrical Appliances is hereby amended to read as follows: 8.48.180 Violation - Penalty. Any person, firm or corporation, or any partner, officer, agent or employee thereof, violating any of the provisions of this chapter or of the "Code of Standards for Electrical Materials,. Devices and. Appliances in the City of Bakersfield" hereby adopted, or of any rule or regulation adopted pursuant to this chapter, shall be punished as.set forth in general penalty provision Secuion 1.~0.010. SECTION 5. Sections 8.12.040, 8.16.080, 8~32.140, 8.38.030, 8.40.030 and 8.52.020 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to the violation - penalty provisions in Title 8 (Health and Safety) are hereby repealed. SECTION 6. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the · City Charter provisions and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. -o0o - 2 - I ~I~RYCERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on ., by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED CLARENCE E. MRnDERS MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: LAWRENCE LUNARDINI CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield MGA/meg PENALTY\ TITLES.O-4 10/3/91 - 3 - D R A F T ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 9.54. 010 AND 9.60. 010; REPEALING SECTIONS 9.02.020, 9.16.030, 9.22.030, 9.24.090, 9.28.050, 9.30.020, 9.32.030, 9.34..100, 9.34.140, 9.34. 160, 9.44.030 AND 9.70. 020 OF THE BAKERSFIW.~.~ MUNICIPAL CODE RELA~NG TO PUBLIC PEACE, MORALS AND WELFARE. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakers- field as follows: SECTION 1. Section 9.54.010 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Airguns and Slingshots is hereby amended to read as follows: 9.54.010 Carrying prohibited - Exception. Any person who carries on his person, or makes use of any airgun, slingshot or instrument, or other thing commonly used or which may be used for throwing any shot, bullet, rock, stone, pebble or other missile, within the city, shall be punished as set forth in general penalty provision Section 1.40.010; provided, however, that this section does not apply to any adult person when using any of the above-described instruments or things upon premises owned or occupied by said adult person in the protection of his property, but such use must at all times be with due regard to the safety of others. SECTION 2. Section 9.60.010' of the Bakersfield Municipal Cod~ relating to Hats in Theaters is hereby amended to read as follows:\ 9.60.010 Obstructing view with headgear prohibite~. Any person who, at any theater' or place of amusement/ I within the city, wears any hat or headgear that obstructs the view of those sitting behind them, while a performance, play or other entertainment is being given and actually in progress, shall be ~unished. 40.010. as set forth in general penalty provision Secti~J SECTION 3. Sections 9.02.020, 9.16.030, 9.22.030, 9.24.090, 9.28.050, 9.30.020, 9.32.030, 9.34.100, 9.34.140, 9.34.160, 9.44.030 and 9.70.020 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to the violation - penalty proVisions in Title 9 (Public Peace, Morals and Welfare) are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the City Charter provisions and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. o0o - 2 - I ~Y CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , vote: , by the following CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of.the Council o'f the City of Bakersfield APPROVED CLARENCE E. M~DERS ?-~YOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: LAWRENCE LUNARDINI CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield MGA/meg PENALTY\ TITLE9. O- 4 10/1/91 OP~DINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTIONS . 10.04.060, 1'0.68.120, 10.69.130, 10.76.130, 10.80.070 AND 10.82.030 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO T~E VIOLATION-PENALTY PROVISIONS IN TITLE 10 (VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC). BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakers- field as follows: SECTION 1. Sections 10.04.060, 10.68.120, 10.69.130, 10.76.130, 10.80.070 and 10.82.030 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to the violation - penalty provisions in Title 10 (Vehicles and Traffic) are hereby.repealed. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be posted in acCordance with the City Charter provisions and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. o0o I ~Y CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the fol!owing vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of BakerSfield APPROVED CLARENCE E. Mm~DERS MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: LAWRENCE LUNARDINI CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield MGA/meg PENALTY\ TITLE10. O- 4 10/3/91 - 2 - ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING S~.CTIONS 12.28. 010 AND 12.28. 020; REPEALING SECTIONS 12.16. 260, 12.21. 020, 12.24.040, 12.28.050, 12.40.120, 12..44.040, 12.56.260 AND 12.57.020 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE ~?.~TING TO STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND PUBLIC PLACES. /. BE IT ORDAINED by %he Council of the City of Bakers- field as follows: SECTION 1. Section 12.28.010 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Water in Gutters or Sidewalks is hereby amended to read as follows: 12.28.010 Hose or water pipe on public way unlawful. Any person leaving or permitting to be left any hose or water pipe upon or across any sidewalk, sidewalk space or any public passageway, within the city, between the hours of nine p.m. and six a.m., shall be punished as set forth in general penalty provision Section 1.40.010. SECTION 2. Section 12.28.020 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Water in Gutters or Sidewalks is hereby amended to read as follows: 12.28.020 Water on sidewalks unlawful - Exception. Any. person owning or having in his possession any water pipe, drain or hose and who permits the water therefrom to run across any sidewalk, public street or alleyway, so as to injure the.same or obstruct or interfere with the free travel thereon, or who permits said water to run into or upon the surface of the street, shall be punished as set forth in general penalty provision Section 1.40.010, excepting, however, that it is not unlawful to use a reasonable amount of Water to clean any sidewalk or portion.thereof within the city. SECTION 3. Sections 12.16.260, 12.21.020, 12.24.040, 12.28.050, 12.40.120, 12.44.040, 12.56.260 and 12.57.020 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to the violation - penalty provisions in Title 12 (Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places) are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the City Charter provisions and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. o0o 0 - 2 - I PIE~EBYCER~IF~that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED CLARENCE E. MWnDERS MAYOR of the City of BakerSfield APPROVED as to form: LAWRF~CE LUNARDINI CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield MGA/meg PENALTY\ TITLE12.O-4 10/3/91 - 3 - DRAFT THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE ~R?.%TING TO ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCES. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows:' SECTION 1. Chapter 8.80 is hereby added to the Bakersfield Municipal Code to read as follows: CHAPTER 8.80 ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCES Sections: 8.80.010 Duty of property owner to abate. 8.80.020. Notice to abate - Generally. 8.80.030 Notice to abate - Form. 8.80.040 Notice to abate - Mailing and posting. 8.80.050 Notice to abate - Filing affidavit with city clerk. 8.80.060 Resolution ordering abatement work. 8.80.070 Abatement by owner - Permit required to burn weeds or waste matter. 8.80.080 Report and assessment list - Contents and filing. 8.80.090 Report and assessment list - Notice of filing. 8.80.100 Hearing and confirmation. 8.80.110 Payments to finance director. 8.80.120 Collection of assessments as taxes. 8.80.130 Recording of lien. 8.80.010 Duty of property owner to abate. A. It shall be the duty of every property owner to abate any public nuisance pursuant to Chapters 8.27, 8.28, 8.29 and 8.32 upon his private property and upon the abutting half of the Street and/or alley, and between the sidelines thereof as extended. B. The word "street" as used in this section shall be deemed to include the sidewalk space thereof. C.. Any person who receives a notice to abate any public nuisance as described herein, and who fails to abate such nuisance within the time prescribed in the notice, may be assessed the cost of reinspection as set forth in Section 3.70.040~of~this code. D. All bills .for the charges set forth in subsection· C. of this section are due and payable upon billing therefore and become delinquent sixty (60) days after billing date. An additional ten percent (10%) administrative service charge and interest at the rate of one percent (1%) per month shall be added to any surcharge which is delinquent. Should the City resort to court action to collect amounts due, the City shall be entitled also to collect its reasonable costs. 8.80.020 Notice to abate - Generally. Whenever matter declared to be public nuisance pursuant to Chapters 8.27, 8.28, 8.29 and 8.32 has accumulated upon any private real property or on the abutting half of any street, sidewalk-space and/or alley, it shall be the duty of the City's applicable department director or his authorized representative to notify the owners of the Property upon which, or in the front, side or rear of which, matter declared to be a public nuisance has accumulated and inform them that unless the nuisance is abated without delay, the work of abating such nuisance will be done by the City authorities, and the expense thereof may be made a special assessment against the property involved, or may be made a personal obligation of the property owner, whichever the legislative body of this jurisdiction shall determine is appropriate. 8.80.030 Notice to abate - Form. The notice shall be substantially in the following form: NOTICE TO CLEAN PREMISES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the provisions of Chapters 8.80 and (8.27, 8.28, 8.29, or 8.32) of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, that (describe condition of property which constitutes nuisance - i.e., weeds, grasses, dead shrubs and dead trees) upon property owned by you and/or on the abutting half of the street, sidewalk space and/or alley in the City of Bakersfield is a public nuisance. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that said public nuisance is required to be abated within seven (7) days from' the date of this notice. If not abated by removal/repair on or before such -- 2 -- time, the City of Bakersfield will abate such public nuisance or cause the same to be abated, in which case the expense thereof will be made a personal obligation of the property owner or will be assessed against the land and become a tax lien thereon as provided in Chapter 8.20 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and will be collected on the tax roll upon which property taxes are collected. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED to appear before the City Council of the City of Bakersfield on , at the hour of 7:00 P..M. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, and show cause, if any you have, why said nuisance should not be found to exist and the same ordered abated as provided in said chapters. Dated: (Title of Department Head/Director) of the City of Bakersfield 8.80.040 Notice to abate - Mailing and posting. A. The (appropriate department head or his designee) shall mail a postcard copy or other copy of the notice with all blanks properly filled, to each and every owner of real property on which and/or on the abut'ting half of the street, sidewalk space and/or alley on which such a nuisance exists, Whose name and address appears on the latest equalized county assessment roll or as known to him, mailing the copies of notices to the addresses given or otherwise known to him. B. 'If the name and addresses of such owner does not appear on such assessment roll or is not otherwise known to him, he shall cause a copy of such notice to be conspicuously posted on the property affected. C. The notices so posted shall be substantially the same as the notices mailed. D. The mailing or posting of all of the notices shall be done and completed at least ten (10) days before the time fixed for the hearing. E. The failure of any property owner to receive such notice shall not deprive the City Council of jurisdiction to proceed or affect in any manner the validity of the proceedings taken or to be taken or of any assessment or personal obligation levied under this chapter. - 3 - 8.80.050 Notice to abate - Filing affidavit with city clerk. A. Upon'giving 'notice as mentioned in Sections 8.80.010 through 8.80.040, the applicable department head/director shall make and file with the City Clerk his' affidavit, stating in general terms the existence of the nuisance, and declaring that in each and every case the owner of real property on which, and/or on the abutting half of the street, sidewalk space and/or alley on which the nuisance exists was notified to abate the nuisance, either by mailing or posting the notices as required by this chapter. B. A copy of the.form of notice so mailed or posted shall be annexed to the affidavit together with a list of all properties on which such nuisance exists. 8.80.060 Resolution ordering abatement work. A. The applicable department head/director shall attend the meeting of the City Council at the time designated in the notice to show cause and report on any other matters desired by the City Council concerning the nuisance. B. Thereupon, if satisfied that'the nuisance exists, the City Council shall by resolution find the nuisance to exist, and order the department head/director to proceed with the work of abating the nuisance pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. 8.80.070 Abatement by owner - Permit required to burn weeds or waste matter. A. Any owner of real property on which or in front, side and/or rear of which such public nuisance exists, may cause the same to be abated, providing it is done prior to the arrival of the. department head/director's assistants or contractors to do the work; provided in all .cases the work shall be done to the satisfaction of the department head/director. B. However, it is unlawful for any property owner or other person to burn, or attempt to burn any weeds, debris, or waste matter without first obtaining written permission to do so from the Chief of the Fire Department of the City. Any person or entity who violates this section shall be punished as set forth in general penalty provision Section 1.40.010. - 4 - 8.80.080 Re~ort and assessment list - Contents and filina.. A. When the wcrk is done or caused to be done by the department head/director, he shall keep an account of the cost of abating such nuisances, including an administrative charge ko be determined and apportioned by him upon.each separate lot or parcel of land and in 'the front and alley, if any, in the rear thereof between the sidelines of such lot as extended. B. The department head/director shall embody the account in a report and assessment list to the City Council, which he shall file with the City Clerk. C. The report and assessment list shall refer to each separate lot or parcel of land by description sufficient to identify it, and state separately the cost of abating the nuisance upon each parcel of land, including the apportioned administrative Charge of all applicable City departments. 8.80.090 Report and assessment list - Notice of filing. A. The department head/director shall post a copy of the report and assessment list on the bulletin board near the Council Chambers in the City Hall, together with a notice of filing the same and of the time and place when and where it will be submitted to the City' Council for confirmation, at least ten (10) days before the date fixed therein. B. The department head/director shall also mail or post copies of the notice to all the owners of property on which and/or in the.front, side and/or rear of which such a nuisance was abated for the time, and in the 'manner, and with like effect, and file with the clerk an affidavit thereof, all as provided in Section 8.80.040 for mailing and posting notices to abate. C. The notice shall be substantially in the following form: NOTICE OF FILING REPORT AND ASSESSMENT LIST FOR ABATEMENT OF CONDITION CONSTITUTING PUBLIC NUISANCE, AND OF HEARING ~ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the (Title of applicable department head/director) of the City of Bakersfield has filed with the City Clerk of saidCity a report and assessment list on abatement of nuisances (condition constituting nuisance - i.e., weeds and debris) within said City, a copy of which is posted on the bulletin board near the Council Chambers in City Hall. Your property is assessed therein in the sum of $ . NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on , at the hour of 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers in said City Hall said report and assessment list will be presented to the City Council of said City for consideration and confirmation, and any and all persons interested, ~having any objections to said report and assessment list, or to any other matter or thing relating thereto, may appear at said time'and place and be heard. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that 'you may pay said assessment, along with all accrued administrative service charges and interest, at the office of the Finance Director of the City of Bakersfield at City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, at any time before 5:00 P.M., June 30, 19 , and if not paid within that time it will be entered against your property on the City tax roll. Dated: (Title of D~partment Head/Director) of the City of Bakersfield 8.80-.100 Hearing and confirmation. A. The owners, and all other persons interested in having any work done under this chapter, or in the assessment, feeling aggrieved by any act or determination of the department head/director in relation thereto, or'who claim that the work was not performed in a good and substantial manner, or who claim that any portion of the work for any reason, was omitted or illegally included, or having or making any objections to the correctness of the assessment or other act, determination or proceeding of the department head/director, may appear before the City Council and said time and place and be heard. B. Upon said hearing, the City Council may remedy and correct any error and revise and correct any of the acts or determinations of the department head/director relating to said work; and may amend, alter, modify or correct the assessment in such manner as to them shall seem just, and may require the revision or correction to be completed according to their directions. C. Ail the decisions and determinations of said City Council, upon notice and hearing as mentioned in this chapter, shall be final and conclusive. D. Said assessment, when confirmed, shall become and remain a lien upon the properties stated therein, until paid. -- 6 -- E. Ail such assessments remaining unpaid sixty (60) days after the date of recording shall become delinquent. An .additional ten percent (10%) administrative service charge and interest at the rat~ of one percent (1%) per month shall be added to any assessment which is delinquent. Should the City resort to · court action to collect amounts due, the City shall be entitled also to collect its reasonable costs. 8.80.110 Payments to finance director. Any property owner may, at any time prior to 5:00 P.M. on June 30th, following the completion of said work, pay the amount assessed against said property at the office of the Finance Director at City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, and the lien thereof against the property affected shall.be released. 8.80.120 ColleCtion of assessments as taxes. A. After said June 30th, the CitY Finance Director shall cause the amounts of said assessments, along with all accrued administrative service charges and interest, remaining unpaid against the respective lots or parcels of land to be entered and extended on the property tax roll, and pursuant to law, the County Tax Collector shall include the sum of the tax bills.applicable to such property. B. Thereafter said amounts shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as general ad valorem taxes are collected, and will be subject to ~he same penalties, and the same procedures and sale in case of delinquency. C. Ail laws and ordinances applicable to the levy, · collection and enforcement of City property taxes and benefit assessments shall be applicable to such special assessments. 8.80.130 Recording of lieh. A. Unless the amount~ assessed has been paid within ten (10) days of City Council action confirming the same, the City's Finance Director shall cause to be filed in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Kern a certificate in substantially the following form: - 7 - NOT'~CE OF 'LTEN Pursuant to the authority d~riving by the provisions of Chapter 8.80 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, said City of Bakersfield did, on (date) , cause a nuisance to be abated on the real property hereinafter described and did, on (date) , by action duly recorded in its official minutes of said date assess the cost of such abatement. Of said cost there remains unpaid to the City of Bakersfield the sum of ($ ), together with interest calculated thereon at the rate of one percent (1%) per month and a ten percent (10%) administrative service charge from (60 days after recording) until said amount has been paid in full and this lien'discharged of record, whether by collection with real property taxes on said property or otherwise. The real property herein before-mentioned and upon which a lien is hereby claimed is all that certain parcel or parcels of real property situated in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern,~ State of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit: Dated: City OF BAKERSFIELD Finance Director ATTEST: City CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield B. From and after the date of the recording of the notice of the lien in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Kern, as in this section provided, all persons shall be deemed to have full notice thereof. -- 8 SECTION 2. This'Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. .......... o0o I ~l~wR~y CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: City CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the.City of Bakersfield APPROVED CLARENCE E. M~nnERS MAYOR-of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: LAWRENCE LUNARDINI CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield MGA/meg ~. ABATE\ CHAPTERS.80 10/31/91 -- 9 -- D R A F T ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 8.27.030, 8.28.025, 8.29.040 AND 8.32. 080; REPEALING SECTIONS 8.28. 030 THROUGH 8.28.150 RELATING TO GENERAL ABATEMENT PROVISIONS IN, CHAPTER 8.28' (WEEDS AND DEBRIS) AND SECTIONS 8.29. 080 THROUGH. 8.29. 200 ~.~TING TO GENERAL ABATEMENT PROVISIONS IN CHAPTER 8.29 (LITTER CONTROL) OF THE BAKERSFI~V.n MUNICIPAL CODE. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakers- field as follows: SECTION 1. · Section 8.27.030 of the Bakersfield .Municipal Code relating to Property Maintenance is hereby amended to read as follows: 8.27.030 Abatement. As .an alternative to the enforcement provided in Chapter 1.40, the Building Director may take action to abate the nuisance, pursuant to Chapter 8.80 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code. SECTION 2. Section 8.28.025 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Weeds and Debris is hereby amended to read as follows: 8.28.025 Means of abatement - Discretion of fire chief. Except as the chief of the Bakersfield City .Fire Department or his authorized representative (hereinafter in this chapter referred to as the "chief") determines otherwise, the abatement of each nuisance described in Sections 8.28.010 and 8.28.020 shall be accomplished by the complete removal of 'all' weeds and waste matter, .as defined. The chief may, at his discretion, determine and direct that the nuisance be abated by removal of less than a~l such weeds and waste matter. The chief may take action to abate the nuisance pursuant to the procedures set forth in Chapter 8.80 of this code. SECTION 3. Section 8.29.040 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Litter Control is hereby amended to read as follows: 8.29.040 Nuisance - Abatement. In addition to subjecting the violator to the penalties described in this code, each violation of the provisions of this chapter is, and is declared to be, a public nuisance, subject to abatement as provided herein below. Additionally, the building director may take action to abate the nuisance pursuant to the procedures set forth in Chapter 8.80 of this code. SECTION 4.' Section 8.32.080 'of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Refuse is hereby.amended to read as follows: 8.32.080 Accumulation unlawful - Abatement. It is unlawful and declared to be a public nuisance for any owner or occupant to permit the accumulation of refuse/solid waste to become or remain offensive, unsightly, or unsafe-to public health or hazardous from fire, or to deposit, keep, or accumulate, or permit or cause any refuse/solid waste to be deposited, kept, or accumulated upon any lot or' parcel of land, or any public or private place, street, lane, alley, or driveway, except as provided in this chapter. The Water and Sanitation Manager may take action to abate the nuisance pursuant to the procedures set forth in Chapter 8.80 of this codel' 'SECTION 5. Sections 8.28.030, 8.28.040~ 8.28.050, 8.28.060, 8.28.070', 8.28.080, 8.28.090, 8.2'8.100, 8.28.110, 8.28.120, 8.28.130, 8.28.140 and 8.28.150 relating to provisions in Chapter 8.28 (Weeds and D~bris) are hereby repealed. · SECTION 6. Sections 8.29.080, 8.29.090, 8.29.100, 8.29.110, 8.29.120, 8.29.130, 8.29.140, 8.29.150, 8.29.160, 8.29.170, 8.29.180, 8.29.190 and 8.29.200 relating to provisions in Chapter 8.29 (Litter Control) are hereby repealed. --¸2 -- SECTION 7. ~This Ordinance shall be .posted in accordance with the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. o0o I F~wR~YCERTIFYthatthe foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of'Bakersfield APPROVED CLARENCE E. M~DERS MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: LAWRENCE LUNARDINI CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield MGA/meg ABATE\ GEN-ABATE.O-4 10/31/91 - 3 - :!i?SING LE!i EAM I ~i?D ETAC.H ED ii; ii! !::ii!ii?. 1 $1,117 $~34,161,260 ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::~?~::~j~:~:~?~:~?:~:~?:~?~?~?~?~??~:~?~?~:~?:~????:~:~~:~~ 4 . $171 $20,945,420 s s15o · :~:.~:~ :.~:~ ~ ~:~ ~?:~;?.;?~ ;~:: ::;~::?:~:~ ~;?.;::;'~:~::~;~ 6 $175 $16,729,481 7 ~;~R ETA i E: C O M M ERC iA E?.~;~ ;~;~?:~:~~ ~ ~ :~ 8 . s3. ;::. 10 s27 ?~:~ ~ 2 $35 $47,805,664 13 $43 ~::: :;: ' 14 $52 15 $62 16 $69 kmtripsd.wkl TOTAL REVENUE DEVELOPED BY FEE = $249,648,394 Summary Sheet 30-Dec-91 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES LIST ::!~:;:~est':~eltwayi~S~'iith::::~i~d~d:t~:i:S~th::iBel~i:: :'~'~i:~:;ii~'!::::!:'i:~: i::''~:::" ~ :'": ': $4 908.000 50 ' '" "' ....... .... :::: :::: ::::::::::: :::::::: :::;:;::;:: :::;:::: ::::::::: ::::: :::::: :::::::: ::::: :::: ::: ::::::: ::::::::::::: ..... ..:: .:-....:...:;.~ ....... ::..::.:..:..:. ~ ..: ...... , . - $2,454,000 $266,653,000 33 $88 884,333 ~ $196,000,000- 27 $53,000,000 ~;~::~;:~:~::.S:~.~:ih~:~B~;a;~;~t:~;~~:~:~;6~;a~:~:~:~:~::~:~:~::~:~::~::~~::~ ~:~ ~:~ ~::~::~:.~ $154,610,000 20 $30 922,000 ~:~:;~::~:~::::~;S~:H::~1:7~:~:~;~:~{~xi~;~R~:~ ~:~;~; ~ $1,913,000 50 $956 500 $13,230,000 20 $2,646,000 · :~;:~?~S::~H??58;;~:~R:~i~R6~d;td~C6~:hW66d Rb~d ~ :?~:~ ;~:~:~:~:~:~::::?~ ~ :~ ;:~::~:::~::~; $18,169,000 20 $3,633,800 $655,483,000 $182,496,633 $4,000,000 50 $2,000,000 $4,000 000 50 $2 000,000 $1,610,000 50 $805,000 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:.: ::~:: :::::::::::::::::::::: :?::':::::~: ':: :::~?: :..::: ::;:?~::~::::. :'~:: ~:~:...: ~..: .:~.. ~:.~ == === ======== ================.:. :: .~ :: $320 000 50 $160,000 $600 000 50 $300,000 $280,000 50 $140,000 s so,ooo so s 5,ooo $150,000 50 $75,000 $320,000 50 $160,000 $550,000 50 $275,000 55,56o,ooo s2, so,ooo Summary Sheet 30-Dec-91 2010 NEEDS LIST ~ FEE SCHEDULE' · '":ii";.:.il...~.'...:':..~:~.:.i: :? '.:;: :~.::!:~ ~:~.~::::i.:::;' · TYPE::: ~,;~.;i:;:FEE ! '. PROJECTED ': ~:~?.:H EA~Is ERViC E:~iND US'~R 3 $708 $34,971,440 4 $357 .$43,803,166 5 · $320 , 6 $365 $34,842,301 7 $380 ::::~?RE~A E:~COM M ERCIA:E~;;~:.~;~::::;'~:: 8 $67 -' 20~:~:~;~;:~;~:~{;?(:;'..];, [: 12 $89 $122,623,427 :::~ ~ ':~00'000 :':~.~ ~¥~;.. :~?.· 16 $165 pw2010jl.wkl TOTAL REVENUE DEVELOPED BY FEE = $568,793,000 Summary Sheet 30-D~-91 2010 NEEDS LIST WEST BELTWAY SOUTHERN BELTWAY TO 7th STANDARD ROAD FOUR LANES $4.908,000 $0 $9 $19,018,000 $23,926,000 CROSSTOWN FREEWAY SE 99 TO SE 178 FOUR LANES $109,076,000 $0 $0 $59,870,000 $168,046.000 KERN RIVER FREEWAY STOCKDALE HWY @ RENFRO RD TO SR 99 FOUR LANE-( $94,500,000 $0 $0 $30,000,000 $124.500.000 SOUTHERN BELTWAY WEST BELTWAY TO COTTONWOOD FOUR LANEE $23,344,000 $0 $0 $19,666,000 $43,010,000 SE 178 OSWELL STREET TO ALFRED HARREL I~IWY SIX LANES $1,913,000 $0 $0 $7,250,000 $9.163.000 SE 09 MING AVENUE TO SE 204 EIGHT LANE $100.000 $0 $0 $2,626,000 $2,726.000 SR 58 REAL RD TO COTTONWOOD ROAD EIGHT LANE ' $0 $0 $0 $3,634,000 $3,634,000 24th STREET OAK STREET TO D STREET SIX LANES $3,750,000 $750,000 $0 ROSEDALE HWY ENOS LANE TO ALLEN ROAD FOUR LANES $2,863,000 $1,580,000 ~0 $7,248.000 $11.691,000 ? ALLEN ROAD TO SR 9g SIX LANES $1,781,000 $11.183,000 $12,984,000 SR 184 MORNING DRIVE TO EDISON ROAD SIX LANES $342,000 $2,232.000 $2.574,000 SR 65 SR gg TO 7th STANDARD ROAD SIX LANES $0 $707,000 $707.000 MANOR STREET COLUMBUS STREET TO ROBERTS LANE SIX LANES $0 $1,760,000 $0 $648,000 $2,408,000 ROBERTS LANE TO NORTH'CHESTER AVENUE SIX LANES $16,000. $48g,000 $505,000 TAFT HWY STINE ROAD TO SOUTH H STREET SIX LANES $1,738,000' $! ,680.000 $0 $1,675,000 $5,093,000 SOUTH H STREET TO SOUTH UNION AVENUE SIX LANES $94.000 $631.000 $725,000 PANAMA ROAD SOUTH UNION AVENUE TO WEEDPATCH HWY FOUR LANES $809,000 $1,164,000 $0 $2,424.000 $4,397,000 PANAMA LANE RENFRO ROAD TO UNION AVENUE SIX LANES $878.000 $2,325,000 $1.078,000 $6,872,000 $11,153,000 WHITE LN / RENFRO ROAD TO BUENA VISTA ROAD SIX LANES .$163,000 $5,000 $606,000 $2,613,000 $3,387,000 MULLER RD BUENA vISTA ROAD TO COTTONWOOD ROAD SIX LANES $416,000 $1,347,000 $0 $2,125,000 $3,888,000 pw2010jl, wkl Page 1 30-06c-91 2010 NEEDS LIST COTTONWOOD ROAO TO LA COSTA ROAD SIX LANES $141,000 $1,892.000 $2,033,000 LA COSTA ROAD TO WEEDPATCH HWY SIX LANES $67,000 $128.000 $0 $3,308,000 $3.603.000 CASA LOMA DRIVE UNION AVENUE TO COTTONWOOD ROAD - FOUR LANES $0 $112,000 $578,000 $690.000 COTTONWOOD ROAD TO MT. VERNON AVENUE TWO LANES $65,000 $218,000 $283,000 MING AVENUE RENFRO ROAD TO BUENA VISTA ROAD SIX LANES $163.000 $1'81,000 $1,700,000 $2,044,000 STOCKDALE HWY METRO BOUNDARY TO ALLEN ROAD FOUR LANES $680,000 $100,000 $2,709,000 $3.489.000 ALLEN ROAD TO OAK STREET SIX LANES $137,000 $11,000 $298,000 $448,000 HAGEMAN ROAD SANTA FE WAY TO ALLEN ROAD SIX LANES $6,000 $100,000 $0 $106,000 ALLEN ROAD TO CALLOWAY DRIVE SIX LANES $48,000 $1.796,000 $1,844,000 CALLOWAY DRIVE TO MOHAWK STREET SlX LANES $1.340.000 $500,000 $20,000 $1.860,000 SANTA FE WAY HAGEMAN ROAD TO METRO BOUNDARY FOUR LANES $55,000 $1,659,000 $1,714,000 OLIVE DRIVE COFFEE ROADTO ROBERTS LANE SIX LANES $2,000 $7,970.000 $0 $660,000 $8,632,000 I 7Ih STANDARD ROAD ~COFFEE ROAD TO NORTH CHESTER AVENUE FOUR LANES $105,000 $7,156,000 $0 $1.155,000 $8.416.000 CHINA GRADE LOOP AIRPORT DRIVE TO ALFRED HARREL HWY SIX LANES $257,000 $0 $0 $3,223,000 $3.48O,00O ALFRED HARREL HWY HART PARK TO SR 178 FOUR LANES $66,000 $98,000 $450,000 $1,714,000 $2,328,000 NILES STREET HALEY STREET TO MORNING DRIVE SIX LANES $2,652,000 $1,461,000 $4,113.000 CALLOWAY DRIVE/ TAFT NWY TO PANAMA LANE FOUR LANE.c $357,000 $100,000 $197,000 ($204.000) $450,000 OLD RIVER ROAD PANAMA LANE TO PACHECO ROAD SIX LANES $34,000 $850,000 $884,000 PACHECO ROAD TO WHITE LANE SIX LANES $256,000 $1,721,000 $1,977.000 WHITE LANE TO sTOCKDALE HWY SIX LANES $0 $96,000 $96.000 STOCKDALE HWY TO KERN RIVER SIX LANES $813.000 $4,000,000 $0 $130,000 $4.943,000 KERN RIVER TO BRIMHALL ROAD SIX LANES $549,000 $500.000 $0 $583,000 $1.632.000 BRIMHALL ROAD TO SR 58, SlX LANES $416,000 $8.000,000 $0 $379,000 $8,795,000 SR 58 TO HAGEMAN ROAD SIX LANES $343,000 $398,000 $741,000 RENFRO ROAD PANAMA LANE TO MING AVENUE TWO LANES $50,000 $281,000 $40,000 $760,000 $1,121,000 ALLEN ROAD PANAMA LANE TO SR 58 SIX LANES $61,000 $5,183.000 $16,000 $3,937,000 $9,197,000 BUENA VISTA ROAD PANAMA LANE TO STOCKDALE HWY SIX LANES $550,000 $138,000 $0 $2,781,000 $3.469,000 GOSFORD ROAD PANAMA LANE TO PACHECO ROAD SIX LANES $64,000 $329,000 $393,000 ASHE ROAD PANAMA LANE TO HARRIS ROAD SIX LANES $145.000 $600,000 $0 ($176,000)I $569,000 HARRIS ROAD TO SPRR-BUTTONWILLO BRANC SIX LANES $357,000 $968,000 I $1,325,000 FRUITVALE AVENUE HAGEMAN ROAD TO OLIVE DRIVE SIX LANES $0 $56,000 I $56.000 * OLIVE DRIVE TO SNOW ROAD SIX LANES $208,000 $17,000 $506,000 I $731.000 COFFEE ROAD TRUXTUN AVENUE TO SR 58 SlX LANES ~ $143.000 $6,000,000 $500,000 ~ $6,643,000 pw2010jl.wkl ~ Page 2 30-Dec-91 2010 NEEDS LIST SR 58 TO HAGEMAN ROAD SIX LANES $0 $478,000 $0 HAGEMAN ROAD TO OLIVE DRIVE SIX LANES $365,000 $318,000 $0 OLIVE DRIVE TO 7th STANDARD ROAD SIX LANES $300,000 $687.000 $987,000 MOHAWK STREET TRU~CI'UN AVENUE TO ROSEDALE HW¥ SIX LANES $138.000 $10,500,000 $0 $783,000 $11,421 o000 ? ROSEDALE HWY TO OLIVE DRIVE SIX LANES $246.000 $500.000 $0 $1,264,000 $2,010.000 OAK STREET BRUNDAGE LANE TO 24th STREET SIX LANES $887,000 $96,000 $983,000 WIBLE ROAD PANAMA LANE TO BRUNDAGE LANE SIX LANES $1.734,000 $4,172,000 $5.906.000 SOUTH H STREET TAFT HWY TO HOSKING ROAD FOUR LANE.~ $237.000 $475.000 $481,000 $1.193,000 HOSKING ROAD TO WHITE LANE FOUR LANE~ $368.000 $150,000 $1,109,000 $1.302,000 $2,929,000 UNION AVENUE TAFT HWY TO SR 58 SIX LANES $0 $113,000 $1.290,000 $1,403,000 STINE ROAD/ TAFT HWY TO PANAMA LANE SIX LANES $374,000 $295,000 $285,000 $1,701,000 $2,655,000 NEW STINE ROAD PANAMA LANE TO STOCKDALE HWY SIX LANES $1,403,000 $10.000 $0 $372,000 $1,785,000 CHESTER AVENUE/ UNION AVENUE TO MING AVENUE SIX LANES $0 $100,000 $86,000 $186,000 NORTH CHESTER AVE SR 204 TO 7th STANDARD ROAD SIX LANES $10,000 $2,340,000 $0 $811,000 $3,164.000 AIRPORT DRIVE~ SR 204 TO 7Ih STANDARD ROAD SIX LANES $0 $1,086,000 $1,086,000 MT. VERNON AVENUE CASA LOMA DRIVE TO BRUNDAGE LANE SIX LANES $116,000 $223,000 $339,000 BRUNDAGE LANE TO BERNARD STREET SIX LANES $29,000 $1,120,000 $0 $625,000 $1,774,000 BERNARD STREET TO PANORAMA DRIVE SIX LANES $0 $72,000 $72,000 OSWELL STREET TAFT HWY TO SR 58 ;TWO LANES $338.000 $550,000 $8,000 $1,932,000 $2 828 000 SR 58 TO COLUMBUS STREET SIX LANES $0 $6,000.000 $5,587,000 $11,587,000 COLUMBUS STREET OSWELL STREET TO PANORAMA DRIVE SIX LANES $0 $0 $0 'FAIRFAX ROAD REDBANK ROAD TO COLLEGE AVENUE SIX LANES $564,000 $1,690,000 $0 $2,386,000 $4,640,000 COLLEGE AVENUE TO CHINA GRADE LOOP SIX LANES $93,000 $11,700,000 $823,000 $12,616,000 WEEDPATCH HWY TAFT HWY TO NILES STREET SIX LANES $1,981.000 $107.000 $50,000 $5,822,000 $7,~60.000 MORNING DRIVE NILES STREET'TO COLLEGE AVENUE SIX LANES $0 $302,000 $302,000 COLLEGE AVENUE TO ALFRED HARREL HWY SIX LANES $753,000 $5,030,00o $0 $2,442,000 $8.225,0~00 EDISON ROAD SR 58 TO ALFRED HARREL HWY TWO LANES $740,000 $1,562,000 $0 $1,405,000 $3,707,000 HALEY STREET CALIFORNIA AVENUE TO NILES STREET FOUR LANES $58.000 $13,000 $0 $295,000 $368,000 NILES STREET TO BERNARD STREET FOUR LANES $41,000 $270.0o0 $311,000 BERNARD STREET TO SR 178 SlX LANES $25,000 $57,000 $82,000 BRIMHALL ROAD ALLEN ROAD TO CALLOWAY DRIVE FOUR LANE~ $445,000 $1,046,000 $1,491,000 PALADINO DRIVE FAIRFAX ROAD TO ALFRED HARREL HWY FOUR LANE.~ $912,000 $102.000 $0 $1,000,000 $2,014,000 Ming Avenue Hughes Lane to South H Street Six Lanes 0 0 0 pw2010il, wk 1 Page 3 30-Dec-91 2010 NEEDS LIST South Chester to Union Six Lanes 0 0 0 Fruitvale Road Rosedale Highway to Hagemen Rd. Six Lanes 0 0 0 Wible Road North of Ming to Terrace Way Six Lanes 0 0 0 California Avenue Stockdale to Business Center Drive Six Lanes 0 0 0 SUB~TO~AE ':.? $35~1371000 CASA LOMA DRIVE MT. VERNON AVENUE TO FAIRFAX ROAD TWO LANES $73,000 $47.000 $500,000 $620.000 BRIMHALL ROAD CALLOWAY DRIVE TO COFFEE ROAD FOUR LANES $229,000 $219,000 $448,000 OLD STINE ROAD MING AVENUE TO STOCKDALE NWY ~ FOUR LANES $440,000 $58,000 $498,000 COLLEGE AVENUE FAIRFAX ROAD TO SR la4 AT MONICA STREET TWO LANES $91,000 $77,000 $0 $113,000 $281,000 PACHECO ROAD RENFRO ROAD TO BUENA VISTA ROAD FOUR LANES $67,000 $1,000.000 $1,067,000 BUENA VISTA ROAD TO GOSFORD ROAD FOUR LANES $518,000 $117,000 $0 $971,000 $1,606,000 GOSFORD ROAD TO STINE ROAD FOUR LANE.~ $0 $7.000 $670,000 $1.6921000 $2,369.000 STINE ROAD TO UNION AVENUE FOUR LANES $141,000 $601.000 $742,000 UNION AVENUE TO COTTONWOOD ROAD FOUR LANES $171.000 $10,000 $252,000 $433,000 SHALANE AVENUE SR 184 TO COMANCHE ROAD TWO LANES $198,000 $1,590,000 ' $986,000 $2,774,000 NORRIS ROAD SNOW ROAD TO MANOR STREET FOUR LANES $597,000 $200,000 $0 $455,000 $1,252,000 Hughes Lane Ming Avenue to Terrace Way Four ~anes 0 0 0 TRAFFIC SIGNALS VARIOUS LOCATIONS 75 LOCATIO $0 $11,250,000 $11,250,000 · '. '.~:i '::'~?~i'~ ~:.~:ii .~..:.i??.;~;;:? :~:~;~.i!~:.~ :~::: i!:.~i~ i:~ii~; '~:~::~i:::~?~i~: ~ i!:. ~!iii:i: ~i~ ~ ~'~¥!.i~i ::~;SUB~TOTA~~ ~. :.:$~ 5~ 0~: :..~ ~i~/~:~ $2 001 000. : :!?:.i~ :~ :::.$~00 :;~: :$i~.0~7 ~0 : ~$23 ~ ~0~ SUB-TOTAL $271,503,000 ·$92,919,000 $5.031.000 $274,967.000 $638,759,000 0°.~ONTINGENC $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 :. TOTALS $271,503,000 $92,919,000 $5,031,000 $274,967,000 $638,759,000 tRANSIT COS' $7,688,000 TOTAL $646,447,000 0 <:IDENTIFIED FUNDING> ($77,654,000) -~ RAND TOTA $568,793,000 pw2010jl, wkl Page 4 30-Dec-91