HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/18/1996 BAKERSFIELD Kevin McDermott, Chair Randy Rowles Patricia M. Smith Staff: Gail E. Waiters AGENDA URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, September 18, 1996 12:15 p.m. City ManageCs Confcrence Rocm. Second Floor - City Hall, Suite 201 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 1. ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF AUGUST 14, 1996 MINUTES 3. PRESENTATIONS 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. UPDATE ON FREEWAYS - Rojas B. FIRE STATION LOCATION - Kelly 6. NEW BUSINESS A. KIOSK SIGNS FOR HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS - Hardisty 7. ADJOURNMENT GEW:jp F LE C ?Y Alan T~~'~'!~C ity IV~n/~ger RandyKevin McDermott,Rowles Chair Staff: Gall E. Waiters Patricia M. Smith i' AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, August 14, 1996 12:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL Call to Order at 12:15 p.m. Present: Councilmembers Kevin McDermott, Chair; and Randy Rowles Absent: Councilmember Patricia M. Smith 2. APPROVAL OF JULY 17, 1996 MINUTES Approved as submitted. 3. PRESENTATIONS None 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. SMALL LOT SUBDIVISIONS This item entails identifying elements of public benefit for small lot subdivisions. Staff presented a copy of the draft ordinance to the Committee and asked that they give some initial reaction to the plan prior to it going to the Planning Commission URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Wednesday, August 14, 1996 Page -2- for a public hearing. The Committee commented that the equivalent to the 2.5 percent combination recreational area scenario should be offered to all developers. In addition, staff was asked to investigate an incentive process that would cover subdivisions that were 10 acres or less. B. FIRE STATION LOCATION Staff passed out a map that shows the proposed City and County sites. The Committee asked staff to approach the County about building a station within the City limits. Councilmember McDermott suggested that there might be an opportunity to share in building a station at Stockdale and Allen, and mentioned that staff may want to anticipate a proposed site for a fire station north of the river. 6. NEW BUSINESS None 7. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned at 1:15 p.m. GEW:jp ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 17.04.547, 17.60.060 (B.1.), AND 17.60.070 (A.), AND REPEALING SECTION 17.60.020 (D.4.) OF TITLE 17 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION/PROJECT DIRECTIONAL SIGNS. WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield initiated a proposal to amend Sections 17.04.547, 17.60.060 (B.1.), and 17.60.070 (A.), and repeal Section 17.60.020 (D.4.) of Title 17 relating to development of a kiosk program for off-site residential subdivision/project signs; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission through its Secretary set Wednesday, February 1, 1996 at the hour of 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, as the time and place for a public heating before said Commission on said ordinance, and notice of the public heating was given in the manner prescribed in the Municipal Code and the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 9-96 recommending approval of the proposed ordinance amendments and forwarded its recommendation to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council through its City Clerk set Wednesday, August 21, 1996 at the hour of 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, as the time and place for ~i public hearing before said Council on said ordinance, and notice of the public hearing was given in the manner prescribed in the Municipal Code and the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the ordinance was found to be exempt from the provisions of CEQA and the law and regulations as set forth in CEQA and City of Bakersfield Resolution No. 107-86 regarding the local implementation of CEQA have been duly followed by city staff and this Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council, at said public hearing, considered the ordinance, all relevant facts, and public testimony, and the Council adopted the findings made by the Planning Commission as contained in the Commission's Resolution No. 9-96. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: SECTION 1. The paragraph of Section 17.04.547 beginning with "Residential subdivision/project directional sign" of Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Residential subdivision/project directional kiosk" means an offsite sign structure with individual name panels identifying subdivisions where new home sales are taking place. Each panel informs the viewer as. to the specific project and the route or change of direction of travel for potential buyers to visit the project. SECTION 2. Subsection B. 1. of Section 17.60.060 of Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby an,ended to read as. follows: 2 1. Signs permitted in the Residential and Agricultural/Open Space Zone Districts (R, E, A, OS, MH, TT, FP-P Zones): a. Name_Plate Wall or door 1 per residence 1 sq.ft. Below Yes a. Shall be on premises. Shall identify only the name and/or roofline b. Sign shall be attached to and street address of the occupant. parallel with the front wall or front door. b. Aparm~ent ID Wall or 1 per street frontage 32 sq.ft, each 20' for wall Yes Shall be setback 10' from property a. Copy limited to project name and (over 4 units) monument sign and 6 ft. lines, except those fronting public address only. for monument streets where no setback is required, b. Signs shall not be internally sign lighted. c. Building wall sign shall not exceed Note: Wall a horizontal length greater than signs may 70% of the linear frontage exceed the elevation that sign is placed. height max. if d. If skyline signs are utilized, such building is 3 signs as well as all other wall or more signs shall be subject to Section stories per 17.60.070 F. skyline sign standards. c. 13/eighborhood/ Subdivision 2 per major entrance 32 sq.ft, each 6 ft. No Signs shall be located at the entrances a. Copy limited to project/ Subdivision_ID wall or not to exceed signs at where arterial and/or collector streets neighborhood name only; use of (includes parks) monument 2 entrances intersect with local streets into the developer/subdivider name or logo, development, or commercial advertising is prohibited. b. City Parks Div. shall approve of all material used in the sign to assure continued maintenance. d. Temporary Signs Freestanding 2 per subdivision 32 sq.ft, each 12 ft. No Shall be within the subdivision or a. Limited to new projects only. (multiple phases of a project. Signs shall be prohibited on b. Copy may include direction to 1. Residential tract shall be lots developed with residences, model homes/sales office, the Project 1D considered a single developer/builder's (on-site) subdivision) name, logo, prices, and any other information related to home sales. c. All signs shall be removed within 30 days after the initial sale/rent of the last unit in the project/ subdivision tract, or 2 years after · recordation of the final map, whichever occurs first. The Bldg Director may grant up to 2 time extensions not to exceed 1 year each if necessary to complete all sales. ii. Residential See section 17.60.070 A. ' sub/project directional (off-site) iii. Real Estate Freestanding 1 per parcel 6 sq.ft. 6 ft. No a. Shall be on premises being sold, a. Copy shall pertain to advertise the (sale, rent, rented or leased, sale, rent or lease and not for the lease) b. Shall be setback 10' from purpose of commercial advertising property lines, except those of a business. fronting public streets where b. Signs shall be removed within I0 no setback is required, days after the sale, lease or exchange has been completed. iv. Real Estate Freestanding 6 per residence 3 sq. ft. 6 ft. No Off-site directional signs shall not be a. The maximum duration of the use (open house) (1 on-site, 5 off-site located more than 1 mile from the open of these signs shall not exceed directional) house. 3 consecutive days each week. b. Use of A-frame signs are permitted provided they are not located in the public right-of-way or maintained parkway/landscape area. c. Balloons, pennants, streamers and banners may be used in conjunction with onsite signs but not offsite silins. 4 'TyPe "i.~ '=/: i~ ' St~i~ ?.'=i :- ' :i.. '.?.iN~be~rii: i~..===i'i. ~:i..!. :.i :3~a= . ~ .:iiiiH~i~:iI = ::=:~'~ii~edii:=i~:~:.' :::ii iiiiiii:il i~i~ .i ?. ~!i i?~ ii~i~:=/~?~ :.:!: i :: -: v. Garage/yard Freestanding 2 per residence 3 sq. ft. 6 ft. No Off-site sign shall not be placed within a. No property shall be allowed and estate (1 on-site, I off-site) right-of-way and shall not be affixed in signage for more than 2 sales sales any manner to any utility pole, street per calendar year. sign, fence, etc. b. The maximum duration of the use of these signs shall not exceed 3 consecutive days. c. Balloons, pennants, streamers and banners may be used in conjunction with onsite signs but ............. not offsite signs. vi. Construction/ Freestanding I per project or 4 sq.ft. 6 ft. No a. Shall be on premises, a. Copy limited to type of Home residence b. Shall be setback 10' from construction occurring on-site and Improvement property lines, name of company including logo. b. Sign shall be removed within 10 ........................................................................................................ d_a_ys _a f _.t e_ r_ c_o_m_p_l e_t i..o_n_o_f _p_r o_j _e c_t _ .... vii. Future Use Freestanding I per undeveloped 32 sq.ft. 12 ft. No a. Shall be on premises, a. Copy limited to identify future use parcel b. Shall be setback 10' from all consistent with existing zoning and property lines, may include ownership ID. b. Sign shall be removed upon initial ....................................................................................................... o_~_. ~_a_~z _o_~ s~?_,_~_?£~: ...... viii. Model Home/ Frccstanding Signs: Sales office - Sales office - No Signs for sales office and model homes a. Limited to new projects only. Tract Sales and I per sales office 24 sq.ft. 8 ft. shall be located on the lot containing b. Copy on flag limited to name of Office Flags I per mode{ home said office or model, development and/or company Mode{ home - Model home - name/logo. 8 sq.fi. 4 ft. Flags may located anywhere on the c. All flags shall be removed within project site where the new homes are 30 days after the initial sale bcAng constructed for appropriate of the last unit in the project/ identification of the project, model subdivision tract, or 2 years after Flags: Flag - Flag - 25 ft. homes or sales office, provided they recordation of the final map, 20 per subdivision 15 sq.ft. (pole hr.) are not located within any street right- whichever occurs first. The of-way or public parkway. Flags shall Bldg Director may grant up to 2 be prohibited on developed lots with time extensions not to exceed 1 occupied residences or lots not owned year each if such flags are by the builder/developer advertising on necessary to complete ali sales. said signs, d. Signs shall be removed when model home is sold, sales office closed, or per subsection c above, whichever occurs first. e. Special event permits are not required for balloons (as limited per 17.60.070 B.3.) or banners 6 ft. or less in height if only used on Saturdays and Sundays. 5 Type .: ':S!~ie 'il i ..:.. ii :i i::.'N~b~:iiii:i i:i..':'..: .. ... i!:..: .:il 3i~.~: ': i' i:iilHi~i~i!ii:': :'.. i:!i3~i~i i :': i:':'iii:ii:ii!.i:::'(~i:~!:i~i!~i:~}g~) ! i!i :i:.15 i :i:i :i: R~m~:: :i : !:i: ix. Special Event See Section 17.60.070 B. x. Political See Section 17.60.070 C. Election e. Agricultural Freestanding 1 per parcel 32 sq.ft. 8 ft. No a. Shall be on premises, a. Copy limited to products produced Products b. Shall be setback 10' from on the property or agricultural property lines, except those related affiliation, and may also fronting public streets where include name of owner. · no setback is required, b. Sign is only permitted in the A and R-S zone districts. f. Churches.and Uses are subject to the CH (Church) zone sign standards pursuant to Section 17.60.060 B.7.c. Schools SECTION 3. Subsection A of Section 17.60.070 of Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 17.60.070 SPECIALIZED SIGNS. A. Off-site residential subdivision/project directional kiosk sign program. The following is intended to provide for the administration of a uniform, coordinated sign program of kiosks that offer developers of new residential subdivisions a means of providing direction to their projects. The kiosk signs will minimize confusion among prospective purchasers of new homes to find those developments, promote traffic safety by removing competing signs from busy streets, and reduce visual blight of incompatible sign types in residential neighborhoods. No such off-site directional sign other than those in conformance with this chapter shall be erected or maintained within the city. 1. Requirements for directional kiosks, a. Kiosks shall be permitted in all zone districts except on a lot developed with a single family residence. They may be permitted on private land or public fight-° f- way that is maintained by the' proPertY ' owner~ pro~/ided the-property owner's permission has been granted in writing. Signs may also be permitted within the public right-of-way or parkway that is maintained by the City of Bakersfield or as contracted by the City subject to approval and issuance of an encroachment permit by the city. All other location restrictions in Section 17.60.050 shall remain in full force and effect. b. Kiosks shall be constructed of wood or similar product with individual panels provided for placement of subdivision or project names and direction. c. Kiosk locations shall be approved by the Building'Director or appointed designee. A kiosk shall not be placed closer than 1,000 feet from an existing kiosk or approved site where a kiosk is to be constructed. The Building Director or appointed designee may reduce the distance between kiosks where: i. Kiosks are located at different comers of an intersection and face different directions. ii. The street intersection where the kiosk is proposedis less than 1,000 feet away from a street intersection that contains a kiosk and it is necessary to provide direction to subdivisions or projects to which that street provides the most direct or only access. 7 iii. Kiosks (2 maximum) are necessary to be placed adjacent to one another because the number of subdivisions or projects that are being identified exceeds the number of panels allowed on one kiosk. d. Architectural design, color, letter style, and any other design elements of the kiosk shall be approved by the Planning Commission and City Council. All kiosks and other off-site residential directional signs allowed by Section 17.60.060 (B. 1.d.ii.) that are installed within the city limits shall be in accordance with adopted design criteria. e. Kiosks shall not exceed a height of 12 feet and a width of 6 feet. An individual panel shall be limited to a maximum width of 6 feet and a height of 10 inches. No more than 8 individual name panels shall be permitted on a kiosk. f. Kiosks may have more than I face. Multiple faces are encouraged where the kiosk can be sited to serve traffic traveling in opposite directions, or where it would reduce the amount of kiosks needed to provide adequate direction to · ,. residential subdivisions.. Multiple faced kiosks shall be approved, by the Building Director or appointed designee. g. A name panel shall be limited toa single line of text that may contain only the subdivision, project, builder or developer's name, or combination thereof. All panels shall include a direction an'ow pointing in the direction of the identified project. Name panels shall conform to all design elements as approved in accordance with subsection A. 1.d. h. Tag signs, streamers, banners, balloons, devices, display boards, or other appurtenances shall not be added, placed upon or erected adjacent to or within a 100 foot radius of any existing kiosk. i. Kiosks shall not be illuminated. j. Kiosks shall not obstruct the use of sidewalks, walkways, bicycle or hiking trails, and shall not obstruct the free and clear vision of motor vehicle operators, cyclists, pedestrians, or the visibility of traffic control signs and lights as determined by the Public Works Director or appointed designee. k. Kiosks shall be setback a minimum of 25 feet from side and rear properly lines. No setback shall be required from street frontages or those kiosks located within public rights-of-way. 2. Permits. a. Any builder or developer of a new recorded residential subdivision which contains approved lots or homes which have never been sold, may apply for a permit to install a kiosk or to place a name panel on an existing kiosk to provide direction to their subdivision. b. Applications for a kiosk or name panel (including name changes to an existing name panel) shall be made on forms provided by the Building Director or appointed designee, be signed under penalty or perjury by the applicant, and shall require at minimum, the following information: i. The name, mailing address, title, and telephone number of the property owner, subdivider and developer/builder of the specific development; ii. The name and location of the specific development; iii. A plot plan showing the exact location of the proposed kiosk, or the existing kiosk(s) where the panel(s) will be attached; iv. A statement that the development contains approved lots or new .... homes which have not yet been sold; :' '~ v. If the permit is for a new name panel or a name change to an existing name panel, the 6opy Proposed for the panel; vi. If the permit is for a new kiosk that is proposed to be located within a public road right-of-way, a copy of the approved encroachment permit issued by the City of Bakersfield Public Works Department. c. The Building Director or appointed designee may issue a permit if: i. The application is complete and truthful; ii. The applicant is the person or entity selling new lots or new homes; iii. The development is located entirely within the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan area; iv. The kiosk or panel meets all of the design criteria within this section; v. The permit is for a name panel and available space exists on the kiosk(s); or if there is no space available, the applicant has agreed to be placed on a waiting list for furore placement on a kiosk(s); vi. If the permit is for a kiosk, the location criteria in this section has been satisfied; vii. Appropriate fees have been paid. 9 3. Program administration. a. The City may delegate portions of or the entire administration of the directional kiosk program to another entity by contract that includes but is not limited to installation and maintenance of kiosks, and issuance of permits for kiosks and name panels. b. Kiosks and sign panels permitted in accordance with this section shall be continuously maintained in good condition by the permit holder. Upon approval by the city, sign maintenance may be assumed by a responsible party other than the permit holder. c. Kiosks shall be sited based on demand and where they will provide the best direction to residential subdivisions where homes/lots are being sold. d. Sign panels shall be available to all developments selling new homes on a first-come-first-serve basis. Sign panels shall be placed on a kiosk beginning with the highest position on the kiosk and progressing downward. Panels _ shall be grouped based on the direction c,f travel with the priority' of placement from top to bottom as follows: i. left turn; ii. right tum; iii. straight ahead. e. Waiting lists shall be established for each kiosk (existing or proposed) for new name panels on a first-come-first-serve basis of applications that have met the requirements of subsection A.2.c. f. When a panel name is changed or a panel is removed from a kiosk, all lower panels within each directional group as defined in subsection A.3.d. shall be moved upwards so that any new panel is placed on the bottom of its respective directional group on the kiosk. g. All panel changes shall be approved by the Building Director or appointed designee through the permit process. h. A specific project or builder is limited to 1 panel for each kiosk. Multiple panels shall not be combined to identify or provide information regarding the same specific project or builder. There shall be no limit on the number of kiosks a specific project may be identified. i. Within 10 days after selling the last lot or home or within 2 years after recordation of the final map for the subdivision of which the project is 10 located, whichever occurs first, panel signs that identify said project shall be removed from all kiosks. Two (2) extensions of time may be granted by the administrator of the kiosk program not to exceed 1 year for each request if the extension is needed to complete any sales in that project. If administration of the program is delegated to an entity other than the City and that entity denies the extension, the permit holder may appeal the denial within 5 days of the decision in writing to the Building Director. The Building Director shall render a decision on the appeal within 10 days of receiving the appeal which shall be final and conclusive. j. Any kiosk shall be completely removed by the permittee whenever any of the following occur: i. The kiosk is no longer needed at the location. ii. The permittee has been notified by the City of Bakersfield Public Works Department to the remove or relocate the kiosk on the basis of public safety or necessity, or because of planned road improvements. k. For any kiosk erected within the public road right-of-way, a performance bond in an amount sufficient to remove the structure shall be approved by and posted with the City of Bakersfield Public Works Department. 4. Violations and abatement. a. Off-site residential subdivision/project directional signs that were legally permitted as of (date to coincide with when ordinance becomes effective), shall continue to remain for a period of 6 months from the effective date. Existing kiosk sign programs that were legally established and that are maintained by a private entity where that program contains 5 or more kiosks, may continue for a period of 1 year from the effective date. After that time, all signs not in conformance with this section shall be removed by the owner at the owner's cost. Any signs not removed within the required period shall be subject to summary abatement by the city in accordance with Section 17.60.110. b. Any permit issued in accordance with this section shall be immediately revoked by the Building Director if it has been found that the permit holder has erected and maintained any sign in violation of this section. The Building Director shall order any panel currently in place on a kiosk identifying the builder's/developer's specific development to be removed immediately after the appeal period has expired if no appeal has been filed, and that builder/developer shall be prohibited from having any off-site directional signs or name panels on any kiosk for that specific development for a period of 180 days. After the 180 day period, the builder/developer may be allowed kiosk panels but they shall be placed at the bottom of any waiting list and/or 11 kiosk hierarchy as described in subsection A.3.d.e. and f. c. Any order of the Building Director shall be made in writing, addressed to the permit holder, and shall set forth the findings for revoking any permits and the method to appeal the decision. If no appeal is filed, the decision of the Building Director shall be final and conclusive. d. If the city is not the administrator of the kiosk program, the administrator shall immediately notify the Building Director regarding any violations in accordance with subsection A.4.b. and the Building Director shall notify the party in violation in accordance with subsection A.4.c. 5. Appeal. a. Should any permit holder be dissatisfied with the decision of the Building Director to revoke a permit, then the permit holder may, no later than 10 days after notice of such decision was deposited in the United States mail, make written objection, subject.to the required appeal fee, to the Board of Building ..:. Appeals in care of thc Building Director, setting forth the grounds for · dissatisfaction. The Board of Building Appeals shall hear the objections at a regular meeting no later than 30 days following the filing of the objection. The permit holder shall be given written notice of the hearing no later less than 3 days prior to the hearing. The Building Board of Appeals may sustain, suspend, or overrule the decision of the Building Director, which decision shall be final and conclusive. b. Pending hearing before the Building Board of Appeals, all signs, kiosks and/or name panels in dispute may remain in place until a final decision is rendered. SECTION 4. Subsection D.4. of Section 17.60.060 of Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby repealed: SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. .......... o0o .......... 12 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED BOB PRICE MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: JUDY SKOUSEN CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield JE:p\kiosk_cc.ord August 2, 1996 13