HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/06/1993 B A K E R S F I E 'L D Daniel Kane, Chaff Kevin McDermott Patricia M. Smith Staff: Jack Hardisty AGENDA URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, May 6, 1993' 12:00 Noon City Manager's Conference Room 1. Unreinforced Masonry Building Ordinance (Jack Hardisty/Dennis Fidler) 12:30 Cathy Palla 2. Amendment to Setback Ordinance (Jack Hardisdy) 12:45 Barbara Don Carlos 1:00 Mark Ashley; Ken Hersh, Kate Rosenlieb 3. Truck Parking in Neighborhoods (Jack Hardisty) 4. Hotel Update (Alan Tandy) 5. Set Next Meeting The existing ordinance requires owners to submit a seismic survey of each U.R.M. building by December 31, 1993. The proposed ordinances will extend the date of compliance until December 31, 1998. This is a mandatory ordinance that. will require the building owner to address the life safety items that include: a. unbraced parapets. b. unanchored walls. c. walls of excessive heights. d. overhead masonry veneer. This ordinance would not require the building owner to address property damage items such as: a. walls in plane shear. b. roof or floor diaphragm's strength. c. masonry veneer not considered overhead. If the building owner wishes to address property damage control, the Uniform Code for Building Conservation Appendix, Chapter 1 may be followed. URMOL ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTERS 15.41 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE' RELATING TO SEISMIC SAFETY ANALYSES OF UNREINFORCED MASONRY BUILDINGS. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 15.41 is hereby amended to the Bakersfield Municipal Code to read as follows: SEISMIC SAFETY ADMINSTRATION OF UNREINFORCED MASONRY BUILDINGS Sections: 15.41.010 Scope. 15.41.020 Compliance with standards. 15.41.030 Mandatory requirements. 15.41.010 Scope. 'The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to. all buildings constructed prior to 1946, which, on the effective date of this Chapter, have unreinforced masonry bearing walls as defined in Section 15.40.030. This chapter provides for strengthening standards for unreinforced buildings as defined in this chapter. This chapter shall not require existing electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fire safety systems, parking, disabled access or other existing non- conforming uses to' be altered as a result of seismic strengthening unless they constitute a hazard to life. Exceptions: This chapter shall not apply to detached one or two family dwellings and detached multi-unit dwellings containing less than five (5) dwelling units'and used solely for residential purposes, nor shall it apply to single story warehouse buildings used solely for storage purposes and occupied less than three persons and. less than three (3) hours per day. 15.41.020 Compliance with standards. Unreinforced masonry buildings shall comply 'with provisions of Chapter 15.40. Should an owner elect to strengthen a .building beyond the requirements set forth in Chapter 15.40 such additional strengthing work shall comply with Appendix Chapter 1 of Uniform Code for Building Conservation, 1991 Edition, which is hereby adopted for that purpose. 15.41.030 Mandatory requirements. A. Each' owner, as shown on the latest eqUalized assessment roll.of the County of Kern, of an unreinforced masonry 'building shall undertake structural alterations of said building or demolish it by December 31, 1998 where it is not found to comply with'Chapter 15.40 of Bakersfield Municipal Code. B. If the owner fails to comply with the provisions as required by this Chapter after December 31, 1998, then the subject building shall be declared as a dangerous building. The' building official may initiate proceedings in accordance with the Uniform Code for Abatement of Dangerous Buildings. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be posted in. accordance with provisions of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. o0o- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield'at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED BOB PRICE MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: LAURENCE LUNARDINI CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield LCM/KG URM-15 ~ 41 4-20-93 - 3 - Ordinance No. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15.40 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL. CODE RELATING TO UNREINFORCED MASONRY BUILDINGS. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 15.40 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 15.40 EARTHQUAKE HAZARD REDUCTION IN EXISTING UNREINFORCED MASONRY BEARING WALL BUILDINGS Sections: 15.40.010 Purpose. 15.40.020 Scope. 15.40.030 Definitions. 15.40.040 Material requirements. 15.40.050 Quality control. 15.40.060 Allowable design values. 15.40.070 Detailed systems design requirements. 15.40.080 Tables and standards. 15.40.010 Purpose. The purpose of Jthis chapter is to promote public safety, health and welfare by reducing the risk of death or injury that may result from the effects of earthquakes on unreinforced masonry buildings. The provisions of this chapter establish minimum. standards for structural seismic resistance primarily to reduce the risk of death or injUry, but cannot Prevent loss of life or injury or prevent earthquake damage to an existing building even though it complies with these standards. 15.40.020 Scope. ? , · he ~rov±s~o~s of these re~u±reme~ts shall a~l¥ to all bu~ld£~gs constructed ~r±or to 1946 a~d ha~±~g u~re~nforced masonry bear±~g ~alls as def~ed here±~. ~t ±$ recognized that strengthening was done to many unreinforced masonry buildings following the 1952 Kern County earthquake. The engineer or architect retained by the building owner and the city building official shall give full consideration to any strengthening done when analyzing ~the existing condition of the building as required by this chapter. Where strengthening was done which may not fully comply with the provisions of this chapter, approval may be granted by the building official if the building's condition complies with the intent of this chapter. NOthing in this chapter shall Prevent the building owner, his architect or engineer from employing accepted alternative methods to prove the minimum seismic safety of a building. In the event an alternative method is employed by the building owner, his architect or engineer which is not accepted by the city building official, the building owner shall have the right to appeal that decision to the Board of Building Appeals. 15.40.030 Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, certain terms are defined as follows: (a) "CROSS WALLS:" are interior walls of masonry or wood stud construction. In order to be considered as a cross wall within the intent of this chapter, cross walls shall be not more than 40 feet apart in each story, and shall be full story height between diaphragms. Existing cross walls with a minimum length of one and one-half times the story height shall be sheathed with one of the following: wood lath and plaster, 1/2 inch thick gypsum wallboard two sides, or solid or diagonal wood board sheathing. New cross walls shall have a rational shear path to the ground, and shall be constructed of materials that are assigned allowable shear values in Chapter 25 or Chapter 47 of the Uniform Building Code, and shall have a total shear capacity equivalent to that of a wall 1 1/2 times the story height that is sheathed with a material that has an allowable shear value of 150 pounds per foot. (b) "UNREINFORCED MASONRY BEARING WALL:" A masonry wall having 'all of the following characteristics: 1. Provide the vertical support for a floor or roof. 2. The total superimposed load is over 100 pounds per linear foot. 3. The area of reinforcing steel is less than 25 percent of the minimum steel ratios required by the Building Code for reinforced masonry. 15.40.040 Material requirements. (a) Existing Materials. All existing materials utilized as part of the lateral force resisting system shall be in sound condition or shall be removed and replaced with new materials. (b) Existing Unreinforced Masonry: 1. General. Unreinforced masonry walls Shall be tested as specified in this subsection. Masonry that dOes not meet or exceed the minimum standards established'by this Chapter shall be removed and replaced'by new materials and anchored to supporting elements;~ design of anchorage shall comply with requirements for anchorage of masonry veneer of Section 15.40.070(g). 2. Lay-Up of Walls. The facing and baCking shall be bonded so that not less than 4 percent of the wall surface of each face is composed of solid headers extending not less than 4 inches into the backing. The distance between adjacent full-length headers shall not exceed 24 inches either vertically or horizontally. In walls in which a single header does not extend through the wall, headers from opposite sides shall oVerlap at least four inches, or headers from opposite sides shall be covered with another header course overlapping the header below at least four inches. Wythes of walls not bonded as described above shall be considered as veneer. The veneer wythe shall not be included in the effective thickness used in calculating the height to thickness ratio of the wall unless it is'bonded and anchored to the backing in a manner acceptable to the building official. 3. Mortar A. Tests. The quality of mortar in unreinforced masonry walls shall be determined by performing in- place shear tests in accordance with Uniform Building Code Standard (24-7). Alternate methods of testing to establish compliance with the minimum requirement of Section 15.40.040 (b) 3. D. (IV) may be approved by the building official. B. Location of Tests. Shear tests shall be taken at locations representative of the mortar conditions throughout the entire building. The exact test location shall be determined at the building site by the engineer or architect in responsible charge of the structural design work. An accurate record of such tests and their location in the 'building shall' be recorded and these results shall be submitted to the building official for approval as part of the structural analysis. C. Number of Tests. The minimum number of tests per wall or line of wall elements providing a common line of resistance to lateral forces shall'be as follows: Two (2) tests per wall with a minimum total number of 8 tests or one test per 1,500 square feet of wall area, whichever results in the greater number of tests. D. Minimum Quality Mortar. (I) Mortar shear test values, vto, shall be obtained for each in-place shear test in accordance with the following equation: Vto = (Vtest -' PD+~)/~ .................. ( 7-1 ) WHERE: Vto = Mortar shear test value, in psi. Vte.t = Shear stress at incipient cracking for each in-place test per Standard No. 24.7. PD+L = Actual dead plus live load in place at the time of testing, in pounds. A~ = Area'of the wall supporting PD+L at each in-place shear test. (II) Individual unreinforced masonry wall With vto less than 30 psi shall be pointed prior to retesting. (III) The mortar shear strength, vt is the value in psi that is exceeded by 80% of all of the mortar shear test values, vto. (IV) Unreinforced masonry with mortar shear strength, vt less than 30 psi shall be removed or pointed and retested. E. Pointing. All deteriorated mortar joints in unreinforced masonry walls shall be pointed according to Standard No. 24-9. Nothing shall prevent pointing with mortar of all masonry wall joints before the tests are made. 15.40.050 Ouality control. '(a) Pointing. Special inspection shall be provided during preparation and mortar pointing. Exception: Pointing may be performed without.special inspection where approved by the engineer. 4 (b) Existing Floor or Roof'Level Wall AnChors.. 1. Floor level anchors embedded in brick. If existing rod anchors embedded in brick are to be utilized as all or part of the required wall anchorage system at the floor level, not less than 5 percent of such existing rod anchors shall be tested by an approved testing laboratory or under the supervision of the engineer. The minimum number of anchors tested shall be four per floor, with two tests at walls with joists framing into the wall and two tests at walls with joists parallel to the wall but not less than 10 percent of the total number of existing tension anchors at each level. The test apparatus shall be supported on the masonry wall at a minimum distance of the wall thickness from the anchor tested. The rod anchor shall be given a preload of 300 lbs. prior'to establishing a datum for recording elongation. · The tension test load reported shall be recorded at one-eighth inch relative movement of the anchor and the adjacent masonry surface. Results of all tests shall be reported. The report shall include the test results' as related to the wall thickness and joint orientation. Ends of existing anchors shall be secured into the wood framing by a positive mechanical attachment. 2. Floor or roof level anchors embedded in concret'e. Existing rod anchors at floor or roof levels that are embedded in existing concrete or gunite applied to the opposite, side of the wall need not be tested provided such embedment is verified by observation and report by an approved testing agency or the engineer for at.least one anchor, and all anchors observed, in each wall at each level for which such the anchors are to be utilized as all or part of the required wall anchorage system. Other evidence of such embedment may be approved by the Building Official. (c) Testing of Bolts. One-fourth of new embedded bolts in unreinforced masonry walls shall be tested by a testing laboratory or engineer using the procedure of U.B.C. Standard No. 24-8. Exception: Special inspection in accordance with the Building Code or continUous observation by the engineer may be provided during installation in lieu of testing. (d) Required Reports. The engineer or testing agency shall submit a signed report to the Building Official .for each test, observation or inspection required by Section 15.40.050. The report shall state the test, observation, or inspection performed, the date, the results of each individual test, observation or inspection, (including those that fail to satisfy the intent of this Ordinance) and whether to the best of the knowledge of the preparer of the report, the results indicate compliance with this Ordinance. 5 15.40.060 Allowable desiqn values. (a) Tension Anchors. Allowable values for tension anchors are given in Table No. 1-B. A one-third increase is not allowed for values listed in this table. (b) Other Materials. Allowable values not specified in this chapter shall be as specified elseWhere in the 1991 Uniform Building Code. 15.40.070 Detailed systems design requirements. (a) Lateral Force on Elements of Structures and Nonstructural Components. Parts or portions of structures, nonstructural components and their anchorage to the main structural system shall be designed for lateral forces in accordance with the following formula: -- c w ................... (10-1) Fp p ~ W shall be as defined in Section 2332. The value of C need not ~xceed the values set forth in Table No. lC. ~ (b) Height to Thickness Limitations. Unreinforced masonry wall height to thickness ratios shall not exceed the ratios set forth in Table No. 1D. If a wall height to thickness ratio exCeeds the specified limits, the wall shall be laterally supported by bracing members complying with Subsection (c)1 or with Subsection (c)2. Bracing systems shall be designed in accordance with Section 15.40.070(a). The wall thickness may include the thickness of plaster, stucco or concrete that is determined by the .engineer to be bonded to the full height of the wall between wall anchors. (c) Bracing Methods.. 1. Vertical Bracing Members. Vertical bracing members' shall be attached to floor and roof construction for their design loads independent of required wall anchors. Horizontal spacing of vertical bracing members shall not exceed one-half the unsupported height of the wall nor 10 feet. Deflection of such bracing members at design loads, shall not exceed one-tenth of the wall thickness. 2. Wall Bracing. The wall height may be measured to bracing elements other than a floor or roof. Horizontal spacing of the bracing elements and wall anchors shall not exceed 6 feet on center nor 6 times the wall thickness, whichever is less. Bracing elements shall be detailed to minimize the.horizontal displacement of the wall by the vertical.displacement of the floor or roof. 6 (d) Wall AnchOrage. 1. Anchor Locations. Unreinforced masonry walls shall be anchored at the roof and floor levels in order to resist the forces specified in this section. 2. Tension Anchor Requirements. Tension anchors shall be tension bOlts through the wall having a maximum spacing of 6 feet or 6 times the wall thickness, whichever is less. .Alternate anchors shall be combination tension and shear bolts complying with the requirements set forth in Table No. 1-B. Tension bolts used to resist required forces may be assumed to develop the allowable values listed in Table No. 1-B. If access to the exterior face of a masonry wall is prevented by proximity of an existing building or when the appearance of through the wall tension anchors will affect the architectural appearance of the building, embedded bolts conforming to Table No. 1-B may be used. Wall anchors shall be secured to the rafters or joists to transfer the required forces into roof or floor sheathing. 3. Minimum Wall Anchorage Force. Anchorage of masonry walls to each floor or roof shall resist a minimum force determined by Formula (10-1) or 200 pounds per linear foot, whichever is greater, acting normal to the wall at the level of the floor or roof. Existing wall anchors installed under previous permits must meet or must be.upgraded to meet the requirements of this Chapter. 4. Anchors at Corners. At the roof and floor levels, combination:tension and shear anchors shall be provided within two feet horizontally from the inside of the corners of the walls. (e) Parapets. Parapets and exterior wall appendages not capable of resisting the forces sPecified in this section shall be removed, stabilized or braced to ensure that the parapets and appendages remain in their original position. The maximum height of an unbraced unreinforced masonry parapet above the level of tension anchors shall not exceed one and one-half (1-1/2) times the thickness of the parapet wall. If the required parapet height exceeds'this maximum height, a bracing system designed for the force determined by formula (10-1) shall be · installed to support the parapet. Parapet corrective work shall be performed in conjunction with the installation of tension roof anchors. The minimum height of a parapet above the wall anchor shall be twelve (12) inches. Exception: If a reinforced concrete beam is provided at the top of the wall, the minimum height above the wall anchor may be six (6) inches. f. Mortar Joints. Ail 'deteriorated mortar joints in unreinforced masonry walls shall be pointed with Type S or N mortar. Masonry cements shall not be used. Prior to any pointing, the wall surface must be raked and cleaned to remove loose and deteriorated mortar. All preparation for pointing .shall be inspected by the engineer or his representative. g. Masonry Veneer. 1. Veneer shall be anchored, to the structure of 'the .building with approved anchor'ties conforming to the required design capacity specified in the Building Code and placed at a maximum spacing of 24 inches with a maximum supported area of 2 square feet. EXCEPTION: I. Existing masonry veneer anchor ties may be acceptable provided the ties are in sound condition and conform to the following minimum size, maximum spacing and material requirements:. Existing masonry veneer anchor ties shall be corrugated galvanized iron strips.not less than 1 inch in width, 8-inches in length and 1/16.inch in thickness and shall be located and laid in every alternate course in the vertical height of the wall at a spacing not to exceed 17 inches on center horizontally. As an alternate, such ties may be laid in every fourth course vertically at a spacing not to exceed 9 inches on center horizontally. II. Masonry veneer, no'portion of which 6 feet above grade need not be anchored. 2. The location and condition of existing veneer anchor ties shall be verified as follows: A. The engineer shall determine the location and spacing of the ties and shall submit a report to the building official for approval as apart of the structural analysis. B. Under the direction of the engineer, the veneer shall be removed from a desiginated location to .expose a representative sample of ties (not less than four) for evaluation by the engineer. The engineer's evaluation shall be included in the survey to the building official for approval. 3. Unreinforced masonry walls which carry no loads other than their own weight may be considered as veneer .if they are adequately anchored to new supporting elements. 15.40.080 Tables and Standards. For Time Limits and Technical Specifications see Table Nos. l-A, l-B, l-C, and l-D; Standard Nos. 24-7 and 24-9. TABLE NO. 1-A TIME LIMITS FOR COMPLIANCE (3) Required Action Obtain Building 'Commence Complete. By Owner Permit Within Construction Construction Within .Within Anchorage 1 Year (1) 180 Days (2) 1 Year (2) Installation Buildings to 1 Year (1) 180 Days (2). 1 Year (2) be Demolished (1) Measured from the date of the order. (2) Measured from the date of building permit issuance. (3) These time limits shall not apply to a change of occupancy involving a Group A Occupancy having an Occupant load of 100 or more. 9 TABLE NO. 1-B ALLOWABLE VALUES FOR TENSION ANCHORS Type of Installation Allowable Values (1)' EXISTING TENSION ANCHORS FOR FLOORS: To be tested per Section 15.40.050(bl) Allowable shall be 40% of the average of the tests for anchors having same wall thickness and joist orientation. Existing rod anchors at floor or roof 1800 lb. per bolt levels embedded in existing concrete or gunite on the opposite side of the wall. (2) TENSION BOLTS: Bolts extending entirely through 1800 lbs. per bolt. unreinforced masonry walls secured with bearing'plates on far side of. 900 lbs. for 2 wythe walls. a 3 wythe minimum wall with a bearing plate having an area of at least 30 square inches. (2) (3) COMBINATION TENSION AND SHEAR BOLTS: Combination tension and shear bolts Same as for tension bolts. are tension bolts centered in a 2-1/2 inch diameter by 8 inch minimum depth hole with dry-pack or nonshrink grout around the circumference of bolt. EMBEDDED BOLTS Bolts extending to the exterior wall 1200 pounds. with a 2-1/2 inch round plate under the head and drilled at an angle of 22-1/2 degrees to the .horizontal. Bolts shall be centered in 2-1/2 inch diameter holes with dry-pack or non-shrink grout around circumference of bolts. Bolts shall be tested per Section 15.40.050(d). 10 (1) (1) A one-third increase in allowable stresses is not allowed for the tabulated values. The alloWable capacity shall not be greater than the capacity of the connection to the floor or roof framing. (2) Bolts to be 1/2 inch minimum in diameter. (3) Drilling for bolts and dowels shall be done with an electric rotary drill. Impact tools shall not be used for drilling holes or tightening anchors and shear bolt nuts. TABLE.NO. 1-C HORIZONTAL FORCE FACTOR "Cp" FOR PARTS OR PORTIONS OF BUILDINGS OR OTHER STRUCTURES Part or Portion Direction Value of of Buildings of Force C Exterior bearing and nonbearing Normal-to-flat 0.3 walls; interior bearing walls surface and partitions; interior non- bearing, walls and partitions over 10 feet in height. Cantilever parapet and other Normal-to-flat 1.00 cantilever walls, except surface retaining-walls. Exterior and interior ornamen- Any direction 1.00 tations and appendages. Prefabricated structural Any horizontal 0.30 elements, other than walls, direction with force applied at center ~ of gravity of assembly. Connections for exterior panels Any direction 2.00 or elements. 11 TABLE NO. 1-D ALLOWABLE VALUE OF HEIGHT-THICKNESS RATIO OF UNREINFORCED MASONRY WALLS WITH MINIMUM QUALITY MORTAR Buildings with Crosswalls As Defined by Section Ail Other 15.40.020 Buildings Walls of one-story 16 13 buildings First-story walls 16 15 of two-story buildings Walls in top story of 14 9 Multi-story buildings Ail other walls 16 13 1J2 SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with provisions of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. --- o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of. the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED BOB PRICE Mayor of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: LAWRENCE M. LUNARDINI CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield LCM/kg 4-30-93 URM 13 TO: URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMIT'I~E ..,' FROM: JACK HARDISTY, PLANNING DIRE ' · -: SUBJECT: RESPONSE TO BIA LETTER REGARDING CHANGES TO RESIDENTIAL SETBACKS (RECORD 'g/11747) On April 28, 1993, Ci~ Council referred to you a letter received from the Building Industry. ,Msociation of Kern County (BIA), regarding zoning ordinance amendments to the residential zones that proposed increasing the front and street side yard setbacks for garages and carports if their openings faced a street. The BIA expressed two major concerns in that letter. First, they felt that the Planning Commission ignored their Subdivision Committee's recommendation by approving the recommendation proposed by staff. BIA supported the committce's recommendation feeling staff's proposal was excessive. The issue of minimum driveways to garages was raised by the Planning Commission when members noted that it was becoming increasingly popular to develop R-2 zoned property with single family units. Using the R-2 front yard standard of 15 feet leaves a driveway 10 feet shorter than a standard R-1 development with its 25 foot front yard. Staff recommended a minimum front and side yard of 20 feet if a garage or carport opening faced the street. BIA objected at the public hearing and the matter was referred to committee and continued to the next meeting. The committee recommended a minimum driveway of 20 feet measured from thc back of sidewalk to garage rather than from the property line. The Planning Commission reviewed both the initial recommendation by staff and the committee's recommendation with equal determination. However. the majority of the Commission agreed that stat'f's first proposal was the best alternative to deal with thc problem of vehicles protruding over sidewalks or into the street due to the inadequate length of driveways. They felt that if a developer wished a lesser setback, then that developer should prove to the Commission that the project's design or unique aspects would warrant such relicg They were also satisfied that the new regulations would bc consistently applied as all measurements would be based from the property line (similar to other setback measurements) instead of a sidewalk or curb assuming they exist. During the course of discussion, the Commission noted that the Subdivision Committee's recommendation (measurement based from back of sidewalk) did not actually result in any change being made to the existing front yard setback requirement, and only minimal change to the street side yard setback, thereby continuing the problem of vehicle encroachment. Urban Development Committee ~ay 6, 1993 Page 2 The second issue by the BIA concerned the Planning Commission's agenda of April 15. 1993. A recent change in procedure makes the Commission's agenda available tbr public review two weeks prior to its meeting. This new procedure was initiated to better serve the development community in that it improves scheduling and enables problems to be worked out in advance of ~he Commission's meeting. This also gives the Planning Commissioners time to better prepare for their meetings both in anticipating their work load and in their access to staff reports 1-1/2 weeks to 2 weeks before their hearings. If there is a continuance or addition, an addendum is prepared so that after the Commission's pre-meeting (held the Monday before the Thursday regular meeting), the agenda is current. The April 15th meeting agenda had four addenda which included two continuances from the previous Commission meeting (April 1, 1993), and two new items. This proposal was one of the two continued items placed on the April 15th agenda while the BIA representative was present. The other two items added during the following week were city projects. During the Commission's pre-meeting, I informed the Commission that the agenda would be retyped incorporating the addenda so that the cases would be heard in their proper sequence. The agenda would be easier to follow and reduce confusion during the meeting. That agenda was posted that Monday afternoon in compliance with the proper posting time of the Brown Act regulations. Adequate opportunity was provided for the BIA to present their comments to the Planning Commission concerning this issue. Representatives testified at the Commission's April 1st public hearing, and at the Committee meeting held on April 14th. Although the Commission had closed the public hearing at the April 1st meeting, a BIA representative that was in attendance at the committee meeting was also present at the April 15th Commission meeting. I have attached copies of the complete agendas of the Planning Commission for April 15th including the draft with the addenda and the final with thc addenda incorporated into agcnda that was posted for public rcvicw. JE:pjt Attachments I\mcc$.4 MEMORANDUM April 15, 1993 _ TO: Planning Commission /~ / ·. FROM: Jack Hardisty, Planning Dire or~~. SUBJECT: Subdivision Committee Report/ . Proposed ordinance amendment regarding front and side yard setbacks The Subdivision Committee of the Planning Commission met on April 14, 1993 with Commission members Marino, Rosenlieb and Andrew present. Representatives from the Kern County Building Industry Association were also present. · The Committee reviewed staff's proposal of increasing the front yard setback if a garage faced the street from .15 feet to 20 feet in the R-2, R-3, and R-4 zones, and the side yard setback from 10 feet to 20 feet in all the residential zones for corner lots. Discussion centered on the issue of what would be an adequate distance for a vehicle parked in a driveway between the garage and the back of sidewalk (or curb if there was no sidewalk). A majority of the committee members agreed that a 20 foot distance should be required between the garage and back of sidewalk. Commissioner Rosenlieb objected stressing that this distance - should be increased to 23 or 25 feet from the back of the sidewalk (which would reflect staff's initial proposal). Two ordinance amendments are attached, one representing the Subdivision Committee's opinion requiring a' 20 foot distance from the back of sidewalk to the garage,· and staff's initial proposal (revised to reflect staff's recommendation from the last Commission meeting), increasing the yard area to 20 feet (measurement from property line). Note: There are three curb to property line distances that exist along ·various streets in the city of 8, 10 and 12 feet. Under both the proposal suggested by the Subdivision Committee and that initially recommended by staff, building setbacks from the property line would be affected 'as follows: Curb to Property Committee Proposal Staff Proposal Line (building setback difference over (building setback difference over existing ordinance requirement) existing ordinance requirement) Front Yard Side Yard Front Yard Side Yard 8 feet +2 ft +7 ft +5 ft +10 fl 10 feet 0 ft +5 ft +5 fl +10 fl 12 feet 0 ft +3.ft +5 fl +10 fl Items A-D would be .w the setbacks would apply under the proposed ordinance. Items E and F shoTM the setbacks under the current ordinance requirements. 8-2.3.4 zon~ ,~. ,.~ ~ ] . · ~.' ....... , ........~ .~ , .. ,- .., ./~ ~..' ., . RESIDENTIAL SETBACKS (EXAMPLES) VEHICLE LENGTH SURVEY (Source: 1992 Consumer Reports New Car Buying Guide) Small Cars ~ 11.5 - 14.5 feet Examples:. Dodge ShadoTM, Ford. Festiva, Geo Metro, Nissan Sentra, Toyota Corolla Compact Cars 14.5 - 15.75 feet Examples: Chevrolet Beretta, Chrysler Le Baron, Honda Accord, Pontiac Grand AM, Saab 900, Mercedes Benz 300, BMW 325 Medium Cars 16 - 17 feet - Examples: Acura Legend, Cadillac Eldorado, Chevrolet Lumina, Ford Tauras, Ford Thunderbird, Infinity Q45, Lexus LS400, Uncoln Continental, Nissan Maxima, Toyota Camry Lar.qe Cars 17.25 - 18.5 feet Examples:- Buick Roadmaster, Cadillac Brougham, Chevrolet Capdce, Chrysler Imperial, Lincoln Town Car Sports Cars 13 - 16 feet. Examples: Chevrolet Camero,, Pontiac Firebird, Chevrolet Corvette, Dodge Stealth, Ford Probe, Ford Mustang, Honda Prelude, Mazda Miata, Mitsubishi Eclipse Small Vans 14.75 - t5.5 feet Examples: Chevrolet Astro Van, Dodge Caravan, Ford Aerostar, Mazda MPV. Sport Utilib/ , 14 - 15.5 feet Examples: Ford Explorer, Chevrolet S10 Blazer, Jeep Grand Cherokee, Isuzu Rodeo, Nissan Pathfinder Small TrucKs 13.5 - 15.5 feet Most of the imports are similar in length approximatly 13.5 - 14.5 feet. Extended cabs generally measure in the 15+ foot range. Full-Sized Trucks 16 - 21 feet Basic truck length averages nearly 1.6 feet, extended cabs 18.5 feet. The Chevrolet Suburban (5-door) measures 19 1/2 feet, crew cab pickup trucks (4-door) 21 feet. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Council Chamber, City Hall Thursday. April 15, 1993 '5:30 p.m. Study meeting: 12 noon Monday, April 12, 1993 Basement Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS: DARREN POWERS, Chairperson STEVE MESSNER, Vice Chairperson JEFF ANDREW DAVID COHN KENNETH HERSH JIM MARINO KATE ROSENLIEB ALTERNATE: C. ROBERT FRAPWELL 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS ANY PERSON WHOSE NAME APPEARS ON 'THE AGENDA OR WISHES TO SPEAK REGARDING A PUBLIC HEARING NEED NOT' FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S CARD. ALL OTHERS WISHING TO SPEAK BEFORE THE COMMISSION MAY FILL OUT A SPEAKER's CARD AND PRESENT IT TO THE SECRETARY PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE MEETING. NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL Planning Commission decisions on Zone Changes, Parcel Maps and Tentative Subdivision maps are sUbject to appeal by any person aggrieved. No permit shall be issued for any use involved in an application until after the final acceptance date of appeal. Such appeal must be filed in writing within 10 days from date of hearing, addressed to the City Council, c/o Office of the City Clerk, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA" 93301. A $275 non-refundable filing fee must be included with filing of the initial appeal. If all appeals are withdrawn prior to the City Council hearing, it Will not be conducted and the decision' of the Planning Commission~ will stand. If no appeal is received within the specified time period or' if all appeals filed are withdrawnl the action of the Planning Commission shall become final. Agenda, PC, 4/15/93 Page'2 3. WALL AND LANDSCAPE PLAN (Martin-Mclntosh) Request to consider wall and landscape concept plans for Tract 5464 generally located at the southeast corner of Ming Avenue and Haggin Oaks Boulevard. Group vote 4. PUBLIC HEARING - EXTENSION OF TIME TENTATIVE TRACT 5446 (L. Bruce Nybo) Located on the northwest corner of Freeway 99 and McKee Road. Contains 316 lots on 78.7 acres zoned R-1. (Categorically exempt) Group vote 5. PUBLIC HEARING - TENTATIVE TRACTS 1) TENTATIVE TRACT 5290 (Martin-McIntosh) Located on the south side of Chamber Boulevard between Buena Vista' Road and Grand Lakes Avenue. Contains 38 lots on 17.46 acres zoned R-1. (Negative Declaration on file) Group vote 2) VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT 5666 (Simpson-Vancuren, Inc.) Located on the north side of Campus Park Drive east of Saddle Drive (extended) to the Buena Vista Canal. Contains 161 lots on 36 acres, zoned R-1. (Negative Declaration on file) Group vote 3) VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT 5667 (Simpson-Vancuren, Inc.) Located on the north side of Campus Park Drive east of Mountain Vista Drive to Saddle Drive ' (extended). Contains 128 lots on 28.3 acres zoned R-1. (Negative Declar/ation on file) Group vote Agenda, PC, 4/15/93 Page 3 4) VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT 5669 (Rickett, Ward;. Delmarter & Deifel) Located on the northwest corner of Hageman Road and Old Farm Road. Contains 75 lots on 19.3 acres zoned R-1. (Negative Declaration on file) GrouP vote 5) TENTATIVE TRACT 5649 (Martin-McIntosh) Located between Spring Creek Loop and the Stine Canal, approximately 1/4 mile east of Clear Mist Way. Contains 78 single family residential lots with common area for Parking and recreation.purposes. (Negative Declaration on file) Group vote 6. PUBLIC HEARING - ZONE CHANGES FII.E 5446 -- Time set for public hearing on an application by MARTIN- MCINTOSH to amend the zoning boundaries from an R-1 (One Family Dwelling) to a PUD (Planned Unit Development)or more restrictive zone for property located betWeen Spring Creek Loop and the Stine Canal, approximately 1/4 mile east of Clear Mist Way. (Negative Declaration on file) Roll call vote 7. PUBLIC HEARING - PREZONING ' FILE 5451 -- Time set for public hearing on a request by the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD to change the zone from CounW E-l/4 (Estate-1/4 acre minimum) zone to City E (Estate-One Family Dwelling) or more restrictive zone for property located west of Jewetta Avenue approximately 500 feet south of Hageman Road. (Negative Declaration on file) Roll call vote Agenda, PC, 4/15/93 Page 4 $. COMMUNICATIONS A) Written Correspondence regarding Drive-through Restaurants in the C-1 Zone District. B) Verbal 9. COMMISSION COMMENTS A. Committees 1) General plan 2) Zoning Ordinance 3) Sign Ordinance 4) Subdivision and Public Services 5) Trails and Ways 6) Parks and Environmental Quality Act 7) Joint Council/Planning Commission 10. ADJOURNMENT ADDENDUM Planning Commission Agenda Meeting of April 15, 1993 The following Agenda Item #'s 7.C and 7.D should be added to the agenda: setbacks in the R-1 (One Family Dwelling), R-2 (Limited Multiple Family yard Dwelling), R-3 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) and R-4 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) zone districts, increasing the setback of a garage or carport to 20 feet if such opens directly onto the street. (Continued from the regular meeting of April 1, 1993) . 7.D DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION ABOUT INCREASING REAR YARDS ADJACENT TO.COLI~ECTOR AND ARTERIAL STREETS Planning Director ADDENDUM Planning Commission Agenda Meeting of April. 15, 1993 The following Agenda Item #2.B should be added to-the agenda: 2.B PRESENTATION BY CASTLE & COOKE OF COMPREHENSIVE PLANS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THEIR PROPERTIES LOCATED IN SOUTHWEST AND NORTHWEST AREAS OF THE CITY Planning Director ADDENDUM Planning Commission Agenda Meeting of April 15, 1993 The following Agenda Item #7.B should be added to the agenda: 1992-1997 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM HARDISTYi Secreta~ Planning Director ADDENDUM Planning Commission Agenda Meeting of April 15, 1993 The following Agenda Item #7.E should be added to the agenda: 7.E GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY FINDING (Government Code Section 65402) General plan consistency finding for acquisition of a fire station site l°eated along the east side of Buena Vista Road approximately half-way between Stockdale Highway and Deer Peak Drive. Group vote , Secreta~ Planning Director AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Council Chamber. City. Hall . Thursday, April 15. 1993 5:30' p.m. Study meeting: 12 noon Monday, April 12, 1993 Basement Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS: DARREN POWERS, Chairperson' STEVE MESSNER, Vice Chairperson JEFF ANDREW DAVID COHN KENNETH HERSH JIM MARINO KATE ROSENLIEB ALTERNATE: C. ROBERT FRAPWELL 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS ANY PERSON WHOSE NAME APPEARS ON THE AGENDA OR WISHES TO SPEAK REGARDING A PUBLIC HEARING NEED NOT FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S CARD. ALL OTHERS WISHING TO SPEAK BEFORE THE COMMISSION MAY FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S CARD AND PRESENT IT TO THE SECRETARY PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE MEETING. NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL Planning Commission decisions on Zone Changes, Parcel Maps and Tentative Subdivision maps are subject to appeal by any person aggrieved. No permit shall be issued for any use involved in an application until after the final acceptance date of appeal. Such appeal must be filed in writing within 10 days from date of hearing, addressed to the City. Council. c/o Office of the City Clerk, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301. A $275 non-refundable filing fee must be inkluded with filing of the initial appeal. If all appeals are withdrawn prior to the City Council hearing, it will not be conducted and the decision of the Planning Commission will stand. If no appeal is received within the specified time period or if all appeals filed are withdrawn, the action of the Planning Commission shall become final. Agenda, PC, 4/15/93 Page 2 Items marked bv asterisk (*) are on consent calendar and will be acted on as a group without individual staff presentations unless taken off consent by anyone who wishes to speak about them. The chairperson will ask at the beginning of the meeting if anyone wishes to discuss or testify on any of the consent items. If any items are taken off consent they will be considered in their regular order on the agenda. If not, the chairperson will open the public hearings on the items as a group and entertain a motion. 3. WALL AND LANDSCAPE PLAN. (Martin-McIntosh) Request to consider wall and landscape concept plans for Tract 5464 generally located at the southeast corner of Ming Avenue and Haggin Oaks Boulevard. Group vote 4. -PUBLIC HEARING - EXTENSION OF TIME TENTATIVE TRACT 5446 (L. Bruce Nybo) Located on the northwest corner of Freeway 99 and McKee Road. Contains 316 lots on 78.7 acres zoned R-1. (Categorically exempt) Group vote 5. PUBLIC HEARING - TENTATIVE TRACTS' 1) TENTATIVE TRACT 5290 (Martin-McIntosh) Located on the south side of Chamber Boulevard between 'Buena Vista Road and Grand Lakes Avenue. Contains 38 lots on 17.46 acres zoned R-1. (Negative Declaration on file) Group vote 2) VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT 5666 (Simpson-Vancuren, Inc.) Located on the north side of Campus Park Drive east of Saddle Drive (extended) to the Buena Vista Canal. Contains 161 lots on 36 acres, zoned R-I~ (Negative Declaration on file) Group vote Agenda, PC, 4/15/93 Page 3 .3) VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT 5667 (Simpson-Vancuren. Inc.) Located on the north side of Campus Park Drive east of Mountain Vista · Drive to Saddle Drive (extended). Contains 128 lots on 28.3 acres zoned R-1. (Negative Declaration on file) Group vote 4) VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT 5669 (Rickett, Ward, Delmarter & Deifel) Located on the northwest corner of Hageman Road and Old Farm Road. Contains 75 lots on 19.3 acres zoned R-1. (Negative Declaration on file) Group vote 5) TENTATIVE TRACT 5649 (Martin-Mclntosh) Located between Spring Creek Loop and the Stine Canal, approximately 1/4 mile east of Clear Mist Way. Contains 78 single family residential lots with common area for parking and recreation purposes. (Negative Declaration on file) Staff recommends hearing concurrently with Item #6. Group vote 6. PUBLIC HEARING - ZONE CHANGES FILE 5446 -- Time set for public hearing on an application by MARTIN- MCINTOSH to amend.the zoning boundaries from an R-1 (One Family Dwelling) to a PUD (Planned Unit Development) or more restrictive zone for property located between Spring Creek Loop and the Stine Canal, approximately 1/4 mile east of Clear Mist Way. (Negative Declaration on file) Roll call vote 7. PUBLIC HEARING - PREZONING FILE 5451 -- Time set for public hearing on a request by the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD to change the zone from County E-l/4 (Estate-I/4 acre minimum) zone to City E (Estate-One Family DWelling) or more restrictive zone for property located west of Jewetta Avenue approximately 500 feet south of Hageman Road. (Negative Declaration on file) Roll call vote Agenda, PC, 4/15/93 Page 4 $. 1993-1998 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM BUDGET - DETERMINATION BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF CONSISTENCY WITH THE GENERAL AND SPECIFIC PLANS. 9. .AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT  Amendment to the text of the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to the front and side yard setbacks in the R-1 (One Family Dwelling), R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling); R-3 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) and R-4 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) zone districts, increasing the setback of a garage or carport to 20 feet if such opens directly onto the street. (Continued from the regular meeting of April 1, 1993) call vote 10. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION TO INITIATE A ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO INCREASE REAR YARDS ADJACENT TO COLLECTOR AND ARTERIAL STREETS 11. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY FINDING (Government Code Section 65402) General plan consistency finding for acquisition of a fire station site located along the east side of Buena Vista Road approximately half-way between Stockdale Highway and Deer Peak Drive. Group vote 12. COMMUNICATIONS A) Written Correspondence regarding Drive-through Restaurants in-'the C-1 Zone District. B) Verbal 13. COMMISSION COMMENTS Agenda, PC, 4/15/93 Page 5 A. Committees 1) General Plan 2) Zoning Ordinance 3) Sign Ordinance 4) Subdivision and Public Services 5) Trails and Ways 6) Parks and Environmental Quail _ty Act. 7) Joint Council/Planning Commission 14. ADJOURNMENT NOTE, Each design vehicle in Groups I, g, and III represents a composite of the critical dimensions of the real vehicles wilhin each group below. Parking lot dimensions on the parking Iol development page are based on these groups and dimensions. For parking purposes, both compact and standard size vehicles are in Group II. Turning dimensions ,,~ ~, R, RI, and C are shown on the private roads page. . . DESIGN VEHICLE GROUP I SUBCOMPACTS L Length 13'-10" S~_~ W Width 5'-5" o o,~ WES H Height 4'-5" w L WB Wheelbase 8'-1" OF Overhang front 2'-6" OR Overhang rear 3'-9" OS Overhang sides 0'-7" NOTE GW Gross Weight 2100//to 2500// Angles shown below may vary depending on speed, Icad, L Length 14'-9" '"e' TO 14' \ES* TO 14*'~' ID* TO W Width 5'-8" .,. H Height 4'-5" NOTE WB Wheelbase 8'-7" Composite vehicle is shown with maximum wheelba front overhang, and rear overhang. OF 0ved~ang front 2'-8" 3'-ES" TO 4'- ~O" OR Overhang rear 4'-3" ~_ ~, 6' - '?" ] 1'7'- ~" GW Gross Weight 2300# to 2500// ~)~'-' ,/' \ GROUP III INTERMEDIATE ~0 = L Length 16'-8" ' WB Wheelbase 9'-0" OF Overhang front 2'- 10" ~._____._3J J WIll OR Overhang rear 4'-4" ' ~ ~_.....~..~/2 I T 0S Overhang sides 0'-9" LARGE VAN HANDICAP LIFT ~ '-" " GW GrossWeight 2700#to3200# /~~- O, - 14' - 6" TO IS'- IO" 0w L Long th 18'- 5" W Width 6'-6" H Height 4'-9" WB Wheelbase 10'-2" OF Overhang hont 2'- 11" OR Oved*mang rear 4'-5' OS Overhang sides 0'-9" LARGE PICK - UP GW Gross Weight 3100# to 4030# GROUP V LARGE PICK.UP L Length 16'-4" W Width 6'-0" H Height 5'-8" WB Wheelbase 10'-5" OF Overhang hont 2' - I0" OR Overhang rear 4'-4" OS Overhang sides O'-9" GW Gross Weight 3430# LARGE VEHICLE DIMENSIONS' iL) JwJ iH) (OR) VEHICLE LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT OVERHANG REAR Intercity bus 45'-0" 9'-0" 9'-0" 10'- I" City bus 40'-0" 8'-6" 8'-6" 8'-0" School bus 39'- 6" 8'-0" 8' - 6" 12'- 8" NOTE Ambulance 20' - 10'.'4" 6' - 1 I" 10'- 0" 5'-4" F. or dimensions R ar*md R 1 see page on private roads. Pamamedic van 21'-6" 8' -0" 6'-6" 4' -0" c. ally parking lot handicapped area requires 20 ft. x Hearse 22'- 1" 6' -8" 9'-3" 5'-4" Airport limousine 22'-5~','' 6%4`' 5'-0" 3'- 11" For further parking information, see pages on parkin Trash truck 28'-2" 8'-0" 1 I '-0" 6'-0" development and parking garages. U.P.S. truck 26'-3" 7'-11" 10'-8" 8'-5" Fire truck 32'-0" 8'-0" 9'-8" 10'-0" ~ See local codes and standards lot parking requirem 'Exact sizes of large vehicles may vam¥ size. and quantity o! palkh',~) spaces and ¢~un',ber For truck and traitor infom*mation, see pages on truqk and trailer sizes, required for the handicapped. Harold C. Mungeh FAIA; Munger Munger , Associales ArChlleCls. h'mc; Toledo. William T. Mahan. AIA; Sanla Barbara. Caldorma TRANSPORTATION ~60.00' I PROPERTY I LINE I s'[~'W^L~-"',x -- ~o.~o*' ~60.00' I -- -- PROPERTY LINE 0 I I I I I I SE':I"BA.CK LINE ' BACK OF SIDEWALK'-~ -'"' -- 60.00' CURB, GU'I"IER, / AND FLOWLINE ~~~ ~-2, A-3, & A-4 900 SQ. FT. IN FRONT YARD PROPERTY LINE BACK OF SIDEWALK PR©P~SBE} R-2, R-3, & A-4 1200 SQ. FT. IN FRONT YARD 5' x 60' = ,300 SQ. FT. OR 5% REDUCTION OR LOSS OF 1/2 UNIT IN R-4- ZONE