HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/09/1992 BAKERSFIELD Ken Peterson, Chair Kevin McDermott Patricia M. Smith Staff: Jack Hardisty AGENDA URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, January 9, 1992 12:00 noon City Manager's Conference Room 1. Transportation Impact Fees 2. Set Next Meeting i!!iii~iNG:EEiFAMiE~?DETA¢:~EDi I $1,166 $140,152,311 This Fee Schedule was approved (first reading) iiiiii!i~!~:~!~i~ii::.!.iii.i, iii.i.i.i!i.ii.i.i.i.ii.iiii ~!ili::!.i.!i.!i.i~.ii.i.!.ii............i.!.i 2 $815 $11,991,154 at the City Council meeting Dec. 18, 1991. ~ ~i~~i~ ~ ~ ~i~ City Council meeting Dec. 4, 1991 and includes. iii!iiiHEA~iSER~ICE;!i~iNDU:STR[A~iliiiiiii !i 3 $178 $8,816,590 the changes requested by Councilman McDermott. 4 $79 $9,708,464 These changes include revisions to the cost of iiiiii~tCE::COM:MEl~iA~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ill ii freeway right-of-way and a reduction in fee for iiiiiii~ii{i~!!~!ili!ii~ii!!ii!!ii!?iiiiiiiiii!!iiiiiii!ili!ii!ii!! !i 5 $69 industrial and office commercial of 50%. iiiiii~;~.i ~!i.i~il.i.~::.~ i:~iiii~!ii i.i.i.:~ ii.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.ili.i.i.l.iil.i.i. 7 $85 kmtripf2, wk I $226,902,560 TOTAL REVENUE DEVELOPED BY FEE = $226,902,560 Summary Sheet 09-Jan-92 $4,908,000 $95,092,000 ($95,092,000) $4,908,000 50 0 $2,454,000 $137,319,000 $299,348,000 ($299,~8,000). $137,319,000 33 0 ~5,300,000 $78,000,000 $150,000,000 $0 $228,000,000 68 20 $83,000,000 $23;066,000 $85,730,000 $0 $108,796,000 20 20 $21,800,000 Sl ,913,000 $36,249,000 ($36,249,000); $1,913,000 50 0 $956,500 $100,000 $13,130,000 $0 $13,230,000 20 20 $2,646,000 $0 $18,169,000 $0 $18,169,000 0 20 $3,633,800 $245,306,000 $697,718,000 ($430,689,000) $512,335,000 $159,790,300 * $169,652,500 - 1/3'$97,000,000 = $137,319,000 (rounded) * * $ 46,000,000 + 113'$97,000,000 = $ 78,000,000 (rounded) Page1 09-Jan-92 ~::~;~;;:~i~e~[:~::~e~~:~)~?~;~?~ ~ ~? $0 $1,610,000 $1,610,000 0 50 $805,000 ~???~A!ie~ ~ ~d~ ~6~: ~V~lle~ ~;~;~;~;~ ~ ~?~:~:~ ~:~ ~:.~ ~ ~ ~ ~;~ $0 $510,000 $510,000 0 50 $255,000 kmtripf2.wkl Page 2 09-Jan-92 ~:.~ 7.!:.!:.~:.::.~:::~:-:' ...... :~::::::::: :':-:.?...':?:'. :.i:.?::...:...:.~::. :~.~.:.: ¥: !~: ~.:.:.~-.-.-. :... :~:~:::::~ .......... ?:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~ . 0 50 $5,000 iiiiiiiiii~!i!P:~ia~:~i@iilB~::~:~i~t~!i~Jd~) ii i!i!i~i ~iii:~!i!iii iiiiiiiiiii!ii~ $0 $17 000 $17,000 0 50 $8 500 iiiii~iiiii~i!~ili~i ~ K~i~ ~: i~!~::::~tifll ~i~i::ii~ii ii~ iiil ?~ilii i!!~ i~ $0 $25,000 $25,000 0 50 $12,500 ~?~?~;~~:~a~;.~F~(~j~.~.~.(~.(~.;~:;..:~.~ ........... ;~ ................................. 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The fee basis ii;iiLIGH~iiND~TRiA~::~ :?::: 4 $61 $7,442,669 percentage for the freeways was also revised. ~i:oFFICE:COMMERCiAL:::::':.:::;!~il;ii::?ii:::?::i:ili!:ii!i!!i::;i. ~ Further, the fee per unit for the industrial 5 $53 and office commercial uses was reduced by 60%. ;!ili;~'~i'0~i~9i!999 :'~:i! !~'i ? :?: ??:il ii; ii:? 6 $62 $5,953,527 iil i::;~;00~;:i~;;: :ft::il;~::ii3~; i;? .i.!!.i ~...! ...i!... ... :i:~ 7 $65 i?::RETAIE 8 $37 10 $26 ~::ii:~!2~:~;;ii; ~:i~:~ 12 '$33 $46,177,598 ~:'i:::.:.§~i:~;~9;999: :~ i ;~[; 13 '$42 · ':::!':: ~: +:'" .!: i::.i::'[::.::'. :i'' ,:' ::~.?::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 14 $51 15 .' $62 16 $68 kmtripf2.wkl $214,532,560 TOTAL REVENUE DEVELOPED BY FEE = $214,532,560 kmtripf2.wkl Summary Sheet 13-Jan-92 ~:!~i{ii{iw~.~:~.'~,{s¥.t~st.~.~p:~i~~"'~" B.,~:.,~:~:: ~$,,906.00o ~,0~:Oo~' '~ (~?.~,ooo) ....... ~ ~'?0,,o~0 ........ ~o ......... ~ ~,"~":~°0 ~::;K~ Ri~ay;::;~:~kdale:;H~ ~:::s?H;:::~':~::~:'~::~::::?~'~:.... : $46,000,000 $150,000 000 $0 $196,000,000 50 20 $53,000,000 ?:~?~:H~i:~8~'~i:g :~t~:~O:Alfr~:~.Ha~tdi:::H~;:~;::::::~::;~::~:~:~;~: $1,913 000 $36,249,000 (*36 249 000) ~ $1 913 000 50 0 $956 500 ~;~?S~H~.-~::~.:Min~ ~ve~etb;~; ~:?~:.~?~;~:.~::~;?:~?.~;~?.~?~:~ $100 000 $13 130 000 $0 $13 230 000 50 20 $2,676 000 ::~?:??? ~?:H;:;.s8 ::~R~al:.R0ad tO: C~t on w~:R~d~;?:?:;~:;~;~:~?:~?~ ::~ :?~ $0 $18,169,000 $0 $18,169,000 0 20 $3,633,800 ::~;:/:~:~?;~::.:~;.:::;:~:;~?~::~::~:[~:~:~:?:::?~;;~;~.~.~:::::.;~:S~B~O~A:C:~:~::F~r~w~:~;: $245,~0,000 $697,718,000 (~30,689,000)~ $512,669,000 $147,420,300 MAJOR::;~OVEMENTS ::.~ :J' ~:'~7~ ~l~: ?[~;::::'~ ~:~:T~A~ ~::~:~?:~: :~ [1~;~:~:.1.~::~ I ?:~.:~?:?~?~:: :~:::~::~;~ ~KERN :RIV~: BRIDGES '.~?~:~.~::: .::~:~ :~::~.::.~:.~. ~::~. ~?:?:?.:?~::.:;.~.~.::~.: ~.~ :.::~:.~:.:;.:~: ~ ~ ~. :.~::~:.~::~::~;~;:~.:::~:;?: ::~::::?.~::' ~: ~;~::~.:?:~::::.;~::~:~:: ? ~:~:::~:~: ::.:.:~::~ [.~: ?: :. ~ ~ :; ::?. :.~ :.? ~:.~: ?:::.?;::. :~.:; :.:.?::: '::~:~.::' ~':.:'.:. ::?::: ~ ;::~ ~':[ :~:. ~;~:.:~::;: ::~?~ ~!!~::R0~::::~ Kef n:R~ ::::?: ::::::~:~:;; ~:~:?::~?~:~::. ? ? ~:.:; ?~:.?[:: ~ ?:~?~::; $0 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 0 50 $2,000,000 :~?:~ii~ay:Ddve ~.:Ke~::R~m:~: ~:/::::~:.~??:~?.~:?:~::::.::::?~::~:.::?;;~:~:~:?:?:::.: $0 $4,000,0~ $4,000,000 0 50 $2,000,000 ~:~.~M6h~E::Siteet; ~':KePh RiV~ ~:~:~::. ~':~ ~ :.;~ ~ ~ ~:~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~:::: ~ ~:~ ~; ~:?~ ::;~ '~ ~::~ ~ "~' $0 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 0 50 $2,000,000 ::~:~; ~ ~a~o~:: ~ ~ea.:~:;~r~:Rlver ~(wid~)~ ~ :~;~ ::::::~:~:: ~ :~ ~ ~: ~;?~ ?:?:~: ?~:;~?~:;: $0 $1,6~ 0,000 $1,610,000 0 50 $8o5,ooo ~: ::~?Eelif~Rbad~;Ketb~:RiV~?:~::?:~:: ;~:~:~;~:.~ ~;~?:~ :.?~:.~: ~: :?:~::?~:: ' . $0 ' $4 000,000 ' $4,000,000 0 50 $2,000 000 ~:~:~:.?:~?~:.~[:~:???::~;~:~::?~?:~:~:~':~ ~:6bb[6~':~':~::~Btid~ . $0 $19,530 000 $19,530 000 ' · $9,7~,000 :?: ~:~:.:~a~a; c~h~ ~ ~:A~!~ ~l~O~:~We~ :(~!d~n):::?:???:?:~.~:~ ~ ~:.~ $0 $300,000 $300,000 0 50 $150,000 ~:~?~'S;~H;:.~58~;~Ga!i0~aY:W~((~':~:: ~?.: ~?:~:~ ~ ~ ::~: $0 $340~000 $~0,000 0 50 $170,000 ?~ S~:H~5~::~ C~!!6wa~: east~(wide~)?~ ? ~ ?:~:.?~.~?~?~:::~:~?~:~;~:~:.: $0 $~0,000 .$340,000 0 50' $170,000 [::~?.?.~A!fen~:Rbad':~: cr~ :V~ t ey :.?:?~?:::;~ ??:?: ::?:~:: ~:~[~ :: ?.::~?~ ?~ ~:~:~ ::::~ :~ ~: $0 $510,000 $510,000 0 50 $255,000 ::~?::~::?: M0h awk~::~tee[~ ~ ~ct~ :Valley: ~:::~?:~?:~ ~:.~?;~ ~:~?~::::?:~ ::?:?:?:~ ;~;~: $0 $500,o00 $500,000 0 50 $250,000 ~ ~:.~;~ M oha~E :St~t;:~; C allb~a~:.:.?: ? ~ ::~ ~ ?~:. ?~:~; ?:~?:?.?~?:~?. :.?.~:~?.~: $0 $500,000 $500,000 0 50 $250,000 ?:::~: Stile R~d:. ~A~ n :Ed ~ ~ (~de~)::?~:~::?:~?: ~?~:. ~:.? $0 $280,000 $280,000 0 50 $140,000 :~:~?:~:~:.Ma~f:;.Stt ~et :~:K~:: iS!a~d~i~ ~::~ ~:~::::~:::;~ ~ :~:.~. ~: ~ :::.:~:~ ~:; ~::~:~:.:::.~:: $0 $150,000 $150,000 0 50 $75,000 ~;~ ~ N0~h: C~e[ AVende~:~Beard~ibY:(~d6n)~: ::~;~:?~;;~? ~:.~;~:: ~:.~:~ ?:: $0 $320,000 $32o,oo0 0 50 $160,000 ~.~:?::~ei~: st~:~:e~::~: ~i~ ~::~ :..~ ~.~: ~:: ?~.: ~.~::::?:.:::~ ~::~ ~::::~ ~:~: so s55o,o0o s55o,ooo o 5o s~75,ooo :~:::'~ ~;~?~[?~::?: ::.~::~ Sd bt ~a!:~:.~.~i:?Bild~s: $0 $5,360,000 $5,360,000 .$2,680,000 kmtripf2.wkl krntripf2.wkl Page 1 ' 13-Jan-92 kmtriPf2.Wkl Page 2 13-Jan-92 :~i:::~{~{::ii;i~`~R~ad~:C~i~e~eek:B~?:~ii~:i::i:?:;i~!::;~i;i:::::.:: $0 $1,053.,000 $1,053,000 0 50 $526,500 :::iiiiiii;iilSh~a;h~A~rfiJi~B~:Cdi~ertS(!01!~at!~)!i ~ ~:::: ::~ ::: $0 $90,000 $90,000 0 50 ~5,000 u, oo,ooo , oo,ooo o , o,ooo [::.:.~;~ ::C0!!e~:.A~.Ue;;~ cuberts (8 !~atl0~) ;?:~::::?:~;::.~::::~.:~:?:~;~:::~ $0 $77,000 $77,000 0 50 $38,500 ~:~;:.PaiaBi~:D~;B~'~CUlv~s::(5:i~t!b~S):?; ~ ~::::.:::" : $0 $102,000 $102,000 0 50 $51,000 ?~.~ Nft~:::Ha[~: ~: ~X: ~:.~ :::f~.~) ~:;::~;;::~:~[~:~ ::: ? ~:;$0 $98,000 $98,000 0 50 $49,000 ::~;~:.~ M°~i:~g D~bi :B~::CUiVe~:.:( i;::~ati~ :-~:~S;R;-~78::~t~Ai[ $0 $30,000 $30,000 0 50 $15,000 $0 53,000,000 $3,000,000 0 50 s~ ,500,000 : ?::::?? 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