HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/04/1991 13 A K E R S F I E L D Ken Peterson, Chair Kevin McDermott Patricia M. Smith Jack Hardisty (Staff) URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, June 4, 1991 4:45 p.m. City Manager'.s Conference Room AGENDA 1. One-half Cent (½¢) Sales Tax Kern Council May 24, 1991 ' ~.:~.~V .: 8 i~i~ ::. i of Governments CITY M;4,NAGER,$ OFF~OE Dale Hawtey, M~ager .. Ci~ of B~e~fidd '. 1501 Tm Avenue B~e~field, C~o~a 93301 SUBJECT: KERN COUNTY SALES TAX INCREASE FOR TRANSPORTATION Dear~O~aawley: On May 16, 1991 the Kern Council of Governments, serving as the Kern County Transportation Authority, reviewed the enclosed ordinance and project list for the.. proposed sales tax increase for transportation. At that meeting, it was unanimously recommended that the proposed sales tax increase for transportation project list be: forwarded to all the cities and the County of Kern for approval. Enclosed for your review is the proposed project list for the one-half cent sales tax increase proposal and the.. ordinance to implement the. increase. Also enclosed is a copy of sample adoption resolution for your use. The Citizens Committee for Safe and Clean Transportation is proposing to take this measure to the voters at the November 5, 1991 election. Because of that time schedule, a series of deadlines to be met is included. The most significant deadline is the approval by the cities and Kern County by July 17, 1991. We urge that you consider this item at the earliest meeting and prior to the July 17th, 1991 deadline. We urge your favorable consideration of the enclosed project list and ordinance. For some months, a citizens committee has been meeting regularly to put together the enclosed expenditure plan. It represents a fragile alliance of those interested in transportation throughout the county. It should be noted that it in no way provides all the needed funding for transportation services within the county, and at our last estimate, provides roughly one third of the needed funding for transportation in this county. However, it does provide for funding that return 100 percent to Kern County and the cities within the county. It also allows us to begin receiving state matching funds that are not available to this county and the cities within it.' Because of inflation and increased project costs, the number of projects has been reduced somewhat from the original sales tax proposal. However, it should be noted that if this. current proposal is successful, it will provide new and additional monies that transportation would not receive. It will also bring additional state monies to the county Kern Council of Governments 1401 19th St., Suite 200, Bakersfield, CA 93301' (805) 861-2191 FAX (805) 324-8215 that would otherwise not be received. As a result of this new and additional funding,. this will relieve the competition that currently exists for the scarce resources for' transportation projects within the county. Most significantly, it will provide almost 25 percent of the funds for the cities and the county to utilize on local transportation projects. This will ensure that each city within the county receives a minimum of of $2...' ..~ million over the next twenty years. We think the voters of Kern County deserve another oppornmity to voice their position on this very important measure. Because of other competing resource needs,· it may be:-:; . the last. time that such a transportation proposal can be placed before the voters.: Counties that have been successful in passing sales tax measures have experienced "' increases in state partcipafion on projects within their area. In addition, it will illustrate.: our local efforts to raise local money for transportation projects when we have to go.to~ the state for these transportation funds. [ urge you to approve this proposed expenditure:~z. list and ordinance based upon the extensive transportation needs facing this county. At ' the very least, give the voters of the county·an opporumity to express their feelings on this important issue. Please let us know if we can assist in presenting this to the City Council. Yours very truly, Executive Director -. :. Kern County Transportation Authority KERN CITIZENS' FOR SAFE AND CLEAN TRANSPOKTATION SCHEDULE KERN COUNTY TRANSPORTATION SAI.~S TAX MF..ASUI~ May 1, 1991 SCHEDULE OF DEADLINES Tuesday, November. 5, 1991 Election Date Monday-Tuesday, July 22-23, 1991 Board of Supervisors' - set Date of F..lection:. Thursday, July 18, 1991 Kern County Transportation Authority' (I/em COG) Approval by 9 Members (2/3) May 16 - July 18, 1991 County and City Approval Approval by County, City of Bakersfield. and at Least 5 Cities Required' Thursday, May 16, 1991 I/em COG Board of Directors- Approval of Measure'-- Wednesday, May 1, 1991 Kern COG Transportation Technical _. Advisory Comminee Approval Thursday, April 18, 1991 Kern COG Review of Proposed Project List RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SUPPORTING ADOPTION OF A COUNTY TRANSPORTATION EXPENDITURE PLAN WHEREAS, Section 180206(a) of Division 19 of the Public Utilities Code, states a county transportation expenditure plan shall be prepared for the expenditure of the revenues expected to be derived from a one-half cent sales tax, together with other federal, state and local funds expected to be available for transportation improvements, for the period during which the tax is to be imposed; and WHEREAS, Section 180206Co) of the Public Utilities Code, states that a county tmmportation expenditure plan shall not be adopted until it has received the approval of the Board of Supervisors and the City Councils representing both a majority of the cities in the county and a majority of the population residing in the incorporated areas of the county; and WHEREAS, Local governments have identified a local transportation need of more than $1 billion; and WHEREAS, The California State Transportation Commission has adopted a policy' to provide additional assistance to counties which enact such a sales tax for transportation purposes to ensure that the county, at least, receives its county minimum allocation of transportation funds; and WHEREAS, A survey of public opinion within the County of Kern has revealed that a majority of the population favored a sales tax increase for transportation improvements;' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the City of City Council do hereby approve the Expenditure Plan, which is attached hereto and_ incorporated herein by this reference. AUTHORIZED, SIGNED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF , 1991. AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Mayor A~I-i-EST City Clerk (SEAL) KERN COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY PROPOSED TRANSPORTATION RETAIL TRANSACTIONS AND USE TAX PROJECT LIST The revenues generated by this measure shall be distributed on the following basis: The Local Street Improvement Projects program shall receive 24% of the total funding. These funds shall be allocated annually based on the percentage of the population of each city' and the county unincorporated area. The Safety Projects program shall be allocated 31% of the revenues. The Air:.-. Quality/Congestion Relief Projects program shall receive 30% of the revenues. The-Air_: Quality and Transit Improvement program shall receive 7% of the revenues. The Senior Citizens Transportation Projects program shall receive 8% of the revenues. LOGAL STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: Project: Provide revenue to each incorporated city of the County and to the County itself for the purpose of local street improvement. Allocation of revenue is based on population; however, regardless of size of any incorporated city the minimum amount to be allocated each year will not be less than $100,000. The allocated revenue can be used for local street improvement, new construction, or, dependent upon the vote of the loeal elected government body, the revenue can be allocated for use for local transit projects.. The funds shall be allocated annually based upon the percentage that the population of each city and the county unincorporated area bears to the total population of ~ County. The population estimates used shall be from the latest annual certified estimate~' from the C~lifomia State Department of Finance. LOGAL STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AI.I.OGATION (24% of local funds) City % of Total Population* Allocation Arvin 1.71 $ 2,068,000 Bakersfield 32.17 $ 38,793~000 Galifornia City 1.10 $ 2,000,000 Delano 4.19 $ 5,051,000- Maricopa .22 $ 2,000,000 McFarland 1.29 $ 2,000,000 Ridgecrest 5.10 $ 6,147,000 Shafter 1.55 $ 2,000,000 Taft 1.08 $ 2,000,000 Tehachapi 1.06 $ 2,000,000 Wasco 2.28 $ 2,746,000 Kern County 48.25 $ 58,195,000 TOTAL 100.00% $125,000,000 1 *1990 u.S. Census SAFETY PROJECTS: A. Project: Kem River Highway Bypass Description: Widen Highway 178 to four' lanes from Oswell Street interchange to Rancheria Road, realign the highway at. that point to reconnect with the existing fwy in the vicinity of Democrat Hot Springs. B. Project: Airport Drive interchange with Hwy 99 Description: Reconstruct this interchange to eliminate existing safety hazards and improve traffic flow. C. Project: Highway 46 Improvements Description: Widen Highway 46 to four lanes from Highway 99 to San Luis Obispo County Line. D. Project: Highway 202 - Tehachapi Description: Widen Highway 202 to four lanes from Curry Street, Tehachapi to Tehachapi Woodford Road intersection in Old Town to eliminate safety hazards. E. Project: Construct Guard Rails on Mil Poterero Highway Description: Install safety guard rails along Mil Poterero Highway and widen this highway in those areas to accommodate guard rail construction. F. Project: Highway 33 - Taft Description: Widen Highway 33 to four lanes from 10th' Street to Midway Road TOTAL COST TO ACCOMPLISH THE ABOVE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS=$259,000,O00. (31% of local funds) AIR QUALITY/CONGESTION REI.IEF PROJECTS: A. Project: North Chester Avenue Description: Realign and widen this street and install left turn lane to reduce congestion. B. Project: Mohawk Extension Description: Continue Mohawk Extension from the intersection of Truxtun Extension to Rosedale highway to relieve congestion. C. Project: Fairfax Road Description: Widen Fairfax Road to four lanes, from Niles St., construct overpass to connect with interchange at Highway 58. 2 D. Project: Rosamond Blvd - Rosamond area Description: Widen this street to four lanes with left turn lanes where required to reduce traffic congestion. E. Project: Indian Wells Valley Local Street Paving Description: Pave existing roads that are being used as main arteries for traffic. The-Authority shall appoint a committee of residents of the City of Ridgecrest and Indian Wells Valley to recommend those roads to be paved. This project shall include paving for 40 miles of roads. Paving is necessary to reduce excessive air pollution conditions. F. Project: Tehachapi-Woodford Road realigmnent Description: Connect the Tehachapi-Woodford Road to the existing Highway 58 interchange at Broome Road and construct the required railroad overpass. G. Project: Traffic Light computerization Description: Computerize the traffic lights of Bakersfield to facilitate a free flow of traffic at both peak and off hours. Computerization to be centrally controlled and coordinated with emergency traffic needs. H. Project: Kern River Freeway to Renfro Road Description: Complete the acquisition of right of way and construct the west side. freeway connection between Highway 99 and Renfro Road; complete transition to Stoekdale Highway. I. Project: Metro Bakersfield Beltway Description: ProCUre fight of way for the Beltway project described in the 2010 Plan that will allow for' traffic bypass as Bakersfield continues to develop. J. Project: Crosstown Freeway Description: Continue to procure right of way for the "Southern Alignmenf' of Highway 178 to connect with the Kern River Freeway. Project: Highway 14 Description: Complete widening Highway 14 to four lanes and provide interchange at California City Boulevard. TOTAL COST TO ACCOMPLISH THE ABOVE CONGESTION RELIEF PROJECTS = $388,000,000 with $10,000,000 of the Kern River Freeway right of way donated. (30% of local funds) 3 AIR QUALITY AND TRANSIT IMPROVEMENTS A. Project: Bicycle and Pedestrian pathways Description: Acquire required rights-of-way and easements to develop connecting bicycle paths to create a commuter route between housing developments and shopping centers and work areas, develop pedestrian walkways to facilitate pedestrian urili~.ation between housing areas and shopping centers. (10% of Air Quality and Transit Improvement Funds). ' B. _Project: Transit Improvements Description: To assist in Air Quality and roadway congestion, funds shall be used to maintain minimum fare box ratio to operating cost after the use of ali other available transit funds have been identified (including reserves for long term projects not to exceed three years unless approved by the transportation authority); funds can also be used to acquire clean fuel buses, develop van/car pools, and improve and expand bus routes to support broader transit utilization. These funds will be allocated on the basis of annual audited farebox revenues. (60% of Air Quality and Transit Improvement Funds). C. Project: Light Rail/Guideway System Development (30% of Air Quality and Transit Improvement Funds). TOTAL COST TO ACCOMPLISH THE TRANSIT PORTION = $37,000,000. (7% of local funds) SENIOR CITIZEN TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS: Project: Provide broadened utilization of public transit by senior dtizens Description: The transportation needs of Senior Citizens will be accommodated by expanded routes, partially subsidized fares, spedal van/bus equipment designed to accommodate the needs of seniors. Intercity schedules to accommodate senior shopping and travel to be implemented; specialized or special dispatch transportation support to be integrated into current transit schedules to facilitate expeditious movement of the- senior citizen population. The basic premise for allocation will be 7S% on audited farebox revenues and 25% based upon ridership factered by need and rider-miles. TOTAL COST TO ACCOMPLISH THE SENIOR CITIZEN TRANSPORTATION = $40,000,000 (8% of local .funds) REVENUE PROJECTIONS The total anticipated revenue generated from this Retail Transactions and Use Tax is estimated to be $525,000,000 over a twenty-year period. The additional money contained in this allocation schedule are those revenues that can be made available from the State on an matching basis. The local revenue projections are based on existing revenue (1989). Revenues for Local Projects Anticipated Local Revenues (20 years) $1,154.0 milllons Local Street Improvement Projects $ 125.0 millions (1/2 % Retail Transactions and Use Tax Revenues - 20 years) Total $1,279.0 millions Allocation of Revenue for Regional Projects Safety Projects $' 259.0 millions Air Quality/Congestion Relief Projects $ 388.0 millions Kern River Freeway ROW donation $ 10.0 millions -- Air Quality and Transit Improvements $ 37.0 millions Senior Citizen Transportation Projects $ 40.0 millions Total $ 734.0 millions GRAND TOTAL $2,013.0 millions Total revenue from this measure and state matching funds anticipated is $859,000,000. This figure also includes an anticipated $10,000,000 donation in' the form of right-of- way to support the development of the Kern River Freeway. Grand Total Anticipated State and Local Revenues $1,478.0 millions 1/2% Retail Transactions and Use Tax Revenue $ S25.0 millions Kern River Freeway ROW donation 10.0 millions Total $2,013.0 millions 5 ORDINANCE NO. KERN COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY RETAIL TRANSACFIONS AND USE TAX ORDINANCE AND TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY EXPENDFITIRE PLAN The Kern County Transportation Authority ordains as SECTION I PURPOSE: This Ordinance provides for the imposition of a retail transactions and use tax of one-haft percent (0.5%), the authority to issue limited tax bonds, the admin/stration of the tax proceeds, a county transportation expenditure plan, and the .. establishing,-, of an appropriations limit, and is enacted pursuant to the provisions-of Division 19 of the Public Ul~lkies Code. SECI'ION II DEFINTFIONS: The following definitions shall apply in this Ordinance: A. ~-xpenditure Plan" menr~ the Kern Coumy Transportation Authority F_~ture · Plan (attached and adopted as part of rhi~ Ordinance) including any ftma'e.. am~r~t~ thereto. B. "County" means County of Kern. C. 'Authority~ means the Kern County Transportation Authority created pursuant to D/v/sion 19 of the Public Utilities Code. S£CTION III IMPOSITION OF RETAIL TRANSACTIONS AND USE TAX: In addition to any other taxes authorized by law, there is hereby imposed, in the incorporated and unincorporated territory of the County of Kern, in accordance with the provisions of Part 1.6 (commencing with Section 7251) of Division 2 of the. Revenue and Taxation Code and. Division 19 of the Public Utilities Code. commencing with Code Section 180000, a retail. transactions and use tax (referred to as the "tax") at the rate of one-half of one percent (0.5%) for a period of twenty (20) years. The tax shall be in addition to any other taxes authorized by law inducling any exisrlng or future state or local sales tax or transactions '~ and use tax. SECTION IV USE oF TAX REVENUES: The purposes for which the tax revenues may be used shall be for transportation purposes only and may include, but are not limited to, the. administration of this Ordinance, indudlng legal actions related thereto and costs of the initial preparation for and holding of an election consistent herewith, the construction, capital acquisition, maJnt~r~nce and operation of streets, wads and highways, including state highways and public transit systoms. 'These purposes include expenditures for plnnnlug, environmental reviews, en~/neerlng and design costs, and related right-of-way acquisitions. They also include, but are not limited to, ~ditures for debt service on:- bonds and expenses in connection with the issuance of bonds. sECrlON V BONDING: The. Authority shall have the power to sen or issue self-liquidating Bonds on those, projects descn'bed in the Expenditure Plan. Said Bonds shall not have the full faith and credit of any governmental onrlty. SECrION VI MAIN'rENANCE OF EFFORT: The Authority, by the enactment of thi_~: Oraln:~nce' intends that the additional funds provided governmental agencies pursuant to this Ordinance supplement existing state and local revenues being used for street and highway purposes. The government agencies shall ma{r~tnin their existing commitment of state and local. funds for transportation purlmses and the Authority shall onforce this Section by appropriate actions. SECTION VII ADMINISTRATION OF PLANS: The Authority shall impose and collect the involved sales tax, shall anocate revenues derived from the tax, and shah administer the expenditure plan attached to this Ordinance, consistent with the provisions and priorities of the. expenditure plan, and consistent with the authorities cited herein_ SECTION VIII ADMINISTRATION COSTS: The Authority shall expend only that amount of the funds generated from the tax for staff support, audit, administrative expeases, and contract services that are necessary and reasonable to carry out its responsu~oilities, and in no case shall the funds expended for salaries and benefits exceed one percent (1%) of the annual amount of revenue raised by the tax, SECTION IX ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS L1M1T: Pursuant to Article XIHB of the California Constitution, an appropriations limit of $200 million is established for the Authority' for each fiscal year. The appropriations limit shall be subject to adjustment as provided by law. - - SECTION EFFECTIVE AND OPERATIVE DATES: This Ordinance sb:dl take effect immediately upon its confirmation and approval by a majority of the voters voting within Kern County in a special election called for that p~ by the Kern County Board of Supervisors and shall become operative, pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 180204, on the first day of the first calendar quarter commencing more than 120 days after adoption of the: Ordinance. If the State of California raises the retail, transactions and use sales tax, then the Authority shah not implement the retail transactions and use sales tax of this ordinance until November 1, 1992. SECTION XI ELECTION: The Authority requests the Board of Supervisors to can an election for voter approval of the Ordinance pursuant to PUC ,Sections 180201 and 180203. The election shall be called and conducted in the same manner as provided by hw for the conduct of elections by a county. The sample ballot to be marled to the voters shall be the full proposition as set forth in this Ordinance, and the voter information handbook shall_. include the expenditure plan. Approval of the Ordinance, and imposition of the tax shall require the vote of a majority of the electors voting at the election described in this Section. SECTION XII AMENDMENTS: Any amendments to this Ordinance, provided they do not alter the basic principles of this Ordinance, shall be effective without submission to an election and. approval by a majority vote of the electors voting on the proposition. SEGI'ION X~I SEVERABILITY: If any tax or provision of this Ordinance is for any mason held invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, that holding shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining taxes or provisiom and the Authority declares. that it would have passed each part of this Ordinance, irrespective of the validity of any other part. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the. Kern County Transportation Authority on the day of 1991 by the following votes: AYES NOES ABS~r.N'nONS ~ ~vo C:OU~TV KINGS COUNTY ~' ~ ~, TULARE COUNTY , ~.~. a.m / SALES TAX TRANSPORTATION ..... PROGRAM 1991 'x'X" ", VEN~A C~Y LOB ANGELES COUNTY ~ ~~ INTERITATE HIGHWAY ~,~ ~ ~ ITlT! HIGHWAY ~ NO. ~ ~.~ ~ ~- m ~ FEDERAL HIGHWAY s o ~ ~., to ~~* ~"~"~ ~ RAILROAD '~ G AIRPORT KERN ~UNCIL OF G~ERNME~