HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/04/1995 BAKERSFIELD Kevin McDermott, Chair Randy Rowles Patricia M. Smith Staff: Gall E. Waiters AGENDA URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMrn'EE Wednesday, October 4, 1995 12:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room -. Second Floor - City Hall, Suite 201 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 1. ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 11, 1995 'MINUTES 3. PRESENTATIONS 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. FREEWAY UPDATE - R. Rojas · South Beltway 6. NEW BUSINESS A. WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT - R. Rojas B. SPORTS COMPLEX - Tandy 7. ADJOURNMENT GEW:~ FILE COPY BAKERSFIELD ~l_an landy, Cit~ Manager K~vin McDermott, Chair Stall: Oail E. ~ait~m Randy Patri¢ia M. Smith AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT URBAN'DEVELOPMENT COMMI'I'rEE Joint meeting with Planning CommissiOn Ad Hoc Committee Monday, September 11, 1995 12:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room *" "' 1. ROLL CALL Call to Order 12:20 p.m. Present: Councilmembers Kevin McDermott, Chair; and Patricia Smith. Absent: Councilmember Randy Rowles Present: Planning Commission Ad Hoc Committee members Stephen Boyle, Mathew Brady and Kenneth Hersh. 2. APPROVAL OF AUGUST 16, 1995 MINUTES Approved as submitted. 3. PRESENTATIONS None 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. UPDATE ON SMALL LOT ORDINANCE Staff submitted two matrices that summarized the Committee's comments at the previous meeting. This was done to visually show the Committee the ramifications of proposed Urban Development Committee Agenda Summary Report September 11, 1995 Page -2- changes to the minimum lot standards. The Committee asked staff to reword the proposal to state that the standard for minimum lots is 6,000 square feet. In an R2 zone, the Committee is recommending that the minimum standard be 4,500 square feet with a requirement that includes an element of public benefit. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. PROPOSED MODIFICATION TO TITLE 16 The Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors of Califomia (CELSOC) requested that the Committee consider modifying Municipal Code Title 16 to allow lot depths less than 100 feet. This would bring the minimum depth standard recently adopted ..in conformance with the original ordinance and staff's intent. Staff was not aware at the time that creating, a minimum depth standard to get more (~onsistency in lot design would create a discrepancy for the transition curves within a cul-de-sac. The City Attorney will draft the amended ordinance and it will be forwarded to the Planning Commission prior to going to the full Council for adoption. B. FREEWAY UPDATE Staff submitted a written status report on freeway and highway projects. The Committee would like to revisit the Capital Improvement Program projects to address some planning issues for State Route 178. Public Works staff will bring back a report to the Committee on various options. Staff is developing the legal description for the South Beltway. As soon as that is completed it will be brought forward for Committee and Council action. Staff brought to the attention of the Committee an issue with State Route 99. Cai Trans and the construction contractor have a problem because their permit allows them to work in the river only four months out of the year. This means that the work for the bridge expansion over the Kern River will take four years to complete. Cai Trans is seeking the help of Councilmember Smith as a member of the Water Quality Control Board to see if thero is some additional flexibility with the permit regulation. 7. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned 1:20 p.m. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council MEMORANDUM September 11, 1995 TO: MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AND PLANNING COMMISSION SUBDIVISION AND PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE FROM: ~ STANLEY GRADY, PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ORDINANCE REVISIONS CONCERNING SMALL LOT SUBDIVISIONS On August 17, 1995, I distributed a memo with proposed ordinance changes to this committee and others interested in this issue that I believed accomplished what was agreed to at the meeting on August 16, 1995. It was my understanding that elements of public benefit would be added to the R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) section of the ordinance and the requirement that 80% of the lots be small lots should be deleted from the single family and multi-family section. What wasn't clear was which ordinance was to be amended, the existing or proposed. After returning to my office and reviewing the ordinances, it was clear that it had to be the proposed ordinance. Otherwise, the change to the existing ordinance would make the other sections pertain to modification of lot size in single family zones have little or no value. The attached tables are intended to present this information. The two tables modifying their respective ordinances shows the impact of the change on the existing and proposed ordinance. The modification to the proposed ordinance preserves 6,000 square feet as the minimum standard except for subdivisions meeting specific requirements. It allows small lot subdivisions in R-2 zones with a minimum lot size of 4,200 sq.ft, with other lot area regulations. It also allows apartments in the R-2 zone. The modification to the eXisting ordinance would not preserve 6,000 square feet as the minimum standard residential lot size. It would render the .5% rule useless because any percentage of lots in a subdivision could be small lots. It would render the R-2 zone useless because you could do the same thing in R-1. Based on this understanding I prepared and distributed my memorandum and asked for comments. The purpose of this meeting is to determine the correct course of action prior to scheduling the hearing with the full City Council. SG:pjt Attachment m\m udc9.11 EXISTING MODIFIED SUMMARY Existing Municipal Code Section 16.28.170 O Reduction of Minimum Lot Size Standards STANDARD METHOD REASON FINDINGS Area (6,000) · Optional Design · Physical constraints · Physical constraints Width (55¥60' C) Subdivision (16.36) or or Frontage (55'/60' C) · Extraordinary · Extraordinary Depth (10ft) amenities amenities (16.28.170 0) - · Planncd Unit · Diversification · Desirability Development (17.52) · Open Space · Harmony · Dcnsity Bonus · Higher Density · Specific (15.79) · "affordable" housing "affordability" criteria · 5% reduction for · Engineering · G.P. density -< 5% of lots practices · Ord. intent (16.28.170 0.1) · Subdivision features · Sound eng. · General application · General smaller lots · G.P. density (16.28.170 0.2) · Balanced stock · Acceptable concentration · No setback mods · Elements of public benefit - Open Space - Parks - "affordability" Area only · Multiple family · General small lots · Open Space (16.28.170 0.3) zoning · G.P. density · No setback mods · Elements ofpublic benefit - Open Space - Parks - "affordabili~" Width, frontage, depth · Gcneral application · Min. 6,000 sq.ft. (16.28.170 0.4) if lots 6,000 sq.ft. · No setback mods. p:pmlss.pm2 PROPOSED MODIFIED SUMMARY Existing Municipal Code Section 16.28.170 O With Proposed Minimum Lot Size Standards STANDARD METHOD REASON FINDINGS Area (6,000) · Optional Design · Physical constraints · Physical constraints Width (55760' C) Subdivision (16.36) or or Frontage (55'/60' C) · Extraordinary · Extraordinary Depth (100') amenities amenities · Planned Unit · Diversification · Desirability Development (17.52) · Open Space · Harmony · Density Bonus · Higher Density · Specific (15.79) · "affordable" housing "affordability" criteria · 5% reduction for · Engineering · 17.64.070 (c) -< 5% of lots practices · G.P. density (16.28.170 0.1) · Subdivision features · Ord. intent · Sound eng. Width, frontage, depth · General application · 17.64.070(c) ~ if lots 6,000 sq.ft. · Min. 6,000 sq.ft. (16.28.170 0-2) ~ · No setback mods. R-2 zone Allowed by Ordinance · Elements of public Area (4,200 C) 17.14.070 (A) benefit , ~, Width (,,tS/~_ C) 16.28.170 (D-3) - Open Space Frontage (45'/5Y C) 16.28.170 (B-l.2) - Parks Depth (90') 16.28.170 (C-3) . "affordabili~" Strikeout sections would no longer be in effect. p:pmlss.pm I C ELS O C CONSULTING J~NGINEERS AND P.O. BOX 176 LAND SURVEYORS OF CALIFORNIA Bakersfield, California 93302 '35 ;'-,,UG Ii PH 2:30 August 9, 1995 Honorable City Council City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: PROPOSED MODIFICATION TO TITLF~ 16 Dear Council Members: We hereby request that Section 16.28.170.C of the Municipal Code be modified to allow lot depths less than 100 feet at transitional lots on cul-de-sacs and elbows. Under the current guidelines for lot design outlined in Section 16.28.170 of said code, provisions were' made to allow for reduced lot frontages on cul-de-sacs and knuckles. The code does not make provisions however, for the two "transitional" lots at each cul-de-sac and knuckle that cannot meet the minimum lot depth requirements although they meet minimum lot width and area requirements. These transitional lots are sufficient enough in size to permit full conformity with the yard and setback requirements of Title 17. The code should have a provision for reducing the minimum lot depth on transitional lots to 82 feet. We are requesting that the current Section 17.28.170.C be deleted and replaced with the following: Lot Depth. All residential lots shall have a minimum depth as follows: 1. Interior and comer lots = 100 deep. The lot depth is the length of a line that bisects a lot from a point on the front property line measured haft way between the side property lines to a point on the rear of the property. 2. Cul-de-sac or elbow lot = The minimum lot depth for the two transitional lots found on each cul-de-sac or elbow is 82 deep. Transitional lots are those that occur at the beginning and end of each cul-de-sac or elbow. The lot depth is the length of a line that bisects a lot from a point on the front property line measured half way between the side property lines to a point on the rear of the property. I have enclosed a detail of a typical cul-de-sac and elbow that illustrates that transitional lots are buildable and conform to the intent of the Code. C ELS 0 C ~ ~o~ o.~,~ CONSUl.TING ENGINEERS AND P.o. BOx 176 LAND SURV[':YORS OF C*LIFORNI* Bakersfield, California 93302 Honorable City Council August 9, 1995 Page Two Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Members of our organization would be glad to meet at any time with representatives of the City to discuss this issue. Sincerely, Vice-President HWR/II cc: Ben Ennis, Ennis Development Corp. Bob Harris, Harris Homes Inc. 117.9' 118.0' \ _/.L_ \ / 6008 s.f. I 6008 s.f. 5.0' I 26.0' 26.0' 1 100.0' 100.0' 100.0' 26.0' 26.0' TYPICAL ~- CUL DE SAC SCALE: 1"= 40' 110.8' 93.5' TYPICAL , KNUCKLE SCALE: 1"= 40' September 8, 1995 STATUS OF FREEWAY AND STATE HIGHWAY PROJECTS METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD AREA Public Works Department Marian P. Shaw, Cir. III This report is intended to update the members of the City Council on the progress of various f~wny: and' State Highway projects in the metroPolitan area since the June, 1995 status report. Kern River Corridor fKern Rive~Freewav) ' ~'"~'~ ""~ ' '~'~ ' .. · ~ - All consultants on this project have been terminated. CaiTrans is evaluating all of the consultant's products and will be completing the remaining portions of the environmental document and engineering study with their own staff. CalTrans is reviewing a couple of design variations at Allen Road in order to lessen the impact on the recharge ponds and the homes in that area, but these variations are not yet ready for public review. CalTrans' and the Kern River Parkway Committee have met to discuss the committee's concerns over the alignment - several concerns have been resolved and both CalTrans and the committee will to continue to work together to come to an agreement on the remaining concerns. The completion date for the environmental document is the spring of 1996,with a preferred alignment chosen by that time. Funds for the acquisition of the right-of-way will be available for the 1996-97 fiscal year, and acquisition will start soon thereafter. Construction funding may become available as early as 2009. State Route 178 (Crosstown Freeway) There has been no change in the status of the Crosstown Freeway from that last reported. During the last two months the contractor has been working on the Change Order regarding the Palm Avenue bridge - the freeway has been lowered in this area to eliminate the problem with the "low bridge" . Work to repair the damaged bridge will start on Monday and is expected to take about 5 weeks. Once this work is complete, S.R. 99 south of California avenue will be open for traffic, and the work north of Califorma Avenue will begin. Work on this project will be closely coordinated with the City's California Avenue Widening project, which includes redesign of both the eastbound California/northbound 99 ramp and the westbound Califorma/northbound 99 ramp. Currently, there is a threat of an Operating Engineers strike for Monday. If this strike takes place, the schedule in this report will no longer be accurate. For the most part, the bridge widening portion of this project is progressing well. The girders for the Calioway Canal, Gilmore and Truxtun bridges will be set on Monday, making those bridges 50% complete. The girders for the Rosedale bridge will be set next week. However, work on both the Kern River and Bakersfield Railroad Yard bridges have stalled. CalTrans' contractor has started pouring the column: it will be several months before this bridge is complete. Freeway Status Report September 8, 1995 CalTrans is having difficulty getting relief from the State Reclamation Board from the permit condition which governs work within the river. The condition requires that there be no work within the river between November 15 and July 20. This gives their contractor only four months a year to place 8 bents. According to CalTrans' Resident Engineer, the contractor can only expect to complete 2 bents in that amount of time. At this rate, it will take four years to complete the foundation work for the S.R. 99 bridge over the Kern River. CalTrans has no prediction as to when all of the work on S.R. 99 will be completed. · South Beltwa_v The preferred alignment has been 'plotted On the ne~v June 15 MetroPOlitan Bakersfield aerial photos. Minor adjustments to the preferred alignment have been made. Preliminary interchange configurations have been completed. A temporary computer drafting technician is being hired to transfer the alignment onto the survey control grid to provide legal description information. This work will be followed by preparation of the legal description and supplemental EIR. West Beltwav '" ' ' ' ':' ' There has been no change in the status of the West Beltway since the last report. Coffee Road Grade Seoaration The design of thi~ project is progressing on schedule. City staff is in the process of reviewing the Design Progress print #2 of the plans. The Separation of Grade District has adopted Resolutions of Necessity for the rights of way. An offer to purchase has been made to Pacific Gas & Electric Company. An offer will be made to Sunland Oil pending receipt of a clarif3,ing letter from the Water Quality Control Board. At this time the right of way acquisition process is about two months delayed due to the ground and groundwater contamination problem.