HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/14/1994 BAKERSFIELD Randy Rowles, Chair Kevin McDermott Patricia M. Smith Staff: Gail E. Waiters AGENDA URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMI'I'r'EE Wednesday, September 14, 1994 12:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room Second Floor - City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 1. ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF AUGUST 17, 1994 MINUTES 3. PRESENTATIONS 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEES UPDATE - Kloepper B. STATUS REPORT 'ON FREEWAYS - Kloepper C. WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT - Kloepper 6. NEW BUSINESS A. ORDINANCE REGARDING TEMPORARY PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES - Hardisty B. ADVERTISING ON SIDEWALKS - Hardisty 7. ADJOURNMENT GEW:jp FILE COPY DRA :T BAKERSFIELD Randy Rowles, Ghair Kevin McDermott Patdcia M. Smith AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT URBAN DEVELOPMENT Thursday, August 17, 1994 12:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL Call to Order 12:21 p.m. Present: Councilmember Randy Rowles, Chair; Vice Mayor Kevin McDermott, and Councilmember Patricia Smith 2. APPROVAL OF JUNE 16, 1994 MINUTES Approved as submitted. 3. PRESENTATIONS None 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEES A status report of transportation impact fee revenues and expenditures beginning July 1, 1992 through August 15, 1994 was distributed. Revenues collected during this time frame total $5,829,939; expenditures and transfers total $2,469102. Remaining revenues equal $3,360,837. The next steps to resolve the differences between the City and County on the traffic impact fees is as follows: 1) The County will implement a policy on traffic impact fees consistent with the City's policy; and 2) Negotiations with the BIA, City and County should commence to establish new transportation impact fees that Urban Development Committee Agenda Summary Report August 17, 1994 Page 2 would include 100 percent mitigation for local projects and do away with the need for the local traffic studies. Transportation impact fee status reports will become an ongoing agenda item for the Committee. B. STATUS REPORT ON FREEWAYS Staff provided an.written update on the progress of State Route 58, State Route 178, State Route 99, Union Avenue, South Beltway, West Beltway, and Coffee Road Grade Separation. Councilmember Smith asked staff to follow up with CalTrans on the widening of Route 58 up to the canyon. Three citizens presented public testimony to the Committee on CalTrans' preference of the State Route 58 alignment. The Committee asked staff to continue with the status reports for all freeways, and to develop a time line showing events and dates for progress of the South Beltway. Relative to the State Route 58 alignment, staff is coordinating with CalTrans and citizens in the Westpark area to conduct an informational meeting to receive feedback and input. This is tentatively scheduled for August 31, 1994. C. WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT Brown and Caldwell is seeking direction from the Committee as to next steps in the process. Negative reaction has been filed regarding potential site option #34 for the plant. Site option #21 and 28 are contiguous with each other. This option cost $300,000 more to operate a year because of the operation and maintenance of the pump station. Staff was asked to bring back to the committee an executive summary of Brown and Caldwell's report, the proposed options, and any additional information that will help them to assess what the next steps could be. D. ORDINANCE RELATING TO SECOND DWELLING UNITS The Committee recommended the ordinance be referred back to Council for second reading. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. TRAILS PLAN The Committee asked for a status report to include: who will be completing the plan, who will be paying for it and the next Steps. Staff will bring back this information at the October Committee meeting. Urban Development Committee Agenda Summary Report August 17, 1994 Page 3 B. SIGN ORDINANCE Two requests were filed with the Planning Division to modify the sign ordinance. The first was to allow for permanent "plastic" signs (banners) as a way of advertising the Stockdale Fashion Plaza. They would be fixtures on light posts and would change seasonally. The current ordinance only allows this activity 14 days per quarter. If modified, the City would regulate the text of the banner to exclude any advertising of products. Staff is amenable to this change. The second request was for modification of the sign ordinance for businesses in the downtown. Some merchants would like to hang a sign with their business name on it above their doorway. This would essentially encroach in the public right-of-way. Staff has some concerns about this request and has suggested that the two requests be looked at individually in setting different standards. The Committee asked staff to investigate all manageable options, confer with the CDDA and bdng the item back to the Committee for further action. C., D., AND E. ORDINANCE REGARDING MINIMUM LOT STANDARDS, LOT SIZE MODIFICATIONS, AND WALL HEIGHTS This item was referred to Committee to allow further comment and discussion. Barbara Don Carlos, representing the BIA, provided public comment regarding Section "O" of the minimum lot standards ordinance. Staff reaffirmed that Section "O" would be separated from the ordinance and returned to the Planning Commission for further review. The rest of the ordinances were referred back to the Council for second reading. 7. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned 2:23 p.m. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council GEW:jp BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM August 17, 1994 TO: FRED L. KLOEPPER, ASSISTANT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: DARNELL HAYNES, BUSINESS MANAGER SUBJECT: CUMULATIVE STATUS REPORT - TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEES This memorandum is to report the current status of the revenues collected and expenditures incurred from transportation impact fees. Listed below is a summary of the fund activity since July 1, 1992. July 1, 1992 through June 30, 1993 Interest on Investments $ 42,390.00 Traffic Impact Fees $ 3,477,320.00 Contributions & Donations (Riverlakes) $ 200,000.00 Total 'Revenue Collected.~.-..~::~..~;~ .. ............ $ 3,719,710'~00~ Less: Transfer to Gas Tax Fund $ (885,400 00) Less: Transfer to Gas Tax Fund (Riverlakes) $ (400,000[00) Less: 1992-93 C.I.P. Expenditures $ (211,934.00) Revenue Remaining at June 30, 1993 $ 2,222,376.00 July 1, 1993 through June 30, 199a Interest on Investments $ 51,390.00 Traffic Impact Fees $ 1,657,736.00/ Contributions & Donations (Riverlakes) $ 200,000.00 Total Revenue Collected .... v .- . .:-..~ .... .:_. .... .$ 1,909',126'~00'?~ Less: 1993-94 C.I.P. Expenditures $ (971,768.00) Revenue Remaining at June 30, 1994 $ 937,358.00 July 1, 1994 through Auqust 15, 1994 Traffic Impact Fees . $. .201,103.00.~ Total Revenue Remaining for Fiscal Year 1994-95 $ 3,360,837.00 BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Rani M. Rojas, Director of Public Works DATE: August 17, 1994 SUBJECT: STATUS OF FREEWAY.AND STATE HIGHWAY PROJECTS METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD AREA For your information and Council distribution, attached is the August report prepared by this department regarding the stares of the various freeway and'State highway projects in the metropolitan area. The previous reports also provide additional background on the various projects. August 16, 1994 STATUS OF FREEWAY AND STATE HIGHWAY PROJECTS METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD AREA Public Works Department Marian P. Shaw, CE III This report is intended to bring the members of the Citv Council up to date on the progress of various freeway and State Highway. projects in the metropolitan area since the May status report. Kern River Corridor (Kern River Freeway) The City has received fight-of-way maps for the three proposed alternative alignments. These plans are available for review at the Public Works counter on the first floor of the Annex Building. The City is currently reviewing the geometries of the proposed alignments. The current geometric plans do not allow for any access to S.R. 99 from Real Road, Wible Road and Stockdale Highway - the existing connections would be eliminated. The City will be protesting the elimination of access to CalTrans. CalTrans is working to clari .fy the wetlands issue with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and expects favorable results. A public meeting was held on July 27, 1994: about 320 people were in attendance. CalTrans' public relations consultant will be preparing a report on this meeting. Staff will inform the Council as soon as this report is available. The public hearing on the project will be held sometime in 1995, and a preferred alignment will be selected after the hearing. The Environmental Impact Report 4411 be completed in 1995. CalTrans hopes to have the specific plan line process completed by the time the right-of-way money becomes available in July of 1996. State Route 178 (Crosstown Freeway) There has been no change in the status of the Crosstown Freeway from that last reported. The House has authorized $4.5 million for this project. The project was not included in the recent appropriations bill and may be considered for funding next year. State Route 99 There are currently four major projects programmed for State Route 99: the Rosedale interchange landscaping, the Golden State/Airport Drive interchange modification, the widening of S.R. 99 to six lanes between South Union and Panama Lane, and the widening of S.R. 99 to eight lanes between Wilson Road and Golden State/Airport Drive. The start of the landscaping of the Rosedale median was delayed to the abundance of kit fox in the area. This problem will be addressed by constructing the improvements in the fall when kit fox activity, is the least intense. The CalTrans Landscape Architect has given the City provisional approval of the landscape plans; however, several changes will be made to the plans at the request of the Kern River. Parkway Committee and Freeway Status Report August 16, 1994 the California Native Plant Society. This may delay the project further, but staff and CalTrans are working to minimize any impact on the schedule. If all goes as planned, the work will be done in the fall by the California Conservation Corps. TMs will be one of the largest projects the CCC has done in this area. Construction on the Golden State/Airport Drive interchange modification is ahead of schedule. CalTrans expects to have the route open for traffic in mid-October. The resurfacing of Airport Drive will affect traffic on that road but no detours are planned. No date for the resurfacing is available yet. Construction on the widening of S.R. 99 to 6 lanes between South Union and Panama Lane was completed on June 30, 1994. The funding for the widening of S.R. 99 between Wilson Road and Airport Drive has been restored. The project will advertise on September 19, 1994. Construction should start by mid- to late-November. The widening project will take approximately 2 years to construct. The work on this project will be closely coordinated with the City's California Avenue Widening project, which will include redesign of both the eastbound California/northbound 99 ramp and the westbound California/northbound 99 ramp. · Union Avenue All work on the Union Avenue median project is now complete. South Beltway Public Works and Planning staff are pursuing the Specific Plan Line adoption for the South Beltwav. The Environmental Impact Report approved by Kern COG added three alternatives to the ones already proposed. The City is current.ly preparing an engineering evaluation of the additional routes. As soon as the evaluation is complete, the EIR will be reopened and additional hearings will be scheduled. West Beitway There is no change in the status of the West Beltway from that last reported. It is still the County's intention to pursue adoption of a specific plan line for this beltwav through the General Plan amendment and zone change process for the West Rosedale, Pacificana and McAilister Ranch specific plans. The County has held some informational meetings for the public, but they have not been well attended. Coffee Road Grade Separation The Separation of Grade District is soliciting proposals for environmental evaluation of the project site relative to risks and mitigation of contamination. This work should be underway in a month or less if Sunland Refining is cooperative. Staff has met with officials of the State Water Qu:~lity Control Board regarding the Ci .ty's potential liability. The Board is sympathetic to staffs concerns - discussions will continue. Freeway Status Report August 16, 1994 The various potential alternatives for alignment and scope of the project were recently restudied by the District's consultants. The conclusion was that the divergent alignment to the west is the least costly alternative. Each of the other possibilities cost more and are subject to essentially to the same soil contamination problems. Improvements at the intersection of Coffee and Brimhall were recently completed. The Level of Service has improved from F to C. FS:\FREEWY12.STS mps , ' ' sPHERE Ob" " ~ :, , , .'~ ,, · ',1' INFLUENCE ~.i t '., ii ! ii "'~i! 'I BOUNDARY'I '"'i" ....... ~/ ~ '" ;' il':' ~t li'~'~iI'"ll -; i ,", I . ~,;' .::: RECHAR~ .' ii ! ,, ' . FACililTY J " ' ' iJ !''" Jl ~ (~ ~iJj ::; B^KERSFIE,,LDi ' ~ ~ISTA ' J ' .LINE I' i~ "" /~' ~CLUNG-KCWA; ":'i~,,,,.. · , ~,;~,.j ., ':, . ? ?,' ::, OIL F~ELDS ~ : , . ~i ~W TP 3 'l' "~. ~x-' '1 ~i~ ~ : : ~ ?. ~ TN T 0 I PE~RCHED ' GROUNDWATER; I , ~EAR ; JD PLAIN ,,-,. Cl'i OF BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD METROPOLITAN WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY SITING STUDY ELEMENTS AFFECTING PLANT LOCATION FIGURE 3.2 JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEEREI