HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/10/1994 B A K E R' S F I E L D Randy Rowles, Chair Kevin McDermott Patricia M. Smith Staff: Gail E. Waiters AGENDA URBAN' DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, March 10, 1994 12:15 p.m. Development Services Building 1715 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, California First Floor Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. NOVEMBER 24, 1993 B. DECEMBER 20, 1993 3. PRESENTATIONS 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. REVIEW OF ORDINANCE FOR UNDERGROUNDING UTILITY LINES - Kloepper/Sherfy , B. ROLLER BLADES ON BIKE PATH - Sherfy C. COUNCILAPPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS .Williams 6. NEW BUSINESS A. SETTING REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING DATES B. ' TRAFFIC SERVICE LEVELS . Joel Heinrichs, County of Kern C. SIGN ORDINANCE - Hardisty 7. ADJOURNMENT GEW:jp BAKERSFIELD · / RandyRowles, Chair Alan ~ndy, City Maffa~c4/ Kevin McDermott Staff: Jack Hardisty Patricia M. Smith AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITrEE Wednesday, November 24, 1993 12:00 noon Development Services Building Second Floor Conference Room Planning Commissioners: Jeff Andrew Steve Messner Darren Powers The meeting was called to order at 12:15 p.m. by Chair Randy Rowles. 1. Public Statements. (Limited to one minute each) Dr. Neal Olsen,. Associate Superintendent of Business, Kern High School District, asked that he and Dr. Dennis Scott, Director of Business, Kern High School District, be permitted to address the Committee during discussion of Item #5 - School Impact Fees. Councilmember McDermott moved to bring Item #5 of the agenda up for discussion at this time. Motion carried. 5. School Impact Fees Staff distr~uted letter from the BIA and a staff outline of this issue (attachment #5 and #5A). With the defeat of Proposition 170 the schools were thrown back to having to testify at each public hearing on zone changes and general plan amendments and that the schools would suffer significant impacts which should be mitigated as a part of the project or an EIR would have to be done prior to project approval. McAllister Ranch contested the $3.65 per square foot supported by the BIA and school districts. Every developer of projects approved in the city and county has agreed to pay $3.65 since last January. The Board of Supervisors required that $3.65 per square foot of residential building be paid to the school districts as mitigation and that staff codify this requirements with an inflation factor. Staff will prepare a draft ordinance similar to the county's for Council's consideration. 2. Less than 6,000 square-foot Residential Lots Staff distr~uted a memo describing the circumstances under which lots of less than 6,000 square-feet could be approved (attachment #2). It was noted that most of the small lots are being proposed in R-2 Zones. The market now favors small lots whose approval sometimes raises issues of neighborhood definition. This is because development of small lots in R-2 does not require the same amenities as in R-1 or P.U.D. Zones. The City Attorney advised the Committee that the city should be watchful that approval of single-family residential development in R-2 Zones does not interfere with the provision of low-income housing which would be build as apartments. Perhaps we are falling short on the trade-off between smaller lots and amenities for the residents. The Planning Director said the question seems to be: "Have we gone too far or not?" The Committee didn't feel we had gone too far yet. In conclusion, the Committee felt it would be appropriate for the Planning Commission to continue discussions of this and report back to the City Council. 3. Status of Alternate Planning Commissioner There was general discussion of the need for an eighth commissioner in the alternate's role. The Committee felt that alternate served a useful purpose and this role might be expanded within the bounds of the ordinance and due process. The Committee agreed that the City Attorney would work on the legal issues pending receipt of the request to expand the role of the alternate. 4. General Plan Amendments West of the City Staff distn~outed a list containing brief descriptions of the McAllister Ranch, Pacificana, and West Rosedale Specific Plan (attachment #4). The Committee was informed the city has received an application from Castle and Cooke to amend the 2 general plan and the Planning Director has had a preliminary discussion with representatives of Flying Tiger Ranch. Consensus of the Committee was that staff should ask LAFCO to reconsider its policy against annexation of agricultural lands, and we should continue to try to increase our sphere of influence. Staff should be prepared to discuss legal options with the City Council. '5. This item was moved and discussed under Item 1. (above) Public Statements. 6. Pending Ordinances Staff distributed a list of pending ordinances and a summary of the sign ordinance amendment scheduled for hearing by the Planning Commission on December 2, 1993 (attachment #6). The Committee accepted these as information. 7. Trails Planning Staff distrfouted an outline (attachment #7). Trails planning seems to be somewhat sporadic, depending on public interest. As a result of our involvement, the county has added an equestrian system to the Western Rosedale Plan. We are also working with a group to define an equestrian trail system from Rio Bravo to Manor Street. The need for additional parking was noted and various alternatives to connect Quailwood to the bike trail along the river were discussed. It was agreed that Councilmembers Brunni and Rowles would continue working with staff prior to public hearings by the Planning Commission. 8. Set Next Meeting Date December 20, 1993 9. Adjourn Committee adjourned at 2.35 p.m. 3 Attendance: Chair Councilmember Randy Rowles, Councilmember Kevin McDermott, Councilmember Patricia Smith, Planning Commissioner Jeff Andrew, Planning Commissioner Steve Messner, Planning Commissioner Darren Powers, Gail Waiters, Jack Hardisty, Judy Skousen, Ed Schulz, Stan Grady, and guests: Dr. Neal Olsen, Associate Superintendent of Business, Kern High School District and Dr. Dennis Scott, Director of Business, Kern High School District. cc: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council JH:jp 4 BAKERSFIELD ,/ ./ '"' '~ ~.----2' .' Randy Rowles, Chair Alan T/andy, City Manager' Kevin McDermott Staff: Jack Hardisty Patricia M. Smith AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITI'EE Monday, December 20, 1993 12:00 noon City Manager's Office 1. Approval of Minutes of the November 24, 1993, Urban Development Committee Meeting. Committee was concerned over the length and detail of the minutes. Staff was directed to rewrite as action minutes. (rewrite draft attached) 2. Review and Prioritization of Committee Referrals See attached list. 3. Annual Report on General Plan Implementation. The Committee felt this was a good first effort. The Committee would like to see more focus on specific plan lines for future freeways, an analysis on the need for a level of service ordinance, and a review of the response on #4 of page 17 relative to water policy. The next report should be more usable as a tool to set future work priorities. 4. Set Next Meeting Date Monday, January 24, 1994 Attendance: Chair Councilmember Randy Rowles, Councilmember Kevin McDermott, Councilmember Patricia Smith, Alan Tandy, Gail Waiters, Laura Marino, Jack Hardisty, and Stan Grady. cc: Honorable Mayor and CiVd Council JH:jp 2 February 23, 1994 URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE PROPOSED MEETING SCHEDULE - 1994 Committee Meeting Council Meeting None Wednesday, Apdl 6 Wednesday, April 13 Wednesday, Apdl 20 None Wednesday, May 4 Wednesday, May 11 Wednesday, May 18 None Wednesday, June 1 None Wednesday, June 15 Thursday, June 16' Wednesday, June 29 None Wednesday, July 13 None Wednesday, July 20 Wednesday, July 27 Wednesday, August 10 Wednesday, August 17 Wednesday, August 24 None Wednesday, September 7 Wednesday, September 14 Wednesday, September 28 Wednesday, October 5 Wednesday, October 12 None Wednesday, October 19 None Wednesday, November 2 Urban Development Committee Proposed Meeting Schedule- 1994 February 23, 1994 page 2 Thursday, November 10' Wednesday, November 16 None Wednesday, December 7 None Wednesday, December 14 *Thursday meeting dates were selected so as not to conflict with City Council meetings. R~SOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY JOEL HEINRICHS, AGENCY DIRECTOR Alt Pollution Control District · Eflgineenng & Sunmy ~en~c~ Tmn~fliUon Mi~g~ D~t · W~ M~~ De~ment ~RRE~ ~T~ ~45 ~cb~ 1, 1994 Board of Supervimrs Kern County Adminh~five Center 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: TRANSPORTATION SUBCOMMITI'~:~: Ill'PORT, l.l~rk'll. OF SERVICE "C" VS ~D", ~OPOLITAN BAk'IqIRSFI~.n AllR& (AT.T.S.D.'S) FUNDING: NO FISCAL IMPACTS Dear Members of th~ Board of Supervisors: With the adoption of the Metropolitan Bakcnfield 2010 General Plan and Circulation Element, the County of Kern and City of Bakersfield determined to require all roads and highways within this area to be designed toand carry traffic volumes at Level of Service (LOS) "C" or better. The Traffic Study and Environmental Impact Report prepared for this General Plan identified transportation issues as a s/gnificant adverse impact mitigated through the construction and improvement of roads and highways described in the Ciraflafion Element and subsequent enactment of a Transportation Impact lee progI'im for the Metropolitan area. In order to determine what improvements would be necessary, the County and City, through the Kern Council of Governments (COG) selected Omni-Means, Ltd., to study fee schedules and prepare a capital improvements program for implementation of a fee collection program. A modified version of this proglam was adopted by the City and County, and fees began to be collected in Sune, 1992. Upon adoption of the existing fee program, the Board of Supervisors committed to studying LOS policies and referred evaluation of this issue to the Resource Management Agency .(RMA). As indicated in the attached report, a Tedmical'Advisory Committee has ~r,gJ11~tPl~ ~ issue and concluded that a slightly modified impact fee progran would fully fund local streets at LOS "D". Several key points from the Committee's interim report are hiF~hlighted in the following: A. 'Level of Service" can be defined as "A qualitative measure describing operational conditions within a traffic stream, and the conditions as perceived by motorists and/or passengers;" also, a level of comfort experienced by people while travelling public roads. LOS is graded on a scale of "A' to "F', with "A" being the most comfortable and being the least desirable condition. The City and County, through adoption of the 2010 Plan, have determined that thc LOS should not drop below a "C' for roadways within the Plan area. Board of Supervisors February 1, 1994 Page 2 B. The Highway Capacity Man-~! defines LOS C as '~n the range of stable flow; operation of individuat users significantty affected by intcrac~n with other users". Theoretically, the volume of tm/ftc to capacity of the road (v/c) will be in the range of 0.?0 to 0.80. (LOS C at signalized intersections can be repxcsented by the number o£ vehicles stopping as "significant', and by rarely having to wait through a second signal cycle.) Most jurisdictions use a LOS of C or D for their standard. LOS D is defined as high-density, but stable flow; users experience severe restrictions in speed and to maneuver;, poor levels of comfort and convenience.' The v/c is in the range of 0.80 to 0.90. (LOS D at aignalized intersections can be represented by "many vehicles stopp~g", and the number waiting through a second signal cycle aa 'noticeable".) C. The transportsfion network to be funded was r~xamined. Traffic estimates were developed based upon amual anticipated growth project,ns. A "reality network" of highway facilities was prepared based upon comput~ modeling of actual antiaipated growth. Several revisions of the network wer~ rmriewed to determine lists of local faclli~ generally necessary to accommodate LOS C (approxim~-aly 60 item list) or LOS D (approximately 45 item list). As noted within the report, most freeway needs am not included in the proposed fee program scenaxios. D. OCTOBER 27, 1993 ALTERNATE STUDY ~ S~UL~ OPTIONS Current 'LOS C LOS D ~ Fee/Unit Fee/Unit Fee/Ur~it Single Family $1,179 $2,432 $1,297 Multi-Family 828 1,628 869 Industrial 38* 42 42 Office Commercial 39* 39 39 Retail Commercial Under 100,000 sf 39* 55 36 100,000-399,999 sf 44* 101 66 Over 400,000 sq. ft. will be subject to individual study. * geveral feet now ~ for variout square fe~t offloor ~ E. ~ ~b~ 27, 1993 s~y ~ows ~ ~e LOS C ~~ $92,394,238 m~ for ~ns~n of pmj~ ~ LOS D. ~ fi~ ~ b~ on m~ ne~ork ~ (wMch ~~ ~y ~p~emmt ~s~) pim ~t ~a~, 1~ ~e ~d~ ~s~, 1~ ~y ~s~, m w~ch 5~ of ~e ~ of ~e ~ ~v~ F~way ~d 50~ of &e ~st of ~e b~y ~mf-~y ~ ~. U~g ~ ~os, md ~~g ~ b~ on ~e ~e f~ ~h~, a ne~ork ~~ m LOS C wo~ n~ m gme~ $~6,276,1~ ~er ~ n~ ~ y~, w~ LOS D wo~ n~ $163,881,8~ ov~ ~ ~e ~W y~. ~ o~er m c~ge LOS s~ds ~m "C" ~ "D", it wo~ ~ n~ for ~ Co~ ~ Ci~ m ~end ~e Me~h~ ~field 2010 Oen~ P~ ~d ~e C~on ~ment. To do ~, ~ Board of Suweviso~ Febrm~ 1, 1994 Page 3 Environmental Impact Report, supplemental to the 2010 Final ~R, would be required. Since the 2010 General Plan is a joint City-County document, the effort of the 6eneral Plan Amendment and Environmental Impact Report should be shared and coordinated by the City and the County. Of course, level of service is just one element of the existing ~on element which needs to be re- evaluated. Since adoption of the element, highway funding criteria, air quality regulations, and land use patterns have changed. A re-evaluation of financial .a~piiom, ,b,el_ ,t~vaff~ and other highway be under~_ ~a by the City and County. Kern COG staff have mmcaum m~ ~u~t~ may be available in Fiscal Year 1994/95 for just such an evaluation, and the RMA has requested that funds be reserved in the Kern CO(3 Overall Work Program in the event thai the Board of Supervisors desires to pursue revision of the Cir~htlon Element. The primary options available to the Board of Supervisors at this _time are: 1. Take no amion; 2. Dkect staff to initiate the public heating process necessary to revise LOS standards in the 2010 (3eneral Plan; 3. Direct staff to initiate the public heating process necessary to revise the impact fee pro/ram to fund LOS C; or 4. Direct staff to further pursue revision of the 2010 Circulation Hlement and to provide a .. status report in six months. It is important that the ramifl~tlon of changes to the Ciwulafion Element be evaluated and that any necessary changes be coordinated among all relevant jurisdictions. ,.It is equally important that the current situation, with a hi/h de/~ree of uncertainty and debate re/aromg transportation mifi/afion on a project by project basis be rectified. It appears that further dialo/ue and analysis consistent with option #4 above may be the best curnmt action. 1T IS RECO~ED that the Board of Supervisors: 1) discuss the Technical Advisory Committee Report; 2) provide policy direction to staff; and 3) receive and file the Report. Sincerely, Director JH:FS:dc BI-M.I~ Attach. cc: County Adm/nistmiw Traasporm/on Maa~emmt Depanmmt plu,,,~in~ ~ Devel~ Se~ Ci~ of P]~ FOg O~ Commi~ INTF RIM REPORT METROPOLITAN BAKF RSFIF LD IMPACT FEE PLAN FOR GROWTH - TRANSPORTATION SUBCOMMI ITEE Februa:L-¥ 1~,, 1994 BACKGROUND Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan The County of Kern and City of Bakersfield adopted the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan in the latter part of 1989. That Plan and the accompanying Environmental Impact Report (EIR) made several recommendations to resolve transportation-related significant effects identified with development of the Metropolitan area. The Plan and EIR anticipated street improvements to be made which would result in no traffic congestion with a projected operation Level of Service (LOS) "C" or better. The 2010 Plan suggested that congestion would occur at several identified intersections, and noted a number of circulation issues including 1) the need for more high-speed freeways; 2) deficit right-of- way widths; and 3) need for a method to secure funding for the circulation system, including the high-speed facilities. Policies proposed and implementation measures listed included the need to prevent Level of Service from dropping below "C", or where the LOS was currently below "C", prevent a further decay of service level; and adoption of an area wide impact fee ordinance. Level of Service Defined "Level of Service" can be defined as "A qualitative measure describing operational conditions within a traffic stream, and the conditions as perceived by motorists and/or passengers;" also, a level of comfort experienced by people while travelling public roads. LOS is graded on a scale of "A" to "F", with "A" being the most comfortable and "F" being the least desirable condition. The City and County, through adoption of the 2010 Plan, have determined that the LOS should not drop below a "C" for roadways within the Plan area. The Hiqhway Capacity Manual defines LOS C as "In the range of stable flow; operation of individual users significantly affected by interaction with other users". Theoretically, the volume of traffic to capacity of the road (v/c) will be in the range of 0.70 to 0.80. (LOS C at signalized intersections can be represented by the number of vehicles stopping as "significant", and by rarely having to wait through a second signal cycle.) Most jurisdictions use a LOS of C or D for their standard. LOS D is defined as "Represents high-density, but stable flow; users experience severe restrictions in speed and freedom to maneuver; poor levels of comfort and convenience." The v/c is in the range of 0.80 to 0.90. (LOS D at signalized intersections can be represented by "many vehicles stopping", and the number waiting through a second signal cycle as "noticeable".) There are several detailed measures of LOS depending on the type of facility. Vehicle density, average travel speeds, average time delay at signalized intersections, etc., may all be used to describe operational conditions as perceived by motorists. Omni-Means Transportation Development Fee Report In order to implement the General Plan measures, the City and County, through Kern Council of Governments (COG), contracted with Omni-Means, Ltd., to develop a transportation impact fee program for the Metropolitan area. The purpose of the fee program is to generate revenues for capital funding for off-site capital facility expansion necessitated by new development. The Omni-Means report specified those roadway segments that are presently (February, 1991) operating at worse than LOS C. Based on a projected growth rate for the Metropolitan Area of 3.1% per year, Omni- Means included a list of roadway segments that would be needed to maintain LOS C within the 2010 planning window; A unit cost table was developed reflecting the best know cost estimates for road construction and right-of-way purchase at the time. Based on these unit cost estimates and the deficiencies identified, Omni-Means concluded that the' total cost for improvements, including a 25% contingency, would be.as shown on Table 1. TABLE 1 OMNI-MEANS COST ESTIMATES NEED RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSTRUCTION TOTAL Freeways $409,634,931 $764,984,780 $1,174,619,711 Arterials 47,860,292 302,742,330 350,602,622 Collectors 4,565,241 11,415,183 15,980,424 Signals 28,125,000 28,125,000 Transit 12.187,995 TOTALS $462,060,465 $1,107,267,293 $1,581,515,752 The Omni-Means report recommended specific fees to be collected in order to provide 100% mitigation ($1.58 billion) for development of roadways and transit. Interim Report PFG - TWG Bakersfield Transportation Impact Fee Capital Improvement plan In adopting the Metropolitan Bakersfield Impact Fee Program and Capital Improvement Plan, the County and City reduced the fee basis. The total funds projected to be collected was approximately $215 million resulting in $1.36 billion of the Omni-Means estimate to be funded by other sources and/or remain partially unfunded; this means that fees collected would provide for identified improvements at specified percentages of amounts needed to complete these project, as noted on the following table. T~BLE 2 PERCENT AVAILABLE FuNDIN~ FACILITY 100% MITIGATION FEE BASIS ~ FUNDING Freeway Projects $512,669,000 $147,420,300 29% (Other Source Funds $430,689,000) Kern River Bridges 19,530,000 ' 9,765,000 50% Canal Bridges 5,360,000 2,680,000 50% Canal Culverts 915,000 457,500 50% Relocated Canals 2,389,000 1,194,500 50% Drainage Culverts, Bridges & Ditches 7,512,000 3,756,000 50% State Highway Bridges & Interchanges 18,296,000 9,148,000 50% Railroad Grade Separat. 44,600,000 22,300,000 50% Traffic Signals 111,552,000 55,776,000 50% Roadway Improvements 49,190,800 9,795.660 20% LIST TOTAL $681,099,800 $214,532,560 31% (INCL. OTHER SOURCE FUNDS $1,111,788,000) Less Identified Funding 77,654,000 TOTAL $603,445,800 $214,532,560 35% (INCL. OTHER FUNDS $1,034,134,000) Source: MetroDolitan Bakersfield Capital Improvement Plan, Kern County Board of Supervisors Resolution #92-196. Note these figures differ from the Omni-means totals since the adopted improvement program and cost figures varied slightly from the Omni-Means Report. Interim Report PFG - TWG Unresolved Issues/Concerns With completion of the Omni-Means Report and adoption of the Metropolitan Transportation Impact Fee Program, the City and County recognized that there were several unresolved issues and concerns that needed to be addressed. There was a generally recognized need to readdress the growth projections identified in the 2010 Plan and EIR. Further, the fee schedule adopted as part of the Impact Fee Program covered only a percentage of the costs necessary to complete the Capital Improvement Plan (see Table 2) resulting in the remaining funds to come from some yet-unknown source; a revision of the Capital Improvement projects was needed. Based on these significant concerns, the Board of Supervisors authorized consideration of these concerns through the Plan For Growth Committee. B. PLAN FOR GROWTH - TRANSPORTATION SUBCOMMITTEE The City and County authorized their staffs to pursue an update of the fee program and facilities list. As a part of the Plan For Growth committee, the Transportation Subcommittee was formed to act as the "Metro Fee Committee" to review and update the Metropolitan Bakersfield Impact Fee Program. The subcommittee, chaired by the Resource Management Agency, includes the County Transportation Management Department, County Planning and Development Services, City Public Works, City Planning, Kern Taxpayers Association, Kern Transportation Foundation, Kern Council of Governments, Building Industry Association and, from time to time, other private and public groups. On March 11, 1993, a Technical Working Group (TWG) was formed. Tasks of the Technical Working Group 1. Re-evaluate assumption of the reality network (i.e., costs, needs list, traffic generation and distribution parameters); 2. Re-evaluate assumptions related to growth projections (i.e., Department of Finance projections, historical trends, general plan designations, phased buildout); 3. Develop consensus to assure technical assumptions and results are acceptable for the purposes of the fee program; and 4. Provide discussion list of possible alternate program scenarios (i.e., all needs paid by fee, reduce needs list 100% fee, alternate funding sources, combinations of these). Interim Report PFG - Tw¢ 4 Identification of Key Issues As studies progressed, several key issues and directions began to form. The subcommittee generated a set of options to be explored. These included: * Deletion of funds for freeways * Revision of fee schedules based on corrected' data * Provision of "seed" money for the beltways and Highway 58 west corridor * Change Level of Service (LOS) from "C" to "D" Several other San Joaquin Valley communities and counties were polled to see what LOS they were using. Generally, most jurisdiction use an LOS D in the urbanized area; those using a C indicate that they are considering an amendment to their local ordinances. July 15, 1993 Draft Interim Report A. GROWTH PROJECTIONS AND T~ANSPORT~TION MODEL PARAMETERS Actual anticipated growth for the years 2010 and 2020 were used instead of full build out of designated land use. These growth parameters were analyzed within each of the 400+ Traffic Analysis Zones of the metro area. These projections were loaded on a revised "Reality Network" (a working group list of highways that more accurately reflect transportation needs based on an objective evaluation of future development), using the 2010 Circulation Plan. Following a series of model runs, the TWG established the minimum necessary Facilities List. B F~CILITIES LIST/UNIT COST The subcommittee identified about sixty highways within the metro area to satisfy the criteria of the revised "Reality Network". The following were in the suggested improvement schedule: * canal widenings * improved railroad crossings * canal relocations * interchange construction * grade separations Also listed was right-of-way purchase and construction. The "Reality Network" did not include construction of new freeways but could include extension or widening of existing state routes. Preliminary Unit Cost Assumptions, on the following page, are similar to those found in Omni-Means Report with some minor variation. The "Typical Cross Sections", following the cost assumptions, graphically depicts the "fee share" for Arterial and Collector routes. Interim Report PFG - TWG ~ PLAN FOR GROWTH TRANSPORTATION WORKING GROUP Preliminary Unit Cost Assumptions May 4, 1993 RIGHT OF WAY Residential SOFT $ 0.46 Commercial-Undeveloped SOFT $ 3.00 Commer~!-Developed SOFT $!0.00 Industrial-Undeveloped SOFT $ 0~7 Industrial-Developed SOFT $ 2~0 CONSTRUCTION Colle~or-TravelWa,v (14-foot lane~ Lane-Mile $ 145~000 Anefial-TravelWay/Meri~- Lane-Mile $ 215,000 ~?~essway-Travei Way Lane-Mile $ 220,000 Kern River Bridges Each $37000,000 Railroad Grade Separation Each $7,500,000 Freeway Bridge-New, Arterial Each $1,700,000 Freeway Brid~e-New? Colk~__or Each $1,4007000 Freeway Bridge-Widen, Arterial Each Freeway Brid,~e-Widen~ Co~e~or Each $ 800,000 C~nal Bridee-New. Arterial Each $ ~00:000 Canal Brid~e-New, Coll'e_~_or Each Canal Brid,~e-Widen. Arterial Each $ 320,000 Canal Bridge-Widen. Colleaor Each $ 250,000 Maior Canal Culvert-New, Arterial Each $ 180.000 Maior Canal Culvert-New, Colkx~__or Each $ 1507000 Maior Canal Culvert-Widen. Arterial Each $ 1007000 Maior Cnnai Culvert-Widen. Collector Each $ 80.000 Minor Canal Culvert-New, Arterial Each $ 80.000 Minor Canal Culvert-New. Collector Each $ 65~000 Minor Cnnai Culvert-Widen. Arterial Each $ 40?000 Minor Canal Culvert-Widen-Collector Each $ 35.000 Traffic Si,,~nLs Each $ 120.000 RIGHT OF WAY costs are averages for metropolitan area. cossr uCrlON costs for travel wa , ind,d ba,,. and. median cost ($54/foot prorated per !.a..n.e) for, arterials. ,~?e .costs. also intersection every 1/2 mile. Various utilities, curo, gutter aaa ianascapmg costs I INCLUDED IN INCLUDED IN I~ BY D£V[LOP£R r-I REGIONAL FEE REGIONAL FEE l_ BY DEVELOPER LANOSC;APE LANDSCAPE COLLECTOR I aY OE~LOPER J RE~ ~ REO~ FEE 'BY DE'LOPER l I ARTERIAL File Name: 0495JB Job No. 18580 OATS MAY 5. 1995 I TYPICAL CROSS SECTIONS DRAWN J.BAKER REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION PROJECT ENGINEER IMPACT FEE F. KLOEPPER ,, , DESIGN ENGINEER / CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Arthur Lee Moore CALIFORNIA C. LOS/NEW CONSTRUCTION V AMBIENT GROWTH Currently, the Metro Area uses an LOS C; an updated (july, 1993) model run and the resulting facilities list used an LOS ranging between C and D. This is an issue that will require resolution. The current fee program proposals, with an average level at 35% of funds needed, are not considered over-build and would not necessarily maintain an LOS C. Additional analysis may consider a lower LOS standard. However, a lower LOS compared to newest 1993 Department of Finance growth projections will result in an overall increase in demand and necessary facilities. Lastly, the issue of ambient growth has not been included in the model analysis to date. Ambient growth is basically traffic increase due to other than new construction. Ambient growth would need to be added to those already in the model in order to demonstrate worst case conditions. D. PROGRAM OPTIONS/RECOMMENDaTION The subcommittee reviewed and considered all aspects of the Omni- Means report from population growth to actual road and street analysis. Current conditions and recent actions that partially implemented the Impact Fee Program were considered and the model adjusted. During the course of this evaluation, it was noted that the annual population growth for the metro area was three times faster than new construction; tables regarding growth projects were adjusted accordingly. With these considerations, the major goal of the subcommittee was to match the fee requirement to the actual growth from new construction. The second major study area was whether or not freeway construction should be a part of the fee structure. It was determined that these routes carried large volumes of traffic through the community, and that funding for freeways would have to rest with federal, state or other sources. It was determined that "seed money" for the Kern River Freeway and some funds for the beltways should continue to rest with and be a part of the Fee Program since most traffic on these units would be locally based. Four options were studied. Areas of consideration included deletion of freeways from facilities list, minimal funding for Transit needs, modify fee schedule for residential, and reduce land use categories where similarities exist. As of the July 15, 1993 report, the subcommittee recommended adoption of fee structure for option A and, in eliminating freeways from the funding option, adopt a freeway funding or matching fund scenario that derives its revenue from sources other than new construction. Interim Report PFG - TWG Eo TRANSIT ISSUES As noted above, some transit issues were suggested by the subcommittee to be funded. As described in the Omni-Means report, the Transit District will experience a $7.7 million shortfall caused by extension of service to new development; this can be completely avoided if the District does not expand its system. The District will, however, be able to fully fund purchase of 27 busses over the next 20 years, with the $7.7 million allocated from the ~fee program. (Note, this does not reflect all new transit/rail proposals.) F. FEE SCHEDULE AND HETHODOLOGY Fee schedules studied by the subcommittee were based on the total unfunded cost of the transportation system including noted transit costs. Two options do not include any freeway funding; two others include funding for acquisition of rights-of-way for the beltways and 10% of the construction cost of the Kern River Freeway for "seed" money. Two options do not alter Industrial or Office Commercial current rates, but distribute costs to other land uses; two others are based on an unmodified determination of the fee for each land use. The suggested fee program is a "consumption-based" fee, which does account for the differences in land use. Trip characteristics of the basic land use categories are used to determine the fee. This study resulted in potential funds under Option A/A1 at $246,932,068 and Option B/B1 at $311,350,141. Table 4 shows a comparison of the fee schedules for these options: TABLE 4 JULY 15, 1993 DRAFT INTERIM REPORT FEE SCHEDULE OPTION~ Land Use Type Option A Option A1 Option B ~ Fee/Unit Fee/Uni~ Fee/Unit ~ Single Family $2,282 $2,666 $2,877 $3,376 Multi-Family 1,528 1,785 1,927 2,261 Industrial 317 42 400 42 Office Commercial 321 39 405 39 Retail Commercial Under 100,000 sf 52 61 66 77 100,000-399,999 sf 95 111 120 140 Over 400,000 sq.ft, will be subject to individual study Interim Report PFG - TWG Using these figures the subcommittee then projected the funds necessary for the Regional Transportation Facilities List utilizing LOS C, as follows: Total Cost of Regional Facilities List = $935,689,726 Transit Cost = 7,688,000 Total System Cost = 943,386,726 Funded Portion = 77,423,658 Total Unfunded Cost = 865,963,068 Less Freeway Cost = 619.031.000 Funding Option A = 246,932,068 Add Beltway R/W = 9,318,073 Add 10% Kern River Fwy. Construction Cost = 55.100.000, Funding Option B $311,350,141 * 10% of $551,000,000 estimated cost as of July 15, 1993 October 1, 1993 Workinq Group Report A.revised facilities list was prepared reducing the number of local highways included on the list to about forty-five routes. Based on this number, the October 1, 1993 report to the subcommittee provided a potential funds collected using an LOS D scenario at $130,775,330. This study would include the Transit Costs and 5% Kern River Freeway Construction Costs but would not include any beltway right-of-way costs. The addition of 50% Beltway right-of-way costs would increase costs of this option to $135,434,366. Table 5 shows the required fee schedule using either of these options under the LOS D scenario: TABLE 5 OCTOBER 1, 1993 FEE SCHEDULE OPTIONS UNDER LOS "D" Land Use TyDe No Fwy/Hold No Fwy/50% Fwy/Hold Fwv/50% Fee/Unit Fee/Unit Fee/Unit Fee/Unit Single Family $1,045 $1,246 $1,097 $1,297 Multi-Family 700 834 735 896 Industrial 42 21 42 21 Office Commercial 39 19 39 19 Retail Commercial Under 100,000 sf 24 28 25 30 100,000-399,999 sf 43 52 46 54 Over 400,000 sq.ft, will be subject to individual study. Fee Schedules "Hold" shows nonresidential at current rates; "50%" shows reduction for industrial and office commercial with remaining nonresidential at current rates. Interim Report PFG - TWG Using these figures the projected the funds necessary for a Regional Transportation Facilities List utilizing LOS D is shown: Total Cost of Regional Facilities List = $932,004,488 Transit Cost = 7.688,000 Total System Cost = 939,692,488 Funded Portions = 144,173,658 Total Unfunded Costs = 825,528,830 Less Freeway Costs = 726,728,500 98,790,330 Add 5% Kern River Fwy Construction Cost = 31.985,000, Total Without Beltway R/W = 130,775,330 Add 50% Beltway R/W = 4.659.036 Funding Provided by Fee @ LOS D = 135,434,366 * 5% of $639,700,000 revised estimated cost as of Oct. 1, 1993 October 27, 1993 Alternate Study On October 27, 1993 an alternate study was prepared comparing fees required under LOS C and D; this showed that the LOS C requires $92,394,238 more than LOS D. These figures are based on total network cost (which includes freeway improvement costs) plus transit costs, less the funded costs, less freeway costs, to which 5% of the cost of the Kern River Freeway and 50% of the cost of the beltway Rights-of-way was added. Using these scenarios, a network designed to LOS C would need to generate $256,276,104 over the next twenty years, while LOS D would need $163,881,866 over the same twenty years. Table 6 compares the Regional Transportation Facilities List for LOS C and D, while Table 7 compares the fee schedule of these two scenarios; the current fee schedule is included to demonstrate fees required under the existing ordinance. TABLE 6 REGIONAL TI~NSPORTATION F&CILITIES LIST, LOS C & D LOS C LOS D Total Cost of Regional Facilities List $979,398,726 $887,004,488 Transit Cost 7,688,000 7.688.000 Total System Cost 987,086,726 894,692,488 Funded Portions 114.173,658 114.173.658 Total Unfunded Cost 872,913,068 780,518,830 Less Freeway Cost 651.031.000 651.031,000 221,882,068 129,487,830 Add 5% Kern River Freeway Cost 29,735,000 29,735,000 Add 50% Beltway R/W 4,659,036 4.659.Q~6 Funding Provided by Fee $256,276,104 $163,881,866 interim Report PFG - TWG TABLE 7 OCTOBER 27v 1993 ALTERNATE STUDY FEE SCHEDULE OPTIONS Land Use TyDe Current LOS c LOS D Fee/Unit Fee/Unit Fee/Un%t Single Family $1,179 $2,432 $1,297 Multi-Family 828 1,628 869 Industrial 38* 42 42 Office Commercial 39* 39 39 Retail Commercial Under 100,000 sf 39* 55 36 100,000-399,999 sf 44* 101 66 Over 400,000 sq.ft, will be subject to individual study. * Several fees now listed for various square feet of floor area. Using either of the LOS C or D scenarios, it is assumed that funding from other sources will be made available for freeway right-of-way purchase and construction, and additional on-site development consistent with unit cost assumptions and ambient growth demand by others. It would be appropriate, considering the above findings, that any resolution of the exact fee rates for residential and commercial be deferred until and if an LOS D is approved and funding level determined. As noted previously, the Bakersfield Metropolitan 2010 General Plan EIR evaluated traffic impacts based on an LOS C which has a volume to capacity (v/c) of 0.70 to 0.80, while the LOS D carries a v/c of 0.80 to 0.90; this represents a higher density traffic flow which, in contrast to LOS C could result in users experiencing severe restriction in speed and freedom to maneuver, and redUced levels of driving comfort and convenience. If this change in LOS occurs, potential impacts in areas of transportation and circulation, air quality, noise, human health, and possibly other areas, could also take place, the 2010 EIR will have to be supplemented in order to satisfy the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. C. SUMNARY Recommendations The Plan For Growth Subcommittee - Transportation Working Group reports that there is sufficient evidence to recommend an evaluation of the merits of changing the Level of Service required by the Bakersfield Metropolitan 2010 General Plan from "C" to "D". Interim Report PFG - TWG Pend~nq Issues Further consideration of the recommended change in LOS will enable a further consideration and resolution of pending issues including: * Impacts to living conditions within the Metropolitan Area, specifically the effects of reducing the LOS from C to D on: * Air Quality * Acoustical Environment * Transit Capabilities * Congestion Management Programs * Consideration of assumptions that cannot address all transportation issues, including transit and rail * Significant unfunded street and highway needs that remain * Sources of capital necessary to meet the unfunded needs. Interim Report PFG - TWG 11 Pend~nq ~ssues ~ Further consideration of the recommended change in LOS will enable a further consideration and resolution of pending issues including: * Impacts to living conditions within the Metropolitan Area, specifically the effects of reducing the LOS from C to D on: * Air Quality * Acoustical Environment * Transit Capabilities * Congestion Management Programs * Consideration of assumptions that cannot address all transportation issues, including transit and rail * Significant unfunded street and highway needs that remain * Sources of capital necessary to meet the unfunded needs. ]H:FS:d~ BL33AT.B2 J'anua~y 21, 19~4 Interim Report PFG - TWG Level of Service Situation in Other Areas of Valley (As of 10-1g-g3) San Joaquin County (Andy Chesley, COG Director) @ cog = "O"' - 2010 Plan="D" - County = "D" in urban areas. "C" in rural areas. - Stockton = "E" Tracy = currently "C", but are not achieving. Stanislaus County (Greg Steel, COG Director) Congestion Management Program. (CMP) = "D" in urban / "C" in rural areas. Quote = "Nice to have high standards, but LOS "D" is realistic in urban areas. Merced County (Matt Bayer, COG Director) - For their Regional Transportation Plan and CMP, use the "Flodda Tables" which provides LOS's for a detailed list of situations. Was provided by Caltrans as an acceptable alternative. - All municipalities and agencies in Merced C~ounty have agreed to use the "Flodda Tables". On an average, the "Flodda Tables" would be a "D" in urban areas and a "C" in rural areas. Bayer feels that LOS should be set by what is practical. Fresno County (Bill Bdam, COG Director) Major areas of Clovis, Fresno, and Fresno County = currently "C". Will be a major issue as general plans are updated in '94. - Other areas = "D" for most part. Kings County (Ted King, COG Director) - County General Plan = "D" Tulare County (Jim Larsen, COG Director) - coUnty = "C" for now. Will' probably have to change. - Visalia = "C".for now. Doing circulation element now. Feels they will have to go to "D" because they can't afford "C". - CMP = "E" in urban areas and "D" in rural areas. MARCH 10, 1994 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COUNTY OF KERN, RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AGENCY DISCUSSION OUTLINE: TRANSPORTATION SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT, LEVEL OF SERVICE "C" VS "D", METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD AREA · February 1, 1994 Report to Board of Supervisors - Background and overview of process - Primary options presented - LOS C, Benefits/Costs - LOS~D, Benefits/Costs - City/County joint approach - Revise 2010 Circulation Element through KCOG funding 94/95 · City of Bakersfield Position - LOS CVS LOS D - Transportation funding concepts/proposals - 20!0 Circulation Element update - Other · Consensus Key to Public Trust and Support of Future Funding · Next Step(s) MARCH 10, 1994 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COUNTY OF KERN, RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AGENCY DISCUSSION OUTLINE: TRANSPORTATION SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT, LEVEL OF SERVICE "C" VS "D", METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD AREA · February 1, 1994 Report to Board of Supervisors - Background and overview of process - Primary options presented - LOS C, Benefits/Costs - LOS~D, Benefits/Costs - City/County joint approach - Revise 2010 Circulation Element through KCOG funding 94/95 City of Bakersfield Position - LOS CVS LOS D - Transportation funding concepts/proposals - 2010 Circulation Element update - Other Consensus Key to Public Trust and Support of Future Funding Next Step(s) Level of Service Situation in Other Areas of Valley (As of 10-19-93) San Joaquin County (Andy Chesley, COG Director) - @ cog ="D" 2010 Plan = "D" County = "D" in urban areas. "C" in rural areas. Stockton = "15" Tracy = currently "C", but are not achieving. Stani$1aus County (Greg.Steel, COG Director) - Congestion Management Program (CMP) = "D" in urban / "C" in rural areas. - Quote = "Nice to have high standards, but LOS "D" is realistic in urban areas. Merced County' (Matt Bayer, COG Director) - For their Regional Transportation Plan and CMP, use the "Florida Tables" which provides LOS's for a detailed list of situations. Was provided by Caltrans as an acceptable altemative. · All municipalities and agencies in Merced County have agreed to use the "Flodda Tables". On an average, the "Florida Tables" would be a "D" in urban areas and a "C" in rural areas. Bayer feels that LOS should be set by what is practical. Fresno County (Bill Bdam, COG Director) Major areas of Clovis, Fresno, and Fresno County = currently "C". Will be a major issue as general plans are updated in '94. Other areas = "D" for most part. Kings County (Ted King, COG Director) County General Plan = "D" Tulare County (Jim Larsen, COG Director) County -- "C" for now. Will probably have to change. Visalia = "C" for. now. Doing circulation element now. Feels they will have to go to "D" because they can1 afford "C". · CMP = "E" in urban areas and "D" in rural areas. SUMMARY OF SIGN ORDINANCE CHANGES (for version date 9-24-93) PURPOSE · Added reference regarding the Uniform' Sign Code (deals with structural & electrical components of signs; used by the Building Dept.) in order to note the relationship between it and the Zoning O~dinance. · Removed reference to comprehensive zoning plan since it is unnecessary and stated sign control is citywide. PERMITS A. No change -- from existing Sections 17.60.020 & 17.60.070. B. New - repeats some of the section regarding permits from the Uniform Sign Code; however, the intent of this section is to clearly identify what types of signs either will or will not require a sign permit. C. New - notes that signs may also be regulated by the approval of other permits (ie. CUP, zone change). From existing Section 17.60.110 I. D. From existing Sections 17.60.255 1-3, & 17.60.110 F.4.(4). Added items 3-5 which allow the Building Director discretion in permitting some types of signs additional area. E. New -- although it is implied in the current ordinance that modifications to the sign ordinance are not permitted, the addition of this section confirms in writing that exceptions to the sign standards are prohibited. F. From existing Section 17.60.020. Wording changed to be consistent with other sections in the Municipal Code regarding fees. COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN (CSP) (From existing CSP Section 17.60.250) · - Added a statement that defines the intent of a CSP and how these plans should be utilized. Clarified that an application for this type of permit is voluntary. It also noted that a CSP is not to be used solely as a variance mechanism to lessen or waive sign requirements. A. Regarding CSP's for specifiC projects, deleted the section that references businesses having frontage along both sides of a street along a block (other items will cover this section). Items 5-6 are new. B. New -- notes that a CSP can be a condition of approval due to some other action (ie. conditional use permit, zone change, GPA). C. Rewritten to refer to a format as desired by the Department. Therefore, if information needs to be added or deleted, it would not necessitate a change to the ordinance. D. Clarifies the review authority and processing of a CSP. E-I. New items -- establishes basic procedures. SIGN COMPUTATIONS · A-B from existing Section 17.60.030 4. (area of signs definition). This computation is slightly changed for better clarity. Added sign height measurement (item D) from grade consistent with other grade measurements in the code. Structural support area (item C) added to assist in determining how much structural support is allowed before it becomes counted as measurable sign area. LOCATION RESTRICTIONS A. From existing Section 17.60.070 C. -- added signs prohibited within landscaped parkways (Sign Committee feels that these areas should not be cluttered with signs). B.' From existing Section 17.60.070 D. C. From existing Section 17.60.080 N. 1-5 (#1 slightly revised to better define the area along Truxtun Ave. between Coffee and Hwy 99). DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. From existing Sections 17.60.070 F-H, O. Item #3 consolidates requirements for illuminated signs. · The matrix format in that follows in Subsection B is proposed to make it easier to find specific requirements for the various signs permitted by the city, replacing the old paragraph format which was difficult to interpret and was not consistent in its application from zone to zone. Staff hope this new format will clarify and consolidate the majority of basic sign regulations for each type of sign.' B1. Residential/Agricultural Zones: · Nameplate -- increased area from 1/2 to 1 sq.ft.; allow sign to be illuminated (since some of these signs indicate the occupant and address where illumination is desired); removed occupation reference since it is not consistent with the home occupation section of the ordinance prohibiting advertising the residential address. · Apartment ID -- added height limit, setbacks, and remarks section; changed illumination to non-internal instead of internal (do not want them to look like commercial area Signs). · Neighborho°d ID (subdivision names) -- new section (existing signs are currently permitted by the Building Director) since the Planning Commission has had a desire · to clarify the number and location of these signs. Parks Department will be required to approve any materials for appropriate replacement and maintenance (avoid use of styrofoam signs). · ' Residential ID (onsite) -- moved section that permits Bldg. Director to approve up to 2 additional signs and placed in new section 17.60.020 D.; removed additional onsite directional and instead allow the onsite signs to both direct and advertise; changed removal of signs within 18 mos. to completion of initial sales or 2 years after final map recordation with options for extensions of time. · Residential Directional (offsite) -- regulations moved to Specialized Signs section. · Real Estate - increased overall area to 6 sq.ft, and removed tag sign reference, therefore sign area can include whatever combination desired; removed larger signs being permitted on parcels of 10,000 sq.ft, or more. · Open House - reduced number permitted from 10 to 6; increased height from 3 to 6 ft.; added use of A-frames since they can be used without affecting landscaping and are easy for agents to use; clarified that signs permitted 3 consecutive days PER WEEK instead of just 3 consecutive days. · Garage Sale -- new, timing coincides with municipal code requirements for number of such sales per year. · Construction -- no change. · Future Use - only allow 1 sign instead of 1 per every 300 ft. of frontage. Multiple signs on the site indicating the same use do not appear to be necessary. · Models -- Maximum tied to number of models; flags allowed to be placed anywhere on the site to give developers maximum option of how they wish to draw attention to their tracts. Also makes for easier enforcement by the city. · Agricultural Uses -- reduced height limit from 16 to 8 ft.; expands sign location to RS· zones since farm products are permitted in those zones. B2-4. Commercial Zones (C-O, C-1, C-2): · Wall (business ID) -- increase height from 20 to 25 ft. in C-0, from 25 to 30 ft. in C-1 and C-2; for C-0 and C-1, added max area (none existing); reference removed regarding total bldg. frontage max. since it is not enforced and appears to not be necessary; added max horizontal length so that sign is at a proper scale with the business' wall .elevation. · Monument/Pylon (business ID) -- C-O, pylon and monument are same area and height; clarifies that business has choice betWeen either a pylon or monument, and if a center name is used on a pylon then monuments may also be used. · Window (business ID) -- new, better defined. Added to permit business name on window (does not .include promotional signs). · Readerboard/Menu. -- reduce number from 4 to 2; reduce height from 15 to 12 ft.; better defined. · Shingle (business ID) -- name defined from sign publications that identify those signs that hang under awnings and canopies to distinguish them from those attached to or painted on the outside awnings and canopies; added that they must be oriented for pedestrians. · Nameplate -- new, limited to loading areas so that business can be found at the rear of a building. · Building ID -- new, Would only apply if there were multiple buildings on site such as an office complex. · Real Estate -- limit to 1 per property instead of 1 per 1 O0 fi.of frontage; added larger sq.ft, sign allowed for unimproved and vacant properties. · Construction -- reduced height consistent with real'estate signs. · Future Use -- permit only 1 Sign instead of 1 per 300 ft. of frontage. · Promotional -- takes definition from existing temporary signs definition but rules more definite; limits all to 25% coverage based upon total sq.ft of ground floor window area or 32 sq. ft.; limit to 2.elevations; removes requirement for sign permit. B5. Manufacturing Zones: · Similar to commercial zones, however, area limits reduced to between the C-1 and C- 2 zones (as directed by the Sign Committee). The Sign Committee felt that the C-2 zone should allow the largest sign area thereby encouraging commercial businesses in a commercial zone. Under the existing sign code, the M districts permit the most signage even though a survey of industrial businesses confirmed that the utilize very little area (generally 64 sq.ft, or less). B6. New -- deleted old Sbction 17,60,200 (CC zone) that required Planning Commission approval for all signs. This section may be eventually changed in the future due to work being conducted regarding downtown zoning, B7, Overlay Zones -- consolidated and clarified what regulations are applicable when there is an overlay zone in place. B8. PUD/PCD -- require CSP so that sign changes would not require a revision of the entire development plan (CSP revision would be less costly and take less time). Commercial signage also changed to be based on the C-1 zone exclusively, consistent with past projects. SPECIALIZED SIGNS · New section -- pulls out signage that is unique; makes reference to such signs easier for public and staff to determine requirements in a consistent fashion. A. Residential Subdivision/Project Directional (off-site) -- basic requirements unchanged; adds 25 ft. separation of such signs to avoid clutter at intersections. B. Special Event -- from temp sign definition (17.60.040 #43.). The intent is to distinguish between a business' promotion, of specific goods (such as sales, weekly specials) -vs- a unique event (grand opening, closeout, remote radio broadcast, etc.) where special banners, balloons, etc. are desired for a temporary period of time. C. Political Election -- expanded to guide how these signs should be placed. D. Freeway Oriented -- consolidated into one section, no change to requirements. E. Outdoor Advertising (billboards) -- consolidated into one section, no change to requirements. F. Skyline - definition changed to apply to buildings 3 or more stories; signs permitted on all elevations instead of 2; letter heights increased to be even foot' measurements; created table showing letter heights, capital letters, and Iogos for easier reference; permits comprehensive sign plan to modify requirements. EXEMPT sIGNS · - Section generally the same from existing Section 17.60.060. Flag reference better defined; added city promotional.signs (ie. Ali-America, etc.), holiday decorations, public bulletin boards, non-commercial messages and no trespassing/solicitation. PROHIBITED SIGNS · Section generally the same from existing Sections 17.60.070/080. NONCONFORMING SIGNS · Removed sections pertaining to dates that have already passed. Basic regulations have not changed. Existing ord. Section 17.60.260 B. (definition) has been moved to the sign definitions. INVENTORY OF ILLEGAL/ABANDONED DISPLAYS · Existing Section 17.60.265 -- this was removed as it is no longer utilized or necessary. VIOLATION AND ABANDONMENT · Consolidated from existing ord. Sections 17.60.040, 17.60.270, & 17.60.280. Slight wording changes to clarify. INTERPRETATION AND ENFORCEMENT · From existing ord. Section 17.60.040. Slight wording changes made to clarify intent. DEFINITIONS · All sign definitions were removed from the sign section and integrated into the zoning ordinance definitions section. Specific sign definitions were placed under the main sign definition. · Main zoning definitions adde~i/changed are as follows: · eaveline (new) · nonprofit organization (new) · parcel of property (changed) · Shopping/business center (changed) Definitions under sign definition added/changed are as follows: · abandoned (from abandoned section) · awning or canopy (changed in that calculated with a wall sign) · building ID (new) · business ID (new) · center identification (new) · copy (new) · electronic message board (new) · freestanding (changed) · future facility (new) · garage sale (new) · logo (new) · menuboard (new) · mural (new) · nameplate (new) · neighborhood/subdivision ID (new) · nonconforming (from nonconforming section) · on-premise (new) · political election (new) · promotional (new) · pylon (new) · real estate (changed from "for sale") · residential directional (changed from subdivision, directional) · shingle (new - also some from old awning/canopy) · special event (new) · temporary (changed) · wall (changed, includes those on canopies and awnings) December 2, 1993 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Jack Hardisty, Planning Dir SUBJECT: Sign Ordinance On November 18. 1993, the Sign Ordinance Committee met with representatives from the Building Industry Association and the Board of Realtors regarding their specific comments regarding the proposed rewrite of the Sign Ordinance. The BIA submitted notes to the Committee (attached) that requested consideration of the following two items: 1. Add to the ordinance a provision to allow new subdivisions temporary offsite directional signs similar to what is permitted for open houses in an effort to control the current problem of those neon-colored signs that proliferate many areas of the city on weekends. 2. Consideration by the city to develop a residential kiosk-directional sign program.. This program would standardize offsite residential development directional signs throughout the city and would apply to all developers. All other directional signs would not be permitted. Staff also asked the Committee to consider adding to the Ordinance provisions for special event signs placed by non-profit organizations (ie. CSUB barbecue, United Way fund drive, etc.). The Committee was very receptive of the BIA and Board of Realtor's request for consideration of a residential sign program. It was felt that the residential directional signage was getting out of control with various projects trying to compete against each other with their signs rather than them actually informing customers where the projects are located. It was agreed that development of such a program should begin immediately at the Sign Committee level with a representative from the BIA, Board of Realtors and the sign industry. This group would convene immediately with hopes to produce a draft proposal for consideration and adoption by the City withiff the next 2-4 months. Therefore, based upon the conclusions of the Sign Committee (and additional corrections noted by staff), it is recommended that staff's recommendation be amended as follows: 1. Approve the Negative Declaration for this project, and 2. Approve this comprehensive amendment to the Sign Ordinance based on the findings set forth in the staff report and recommend same to the City Council with the following additions/corrections: · Page 3 Add #10 (under permit not required) -- "Non-profit special event signs subject to the provisions of Section 17.60.070 B.6." (Sign Committee) · Page 4 Comprehensive Sign Plan -- remove the word '¥oluntary" in the first paragraph. In some cases a CSP is a condition of apprbval which may not be considered voluntary. (staff) · Page 7 Sign location restrictions -- add as second sentence. "These restrictions do not ~ apply to signs that identify public facilities; such signs shall be subject to the regulations of the zone district in which the facility, is located." This.sentence is necessary to allow signs such as City Hall, Development Services Building, etc. (staff) · Page 9 Paragraph 3.b. -- remove reference to fluorescent. Sign industry comments that exposed fluorescent tubes are not used in this manner. (staff) · Page 9 Paragraph 3.d. - increase milliampes to 60. The city currently issues permits at this amperage. (staff) · Page 29 Item 6.a. -- should state "A" Street. Currently implies any street of your choosing. (staff) · Page 30 Item 8 -- delete item a. Mandatory sign plan is not necessary for PUD/PCD zones. Add at the end of item c. "...unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission or City Council." (staff) · Page 31 Item B.3. -- increase balloon height to 100 ft. Balloons generally exceed the 50 ft. limit. (Sign Committee) · Page 31 Residential directional signs -- add item #10. "In the event the city adopts an offsite residential kiosk-directional sign program, said program shall supersede the regulations of this subsection for residential subdivision/project directional signs." (Sign Committee) · Page 32 Special event signs -- add item #6. "Non-profit organizations, as defined in this title, shall be permitted unlimited events and off-site signs provided: a. Signs shall not exceed an area of thirty-two (32) square feet, a height of six (6) feet. and placement not to exceed a total of four (4) locations within the city for each event. b. Signs shall not be erected sooner than fourteen (14) days before the event being advertised and shall be removed within three (3) days after the event 'has ended. (Sign Committee) · Page 33 Freeway signs - add to the beginning of the first sentence of item #2. "Only one of the allowable on-site ..." (Sign Committee) · Page 36 Item F. -- directional or informational signs. Increase area to 6 sq.ft, and logo area to 25% of area. This is the standard industry size utilized and what is permitted in the city. (staff) · Page 43 "Eaveline" to be changed to "Roofline". Roofline is the correct term for this definition and how it is applied in the city. All references to eaveline will be changed to roofline. (staff) 3. Direct staff to convene a Sign Committee meeting as soon as practicable that includes a representative from the BIA. Board of Realtors and the sign industry to draft a proposed residential subdivision kiosk-directional sign program for consideration by the Commission. 17.60.010 Chapter 17.60 17.60.265 Inventory of illegal or abandoned advertising dis- SIGNS pla ys. 17.60.270 Violation a public nuisance. Sections: 17.60.280 Violation--Penalty. 17.60.010 Purpose. 17.60.020 Compliance required--Fees. 17.60.010 Purpose. 17.60.030 Definitions. The purpose of this chapter is to promote the 17.60.040 Eaforcement authority, growth of the cit~ in an orderly and attractive 17.60.060 Exempt signs, manner and to provide standards to safeguard 17.60.070 General prohibitions and life, health, property and public welfare by feB- restrictions, ulafing and controlling the type, number, area. 17.60.080 Specific prohibitions, height, quality of materials, construction, 17.60.090 Removal of certain signs. . illumination, location and maintenance of all 17.60.100 Construction and maintenance, signs and sign structures and to accomplish the 17.60.110 Permitted in R-S, R-S-lA, following results: R-S-2~bA~ R-S-5A, R-S-10-A, A. To protect and enhance the character of and R-1 districts, residential neighborhoods and property values 17.60.120 Permitted in A districts, by prohibiting obtrusive and incompatible signs; 17.60.130 Permitted in R-2, R-3 and R-4 B. To promote and maintain healthy corn- districts, mercial centers and property values for effective 17.60.140 Permitted in C-O. district, identification and communication of the nature 17.60.150 Permitted in C-1 district, of goods and services and avoidance of wasteful 17.60.160 Permitted in C-2 district, and unsightly competition in signs; 17.60.170 Permitted in M-I and M-2 C. To attract and direct persons to various districts, activities and enterprises, in order to prOvide for 17.60.180 Permitted in P.U.D. districts, public convenience;' 17.60.185 Permitted in P.C.D. districts. D. To provide a reasonable system of controls 17.60.190 Permitted in MH and TT of signs, supplementing the comprehensive zon- districts, lng plan set forth in this title: 17.60.2 00 Permitted in CC districts. E. To encourage signs which are well designed 17.60.210 Permitted in Ch zone. and pleasing in appearance and to provide incen- 17.60.220 Permitted in hospital zone. tive and latitude for variety, good design reis- 17.60.230 Permitted in P zone. tionship and spacing; 17.60.240 Permitted in D zone. E To encourage a desirable urban character 17.60.245 Skyline building identifi- which has a minimum of clutter: cation wall signs. G. To enhance the economic value of the 17.60.250 Comprehensive sign plan. 17.60.255 Location requirements and constraints, etc.--Building director discretion. 17.60.260 Nonconforming signs. (Bakersfield 4-90) 630 I7.60.020--17.60.030 community, and each area thereof through the architectural feature or projection of a building reasonable regulation of such things as type, or structure or any projection not intended for number, area. height, location and illumination occupancy which extends beyond the face of an of sign~; exterior wall but does not include signs. H. To encourage signs which are harmonious 4. "Area of signs" means the entire area with adjacent land uses and to encourage archi- within a single continuous perimeter, perforated tectural compatibility.; or solid backgrounds, ornamental embellish- I. To reduce possible traffic and safety hazards merits, writings, representations, emblems or through good siE)ning; any figures Or similar characters, including any J. To provide a reasonable amortization spires, mast, shafts, or similar projections, but 'period for the removal of nonconforming signs; excluding the necessary, structural supports or K. To implement the purlx)ses, policies and uprights on which such sign is placed. Exception: programs of the general plan. (Ord. 2979 § I Monument sign: The allowable sign area may be (part), 1985: prior code § 17.54.010). incrrased a maximum of fifty percent for the support system. Where a sign has two or more 17.60.020 Compliance required--Fees, faces, the area of all faces shall be included in A. No sign shall be painted, placed, pasted, determining the area of the sign, except where posted, printed, tacked, fastened, constructed, two such faces are placed back to back and are at erected, installed, or otherwise permitted or no point more than two feet apart: the area of the maintained except pursuant to permit therefor sign shall be taken as the area of one face if the issued by the building director in accordance two faces are of equal area, or as the area of the with the requiremenm of this chapter and Chap- larger face if the two faces are of unequal area. ter 15.36 of this code. Where a sign consists of individual letters or is B. Fees for filing applications under this chap- painted, and the background does not define the ter shall be as set by the city council resolution, area of the sign, the area shall be measured by the (Ord. 3038 § 2, 1966; Ord. 2979 § I (part), 1985: smallest square, rectangle, triangle, circle, or prior code § 17.54.020). combination thereof, which will encompass the entire advertisement. 17.60.030 Def'mit/ons. 5. "Background area of sign" means the For the purl~ses of this chapter, the following entire background area of a sign upon which words and phrases shall have the meanings copy can be placed. r~vely ascribed to them by this section: 6. "Bench sign" means a bench located out- 1. "Advertising statuary" means a three- doors with advertising mat~er thereon. dimensional imitation, representation or sim- 7. "Building facade" means that portion of an ilitude of a p~,~on, animal or object which is exterior elevation of a building extending from sculptured, molded or cast in any solid or plastic grade to the top of the parapet wail or eaves and substance, materials Or fabric and is used for the entire.width of the building elevation. advertising purlvoses. 8. "Building official" means the building 2. "A-frame" means any sign with two or direCtor of the city or his authorized represen- more faces or surfaces usable for advertising dis- tative charged with the administration and play, not attached to the wail of a building or enforcement of this chapter. structure, whether portable or affixed to the 9. "Canopy" means a fixed overhead shelter ground and commonly known as A-frame, T- used as a roof, which may or may not be attached frame and sandwich board, to a building. 3. "Architectural feature or projection" 10. "Canopy sign" or "awning sign" means a means a marquee, porch, canopy or other similar sign attached to or hung from a canopy, awning 631 ( Bakenfieid 5-87~ " [7.60.030 or marquee or similar architectural feature. Said 18. a. "Freeway" means a highway in respect sign shall not extend above the fascia of the can- to which the owners of abutting lands have no opy. fight or easement of access and which is declared II. "Consu'uction sign" means a sign stating to be a freeway as provided by the Streets and the names of those individuals, firms or corpora- Highways Code of the state. tions connected with the construction project b. "Freeway oriented sign" means any free- and which is placed upon the premi,qes where standing sign identifying premises where food, construction, repmr or renOvation.is in progress, lodging and places of business engaged in supply- Said sign may include the name of the city in ing goods and-services essential to the normal which their business is located and emergency operation of motor vehicles and which are telephone numbers, directly dependent upon an adjacent freeway. 12. "Direcfionalsign" means an on.premi.~es, Such si~cm.q must be located within rectangular incidental sign designed to guide or. direct pedes- area two thousand feet in width and thr~ thou- trian or vehiodar tra~c. Such signs shall not' sand feet in length the center of which is con- exceed eight feet in height or ten square feet in centric with the point of intertron between the area. and shall not include any advertising but centerlines of the freeway and surface street at may include a maximum of four square feet of those locations where there is a separation of professional name identification or logo. grades and access between the surface street and 13. "Directional sign, sUbdivision'' .means a the freeway. Maps delineating the specific tee- sign, which informs the viewer as to the route or tangular areas are contained in Exhibit A on file change of ~on of travel to a land develop- in the building department. The building direc- merit project, containing the name of the project, tor shall determine ii'the location of the business · any characteristic trademark or insignia of the and the service offered satisfy the criteria for a developer, necessary travel directions and any freeway oriented sign. identifying materials as required by the city. 19. "Front foot of building occupancy" · 14. "Directory" means any sign listing the means a single lineal dimension measured hori- names, and/or use, and/or location of the va_ri- zontally along the front of the building which ous businesses or activities conducted within a defines the limits of a particular occupancy at building or group of buildings, that location. 15. "Hashing sign" means any sign which 20. "Height of freestanding sign" means the contains or is illuminated by lights which flash, vertical distance from the average surface grade scintillate, blink, travel, go on and off intermit- from the base of its supporting structure to the tently, change in intensity or color or is illumi- top of its highest element. hated by light not providing constant 21. "Identification sign" means any sign illumination, also including flashing beacons or which is used to identify or advertise the occu- flasl~g arrows ah.~d, parts of attachments to signs pant of a building, structure, lot or premi.qes, or which are illuminated by such lights, the merchandise or activity available to the . 16. "For sale or rent sign" means a sign offer- building, structure, lot or premises where the sign ing real property, personal property, or a busi- is located. Such sign may also be referred to as an ness, or any combination.thereofi for sale, lease on-site or on-premises sign. or exchange and includes sigma pertinent to prop- 22. "Indirectly illuminated sign" means a erty management. It does not include merchan- sign whose illumination is derived entirely from dise sold in the usual course of business, a light source which is arranged so that no direct 17. "Freestanding sign" means a sign which is rays of light are projected from such light source supported .by one or more columns, uprights, or into residences or streets. braces in or upon the ground. 23. "Marquee" means a permanent roofed ( Bakerstietd 5-87~ 632 ~7.60.030 structui'e attached to and supported by the buildL parcel for purposes of this chapter; and further lng and projecting over public property., provided that where two or more contiguous 24. "Monument sign" means a freestanding parcels of property are utilized for a single identification sign which is appropriately land- business or enterprise, sharing common off-street scaped, with overall height not to exceed eight parking facilities and access, such parcels shall be feet and a maximum of thirty-two square feet. considered one parcel for purposes of this chapter. The base or support system shall not exceed fifty. 30. "Planning commiSSion" means the plan- percent of the allOwable sign area or sixteen ning commiSSion of the c/ry. square feet. 3 I. "Planning director" means the planmng 25. "Moving sign" means any sign which has director of the city. or his authorized represen- any visible moving part. visible revolving parts or tative. visible mechanical movement of any description 32. "Political sign" mean~a sign advertising a or other apparent visible movement achieved by candidate for political office, a political party, or a electrical, electronic or kinetic means, including measure scheduled for election. intermittent electrical pulsations, or by action of 33. "Portable sign" means a sign not perma- wind currents, nently affixed to the ground or a building or 26. "Off-premises sign" means a sign that structure on the premises it is intended to directs attention to a business, profession, prod- occupy. uct, commodity, or service that is not the pri- 34. "Projecting sign" means an identification mary business, profession, product, commodity sign other than a wall sign, which projects more or service conducted, sold, manufactured or than twelve inches from and is supported by, a offered on the site on which the sign is located, wall of a building or structure. 27. "Outdoor advertising sign" means a sign 35. "Public service sign" means any sign or that is rented or leased for limited durations portion thereof intended to promote items of (maximum thirty-six months), has temporary or general interest to the community such as time, changeable copy, and is not to be used as perma- temperature, atmospheric conditions, etc., and nent off, premises identification sign for a busi- are not to be considered flashing or moving signs. ness or activity, and directs attention to a 36. "Reader board" means a sign which is a business, profession, product, commodity or permanent structure upon which is displayed service that is not the primary business, profes= advertising material or copy of a temporary or sion. product, commodity or service conducted, changeable nature. sold, manufactured or offered on the site on 37. "Roofline" means the upper exterior line which the sign is located:' such sign may also be ora roof or top enclosure surface, as viewed from referred to as a billboard, any side perpendicular to the exterior wall plane 28. "Ou, tlining of a building" means the plac- and includes eaves, fascia, parapets or similar lng and ma/ri, taining of neon tubing, fluorescent projections or extensions. lighting, or incandescent lighting in aline mark- 38. "Roof sign" means an identification sign' lng the outer limits or edges of a building or or portion thereof located on, or extending over window or roof of a building. Such definition the roofline of a building and either supported by shall not apply to any customary. Christmas light- the roof of a building or by independent struc- lng placed and maintained for a reasonable time tm'al frame. A sign which is attached flat against during the holiday season, the wall of a penthouse or other similar roof 29. "Parcel of property" means any separate structure which is a part of the enclosed floor area legal lot or parcel of land; provided that when a of the building shall be considered a roof sign. shopping center has been divided into separate 39. "Rotating sign" means any sign that parcels, it shall continue to be considered as one i 633 (Bakersfield 10-90) 7.60.040 movesorthatportionofanysignwhichmovesor 45. "Wall sign" or "fascia sign" means an rotates in any manner, identification sign attached to, painted on or 40. "Shopping center" means a group of at erected against the exterior wall of a building or least two businesses which function as an integral structure, with the exposed face of the sign in a unit on a single parcel or separate parcels of plane approximately parallel to the plane of the property and which group utilizes common off- wall. street parking facilities and access. 46. "Window sign" means any sign painted, 41. "Sign" means and includes every rnes- attached, glued or_otherwise affixed to. and vlsi- sage, announcement, device, declaration, dem- bly displayed on the inside or outside of a ground onstration, display, illustration, insignia, floor window and facing a public street, walk- advertising s~atuary, surface or space, including way, mall or parking lot available for public use. the supporting structur~ and cOmponent pans, 47. "Z~ne" is used in this chapter by reference erected or maintained in view of the observer to residential zones or districts, commercial or thereof, for attraction of attention to, identifica- industrial zones or districts and is construed to tion of or advertisement ora business profession, refer to such zones or districts as set forth in produce or service. Exemptions are listed in Sec- Chapter 17.06. The terms "zone" and "district" tion 17.60.060. are used interchangeably. 42. "Street frontage" meam the linear front- 48. "Commercial sign" means a sign which age of a parcel of prollerty abutting a street, advertises a product or service for profit or for a "Street" means a l~ublic thoroughfare which business purpose. affords the principal meam ofaccess to abutting (Ord. 3320 § 5, 1990: Ord. 3231 § 1, 1989: Ord. property. 3074 § 1, 1986: Ord. 2979 § 1 (part), 1985: prior 43. "Temporary sign" means any banner, code § 17.54.030). pennant, flag, captive balloon, (provided the longes~ dimension of the balloon exceeds thirty 17.60.040 Enforcement authority. inches and the balloon is positioned so that the A. With respect to new signs to be erected or top of the balloon is more than ten feet above installed, or to the moving of existing signs, or grade, or the balloon carries advertising copy) additions or alterauons to the same, it shall be the streamer, placard, or similar impermanent or duty of the building director to enforce this chap- canvas sign or advertising device or display with ter by civil or criminal action and by withholding or without letters, words, numbers or figures permits, where field insr~xion reveals that such thereon which directs, promotes, or attracts or installations, additions, alteraUons or moving which is otherwise designed and used to attract has resulted or will result, in violations of this attention, chapter, and the building director shall issue no 44. "Vehicle sigr/' means an advertising dis- permit contrary to conditions duly imposed by play or sign that i.~~ expOsed to public view, any authority, pursuant to this chapter. attached to, painted on, or supported from a B. With respect to signs existing on the effec- parked automobile, truck trailer Or other mobile rive clare,of the ordinance codified in this chapter vehicle, for the purpose of advertising a business, in violation of this chapter, and with respect to service or products, or directing people to a busi- signs installed, added to, altered or moved in the ness activity., located on any private or public future or subsequent to issuance of permits, it property., but shall not refer to standard advertis- shall be the duty of the building director to ing or identification practices where such sign is enforce this chapter. painted on or permanently attached to a com- C. The building director shall have the right to mercial or business vehicle used in the conduct of enter upon any premises upon which any sign such business. 'Bakersfield 10-90) 634 i7.60.060---17.60.070 I has been erected to see that the provisions of this L. Signs used for dweiling unit identification chapter are complied with. and to cause the as required by Chapter 15.42. (Ord. 2979 § 1 removal of any sign maintained in violation of (part}. 1985: prior code § 17.54.040(a)). this chapter. (Ord. 2979 § 1 (patti, 1985: prior code § 17.54.215). 17.60.070 General prohibitions and restl'ictions. 17.60.060 Exempt signs. A. No signs shall be erected, installed or The definition of"sign" shall not include the maintained in the city. unless such signs are spe- following: cifically permitted under the provisions of this A. Official notices authorized by a court, pub- chapter or said signs comply with the regulations lic body or public officer, "Neighborhood established in Section 17.60.260 relating to non- Watch" and similar notices, subject to prior conforming signs. Such prohibition shall apply approval by the building director;, to the number of signs on any parcel or premises. B. Directional, warning or information sign to the location of such signs on the parcel or authorized by federal, state or municipal author- premises, to the height or ground clearance of ity; such signs and to the t.vpe, illumination and C. A properly displayed official flag of a gov- maintenance of all such signs. Such prohibited ernment, religious group or nonprofit organiza- signs shall be subject to abatement or injuncUon tion; under Section 17.60.270. D. Memorial plaque, tablet or cornerstone: B. No sign or its supporting members shall be E. Signs within a building not visible from a erected, altered, relocated, or maintained so as to public ~ walkway, mall or parking 16t avail- interfere with or restrict access to a window or able for public use; other opening in a building in such manner as to E Si$,n.n within a ball park or other similar limit air circulation or obstruct or interfere with private or public recreational use and which can- the free use of a fn'e escape, exit. standpipe, stair- not be seen from a public street or adjacent prop- way, door, ventilator or Window, or similar open- erties; lng. Any such sign constitutes a nuisance and G. Signs placed by a public utility for the shall not become a legal nonconforming sign. safety, welfare or convenience of the public, such C. No sign shall be permitted which is placed as signs identifying high voltage, public tele- on any curb, sidewalk, post. pole, light standard. phone or underground cable: hydrant, bridge, tree or other surface located on H. Signs in or on taxicabs as authorized and public property or over or across any street approved as to size, form and contents by the city except as may otherwise be authorized by this manager under Section 5.50.100; chapter or by action of the city council where I. Signs, in or on public buses or other public circumstances may exist which are found to jus- conveyanc/~, which may be permitted by the city tify such exception. Any such sign hereby pro- council; hibited constitutes a nuisance, and shall not J. Signs being manufactured, transported become a legal nonconforming sign. and/or stored within the city limits; provided. D. No sign shall be permitted near the inter- however, that such signs are not used, in any section of any street, alley or any vehicle access in manner or form. for purPoses of advertising at such a manner as to obstruct free and clear vision the place or places of manufacture or storage; of motor vehicle operators, or at any location K. Signs on licensed commercial vehicles: where by reason of its position, shape, illumina- provided, however~ that such vehicles shall not tion or color, it may interfere with or be confused be utilized as parked or stationary, outdoor dis- with any authorized sign, signal or device, or play signs: which makes use of a work. symbol, phrase 635 (Bakersfield 10-90) 7.60.070 illumination, shape or color in such a manner as obscene matter or copy are prohibited. Any such to interfere with, mislead or confuse traffic. Any sign constitutes a public nuisance per se and is such sign constitutes a nuisance and shall not subject to abatement or injunction under Sec- become a legal nonconforming sign. tion 17.60.270 and Section 38773 of the Govern- E. All signs incorporating electrical compo- merit Code. No such sign shall become a legal nents shall be constructed and maintained to nonconforming use irrespective of any building comply with the Electrical Code or Codes as permit which may have been granted for same. adopted by the city. and all si~tms shall be con- J. Placards or posters advertising special com- structed, mstalled andmamtainedto structurally munity events are permitted as window signs comply with all applicable requirements of the only. Uniform Building Code and Uniform Sign K.. Public service signs may contain or Code, as adopted and amended by the city. include wade or professional name identification F. Floodlighting used for illumination of any and logo only. sign is permitted only when such lighting is L. Theater marquee signs are permitted only installed on private property or property main- as permitted under the Uniform Sign Code as tamed by a maintenance district and is hooded or adopted and amended by Chapter 15.36. shielded so that the light source is not a nuisance M. Mansard-type roof signs, i.e., any single- or detrimental to persons viewing such area and faced sign attached to or mounted upon a roof so that such light does not detrimentally affect or which has a slope which exceeds forty-five interfere with vehicular traffic, pedestrians, or degrees from the horizontal plane and which adjacent properties, in any manner. Violation of ' does not project above the highest sight line of these provisions is unlawfilL such roOf, shall be deemed a wall sign for the G. 1. Outlining of a building by means of purpose of this chaper. exposed neon tubing or fluor=scent lighting is N. Temporary si~tms as defined in subsection permitted only where the amperage does not 43 of Section 17.60.030 of this chapter are pro- exceed thirty milliamperes, hibited, except that such si~s may be used for 2. Outlining of a building by means of the purposes of commercial grand openings, spe- exposed incandescent lighting is permitted if the cial events of limited duration, and like occa- wattage does not exceed fifty watts and the units sions. Each building or business shall be of lights forming the line marking the outer bruits permitted temporary, signs for a maximum of or edges of a building, or window or roof of a two such occasions per calendar year with a max- building, are at least two feet apart, imum duration of fifteen days for each such per- H. 1. In the C-l, C-2, M-I and M-2 districts, mitred use, or four such occasions per calendar exposed bulbs, forming a pan of a sign, which are year with a maximum duration of seven days for in excess of forty watts, are prohibited. Bulbs each such permitted use. Hags and banners for providing ~ndirect Kghtmg not visible from off tract sales offices and model homes are not sub- the premises of the sign are not subject to the ject to the time limitation oft/tis subsection. prohibition of this section. In all districts more O. .any commercial sign which does not iden- restrictive than the C-I district, exposed bulbs, tify or advertise the occupant of a building, lot or forming a part of a sign, which are in excess of premises, or relate to any merchandise or to any fifteen watts, are prohibited, business or other activity available or being con- 2. In all districts, all exposed reflector-type ducted at the building, lot or premises where the lamps forming part of a sign or used to illuminate sign is located, except subdivision directional a sign, are prohibited, signs, is prohibited; provided, however, in each I. Signs which are detrimental to the public instance and under the same conditions under peace, health, safety, and signs displaying which Chapter 17.60 permits any sign, a sign con- Bakersfield 10-90) 636 17.60.0~0 :aining an ideological, political or other non-corn- C. Flashing signs in the C-I. C-2. M-I and M-2 mercial message and constructed to the same phys- districts, except flashing neon signs with current ical dimensions and character shall be permitted, not exceeding thirty milliamperes, and excevt P. Whenever in this chapter freestanding flashing incandescent signs with lamps not signs are permitted, no such permitted sign shall exceeding eleven watls; project over public property or any public right-of- D. Moving and rotating signs, except tbr way. rotating barber poles, and signs indicating time Q. This chapter is not intended to, nor shall of day, and/or temperature: E. ",~" frames; any of its provisions be construed to modify or repeal the Uniform Sign Code of Chapter 15.36, F. Portable signs: except as stated in this chapter. (Ord. 3320 § 1, G. Outdoor advertising signs except as per- 1990: Ord. 3074 § 2, 1986; Ord. 3038 § 3, 1986; mined in the C-2, M-I and M-2 districts; Ord. 2979 § 1 (part), 1985: prior code § H. Projecting signs except as specified in this 17.54.040(b)). chapter;, I. Roof signs except as specified in this chai>- 17,60380 Spedfic prohibitions, ten. The following signs, in addition to other sJ~ J. Frtn~tandlng si?.~ which project over pub- lic property or any public right-of-way, except as prohibited in thLs chapter, ~ specfficafly pro- hibited: sp~cifi, ed in this cha~ A. Vehicle signs; vehicles shall not be udli=,ed K. Bench signs; as parked or stationary signs as where a vehicle L. Window si.tm-~ exceeding the specified lira- and si~n thereon is conspicuously parked Or lei~ itations; M. Advertising statuary, larger than life-size: standing so as to constitute a device or sign; no N. Notwithstanding any provision to the con- persons shall maintain a sign on any vehicle or trailer parked on a public right-of-way, public trary contained in this chapter, no freestanding property or on private Prol:erty, so as to be visible sign (other than monument signs and directional from a public right-of-way, which has attached si_en~ as defined in Section 17.60.030) and no thereto, located thereon or leaning ~E,,i,q such outdoor advertising signs shall be permitted on vehicle or trailer, any sign for the purpose of property within the area de~'ibed and circum- providing advertisement ora business, service or scribed as follows: products, directing people to a business activity 1. Beginning at the intersecuon of the south- located on the same or o~her property, or for any erly line of the primary floodplain, as designated in purpose whatever, including electrical portable thc Kern River Plan, and the westerly right-of-way signs; thi.~ prohibition shall not apply to standard line to the southerly right-of-way line of the Career adverri~n~oridentificafionpracticeswheresuch Canal then westerly to the easterly right-of-way line of the Stine Canal, then southerly along said signs or ad~,ertising devices are painted on or permanently attached to a commercial or busi- right-of-way line of the Santa Fe Railroad, then ness vehicle used in the conduct of such business, westerly along said line to the westerly right-of- or to bumper stickers: to placards idenu .fying the way line of the Carrier Canal, then westerly along vehicle itself as being for sale, or to window Stick- said line to the easterly fight-of-way line of Coffee ers or piacards on vehicies in any vehicle sales lot: Road, then northerly along said line to the R. Flashing signs in all districts more southerly line of the primary floodplain, then restrictive than the C- I dismct; easterly along said line to the point of beginning. 637 (Bakersfield 10-90) !7.60.090 2. Along or within one thousand feet of the building director, the city may cause said Highway 178 east of Oswell Street. di~iay copy to be removed and the cost thereof 3. Along or within one thousand feet of shaii become a lien ,',~ninst the properW on which Alfred Harrell Highway. the sign is located. Extensions for thirty-day peri- 4. Along or within one thousand feet of od~ may be granted by the building director. The Stockdale Highway west of New Stine Road. provisions of this subsection may be utiliTed sely 5. Along or within one thousand feet of stately from, as an alternative to, or in conjunc- Panorama Drive. (Ord. 3320 § 2, 1990: Ord. tion with, any other remedy provided in this 3098 § 1, 1987: Ord. 3038 § 4, i986: Ord. 2979 § c~ or oth~-~ise provided by law. 1 (pan), 1985: prior code § 17.54.040(c)). B. 'All signs, except nonconforming signs under ~on C of Section 17.60.260, which 1'7.60.090 Removal of certain siot, ns. do not confOrm with the provisions of this clmp- A. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsec- ter ar~ public nuisances and shall be removed at tions F and G of Section 17.60.260. the owner or tim owner's role expemm within sixty days after person in lawful possession of any sign which is the effective dateofthe ordinance codified in this not operational or not used for a penod of ninety chalxe~ ffsaid sign is not removed within sa/d days or which was used to advertise or identify period, the city may cause said sign to be that which has been moved or discontinued for a removed and the cos~ thereof shall become a lien la,mod of ninety da.va, shall remove all display ~in~t the laroperty on which thesignis located. copy from such sign immediately upon the Extensions for thirty-day periods may be granted expiration of such period. If said display copy is by the building official The provisions of this not removed within thirty days after notice by subsection may be u~ separa~y from, as an alternative to, or in conjunction with, any other remedy provided in this code or otherwise pro- (Bakersfield 10-90) 638 17.60.100-t7.60.1 I0 C. Political signs shall be removed within ten operational and present a satisfactory appear- days following the completion of the election, ance in regard to painting, cleaning, broken D. Construction signs shall be removed faces, electrical outages, landscaping, or any- within ten days following f'fling of the notice thing deemed detrimental to the appearance of of completion or acceptance of the building the sign. It shall be the duty of the owner and whichever first occurs, occupant to make immediate repair to any E. Temporary signs as defined in subdivision sign deemed by the building director to be 43 of Section 17.60.030, where permitted, shall imminently dangerous or perilous to the public be removed within two days after the special safety. A sign maintained in violation of this event has taken place, section constitutes a public nuisance. Nothing F. For sale or rent signs shall be removed .in this section shall be construed so as to nullify within ten days after the sale, lease or exchange the requirements and remedies as to main- has been completed, tenance established by the Uniform Sign Code. G. Signs for new subdivisions shall be C. Notice to Maintain, Alter or Repair. Upon removed within eighteen months after the a written notice from the building director of events described in subdivision 5 of subsection a sign deemed unsafe, necessary repairs shall F of Section 17.60.110. be made immediately. Otherwise, upon a written H. Signs for new apartment projects shall be notice from the building director, the necessary r~moved within eighteen months after the events maintenance, alterations or repairs shall be made described in subdivision 5 of subsection E of within ten days after the date of such notice. In Section 17.60.130. the event the owner, or person in lawful posses- I. Any sign mentioned in subsections B sion fails to maintain, alter or repair in through H of this section shall be subject to accordance with such notices, in addition to the'notice and removal provisions of Section any other penalty or remedy provided for in 17.60.270. this chapter, such sign may be abated by the J. Notwithstanding the above, in cases of building director in accordance with the pro- · emergency, the building director may cause visions of Section 17.60.270. (Ord. 2979 § 1 the immediate removal of a dangerous or (part), 1985: prior code § 17.54.050). structurally defective sign without notice, ford. 2979 § !(partL 1985: prior code § 17.54.045). 17.60.110 Permitted in R-S. R-S-IA. R-S-2-½A. R-S-5A. R-S-10-A. 17.60.100 Construction and maintenance, and R-1 districts. A. Construction. Every sign and ail parts, The following signs are permitted in the portions, units and materials comprising the R-S, R-S-IA. R-S-2-~AA. R-S-SA. R-S-IO-A and same. toge~t,her with the frame, background, R-I districts. supports or~chorage therefor, shall be securely A. One construction sign for each parcei of built, constructed and erected in conformance property not more than tour square feet in with the requirements of the Uniform Sign area: provided, that such sign shall not be Code. Uniform Building Code. and the Electrical located closer than ten feet to any adjoining Code, as adopted and amended by the city. property line. nor nearer than five feet from the B. Maintenance. No person owning or con- front property line: trolling a sign shall fail to keep such sign, B. One, for sale or rent sign for each parcel together with all supports, braces, guys. and of property, the area of which shall not exceed anchors in good repair and in proper state of four square feet for each ten thousand square preservation at all times. It shall be fully 639 ,.!~akersfieid 9-S~1~ 17.60.1 I0 feet of land or portion thereof: provided how- and width of lots. topography of the land. ever, that each parcel shall be entitled to a sign number of streets and alignment thereof and no less than four and one-half square feet in street frontages, location of the tract office. area plus one and one-half square feet of tag 5. Such signs may be maintained for a sign; the maximum ama of such sign shall not period of eighteen months from the date of exceed sixteen square feet and there shall not be recordation of the final map or until all lots more than one such sign on such parcel for each in the subdivision have been initially sold, one hundred feet frontage on a public street; whichever occurs first; provided, that the no such sign shall be located closer than ten building director may grant permission to erect feet to any adjoining property line, nor nearer or maintain such sign after the eighteen months than five feet from the front property line; if he determines that it is not detrimental to C. In addition to the house number, one the surrounding property nor injurious to the unlighted sign of not to exceed one-half square safety and welfare of the public; said extension foot in area attached to and parallel with the shall not exceed one year: front wall of the building and containing only G. Two subdivision directional signs for each the name and title or occupation of the new subdivision, subject to the following occupant; COllditions: D. One unlighted sigaa of not to exceed 1. No such sign shall exceed thirty-two one-half squar~ foot in ar~a attached to and square feet in area or twelve feet in height. parallel with the front wall of the building 2. The-signs shall be located within the prohibiting trespa~*in$ or solicitation; subdivision, E. Political signs shall be. permitted on 3. The conditions stated in subdivisions 2 private property with the permission of the through 5 of subsection F of this section shall person in lawful possession of such property a apply; r~asonable time preceding an election, but shall H. New subdivisions shall also be permitted be removed not later than ten days following temporary signs as defined in subdivision 43 of the election to which they apply; no political Section 17.60.030 under the conditions stated signs shall be placed in any street right-of-way in subsection N of Section 17.60.070: or on any utility pole or directional or public I. Uses which may be allowed by conditional sign post whether on public or private property; use permit may be allowed signs as part of. and F. Two freestanding identification signs for in accordance with. tile permit. The applicant each new subdivision, subject to the following shall include in his plot plan a complete descrip- conditions: tion of any sign he proposes to install, showing 1. No such sign shall exceed thirty-two type, location, area in square feet. lighting, square feet in area pr twelve feet in height, shape, and color. The board of zoning adjust- 2. There shall l~e no additions, tag signs, merit or city council may deny or approve such devices, display boards of appurtenances added, signing or may limit such approval in any '.3. No freestanding sign shall project over manner consistent with the purposes and public property or any public right-of-way, Objectives of this chapter; 4. Up to two additional such signs may be J. One incidental on-premises sign on un- permitted, subject to building director review developed property for each three hundred and approval, who shall, prior to his decision, feet of street frontage, not to exceed thirty-two take into consideration the following matters: square feet in area or twelve feet in height per the purposes of this chapter, acreage of the sign, designed to identify the future use of the project, number of lots in the project, length (Bakersfield 9-89) 640 property consistent with existing zoning, and model homes shall be permitted subject to the may include ownership identification or logo; following: K. Four off-premises subdivision directional 1. a. A maximum of three flag poles shall be signs for each new subdivision, subject to the permitted on each lot on which is situated a tract following conditions: sales office or model home; provided, however, if 1. No such sign shall exceed thirty-two such lots front on a residential street which does square feet in area or twelve feet in height, not intersect with a collector or arterial street at the 2. The signs shall be located no more than one nearest intersection to such tract sales offices Or mile from the exterior boundary of the sutxtivi- model homes, then two additional lots will. be sion. permitted three flag poles each, if their side or rear 3. The condition stated in subdivisions 2 lot lines abut a coUector or arterial street. through 5 of subsection F of this section shall Additional flag poles may be approved by the apply.; board of zoning adjustment. Li In addition to the temporary signs permit- b. Condominium projects of less than ted in subsection H of this section, new subdivi- twenty units shall be permitted six flag poles; sions will also be permitted temporary projects with twenty or more units shall be directional signs subject to the following condi- permitted nine flag poles. Additional flag poles tions: I. No such sign shall exceed three square feet may be approved by the board of zoning in area or three feet in height, adjustment. Such flag poles shall be located within the project. 2. The signs shall be located within the sub- division, 2. The maximum flag pole heights shall not 3. The minimum distance between such signs exceed twenty-five feet above the adjacent grade, shall be ttu'ee hundred feet, 3. The maximum signage area for each such 4. The maximum duration of each use shall pole shall not exceed fifteen square feet, not exceed three days; 4. Flags and banners shall be removed M. Ten off-premises directional signs for the subject to the conditions described in CO(5) of this resale of single family residences subject to the section. (Ord. 3231 §§ 2 4, 1989: Ord. 3074 § following conditions: 7, 1986: Ord. 3038 § 5, 1986: Ord. 2979 § 1 1. The maximum duration of each such use (part), 1985: prior code §17.54:060(a)). shall not exceed three days, 2. No such sign shall exceed three square feet 17.60.120 Permitted in A districts. in area nor three feet in height, The following signs are t0ermitteci in the A 3. The signs shall be located no more than one districts: mile from {.tie; subject parcel, A. All signs permitted in the R-1 district. 4. Such signs mayinclude ownership identifi- except where otherwise stated: cation or a logo which may not exceed one and B. One for sale or rent sign for each twenty- one-half square feet in area; five thousand square feet of land or portion N. Signs permitted subject to building direc- thereof, the area of which shall not exceed sixteen tor review and approval are as follows: a subdivi- square feet; provided, however, there shall not be sion or neighborhood identification sign more than one such sign on such premises tbr installed at or near the entrance to the subdivi- each two hundred feet frontage on any street; the sion or neighborhood. Such sign may be a monu- for sale or rent sign permitted in the R-I district merit sign or sign installed on a masonry wall: - shall not be permitted in the A district in addition O. Flags and banners for tract sales offices and to such signs permitted by this section: 641 (Bakersfield 9-89) 7.60.130 C. One identification sign for each developed subject to the following conditions: parcel of property not exceeding thirty-two I. No such sign shall exceed thirty-two square square feet in area indicating the name of the feet in area or twelve feet in height, owner and/or property, and products produced 2. There shall be no additions, tag signs, on the premises: no freestanding sign shall devices, display boards or appurtenances added, exceed a height of sixteen feet; signs shall not 3. No freestanding sign shall project over pub= project into or over public property or public igc property, or any. public right-of=way, rights-of-way; 4. Up to three additional such signs may be D. Directional or incidental signs where rea- permitted, subject to building director review sonably necessary on the premises. (Ord. 2979 § 1 and approval, who shall, prior to his decision, (part), 1985: prior code § 17.54.060(b)). take into consideration the following matters: the purposes of this chapter, acreage of the 17.60.130 Permitted in R=2, R=3 and R=4 project, number of detached buildings, number districts, of dwelling units in the project, topography of The following signs are permitted in the R-2, land. number of streets and alignment thereof R-3 and R-4 districts: and street frontages, location of the apartment or A. All signs permitted in the R-I district, condominium association office. except where otherwise stated; 5. Such sign or signs may be maintained for a B.. One unlighted or interior illuminated period of eighteen months from the date of the identification sign for each street frontage; such termination of the construction or until eighty- signs shall be monument signs or shall be five percent of ail the dwelling units of the project attached, to buildings, ornamental wails or have been initially rented, or sold, or at the entrance structures facing such streets; one expiration of the building permitifconstruction square foot of sign area per dwelling unit shall be is not completed and such building permit is not allowed for each such sign but in no case exceed a renewed or another permit obtained, whichever total of thirty-two square feet for each such sign; occurs first; provided, that the building director C. One unlighted construction sign per devei- may grant permission to erect or maintain such opment not to exceed thirty-two square feet in sign after the eighteen months if he determines area, may be placed on the parcel during its that it is not detrimental to the surrounding construction period, and it shall be removed property, nor injurious to the safety and welfare within ten days following completion of the of the public: said extension shall not exceed one development; the construction sign permitted in year;, the R-1 district shall not be permitted in an R-2, F. Two subdivision directional signs for each R-3 or R-4 district, in addition to such sign per- new apartment or condominium project, subject miffed in this sectid ~n; to the following conditions: D. One for sale or rent.sign for each street l. No such sign shall exceed eight square feet . frontage of property, not to exceed two square in area or eight feet in height, feet in area per dwelling unit constructed 2. The signs shall be located within the thereon, the total area for each parcel of property project, not to exceed thirty-two square feet; the for sale 3. The conditions stated in subdivisions 2, 3, or rent sign permitted in the R- I district shail not 4, and 5 of subsection E of this section shall be permitted in the R-2, R-3 or R-4. districts in apply; addition to such signs permitted in fffis section; E. One freestanding identification sign for each new apartment or condominium project, (Bakersfield 9-89) 642 17.60.140 G. New apartment and condominium projects shall also be permitted temporary, signs as defined in subdivision 43 of Section 17.60.030 under the conditions stated in subsection N of Secuon 17.60.070. (Ord. 2979 § I (pani. 1985: prior code § 17.54.060(c)). 17.60.140 Permitted in C-O district. The tbllowing sign regulation shall apply in the C-O zone: A. Signs permitted are as follows: 1. All signs permitted in the R-I district. except where otherwise stated: 2. Wall signs or signs designed as a part of an architectural feature or projection of the building for each business enuty, which shall be identifi- cation signs only, not exceeding one square foot in area for each front foot of building occupancy for each elevation abutting a street and not exceeding one-half square foot in area for each 642-1 (Bakersfield 9-89) 7.60.15O t¥ont foot of building occupancy, for other eieva- permitted in the C-O ctistnct in addition to such tions not abutting a street; provided, however, sign permitted in this section: that each building shall be entitled to no less than 8. Directional signs where reasonably neces- thirty=two square feet in area for each elevation sary; abutting a su'eet: wall si~m~-~ Shali be so placed on a 9. Ail illuminated signs shall be indirectly building that the highest point of the sign does illuminated; internal illumination protected by a not exceed twenty feet in height from the average plastic face or other acceptable material shall be surface grade of the premix's; permitted. 3. Window si~.~ not exceeding in area more B. Si~.~ permitted subject ~o building direc- ~han twenty-five percem of the window area on ~or review and approval are as follows: up to two which the signs are affixed; this limitation shall additional freestanding identification signs for not apply to any customary holiday decorations each developed parcel of property may be placed on windows and maintained for a reason= approved by the building director subject to the able time during a holiday season; following conditions: no such sign shall exceed '4. One freestanding identification sign for thirty-two square feet in area or twenty feet in each develol~tparcel of property, not exceeding height; no such sign shall project over public thirty-two square feet in area nor a height of property oranypublicright-of-way. The building twenty feet; no freestanding sign shall project director shall, prior to his decision, take into over public property or any public fight-of-way; consideration the following matters; the pur- if the only freestanding signs on the property are poses of this chapter, the size of the parcel; street monument siffn~ as many as four such signs are frontages and public entrances and the lack of permitted along each street frontage, subject to alternative sign locations to provide reasonable the limitations that no such sign shall be within opportunity to identify the business or busi= 50 feet of any other such sign, no such sign shall nesses. He may approve, conditionally approve be within 25 feet of an interior side lot line, and or disapprove suchapplication, and may require no single business, occupant, or activity shall be that any or all additional signs permitted be mon- identified on more than one such sign per street ument signs. (Ord. 3074 § 3, 1986; Ord. 3038 §§ 1 frontage; . (part), 6, 1986; Ord. 2979 § I (pan}, 1985: prior 5. One canopy sign at each building entrance code § 17.54.070). not exceeding six square feet in area, which shall be placed with a minimum ground clearance of 17.60.150 Permitted in C-1 district. eight feet; A. The following signs are permitted in the 6. One for sale or rent sign for each parcel of C-1 district: property., not to exceed sixteen square feet in 1. All signs permitted in the R-I district. area, for each ,one hundred feet street frontage, orexcept where otherwise stated: portion thereof, with a maximum freestanding 2. Wall signs or signs designed as a pan of an height of twelve, feet and a maximum height of architectural feature or projection of the building fifteen feet, if attached to a building; the for sale for each business entity, not exceeding one' or rent sign permitted in the R=I district shall notsquare foot in area for each front foot building be permitted in the C-O district in addition to occupancy for each elevation abutting a street such sign permitted in this section; and not exceeding one-half square foot in area 7. One construction sign for each parcel of for each front foot of building ,occupancy for property., not exceeding thirty-two square feet in other elevations not abutting a street; provided, area nor fifteen feet in height; the construction however, that each building shall be entitled to sign permitted in the R-1 district shall not be no less than thirty-two square feet in area for each elevation abutting a street: premises fronting on 643 ( Bakersfield 5-87) 17.60.150 more than one ~ may not combine allowable tions to customers and like matters; no such sign signs for one frontage with another frontage for shall be a portable sign and shall not be placed or the purpose of placing the combined area of signs maintmned upon any part of any sidewalk area on one frontage; wall signs shall be so placed on a or other pubhc riOt-of-way; no such sign shall building that the highest point of the sign does exceed thirty-two square feet in area or exceed a not exceed twenty-five feet in height from the height of fifteen feet · average surface grade of the premi.%os; b. Each business entity shall also be perm/tted 3. a. One freestan~g identification sign for two signs, when appropriate, for the purpose of each street frontage of a developed parcel of indicating the matters stated in paragraph (a) of property, not exceeding one hundred tiff? square tkis subdivision, which signs may be attached to feet in area and which does not project over private light poles, freestanding sign column or public property or any public fight-of-way, and is canopies, the area of each sign not to exceed slx located not less than twenty-five feet from an square feet; such signs shall be securely attached adjoining inter/or lot line; where such sign is a and kept clean and orderly and in good repair, on freeway oriented sign the maximum area permit- the fixture to which attached; ted shall not exceed three hundred fif[y square 5. One canopy sign at each building enuance, feet. If the only freestanding signs on the prop- not to exceed six square feet in area which shall erty, other than a shopping center identification be placed and maintained with a minimum sign, are monument si~=ns, as many as four such ground clearance of eight feet; signs are pertmtted along .each street frontage, 6. One construction sign for each parcel of subject to the limitations that no such sign shall property not exceeding sixty-four square feet in be within fffiy feet of any other such sign, no such area and fifteen feet in height; the construction sign shall be within twenty-five feet of an interior sign permitted in the R-l district shall not be side lot line, and no single business, occupant or permitted in the C-1 distict in addition to such activity shall be identified on more than one such sign permitted in this section; sign per street frontage, 7. a. One for sale or rent sign for each build- b. Permined signs for a particular street front- lng, the area of which shall not exceed sixteen age of a parcel may not be combined with that square feet for each one hundred front feet of allowed for another street frontage for the pur- building occupancy. The maximum height of pose of placing the combined area of signs on one such sign shall not exceed twelve feet. street frontage, b. When the parcel of property has no build- c. Where such parcel is permitted two or more ings upon it, one for sale or rent sign, not exceed- freestanding signs, the d/stance between any of lng sixty-four square feet in area or four or less such signs shall not be less than fifty feet, nor less such signs, none of which shall exceed sixteen than twenty-five feet from an adjoining interior square feet. The maximum height of such signs side lot line, :7 . shall not exceed twelve feet;. d. Such signs shall not exceed twenty-six feet 8. Directional signs where reasonably neces- in height; excepting freeway oriented signs which sary on the parcel of property., which shall be shall be permitted a maximum height not to incidental signsdesignedto guide or directpedes- exceed seventy-five feet; tfian or vehicular traffic, such as "Exit" or 4. a. Two signs for each business entity, "Entrance" signs; which signs may be wall signs, monument signs 9. On-premises subdivision directional signs or reader board, for the purpose of indicating not to exceed thirty-two square feet in area. nor prices, merchandise or service offered, official . sixteen feet in height which shall not project over pubhc services provided on the premiss, credit public Property or any public right-of-way; such cards honored, trading stamps available, direc- signs may be maintained for a period of only ( Bakersfield 5471 644 /7.60.160 eighteen months, in accordance'with the rules foot of building occupancy for other elevations stated in subdivision 5 of subsection F of Section not abutting a street: provided, however, that the 17.60.110 and subdivision 5 of subsection E of sign area permitted shall not exceed four hun- section 17.60.130; dred fifty square feet per building elevaUon and 10. Window signs not exceeding in area more each building shall be entitled to not less than than thirty percent of the window area on which t'ffiy square feet in area for each elevation abut- the signs are affixed; this limitation shall not ting a street: premises may not combine allow- apply to any customary holiday decorations able signs for a particular elevation of a building placed on windows and maintained for a reason- with that-allowed for another elevation for the able time during a holiday season. {Ord. 3074 § 4, purpose of placing the combined area of sign.q on 1986; Ord. 3038 §§ 1 (part), 7, 1986; Ord. 2979 § 1 one elevation; wall signs shall be so placed on a (part), 1985: prior code § 17.54.080). building so that the highest point of the sign.does not exceed twenty-five feet in height, from the 17.60.160 Permitted in C-2 district, average grade of the premises; A. The following si~.q are permitted in the C2 4. a. One freestanding identification sign for district: each street frontage of a developed property, not 1. All signs permitted in the R-I district, exceeding two hundred forty'square feet in area except as otherwise provided; and which does not project over public property. 2. Outdoor advertising sign~ not exceeding or any public right-of-way, and is located not less three hundred square feet in ~ excluding cut- than twenty-five feet from an adjoining interior outs or extensions not exceeding thirty square side lot line. Where such sign is a freeway ori- feet in area, and not exceeding thirty-five feet in ented sign the maximum area permitted shall not height, except that: exceed three hundred fifty square feet, a. Such signs shall be at least one thousand feet b. If a street frontage abutting such parcel from any other outdoor advertising sign, and exceeds six hundred feet, the area of the permit- b. Such signs shall not project over public ted sign may be one square foot for each lineal pwperty or any public right-of-way, and foot of such street frontage in excess of six hun- c. Where such sign has two faces back-to-back dred but in no event shall exceed four hundred which faces are at no point more than two feet fifty square feet, apart, the two faces of the signs shall be substan- c. Permitted signs for a particular street front- tially equal in size, and age of a parcel may not be combined with' that d. Such signs shall be at least three hundred allowed for another street frontage for the pur- feet from any residentially zoned property, and pose of placing the combined area of signs on one e. Such signs shall not project over, or be street frontage, placed upon,,any building or Structure, and d. Where such parcel is permitted two or f. Such Signs shall be at least one hundred feet more freestanding signs, the distance between from all freestanding signs located on the same any of such signs shall be not less than fifty feet, parcel, and at least twenty-five feet from an adjoin- nor less than twenty-five feet from an adjoining ing interior lot line. interior lot line, 3. Wnii si~tm-q or signs designated as a part ofan e. Such signs shall not exceed thirty-five feet architectural feature or projection of the building in height, excepting freeway oriented signs which for each business entity, two square feet in area shall be permitted .a maximum height not to for each front foot of building occupancy for exceed seventy-five feet, each elevation of the building abutting a street f. If the only freestanding signs on the prop- and not exceeding one foot in area for each front erty, other than a shopping center identification 645 (Bakersfield 10-90) 17.60.170 sign, are monument signs, as many as four such lng sixty-four square feet in area or tbur or less signs are permitted along each street frontage, such signs, none of which shall exceed sixteen subject to the limitations that no such sign shall square feet. The maximum height of such signs be within fifty, feet of any other such sign, no suchshall not exceed twelve feet: sign shall be within twenty-five feet of an interior 9. Directional signs where reasonably neces- side lot fine. and no single business, occupant, or sary On the parcel of property., which shall be acuvity shall be identified on more than one such incidental signs designed to guide or direct pedes- sign per street frontage; trian or vehicular traffic, such as "Exit" or 5. a. Two signs for each business entity, "Entrance" si~n-~;- which signs may be wall si~, monument si~s lO. Subdivision directional signs not to or reader board, for the purpose of indicating exceed tire, y-two square feet in area. nor sixteen prices., merchandise or service offered, official feet in height and shall not project over public public serv/ces provided on the premir, es, credit property or any public right-of-way; such signs cards honored, trading stamps available, direc- may be maintained for a period of only eighteen tions to customers and like matters; no such sign months, in accordance with the rules stated in shall be a portable sign and shall not be placed or subdivision 5 of subsection F of Section maintained upon any pan of any sidewalk ama 17.60.110 and subdivision 5 of subdivision E of or other public right-of-way; no such sign shall Section 17.60.130; exceed thirty-two square feet in area or exceed a 11. Window signs not exceeding an area more height of fifteen feet, than thirty percent of the window area on which b. Each business entity shall also be permitted the signs arc affixed. This limitation shall not apply two signs, when appropriate, for the purpose of to any customary holiday decorations placed on indicating the matte~ stated in paragraph (a) of windows and maintained for a mamnable time dur- this subdivision, which signs may be attached to lng a holiday season. (Ord. 3320 § 3, 1990: Ord. private fight poles, freestanding sign column or 3074 § 5, 1986; Ord. 3038 §§ 1 (part), 10, 1986; canopies, the area of each sign not to exceed six Ord. 2979 § 1 (part), 1985: prior code'. § square feet; such signs shall be securely attached 17.54.090). and kept clean and orderly and in good repair, on the fLXtUre tO which attached; 17.§0.170 Permitted in M-I an/M-2 6. One canopy sign at each building entrance, districts. not to exceed six square feet in area which shall A. The following signs are permitted in the M- be placed and maintained with a minimum 1 and M-2 districts: ground clearance of eight feet: 1. All signs permitted in the R-1 district, 7. One construction sign for each parcel of except as otherwise provided; property not exceedi~'ng sixty-four square feet in 2. Outdoor advertising signs not exceeding area and fifteen feet".an height; the construction three hundred square feet in area, excluding cut- sign permitted in the R-I district shall not be outs or extensions not exceeding thirty square feet permitted in the C-2 dismct in addition to such in area, and not exceeding fifty feet in height, sign permitted in this section; except that; . 8. a. One for sale or rent sign for each build- a. Such signs' shall be at least one thousand lng, the area of which shall not exceed sixteen feet from any other outdoor advertising sign and, square feet for each one hundred front feet of b. Such signs shall not project over public building occupancy. The maximum height of such sign shall not exceed twelve feet. property or any public right-of-way, c. Where such sign has two faces back-to- b. When the parcel of property has no build- back which faces arc at no point more than two feet ings upon it. one for sale or rent sign, not exceed- ,'Bakersfield 10-90) 6J,6 i7.60.170 apart, the two faces of the sign shall be substan- d. Such signs shall not exceed fifty feet in tially equal in size, and height, excepting freeway oriented signs which di Such signs.shall be at least three hundred shall be permitted a maximum height not to feet from any residentially zoned property, and exceed sevent3t. -five feet. e. Such signs shall not project over, or be e. If the only freestanding signs on the prop- placed upon. any building or structure, and erty, other than a shopping center identification f. Such signs shall be at least one hundred feet sign, are monument.signs, as many as four such from all freestanding signs lOcated on the same si~trn.q are permitted along each street frontage, parcel, and at least twenty-five feet from an subject to the limitations that no such sign shall adjoining interior lot line. be within fifty feet of any other such sign, no such 3. Wall signs or signs designated as a part of an sign shall be within twenty-five feet of an interior architecunal feature or projection of the building side lot line, and no single business, occupant, or for each business entity, two square feet in area activity shall be identified on more than one such for each from foot of building occupancy for sign per street frontage; each elevation of the building; provided, how- 5. a. Two signs for each business entity, ever, that the background area of such signs shall which signs may be wall signs, monument signs not exceed forty percent of the building facade; or reader board, for the purpose of indicating provided further, that each building shall be prices, merchandise or service offered, official entitled to no less than fil~ .square feet in area for public services provided on the premiss, credit each elevation; premises may not combine cards honored, trading stamps available, direc- tions to customers and like matters; no such sign allowable signs for a particular elevation of a building with that allowed for another elevation shall be a portable sign and shall not be placed or for the purpose of Placing the combined area of maintained upon any pan of any sidewalk area signs on one elevation; wail si~s shall be so or other public fight-of-way; no such sign shall placed on a building so that the highest point of exceed thirty-twO square feet in area or exceed a the sign does not exceed twenty-five feet in he/ght of fifteen feet, b. Each business entity shall also be permitted height, from the average grade of the premises; 4. a. Two freestanding identification signs, two signs, when appropriate, for the purpose of not exceeding three hundred square feet in area indicating the matters stated in paragraph (a) of in aggregate, for each street frontage of a devei- this subdivision, which signs may be attached to oped parcel of property and which do not project private light poles, freestanding sign column or over public property, or any public right-of-Way, canopies, the area of each sign not to exceed six and are located a minimum of twenty-five feet square feet; such signs shall be securely attached. from an adjoining interior side lot line. Where and kept clean and orderly and in good repair, on the fixture to which attached: such signs, are freeway oriented signs the max- 6. One canopy sign at each building entrance, imum area ~ermitted shall not exceed three hun- not to exceed six square feet,in area which shall dred fifty square feet in aggregate, b. Permitted signs for apartiCularstreet front= be placed and maintained with a minimum age of a parcel may not be combined with that ground clearance of eight feet; allowed for another street frontage for the pur= 7. One construction sign for each parcel of pose of placing the combined area of signs on one property not exceeding sixty-four square feet in ' area and fifteen feet in height; the construction street frontage, c. The distance between any of such signs sign permitted in the R-I district shall not be shall be not less than fifty feet, permitted in the M-land M-2 districts in addi- · tion to such sign permitted in this section; 647 (Bakersfield 10-90/ 17.60.'1g0--t7.60.1~5 8. a. One for sale or rent sign ibr each build- tion of such proposed signs shall be included in ing, the area of which shall not exceed sixteen the final development plan which shall be con- square feet for each one hundred front feet of sidered under Section 17.52.060. building occupancy. The maximum height of B. Residential development in said zone shall such sign shall not exceed twelve feet. be restricted to signs permitted in the R-3 zone b. When the parcel of property, has no build- and incidental commercial uses shall be lng upon it. one for sale or rent sign, not exceed- restricted to signs permitted in the C-O zone lng sixty-four square feet in area or four or less subject to the latitude granted to the planning such signs, none of which shall exceed sixteen commission under Section 17.52.060. square feet. The maximum height of such signs C. In addition to the criteria established in shaft not exceed twelve feet; Chapter 17.52 and the factors set forth in Section 9. Directional si~ where reasonably neces- 17.60.010, in its determination of the proposal sary on the parcel of property., which shaft be for signs, the planning commi.~sion shall also incidental signs designed to gu/de or direct pedes- take into consideration, the following matters: than or vehicular traffic, ~uch as "Exit" or acreage of the project; topography of the land; "Entrance" signs; number of lots in the project; size and number of 10. Subdivision directional signs not to the dwelling units and other buildings; location exceed sixty-four square feet in area, nor fifteen of the development; vehicular and pedestr/an feet in height and shall not project over public traffic; alignment of streets and street frontages property .or any public fight-of-way; such signs and orientation of the development to streets, may be maintained for a period of only eighteen alleys, walkxvays and easements and to the adja- months, in accordance with the rules stated in cent neighborhood andthe general welfare. (Ord. subdivision 5 of subsection F of Section 2979 § 1 (pan), 1985: prior code §. 17.54.110). 17.60. Il0 and subdivision 5 of subdivision E of Section 17.60.130; 17.60.185 Permitted in P.C.D. districts. 11. Window signs not exceeding an area more A. Within a proposed planned commercial than forty percent of the window area on which the development no sign shall be permitted in con* signs are affixed. This limitation shall not apply to nection therewith until the final development any customary holiday decorations placed on plan is approved; provided, however, that upon windows and maintained for a reasonable time dur- application for said zoning,, a sign may be placed ing a holiday season. (Ord. 3320 § 4, 1990: Ord. upon the zoned property indicating the probable 3074 § 6, 1986; Ord. 3038 §§ 1 (part), 11, 1986; future use of the property, which sign shall first Ord. 2979 § 1 (part), 1985: prior code § be approved by the building director. All other 17.54.100). proposals for signs including area, design, ,, number, height, illumination, color and location 17.60.180 Perm/Red in P.U.D. districts, of such signs shall be included in the final devel- A. within a proposed planned unit develop- opment plan which shall be considered. ment district no signs shall be permitted in B. The commission, for criteria, shall restrict connection therewith until the final develop- developments for major tenants to signs permit- ment plan is approved; provided, however, that ted in the C-2 zone and development of tenant upon application for'said zoning, a sign may be space and satellite pads to signs permitted in a placed upon the zoned property indicating the C-l zone. probable future use of the property, which sign C. There shall be a maximum of one free- shall first be approved by the building director, standing sign for each street frontage; however, All other proposals for signs, including area, up to a maximum of four monument signs may design, number, height, illumination and Ioca- (Bakersfield 10-90) 648 17.60.190~t 7.60.200 be pertained fbr each street trontage in aadmon 17.60.200 permitted in CC districts. to the freestanding sign. The minimum spacing The following sign regulations shall apply in between such signs shall not be less than fifty feet,the CC zone: nor less than twenty-five feet from an adjoining ^. Signs may be permitted by the planning interior side lot line. commission in accordance with the conditions. D. In addition, the commission shall consider limitations and criteria established in this chap- the factors set forth in Section 17.60.010 in its ter. A separate application for signs under Chap- determination of pr°posal for signs. Other mat- ter 17.40 shall not be required. ters for consideration shall include the following: B. Thi~application, with accompanying state- acreage of the project; topography; size of build- merits, detailed drawings, including the area. ings; location of the development to streets: height, type, illumination, number, materials vehicular traffic and the general welfare. (Ord. and exact location of proposed and existing 2979 § 1 (part), 1985). signs, and other related material requested by the planning commission or the planning director 17.60.190 Permitted in MH and Tr districts, who shall make a written report and reeommen- The following signs are permitted in the MH chinon to the planning commission prior to the and WI' districts: hearing. A. For MH and TT parks one monument sign C. The planning commission shall consider at each entrance thereof; all relevant matter presented by the applicant. B. Si~s permitted in the R-1 distiet Only. including ail of the relevant factors set forth in (Ord. 3038 § 1 (part), 1986; Ord. 2979 § 1 (part), section 17.60.010, the report and recommenda- 1985: prior code § 17.54.120). tion of the planning director and other matters required in this chapter to be considered, and may approve, conditionally approve or disap- prove the application. Required permits shall be withheld by the building director pending final decisiOn of the planning commission. D. Signs which because of their area, height, type, illumination, number, location, configura- tion, color scheme, legend or any other visible component would be such that the resulting character would be detrimental to the env/ron- merit and neighborhood in and surrounding the district, or not in harmony with other signs, uses. ., structures and improvements in the area or not :: in the public interest and welfare, are prohibited. E. No sign shall have an area exceeding one hundred fifty, square feet in area nor a height exceeding twenty-six feet. Any variance in such 648-1 (Bakersfield 10-90) 17.60.210--i7.60.220 area or height must have the approval of the city 4. Churches or other places used exclusively council, for religious worship are also permitted wall signs F. Painted wall signs may be permitted, pro- or signs designed as a pan of an amhitectural vided no sign shall be painted directly on the feature or projection of the building not exceeding surface of any building or structure, tlxirty-two square foot in area for each street G. One for sale or rent sign is permitted, frontage of a developed property; premises which shall not exceed twelve square feet in area, fronting on more than one street may not combine for each one hundred feet street fxontage, orpor, allowable signs for one frontage with another tion thereof, nor exceed a ~ding height of frontage for the purpose of placing the combined eight feet or a height offif~n feet, ffattached to a area of signs on one frontage; building. 5. Churches or other places used exclusively H. One construction sign is permitted for for religious worship are permitted one each parcel, of property-which shall not exceed construction sign for each parcel of property not thirty-two square feet in area nor fifteen feet in e~g thirty-two square feet in ama and not height. The construction sign permitted in. the exceeding fifteen feet in height; the construction R-I district shall not be permitted in the CC sign permitted in any other zone in which the distict in addition to such sign permitted in this section, parcel is also clamtied shall not ~ peanitmt in the I. The for sale or rent sign and construction sign shall be Ire'mitred without application to the section; 6. Directional signs where reasonably plallning COl~mi_~6OiL (Ord. 3038 § 8, 1986; Ord. necessary on the premises, which shall be 2979 § 1 (lmrt), 1985: prior code § 17.54.130). incidemml signs designed to guide or direct pedestrian or vehicular traffic, such as "Exit" or 17~60.210 Permitted in Ch zone. Th~ following sign regulations shall apply in 7.' One for sale or rent sign for each the Chzone: d,~veloped parcel of property, not exceeding A. TI~ following signs are permitted in the sixteen square feet in area for each one hundred ~ (Ch)district: fe~t street frontage or portion thereof, with a 1. Signs pennit~cl in the R-1 district: maximum freestanding height of eight feet and a 2. For uses other than churches or places maximum height of fifteen feet, if au, ached to a used exclusively for religious worship in the R-I, building. (Ord. 3378 § 1 (pa~), 1991: Ord. 3038 § R-2 and R-3 disuicts, all signs penniued in such. 1 (part), 1986: Ord. 2979 § I (part), 1985: prior other zone in which the parcel of property is also cocl~ § 17.54.140). classified: 3. Ch ~urches or other places used exclusively 17.60.220 Permitted in hospital zone. for religious wm~lip are permitl~cl one monument The following sign regulations shall apply in sign for each street frontage of a developed tim hospital zone: property not less than twenty-five feet from an A. The following signs are permitted in the adjoining interior side lot line. Permitted signs for hospi~ district: a particular street frontage of a parcel may not be 1. For uses other than hospitals, sanitariums, combined with that .allowed for another street rest homes, convalescent homes, maternity homes frontage for the purpose of placing the combined and homes for the aged, in the R-I, R-2 and R-3 a~a of signs on one street frontage; 049 Ot~mnfi~ld 1-92) 17.60.230-.-t7.60.245 districts, all signs permitted in such other zone in but must pertain only to the business conducted which the parcel of property is also classified; or products produced, sold or served on the 2. Hospitals, sanihariums, rest homes, premises of the adjacent or underlying zone. convalescemhomes, matemity homes and homes (Ord. 2979 § 1 (part), 1985: prior code § for the aged, are permitted the signs permitled 17.54.160). churches in Section 17.60.210, subject to the authority hereby given to the planning commi.~sion 17.60.240 Permitted in D zone. to make such requirements less restrictive in Si?-n permitted in a D zone are subject to the accordance with the type of use involved, acreage same restrictions, standards and procedures of the parcel, topography of the land, size and which ar~ appiic~ble to the underlying base zone. number of buildings or wings in the project, (Ord. 2979 § 1 (part), 1985: prior code § location of the use, vehicular and pedestrian 17.54.170). traffic, alignment' of stnmts, street flxmtages, orientation of the uso to stnmts, alleys, walkways 17.60.245 Skyline building identification and easements and to the adjacent neighborhood wall signs. and to the general welfare. The planning Notwithstanding any other provision of this commi.~nion ~ also be guided by the purposes chapter, a permit may be issued for a wall sign set forth in Section 17.60.010, and the facts as providing long distance visual identification of a presented by the applicant which required such building or its primary tenant in a.C-0, C-l, C-2, signing for the purpose of maximizing the M-1 or M-2 zone, subject to the following functional efficiency oftbe institution. (Ord. 3378 c~nditiom: § 1 (part), 1991: Ord. 2979 § 1 (part), 1985: prior A,._. No such sign may be installed onmore' code § 17_~4.150). than~ ~~ of~ ~, B. AIl such signs shall be located on the top' 17.60.230 Pemfitted in P zone. story or between the top story and the top of the The following signs only are permitted in the P ~ zone: C. All such signs shall be comprised solely of Freestanding identification si~n-n or monu- individual letters or logos installed a minimum of ment signs are permitted as folloWS: three inches and a maximum of twelve inches ~xom A. In a P-zoned area not also classified in an R the surface of the wall on which they are located. zone, such signs are subject to the same Illumination may be provided by indirect reverse restrictions, standards and procedures which ar~ liEhring or internal illumination with lighting applicable to the adjacent zone where the park- behind a substance approved by the building lng use is incidental to and intended to serve the use in such adjacelat zone; B. In a P-zone~ ~area also cl,s6fied in an R zone, such signs are subject to the same restrictions, standards and procedures which are applicable to the underlying zone; C. Such signs must be so constructed that the base of the sign shall be entirely contained within the area of one automobile parking space; D. Such sj?_n may contain only identifica- tion, changeable and/or ~onal information (Bakcr~fie. ld 1-92) 650 17.60.250 director. Floodlighting of the sign shall not be displaying a sign permitted by this section may not allowed: exceed sixty percent of the area which would D. No such sign shall have a horizontal otherwise be permitted by this chapter, and each dimension exceeding one hundred feet or sixty such sign shall be so placed on the building that percent of the horizontal dimension of the building the highest point of the sign does not exceed measured at the elevation at which the sign is to be twenty feet in height from grade: placed, whichever is smaller. K. No comprehensive sign plan for wall E. No sign shall be placed within two times signs ma~,' be less restrictive than permitted by the the height of the first letter or logo ~rom the vertical requirements of this section. (Ord. 3231 § 6, edge of the building; 1989). F. The property owner shall designate in Writing the primary, tenant of the building, if such 17.60.250 Comprehensive sign plan. tenant is to be identified by such'a sign; A. The planning commission shall have the G. Subject to the following exceptions, no authority under the conditions provided in this sign shall have letters which exceed the height chapter to permit the utilization of comprehen- shown in Table A, below: sire sign plans for certain situations described in this section in!leu of the sign regulations set forth' TABLE A in this chapter. B. Comprehensive sign plans may be Height of ~ approved by the planning commission in the . ~ of M~e~ following instances: (Feet) (Inches) 1.' For all business premises which occupy the entire frontages on both sides of a commercially 30 24 zoned street for one full block, whenever the 40 24 application for the approval of' such plan has 50 24 been signed by a majority, of the owners or oper- 60 34 ators of such businesses; 70 44 2. For shopping center developments, both 80 54 new and existing, whenever the application for 90 64 the approval of such plan has been signed by a 100 74 majority of the owners, not including royalty 120or greater 84 interests, of the real property constituting the shopping center: Capital letter: when used in conjunction with lower 3. For redevelopment projects or Selected case letters Kay be one and one-half times such . described portions of such areas, whenver the application for the approval of such plan has height; a logo, used individually or as part of a sign, may be two times such height; been authorized by the redevelopment agency and a majority et' the owners of land affected H. All such signs shall be limited to a single have consented: line of letters and/or logo; 4. For P.C.D. {planned commercial develop- I. No such sign shall be permitted in addition merit) projects. to a free-standing identification sign except for C. Any comprehensive sign plan submitted to monument signs otherwise pemaitted by this the planning commission shall include the loca- chapter;, tion, size. height, color, lighting: nmnber, visual J. All other wall signs permitted by this effects and orientation of all proposed signs, and chapter wirier are to be placed on a building 651 (Bakersfield 9-89) 17.60.255--i7.60.260 shall have been previously submitted to the plan- allow signs with moving pnnt messages. (Ord. ning department for plan approval. 3038 § 1.2. 1986). D. Excepuons to the sign regulations embod- ied in this chapter may be permitted: provided, 17.60.260 -Nonconforming signs. that such a comprehensive sign plan is presented A. The provisions of Sections 17.08.060 and approved by the planning commission, and: through 17.08.080, inclusive, of this Uric, shall provided further, that the permitted signs for a not be applicable to this chapter. Comprehensive sign plan as a whole are in con- B. Signs for a- legal nonconforming use are fortuity with the purpose of this chapter as permitted. Such signs shall be deemed to comply expressed in Section 17.60.010 and: provided fur- with the provisions of this chapter if they comply ther, such exceptions are for the general welfare with the sign regulations for the most restrictive and result in an improved relationship among zoning district which permits the nonconform- the variou~ signa and bullding facades covered by lng use as a permitted use. Such use shall be the plan. permitted only so long as the nonconforming use E. All comprehensive sign plan requests shall is permitted. Any such sign legally existing on the be submitted to the Planning commi-~ion and effective date of the ordinance codified in this shall include justification for deviation from the . chapter, but which does not comply with the regulations of this chapter in accordance with the regulations of this chapter shall be deemed to be a criteria embodied in Section 17.60.010. All nonconforming sign. affected property owners or operations of busi- C. For the purposes of this chapter, a "non- nesses shall be notified by mail of the time and conforming sign" is one which does not conform place of the hearing before the planning commis- with the provisions of this chapter, but which: sion, at least five days before hearing. (Ord. 2979 1. Was lawfully in existence and in use within § 1 (part), 1985: prior code § 17.54.190). the city prior to the effective date of the ordi- nance first enacting this chapter;, 17.60.255 Location requirements and 2. Was lawfully in existence and in use on constraints, etc.--Building director property outside of the city on the date upon discretion, which the annexation of such property to the city The building director may exercise his discre- was completed; tion to grant exceptions to the location 3. Was lawfully in existence and in use within requirements of this chapter where he deter- the city on the effective date of any zone change mines that strict application of provisions relat- or specific plan or comprehensive sign plan for lng to the twenty-five-foot minimum setback the property on which the sign is located: or from interior side lot lines or off-premises loca- 4. Was lawfully in existence and in use within tion of directional sign~ is unnecessary to achieve the city on the effective date of any amendment the purposes of this chapter. -He shall also have of this chapter, the zoning regulations contained the discretion, where he determines that strict in thi.~ title or other provision of this code, mak- application of the provision of this chapter is lng such sign nonconforming. unnecessary to achieve the purposes of this chap- For the purposes of this section only, a non- ter or would work a hardship, to allow signage of conforming sign exceeding the height or area properties having no street frontage, which sig- restrictions contained in this chapter by no more nage shall not exceed the maximum signage than five percent shall be deemed to conform which would be allowable in the zone in which with the provisions of this chapter limiting height the property is locatea were the average exterior and area. · dimension of the property.street frontage, and to (Bakersfield 949) 652 17.60.260 D. A nonconforming sign shall not be enacting this chapter, upon the completion date of replaced, altered, reconstructed, relocated or annexation, or upon the effective date of an expanded in any manner unless and until the amendment to this chapter, whichever makes the sign is made to conform with the provisions of sign nonconforming, or the date upon which the this chapter. This shall not be construed to pre- sign otherwise becomes nonconforming. vent ordinary, maintenance and minor repairs. 7. The tbregoing notwithstanding, whenever E. A nonconforming sign destroyed or there is a change in ownership or tenancy of any damaged to an extent exceeding sixty percent of business or tenant space within a shopping cen- its replacement cost immediately prior to ter, new wail signage and/or a monument sign destruction or damage shall not be continued in conforming to the requirements of this chapter use or maintained thereafter and shall be to signify such change is permitted though non- removed or made to conform with the provisions conforming signage exists within such shopping of this chapter within thirty days of the date of center. No change of sign copy to signify such such destruction or damage, change shall be permitted on any nonconform- E Each nonconforming sign, other than an lng sign. outdoor advertising sign subject to the California G. 1. The followng signs made nonconform- Outdoor Advertising Act, shall be removed or lng by the provisions of the ordinance first enact- made to conform with the provisions of this ing this chapter shall be removed or made to chapter at the sole cost of the owner thereof, conform, with the provisions of this chapter by whenever any of the following events occur. July 14, 1986: 1. There is a change in ownership of the prop- a.._Flashing sign~ in districts more restrictive erty; inheritance by a member of a deceased than the C-I district: owner's family shall not be deemed to constitute b. Flashing signs in the C- I, C-2, M-I and M-2 a change of ownership; districts which exceed the permissible current 2. The business or activity is discontinued or and wattage specified in subsection B of Section sold; 17.60.080; 3. The property is rezoned,'snbdivided or par- c. Moving and rotating signs except as other- celed or the real property, upon which the sign is wise provided in Section 17.60.080 of this chap- located is severed from the real property upon ter, which the business or primary, use of the entire d. Outlining of a building except as otherWase parcel is located, by lease, lease-back,, or any provided in Section 17.60.070 of this chaper;,- other arrangement, method, devise or scheme e. Signs not illuminated in accordance with which would othexwise circumvent the intent of this chapter;, this section: f. Signs in excess of the number specified by 4. A con~t.'onal use permit or modification is this chapter; granted for the property or use of the property; g, All other signs made nonconforming by the 5. Issuance of a sign permit permitting provisions of the ordinance first enacting this installation or construction of a new or addi- chapter. tional sign on the property; 2. Signs made nonconforming by the 1985 6. Any change in the signage; excluding amendments to this chapter, and signs allowed minor repairs and precise repainting, but not later by special Permit without specified dates, times, than the expiration of the period of time applicable or conditions for removal prior to the effective to a particular sign or signs as set forth in date of the 1985 amendments to this chapter, subsection G. below; such period commences to shall be removed or made to comply by August 1, run upon the effective date of the ordinance first 2000. 653 (Bakersfield 9-89) 17.60.265--t7.60.270 H. NotwithslandingsubsectionGofthissec- 17.60.265 Inventory of illegal or tion. any nonconforming sign as defined in this abandoned advertising section, and any sign allowed by special sign displays. permit requiring removal on or before July 14. The building director or his designee shall 1986, may remain in place and need not conform inventory, illegal or abandoned advertising displays to the requirements of this chapter, subject to within the city. Such inventory shall commence removal or conformance upon occurrence of any within six months of the adoption of this section. of the events specified in subsection F of this Within eight months of the adoption of this section, provided the owner of the property, upon section, the building director shall commence which the sign is located obtains an annual, abatement of the identified pre-existing illegal and renewable, conditional sign permit therefor prior abandoned on-premises advertising displays. to July 14, 1986, and obtains a renewal of such (Ord. 3231 § 7, 1989). permit prior to any exlmation thereofi 1. Application for such permits shall be made 17.60.270 Violation a public nuisance. on forms prescribed by the building director, A. Any signs mentioned in subsections B shall be accompanied by a ten dollar processing through H of Section 17.60.090 which are' not fee, and shall be made prior to July 14, 1986, and removed within the required period shall con- prior to the expiration date of any permit there- stitute a public nuisance and shall be subject to tofore granted, and each application so made summary abatement at the expense of the owner shall be granted, thereof and the person in lawful possession 2. Each conditional sign permit, and each thereof, pursuant to the provisions of Section renewal thereofi shall, be filed for recordation 38773 ofthe Government Code; the expenses of with the county recorder, abatement of such nuisances, are a lien against I. Each such sign determined by the building the property on which they are maintained and a director to be of historical significance, in personal obligation against the property, owner. accordance with criteria established by the city's Said property owner or person in lawful posses- historical preservation commission, shall be sion shall first be served with a five-day notice to exempt from the removal and conformance abate the nuisance by removing the sign, and requirements of this chapter, shall be given the opportunity to explain to the J. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed building director why such sign has not been as authority for the city to remove without just removed. If, after such opportunity to explain. compensation those signs which, under the the building director orders the removal of the California Outdoor Advertising Act, are subject to sign, the agents of the city shall have authority to removal with compelrisation to the owner. (Ord. enter upon the private property to remove the 3231 § 5, 1989: Ord. $074 § 8, 1986: Ord. 3038 § sign constituting the nuisance. The provisions of 9, 1986: Ord. 2979 § 1 (Part)~ 1985: Ord. 2969 § this subsection may be utilized separately from, l, I985: Ord. 2953 § 1, 1984: Ord. 2930 § 1, as an alternative to, or in conjunction with, any 1984: Ord. 2887 § 1, 1983: Ord. 2797 § 1, 1982: other remedy provided in this chapter or other- Ord. 2674 § 1, 1981: Ord. 2647 § l, 1981: prior wise provided by law. code § 17.54.200). B. In the event any person erects, installs. alters, relocates or maintains any sign after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, which sign is in violation of any provi- sion of this chapter, and the same is not removed ,,Bakersfield 9-89) 654 7.60.270 atler notice as specified in this section, the same is a public nuisance and shall be subject to abate- ment at the expense of the person creating, caus- ing, committing or maintaining it. pursuant to the provisions of Section 38773 of the Govern- ment Code. The property owner or person in lawful possession shall first be served with a five- day notice to abate the nuisance by removing the sign, and shall be given an opportunity to explain wherein the sign is not in violation of any provi- sion of this chapter. If. after such opportunity to explain, the building director orders the removal of the sign or orders such sign to be made to conform to the provisions of this chapter, the city shall have the authority., upon failure to remove or conform, to enter upon the private property, to remove the sign constituting the nuisance. The provisions ofthi~ Subsection may be utilized sep- arately from. aa an alternative to, or in conjunc- tion with, any other remedy provided in this chapter or othcrwi~ provided by law. (Ord. 2979 § 1 (part), 1985: prior code § 17.54.220). 17.60.280 Violation--Penalty. Any person, finn or corporation, as principal, agent, clerk or employee, whether acting for himself or for another person, firm or cot- potation who or which violates any provision of this chapter, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be .punished by a f'me not exceeding five hundred dollars or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding six months, or by both such t-me and imprison- ment. (Ord. 2979 § 1 (pm), 1985: pnot code § 17.54.230). 655/656 B~¢rsfield 9-89) ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: February 23, 1994 AGENDA SECTION: Hearings ITEM NO: TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council /,-/~ FROM: Development Services - Planning DEPARTMENT HEA~//~. DATE: January 3, 1994 CITY ATYORNEY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: An Ordinance amending Chapter 17.60 and Chapter 17.04 of Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to signs and associated definitions, respectively. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends first reading of the ordinance. BACKGROUND: The proposed ordinance is a comprehensive rewrite of the sign regulations (Chapter 17.60) of the Zoning Ordinance. The main focus is to create a matrix by zone district of the basic sign regulations that would be easy to interpret and consistent in their application. In addition, standards regarding unique or specialized signs are consolidated in one section for ease of reference. The most significant changes are outlined as follows: Permits -Sections were added to identify what signs require permits and which are exempt from permits. Comprehensive Sign Plan - An intent statement was added to define when and how a CSP is applied and the parameters in which it is reviewed. In addition, the review authority and procedural sections have been clarified. Location Restrictions - The current ordinance identifies restrictions to. sign location in many different areas. This section consolidates all of those into one area. Development Standards (matrix) - The new matrix format is the major key to the rewrite to help identify all sign types in one easy reference by zone. With respect to sign standards, .the most significant change occurs in the C-O and M districts. February 8, 1994, 12:24pm atDMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 In the C-O district, both monument and pylon signs would be restricted to the same area and height requirements (current C-O pylon height is 20 feet). It is desired to encourage the use of monuments in commercial office areas where large advertisements are not necessary. The height and area requirements in the M district were all reduced to fall between the C-1 and C-2 zones. This was the most important area necessitating change by the Sign Ordinance Committee as they felt the M districts allowed too much signage and should not exceed what is permitted in the C-2 zone. This change would also encourage commercial business to locate in C-2 areas where the greatest amount of signage would be permitted. It was found that the manufacturing uses in the M districts utilized very little of their allocated s.ignage. Specialized signs - This is a new section that identifies those types of signs that are unique. Each specific sign type is identified with all the regulations identified in one area. Definitions - All of the sign definitions were' moved from the sign chapter and integrated into the existing definitions section of the zoning ordinance. It is staff's desire to have all of the definitions in the zoning ordinance located in one section for easier reference. Copies of the proposed sign ordinance packet were forwarded to the Association of Realtors, B.I.A., Downtown Business Association, and 14 local sign companies. An additional 19 non-local sign companies were sent notice Only (none requested copies of the proposed ordinance). The sign company mailing list was compiled from building permit records of sign permits issued over the last year. The sign Committee of the Planning Commission met a total of nine times since June 3, 1992, regarding this revision process. Most of those meetings were devoted to reviewing a preliminary draft of the proposed ordinance with staff going through each change and making any revisions necessary to either clarify or reflect changes desired by the committee. The full commission approved the draft on December 2, 1994, with support given by the B.I.A., Association of Realtors and a local sign company. No one spoke in opposition to the proposed changes. The City of Bakersfield, as the lead agency, found that this project could not have a significant effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration was posted for this project. Id FE23PL1.HRG February & 1994, 12:24pm SECTION 1. Chapter 17.04 of Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to include the following additions: 17.04.070 Architectural feature or projection. "Architectural feature or projection" means a marquee, porch, awning, canopy or other similar architectural feature or projection of a building or structure or any projection not intended for occupancy which extends beyond the face of an exterior wall but does not include signs. 17,04.075 Awning or canopy. "Awning or canopy" means any structure made of flexible 'fabric or similar material covering a frame attached or adjacent to a building and projecting over. public or private property. 17.04.085 Building facade. "Building facade" means that portion of an exterior elevation of a building extending from grade to the top of the parapet wall or eaves and the entire width of the building elevation. 17.04.287 Freeway. "Freeway" means a highway in respect to which the owners of abutting lands have no right or easement of access and which is declared to be a freeway as provided by the Streets and Highways Code of the state. 17.04.288 Front foot of building occupancy. "Front foot of building occupancy" means a single lineal dimension measured horizontally along the front of the building which defines the limits of a particular occupancy at that location. 17.04.461 Marquee. "Marquee" means a permanent roofed structure attached to and supported by a building and projecting over public or private property. 17.04.485 Nonprofit organization. "Nonprofit organization" means any organization that holds a valid nonprofit organization status document for the State of California or the federal government. 17.04.492 Parcel of property. "Parcel of property" means any separate legal lot or parcel of land. · 17.04.508 Roofline. "Roofline" means the upper exterior line of a roof or top enclosure surface, as viewed from any side perpendicular to the exterior wall plane and includes eaves, fascia, parapets or similar projections or extensions. 17.04.546 Shopping/business center. "Shopping/business center" means a group of two (2) or more commercial businesses planned, constructed and managed as a total entity, and may be linked together by an architectural, historical or geographic theme, or by a commonality of goods and services. These businesses function as an integral unit on a single parcel or separate parcels of property, and share off-street parking facilities, access and pedestrian ways. 17.04.547 Sign.- "Sign" means and includes every message, announcement, device, declaration, demonstration, display, illustration, insignia, advertising statuary, surface or space, including the supporting structure and component parts, erected or maintained for attraction of, attention to, identification of or advertisement of a business profession, product or senrice. Exemptions to this definition are listed in Section 17.60.080. Specific sign definitions are identified as follows: "Abandoned sign" means a sign that includes coPY that remains in place or is not maintained, for a period of ninety (90) days or more, which no longer advertises or identifies an on-going business, product or service available on the premises where the sign is located. "Advertising statuary" means a three-dimensional imitation, representation or similitude of a person, animal or object which is sculptured, molded or cast in any solid or plastic substance, materials or fabric and is used for advertising purposes. "A-Frame" means any sign with two or more faces or surfaces Usable for advertising display, not attached to the wall of a building or structure, whether portable or affixed to the ground and commonly known as A-frame, T-frame and sandwich board. "Animated sign" means any sign which uses movement or change of lighting to depict action, or to create a special effect or scene. "Awning, canopy or marquee sign" means a sign that is mounted on or painted on, or attached to and awning, canopy, marquee, or other such overhang. Such signs shall be considered wall signs for the purpose of calculating allowable sign area. 3 "Banner, flag, pennant, streamer or balloon" means any fabric, bunting, plastic, paper, or similar, material used for advertising purposes attached to or pinned on or from any structure, staff, pole, line, framing or vehicle, including captive balloons and other such inflatable signs, but not including official flags of the United States, State of California and other states of the nation, counties, municipalities, foreign nations and national/international nonprofit organizations. "Bench sign" means a bench located outdoors with advertising matter thereon. "Building identification sign" means a sign which serves to identify individUal buildings on a site to assist in providing direction to the public. Such sign does not contain commercial advertisement or business identification, "Business identification sign" means any sign which is used to identify or advertise the occupant of a commercial or industrial business. "Center identification sign" means any sign which is used to identify or advertise a shopping or business center as defined in this title. "Commercial sign" means a sign which advertises a product or service for profit or for a business purpose. "Construction or home improvement sign" means a temporary sign stating the names of those individuals, firms or corporations connected with the construction project and which is placed upon the premises where construction, repair or renovation is in progress. Said sign may include the name of the city in which their business is located and emergency telephone numbers. "Copy" means any words, letter, numbers, figures, designs, or other symbolic representations incOrporated into a sign. "Directional sign" means an on-premises, incidental sign designed to guide or direct pedestrian or vehicular traffic. "Directory" means any sign listing the names, and/or use, and/or location of the various businesses or activities conducted within a building or group of buildings. "Electric message board" means a sign with changeable copy system that is. automatically controlled by mechanical, electronic, or computerized means. "Flashing sign" means any sign which contains or is illuminated by lights which flash, scintillate, blink, travel, go on and off intermittently, change in intensity or color' or is illuminated' by light not prOviding constant illumination, also including flashing beacons or .flashing arrows and parts of attachments to signs which are illuminated by such lights. 4 "Freestanding sign" means a sign which is supported by one or more columns, uprights, or braces in or upon the ground and not attached to a building. Monument, pylon and pole signs are considered freestanding signs. "Freeway oriented sign" means any pylon sign identifying premises where food, lodging and places of business engaged in supplying goods and services essential to the normal operation of motor vehicles and which are directly dependent upon an adjacent freeway. · "Future facility sign" means a temporary sign which identifies the future use or tenant, consistent with what use is permitted by the existing zoning of the site. "Garage sale sign" means a temporary sign which announces the sale of personal used goods, furniture, or clothing at a residence by the occupant for a limited period of time. Sign may also be referred to as a yard sale or estate sale. "Indirectly illuminated sign" means a sign whose illumination is derived entirely from a light source which is arranged so that no direct rays of light are projected from such light source into adjacent properties or public streets. "Logo" means a symbol, design, or graPhic representation which may or may not include text, which identifies a business, activity or company. "MenubOard" means a sign similar to a readerboard which is a permanent structure upon which is displayed a menu of items for sale and may or may not include prices, of which the copy is of a temporary or changeable nature. Advertisement or copy shall not be displayed on materials constructed of cloth, fabric, paper, cardboard, placards, or similar such materials. "Monument sign" means a low profile freestanding sign supported from grade to the bottom of the sign face with or having the appearance of a solid base. The width of the base shall be at least seventy five (75) percent of the dimension of the width of the sign face, and the area of said base shall not exceed fifty (50) percent of the allowable area of the sign face. "Moving sign" means any sign which has any visible moving part, visible revolving parts or visible mechanical movement of any description or other apparent visible movement achieved by electrical, electronic or kinetic means, including intermittent electrical pulsations, or by action of wind currents. "Nameplate" means a small sign that Contains the name and/or address of the occupant of a residence or building, and is located near or on the door of the entrance. "Neighborhood/subdivision identification sign" means a sign which identifies a single family development, condominium development, or apartment complex. This type of sign also includes signs identifying public parks. 5 "Nonconforming sign" means a sign which was legally installed under laws or ordinances in effect prior to the effective date of this title or subsequent revisions as they pertain to signage, but which is currently in conflict with those provisions. This definition does not include signs illegally installed contrary to the laws or ordinances in effect when it was established.. "Off-premise or off-site sign" means a sign that directs attention to a business, profession, product, commodity, or service that is not the primary business, profession, product, commodity or service conducted, sold, manufactured or offered on ,the site on which the sign is located. "On-premise or on-site sign" means a sign that directs attention to a business, profession, product, commodity, or service that is the primary business, profession, product, commodity or service conducted, sold, manufactured, or offered on the site on which the sign is located. "Outdoor advertising sign (billboard)" means a sign that is rented or leased for limited durations as specified by Section 17.60.070 E, has temporary or changeable copy, and is not to be used as permanent off-premises identification sign for a business or activity, and directs attention to a business, profession, product, commodity or service that is not the primary business, profession, product, commodity or service conducted, sold, manufactured or offered on 'the site on which the sign is located. "Outlining of a building" means the placing and maintaining of neon tubing, fluorescent lighting, or incandescent lighting in a line marking the outer limits or edges of a building or window or roof of a building. Such definition shall not apply'to any customary Christmas lighting placed and maintained for a reasonable time during the holiday season. "Political election sign" means a temporary sign directly associated with national, state and local elections. "Portable sign" means a sign not permanently affixed to the ground or a building or structure on the premises it is intended to occupy. "Projecting sign" means an identification sign other than a wall sign, which projects more than twelve inches from and is supported by, a wall of a building or structure. "Promotional sign" means a temporary sign that promotes an individual business' merchandise, services or products on sale, but does not include the business'~ name. "Public service sign" means any sign or portion thereof intended to promote items of general interest to the community such as public events or public messages, time, temperature, atmospheric conditions. 6 "Pylon sign" means a freestanding sign that is supported by pylons, pillars, poles, columns, or similar structures, and that the area between grade and the bottom of the sign face is more than fifty (50) percent open. Such sign may also be referred to as a pole sign. "Readerboard" means a sign which is a permanent structure upon which is displayed advertising material or copy of a temporary or changeable nature. Advertisement or copy shall not be displayed on materials constructed of cloth, fabric, paper, cardboard, placards, or similar such materials. "Real estate sign" means a temporary sign offering real property, personal property, or a business, or any combination thereof, for sale, lease or exchange and includes signs pertinent to open houses and property management. It does not include merchandise sold in the usual course of business. "Residential subdivision/project directional sign" means a sign, which informs the viewer as to the route or change of direction of travel to a new land development project, containing the name of the project, any characteristic trademark or insignia of the developer, necessary travel directions and any identifying materials as required by the city. "Roof sign" means an identification sign or portion thereof located on, or extending over the roof line of a building and either supported by the roof of a building or by independent structural frame. A sign which is attached flat against the wall of a penthouse or other similar roof structure which is a part of the enclosed floor area of the building shall be considered a roof sign. Mansard type roof signs or any single-faced sign attached to or mounted upon a roof which has a slope which exceeds forty-five (45) degrees from the horizontal plane and which does not project above the highest sight line of such roof, shall be deemed a wall sign for the purposes of this chapter. "Rotating sign" means any sign that moves or that portion of any sign which moves or rotates in any manner. "Shingle sign", means a sign that is suspended from a marquee, canopy, awning, or similar overhang, and is oriented to be viewed by pedestrians. "Skyline building sign" means a wall sign comprised solely of individual letters or logo that provides long distance visual identification of a building or its primary tenant.' Such sign shall only be permitted for a building that is three (3) or more stories and shall be located on the' top story or between the top story and top of the building. "Special event sign" means a temporary sign publicizing a unique happening, action, purpose or occasion. These signs may be promotional; however, the event occurs infrequently or one time such as grand openings, clearance sales, seasonal sales, carnivals, and fund raising events. 7 "Temporary sign" means a sign usually constructed of cloth or fabric, cardboard, wallboard, wood, aluminum, or other light material intended to be displayed for a limited period of time. "Vehicle sign" means an advertising display or sign that is exposed to public view, attached to, painted on, or supported from a parked or mobile automobile, truck trailer or other mobile vehicle, for the purpose of advertising a business, service or products, or directing people to a business activity, located on any private or public property, but shall not refer to standard advertising or identification practices where such' Sign is painted on or permanently attached to a commercial or business vehicle used in the conduct of such business. "Wall sign" means a sign attached to, embedded in, painted on or erected against the exterior wall of a building or structure, with the exposed face of the sign in a plane approximately parallel to the plane of the wall, and does not project more than twelve inches' from the wall that it is attached. Signs attached to or painted on an awning, canopy, marquee, or other such overhang shall be considered wall signs for the purpose of calculating allowable sign area. "Window sign" means any sign painted, attached, glued or otherwise affixed to, and visibly displayed on the inside or outside of a ground floor window and facing a public street, walkway, mall or parking lot available for public use. If a window is painted or othemrise covered in that it resembles the building wall or no longer functions to provide a view within or outside the building, then any signs within or on that space shall be considered as and subject to the minimum area permitted for wall signs. 17.04.594 Street. "Street" means a public thoroughfare which affords the principal means of access to. abutting property. 17.04.595 Street frontage. "Street frontage" means the linear frontage of a parcel of property abutting a street to which legal access is permitted. If legal access to the street is not permitted either by ordinance, condition of approval, or other such restriction, or access has been relinquished to a publiC agency, then that parcel of property shall not be considered to have street frontage along that street. 17.04.700 Zone. "Zone" means reference to residential zones or districts, commercial or industrial zones or districts, or any other such zones or districts as set forth in Chapter 17.06. The terms "zone" and "district" are used interchangeably. 8 SECTION 2. Chapter 17.60 of Title 17 'of the Bakersfield Municipal COde is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 17.60 SIGNS Sections: 17.60.010 Purpose. 17.60.020 Permits. 17.60.030 Comprehensive sign plans. 17~60.040 ' Sign area computations. 17.60.050 Sign location restrictions. 17.60.060 Sign development standards. 17.60.070 Specialized signs. 17.60.080 Exempt signs. 17.60.090 Prohibited signs. 17.60.100 Non.conforming signs. 17.60.110 ViOlation and abandonment. 17.60.120 Interpretation and enforcement. 17.60.010 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to promote the growth of the city in an orderly and attractive manner and to provide standards to safeguard life, health, property and public welfare by regulating and controlling the type, number, area, height, quality of materials, construction, illumination, location and maintenance of all signs and sign structures. The use of signs is regulated by zone. Their placement and physical dimensions are regulated primarily by type and length of street frontage. This chapter is not intended to, nor shall any of its provisions be construed to modify or repeal the Uniform Sign Code, Chapter 15.36, except as specified. The sign regulations of this chapter are intended to accomplish the following results: A. Protect and enhance the character of residential neighborhoods and' 'property values by prohibiting obtrusive and incompatible signs. B. Promote and maintain healthy commercial centers and property values for effective identification and communication of the nature of goods and services and avoidance of wasteful and unsightly competition in signs. 9 C. Attract and direct persons to various activities and enterprises, in order to provide for public convenience. D. Provide a reasonable system of sign control throughout the city. E. Encourage signs which are well designed and pleasing in appearance and to provide incentive and latitude for variety, good design relationship and spacing. - F. Encourage a desirable urban character. G. Enhance the economic value of the community and each area thereof through the reasonable regulation of such things as type, number, area, height, location and illumination of signs. H. 'Encourage signs which are harmonious with adjacent land uses and to encourage architectural compatibility. I. Reduce possible traffic and safety hazards through good signing. J. Provide a reasonable amortization period for the removal of nonconforming signs. K. Implement the objectives, policies and programs of the general plan. 17.60.020 permits. A. Permit required: No sign shall be painted, placed, pasted, posted, printed, tacked, fastened, constructed, erected, re-erected, installed, altered or otherwise permitted or maintained without first obtaining a permit from the Building Director in accordance with the requirements of this chapter and Chapter 15.36. B. Permit not required: Regardless of subsection A, permits from the Building Director are not required for 'the following signs: 1. Real estate sales, rent lease or open house; construction/home improvement; future facility use or tenant signs; and agricultural signs not exceeding sixteen (16) square.feet in area and six (6) feet in height, placed on the property subject to such sign. 2. Changing of the advertising copy or message on a theater marquee, readerboard, menuboard, or similar such sign. 3. Repainting or cleaning of an outdoor advertising structure or changing the advertising copy or message thereon shall not be considered an erection or alteration which requires a sign permit unless a structural change is made. 10 4. Non-illuminated promotional window sign as regulated by the zone district in which it is located. 5. Garage/yard sale and estate sale signs, pursuant to the requirements of Section 17.60.060 B. 6. Political election signs, pursuant to the requirements of Section · 17.601070 C. 7. Flags for model homes as regulated in the residential districts. 8. Name plate, as regulated. 9. ' Signs that are exempt as Specified in Section'17.60.080. 10. Non-profit special event signs subject to the provisions of Section 17.60.070 B.6. C. Other actions: Uses permitted under conditional use permits, wall and landscape plans, zone changes, specific plans, and other such projects may include signage as part of and in accordance with, the permit or project. The Board of Zoning Adjustment, Planning Commission,· or City Council may approve, deny, limit or grant modifications to such signage consistent with the provisions of this chapter. If a comprehensive sign plan is required as a condition of approval for such project, a separate application for said plan shall be required pursuant to Section 17.60.030. D. ExcePtions: The Building Director may, in writing, grant exceptions to the following sign regulations provided it has been determined that strict application of the provisions of this chapter places an unnecessal~ hardship in satisfying the purposes of this chapter: 1. Reduction of the minimum sign setbacks or minimum distance between signs of not more than ten (10) feet. 2. Signage on properties having no street frontage provided that any such sign permitted shall not exceed the regulations as delineated by the zone district in which they are located. 3. Additional on-site residential project identification signs, not to exceed two (2) additional per project; or an increase in sign area of one (1) residential identification project sign to sixty-four (64) square feet. 4. An increase in the area of an off-site residential subdivision/project identification sign to sixty-four (64) square feet to allow identification of multiple projects; however, no other off-site residential identification sign will be permitted within one hundred (100) feet of this larger sign. 11 5. An increase of a monument sign located within a commercial or industrial zone district to sixty-four (64) square feet in area and fifteen (15) feet in height, provided the total number of monument signs per street frontage shall not exceed two (2) signs and no pylon sign exists along that street' frontage or will be permitted. E. Modification of regulations not permitted: Signs shall only be permitted provided they meet the regulations of the zone district in which they are located for that type of sign. With the exception of subsection D. of this section or Section 17.60.03 regarding comprehensive sign plans, no waivers of, exceptions to, or modification of any regulation of this chapter shall be permitted. F. Fees: The city may impose fees to offset the costs associated with permit administration and monitoring pursuant to Chapter 3.70. 17.60.030 Comprehensive sign plans. A comprehensive sign plan is a program that may allow developers or business owners of a shopping/business center or other such project, to request special consideration of signs that are specifically integrated into the overall architectural style or theme for that project. Because signage can play an important role in the overall site design in order to set it apart from other similar projects,' a comprehensive sign plan can create an effect both desired and unique that will enhance the overall environment of the development. However, it is not the intent of this section to be used to request relief of the sign regulations in order to circumvent any requirements or purpose of this chapter. A. General requirements: Any person may file with the city a comprehensive sign plan application for only the following projects: 1. . Shopping/business center developments as defined in this title, including office and industrial complexes. The application for the plan Shall be signed by more than fifty percent (50%) of the business owners, not including royalty interests, of the real property constituting the center. 2. Redevelopment projects or selected described portions of such areas, whenever the application for the approval of such plan has been authorized by the redevelopment agency and a majority of the owners of land affected have consented in writing. 3. P.C.D. (planned commercial development) projects. ) 4, Areas covered by a specific plan where signage was not identified in said plan. 5. Public and semi-public institutional projects. 12 6. Neighborhood/subdivision identification sign program. This program is limited to developments of one hundred (100) acres or more that have frontage along an arterial and/or collector street of one-half (1/2) mile or more. B. Condition of project approval: Comprehensive sign plans may be required by the City Council, Planning CommiSsion, or Board of Zoning Adjustment as part of any project approval as specified in Section 17.60.020 C. C. Application information: Any comprehensive sign plan application shall be submitted to the planning department on a form provided by that department. Information submitted shall include, but is not limited to, location, size, height, color, lighting, number, visual effects, and orientation of all proposed and existing signs as they 'pertain to the comprehensive sign plan. D. Authority and review: The planning commission shall have the authority under the conditions provided in this chapter to permit the utilization of comprehensive sign plans and may approve signs that are more or less .restrictive than the sign regulations set forth in this chapter. 1. All comprehensive sign plan requests shall be heard by the planning commission at a public hearing. The applicant, their authorized agent, property owners and operators of the businesses affected shall be notified, by marl of the time and place of the hearing before the Planning commission at least ten (10) days before hearing. 2. Exceptions to the sign regulations in this chapter may be permitted, provided the Planning Commission finds that the comprehensive sign plan as a whole is in conformity with the purpose of this chapter and such exceptions are for the general welfare resulting in an improved relationship among the various signs, building facades, or overall project covered by the plan. 3. The Planning Commission may require special conditions on approved plans such as but not limited to, bonds or-other type of security to ensure the removal or abatement of signs that are abandoned or are in violation of any condition of an approved plan, or a time schedule for any sign program where signage is not considered permanent. 4. The Planning Commission shall either approve, conditionally approve or disapprove the comprehensive sign plan at the public hearing. All decisions by the Planning Commission are final and conclusive. 5. An approved comprehensive sign plan may be changed or modified subject to the same process as a new application. 6. Where an application for a comprehensive sign plan has been denied by the Planning Commission, no reapplication or new application for the same or nearly the same such plan on the property shall be considered for a period of one (1) year from the date of the decision. However, where a change has occurred which, in the 13 discretion of the Planning Commission, indicates that the new application is significantly different and that reconsideration would serve the public interest, this time period may be waived 'provided the Planning Commission makes such a finding. 7. The Planning Director may grant minor changes to an approved comprehensive sign plan provided any' such change does not alter the overall architectural design or style of signs approved by such plan, and there is no increase in the total area of signs. E. FutUre signs: A comprehensive sign plan may be approved where signs for satellite pads or other such detached futUre buildings have not been identified 'and considered under such approved plan. In these instances, unless otherwise conditioned, such futUre signs shall be subject to the requirements of the C-1 zone district. F. Existing signs as part of a comprehensive sign plan: If any new or amended comprehensive sign plan is filed for property on which existing signs are located, those signs shah be integrated into the plan and shall be in compliance with that plan prior to issuance of a permit for any new sign permitted 'under said plan. G. Permits prohibited until decision rendered: No permit shah be issued for any sign on property where a comprehensive sign plan has been applied for and is pending a decision from the Planning Commission. H. Withdrawal of plan: An approved comprehensive sign plan may be withdrawn by the applicant provided, (1) it is not required as a condition, of project approval, (2) no signs have been installed pursuant to such plan, (3) all signs installed since approval of said plan comply with the requirements of the zone district in which they are located, or (4) all signs in the center or project comply with the provisions of the zone district in which they are located. The withdrawal shall be submitted in writing to the Planning Department. I. Binding effect: After approval of a comprehensive sign plan, no signs shall be erected, placed, painted, installed, or otherwise permitted, except in conformance with said plan. The plan shall be enforced in the same manner as any other provision in this chapter. The comprehensive sign plan shall be attached to the lease agreements or sale of space within the project and becomes binding for the entire site for both existing and future owners/tenants. In case of any conflict between the provisions of the plan and this chapter, the approved plan shall control. 17.60.040 Sign area computations. The following criteria shall control the computation of sign area and sign height: A. 'Area of individual signs (single face): The area of a sign face, which is also the area of a wall sign or other sign with only one face, shall be computed by means of the smallest measurable polygon that will encompass the extreme limits of the writing, 14 representation, emblem, color, logo, or other display, together with any material or color forming an integral part of the background of the display, or used to differentiate the sign from the background or structure against which it is placed. If a sign is composed of individual letters or symbols with no added decoration, the total .sign area shall be calculated by measuring the area of each individual letter and/or symbol; the combined areas shall be the total sign area. B. Area of multifaced signs: The sign area for a sign with more than one face shall be computed by adding together the area of a single sign face pursuant to subsection A of this section. When sign faces are placed back to back or in a way that only one face can be viewed from any point, and when such sign faces are part of the same structure and are not more than two (2) feet apart, the total sign area shall be computed by measuring one of the faces if they are all of equal area or the largest face if they are of unequal area. C. Structural support area. The area of a sign does not include any supporting framework, bracing or other support, whether or not it has been architectural treated, provided said support does not exceed twenty five (25) percent of the allowable sign area for a pylon sign, and fifty (50) percent of the allowable Sign area for a monument sign. If the support area exceeds these percentages, any excess shall be computed as part of. the total sign area. D. Sign height. The height of a sign shall be computed as the distance from the base of the sign including any of its structural Support, at grade as defined in this rifle, to the top of the highest component of the sign. 17.60.050 Sign location restrictions. A. Signs shall not be placed on any curb, sidewalk, post, pole, light standard, hydrant, bridge, tree or other surface located on public property, and shall not be located within, over or across any public right-of-way or public parkway including street median islands, except as may otherwise be authorized by this chapter. These restrictions do not apply to signs by a public agency that identify public facilities; such signs shall be subject to the zone district in which the facility is located. Any such sign hereby prohibited constitutes a nuisance, and shall not become a legal nonconforming sign. B. Signs shall not be permitted near the intersection of any street, pedestrian crosswalks, alley or any vehicle access in such a manner as to obstruct free and clear vision of motor vehicle operators, or at any location where by reason of its position, shape, illumination or color, it may interfere with or be confused with any authorized sign, signal or device, or which makes use of a work, symbol, phrase illumination, shape or color in such a manner as to interfere with, mislead or confuse traffic. Any such sign constitutes a nuisance and shall not become a legal nonconforming sign. 15 C. Permanent freestanding signs, except monument and directional signs, shall be prohibited in the following areas: 1. The Truxtun Avenue corridor between State Highway 99 and Coffee Road described as follows: "Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of the primary floodplain as designated in the Kern River Plan and the westerly right-of-way line of State Highway 99; then southerly along said line to the nOrth right-of-way line of the Santa Fe Railroad; then westerly along said line to the westerly right-of-way line of the Carrier Canal; then westerly along said line to the southerly right-of-way line of' Truxtun Avenue; then westerly along said line to the easterly right-of-way line of Coffee Road; then northerly along said line to the southerly line of said primary floodplain, the easterly along said line to the point of beginning." 2. Along or within one thousand (1,000) feet of the right-of-way of State Highway 178, commencing five hundred (500) feet east of the centerline of Oswell Street. 3. · Along or within one thousand (1,000) feet of the right-of-way of Alfred Harrell Highway. 4. Along or within one thousand (1,000) feet of the right-of-way of ' Stockdale Highway west of the centerline of California Avenue/New Stine Road. 5. Along or within one thousand (1,000) feet of the right-of-way of Panorama Drive. 17.60.060 Sign development standards. A. General regulations: The following provisions shall apply to all signs unless otherwise stated in this chapter: 1. Signs or their supporting members shall not be erected, altered, relocated, or maintained so as to interfere with or restrict access to a window or other opening in a building in such manner as .to limit air circulation or obstruct or interfere with the free use of a fire escape, exit, standpipe, stairway, door, ventilator or window, or similar opening. Any such sign constitutes a nuisance and shall not become a legal non- conforming sign. 2. All signs shall be constructed, installed and maintained to structurally comply with all applicable requirements of the Uniform Building Code and Uniform Sign Code, as adopted and amended by the city. Those signs incorporating electrical components shall 'be constructed and maintained to also comply with the Electrical Code as adopted by the city. 3. Where signs are permitted to be illuminated, the following regulations shall apply: 16 a. FlOodlighting is permitted only when such lighting is installed on.private property or property maintained by a maintenance district, and is hooded or shielded so that the light source is not a nuisance or detrimental to persons viewing such area, nor affect' or interfere with vehicular traffic, pedestrians, or adjacent properties in any manner. b. .Outlining of a building by means of exposed neon tubing is permitted only where the amperage does not exceed thirty (30) milliamperes. Outlining of a building by means of exposed incandescent lighting is permitted if the wattage does not exceed forty (40) watts per bulb and the units of lights forming the line marking the outer limits or edges of a building, or window or roof of a building, are at least two (2) feet apart. c. Exposed bulbs forming a part of a sign are permitted provided they do not exceed fifteen (15) watts per bulb; signs in the C-2, C-C, M-l, M-2 and M-3 zone districts may.be allowed up to forty (40) watts per bulb. Neon signs shall not exceed thirty (30) milliamperes. Bulbs providing indirect lighting not visible from off the premises of the sign are not subject to this subsection. Exposed reflector-type lamps forming part of a sign or used to illuminate a sign are prohibited in all instances. d. Flashing signs are only permitted in the C-2, C-C, M-I, M-2, and M-3 zone districts and shall not exceed a total of sixty (60) milliamperes for neon signs, and ten (10) watts for incandescent signs. 4. Placards or posters advertising special community events are permitted as window signs or on public bulletin boards. 5. Public service signs may contain or include trade' or professional name identification and logo onlY. 6. Theater marquee signs are permitted pursuant to the regulations of the Uniform Sign Code as adopted and amended by Chapter 15.36. 7. Permitted signs, for a particular street frontage of a parcel may not be combined with that allowed for another street frontage for the purpose of placing the combined area of signs on one street frontage. 8. Any commercial sign which does not identify or advertise the occupant of a building, lot or premises, or relate to any merchandise or to any business or other activity available or being conducted at the building, lot or premises where the sign is located, except outdoor advertising signs and subdivision directional signs, is prohibited; however, in each instance and under the same conditions under which this chapter permits a sign, a sign containing copy with ideological, political, or other non-. commercial message and constructed subject to the standards of the zone district in which it is located, shall be permitted;. 17 9: Persons owning or controlling any sign shall keep such sign, together with all supports, braces, guys and anchors in good repair and in proper state of preservation at all times. Signs shall be fully operational and present a satisfactory appearance in regard to painting, cleaning, broken faces, electrical outages, landscaping, or anything deemed related to the appearance of the sign. 10. Any sign structure, can, supports, anchors or other related component of a sign that will not be utilized due to new signs being permitted, shall be removed prior to any new sign being installed. B. Regulations by zone district - sign matrix: The following tables identify the signs permitted in each zone district. In addition to the following regulations, all signs shall be in compliance with all other provisions of this chapter: 18 1. Signs permitted in the Residential and Agricultural/Open Space Zone DistriCts (R, E, .A, OS, MH, TT, FP-P Zones): ' '"~ ' · ~ ~: ~ ~:: . ~::¥::::..~¥:::~: : :~¥:.:.: ~:~¥ .:.z:: · ~.~' ~. · ': : :i:~:::::~ ::::i:i:il :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~i:i:~:i:i:i:i:i:i~i:~:i%i:~:i:i:~:i:i:~:~?i:i 'i::'?.:¥i: ~ :~:iii::.::'i~: i.~i:::~ i: ':i.::.:.: . · a. Name Plate Wall or door 1 per residence I sq.ft. Below Yes a. Shall be off premises. Shall identify only the name and/or rooflinc b. Sign shall be atlachcd to and strcci address of thc occupant. parallel with thc front wall or · front door. b. Apartment 1D Wall or 1 per street frontage 32 sq.ft, each 20' for wall Yes Shall be setback 10' from properly a. Copy limited to project name and (over 4 units) monuntent sign and 6 ft. lines, except those fronting public address only. for monu- streets where no setback is required, b. Signs shall not be inter,ally mcnt sign lighted. c. Building wall sign shall not exceed Note: Wall a horizontal length greater than signs may 70% of the linear frontage exceed the elevation that sign is placed.. height max. d. If skyline signs are utilized, such if building is signs as well as all other wall 3 or more signs shall be subject to Section stories per 17.60.070 F. skyline sign standards. c. Neighborhood/ Subdivision 2 per major 32 sq.ft, each 6 ft. No Signs shall be located at the. a. Copy limited to project/ Subdivision ID wall or entrance not to entrances where arterial and/or neighborhood name only; use of (includes parks) monmnent exceed signs at 2 collector streets intersect with local developer/subdivider name or 10go, entrances streets into the development, or commercial advertising is prohibited. b. City Parks Div. shall approve of all material used i,~ the sign to assr, re continued maintenance. d. Temporary Signs i. Residential Freestanding 2 per residential 32 sq.ft, each '12 ft. No Shall be within the subdivision or a. Limited to new projects ouly. Project ID project project, b. Copy may include direction lo (on-site) model homes/sales office and thc name of the developer/builders. c. All signs shall be removed within 30 days after the initial sale/rent of the last unit in the project/ subdivision tract, or 2 years after recordation of the final map, whichever occurs first. The Bldg Director may grant up to 2 time extensions not to exceed t year each if necessary to complete all sales. 19 Residential/ag. - cont. d. Temporary Signs (cont.) ii. Residential See section 17.60.070 A. sub/project directional (off-site) ................................ iii. Real F. state Freestanding I per parcel 6 sq.ft. 6 ft. No a. Shall be on premises bcing sold, a. Copy shall Ix:rtain to advertise thc (sale, renl, renled or leased, sale, rent or lease and not fi~r Ibc lease) b. Shall be setback 10' from purpose of commercial advertising property lines, except those of a business. fronting public streets where b. Signs shall be removed within 10 no setback is required, days after lhe sale, lease or exchanse has been completed. iv. Real Eslate Freestandin8 6 per residence 3 sq. ft. 6 ft. No Off-site directional signs shall not be a. The maximmn duration of the usc (open house) (1 on-site, 5 off-site located more than I mile from the of these signs shall not exceed directional) open house. 3 consecutive days each week. b. Use of A-frame signs are permitted provided they are not located in the public right-of-way or maintained parkway/landscape area. c. Balloons, pennanls, streamers and banners may be used in conjunction with onsile signs bnt not offsite signs.' v. Garage/yard Freeslanding 2 per residence 3 sq. ft. 6 ft. No Off-site sign shall not be placed a. No property shall be allowed and estate (1 on-site, 1 off-site) within right-of-way and shall not be signage for more thau 2 sales sales ' aft'ged in any manner to any utility per calendar year. pole, street sign, fence, etc. b. The maximum duration of the usc of these signs shall not exceed 3 consecutive days. c. Balloons, pennants, slreamcrs and banners may be used in conjunclion with onsite signs but not offsite signs. vi. Construction/ Freestanding 1 per project or 4 sq.ft. 6 ft. No a. Shall be on premises, a. Copy limited to type of Home residence b. Shall be setback 10' from construction occurring on-sile and Improvement property lines, name of company including logo. b. Sign shall be removed within l0 days after completion of project. 20 Residential/ag. - cont. vii. Future Use Freestanding I per undeveloped 32 sq.ft. ' 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises, a. Copy limiled to identify future use parcel b. Shall b~ setback 10' from all consistent with existing zoning and . property lines, may include ownership ID. b. Sign shall be removed apon initial occupancy of site or building. viii. Model ttome/ Flags 3 per model home 15 sq.ft. 25 ft. No Flags may located anywhere on the a. Limited to new projects only. Tract Sales or sales office (each flag (pole hr.) project site where the new homes are b. Copy limited to name of Office area) being constructed for appropriate development and/or company identification of the project, model name/logo. homes or sales office, provided they c. All flags shall be removed wilhin arc not located within any street 30 days after the inilial sale right-of-way or public parkway, of the last unit in the project/ subdivision tract, or 2 years after rccordalion of the final ~nap, whichever occurs first. Thc Bldg Director may grant up to 2 time extensions nol to exceed 1 .year each if such flags are necessary to complete all sales. ix. Special Event See Section 17.60.070 B. x. Political See Section 17.60.070 C. Election e. Agricultural Freestanding 1 per parcel 32 sq.ft. 8 ft. No a. Shall be on premises, a. Copy limited to products produced Products b. Shall be setback 10' from on the properly or agricultural property lines, except those related affiliation, and may also fronting public streets where include name of owner. no setback is required, b. Sign is only permitted in thc A and R-S zone districts. f. Churches and Uses are subject to the CH (Church) zone sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.7.c. Schools 21 2. ~,,gns permitted in the C-O (Professional and Administrah.¢) Zone District: a. Residential Uses Subject to the residential sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.I b. Business ID Wall No limit; total Street 25 ft. Yes Sign shall not project above a. Each business shall bc entitled a :ombincd area of all elevations: roofline of building, minimum of 16 sq.fi, of wall signage shall not I sq.ft, per Note: Wall signage per elevation. exceed the linear foot of signs may b. Sign shall not exceed a horizontal maximum area per the business' exceed the length greater than 70% of thc elevation, elevation sign height linear business frontage. is located or maximum if c. If skyline bnildiug signs arc 100 sq.ft., building is 3 proposed, such signs as well as whichever is or more all other wall signs shall be less. - stories per subject to Section 17.60.070 F. skyline sign Non-street standards. elevations: 0.5 sq.ft, per linear foot of the business' elevation sign is located or 32 sq.ft., whichever is. less. . ............................. Pylon or 4 per street frontage 32 sq.ft. 8 fl. Yes a. Shall be setback 25'.from a. Business or center is limited to Monument each property lines, except those use of either pylon or monmnent. fronting public streets where b. Business or center name is li~nitcd no setback is required, to being listed on only One sign per b. Minimum 50' between signs, street frontage. c. If center name incorporates the name of an on-site business in any form, said name shall not be allowed on other signs per item b. Window I per street frontage 8 sq.ft. Below 2nd Yes Ground floor windows only. ' Area limitation and location does not floor or 15', apply to customary noncommercial whichever holiday decorations maintained is less pursuant to 17.60.080 R. Shingle I per elevation 6 sq.ft. 8 ft. min. Yes Shall be at entrance(s) utilized by the Sign shall be oriented for sidewalk ground public during business hours, pedcslrian traffic perpendicular to thc clearance store frout. Name Plate 1 per loading 2 sq.fl. 6 fl. No Adjacent to or on door of loading a. Copy shall be limited to business/ (wall or door) entrance each entrance of each tenant, tenant name. b. Sign is limited to loading entrance only, not public entrance. 22 C-O signs - cont. c. Bnilding ID Wall 2 per building 10 sq.ft. 10 ft. Yes Wall only a. IIluminalion shall be indirect or (multiple buildings each bacldit; iutcrnal lighting is on site) prohibited. b. Copy shall pertain only Io the name of the buildiu8 to assist in providing direction to the public, commercial name/advcrtisiug copy is prohibited. d. Temporary Signs i. Real F. stale Freestanding, I per saleable or 16 sq.ft.; 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises being sold, a. Copy shall pertaitl to advcrlisc thc wall or window leasable space 32 sq.ft, for rented or leased, sale, rent or lease and not for Ihe vacant b. Shall be setback 10' from purpose of commercial advertising undeveloped property lines, except those of a business. parcels fronting public streets where b. Signs shall be removed within 10 no setback is required, days after Ihe sale, lease or exchange has been coxnpleled. ii. Coustruction Freestanding 1 per project facing 32 sq.ft. 12 ft. No · a. Shall be on premises, a. Copy limited to type of street b. Shall be setback 10' from construction occurring on-site and property lines, name of company includiug logo. b. Sign shall be removed within I0 days after completion of project. iii. Future Facility, Freestanding, 1 per street frontage 16 sq.ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises, a. Copy limited lo identify future nsc Use or Tenant wall or window b. Shall be setback 10' from consistent with zoning, or future property lines, occupancy and may include ownership identification. b. Sign shall be rcntoved upon occupancy of building or site. iv. Promotional Window 1 per building 25% of Below 2nd Yes Ground floor windows only. a. Copy limited to promoting elevation, not to window area floor or merchandise, services, sales, etc. exceed 2 building per building 10', which- of business activity. Business elevations elevation or ever is less identification is prohibited 32 sq.ft., except as permitted under 2.b. whichever is b. Area limitation does not iuclude less business identification under 2.b. c. Area limitation and location does not apply to customary non- commercial holiday decorations maintained for a reasonable time during a holiday season. 23 C-O signs - cont. d. Temporary Signs (c~lnt.) v. Special Event See Section 17.60.070 B. vi. Political See Section 17.60.070 C. Election 24 3. Signs permitted, in the C-I (Neighborhood Commer,..dl) Zone District: a. Residential Uses Subject to the residential sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.1 b. Business ID Wall No limit; total Slrcct 30 ft. Yes Sign shall not project above rooflinc a. Each business shall be eutitled a combined area of all elevations: of building, minimum of 16 sq.ft, of wall signagc shall not 1 sq.ft, per Note: Wall signagc per clcvation. cxcccd thc linear foot of signs may b. Sign shall not exceed a horizo,~tal maximum area per the business' exceed the Icnglh 8rearer Ihan 70% of thc elevation, clcvation sign height linear business frontage. is located or maximum if c. If Skyline building signs are 150 sq.ft., building is proposed, such signs as well as whichever is more than 3 all other wall signs shall bc less. stories per subject to Section 17.60.070 F. skTlinc sign Non-street standards. elevations: 0.5 sq.ft, per linear foot of thc business' elevation sign is located or 75 sq.ft.,. whichever is less. 25 C- l signs - cont. b. Business ID lhylon or I per street frontage Pylon - 150 Pylon - 25 ft. Yes a. Shall be setback 25' from a. Business is limited to either pylon '(cont) Monument if pylon; 4 per street sq. ft. property lines, except those or monument signs; however if frontage if fronting public streets where center identification is provided on monument. Monument - Monument - no setback is required, a pylou lhen monuments are 32 sq.ft, each. 8 ft. b. Minimum 50' distance required permitted. between signs, b. Business or center name is limited to being on only 1 sign per street frontage. c. Pylon sign that does not have a minimum clearance of 8' from thc ground to the bottom of the sign face shall not exceed thc maximum height & area of a monument sign. d. If thc ceutcr namc incorporales thc name of an on-'site business in any form or variation, said bnsincss shall uot bc allowed on other signs per item b. c. See Section i7.60.070 i) for pylon sign rcquire~ncnts if pr0poscd as a freeway oriented sign. Window 1 per street frontage 8 sq.ft. Below 2nd Yes Ground floor windows only. Area limitation and location docs uot floor or 10', apply to customary noncommercial whichever is holiday decorations maintained less pursuant to 17.60.080 R. Readerboard/ 2 per business 32 sq.ft. 12 ft. Yes a. Shall not be portable. Copy limited to indicali,~g prices, Menuboard each b. Shall not be placed or maintained merchandise, or services offered; (wall or upon any sidewalk area. official public services provided o,~ freestanding) premises; credit cards honored; directions to customers; and like matters. Use of streamers, pennanls and banners are prohibited. Shingle 1 per elevation 6 sq.ft. $ ft. min. Yes Shall be at entrance(s) utilized by Sign shall be orienled for sidewalk ground public during business hours, pedestriau traffic perpendicular to the clearance store front. ' Name Plate · 1 per loading 2 sq.ft. 6 ft. No Adjacent to or on door of loading a. Copy shall be limited to business/ (wall or door) entrance each ' entrance of each tenant, tenant name. b. Sign is limited to loading entrance only that is not the business' public entrance. 26 C-I signs - cont. c. Building ID Wall 1 per building 10 sq.ft. 10 ft. Yes Wall only a. lllumina{ion shall bc indirect or (mulliplc buildings backli{; inlcrnal lighling is on site) prohibited. b. Copy shall pertain only to the name of thc building to assist in providing direction to thc public, commercial name/advertising copy is prohibited. d. Temporary Signs i. Real Estate Frcestanding, 1 per saleable or 16 sq.ft.; 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises being sold, a. Copy shall pertain to advertise the wall or window leasable space 32 sq.ft, for rented or leased, sale, rent or lease and not for the vacant b. Shall be setback 10' from purpose of commercial advertising undeveloped property lines, except those of a business. parcels fronting public streets where b. Signs shall be removed within 10 no setback is required, days after the sale, lease or · exchange has been completed. ii. Construction Freestanding 1 per project facing 32 sq.ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises, a. Copy limited lo type of street b. Shall be setback 10' from construction occurring on-site and property lines., name of company including logo. b. Sign shall be removed within 10 days after completion of project. iii. Future Facility, Freestanding, 1 per street frontage 16 sq.ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises, a. Copy limited to'identify future use Use or Tenant wall or window b. Shall be setback 10' from consistent with zoning, or future property lines, occupancy and may include ownership identification. b. Sign shall be removed upon · occupancy Of building or site. 27 C-I signs - cont. d. Temporary Signs (coat) iv. Promotional Window 1 per building 25% of Below 2nd Yes Ground floor windows only. · a. Copy limited to promoting elevation, not to window area floor or merchandise, services, sales, etc. exceed 2 building per building 10', which- of business activity. Business elevations elevation or ever is less. identification is prohibited cxccp! 32 sq.ft., as permitted under 3.b. whichever is b. Area limitation does not include less business identificatiou under 3.b. c. Area limitation and location docs not apply to customary non- commercial holiday decorations maintained pursuant to 17.60.080 R. v. Special Event See Section 17.60.070 B. vi. Political See Section 17.60.070 c. Election 28 4. b.gns permitted in the C-2 (Regional Commercial) Zone D~=trict: a. Residential Uses Subject to the residential sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.1. b. Business ID Wall No limit; total Street 30' Yes Sign shall not project abovc the a. Each business shall bc cntitled a combined area of ali elevations: roofline of the building, minimum of 16 sq.~t, of wall signagc shall not 2 sq.ft, per Note: Wall signage per elevation. exceed the linear foot of signs may b. Sign shall not cxceed a horizontal maximum area per the business' cxoecd the length greater than 70% of the elevation, elevation sign height linear business frontage. is located or maximum if c. If slcylinc building signs are 250 sq.ft, building is 3 proposed, such signs as well as whichi~ver is or more all other wall sigus shall bc less. stories per subject to Section 17.60.070 F. skyline sign Non-street standards. clcvalions: 1 sq.ft, per linear fool of the business' elevation sign is located or 125 sq.fl., whichever is less. 29 :~ ?~i~:~s~!~'::~:.¥:~:'~::?~ :~::~:iiiii?~i::i?~?:i:::::~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :~i!i!::i:::,i?:~??:iii::!~!~ C-2 signs - cont. b. Business ID Pylon or I per street frontage Pylon - 240 Pylon - 35 ft. Yes a. Shall be setback 25' from a. llusiness is limiled to either pyhm (cont) monument if pylon; 4 per street sq. ft. property lines, except those or monument signs; however if frontage if Monument - fronting public streets where center identification is provided on monument. Monument - 8 feet no setback is required, a pylon then monuments arc 32 sq.ft, each. b. Minimum 50' distance required permitted. between signs, b. Business or cenlcr name is limilcd to being on only 1 sign per street frontage. c. Pylon sign thai docs nol have a minimum clearance of 8' I¥om Iht ground to the bottom of the sign face shall not exceed thc maximnm height & area of a.monumcnl sign. d. If the center name incorporates thc name of an on-site business in any form or variation, said business shall slol be allowed ou other signs per item b. c. See Section 17.60.070 D for pylot~ sign requirements if proposed as a freeway oriented sign. Window 1 per street frontage 8 sq.ft. Below 2nd Yes Ground floor windows only. Area limilation and Iocalion docs not floor or 10', apply to customary noncommercial whichever is holiday dccoralions maintaiucd less pursuant to 17.60.080 R. Readcrboard/ 2 per business 32 sq.ft, each 12 ft. Yes a.' Shall not be portable. Copy limiled lo indicatis~g prices; Menuboard b. Shall not be placed or maintained merchandise or services offered; (wall or upon any sidewalk area. official public services provided ou freestanding) premises; credit cards honorcd; directions to customers; and like matters. Usc of slrcamers, penna,lls and banners is prohibilcd. Shingle I per elevation 6 sq.ft. 8 ft. min. Yes Shall bc at entrance(s) utilized by Sign shall be oriented for sidewalk ground public during business hours, pedestrian traffic perpendicular to th6 clearance store front. Name Plate 1 per loading 2 sq. ft. 6 fl. I'4o Adjacent to or on door of loading a. Copy shall be limited to business/ (wall or door) entrance entrance of each tenant, tenanl name. b. Sign is limited to loading entrance only that is not the business' public enlrance. 30 C-2 signs - cont. c. Iluilding 1D Wall 2 per building 10 sq.ft 10 ft. Yes Wall only. a. Illumination 'shall be indirect or (multiple buildings backlit; internal lighting is on site) prohibited. b. Copy shall pertain only to thc name of the buildiug to assist in providing direction to the public, commercial name/advertising copy is prohibited. c. See Section 17.60.070 F if Ihfildiug ID sign is proposed as a skyline building sign. d. Temporary Signs i. Real Estate Frccstanding, '1 per saleable or 16 sq.ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises being sold, a. Copy shall pcrtain to advertise thc wall or window leasable space 32 sq.ft for rented or leased, sale, rent or lease and not for the vacant b. Shall be setback 10' from purpose of commercial advcrtising undeveloped property lines, except those of a business. parcels fronting public streets where b. Signs shall be removed wilhiu I0 · · no setback is required, days after lhe sale, lease or exchange has been completed. ii. Construction Freeslanding 1 per project facing 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises, a. Copy limited to type of. street b. Shall be setback 10' from construction occurring on-site and all property lines, name of company includiug logo. b. Sign shall be removed wilhin 10 days after completion of project. iii. Futnre Facility, Frccslanding, 1 per street frontage 16 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises, a. CoPY limited lo identify future use Use or Tenant ' wall or window b. Shall bc setback 10' from consistent with· zoning, or future ali property lines, occupancy and may include ownership identification. b. Sign shall be removed upon occupancy of building or site. 31 C-2 signs - cont. d. Temporary Signs iv. Promotional Window I per building 25% of Below 2nd Yes Ground floor windows only. a. Copy limited to promoting elevation, not to window area floor or 10', : merchandise, services, sales, etc. exceed 2 building per building whichever is of business activity. Business elevations elevation less identification is prohibited excep! or 32 sq.ft., as permitted under 4.b. whichever is b. Area limitation does not include less business identificatio,! under 4.b. c. Area limitation and location docs not apply to customary non- commercial holiday decorations maintained pursuant to 17.60.080 R. v. Special Evenl See Section 17.60.070 B. vi. Political See Section 17.60.070 C. Election e. Outdoor See Section 17.60.070 E. Advertising (billboard) 32 5. Signs permitted in the Industrial Zone Districts (M-l, M-2, M-3 zones): a. Residential Uses Subject to thc residential sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.I. b. Business ID Wall No limit; total Street 30' Yes Sign shall not project above the a. Each business shall be entitled a combined area of all elevations: rooflinc of thc building, minimum of 16 sq.fl, of wall signage shall not 1.5 sq.ft, per Note: Wall signagc per elevation. exceed thc linear foot of signs may b. Sign shall not exceed a horizontal maximum area per the bnsiness' exceed the length greater than 7(1% of the elevation, elevation sign height liuear business frontage. is located or maximum if c. If skyline building signs are 175 sq.ft., building is 3 proposed, such signs as well as whichever is or more all other wall signs shall be less. stories per subject to Section 17.60.070 F. skyline sign Non-street standards. elevations: 0.75 sq.ft, per linear foot of Ihe business' elevation sign is Iocaled or 100 sq.ft., whichever is less. 33 M signs - cont. b. Business [D Pylon or 1 per street frontage Pylou - 175 Pylon - 30 fi. Yes a. Shall be setback 25' from a. Business is limited to either pylon (cont) monument if pylon; 2 per street sq. ft. property lines, except those or monument signs; however if frontage if Monument - fronting public streets where center identification is provided on monument. Monmnent - 8 feet ho. setback is required, a pylon then monuments are 32 sq.ft, each. b. Minimum 50' distance required permitted. between signs, b. Business or center name is limited to being on only I sign per street frontage. c. Pylon sign that does not have a minimum clearance of 8' from ground to the bottom of the sign face shall not exceed thc maximnm height & area of a monumenl sign. d. If the center name incorporalcs thc name of an on-site business ~. in any form or varialiou, said bnsiness shall nol bc allowed ou olher signs per item b. e. See Section 17.60.07(! !) for pylon sign requirements if proposed as a freeway oriented sign. Window ' 1 per street frontage 8 sq.ft. Below 2nd Yes Ground floor windows only. Area litnitation and location does not floor or 10', apply to customary noncommercial whichever is holiday decorations tnaintained less pursuant to 17.60.080 R. Readerboard/ 2 per business 32 sq.ft, each 12 ft. Yes a. Shall not be portable. Copy limited to indicating prices; Menuboard b. Shall not be placed or maintained merchandise or services offered; (wall or upon any sidewalk area. officia! public services provided on freestanding) premises; credit cards honored; directions lo customers; and like matters. Use of streamers, pennants and banners is prohibited. Shingle 1 per elevation 6 sq.ft. 8 ft. min. Yes Shall be entrance(s) utilized by Sign shall be oriented for sidewalk ground public during business hours, pedestrian traffic perpendicular to thc clearance store front. Name Plate 1 per Ioadin8 2 sq. ft. 6 ft. No Adjacenl to or on door of loading a. Copy shall be limited to business/ (wall or door) entrance entrance of each tenant, tenant name. b. Sign is limited to loading entrance only that is not the business' puhlic entrance. 34 M signs - cont. c. Buildin~ ID Wall 2 per building 10 sq.ft. 10 ft. Yes Wall only. a. Illumination shall be indirect (multiple buildings backlit; internal lighting is on site) . prohibited. b. Copy shall pertain only to thc name of thc building to assist in providing direction to the public, commercial uame/adverlising copy is prohibited. c. See Section 17.60.070 F if Building ID sign is proposed as a sk-ylinc building sign. d. Temporary Signs i. Real Estate Freestanding, I per saleable of 16 sq.ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises being sold, a. Copy shall pertain [o advertise wall or window leasable space 32 sq.fl, for rented or leased, sale, rent or lease and not for the vacant b. Shall be setback 10' from purpose of commercial advertising undeveloped property lines,, except those of a business. parcels fronting public streets where b. Signs shall be removed withiu 10 no setback is required, days after the sale, lease or exchange has been completed. ii. Construction Freestanding 1 per project facing 32 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises, a. Copy limited to type of street b. Shall be setback 10' from construction occurring ou-sitc and all property lines, name of company including logo. b. Sign shall be removed within 10 days after completion of project. iii. Future Facility, Freestanding, I per street frontage 16 sq. ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises, a. Copy linfited to identify fnturc use Use or Tenant wall or window b. Shall be setback 10' from consistent with zouing, or futtnc all property lines, occupancy and may include ownership identification. b. Sign shall be removed upon occupancy of building or site. iv. Promotional Window 1 per building 25% of Below 2nd Yes Ground floor windows only. a. Copy limited ~o promoting elevation, not to window area floor or 10', merchandise, services, sales, etc. exceed 2 per per building whichever is of business activity. Business building elevation less identification is prohibited except or 32 sq.ft., as permitted under 5.b. whichever is b. Area limitation does not include less business identificatiou under 5.b. c. Area limitation and location does not apply to customary non- commercial holiday decorations maintained pursuant to 17.60.080 R. 35 M signs - cont. id. Tempora~ Signs (cont) v. Special Event See Section 17.60.070 B. vi. Political See Section 17.60.070 C. Election e. Outdoor See Section 17.60.070 E. Advertising (billboard) 36 6. Signs permitted in the CC (Commercial Center) Zone District: a. Signs within the downtown Bakersfield area as bounded by 24th Street on the north, California Avenue on the south, Union Avenue on the east and A street on the west shall be subject to the C-2 zone sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.030 B.4. b. Agricultural uses permitted by the planning director under Section 17.26.011 B. shall be subject to the residential and agricultural/open space sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.030 B.1. c. Signage for uses defined within a specific plan shall be alloWed as part of and in accordance with the provisions of the specific plan. If signage is not identified in the specific plan, then a comprehensive sign plan shall be approved; however, one sign indicating the probable future use of the site may be permitted prior to approva! of either plan pursuant to the C-2 regulations. 7. Signs permitted where there are overlay or combination zones (P, CH, HOSP, D, AD, AA, FP-S, SC) shall be subject to the sign standards of the underlying zone district unless otherwise permitted as follows: a. Signs within the FP-S (Floodplain Secondary) zone where it is not used as an overlay or combining zone, shall be subject to the residential sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.1. b. Signs within the P (Automobile Parking) zone where it is not used as an overlay or combining zone, shall be subject to the same standards which are applicable to the adjacent zone where the parking use is incidental to and intended to serve the use in such adjacent zone. c. Within the CH (Church) zone, churches, sanctuaries and sunday schools shall' in addition to that permitted by the residential sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.I., be allowed one (1) illuminated or nonilluminated monument sign not to exceed an area of thirty two (32) sq. ft. and a height of eight (8) feet; and one (1) nonilluminated wall sign not to exceed an area of thirty two (32) sq. ft. and a height of twenty (20) feet. Monument signs shall be setback twenty five (25) feet from all adjacent'property lines. There shall be no setback of any sign from property lines fronting a public street. d. Within the HOSP (Hospital) zone, hospitals,' sanitariums, rest homes, convalescent homes, maternity homes and homes for the aged shall, in addition to that permitted bY the residential sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B. 1., be allowed one (1) illuminated or nonilluminated monument sign not to exceed an area of thirty two (32) sq. ft. and a height of eight (8) feet; and one (1) illuminated or 37 nonilluminated wall sign not to exceed an area of thirty two (32) sq. ft. and a height of twenty (20) feet. Monument signs shall be setback twenty five (25) feet from all adjacent property lines.. There shall be no setback of any sign from property lines fronting a public street. 8. Signs permitted in the P.U.D. (Planned Unit Development) and P.C.D. (Planned Commercial Development) zone districts: a. Residential development shall be' subject to the residential sign standards purSUant to Section 17.60.060 B.1. unless otherwise conditioned by the Planning Commission or City Council. b. CommerCial development shall be subject to the C-1 sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.3. unless otherwise conditioned by the Planning Commission or City Council. 17.60.070 Specialized signs. A. Residential subdivision/project directional signs (offsite): The following shall regulate and establish a standardized program for off- site residential subdivision/project directional signs within the city. These signs shall be permitted for any residential housing project where five (5) or more housing units are undergoing or will be undergoing construction, and/or are being individually sold or rented for the first time. 1. Four (4) offsite residential directional signs for each new subdivision or new residential project are permitted. 2. Signs are limited to projects of new home sales/rental. 3. Signs shall not exceed an area of thirty two (32) sq. ft. or a height of twelve (12) feet. 4. 'Signs shall be setback a minimum of ten (10) feet from adjacent property lines, except those fronting on public streets where no setbacks are required. 5. Signs shall not be located less than twenty .five (25) feet from any other such directional sign. 6. Signs shall not be located more than one (1) mile from the exterior boundary of the subdivision or project being advertised. 38 7. Signs shall not be permitted that advertise tracts or projects located outside the city limits. 8. There shall be no additions, tag signs, streamers, banners, balloons, devices, display boards, or appurtenances added to the sign, and no other non-permitted directional signs such as posters, or trailer signs shall be utilized. 9. Signs shall not b~e illuminated. 10. Signs shall be removed within thirty (30) days after the initial sale of the last unit of the project, or two (2) years after recordation of the final map, whichever occurs first. The Building Director may grant up to two (2) time extensions not to. exceed a period of one (1) year each if it has been found that the extension is necessary to complete sales in the project/subdivision tract. 11. In the event the city adopts an offsite residential kiosk-directional sign program, said program shall supersede the regulations of this subsection for residential subdivision/project directional signs. B. Special event signs: Special event signs may be approved by the Building Director as a means of publicizing events such as grand openings, carnivals, parades, charitable events, community holiday activities, and other such events. This section does not include events promoted by the City of Bakersfield pursuant to Section 17.60.080 O. Special event signs shall be limited to the following provisions: 1. Special event signs within windows shall be limited to covering no more than twenty five (25)'percent of the window area per building elevation of the ground floor only. 2. Signs shall be limited per business to forty five (45) days per calendar year. This time may be utilized in any combination of durations; however, the number of special events shall not exceed five (5) per calendar year, and no single event shall exceed a duration of fifteen (15) consecutive days. 3. Balloons and inflated devices provided they do not exceed a height of one hundred (100) feet, search lights, beacons, pennants, flags, banners and streamers may be allowed subject to approval by the Building Director. Flags for model homes/tract sales offices are not subject to this subsection. 4. Copy shall not exceed a total area of one hundred (100) sq. ft., and may include the name, symbol or logo of the business or sponsor, but in no event shall -such name or logo exceed one-fourth of the total permitted copy area. 39 5. Signs may be illuminated upon approval by the Building Director provided the illumination does not adversely affect neighboring properties or streets. 6. Non-profit organizations, as defined in this title, shall be permitted unlimited events pursuant to the following: a. Signs shall not exceed an area of thirty-two (32) square feet, a height of six (6) feet, and placement not to exceed a total of four (4) locations within the city for each event. b. Signs shall not be erected sooner than fourteen (14) days before the event being advertised, and shall be removed within three (3) days after the event has ended. C. Political election signs: Political election signs are permitted to be placed on private property in the city in addition to that permitted by the zone district in which they are located subject to the following regulations: 1. Signs shall not be erected sooner than sixty (60) days before the election and shall be removed within ten (10) days following the election. The owner of the property on which the sign is placed shall be responsible for removal. 2. Signs shall not be placed on private property without the consent of the property owner. No such sign, either freestanding or posted on any object, shall be placed or erected on public property, within the public right-of-way, or anY maintained parkway/landscape area. 3. Except for paid political election signs placed on legally established outdoor advertising structures, signs shall not exceed an area of eight (8) sq. ft. and a height of six (6) feet in residential districts, or thirty two (32) sq. ft. and a height of eight (8) feet in the commercial, industrial and agricultural districts. 4. Signs shall not be illuminated. D. Freeway oriented signs: Freeway oriented signs identify premises where food, lodging and places of business engage in supplying goods and services essential to the normal operation of motor vehicles; and which are directly dependent upon an adjacent freeway. These signs shall be subject to the following regulations: 40 1. Signs shall be within the C-l, C-2, PCD, M-l, M-2 or M-3 zone districts; and shall also be within one of the rectangular areas two thousand (2,000) feet in width and three (3,000) thousand feet in length, the center of which is concentric with the intersection point between the Centerline of the freeway and accessible surface street,' said intersections identified as follows: a. State Highway 99 and State Highway 204 (Golden State Avenue). b. State Highway 99 and State Highways 58/178 (Rosedale Highway/24th Street). c. State Highway 99 and California Avenue. d. State Highway 99 and Ming Avenue. e. State Highway 99 and White Lane. f. State Highway 99 and Panama Lane. Maps delineating the specific rectangular areas are shown at the end of this chapter. 2.. Only one of the allowable onsite pylon signs permitted in the zone districts specified in this section shall be allowed to exceed both the area and height limitations imposed by the particular zone district provided no such sign exceeds an area of three hundred fifty (350) sq. ft. and a height of seventy five (75) feet. All other sign regulations of the particular zone district shall apply to this sign and the specific business. 3. The Building Director shall determine if the location of the buSiness and the service offered satisfy the criteria and intent of this section and the definition of a freeway oriented sign. E. Outdoor advertising signs (billboards): All outdoor advertising signs are regulated as follows: 1. Signs are permitted in the C-2, M-I, M-2 and Mo3 zone districts, in addition to that permitted in those respective districts. 2. Signs shall not exceed an area of three hundred (300) sq. ft., exclUding cutouts or extensions provided they do not exceed thirty (30) sq. ft. in area. 41 3. Signs shall not exceed a height of thirtY five (35) feet in the C-2 district, or 50 feet in the M-l, M-2 and M-3 'districts. 4. Signs shall not be located less than one thousand (1,000) feet from another such sign, or one hundred (100) feet from any other freestanding sign. 5. Signs shall not be located in, nor project over public property or public right-of-way. 6. Multifaced signs are allowed provided 'the faces are placed back.t°- back, are no more than two (2) feet apart, and are equal in size and configuration. 7. Signs shall be setback a minimum of three hundred (300) feet from any property zoned residential or developed with residential uses. 8. Signs shall not project over or be placed upon any building or structure. 9. Signs shall be setback twenty five (25) feet from adjacent property lines except those fronting public streets where no setback is required. 10. Signs may be illuminated provide no lighting is directed onto adjacent properties or public rights-of-way. 11. Construction of new signs shall be subject to site plan review pursuant to Section 17.53. F. Skyline building signs: Wall Signs for building that are three (3) or more stories may be permitted that exceed the height limits delineated by the zone district in which it is located, to provide long distance visual identification of a building or its primary tenant, subject to the following regulations: 1. Signs are permitted in the C-O, C-l, C-2, C-C, PCD, M-l, M-2, and M-3 zone districts. 2. Signs may be installed on all elevations of the building. 3. Signs shall be located on the top story or between the top story and the top of the building. 42 4. Signs shall be comprised solely of individual letters or logos installed a minimum of three (3) inches and a maximum of twelve (12) inches from the surface of the wall on which they are located. Illumination may be provided by indirect reverse lighting or internal illumination as approved by the Building Director. Floodlighting shall be prohibited. 5. Signs shall not have a horizontal dimension exceeding one hundred (100) feet or seventy (70) percent of the horizontal dimension of the building elevation where the sign is placed, whichever is less. 6. The property owner shall designate in writing or on the sign plan, the primary tenant of the building if such tenant is to be identified by the sign. 7. Signs shall not have letters exceed the following height: Building fi) Max..'@Capital ® Logo Height Letter Letter (inches) (feet) Height (inches) (inches) 35 - 59 24 36 48 60 - 69 36 54 ~ 72 70 - 79 48 72 96 80 - 89 60 90 120 90 - 99 72 108 144 100- 119 84 126 168 120 or more 96 144 192 Letter height is if all letters used are capital letters. MaximUm height of a capital letter (1.5 times max. height) if used in conjunction with lower case letters. Lower case shall not exceed max. height. Maximum height of a logo (2 times max. height). 8. All signs shall be limited to a single line of letters and/or logo. 43 9. Pylon signs shall not be permitted on the site if skyline signs are utilized; only monument signs in this instance would be permitted subject to. the regulations of the zone district in which they are located. 10. All other wall signs permitted by this chapter which are placed on a building with a skyline sign pursuant to this section, shall not exceed sixty (60) percent of the area which would otherwise be allowed in the particular zone district, a height of twenty (20) feet from grade, and letters that are taller than the skyline letters. 11. Comprehensive sign plans may permit skyline signs to be more or less restrictive than the requirements of this section.' 17.60.080 Exempt signs. The following signs shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter: A. Address signs used for dwelling unit identification as required by Chapter 15.42 and 15.52. B. Advertising signs that are in or on public buses or other public conveyances which may be permitted by the city council. C. Business or merchant directory provided it does not exceed an area of sixteen (16) sq. ft. and a height of six (6) feet. D. ~ Commercial vehicle signs on licensed commercial vehicles; provided, however, that such vehicles shall not be utilized as parked or stationary outdoor display signs. E. Directional, warning or information sign, including traffic control and street signs, as authorized by federal, state or municipal authority. F. Directional or informational signs such as entrance/exit signs, open/closed signs, signs indicating business hours, and similar such signs, provided they contain no commercial advertisement, and not exceed six (6) sq. ft. in area and six feet in height. Business logo is permitted provided it does not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of each total sign area. The Building Director shall limit the number of such signs on the site based on actual need in order to provide adequate direction or information. G. Flags of the United States, the State of California and other states of the. nation, counties,' municipalities, foreign nations, and national/international recognized non-profit organizations. A site is limited a total of three (3) flags with no duplication 44 of flags. The Building Director may approve additional flags if warranted by the type of business or proposal on the site. H. Holiday decorations, in season, displayed for an aggregate period not to exceed 90 days per calendar year. I. Interior signs within a public or private structure, including a stadium, ball park or other similar private or public recreational use, not intended to be seen from a public street or adjacent properties. J. · 'Memorial plaque, table, cornerstone or tombstone. K. Neighborhood Watch and similar type notices. L. Notices posted on public bulletin boards or public kiosks designed for such notices. M. N° trespassing, solicitation, hunting, minors, and similar such signs, provided they do not exceed four (4) sq. ft. in area and six (6) feet in height. N. Official and legal notices issued by a court, or governmental agency. O. Promotional signs by the City of Bakersfield that promote or advertise city- wide celebrations, awards, recognition, or other events. Such signs may be permitted within or project over public right-of-way. P. Public utility signs placed by public utilities for the safety, welfare or convenience of the public, such as signs identifying high voltage, public telephone or underground cable. Q. Signs being manufactured, transported and/or stored within the city limits; provided, however, that such signs are not used, in any manner or form, for purposes of advertising at the place or places of manufacture or storage. R. Signs expressing political, sOCial, religious or other noncommercial message, but not including political election signs as regulated in Section 17.60.070 C., provided the sign does not exceed an area of eight (8) sq. ft. and a height of six (6) feet. S. Taxicab signs as authorized and approved as to size, form and contents by the city manager under SeCtion 5.50.100. 45 17.60.090 Prohibited signs. The following signs are specifically prohibited: A. Advertising statuary larger than life-size. B. Animated, moving, revolving and rotating signs. C. 'Banners, flags, pennants'and balloons, except as permitted in this chapter.' D. Bench signs. E. Electronic message boards with moving print messages except those that depict noncommercial information such as public events, time of day 'and .temperature. F. Flashing, blinking, and reflecting signs, except as specified in this chapter. G. Outdoor advertising signs, except as specified in this chapter. H. Permanent "for sale" signs. I. Portable signs including A-Frame signs, except as specified in this chapter. J. Projecting signs except as specified in this chapter. Roof signs. L. Signs which simulate in color or design a traffic sign or signal, or which make use of words, symbols or characters in such a manner to interfere with, mislead, or confuse pedestrian or vehicular traffic, as determined by the Building Director. M. Vehicle signs. Vehicles including trailers, wagons and similar utility vehicles, shall not be utilized as support for any mobile, portable or stationary signs, or conspicuously parked or left standing so as to constitute a device or sign. There shall not be maintained on any vehicle Or trailer parked in a public right-of-way, or on public or private property so as to be visible from a public right-of-way, which is attached to, located on or leaning against such vehicle or trailer, any sign for the purpose of providing advertisement of a business,, service or products, directing people to a business activity located on the same or other property for any purpose. This prohibition shall not apply to standard advertising or identification practices where such signs or advertising devices are painted on or permanently attached to a commercial or business vehicle used in the conduct of such business provided it is not parked on the site being advertised abutting public right-of-way, to bumper stickers, to placards identifying the 46 vehicle itself as being for sale, or to window stickers or placards on vehicles in any vehicle sales lot. 17.60.100 Non-conforming signs. A. Signs for a legal non-conforming use are permitted. Such signs shall be deemed to comply with the provisions of this chapter if they comply with the sign regulations for the most restrictive zoning district which permits the non-conforming use as a permitted use. Such signs shall be permitted only as long as the non-conforming use is permitted. Any such sign legally existing on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, but which does not comply with the regulations of this chapter shall be deemed to be a non'conforming sign. B. For the purposes of this chapter, a "non-conforming sign" is one which does not conform with the provisions of this chapter, but which: 1. Was lawfully in existence and in use within the city prior to the effective date of the ordinance first enacting this chapter; o 2.. Was lawfully in existence and in use on property outside of the city on the date'upon which the annexation of such property to the city was completed; 3. Was lawfully in existence and in use within the city on the effective date of any zone change or specific plan or comprehensive sign plan for the property on which the sign is located; or 4. Was lawfully in existence and in use within the city on the effective date of any amendment of this chapter, the zoning regulations contained in this title or other provision of this code, making such sign non-conforming. C. For the purposes of this section only, a non-conforming sign exceeding the height or area restrictions contained in this chapter by no more than five percent (5%) shall be deemed to conform with the provisions of this chapter limiting height and area. D. A non-conforming sign shall not. be replaced, altered, reconstructed, relocated or expanded in any manner unless and until the sign is made to conform with the provisions of this chapter. This shall not be construed to prevent ordinary maintenance and minor repairs, as determined by the Building Director. E. A non-conforming sign destroyed or damaged to an extent exceeding fifty ' percent (50%) of its replacement cost immediately prior to destruction or damage, shall not be continued in use or maintained thereafter and shall be removed or made to conform with the provisions of this Chapter within thirty days of the date of such destruction or damage. 47 F. Each non-conforming sign, other than an outdoor advertising sign subject to-the California Outdoor Advertising Act, shall be removed or made to conform with the provisions of this chapter at the sole cost of the owner thereof, whenever any of the following events occur. 1. There is a change in ownership of the property; inheritance by a member of a deceased owner's family shall not be deemed to constitute a change of ownership; 2. The business or activity is discontinued or sold; 3. The property is rezoned, subdivided or parceled, or the real property upon which the sign is located is severed from the real property upon which the business or primary use of the entire parcel is located, by lease,-lease-back, or any other arrangement, method, devise or scheme which would otherwise circumvent the intent of this section; 4. ' A conditional use permit or modification is granted for the property or use of the property; 5. A sign permit is issued permitting installation or construction of a new or additional sign on the property;, 6. Any change in the signage is made, excluding minor repairs and precise repainting. 7. WheneVer there is a change in ownership or tenancy of any business or tenant space within a business/shopping center, new wall signage and/or a monument sign conforming to the requirements of this chapter to signify such change is permitted although non-conforming signage exists within such center. However, no change of sign copy to signify ~uch change shall be permitted on any non-conforming sign. G. Each such sign determined by the Building Director to be of historical significance, in accordance with criteria established by the city's historical preservation commission, shall be exempt from the removal and conformance requirements of this chapter. H. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as authority for the city to remove without just compensation those signs which, under the California Outdoor Advertising Act, are subject to removal with compensation to the owner. 48 17.60.110 Violation and abandonment.' A. Any sign that has been abandoned or installed illegally is hereby declared to be a danger to the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Bakersfield. Any sign which is partially or wholly obstructed by the growth of dry vegetation or weeds, or by the presence of debris or litter, also presents a danger to the'health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Bakersfield. B. It shall be the duty of the owner and occupant to make immediate repair to any 'sign deemed by the Building Director to be imminently dangerous or perilous to the public safety. A sign maintained in violation of this section constitutes a public nuisance. Nothing in this section shall be constructed so as to nullify the requirements and remedies as to maintenance established by the Uniform Sign Code or this chapter. Upon a written notice from the Building Director of a sign deemed unsafe and dangerous to public safety, necessary repairs shall be made immediately. Othe~ise, upon a written notice from the Building Director, the necessary maintenance, alterations or repairs as required by this chapter pursuant to Section 17.60.060 A.9. shall be made within ten (10) days after the date of such notice. In the event the owner, or person in lawful possession fails to maintain, alter or repair in accordance with such notices, in addition to any other penalty or remedy provided for in this chapter, such sign may be abated by the Building Director in accordance with the provisions of this chapter: C. Any signs which are not removed within the required period specified within this chapter, shall constitute a public nuisance and shah be subject to summary abatement at the expense of the owner and the person in lawful possession of such sign, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 38773-38773.7 of the Government Code; the expenses of abatement of such nuisances are a lien against the property on which they are maintained and a personal obligation against the property owner. Said property owner or person in lawful possession shall first be sewed with a ten (10) day notice to abate the nuisance by removing the sign and shall be given the opportunity to explain to the Building Director why such sign haS not been removed. If, after such opportunity to explain, the Building Director orders the removal of the sign; the agents of the city shah have authority to enter upon the private property to remove the sign constituting the nuisance. The provisions of this subsection may be utilized separately from, as an alternative to; or in conjunction with, any other remedy provided in this chapter o~ otherwise provided by law. D. In the event any person erects, installs, alters, relocates or maintains any sign after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, which sign is in violation of any provision of this chapter, and the same is not removed after notice as specified in subsection C of this section, the same is a public nuisance and shall be subject to abatement at the expense of the person creating, causing, Committing' or maintaining it, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 38773-38773.7 of the Government Code. 49 E. The Building Director may, in writing, suspend or revoke a permit issued under the provisions of this chapter, whenever the permit is issued in error on the basis of incorrect information supplied by the applicant which results in there being a violation of any ordinance, regulation, or any provisions of this chapter. F. With exception to those signs deemed nonconforming and subject to Section 17:60.100, the owner or person in lawful possession of any sign which is not operational or not used for a period of ninety (90) days, or which was used to advertise or identify that which has been moved or discontinued for a period of ninety (90) days, shall cover or remove all display copy from such sign immediately upon the expiration of such period. If said display copy is removed, any bulbs or other mechanical equipment that becomes exposed shall be covered or removed. If said display copy is not covered or removed within thirty (30) days after notice by the Building Director, the city may cause said display copy to be removed or covered and the cost shall become a lien against the property on which the sign is located. Extensions for thirty (30) day periods may be granted by the Building Director. The provisions of this subsection may be ' utilized separately from, as an alternative to, or in conjunction with, any other remedy provided in this chapter or otherwise provided by law. G. All signs, except nonconforming signs pursuant to Section 17.60.100, which do not conform with the provisions of this chapter, are public nuisances and shall be removed at the owner's sole expense within sixty (60) days after the effective date of this ordinance. If said sign is not removed within said period, the city may cause said sign to be removed and the cost shall become a lien on the property on which the sign is located. Extensions for thirty (30) day periods may be granted by the Building Director. The provisions of this subsection may be utilized separately from, as an alternative to, or in conjunction with, any other remedy provided in this code or otherwise provided by law. ' 17.60.120 Interpretation and enforcement. A. It shall be the duty of the Building Director to enforce the provisions of this chapter. B. Any decision or interpretation of this chapter shall be final and conclusive by the Planning Director or official designee. C. Any sign erected or maintained, or any use of signs contrary to the provisions of this chapter shall be, and the same is, unlawful and a public nuisance, and the Building Director in conjunction with the City Attorney may immediately commence actions for the withholding and/or revocation of permits, abatement, and removal in the manner provided by law. Violators will be liable for all enforcement costs by the city. 50. D. This chapter may also be enforced by injunction issued out of Superior Court upon suit of the city, or the owner or occupant of any real property affected by such action. E. Permits issued in conflict with the provisions of this chapter shall be null and void. F. Any city official or employee for the purpose of permit review, complaint, or enforcement of this chapter, shall have the right to enter upon the premises for inspection. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective not less than thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. 51 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED BOB PRICE MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: JUDY SKOUSEN ~ ACTING CITY ATI~ORNEY of the City of Bakersfield BY: February 8, 1994 res\oso.cc 52 FREEWAY ORIENTED SIGN MAP HWY. 99 AND AIRPORT DR. INTERCHANGE FOSTER AVE. · RIO UIRADA 14 coup, BRrFrAN ROAD r' I SHELL STREET I --- GULF STREET L_ .L / I CULF STREET 0 4O0 I I GErrY STREET SCALE IN FEET T2gs, R27E I FREEWAY ORIENTED SIGN MAP HWY. 99 AND HWY. 58/HWY. 178 INTERCHANGE'. 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I I I I I I I I I I I I I.I I I S : [ ~ ~ AVENUE ~ :' T T I 1 I T T i T I I I I I I I I I I O~ ~A A~NUE I , , , ,~ , ~ i ~ , T30S, R27E I r ...... ~---q FREEWAY .~ ^v..u.ORIENTED , , SIGN MAP III ''' HWY ' AND I ' ,' ~ WHITE!LN I I I I __.J, ! I. I 'l ~ ALUI AVE. 'J '-'--'t 4--, I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I ' ~ LOS ! I I I 0 40{ AVE. T30S, R27E ~,1 FREEWAY ARLANA , ,, , , ORIENTED I I I I I I I '""'" SIGN MAP I I I I I I I I .~.,c~ ^~. HWY. 99/ w.~,~o .~. PANAMA SUN- w~, _ I~NE PANAMA ~ LANE I iv~ ,~'--..........,~ j 25 GRKENZA I1.~_. t I I ~. ...... I I ~ I I I 1~0~ ~TE ~ ~ '~ ~N-EDIEON ~ , I I PYLON SIGN MONUMENT SIGN · WALL SIGN SHINGLE~ SIGN PROMOTIONAL WINDOW SIGN SPECIAL .EVENT SIGN