HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/17/1994 BAKERSFIELD Randy Rowles, Chair Kevin McDermott Patricia M. Smith Staff: Gail E. Waiters AGENDA URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, August 17, 1994 12:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room Second Floor - City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 1. ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF JUNE 16, 1994 MINUTES 3. PRESENTATIONS 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEES - Kloepper B. STATUS REPORT ON FREEWAYS - Kloepper C. WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT- Kloepper D. ORDINANCE RELATING TO SECOND DWELLING UNITS - Hardisty 6. NEW BUSINESS A. TRAILS PLAN - Hardisty B. SIGN ORDINANCE - Hardisty/Wager C. ORDINANCE REGARDING MINIMUM LOT STANDARDS - Hardisty D. ORDINANCE REGARDING LOT SIZE MODIFICATIONS - Hardisty Eo ORDINANCE REGARDING WALL HEIGHTS - Hardisty 7. ADJOURNMENT GE~V:jp FILE COPY BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy, Ci{y Manage~ Randy Rowles, Chair Staff: Gail E. Waiters Kevin McDermott Patricia M. Smith AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT URBAN DEVELOPMENT Thursday, June 16, 1994 12:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL Call to Order 12:25 p.m. Present: Councilmember Randy Rowles, Chair; and Councilmember Smith Absent: Vice Mayor Kevin McDermott 2. APPROVAL OF MAY 11, 1994 MINUTES Approved as submitted 3.. PRESENTATIONS None 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS In light of Vice Mayor McDermott's absence at this meeting, the Chair asked that Deferred Business items A and B be continued to the next Urban Development Committee meeting. Staff gave a very, brief comment on each of the items. A, TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEES - Kloepper County staff was instructed to continue to investigate options C and D, and additionally investigate other impacts such as air quality and congestion management and bring back to the Board of Supervisors a comprehensive approach to fees. Staff was told by. Urban Development committee Agenda Summary Report June 16, 1994 Page 2 County staff that the board would resist in every way possible to raising the fee, however, they may decide that $2,000 is accePtable. An update on the collection of the fees will be available for the Committee members at the next Urban Development meeting. B, STATUS REPORT ON FREEWAYS - Kioepper A memo on the status of freeway/highway projects was provided to the Council on May 25, 1994. (attached) Co SPEED UNDULATION PROGRAM. Walker Staff gave updated information regarding establishing a pilot speed hump program. Test streets were identified for one street in five of the seven wards. The Committee asked that a report be prepared to present at the June 29 City Council meeting that would outline the particulars of the pilot program, and would also request a public headng for July 20 to take testimony as to whether residents would be supportive of a pilot program in their neighborhood. Staff will provide the affected Councilmembers with mailing labels for those addresses who will be noticed about the pilot program. The Chair asked that a two-month window be allotted so that those Councilmembers who had not identified a test street would have enough time to do so, or change the location if it was not acceptable, pdor to the beginning of the program start date. There was discussion about the commitment made by Cai Oak to install a speed hump in Ward 2, specifically to assess the impact their development would have on the neighborhood. The Chair indicated that this issue was separate from the pilot program. The Chair stated and staff Concurred that the preference would be for the developer to compensate the City for installing the speed hump, rather than their installing it themselves prior to the City establishing a standard for speed humps. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT. Kloepper The City has reduced the alternatives in the Brown and Caldwell preliminary report down. to three. Further ranking recommended a detail study of Alternative #5A, which considers abandonment of Plant 3, expansion of Plant 2 and treatment of ail other flows at a new Plant 4. Total present worth of Alternative #5A equals $312 million. The consultant is in the process of going through the refinements of Alternative #5A and will have a report available at the end of July 1994 that will talk about next steps. Staff will Urban Development Committee Agenda Summary Report June 16, 1994 Page 3 bdng back that status report to the Committee at the next Urban Development Committee meeting. The last part of their study will be on the draft and final EIR process, which should be completed sometime in December 1994. B. STREAMUNING PERMIT PROCESS- Tandy Staff will be undertaking a project to streamline the permit process. Interested parties in the community will be invited to particiPate on a task force with staff for the purpose of collecting suggestions for making the City permit process more efficient. The BIA is enthusiastic about the prospect of this project. It is anticipated that the task force work will begin in the fall, and extend over a few months. It will be pretty time consuming for staff, but the benefits will be worth it. The Council on Competitiveness and the Sierra Club or-the Nature Conservancy will be among the parties contacted for their input and/or participation. C, ORDINANCE RELATING TO SECOND DWELLING UNITS - Hardisty The process for issuing second dwelling unit (conditional use) permits is impacted by state requirements. The problem is if the permits do meet the minimum requirement of state law, (we are limited in the maximum number of conditions we can place on them) thero is no choice or decision to make. When the City holds a hearing regarding the permit, whether the neighbors think its a good idea or not, the City has to issue it. The process is really an exercise in futility and an expensive one -- the cost the permit requestor has to pay and the staff time devoted to a "done deal." Staff recommended to the Planning Commission that since state law does not allow much flexibility, we could just take the one section of the law and incorporate it into our ordinance and make it a Planning Director permit that is processed like a Site.Plan Review, which is a $100 fee and is quicker to process. This was reviewed with the BIA, and they thought it was an improvement. Architectural compatibility standards was an important issue for the BIA, and they did offer suggestions. The Planning Commission has heard testimony on the ordinance and recommends adoption. The Chair asked that this discussion continue to the next Urban Development Committee meeting. 7. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned 1:45 p.m. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council GEW:~p BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul M. Rojas, Director of Public Works ~~/,. ~/- . DATE: May 25, 1994 SUBJECT: STATUS OF FREEWAY AND STATE HIGHWAY PROJECTS METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD AREA For your information and Council distribution, attached is the May report prepared by this department regarding the status of the various freeway and State highway projects in the metropolitan area. The previous reports also provide additional background on the various projects. May 25, 1994 STATUS OF FREEWAY AND STATE HIGHWAY PROJECTS METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD AREA Public Works Department Marian P. Shaw, CE III This report is intended to bring the members of the City Council up to date on the progress of various freeway and State Highway projects in the metropolitan area since the Januar~'~tatus r~Port. In addition, a map is attached which identifies each of the Metropolitan area projects. Kern River Corridor (Kern River Freeway) CalTrans has received the draft final geometrics for the alternative routes for the State Route 58 Adoption Study from the consultant. The City is reviewing the geometries of the proposed alignments. CalTrans is currently discussing potential wetlands impacts of the alternative alignments with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the E.P.A., and U.S. Fish & Wildlife. Pending the results of these discussions, CalTrans may still be able to have a preferred alignment by August of 1994. The Environmental Impact Report will be completed in 1995. CalTrans hopes to have the specific plan line process completed by the time the fight- of-way money becomes available in July of 1996. An Agency Scoping meeting and a Project Development Team meeting was held in February. CalTrans will hold the next public meeting in July, 1994, after another Project Development Team meeting. Word has been received from Congressman Thomas' office that $4+ million in funding has been approved by Congress: these funds must still be approved by the Senate. State Route 178 (Crosstown Freeway) Application has been made through'Congressman Bill Thomas' office to obtain Federal funding for route adoptioa, environmental studies and right-of-way acquisition for the Crosstown Freeway. The cost of this first phase of the project is $152 million. These funds would be available through pending legislation for the National Highway System. Word has been received from Congressman Thomas' office that the initial $4+ million in funding has been approved by Congress: these funds must still be approved by the Senate. State Route 99 There are currently four major projects programmed for State Route 99: the Rosedale interchange modification, the Golden State/Airport Drive interchange modification, the widening of S.R. 99 to six lanes between South Union and Panama Lane, and the widening of S.R. 99 to eight lanes between Wilson Road and Golden State/Airport Drive. CalTrans has completed their interchange modifications at Rosedale; landscaping work is all that remains to be done. The landscaping of the medians will be done by City forces in fiscal year 1994-95. This project is in the proposed C.I.P. budget. The landscape plans for the interchange embankments are currently being reviewed by CalTrans. The start of the project has been delayed due ~to the abundance of kit fox ia the interchange area; the City and CalTrans arc working together to come up with a way to complete the project. Freeway Status Report May 25, 1994 Construction on the Golden State/Airport Drive interchange modification is on schedule. This project is due to be complete in March of 1995. Construction on the widening of S.R. 99 to 6 lanes between South Union and Panama Lane is two months ahead of schedule. The southbound lanes opened last Wednesday:, the northbound lanes will open May 16. CalTrans will continue to work on the shoulder and the guardrail. A large changeable message sign was added to the project on the northbound lanes between Union Avenue and Panama Lane. The widening of S.R. 99 between Wilson Road and Airport Drive has a tentative construction start date of October 1994; this changed from August due to the re-direction of design staff to projects associated with the Northridge earthquake~ The widening project will take approximately 2 years to construct. The work on this project will be closely coordinated with the City's California Avenue Widening project, which will include redesigning both the eastbound California/northbound 99 ramp and the westbound California/northbound 99 ramp. Also to be included in this project will be the repair of the Palm Street overcrossing, which was damaged on May 4, 1994. Union Avenue All work on the Union Avenue median project is complete with the exception' of installation of new street Lights. This remaining work will be completed in approximately two weeks by City forces after obtaining a rider to our existing encroachment permit from CalTrans. We expect to receive tills rider within one week. South Beltway The Tier I Environmental Impact Report for the South Beltway was certified by Kern COG on May 5, 1994. This EIR includes the additional alignments requested by the COG Board. COG will be referring the EIR to the City for the next step. Public Works and Planning staff will be pursuing the Specific Plan Line adoption. Two hearings have tentatively been scheduled before the Planning Commission - one in July and one on September 15, 1994 to coincide with the General Plan Amendment cycle. The actual plan line adoption would take place at the City Council and the County Board of Supervisors sometime after that.. West Beltway There is no change in the status of the West Beltway from that last reported. It is still the County's intention to pursue adoption of a specific plan line for this beltway through the General Plan amendment and zone change process for the West Rosedale, Pacificana and McAllister Ranch specific plans. The County has held some informational meetings for the public, but they have not been well attended. Coffee Road Grade Separation Concept plans for the grade separation project were approved by the City in December. Determination of right-of-way requirement~ is complete. However, one of the critical land parcels has been discovered to have significant soil contamination down to groundwater and will require mitigation before proceeding with construction of the project. The City has not yet purchased the parcel; the staff is currently looking at the legal alternatives so that we may proceed with the project without exposing the City to undue risk. The design Freeway Status Report May 25, 1994 of the project is proceeding concurrently with the legal option review so that the project can proceed once this problem is resolved. Several other projects are planned for the Coffee Road corridor this year which should significantly rel/eve the current congestion problem. The intersections at Coffee and Brimhail and at Coffee and Rosedale will be improved, adding turn lanes and through lanes. L C:)C~A WON