HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/13/1994 13 A K E R S F I E L D Randy Rowles, Chair Kevin McDermott Patricia M. Smith Staff: Gail E. Waiters AGENDA URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, April '13, 1994 12:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room Second Floor - City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 1. ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF MARCH 10, 1994 MINUTES 3. PRESENTATIONS 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS None 6. NEW BUSINESS A. UPDATE ON SPEED UNDULATION PROGRAM - Walker/Kloepper B. CARNAN POOL EFFORTS - Kloepper C. MAINTENANCE DISTRICT SIGNAL LIGHTS - Kloepper D. MAINTENANCE DISTRICT CONSOLIDATION - Fabbri/Shaw E. ADA STATUS REPORT - Waiters 7. ADJOURNMENT o~,w:jp TO: E. W. SCHULZ, PUBLIC WORES DIRECTOR FROM: STEPHEN L. WALKER. TRAFFIC ENGINEE~ DATE: JANUARY 20, 1994 SUB~"'' PAVEMENT UNDULAT_O,I SPEED BUMP£ PROPOSAL L~CATION: VARIOUS COUNCIL WARD: ALL For ,your information and use, Z have reviewed Proposed locations to use ~n our trial mf pavemen~ undulation/spee~ ~umps for city ~ree~s. Attached ~ Exhibit "~" which shows construction details of the installation, location on a stree~ and and type of ~gns to be used w~th the speed bum~. Ba~eo ,on input ~rmm Counc~£memmer~.. ~nquzrles from residents on pro~±em ~ree~ an~ ,our ~wn ~ve~l~a~lons0 I propose the fol!ow~n~ ~r~ets as t~t War~ i '- Po~cmac Stree5 aG3acent to Owens School Ward 2 - ~eecn Stree% near Dral{e Street Ware ~ ?1 ...... dge, aDout two b/oc:.:~ north of Coll~ge 'Warc f .... . War~ 7 - Claire Street a~ou% two bloc~{s north of Fazrv~ew. T :- a ~ f i c E n g i n e ~ r ! n DATE: Apri± l/, 1'994 TO: FRED FJLOEPP~r°, ' ....~ ?U ~ - .... ~ ~-,, AC,~NG BLiC WORK'= DIRE~,OR FROM: ~TEPHEH h. WALl{ER, '7RAF'FIC 2NGi~EE~: ~~ ~UBJECT: EXISTING PARI{IHG F'RACTICE/POL!CY F'OR CAR F'OOL~ For your infoi~matlon aAG u~e. The ?raj/lc £n~ineei-ing sectlon Pubilc Works doe~ not have a written policy ~tatement re~ar~dln~ car car~/p~cl.[ups 5re, o~ course, ~ub]ect to the ~unlclpai AithouGh we have no written policy, our unwrztten po!~cy and practice ha~ been to allow pai-!~ng en major ~treets where car .pool~ are obviously par~{lng unless trley are causing safety problemz for. ,3'ther motoi~iJts, pedestrians or cTc!ists. This %~a~ developed with prohibited along a portion ,~i the street And par;.:ing allowed on the 2ECONMENDATiON: propose ~ha~ '.~e :dop~ .i .,.~rltten poi~cy, ior the Puh!zc Works flow el traI'il2: compromise t~ie sazety ,3~ the motorist, pe,leStr~an .'~ .no%ice ~{o,Jid be distr, lbuted or %~tached to each vehicle at least one week ~riop to a change kn all ,2as~s except -when there ~s an immediate need for restriction ,flue to publmc safety. This would allow a ~easonaDle time fop drlvep~ in the cap pool other arrangements for parking. ..z,r to . contact the · City for cc: 2ruce Deeter, CE Ii! 3tad UndePwoo~. CE iii PW Memo Files Traffic ?il~ Allen Road Parking Complaints MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS PROPOSAL #2 ALLOCATION OF 94/95 PARK BUDGET AS IF THERE WERE ONE DISTRICT AND TWO ZONES-(PARK ZONE & [.TREETSCAPE/MEDIAN ZONE) NOTE: ALL ASSESSMENTS ARE NET USING 94/95 BUDGET AND INCLUDE ANY CARRYOVERS OR DEFICITS NOTE: NET ASSESSMENT INCLUDES PROPOSED 33% PARK SUBSIDY FILENAME:COMBPK ~: i:.?:!i!~iii! :ii. !~ il :i .i i::i::i:.!ii:i;i!!ii::i:::i i~:. !~i ~:ii! i!~:'ili ::. i:ii!:iii::iii:.!i?~:!i;;!il ?~;;i 'NE?.P~K!::i::iiiii!i!iiii:.i::i:'!i!::iiiiii!i?:iii::i:.iiii::iiiii !i!i::!~i~?:iii::i:.!~ ':::iiiiiii?:i ::: 2- 02 (AM BERTON) 13,126 545.12 2-03 (CAMPUS PARK) 72,261 1,675.27 2-04 (OAKS) 83,608 1,390.05 2 -05 (HAGGIN OAKS) 40,370 487.00 2- 08 (BILL PARK GREENS) 12,316 403.00 3-01 (CORAL KEYS) 11,207 1,436.17 3-02 (CHALLENGER PARK) 20,383 2,616.88 3-04 (SILVERCREEK) 83,025 2,532.78 5-02 (STIERN PARK) 21,409 1,440.45 357,705 12,526.72 R-1 ASSESSMENT FOR PARKS VVlTHOUT PER PARCEL CHARGE 28.56 PER PARCEL CHARGE * 4.37 R-1 ASSESSMENT FOR PARKS WITH PER PARCEL CHARGE 32.93 THE $32.93 PARK ASSESSMENT WOULD BE CI4ARGED TO ALL PROPERTY OWNERS IN EXISTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS CONTAINING PARKS. "PER PARCEl. CllARGE OF $4.37 WILl. Bi;. ADDED TO ALL PARK ASSESSMF. NTS FOR ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS INCURRED BY DIVISIONS OTIIER TIIAN 'lllE PARKS' DIVISION. 13-Apr-94 10:.59 MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS PROPOSAL//2 ALLOCATION OF 94/95 STREETSCAPE AND MEDIAN BUDGET AS IF THERE WERE ONE DISTRICT AND 'tWO ZONES-(PARK ZONE & STREETSCAPE/MEDIAN ZONE) : NOTE: ALL ASSESSMENTS ARE NET USING 94/95 BUDGET AND INCLUDE ANY CARRYOVERS OR DEFICITS i ~ ' i ~ i ;' ~! li FILENAME:COMBSS -01 (RIVERLAKES) 232,447 51,638 7,543.42 -02 (BRIMHALL AREA) 22,044 0 3,343.01 -03 (FRUITVALE & OLIVE DR) 8,711 2,255 290.00 1-07 (CALIFORNIA AVENUE) 0 4;258 106.00 1-08 (BRIMHALL & ALLEN) 7,348 3,331 220.00 1 - 09 (BRIMHALL & VER DUGO) 10,223 0 1,322.00 2-03 (CAMPUS PARK) 62,760 14,467 1,687.27 2-03A (CAMPUS PARK) 1,933 0 INCLUDED IN 2-03 ASMT 2--04 (OAKS) 79,540 24,459 1,390.05 2-07 (MING & OLD RIVER) 37,452 16,048 1,311.66 2-08 (BILL PARK GREENS) 4,158 1,507 445.48 2-09 (EL PORTAL & MING) 8,316 0 49.00 2-12 (BUENA VISTA & CAMPUS PK DR) 13,353 0 757.88 2-13 (ALLEN & STOCKDALE) 0 1,719 34.44 3-01 (CORAL KEYS) 15,592 0 1,436.17 3- 04 (SILVERCREEK) 108,563 11,768 2,641.80 3-05 (WIBLE & MCKEE) 8,312 0 207.00 3-06 (STINK & BERSHIRE) 14,925 0 254.00 MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS PROPOSAL #2 ALLOCATION OF 94/95 STREETSCAPE AND MEDIAN BUDGET AS IF THERE WERE ONE DISTRICT AND TWO ZONES- (PARK ZONE & STREETSCAPE/MEDIAN ZONE) NOTE: ALL ASSESSMENTS ARE NET USING 94/95 BUDGET AND INCLUDE ANY CARRYOVERS OR EEFICITS FILENAME:COMBSS , 4-04.(178 & RIO BRAVO AREA) 0 0 545.00 4-05 (BRUNDAGE & OSWELL) 2,368 0 519.02 4-06 (AUBURN & EISSLER) 4,863 0 20 00 5-02 (STIERN PARK) NO S~IIUSE~ISCAI'E 5-02A (PANAMA & MONITOR S/S) 6,786 0 416.00 5-03 (SO H & HOSKINGS) 2,204 0 73.00 1,117,693 226,626 40,742.61 R-1 ASSESSMENT FOR STREETSCAPE & MEDIAN LANDSCAPING WITHOUT PER PARCEL CHARGE. 33.00 THIS $33 WILL BE CHARGED TO PROPER3Y OWNERS THAT ARE WITHIN MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS THAT CONTAIN PARKS (ADDED TO PARK ASSESSMENTS). PER PARCEL CHARGE * 4.37 R-1 ASSESSMENT FOR STREETSCAPE & MEDIAN LANDSCAPING WITH PER PARCEL CHARGE. THIS $37.37 WILL BE CHARGED TO PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS :; 37.37 WITHOUT PARKS (NO ASSESSMENT FOR PARKS). *PER PARCEL CItARGE OF $4.37 WILL BE ADDED 10 ALL STREE~I~CAPE & MEDIAN ASSESSMENTS WITtlOUT PARKS FOR ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS INCURRED BY DIVISIONS OTIIER THAN TIlE PARKS' ~ DIVISION. '~ 13- Apr-94 11:02 AM ',. '4AINTENANCE DISTRICTS PROPOSAL #2 -SUMMARY OF R-1 ASSESSMENTS BASED UPON PROPOSAL #2 FILENAME:PROP2 IR-1 ASSESSMENT FOR PARKS ONLY ! $32.93 THIS ASSESSMENT IS ONLY FOR THE EXISTING PROPERTY OWNERS IN AN EXISTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT WITH PARKS ONLY - (NO STREEFSCAPE OR MEDIAN LANDSCAPING) IR-1 ASSESSMENT FOR STREETSCAPE AND MEDIANS ONLY J $37.37 THIS ASSESSMENT IS ONLY FOR THE EXISTING PROPERTY OWNERS IN AN EXISTING MAi~ TENANCE DiSTRICt 'WITH STREETSCAPES AND MEDIANS ONLY (NO P:XRKS) I R-I'ASSESSMENT FOR PARKS, STREETSCAPES AND MEDIANS I $65.93 THIS ASSESSMENT IS FOR THE EXISTING PROPERTY OWNERS. IN AN EXISTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT ~VHICH CONTAINS STREETSCAPE. MEDIANS AND PARKS MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS PROPOSAL #1 PROPOSAL: FOR CONSOLIDATION OF 40 MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS INTO ONE DISTRICT WITH SEVEN ZONES,BASED UPON CONSULTANT'S METHOD DURING HIS RECENT PROPOSAL TO COUNCIL FOR Cl'r~ WIDE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOTE: ALL ASSESSMENTS ARE NET USING 94/95 BUDGET AND INCLUDE ANY CARRYOVERS OR DEFICITS IOTE: NET ASSESSMENT INCLUDES PROPOSED 33% PARK SUBSIDY FILENAME:SUMMZONE · .- ! 1994-95 PROPO~£D ' 19~4--95 PROPO~F_.D~i R-I ASMT WITH R-l A.SMT WITH PARK ZOt.~ PARK SUBSIDY USING SLrI~IDY USING CON- ~{MD #/LOCATION/WARD CURRENT METHOD SULTANT'S ]~;IHOD DII~ % 1 2-12 (BUENA VISTA/CAMPUS PK DR-4) 21.99 74.97 52.98 240.93% 1 2-11A (7 OAKS-NO OF MING-4) 99.11 74.97 -24.36% 2-11B (7 OAKS-SO OF MING-4) 137.66 74.97 -45.54% 2-13 (ALLEN & STOCKDALE-4) 54.28! 74.97 20.69 38,12%1 2-01A (GOSFORD MEDIANS-4) 14.54 82.23 67.69 465.54% 2-03A (CAMPUS PARK-4) * 33.91 N/A .,,'33.91' -t00.00% 2-05A (HAGGIN OAKS=4)) * 13.38 N/A - 100.00% ~ 45~16 2-01 (GOSFORD STREETSCAPES-4)** 0.00 N/A 0.00 100.00% 2-05 (HAGGIN OAKS-4) ' : 146.02 82.23 (63 7,c -43.69% 2 t2-04 (OAKS- 4) 138.87 82.23 (56164 -40.79% 3-01 (CORAL KEYS-6) 23.20 40.96 17.76 76.55% 3-02 (CHALLENGER PARK-6 & 7) ' 12.16 40.96 28.80 236.84% 3 03 (AUTO MALL 7) 13 92 40 96 t 27 04 194.25% ..................... ..... ' ............ . :.:::' ............................. · .................... ===== === == ===== == == === ............................................... .................... N~A ......... (~:~2) 3-04 (SILVERCREEK-4 & 6) 82.69 40.96 (41.73) -50.47% 2-02 (AMBERTON-6 & 7) 28.45 .tO.96 12.51 43.97% 2-09 (EL PORTAL & MING-6) 174.08 40.961 (133.12) -76.47% MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS PROPOSAL #1 PROPOSAL FOR CONSOLIDATION OF 40 MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS INTO ONE DISTRICT WITH SEVEN ZONES BASED UPON CONSULTANT'S METHOD DURING HIS RECENT PROPOSAL TO COUNCIL FOR CITY WIDE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOTE: ALL ASSESSMENTS ARE NET USING 94/95 BUDGET AND INCLUDE ANY CARRYOVERS OR DEFICITS ~OTE: NET ASSESSMENT iNCLUDES PROPOSED 33% PARK SUBSIDY FILENAME:SUMMZONE ["Z'~ ZONEj PARK 8U'B~IDY USING' SU'B~IDY USIN{3 CON'-- i # ~ #/LOCATION/~ARD CURRENT MI~I~IOD SULTANT'S ~-I'I-IOD I DI~F 4 4-04 (178 & RIO BRAVO AREA-3) 0.00 8.62 8.62 100.00% 4 4-01 (COLLEGE & FAIRFAX-3) .10.69 8.6-' (2.07) -19.36% 4 4-03 (EAST HILLS AREA-3) 17.63 8.62 i i~i::iiiii!!!!! ::': ~: .... '""'"' '..'...'.'..',"-~ · 5 4-05(BRUNDAGE & OSWELL-1) ' : 8.89 8.93~ (0.041 -0.45% 5 4-08 (LAKEVIEW & GORRILL-1) i 10.72 8.89' (1.85) -17.07% 5 4-07 (UNION AVE~,~UE MEDIANS-1 & 2) 28.61 8.891 (19.72 -68.93% '~ :":~ii:i:i':i i: :::ii' i:iii:i.li:i i~ : :i.:::i:::::?i?i:i:.. ::::::i: ::::::::::: :':':.::'::::: :'::~ : ~::::::'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::.:: :::;:,::.::: ................... .,....,..........- .:,......,~--.. .... ! 6 5-01 (HUGHES & PACHECO-7) ' 10.62 16.40 5.78 54.45% 6 t 5-02A (PANAMA & MONITOR S/S-~ & 7) I 20.68 16.40 (4 28)1 _. ~ 7 11-07 (CALIFORNIA AVENUE-5'~ 44.54 26.51 (18.03) -~:' 48% 7 11-04 (POLO GROUNDS-4) 25.23 26.51 1.28 5.07% I Z ! 4) 10.98 25.5 15.55 I 7il -08 (BRIMHALL a ALLEN-4) 52.01 26.51 I (26.40) -49.90~ 7 1-O9 (BRIMHALL & VERDUGO-4) 12.10 26.51 I 14.41 119.09% · SPECIAL ZONE OF BENEFIT WITHIN EXISTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT. IF THESE SPECIAL ZONES OF BENEFIT WERE ASSESSED, THEY WOULD BE ASSESSED TWICE. **GOSFORD STREETSCAPE FROM STOCKDALE TO MING IS MAINTAINED ~: ~ THREE HOMEOWNERS · SSOC/ATIONS THROUGH AGREEMENTS APPROVED BY COUNCIL. IF THE ONE DISTRICT WITH SEVEN ZONES . ~ERE APPROVED, THE ASSOCIATIONS MAY WISH FOR THE LANDSCAPING RESPONSIBILITIES TO REVERT BACK TO THE CITY. IF THEY DO, THE R-1 ASSESSMENT FOR THE ZONE WOULD BE $99.61 INSTEAD OF $82.23. 13-Apr-94 08:45 AM ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM CITY OF BAKERSFIELD I PARK AND LANI)SCAPlg MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 94-01 ~ ";CAll: 1' - lOgO' I I I ~ I I I I L--- I I \ \ \ I "~[ ~- g~_~ ~ ...... I ~,ND ~---l--- I I I I J ~ ~** o- I I -' '"~ ·  ~--~--- ---_L__j I I I J I I ~"~. ~ ~'~' ~' I I I I I I I I L----J------L----~----J:____L___ _l BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager i. Wor. X, DATE: March 16, 1994 .. SUBJECT: Agenda Item for Meeting of March 23, 1994 HEARING ITEM 9. b. (Cost of Maintenance and Operation of Private Development Traffic Signals through Maintenance Districts). Average cost to the City to operate and maintain a traffic signal system for a year is about $5,000. The source of funds has traditionally been the General Fund. This cost does not include major maintenance such as rewiring, updating controllers, etc. that can be major expenses when a system has been in operation 20-30 years. Since the costs are incurred annually, each new signal system adds to our already significant costs to operate and maintain traffic signals. We currently operate and maintain 198 systems. The high costs of owning signal systems came to this department management's attention last fall: Considering the Council's desire to effect "user-pay" through fees, and considering the scarcity of general fund monies, management explored various ways these costs might be funded by users. Signal systems installed to benefit specific developments rather than for the general public benefit appeared to be a cost-incurring facility that should be supported by those directly benefitting. It could be argued that past developers were not required to pay ongoing signal costs for privately installed signal 'systems. As indicated, on the attached Traffic Engineer's memorandum of March 15, 1994, a total of 17 such systems have been installed in recent years. Most were approved when funds were more plentiful. We also note that many fees are collected today that were not in effect a short time ago. Times change. The maintenance district appears to be the ideal vehicle to collect private development signal maintenance and operation costs. The district either already exists or would be formed for median landscape maintenance. Costs are levied annually by the Council with the payers being afforded the opportunity for input and discussion as to appropriateness and/or mount. Should the Council elect to levy a $0 or reduced _assessment, it would be tree to do so. At least this procedure keeps the Council's options open, which seems important in these times. This funding option has been imposed on two other projects at the general plan amendment process. These include GPA 4-93, Segment I, northwest corner of Stine Road at McKee Road; and GPA 4-93, Segment IV, northeast comer of Ashe Road ai Panama Lane.- Page 1 of 2 MEMORANDUM October 1, 1993 TO: DEWAYNE STARNES, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT . . .~' FROM: ROBERT M. SHERFY, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY i'~' SUBJECT: MAY THE CITY INCLUDE THE ANNUAL COST OF OPERATION OF A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AS PART OF A MAINTENANCE DISTRICT? CONCLUSION The annual cost of opera~ion of a traffic signal may be included as a zone of benefit within a maintenance district. Notice of the proposed zone Of benefit should be sent only to owners of property subject to that particular zone of benefit. DISCUSSION Chapter 13.04 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code deals with the creation of maintenance districts. A maintenance district may be formed to provide for the payment or any part of the costs and expenses of maintaining and operating any public improvements which are local in nature (Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 13.04.020). This broad definition would include a traffic signal. A zone of benefit within a maintenance district consists of all territory which will receive substantially the same degree of benefit from the improvements. Said zone shall be described in the Resolution of Intention preceding the formation of a maintenance district or, if an established district is to be divided into two or more zones, such zone shall be described in the Notice of the Annual Hearing (BMC Section 13.04.080B). Notices of hearings are provided for in BMC Section 13.0~.140. That section provides, in pertinent part: "The City Clerk shall cause notice of hearing to be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the city; to be mailed, postage prepaid, to all owners of property subject to the assessment and to be posted on or near the Council Chamber door or any bulletin board in or adjacent to the City Hall Council Chamber." (Emphasis added.) Memo to: Dewayne Starnes October 1, 1993 Page 2 While this section is designed for the giving of notice for the formation of districts, a logical reading of the entire chapter (Chapter 13.04) would indicate that when zones of benefit are created within an existing maintenance district, only owners of property subject to the assessment for that zone of benefit need be notified. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. cc: Ed Schulz, Public Works Director Fred Kloepper, Assistant Public Works Director RMS :rb corr6~memos~starnes. 101 opinion~maint-dis. 101 13.04.010--~3.04.030 Chapter 13.04 13.04.010 Title. This chamer shall be cited anti refe,'-rez to as MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS the "city of Baker~field maintenance distant pro- cedure." (Ord. 2573 5 2 (patti, 1980: Pr/or code Sections: ~ 8.04.0 13.04.010 Title. 13.04.020 Purpose. 13.04.020 Purpose. I3.04.030 General law or act defined. A. The purpose ofth/s chal~ter is to provide an 13.04.040 Alternative procedures, alternative procedure ~y which the city counmi 13.04.050 Chapter not exciusive law. may provide for the payment or any part of the 13.04.060 Chapter provisi{:~-~ controlling, costa and expenses ofmaanm~ning anct operating 13.04.070 Adoption pursur~ar :o municipal any public improvementa which are iocai in affairs provision, nature, payai:le from annual benefit assessments 13.04.080 Council powem--,;eneral, apportioned among the several Iota or parcels of 13.04.090 Council powerst-~ppiicable property.W~thin the mmntenance district estar>- state law. [ishe0 therefor, the nature anti formula or rbr- 13.04.100 Council powers--Alternative, mulae for which is to be determined in the 13.04.110 Resolution of intention, proccedin_~ in wi~ich jurisdiction is provided 13.04.120 Budget--Contents. and to provide an alternauve procedure e?, wnic~ 13.04.130 Budget--Incorporation into the city councit may reserve the ng~t to eiect to report filed ~ith city. clerk, l~erform the work of ma~ntmning and operating 13.04.140 Hearing--Noticet..Mailing or such public improvements bv city tbrces in each publication, of the years during which the district continues in 13.04.150 Hearing--Notice--Form. existence, such eiectmn whemer to proceen in 13.04.160' Hearing--trorm of maiied this <manner for a particular year to be deter- notice, mined and exercised each year at the nme me 13.04.170 Hearine--protesting with budget and assessment are adopted for t~e ,,'ear regard to formation of district, in questmn ann not at the nme me ngnt to meet 13.04.180 Protests. reserved. 13.04.190 Affidavits. B. It is conternr~iatefl that such ~roce0ure will 13.04.200 .Majority protest--Proceedings enat~le the affected owners to be benefited by by council, maintenance anti operation of pu~tic improve- t3.04.210 Annual hearing, merits not omer',v~se fully avauabie to such ,~roD- 13.04.220 Final determination, ertv owners or not otherwise fully furmshea bx' 13.04.220 Benefit assessment--Posting, the city. (Ora. 2573 § 2 (partl. 1980: prior code 13.04.240 Benefit assessment~Iethoa of 18.04.110L collection. 13.04.250 Omit'ted prol~ert3/. 13.04.030 General law or act defined. !3.04.260 .X, dditional iml~rovements. "Gener',,.l !aw" or "act." for t~e ~u~zses 13.04.265 Addition of territory-- this chapter, mean an enactment of the L~g~sia- Resolution--Hearing. ture of the state. Uniess other,vise provmed in I3.04.270 Withdrawal of territory-- this chapter, said general law or act shall be as Resolution--Hearing. now or hereafter amenaect or codified. IOr~. 13.04.280 Validating proceedings. 2573 § 2 ;partl. 1980: ~rior caae ~§ 18.04.040. 18.04.050L 13.04.040 Alternative procedures, the pui~iic improvements proposed to be main- The procedures provided in ~e several sec- tinned: the amounts so assessed to be coilectea in :ions of this chapter are aiter~aUve. (Ord._,,_" c~ S, the same manner and bv the same county, officers ' lpart). 1980: prior code § 18.04.020~. as the taxes are collected for general city pur- poses. ',3.04.050 Chauter not exclusive law. -3. 7::z ccunc~i may c:ass~fv various areas Ti-tis cnamer is not exciusive. Out the resoiu- '~'ithin a maintenance assessment clistnct into :ion ofintenuon in any proce,,edings under an act different zones where, ~v reason of variations in or general law may provide that such act or gen- the nature, locauon ama extent of improvements. er'al law is suppiememed by any portion or por- the various areas will receive differing degrees or' lions of this chapter. (Ord. 2573 § 2 (patti. 1980: benefit from the improvements. A zone shall prior code ~ 18.04.030}. consist of all territory, which will receive sub- stantially the same degree of benefit from the 13.04.060 Chapter provisions controlling, improvements and shall be described in the The .vrovisions of this churner shall be control- resolution of intention preceding formation of any iing over the lvrovisions of any general law or act mmntenance district or. if am established district is :n conflict W~th ti'tis chapter in any proceedings to be divided into two ormore zones, such zone under this chapter. (Ord. 2573 § 2 (part), 1980: shall be described in the notice of the annual prior code ~ 18.04.060). hearing prescribed in Section 12.04.210. B. x,¥"nere in this chapter the term "district" is used. 13.04.070 Adoption pursuant to municipal said term includes each zone within such district affairs provision, provided such zones were created at the time me A. This chapter is adopted pursuant to the district was originally est'ablished dunn~ or municmai affairs provisions of the Charter of this city. following an annual hearing held pursuant to Section 13.04.210. (Ord. 3280 § 1, 1990: Ord. B. In vroceedings pursuant to this chapter, 2573 § 2 (part), 1980: poor code § 18.04.080~. which are a munici!ml affair, the general laws or acts refer::eci to in this churner are deemed a rmrt 13.04.090 Council oowers--Aoplicable state ~,f tins churner, lOrd. '<'~ ~, 2 (patti, 1980: poor - · code S 18.04.070~. When the city council has declared its inten- tion pursuant to Section 1_3.04.080. the 13.04.080 Council powers--General, applicable l~rovisions of Chapter A. The city council may. in its resolution de- Div/sion 7 of the Stree,,~ and HigZqways Code of c~ann~ ns ~ntennon to diner wori( done or ~m- :he state, excepting SecUons 5850 to 5853. provements made. or it may, bv separate resolu- inclusive, shall apply. I Ord. 2573 § 2 (patti. 1980: :ion. declare its intention to order that the costs prior code § 18.04.090). ~nd expenses of maintaining and operating anv .-.r ail ou0iic improvements of a iocai nature. 13.04.100 Council powers~,~lternative. :nciuding the cost of necessarv repairs, replace- A. The city council may. in its resolution .-nsnts. :'ue!. ?ower. e!ectncai current, care. su~er- ,iecianng its intention to order work done or vision, and anv or all other items necessarv for improvements made. or it may. by se.varate reed- :he proper maintenance and operation thereof, lution, declare its intenuon to order mat costs ,,'hall be assessed, either partly or wholly, upon anti exvenses ofmaintmning and overating any such district as the citv council determines will be or ail public improvements of a local nature. benefitteci bv the maintenance and operation of including the cost of necessary repairs, remace- 2 =ker~neid 6-¢0'} 424 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT TRANSITION PLAN -COMPLETED ITEMS DATE ITEM COMPLETE 1. Development Services Building a. Disabled parking spaces and passenger loading/ Nov. 93 unloading areas b. Exterior routes of travel -- entrances and exits oct. 93 c. Exterior signs Oct. 93 d. Curb cuts and walks Jul. 92 e. Interior work area.routes of travel Oct. 93 f. Elevators g. Interior routes of travel to restroom facilities Oct. 93 2. Convention Center a. Disabled parking spaces Jul. 93 b. Curb cut between storage area and arena portico Dec. 92 c. Curb cut at Truxtun avenue drive-thru entrance Dec. 92 d. Signage Nov. 92 3. Parks a. Beale: access to restrooms, playground, serving shelter Nov. 93 and picnic area b. Grissom: access to playground, restrooms, serving Nov. 93 shelter and drinking fountain c. Jeffersor;,: access to restrooms, serving shelter, Nov. 93 playground, and drinking fountain d. MLK: access from King Street into driveway, picnic Jan. 94 area, restrooms and playground e. Patriots: access from Ming Avenue side to playground Dec. 93 restrooms, serving shelter and drinking fountain f. Planz: access from parking lot, restrooms, playground Jan. 94 and drinking fountain g. Saunders: access from parking lot, restrooms, picnic Dec. 93 area and drinking fountain h. Siemon: access from east parking lot, restrooms, picnic Jan. 94 area and drinking fountain Rev. Apri112,1994 ADA COMPLETED ITEMS i. Wayside: access from east parking lot, restrooms, Nov. 93 playground, picnic nook and drinking fountain 4. Communications a. TDD telephones installed at: Water Resources, City Clerk Oct. 93 Division, Economic and Community Development, Convention Center, Fire Administration, General Services, Parks and Recreation, Sanitation, Development Services, Treasury, Police Records b. Telephones: Beale Park southeast side of pool; ? 93 Jastro Park northwest side of pool; Police building east wall of lobby; Corporation Yard west wall of break room next to trailer 5. Main Building - Common Areas a. Restroom toilets retrofitted Jun. 92 b. Elevator access * hall call stations with indicator lamps * car jamb lantern with handicap gongs * Braille and raised letter symbols * dual beam solid state door with photo eye * car button station with light up buttons * floor passing gongs * telephone box * syncronized door timing 6. Police Department a. Lobby counter lowered May 93 7. City Hall Annex a. First Floor remodel: new lobby counters meet standards Mar..94 8. Corporation Yard a. Parks/Recreation/Sanitation building - women's Feb. 94 women's restroom door Rev. April 12, 1994 ADA COMPLETED ITEMS / 9. Miscellaneous a. 18th and Eye Street parking structure - disabled Jul. 93 parking spaces Rev. April 12, 1994 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PROPOSED PROJECT FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT Prepare an RFP for a contractor to perform work to bring City Hall Council Chambers and ancillary facilities into compliance with ADA. 1. Review of existing facilities to determine deficiencies as defined by current ADA standards, including but not limited to the following: a. Main entrance -- exterior from sidewalk to main door b. Main entrance -- main door c. Lobby restrooms d. Signage e. Council Chambers Wheelchair seating for public, media, staff, Councilmembers Aisle slope Speaker podium Wheelchair ramp to and from Council dias, staff and media boxes