HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/05/1993 BAKERSFIELD Randy Rowles, Chair Kevin McDermott Patricia M. Smith Staff: Jack Hardisty AGENDA URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. Thursday, August 5, 1993 12:00 Noon City Manager's Conference Room 1. Hotel Update - Alan Tandy 2. South Beltway Cost - Ed Schulz 3. Discussion of Ordinance on Juvenile' Detention Facilities 4. Building Department Notices to Stop Work - Jack' Hardisty 5. Set Next Meeting BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER ~ FROM: ED SCHULZ, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS~. DATE: August 5, 1993 SUBJECT: 07/07/93 - CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL RECORD # 12029 South Beltway and land acquisition costs. (Wards 1,4,6,7) At the July 7, 1993 Council meeting, a Councilmember requested land acquisition costs for the South Beltwa¥: The estimated land acquisition costs for the three alternative routes included in the original Environmental Impact Report are as follows: Alt. #1 (Preferred) $ 8,994,580 Alt. #2 (Taft Hwy.) $ 36,556,592 Alt. #3 (DiGiorgio Rd.) $ 7,621,307 These costs have been recently updated and include the 210 foot right-of-way plus the interchanges at approximately 1 mile intervals. The beltway is considered to extend from Weedpatch Highway/Panama Lane to I-5 (See the attached map). For those parcels in the proposed right-of-way known to have a structure on them, a relocation benefit amount has been estimated. The unit costs used to determine this cost estimate are based on average current costs within the general area of the alternatives for commercial, light and medium residential, irrigated agricultural and permanent crop acreage. SOUTH BELTWAY PRELIMINARY ALTERNATIVE ALIGNMENTS PANAMA LANE >.. ~ ~ I PANAMA LANE ~ ~ .~ n' BERKSH~ ~E Rd. ~, r,,. .~ ..Mcl;UTCHE£ ~1 Rd. n- . .,~z-.~.-.imI ~-- _ HOSKII~ ~ AVE. MOUNTAINVIEW Rd.- ~- -,- , z ./. ~'<l~- ,.,'" ~ ~- ......... -r- ---- .'~ /" ~.--.T.AFT HWY. ~: ra ra~ n- ___ PAI~AMA ROAD n,' ' I~ ~ -'o ~; ,., × ii ,.z, ~' -- ,o.i ~OMERO Rd. ~ ~ CURNO~ Rd.~ : , ~ =: ~ ~ D~ ¢~0R¢~O ROAD ....... .~. ..... ==~ -- o 'r~ENGLE ~' ,. ,., co.. R.. =_- ~ ~ .. -- .... _" · ..J ~ r~ 0 -- o -'_. r,, u~ ~z nz WEEDPATCH LOOP o ' m HOJGHION ROAD ~ AI..TI~RIqATg g .--. BAKERSFIELD Alan landy · City Manager August 4, 1993 Ronald E. Brummett, Executive Director Kern Council of Governments 1401 19th Street, Suite 200 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: South Beltway Alternatives/Environmental Impact Report Dear Mr. Brummett: At the July 28, 1993 City Council meeting, the Council considered and adopted the attached report from the Council's Urban Development Committee, regarding a Kern COG decision to study a South Beltway alternative along Buena Vista Boulevard in addition to the three alternatives which have been completed to date. The Council further directed staff to communicate to your office a recommendation to not pursue a study of the Buena Vista Boulevard alignment. This alignment does not serve the growing south Bakersfield area as needed to implement the 2010 General Plan. To further delay the long overdue completion of the SOuth Beltway Study and EIR in order to study an alignment of questionable benefit, does not serve the interests of this community. Please present our concern to your Board at the next available Board meeting. ~..~...TANDY City Manager Attach. City of Bakersfield · City Manager's Office · 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California · 93301 ~' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITI'EE REPORT NO. 2-93 -- July 28, 1993 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SUIKIECT: SOUTH BELTWAY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT On July 15, 1993 the Kern Council of Governments (Kern COG) chose not to certify an EIR for the south beltway but instead directed the consultant to continue studying alternative alignments. These alternative alignments range so far south as not to serve the' growing neighborhoods of Bakersfield as needed to.implement the.2010 General Plan. A delay of at least six months will further jeopardize our ability to acquire right-of-way for this transportation facility. Evaluation of the far south alternatives should be considered as a part of proposals to urbanize the areas soUth of Taft Highway, if and when they are brought forward. Our need is to adopt a route to serve the' urban area north of Taft Highway. The Urban Development Committee is Seriously disappointed in Kern COG's decision. It is recommended that staff be directed to develop options to encourage the raPid conclusion to these studies to bring forward a proposed route for adoption. Respectfully .submitted, Cou,nci~ember Ran_dy l~owles, Chair Councilmember Patricia Smith kl UDC2-93.RPT July 22, 1993, 2:30pm TO: Jack Hardisty, Planning Director FROM: Jack Leonard, Asst. Building Director DATE: July 30, 1993 SUBJECT: Building Department Policy Regarding Stop Work Orders The Building Department rarely exercises the use of a stop work order. It is usually issued only in extreme cases involving a contractor's (or owner's) blatant refusal to comply with code requirements. A stop work order in this case would be issued by the area Supervisor. Building Inspectors are given authority to issue stop work orders, but are generally restricted to those involving work performed without obtaining a proper permit. It is important to stop work immediately if a permit has not been obtained. This is to prevent the potential for improper construction which could lead to costly modifications. If an Inspector issues a stop work order, they are required to report the order to their Supervisor (and generally do by radio prior to issuance). The Building Department respects the financial burden imposed to the owner (or builder) in the use of stop work orders, and uses them in only extreme, well documented cases. Stop work orders clearly define the specific Municipal or Building Code violation. If there is a problem, our staff is available to the public to review, discuss, or interpret the requirement in question. i have polled my Supervisory and Inspection staff and within the last 12 months they estimate approximately 4 to 5 stop work orders were issued related to "refused to comply" and numerous stop work orders were issued related to "work without permit". If you need additional information, or if there is a specific stop work order in question, please contact me at Ext. 3790. cc: Dennis Fidler. Building Director JL/kg/swo