HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/16/1995: I3 A K E R S F I E L D Kevin McDermott, Chair Randy Rowles Patricia M. Smith Staff: Gail E. Waiters AGENDA URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, August 16, 1995 12:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room Second Floor - City Hall, Suite 201 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 1. ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF JULY 11, 1995 MINUTES 3. PRESENTATIONS 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. MORNING DRIVE SPECIFIC PLAN LINE - R. Rojas B. SPORTS COMPLEX - Tandy 6. NEW BUSINESS A. MINIMUM LOT SIZES - Grady B. SEPTEMBER MEETING DATE 7. ADJOURNMENT GEW:jp FILE COPY GREATER BAKERSFIELD CHAMBER OF COMMERC]~, Mav 5 1995 Ms. Carol Williams, City Clerk City of Bakersfield _: 1501Truxtun Avenue .,--. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Ms. Williams: The Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce (GBCC) and the member businesses it represents have monitored thc development of plans to construct a multi-usc sports complex in Bakersfield. As members of our organization reviewed the various proposals for a future multi-usc sports complex, it became evident that each would require substantial investment of public funds. At a time when government is in need of resources to fund essential government services, we believe that public support must be determined as to whether taxpayer revenues should be used to fund a non-essential project. Although our members agree that all proposals have merit, the GBCC Board of Directors urges you to consider the following suggestions: · Prqiect Comparisons - It is important that cost comparisons be evaluated for both the southwest and Sam L,cnn sites, so that differences in construction and other mfxastructure costs can be easily id~tified. · Funding Sources Identifi~ - ARer the identification of costs, funding sources must be identified and include the degree to which taxpayer revenues are to be put at risk. · Economic Benefits Detmnined - As a government official charged with representing a large and diverse constituency, it is recumbent upon you to give a clear indication of the economic benefits of developing such a sports complex. We believe that the public can fairly assess the merits of a multi-use sports complex, based upon cost comparison, revenue sources, identified risks, and economic benefits. We also believe that this decision should be made by the citizens of Bakersfield through the public voting process. The GBCC appreciates your dedication to the futura of Bakersfield and looks forward to working with you in this important project and future activities. We welcome your response to these recommendations and would be pleased to meet with you as well. Sincerely, Bernard J. Hermat~ President File I..,)l~fied l'oice QI' Bakersfielct Business 1033 Trux[un Axenue · P. O. Box 1947 · Bakersfield, Calitbrnia 93303 · 805/327-4421 REFERRED TO- URBAN DEVELPMNT G WAITERS REFERRED TO- PLANNING '3OMM J HARDISTY _:z,_ RECORD~ ~51¢0 Ordinance amenCJn9 Chapter 17.14 of the Bakersfield Hun~c~oa! Code rela%1ng minimum lot sizes for one f~m~iy dwellings and setback reauiremen%s ~n L~m~tea Mu'lt~ote Family Dwelling Zcnes. Au~ZON TAKEN BY '~n~M¢-L: ~OTZON TO REFER TO URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMZTTEE AND PLANNZNG COMMZSSZON TO HOLD A JOZNT MEETZNG FOR r ..... ~,~, .... o _ -~uua~N C'F ~H~ TSSUE. APPROVED. NS' PD, ZC. -'-AC,,UP ~'4ATERZAL ATTACHED' uA E FORWARDED ~v CITY 9. HEARINGS continued ACTION TAKEN b. McDermott requested a Joint Planning/ Urban Development Meeting be scheduled to discuss and clarify issues, such as: · Additional amenities below 6,000 square feet in R-2 · Minimum objective standard of amenities · The addition of additional amendities required for all multi-family zones · Do the additional amenities need to be provided at the site of the project or can they be provided as an in-lieu fee that we provide parks in the basic area ? Motion by McDermott to refer to Urban APPROVED Development/Planning Commission Joint NS DEHOND Committee to discuss the issues and CARSON bring back recommendations as soon as SALVAGGIO possible. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 17.14 OF TITLE 17 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO MINIMUM LOT SIZES FOR ONE FAMILY DWELLINGS AND SETBACK REQUIREMENTS IN LIMITED MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING ZONES. WHEREAS, in accordance with the procedures set forth in Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider amending Chapter 17.14 of Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to minimum lot sizes for one family dwellings and setback requirements in limited multiple family dwelling zones; and WHEREAS, in Resolution 34-95 on April 20, 1995, the Planning Commission recommended approval and adoption of said ordinance amendment and this Council has fully considered the recommendation made by the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the preparation of environmental documents as set forth in CEQA and the City of Bakersfield CEQA implementation procedures has been duly followed by City staff, Planning Commission and this Council, with this project determined to be exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined after due consideration of the recommendation of the Planning Commission herein on file, that the proposed ordinance amendment should be authorized. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. 1. All of the foregoing recitals, incorporated herein, are found to be true and correct. 2. The Council adopts the following findings as recommended by the Planning Commission: a. All required public notices have been given. b. The proposed project is exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of CEQA Guidelines. c. The proposed amendment is necessary for orderly ~ development by the City. d. The proposed amendment is consistent with the objectives, goals and policies of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan. SECTION 2. Subsection C of Section 17.14.020 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 17.14.020 Uses Permitted C. The accessory buildings or structures necessary to such use, located on the same lot or parcel or land. Accessory buildings on lots developed with one family dwellings shall not exceed twelve percent of the area of the lot. Subsection B of Section 17.14.050 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 17.14.050 Side yards. B. For multiple-family dwellings only, where the side property line separates a lot in an R-2 zone from an adjacent lot zoned R-l, E, MH, or a PUD or R-2 project of one family character with private rear and/or side yards, the side yard shall not be less than ten (10) feet for the first story and twenty-five (25) feet for the second and additional stories. Section 17.14.060 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 17.14.060 Rear Yard. A. There shall be a rear yard upon each lot in an R-2 zone behind every main building of not less than twenty-five feet or twenty percent of the depth of the lot, whichever is less; provided, however - the rear yard may be reduced to five feet if not more than fifty percent of the lot is covered by buildings or structures. B. For multiple-family dwellings only, where the rear property line separates a lot in an R-2 zone from an adjacent lot zoned R-l, E, MH or a PUD or R-2 project of one family character with private rear and/or side yards, the rear yard shall not be less than ten (10) feet for the first story and twenty-five (25) feet for the second and additional stories. Subsections A and B of Section 17.14.070 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code are hereby amended to read as follows: 17.14.070 Minimum lot area. A. For one family dwellings the minimum lot area shall be not less than 4,200 square feet per dwelling unit. B. For multiple-family dwellings the minimum lot area shall be not less than six thousand square feet, and the minimum lot area shall be not less than twenty-five hundred square feet per dwelling unit. When a nonconforming lot has less than six thousand square feet and was recorded in the office of the county recorder at the time of the passage of the ordinance codified in this section, said lot may be occupied by not more than one dwelling unit for each twenty-five hundred square feet. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with provisions of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. ......... 000 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED BOB PRICE MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: JUDY SKOUSEN CITY ATTORNEY BY: LAURA C. MARINO ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY JM:pjt May 12, 1995 res\ol714.cc 4 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 16.28.170 OF TITLE 16 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO LOT SIZES FOR ONE FAMILY DWELLINGS IN LIMITED MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING ZONES AND REDUCTION IN MINIMUM LOT SIZE REQUIREMENTS IN SUBDMSIONS. WHEREAS, in accordance with the procedures set forth in Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider amending Section 16.28.70 of Title 16 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to lot sizes for one family dwellings in limited multiple family dwelling zones and reduction in minimum lot size requirements in subdivisions; and WHEREAS, in Resolution 35-95 on April 20, 1995, the Planning Commission recommended approval and adoption of said ordinance amendment and this Council has fully considered the recommendation made by the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the preparation of environmental documents as set forth in CEQA and the City of Bakersfield CEQA implementation procedures has been duly followed by City staff, Planning Commission and this Council, with this project determined to be exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined after due consideration of the recommendation of the Planning Commission herein on file, that the proposed ordinance amendment should be authorized. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. 1. All of the foregoing recitals, incorporated herein, are found to be true and correct. 2. The Council adopts the following findings as recommended by the Planning Commission: a. All required public notices have been given. b. The proposed project is exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of CEQA Guidelines. c. The proposed amendment is necessary for orderly ~ development by the City. d. The proposed amendment is consistent with the objectives, goals and policies of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan. SECTION 2. Section 16.28.170 of Title 16 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 16.28.170 Lots. B. Lot Frontage. All residential lots shall have a minimum street frontage of 55 feet except as follows: 1. The minimum street frontage for interior one family dwelling lots in an R-2 zone shall be 45 feet. 2. The minimum lot frontage for corner lots shall be 60 feet except for one family dwelling lots in an R-2 zone where it is 55 feet. For purposes of measuring frontage on a corner lot with a radius return, the distance shall be measured from the point of intersection of the extensions of the street side property line and the front property line. 'C. Lot Depth. The lot depth is the length of a line that bisects a lot from a point on the front property line measured half way between the side property lines to a point on the rear of the property. The minimum depth for residential lots shall be 100 feet except as follows: 1. The minimum depth for a lot with a rear yard abutting agricultural or residential suburban zoned property shah be 140 feet. 2. The minimum depth for a lot with a rear yard abutting a freeway or railroad right-of-way shall be 120 feet. 3. The minimum depth for a one family dwelling lot in an R-2 zone shall be 90 feet except as required in 1 and 2. D. Lot Width. The lot width is the length of a line between side property lines that is the perpendicular bisect of the lot depth. The minimum width for residential lots shall be fifty-five feet on interior lots and 60 feet on comer lots, except as follows: 1. The minimum width for a lot with a side yard abutting agricultural or residential suburban zoned property shall be 100 feet. 2. The minimum width for a lot with a side yard abutting a freeway or railroad right-of-way shall be 85 feet on interior lots and 90 feet on corner lots. 3. The minimum width for a one family dwelling lot in the R-2 zone shall be 45 feet on interior lots and 55 feet on corner lots except as required in 1 and 2. O. Reduction of Minimum Standards. The advisory agency may permit a reduction in minimum standards including lot area, width, frontage and/or depth pursuant to the provisions in' either Chapter 16.36, 17.52 or density bonus provisions of the Municipal Code. Reduction of minimum standards may also be allowed as follows: 1. The advisory agency may permit a five percent reduction of lot area, width, frontage and/or depth for not more than five percent of the lots in a subdivision ff it makes the findings set forth in Section 17.64.070 C. of the Municipal Code, along with the following additional findings: a. The proposed subdivision is within the density range depicted for the property in the general plan. b. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the purposes and intent of the subdivision ordinance and zoning ordinance. c. The applicant has provided justification for the proposed reduction based on sound engineering practices and subdivision design features. 2. A reduction in lot width, depth and frontage in a subdivision may be permitted by the advisory agency if it makes the findings: a. The minimum lot area is 6,000 square feet. b. The reduction in the minimum lot width/depth/frontage is for a minimum of 80 percent of the lots in a tract or all the lots in a phase of the tract. c. The applicant has demonstrated that the development will not require a modification for the reduction of the required front, rear,, or side yard setbacks on any lot within the subdivision. 3 SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with provisions of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. 4 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED BOB PRICE MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: JUDY SKOUSEN CITY ATI*ORNEY BY: LAURA C. MARINO ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY JM:pjt May 12, 1995 res\o1628170.cc 5 BAKERSFIELD Alal;~Tandy, City~Mana~t~r / Kevin McDermott, Chair Staff: Gail E. Waiters ~ Randy Rowles / Patdcia M. Smith / AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, July 11, 1995 Tour at 12:00 noon Meeting 1:30 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room NOTE: A tour of the Morning Drive Specific Plan Line was held pdor to the Urban Development Committee conducting business. No Committee discussion took place and no action was taken. 1. ROLL CALL Call to Order 1:45 p.m. Present: Councilmembers Kevin McDermott, Chair; Patdcia M. Smith; and Randy Rowles 2. APPROVAL OF JUNE 19, 1995 MINUTES Approved as submitted. 3. PRESENTATIONS None 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None Urban Development Committee Agenda Summary Report July 11, 1995 Page -2- 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. RESULTS OF PILOT SPEED HUMP PROGRAM Staff provided the committee with a report of the results. In general, the results were mixed. There was a motion to accept the report, with Councilmember Rowles dissenting. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. VEHICLE TRIP REDUCTION INCENTIVES Councilmember Rowles has been working with staff to find a way to reward large employees with offices along Truxtun Extension with incentives for meeting trip reduction goals. One suggestion was to reduce the requirement for parking for those companies who encourage carpooling and meet their goals. Currently, companies must request a modification from the Board of Zoning Adjustment to reduce parking requirements. The Committee asked staff to draft a proposal and ultimately an ordinance to address some adjustment based on the new air quality standards. A mechanism that monitors the successful attainment of established goals would need to be established. B. ADA RETROFIT OF COUNCIL CHAMBER Staff provided the Committee with a'listing of proposed renovations to the Council Chamber. Some are proposed to comply with the ADA, others are not as critical, but were proposed based on construction and economies of scale. The listing was divided into three priorities: Priority #1 to concentrate solely on ADA improvements; Priority #2 to implement ADA improvements and other amenities; and Pdority #3 for total renovation of the Chamber and ancillary facilities. The Committee asked staff to further define the highest priority items and provide a recommendation to the full Council. 7. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned 2:50 p.m. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council GEVV:jp